Assignment Coordination One Shot
Assignment Coordination One Shot
Assignment Coordination One Shot
Coordination Compounds
One shot
Which of the following is diamagnetic ?
A [Fe(CN)6]3−
B [Co(ox)3]3−
C [FeF6]3−
D [CoF6]3−
Which of the following is diamagnetic ?
A [Fe(CN)6]3−
B [Co(ox)3]3−
C [FeF6]3−
D [CoF6]3−
A High spin d6
B Low spin d4
C Low spin d5
D High spin d7
For an octahedral complex, which of the following d-
electron configuration will give maximum CFSE ?
A High spin d6
B Low spin d4
C Low spin d5
D High spin d7
Statement I : [Fe(H2O)5NO]SO4 is paramagnetic.
Statement II : The Fe in [Fe(H2O)5NO]SO4 has three
unpaired electrons.
A sp3 , sp3
B sp3, dsp2
C dsp2 , sp3
D dsp2 , dsp2
Both [Ni(CO)4] and [Ni(CN)4]2− are diamagnetic. The
hybridisations of nickel in these complexes are :
A sp3 , sp3
B sp3, dsp2
C dsp2 , sp3
D dsp2 , dsp2
Which of the following is an outer orbital complex ?
A [Fe(CN)4]6-
B [Fe(CN)6]4-
C [Co(NH3)6]3+
D [Ni(NH3)6]2+
Which of the following is an outer orbital complex ?
A [Fe(CN)4]6-
B [Fe(CN)6]4-
C [Co(NH3)6]3+
D [Ni(NH3)6]2+
A K2[MnF6]
B K3[Fe(CN)6]
C K3[FeF6]
D K4[Fe(CN)6]
The value of CFSE is zero for :
A K2[MnF6]
B K3[Fe(CN)6]
C K3[FeF6]
D K4[Fe(CN)6]
The colour of KMnO4 is due to :
B d → d transition
D σ → σ* transition
The colour of KMnO4 is due to :
B d → d transition
D σ → σ* transition
KMnO4 → K+ + MnO4-
∴ In MnO4- , Mn has +7 oxidation state having no
electron in d-orbitals. It is considered that higher the
oxidation state of metal, greater is the tendency to
occur L → M charge transfer, because ligand is able to
donate the electron into the vacant d-orbital of metal.
Since, charge transfer is laporate as well as spin
allowed, therefore, it shows colour.
CuSO4.5H2O is blue in colour while CuSO4 is colourless
due to :
A Green
B Yellow
C Orange
D Blue
If a transition metal absorbs violet-indigo radiation, in
the visible region, It’s colour would be :
A Green
B Yellow
C Orange
D Blue
A [Co(NH3)5Cl]2+
B [Co(NH3)5H2O]3+
C [Co(NH3)6]3+
D [Co(en)3]3+
The wavelength of light absorbed is highest in :
A [Co(NH3)5Cl]2+
B [Co(NH3)5H2O]3+
C [Co(NH3)6]3+
D [Co(en)3]3+
i.e, E ∝ 1/λ
An octahedral complex of Co3+ is diamagnetic . The
hybridisation involved in the formation of the complex
is :
A sp3d2
B dsp2
C d2sp3
D sp3d
A sp3d2
B dsp2
C d2sp3
D sp3d
Ans : 5
The number of bridging CO ligand(s) and Co-Co
bond(s) in Co2(CO)8 , respectively are:
A 2 and 0
B 0 and 2
C 4 and 0
D 2 and 1
The number of bridging CO ligand(s) and Co-Co
bond(s) in Co2(CO)8 , respectively are:
A 2 and 0
B 0 and 2
C 4 and 0
D 2 and 1
A [V(CO)6]-
B Fe(CO)5
C Ni(CO)4
D [Mn(CO)6]+
Which of the following complex/ion has lowest C-O
bond order ?
A [V(CO)6]-
B Fe(CO)5
C Ni(CO)4
D [Mn(CO)6]+