Beowulf Unit PDF

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Unit Planning Template

Title Of Unit: Beowulf Subject/Course/Grade: British Literature

12th grade

Dates of Unit: September Designer: Heather Van Wyhe

7th through September

Stage 1- Desired Results

● Standards this unit will address
o RI 12.3
o RI 12.4
o RL12.4
o L12.5
o RI 12.6
o RI 12.1
o RL 12.1
o SL12.1
o W12.2
o RI12.2
o L12.1A
o L12.4

Big Idea or Concept: Essential Questions:

● Employ reading strategies to become critical ● How does the study of Beowulf enhance our
readers understanding of the English language?
● Use the elements of effective analytical writing ● How are the values of a culture expressed within a
● Students will apply their linguistic and cultural piece of literature?
values to their performance of sections of ● What determines our definitions of the nature of
Beowulf. good and evil? Why is evil so compelling?
● Understand literary forms: Poetry
● Understand literary forms: The Epic

Students will understand/know… Students will be able to …

● SWU that successful readers comprehend texts ● read, interpret, analyze, and evaluate a heroic
by reading fluently, strategically, and accurately epic focusing on a chieftain’s battles with three
● SWU that readers read a wide range of literature monsters
and respond in a personal, interpretive and ● understand how the Anglo-Saxon period
critical way. influenced this piece of literature
● SWU that readers make effective decisions, ● analyze and understand alliteration and motif
explain complex issues, draw conclusions, and ● develop writing and other language arts skills
solve problems by reading informational texts
● SWU that a deliberate process - prewriting,
revision, editing and publishing is essential to
effective writing
● SWU that to communicate effectively writers use
a wide range of forms
● SWU that effective writing has a clear purpose
and is focused, organized, elaborate, adn fluent ,
and requires appropriate conventions.

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Monitoring and Feedback: Other Evidence:
● Authentic performance project - includes writing ● Classroom discussion
an analysis an a script for one section of Beowulf ● Quizzes
o Students will brainstorm, draft, peer ● Journals
collaboration, teacher conference, adn ● writing prompts
produce the final project to submit and ● Tickets out the door
● etymology vocabulary list and research to
establish Anglo-Saxon vocabulary and linguistic
● reading journal
● reading quizzes
● Final in class essay
● Discussion

Stage 3- Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
What learning experiences, strategies and instruction are you going to provide to enable students to achieve
the desired results? This should be a step by step daily summation of the learning experiences for a
minimum of 15 days. The learning plan needs to guide you through the unit, and each day’s plan should be
short- a few phrases or short sentences. However, be sure to include the technology being used and briefly
describe its purpose. (Ex: Padlet will be used for collaborative brainstorming)

Day 1: Anglo Saxon Culture - Riddles and Disputes

How can words be used as weapons? Discuss Anglo Saxon culture and who they used riddles to settle
disputes and taunt others. I will use Tolkien’s riddles and models and practice. In groups students will
decipher and answer Anglo-Saxon riddles with a classroom discussion to follow. Students will write their own
riddle to share with class.

Technology: riddles on Google Docs to collaborate with partners; Post riddles on Padlet for collaboration

Day 2: The Importance of Beowulf Manuscript

Why do we still read Beowulf? What do we inherit from ancient cultures? Discuss the background and
discovery of Beowulf manuscript and Old English writing and pronunciation. Introduction to Beowulf
powerpoint. Watch a video together of Old English being read. Discuss reading schedule, essential
questions, journals and assessments. Students will write their first journal: Describe the earliest memory of
written language use - What is life significance? What does it say about who you are? Do you still have the
document? Students share with pod and class if they choose.

Technology: Edpuzzle for instruction and engagement.

Day 3: Burton Raffel - Translator

What potential problems or issues arise in translation of a work like Beowulf? Brief background on Raffel.
Watch Where is Scandinavia on Youtube (4 min); How to become the British monarch (4 min) and 5
misconceptions rundown.
Assign: Five take-aways - Padlet

Technology: Powerpoint Presentation; Edpuzzle; Padlet; Youtube.

Day 4: What is an Epic?

Discuss characteristics of an Epic and an Epic Hero; Look at Greek vs Anglo-Saxon Code (Mindmap using
Look at Kennings - Kenning assignment to create 5 of their own for tomorrow. Share on Google Classroom.
Creative writing: share your own BOAST! Google docs to write; record on flipgrid Due on Wednesday next

Technology: coggle to mindmap; flipgrid for recording video; google docs to write; google classroom to

Day 5: Beowulf part 1 The Monster Grendel

Listen to Part One of Beowulf The Monster Grendel aloud on Youtube .
Stop after part 1, 2, and 3 to Re-read and complete a close reading of the text.
Discuss part 1, 2, and 3
Quiz over content and understanding.
Technology: Youtube video; interactive and differentiated quiz

Day 6: Close Reading Review

How will our close reading enhance our understanding of Beowulf? Give a review of what makes a good quote
and ways to analyze text. Find a quote from yesterday to share and write analysis of Coggle.
Complete Grendel’s family tree collaboratively with partner.
Complete Beowulf job interview assignment on Google docs.

