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Modelling and Performance Analysis of A DSTATCOM Using ISCT Control Technique

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ISSN 2347 - 3983

Volume 9. No. 8, August 2021

PINNINTI AJAYInternational Journal Journal
KUMAR et al., International of Emerging
of EmergingTrends in Engineering
Trends in Engineering Research
Research, 9(8), August 2021, 1079 – 1085
Available Online at http://www.warse.org/IJETER/static/pdf/file/ijeter08982021.pdf

Modelling and Performance Analysis of a DSTATCOM

using ISCT Control Technique
STUDENT, Department of EEE, Lendi Institute of engineering and technology, INDIA,[email protected]
STUDENT, Department of EEE, Lendi Institute of engineering and technology, INDIA, [email protected]
STUDENT, Department of EEE, Lendi Institute of engineering and technology, INDIA,[email protected]
STUDENT, Department of EEE, Lendi Institute of engineering and technology, INDIA,
[email protected] PROFESSOR, Department of EEE, Lendi Institute of engineering and technology,
INDIA, [email protected]
loads, harmonic rich load currents and an excessive neutral
ABSTRACT current.

This paper chiefly deals with the performance of DSTATCOM Power quality problems in a distributed power system can be
as a load compensator. For enhancing the power quality and so mitigated by usingActive Power Filters (APFs) and Distributed
as to mitigate harmonics it is employed on the load side. The Static Compensator(DSTATCOM).DSTATCOM can be used
reactive power is absorbed or generated by DSTATCOM by for compensation of reactive power and unbalanced loading in
regulating the bus voltage. The most reason for occurring of the distribution system. Removal of harmonics in power
the power quality issues is because of the non-liner loads that system can be done in two ways:
were employed by the consumers. DSTATCOM works as By providing a low impedance path to ground for harmonic
inductive or capacitive modes basing on the system voltage. signal, for this passive tuned filter can be used.
The analysis is performed on the issues in the distribution side By injecting compensating signals which are in phase
by employing the DSTATCOM compensation in this paper. In opposition with the harmonic signal present in the system, this
this paper,we had adopted Instantaneous Symmetrical can be done by using active filters.
Compound Theory (ISCT) controller to mitigate harmonics on Series inductor allowing the reactive power control. Static DC
the source side. The harmonics are due to the increase in the bus capacitors and passive filters have been utilized to improve
usage of non-linear loads by the consumers. The DSTATCOM power quality (PQ) in a distribution system.
regulates the bus voltage by absorbing or generating reactive
power. The results are extracted using extensive digital 2. SYSTEM TOPOLOGY
simulation performed in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.
A DSTATCOM consists of a 3-phase inverter using IGBTs.
Key words: Power Quality, DSTATCOM, ISCT algorithm, The design of the DSTATCOM includes a Voltage source
VSC, Active tuned hybrid power filter (ATHPF) inverter, interfacing inductor and ripple filter. The main
function of DSTATCOM is to provide reactive power as
1. INTRODUCTION demanded by the load. Therefore, with the help of
DSTATCOM, source currents are maintained at unity power
Huge utilization of semiconductor devices, integrated-circuit factor and reactive power burden on the system gets reduced.
(IC) chips, non-linear loads and other power electronic devices Rating of the DSTATCOM depends on the required reactive
introduce the harmonics and other power quality problems in power compensation and degree of unbalance. The ripple filter
the power system.These introduced harmonics brought down is used to filter the switching ripples of the voltage and current
the efficiency and power factor, increase the risk of at point of common coupling (PCC).
electromagnetic interference with neighbouring The design of the DC bus capacitor depends on the energy
communication lines.The main objective of electric utilities is storing capability needed during the transient condition. The
to supply their customers an uninterrupted sinusoidal voltage required compensation is provided by the DSTATCOM. The
of constant magnitude and frequency with sinusoidal balanced DSTATCOM is connected at the point of common coupling
currents at the AC mains. However, present day AC (PCC) through an interfacing ripple filter as shown in the
distribution systems are facing severe power quality (PQ) fig.1.In order to generate the compensation current that follows
problems such as high reactive power burden, unbalanced the current reference, a hysteresis current control method is

