Beowulf Unit PDF
Beowulf Unit PDF
Beowulf Unit PDF
Technology: riddles on Google Docs to collaborate with partners; Post riddles on Padlet for collaboration
Technology: coggle to mindmap; flipgrid for recording video; google docs to write; google classroom to
Technology: Coggle shared with class to collaborate; Google slides for family tree completion; Google Docs for
job interview.
Day 7: Jigsaw activity with articles: Impossible swords; Viking Women, ID warriors, Warrior DNA proves
historians wrong. Students read and annotate on own; then get together, formulate questions, and discuss,
create 5-7 minute presentation on the article to present to class.
Technology: Read and annotate on Preview; create presentation with choice technology; present with Airplay
Day 8: Present to class and lead discussions; Review flipgrid Share your own Boast assignment - students do
independently and have fun watching.
Day 9: Reading Part 2: The Battle With Grendel aloud in class Discussing and annotating as we go.
Technology: Youtube audio; preview for annotating.
Day 10: Show video of the scene from yesterday; Discuss English language change and attempt translation
activity on Google Slides.
Technology: Video on youtube; Google Slides
Day 11: Read section “Grendel’s Mother.’ Annotate and do close reading of the where they live description.
List words that contribute to the mood of the description. List connotations of the words; draw the imagery:
list evidence of imagery. Students will share findings. Students can use technology tool of their choice to
complete. Assign Epic Hero traits for homework.
Technology: Annotate on Preview pdf; choice for close reading assignment;
Day 12: Read Beowulf’s Last Battle through the end. Students annotate as they read and discuss as we go.
Introduce the Facing Your Dragons activity - Symbolism brainstorming activity. Students can collaborate and
work together with partner to discuss as they brainstorm and fill in their symbolism sheet.
Technology: annotate on preview; symbolism activity on Google slides to share and collaborate with partner
Day 13: Show dragon scene from yesterday’s reading. Discuss and share symbolism activity through Airplay.
Students will write a poem about dragons they may be facing that mimics the Anglo-Saxon style using at least
three forms of alliteration, 2 caesuras, and 1 kenning. Publish pretty copy using Canva or similar tool to
hang around the room and display.
Technology: Airplay for sharing; canva for creation or another tool they would like to use .
Day 14: Review sheet discussion for test and Go over Weebly assignment analysis.
Kahoot to review some main ideas/points.
Technology: Google docs for collaboration on review sheet; Kahoot for review