Determination of Some Physical Properties of Virgin Olive Fruits
Determination of Some Physical Properties of Virgin Olive Fruits
Determination of Some Physical Properties of Virgin Olive Fruits
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Abstract: Information on physical properties of virgin olive fruit, especially those grown in Iran,arenot available in literatures.
Some physical properties of Mari variety of virgin olive fruits, namely: dimensional properties (length, width, thickness,
arithmetic mean diameter, geometric mean diameter, sphericity, volume of the fruit, surface area and projected area),
gravimetric properties (unit mass of fruit, 1,000 fruit mass, bulk density, true density and porosity), frictional properties (angle
of repose and coefficient of friction), modeling dimensional properties and mass (using normal distribution) were studied.
Also sphericity, volume, surface area and projected area were calculated using different theoretical equations. Length, width
and thickness of fruits ranged from 18.46 mm to 27.63 mm, 15.80 mm to 21.99 mm and 14.77 mm to 20.33 mm, respectively.
Bulk density of fruits increased from 590.78 kg m-3 to 646.51 kg m-3 as the volume container increased from 500 mL to
2,000 mL and true density of 1,059.14 kg m-3 were obtained. The highest value forangle of repose and coefficient of friction
amongplywood, rubber, iron and galvanized surfaceswererecorded for iron surface and the lowest value was recorded for
galvanized surface.
Keywords: normal distribution, dimensional properties, gravimetric properties, frictional properties, modeling
Citation: Mirzabe, A. H., J. Khazaei, G. R. Chegini, M. H. A. Pour, R. Nejad. Determination of some physical properties of
virgin olive fruits. Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal, 15(1): 201-210.
For a single seed, dimensions, mass and other distribution curves for length, width, thickness and mass
physical properties can be determined. However, values of sunflower seeds and kernels were studied by Jafari et
of these properties differ for each single seed, but al. (2011).
description of the frequency distribution of dimensions, Informations on the physical properties of virgin olive
mass and physical properties of the whole set of the seeds fruit especially those grown in Iran are not available in
is required for designing agricultural machinery (Khazaei literatures yet. The aim of this study was to determine
et al., 2008). There are many studies reported on the physical properties such as length, width, thickness,
modeling the properties of agricultural products based on fruit mass, 1,000 fruit mass, arithmetic mean diameter,
statistical distributions. Frequency distribution curve for geometric mean diameter, sphericity, volume, surface
dimensions and mass of cocoa beans were fitted to area, projected area, bulk density, true density, porosity,
empirical data (Bart-Plange and Baryeh, 2003). angle of repose, coefficient of friction and modeling
Frequency distribution curve for length, width and dimensional properties and mass (using normal
thickness of Sumac fruits were studied by Özcan and distribution) of virgin olive fruit of Mari variety grown in
Haciseferogullari (2004). Log-normal, normal and Tehran province, Iran. Also sphericity, volume, surface
Weibull distribution for modeling the mass and size area and projected area were calculated using different
distribution of two varieties of sunflower seeds and equations and the results of different equations were
kernels were used by Khazaei et al. (2008). Frequency compared.
A Angleof external static friction /deg S1 Surface area based on Equation (8)/mm2
Ar Angle of repose /deg S2 Surface area based on Equation (9)/mm2
CSF Coefficientof external static friction STD Standard deviation
Da Arithmetic mean diameter, mm T Thickness of fruit /mm
Db Bulk density /kg m V1 Volume of fruit based on Equation (6)/mm3
Dg Geometric mean diameter /mm V2 Volume of fruit based on Equation (7)/mm3
Dt True density/kg m-3 W Width of fruit /mm
H Heightof the cone /mm α Location parameter in Normal distribution
L Length of fruit /mm β scale parameter in Normal distribution
Pa1 Projected area based on Equation (10)/mm ε Porosity /%
Pa2 Projected area based on Equation (11)/mm φ1 Sphericity based on Equation (3)/%
PDF Probability density function φ2 Sphericity based on Equation (4)/%
R Radius of the cone /mm φ3 Sphericity based on Equation (5)/%
arithmetic mean diameter (Da /mm) were determined Projected area is an important parameter for
using Equation (1) and Equation (2) as reported by determining aerodynamic properties (Mirzabe et al.,
Koochaki et al. (2007). 2012). This parameter was determined using Equation
Dg LWT 3
(1) (10) and Equation (11) (Burubai et al., 2007; Kabas et al.,
Da (2) WL
3 Pa1 (10)
The sphericity (φ/%) of the grain is an index of its
roundness. For non-spherical particles, the sphericity is Pa 2 1.21V 3 (11)
calculated as the ratio of the surface area of equivalent
2.3 Modeling dimensional properties and mass
sphere to the surface area of the grain (Jain and Bal,
Normal distribution was used to model dimensional
1997). The sphericity of the seeds and fruit were
properties and mass of fruit sample. Normal probability
determined using Equation (3) as reported by Khazaei et
density functions were fitted to the empirical probability
al. (2008).
density to estimate the parameter values by nonlinear
1 100 (3) least-squares method. The probability density function
L (f(x)) and cumulative frequency function (F(x)) for the
Sphericity of seeds or fruits can alsobe determined Normal distribution are defined as in Equation (12) and
using Equation (4) (Jain and Ba, 1997; Baryeh, 2001; Equation (13), respectively (Khazaei et al., 2008).