PINNINTI AJAY KUMAR et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(8), August 2021, 1079 – 1085

Fig.1. shows Design of distribution system with different topology based DSTATCOM


Many control schemes are reported for control of The control algorithm block diagram is shown in Fig 1. The
DSTATCOM e.g Synchronous Reference Frame (SRF) theory, DSTATCOM is controlled in such a way that the source
Instantaneous Symmetrical Component (ISCT) theory, currents (isa, isb and isc) and load currents (ila, ilb and ilc) are
Instantaneous Reactive Power (IRPT) theory, IcosФ algorithm, balanced and sinusoidal in phase with the respective terminal
Current Synchronous Detection (CDS) algorithm, power voltages (vsa, vsb and vsc). In addition, average load power (
Balance theory (PBT), Adaline based algorithm etc.
Plavg )and losses ( Ploss) in the VSC are supplied by the source.
Generation of proper gating pulses for the IGBTs of VSC is
Since the source considered here is non stiff, the direct use of
very crucial for proper implementation of the load
terminal voltages to calculate reference compensator currents
will not provide satisfactory compensation. Therefore, the
The advent of the low switching loss IGBTs has enabled the
fundamental positive sequence components of three-phase
designers to shift from fundamental frequency switching to
voltages are extracted to generate reference compensator
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) based switching. Further,
currents (ica, icb and icc) based on the instantaneous symmetrical
custom power being a relatively low power application, PWM
methods offer a more flexible option than fundamental component theory.
frequency switching methods favoured in FACTS applications. Due to inverter switching and unbalanced loads, the PCC
Though various topologies of VSC have been reported, single voltages will be distorted and unbalanced. Hence, fundamental
3-phase VSC Bridge with six IGBT switches is widely positive sequence components of the PCC voltages are to be
reported for DSTATCOM. In this chapter performance of extracted. Let us denote instantaneous positive sequence
following algorithms used for reference current extraction and voltages as Va1, instantaneous negative sequence voltage Va2
for generating PWM gating pulses for the inverter, have been and instantaneous zero sequence voltage Va0, respectively for
studied. phase-a.

PINNINTI AJAY KUMAR et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(8), August 2021, 1079 – 1085

Fig.2. shows Block diagram of ISCT control technique

These sequence voltages are expressed using symmetrical Where,v ,v and v are fundamental positive sequence
transformation as follow: voltages at the respective
V 1 1 V
1 1 phase load terminal.
V = 1 a a V Δ = (v )2 + (v )2 +(v )2
3 V
V 1 a a
The terms Plavg and Ploss represent the average load power
Where, 'a' is a complex operator and is equal to 1 or and the total losses in the

/ VSC, respectively.
The calculation of the steady state positive sequence voltage At any arbitrary time, x, it is computed as follows:
can be carried using the following expression:
1 lavg = ∫ (Vaila+ Vbilb+ Vcilc)
V = V + aV + a
The total losses in the VSC are computed using a proportional–
The term Va1is a complex quantity and therefore has both integral (PI) controller at
magnitude and angle and can be expressed by (3). the positive zero crossing of phase-a voltage and is given as
loss =KP Vdc(error) + Ki ∫ dc(error)
Va1=|Va1|Va1 Where kp and ki are the proportional gain and integral gain of
From equation (2), the three phase positive sequence the PI controller respectively. The compensator currents (ica, icb
components can be expressed in time domain as follows: and icc) are obtained by subtracting the actual load currents
Va1=√2|Va1| sin (ωt +Va1 from the reference source currents. Then the compensator
Vb1=√2|Va1| sin (ωt - 2π/3 +Va1 currents error is regulated around a pre-defined hysteresis
Vc1=√2|Va1| sin (ωt + 2π/3 +Va1 current controllers(HCC1,HCC2&HCC3) and IGBT Eight
The method is simple as it involves synchronization of only switching pulses are generated (S1, S2, S3, S4,S5, S6, S7 &
one phase (phase-a). S8).
These currents are given as follows: However, in case of unbalanced and/ or distorted source
v voltage condition the reference current generation will be
i∗ = (P + P ) decided by using the Fundamental positive sequence
Δ component of unbalanced/distorted source voltages
(v ,v , v )

