Checklist For Case Pres

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Rubrics for rating case Presentation

Criteria O VS S P NI
1. Was able to present an artisitic backdraft for case
2. MC was able to lead the program properly and ensure
that the flow of case presentation was organized.
3. Prayers, video clips, intermission number, background
music were all given accordingly.
4. Technical aspect were well polished, with well
rehearsed parts of the program.
5. Creativity was applied.
Content of the case presentation
1. Complete health history was comprehensive and clearly

2. Statistical findings were included and it was well cited.

3. Anatomy and physiology was explained in connection
to the disease process.
4. In the discussion of pathophysiology the signs and
symptoms of the patient were explained.
5. Medications were discussed highlighting the most
important nursing considerations in relation to the clients
condition and health history.
6. Was able to rule out the immediate concern of the
patient and prioritize nursing care plan according to the
need of the client
7. Was able to formulate appropriate nursing diagnosis
according to the identified problems of the client.
8. Was able to formulate plan of care addressing the
needs of the client. Should be congruent to the
assessment and nursing diagnosis.
9. Were able to determine most applicable nursing
interventions based on the hospital setting and overall
condition of the client.
10. was able to evaluate the findings.
11. Infographics were included at the end of the
presentation to summarize salient points to remember in
disease/drugs/nursing intervention.
Teamwork and cooperation
1. Each team member were able to participate in the
2. Roles are well defined and was able to enumerate the
contribution of each member at the end of the program
thru acknowledgement.
3. Each team member was able to showcase their skills
and talent.
Criteria O VS S P NI
Content of the case presentation
1. Complete health history was comprehensive and
clearly explained. 1
3. Anatomy and physiology was explained in
connection to the disease process. 1
4. In the discussion of pathophysiology the signs and
symptoms of the patient were explained. 1
5. Medications were discussed highlighting the most
important nursing considerations in relation to the
clients condition and health history. 1
6. Was able to rule out the immediate concern of the
patient and prioritize nursing care plan according to
the need of the client 1
7. Was able to formulate appropriate nursing
diagnosis according to the identified problems of the
client. 1
8. Was able to formulate plan of care addressing the
needs of the client. Should be congruent to the
assessment and nursing diagnosis. 1
9. Were able to determine most applicable nursing
interventions based on the hospital setting and overall
condition of the client. 1
10. was able to evaluate the findings. 1
Teamwork and cooperation
1. Each team member were able to participate in the
2. Roles are well defined and was able to enumerate
the contribution of each member for the case.
2 5 2 0 0
10 20 6 0 0

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