Baryeh, 2002; Kibar and Öztürk, 2008). In order to
1 1 x 2
determine the sphericity of seeds or fruit, some f ( x) exp (12)
2 2
researchers used Equation (5) (Razavi and Milani, 2006;
volume containing the mass. where, Ar is the angle of repose; H is the height of the
The fruits true density (Dt) was determined using the cone; R is the radius of the cone.
water displacement method. Toluene (C7H8) was used 2.6.2 Data analysis
instead of water, because its absorption by seed is less Modeling
compared to water. Also, its surface tension is low, so MATLAB R2009a was used to draw probability
that it fills even shallow dips in a seed and its dissolution density function diagrams and calculate the parameters of
power is low (Milani et al., 2007). The porosity (ε) of the probability density function including location
the fruit samples was calculated based onbulk density and parameter and scale parameter.
true density, following the Equation (14) as reported by Statistical indices
Nazari et al.(2008). Statistical indices including maximum, minimum,
Db average, standard deviation (STD), and variance for three
1 100 (14)
Dt principal dimensions, dimensional properties and mass of
where, ε is porosity; Db is bulk density; Dt is true density. single fruit were calculated using Microsoft Office Excel
2.5.1 Angle of friction Skewness and kurtosis are two statistical indices
The coefficient of external static friction was which were calculated so that the reader would better
determined using plywood, rubber surface, iron sheet and understand the probability density distribution data. The
galvanized iron sheet. A top and bottomless metallic skewness and kurtosis were calculated using the
box was put on the surface. The box was filled by following Equation (17) and Equation (18) as reported by
virgin olive fruit samples. The surface was gradually Lucian, (2006) and Khazaei et al. (2008), respectively.
raised by a screw. Both horizontal and vertical heights n n
xi xavg
were measured using a ruler and digital caliper when the
(n 1)(n 2) i 1 STD
seeds started sliding over the surface and the coefficient xi xavg
n(n 1) n
properties and mass of the fruits are shown in Table 1. skewness had negative values and kurtosis values were
Table 1 shows that for olive fruits, in most cases, positive.
Table 1 Statistical indices for dimensional properties of the virgin olive fruit
Parameter Unit Max/mm Min/mm Average STD Skewness Kurtosis
In probability theory and statistics, skewness is a and fruit dimensions and mass, therefore value of
measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution skewnees and kurtosis cannot be equal to zero.
of a real-valued random variable. The skewness value The dimensional distribution of virgin olive fruits
can be positive or negative, or even undefined. were modeled using Normal probability density function
Qualitatively, a negative skewness indicates that the tail distribution. Normal distribution parameters for
on the left side of the probability density function is modeling of dimensional properties and unit mass of the
longer than the right side and the bulk of the values olive fruits are shown in Table 2.
(possibly including the median) lie to the right of the
Table 2 Calculated parameter values of probability density
mean. A positive skewness indicates that the tail on the functions for dimensional properties and mass
right side is longer than the left side and the bulk of the Mean or location Standard deviation or
Parameter Units
values lie to the left of the mean. A zero value indicates parameter scale parameter
L mm 23.417 1.586
that the values are relatively evenly distributed on both
W mm 18.878 1.190
sides of the mean, typically (but not necessarily) implying T mm 17.749 1.097
a symmetric distribution. M g 4.506 0.701
Dg mm 19.858 1.054
In a similar way to the concept of skewness, kurtosis
Da mm 20.015 1.051
describes the shape of a probability distribution. φ1 % 84.975 4.004
Kurtosis refers to the degree of peak in a distribution. φ2 % 98.309 0.973
φ3 % 281.074 5.257
More peak than normal (leptokurtic) means that a
V1 mm3 4134.01 643.796
distribution also has fatter tails and that the probability of V2 mm3 3407.82 561.377
extreme outcomes is less compared to a normal S1 mm2 1242.25 130.251
S2 mm2 1110.22 119.562
Pa1 mm 347.709 37.071
In ideal cases, value of skewness and kurtosis should Pa2 mm2 310.823 32.590
be equal to zero for normal distribution of dimensions
and mass of the seeds, grains and fruits. But in real case Predicted dimensional distributions are illustrated in
some factors such as irrigation period, fertilization period, Figure 1. It can be seen in Figure 1 that three cases of
weather conditions may cause changes in seeds, grains skewness had negative values. Similarly, it can be seen in
206 March Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal Open access at Vol. 15, No.1
Figure 1, that kurtosis value for length of fruit was more If for a single seed, grain or fruit W equals to aL and T
than the other dimensions. Figure1 shows that there is equals to bL (0 < a ≤ 1 and 0 < b ≤ 1) value of the
little overlap between the probability density function sphericity can be calculated as Equation (19) and
(PDF) of length and width, and even less overlap between Equation (20):
the PDF of length and thickness. 3 L(aL)(bL)
1 100 100 3 ab 100
1 1
Probability density function of volume of the fruit values of the surface area based on Equation (9).