v dxdx
i = (P + P )
Δ Where kp and ki are the proportional gain and integral gain of
the PI controller respectively. The compensator currents (ica, icb
v and icc) are obtained by subtracting the actual load currents
i∗ = (P + P ) from the reference source currents. Then the compensator

PINNINTI AJAY KUMAR et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(8), August 2021, 1079 – 1085

currents error is regulated around a predefined hysteresis 5. MATLAB RESULTS AND DISCUSSION RESULTS
current controllers(HCC1,HCC2& HCC3) and IGBT Eight OF SIMULATION
switching pulses are generated (S1, S2, S3, S4,S5, S6, S7 &
S8). The simulation performance of the DSTATCOM is carried
out using MATLAB/Simulink. The ISCT control algorithm is
4. HYSTERESIS CURRENT CONTROLLER considered to evaluate the effectiveness of both two
topologies. These are as follows:
Hysteresis current control is a method of controlling a voltage
Source converter so that an output current is generated to (a)Power distribution system with DSTATCOM under
follow a reference current waveform. The principle of the balanced condition
hysteresis control method for an APF is implemented by
presenting the upper and lower tolerance limits which need to (b)Power distribution system with DSTATCOM under
be compared to the extraction error signal The maximum error unbalanced condition
is the difference between the upper and lower limit, and this
hysteresis tolerance bandwidth is mostly equal to two times of Case(a): POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM WITH
the error.If the error signal is within the tolerance band, there DSTATCOMUNDER BALANCED CONDITION
will be no switching action for the filter. However, when the
error leaves the tolerance band, switching pulses will be 200
generated and the APF will produce signals to be injected into

Source Voltage(V)
the supply line. Fig. 3 illustrates the ramping of the current
between the two limits. The upper hysteresis limit is the sum of 0

the reference current and the maximum error or the difference -100

between the upper limit and the reference current. The lower -200
hysteresis is defined by the subtraction of the reference current 0.75 0.8 0.85
0.9 0.95 1

and the minimum error. Fig. 4.showssource voltage under balanced condition
According to the operating principle of the inverter, the output 6

voltages of each phase are significant of the switching pulses 4

Source Current(A)

of the switches in each leg. As a result, the switching gates for 0
the APF can be obtained. -2


0.5 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.6
Hysteresis Upper Time(S)

Sine reference band 2HB Fig. 5. Shows source current under balanced condition
band HB
wave Lower
band HB 100
wave 50
Load Voltage(V)

0 π wt 0
0.5 Vdc

0 wt
0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
-0.5 Vdc
Fig. 6.Shows load voltage under balanced condition
Pulse wave
Fig. 3.shows Hysteresis Current Control (HCC) operation waveform
Load Current(A)

Table-1 shows Simulation parameters

Source voltage:( )=415V (L-L),50Hz -2

Grid parameters Source inductance, ( )=8mH -4

Source resistance, ( )=0.95 Ω -6
0.5 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.6
( ) =700V, =900 , = 8 mH, Time(S)
VSC parameters
= 0.95 Ω Fig. 7. showsload current under balanced condition
3-∅ non-linear RL load
Load parameters
R1= 10Ω, L1=15mH
The above figures(4,5,6,7) show the results of DSTATCOM
with the point of common coupling under balanced condition
of : source volage, source current, loadvoltage, load current.