Technology: Coggle shared with class to collaborate; Google slides for family tree completion; Google Docs for
job interview.

Day 7: Jigsaw activity with articles: Impossible swords; Viking Women, ID warriors, Warrior DNA proves
historians wrong. Students read and annotate on own; then get together, formulate questions, and discuss,
create 5-7 minute presentation on the article to present to class.
Technology: Read and annotate on Preview; create presentation with choice technology; present with Airplay

Day 8: Present to class and lead discussions; Review flipgrid Share your own Boast assignment - students do
independently and have fun watching.

Technology: Flipgrid; presentation choice

Day 9: Reading Part 2: The Battle With Grendel aloud in class Discussing and annotating as we go.
Technology: Youtube audio; preview for annotating.

Day 10: Show video of the scene from yesterday; Discuss English language change and attempt translation
activity on Google Slides.
Technology: Video on youtube; Google Slides

Day 11: Read section “Grendel’s Mother.’ Annotate and do close reading of the where they live description.
List words that contribute to the mood of the description. List connotations of the words; draw the imagery:
list evidence of imagery. Students will share findings. Students can use technology tool of their choice to
complete. Assign Epic Hero traits for homework.
Technology: Annotate on Preview pdf; choice for close reading assignment;

Day 12: Read Beowulf’s Last Battle through the end. Students annotate as they read and discuss as we go.
Introduce the Facing Your Dragons activity - Symbolism brainstorming activity. Students can collaborate and
work together with partner to discuss as they brainstorm and fill in their symbolism sheet.
Technology: annotate on preview; symbolism activity on Google slides to share and collaborate with partner

Day 13: Show dragon scene from yesterday’s reading. Discuss and share symbolism activity through Airplay.
Students will write a poem about dragons they may be facing that mimics the Anglo-Saxon style using at least
three forms of alliteration, 2 caesuras, and 1 kenning. Publish pretty copy using Canva or similar tool to
hang around the room and display.
Technology: Airplay for sharing; canva for creation or another tool they would like to use .

Day 14: Review sheet discussion for test and Go over Weebly assignment analysis.
Kahoot to review some main ideas/points.
Technology: Google docs for collaboration on review sheet; Kahoot for review

Day 15:Test on

Work on Weebly which is due next week Friday.
Sections for Weebly:
1. Literary terms - Use the literary definition and state in your own words what the term actually means.
Find example of literary term from Beowulf and make reference to the line number.
2. Analytical - find 2 reviews of Beowulf or content that goes with Beowulf themes and add to this
section. Be sure to site your source. Annotate each article to show understanding and demonstrate
critical thinking
3. Analytical - find 2 videos resources that help with critical analysis and understanding of Beowulf. Write
a paragraph for each describing the content and how it helps with understanding.
4. Mini-essays: Choose 3 of the 6 options to write a 500 word essay on topics dealing with Beowulf, Epics,
English language, views of Christianity, etc. Each essay needs to be run through Turnitin for originality

Technology: Weebly; wizer; research tools; Turnitin

Stage 4- Technology Integration

List any websites and tools used within your lessons. Behind each, list the day(s) the tool/site is
being used. Include its position on the Matrix. Hyperlink sites when applicable.

*Ex: Padlet (day 2) Matrix cell: collaborative, adoption.

*Padlet (day 1, 3, ); Matrix Cell: Collaborative, adoption

*Wizer (day 5, day 15); Matrix Cell: Active, adoption
*Turnitin (day 15-20) Matrix Cell: Active adaption
*Google Docs (Day 1, Day 4, 6, 14) Matrix Cell: Entry, collaborative
* Canva or Smore or other optional technology (day 7, day 11, 13) Matrix Cell: Infusion, collaborative
*Google Slides (6, 10, 12) Matrix Cell: Entry, collaborative
*Edpuzzle (day 2, 3) Matrix Cell: Collaborative, adoption
*Powerpoint (day 3) Matrix Cell: entry active
*Youtube (day 3, day 5, day 9, 10) Matrix Cell constructive adoption
Coggle (day 4, 6) constructive, adoption
Flipgrid (Day 4, day 8) Matrix Cell collaborative adoption
Google Classroom (Day 4) Matrix Cell: Collaborative, adoption
Preview (5, 7, 9, 11, 12) Matrix Cell: Constructive adoption
Kahoot (day 14) Matrix Cell: Active, adoption
Turnitin (day 15-20) Matrix Cell: Active adoption
Weebly (day 15-20) Transformation, constructive Matrix Cell: Authentic transformation
Citation tool such as bibme (Day 15-20) Matrix Cell: active adaption

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