based on Equation (6) and Equation (7) are illustrated in Therefore average of the surface area of the olive fruits
Figure 3. From Figure 3, it can be seen that in both based on Equation (8) was found to be more than that
cases, kurtosis had positive values. The difference based on Equation (9). Also, in all cases, values of the
between volume based on Equation (6) and Equation (7) projected area based on Equation (10) were more than the
3 3
ranged from 324.444 mm to 1,162.471 mm . values of the projected area based on Equation (11),
therefore average of the projected area of the olive fruits
based on Equation (10) was more than for Equation (11).
When the value of ab ranged from 0.01 to 1, value of 3.2 Gravimetric results
surface area of the fruit based on Equation (8) and 3.2.1 Mass results
2 2
Equation (9) ranged from 0.146 L to 3.142 L and Mass of virgin olive fruits ranged from 2.88 g to
2 2
0.165 L to 3.142 L , respectively (Figure 6). Results 6.33 g. Kilickan and Güner (2007) reportedthat mass of
indicated that the difference between surface area (S1 –S2) olive fruits (Gemlik variety) ranged from 2.65 g to 5.65 g.
based on Equation (8) and Equation (9), ranged from A comparison between the Mari and Gemlik varieties
2 2
-0.020 L to 0.261 L . indicated that the range of mass of Mari variety was
wider than the Gemlik variety. Statistical indices for
mass of the fruits are shown in Table 1. Table 1 shows
that skewness had positive value and kurtosis value was
negative. Thousand seeds mass of fruits was found to
be 4,583.96 g.
3.2.2 Densities results
Bulk density of fruits increased from 590.784 kgm-3
to 646.508 kgm-3 as the volume container increased from
500 mL to 2,000 mL as shown in Figure 8. True density
of the fruits was obtained to be 1,059.137 kgm-3.
Figure 6 Theoretical comparison between calculated surface areas
Kilickan and Güner (2007) cited that the bulk and true
based on the Equation (8) and Equation (9)
density of olive fruit of Gemlik variety were found to be
Probability density functions (PDFs) of projected area 556.00 kg m-3 and 1,062.00 kg m-3, respectively. A
of the fruit based on Equation (10) and Equation (11) comparison between the Mari and Gemlik varieties
using Normal distribution are shown in Figure 7. Value indicates that the value of bulk density of Mari variety
of skewness for calculated surface area based on Equation was more than the Gemlik variety and true density of
(8) and Equation (9) were negative and kurtosis had Mari variety was less than the Gemlik variety.
positive values. Normally, knowing the properties of
each individual seed, grain or fruit is beyond the research
interest but for designing the dehulling, separating, sizing,
packing and planting machines the frequency
distributions of the size and mass properties of whole sets
of seeds, grains or fruits should be described (Khazaei et
al., 2008, Mirzabe et al., 2012).
Figure 7 Probability density function of projected area of olive Kilickan and Güner (2007), the porosity of the Gemlik
fruits based on Equation (10) and Equation (11) variety is more than the Mari variety.
March, 2013 Determination of some physical properties of virgin olive fruits Vol. 15, No.1 209
5 Conclusions
The valuesobtained for pouring angle of repose on 6) The value of angle of repose and coefficient of
plywood, rubber, iron and galvanized surface were 22.51°, friction on iron surface was more than that on other
25.72°, 26.05° and 24.15°, respectively. Angle of surfaces. Also values of angle of repose and coefficient
repose is one of the frictional parameters of fruits, grain, of friction on galvanized surface were least compared to
seeds, nuts and kernels of agricultural crops. Value of other surfaces.
angle of repose of fruits on each surface was related to
the value of the static coefficient of friction of fruits on Acknowledgement
the surface. Value of angle of repose on galvanized The authors would like to thank the University of
surface was lower than other surfaces because the value Tehran for providing technical support for this work. We
of coefficient of friction on galvanized surface was lower would also like to thank Dear Mr. Mohammad Hassan
than the other surfaces. Value of angle of repose on iron Torabi Ziaratgahi, Mr. Rasool Sohrabi Khah, Mr.
surface was more compared to other surfaces because the Ebrahim Sharifat, Mr. Mostafa Kabiri, Mr. Ali Mansouri,
value of coefficient of friction on iron surface was more Hamed Ebrahimzadeh for their technical help and support
than other surfaces. while writing the paper.
210 March Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal Open access at Vol. 15, No.1
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