Ambo Universty College of Medicine and Health Science Department of Nursing Fundamental of Nursing I
Ambo Universty College of Medicine and Health Science Department of Nursing Fundamental of Nursing I
Ambo Universty College of Medicine and Health Science Department of Nursing Fundamental of Nursing I
• The word patient comes from a Latin word meaning "to suffer"
• immunizations
Restoring Health :focuses on the ill client and it extends from early
detection of disease through helping the client during the recovery
period .
5/5/2021 By, Mergitu E. (BSC, MSc) 11
Settings for Nursing
• In this role the nurse may represent the client's needs and
wishes to other health professionals
❖ Organizing data
• Physical examination.
• Observation.
• Example;
The “related to” data that lead the nurse to suspect the diagnosis.
An agent is an entity that is capable of causing
3. Portal of exit:-
The site /way in which infectious agent leaves/ escapes
from the host
Possible portal of exist includes –all body secretion and
discharge (mucus, saliva, feces, urine), mosquitoes
▪ Common medical aseptic measures used for clean or dirty objects are;
✓Hand washing
✓Changing linens daily
✓Cleaning floors and By,
Hospital furniture
Mergitu E. (BSC, MSc) 76
Breaking the Chain of Infection…
Hand washing:- is the rubbing together of all surfaces
hands using a soap or chemical and water
➢ It is a component of all types of isolation
• Soap for routine hand washing
• Orange wood stick for cleaning nails, if available
• Running warm water, paper towel
➢After nurseries
• Usually require about a 2min hand wash.
• Turn off water faucet with dry paper towel, if not using foot
pedal to avoid contaminating the hands.
➢Changing dressings
➢Disinfecting and
❖Alcohol wipes
- Gown
- Clean gloves
For donning attire
1. Wash and dry hands
2. Take gown from isolation cart or cupboard. Put on a new gown each time
you enter an isolation room.
3. Hold gown so that opening is in back when you are wearing the gown.
4. Put gown on by placing one arm at a time through sleeves, put gown-up
and over your shoulder
5 Wrap gown around your back, tying strings at your neck
• Transport Vehicle
• Bath blanket
• Mask for client if needed
• Explain procedure to patient
• If client is being transported from a respiratory
isolation room, instruct him or her to wear a mask for
the entire time out of isolation. This prevents the
spread of airborne microbes.
• For example:-
1. Core Temperature
• Is the Temperature of the deep tissues of the body,
such as the cranium, thorax, abdominal cavity, and
pelvic cavity
• Remains relatively constant
• Is the Temperature that we measure with thermometer
2. Surface Temperature:
• The temperature of the skin, the subcutaneous tissue
and fat
Oral thermometer
Has long slender tips
Rectal thermometer
Short, rounded tips
➢Nasal obstruction
➢Wash hands,
Infants 120-160
Toddlers 90-140
Preschoolers 80-110
Adolescent 60-90
Adult 60-100
Diastolic blood pressure: is the pressure when the ventricles are at rest
– Stethoscope
– Sphygmomanometer