PINNINTI AJAY KUMAR et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(8), August 2021, 1079 – 1085


Fundamental (50Hz) = 5.631 , THD= 1.30% DSTATCOM UNDER UNBALANCED CONDITION
Mag (% of Fundamental)


Source Voltage(V)
80 100

0 -200
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
Harmonic order Time(S)

Fig. 8. Shows THD of source current with DSTATCOM under Fig. 12.shows source voltage under unbalanced condition
balanced load condition
Fundamental (50Hz) = 5.014 , THD= 3.65%

S o u rc e C u rre n t ( A )
120 5
M ag (% o f Fu n d am en tal)

60 -5
0.5 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.6
20 Time(S)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Harmonic order
Fig. 13.shows source current under unbalanced condition
Fig. 9. Shows THD of load current with DSTATCOM under
balanced load condition 50
L oa d V olta g e (V )

Fundamental (50Hz) = 202.3 , THD= 1.27%

M ag (% of Fundamental)

0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1

Fig. 14.shows load voltage under unbalanced condition
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Harmonic order 6

Fig. 10. ShowsTHD of source voltage with DSTATCOM
L oad C urrent(A )

under balanced load 2

Fundamental (50Hz) = 79.62 , THD= 6.43%
10 -2

M ag (% of Fundamental)

0.5 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.6
6 Time(S)

Fig. 15. Shows load current under unbalanced condition

The above figures(12,13,14,15) show the results of

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 DSTATCOM with the point of common coupling under
Harmonic order
unbalanced condition of : source volage, source current,
Fig. 11.shows THD of load voltage with DSTATCOM under loadvoltage, load current.
balanced load

PINNINTI AJAY KUMAR et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(8), August 2021, 1079 – 1085

FFT ANALYSIS unbalanced and some distortion is present in their waveform.

Also, power factor of the source is not unity, as voltage at PCC
Fundamental (50Hz) = 5.294 , THD= 1.96%
and source currents are not in Phase with each other. Total
Harmonic Distortion for the source current is 18.42%, when no
Mag (% of Fundamental)

DSTATCOM is connected, when DSTATCOM is connected
the THD of source current is 1.30%.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Harmonic order
Table.2. shows comparative study of DSTATCOM

Fig. 16.shows THD of source current with DSTATCOM under S. Cases Source current Load
unbalanced load condition No (mag, %) current
Fundamental (50Hz) = 5.041 , THD= 9.17%
1 Without 42.93,18.42 42.93,18.42
Mag (%of Fundamental)

2 With DSTATCOM 5.63,1.30 5.014,3.65
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (balanced)
Harmonic order

Fig. 17. Shows THD of load current with DSTATCOM under 3 With DSTATCOM 5.294,1.96 5.041,9.17
unbalanced load condition.
Fundamental (50Hz) = 202.8 , THD= 2.60%
Mag (% of Fundamental)


1 The main purpose of employing the DSTATCOM on the

distribution is to mitigate harmonics in source side as well as
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Harmonic order load side and also to maintain the constant voltage at Point of
Common Coupling (PCC) for balanced and unbalanced load
Fig. 18.Shows THD of source voltage with DSTATCOM variation. From the simulation studies the percentage of THD
of source current and load current are 1.30 and 3.65 using
under unbalanced load condition.
ISCT control technique. This control technique is capable of
better shunt compensation including harmonic mitigation load
Fundamental (50Hz) = 80.78 , THD= 13.06% balancing, voltage regulation as recommendations governed by
IEEE 519-1992 standards than other conventional methods.
Mag (% of Fundamental)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Harmonic order

Fig. 19. Shows THD of load voltage with DSTATCOM under

unbalanced load condition.

This section describes the system performance, when the

single DSTATCOM using ISCT control algorithm (Table1).
From above figures, it is observed that due to unbalanced and
non-linear load, source currents and load currents get

PINNINTI AJAY KUMAR et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(8), August 2021, 1079 – 1085


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