Convert GW Baggage Train
Convert GW Baggage Train
Convert GW Baggage Train
Any Warhammer Armies • Great Excuse for Conversions! Examples of Baggage Trains
The Defenders start on one end of the road. The Baggage
train must start on the absolute edge of the road, and all
other models must be within 6” of the road.
After the Defenders have set up, it’s time to set up the q This piece represents a captured vampire in transit
Attackers. The Attackers may set up anywhere on the table, USING ALT E R NATE ARMIES toward an inevitable fate at the hands of Sigmar’s
but not within 6” of any Defenders, unless it’s behind an faithful. Alternatively, it could serve as a daylight
Any armies can play this scenario, and it gives you a GREAT
impassable obstacle. opportunity to make a themed baggage train! Imagine Dark
transport for your Vampire Lord (though a Black
Elves traveling with three carts of caged slaves or a Skaven Coach would be much more regal).
The Attackers go first, but they may not charge during the caravan of huge chunks of warpstone! For some p This ingenious Dwarven Steam Train was
first turn. This represents the hidden Attackers springing conversions you may want to come up with some special made using parts from the Empire Steam Tank
out of concealment and ambushing the caravan. rules. Here’s an example of what we came up for the along with an assortment of other Dwarf bits to
warpstone-carrying Skaven: finish off the conversion.
SPECIAL RULES Movement - 5”, but can move full rate across either road or
This scenario uses the special rules detailed below: grassy areas (no wheels!). q These skulking Skaven slaves carrying loads
Rout Tests - The Defenders are fully aware of the vast Stats - as per Skaven slave, but only one attack in hand-to- of Warpstone were made using parts from the
importance of their mission. They have resolved hand per base! Although slower, they have a bit of a chance plastic regiment box and pieces from the
themselves to a do-or-die situation. Therefore, they do not in combat! Warhammer Siege line.
suffer from All Alone, and will not take a Rout Test until they Roll to hit (shooting) 1-4 cart (Toughness 5, 3 wounds)
have sustained 50% casualties. The Attackers will take Rout 5-6 Skaven Slave (as per Skaven Army book)
Tests as normal at 25%.
3 Slaves = 5” movement with no marching
Moving The Baggage Train - Regardless of the caravan’s 2 Slave = 4 “ movement
mode of transport (slaves pulling carts, pony-driven, 1 Slave = can’t move it!
pushed by Rat Ogres), they will move up to 6” per turn on
the road. They cannot run or march. Off-road the caravan PART OF A LARGER BAT T L E
moves at half rate (up to 3” per turn). When playing this scenario before a full Warhammer game,
Shooting at the Baggage Train - Roll to hit, then, for each you can modify the points and make-up of the armies
hit, roll a D6: 1-4 hits the cart, 5-6 hits the beast. Each beast, based on the outcome! For example:
regardless of what it is, has the following statistics: Weapon Attackers win - The supplies in the caravan didn’t get to the
-24 - -25 -