SDC - TFiL - Summary Report

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The Future is Local

Empowering communities to
improve their neighbourhoods

Report Summary


Drafting team Funding for the project was provided by the Homes
and Communities Agency (HCA), the Department for
This report was prepared by Helen Eveleigh with support Communities and Local Government (CLG), the Department
from Ian Fenn, Lizzie Chatterjee, Shirley Rodrigues and for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the Energy
Andrew Lee. Efficiency Partnership for Homes (EEPH). The Commission
for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) provided
With special thanks to: support in kind.

Stewart Davies, Bob Knowles, Alison Mathias, Anne Power, The Commission would like to thank funders and all those
Jonathan Davis, Helen Walker, Peter Matthew, who have participated in this project. All contributions
Harriet Festing, Tereza Kadlecova & IfS, Andrew Purvis, have been greatly appreciated. This report sets out the
Maria Arnold, Jayne Ashley, Sue Dibb, James Greenleaf, Commission’s views based on the research and Task Group
Tim Jenkins, Duncan Kay, Andy Long, Claire Monkhouse, and Steering Group discussions outlined above. It does not
Alice Owen, Shivani Reddy, Rhian Thomas, Kay West and necessarily reflect the views of all project participants or
Becky Willis. funders.

This report has been informed by the analysis of more

than 80 case studies, technical research undertaken by
© Sustainable Development Commission July 2010 Buro Happold and other external contractors, an extensive
literature review, and input from Task Groups and
Front cover image: © Buro Happold external experts.

2 — The Future is Local: Empowering communities to improve their neighbourhoods

The Sustainable Development Commission brings over 10 deficit, this approach is one which can assist Government to
years’ experience of collaborative working with national and make the difficult decisions that they are embarked on.
local government, civil society and business organisations, This report is an excellent example of what the SDC can
academia and individual experts. This convening role do to support government. It builds on the experience of
enables us to better understand differing perspectives on numerous case studies which demonstrate the wide
critical issues and, more importantly, to arrive at practical range of sustainability benefits that can be achieved
and agreed recommendations for government that reflect from retrofitting and upgrading our infrastructure.
the complexity and connectedness of real life. The Commission believes that this necessary process can be
Whilst this approach is not exclusive to the SDC, what done in a way that achieves multiple benefits; generating
is unique is our responsibility to analyse situations, and to jobs and skills, reducing our carbon emissions and waste
devise solutions and make recommendations which will and at the same time engaging with communities in a way
deliver better, more sustainable outcomes for government. that ensures that they are part of the process of achieving a
Using a sustainable development lens to consider a range better quality of life for themselves and those around them.
of options can help make the best and most efficient use It is too good an opportunity to miss.
of scarce resources in the short and long term, whilst also
I look forward to receiving your feedback.
ensuring that we enhance fairness and social cohesion, and
respect and protect our natural environment. Will Day
Importantly, at a time when decisions are being taken Chair, Sustainable Development Commission
to make severe cuts in budgets and services to tackle the

Enabling communities to renew their neighbourhood At neighbourhood scale:

property and infrastructure is the most cost-effective way • Engagement of residents can be secured through
to ensure our villages, towns and cities are fit for the future governance approaches promoting local ownership
and create the conditions for people to thrive. The Future and high levels of take-up of retrofit measures most
is Local points to the UK seeing unprecedented levels of appropriate to each community and providing the
engagement from residents, investors and the businesses supply chain and investors with a viable scale of project
in the supply chain in an urgently needed boost to and structure of partner;
economic activity delivering a long-term benefit for these
communities. • Technical resource- and carbon-efficiency measures
Managing upgrade works on a neighbourhood basis can become feasible at whole-street and neighbourhood
encourage greater participation and cut costs by 20-30%. level that simply don’t stack up at individual home
Releasing this capacity will help deliver the scale and scale, including most low-carbon/renewable energy
speed of change needed to meet the economic, carbon and technologies and transport;
resource efficiency targets our future depends on. • Access to private investment is increased as
In examining individual behaviour change implicit in a neighbourhood scale provides ‘critical mass’, enabling
shift to sustainable living, the gap between intention and scarce public money to be more effectively leveraged.
action is well documented. Individuals feel constrained by
the physical systems that they live and work within – the This report’s recommendations focus on the practical,
existing buildings and streets, utility pipes and wires, and the ‘how’ of managing upgrade works on a neighbourhood
the hardware of provision of local services, from bins to bus basis: building capacity at local level, developing
stops. This local infrastructure, existing in different forms in and sharing best practice nationally and facilitating
every neighbourhood as it was invested for different needs engagement by supply chain businesses, funders and
over its history, impairs people’s quality of life and ill- policy-makers wishing to see communities successfully
equips them for the increasing priority of living sustainably. taking ownership for changing the place they live.
The Future is Local presents evidence that there is a
major, unrealised opportunity in the UK to unlock this issue Dr Stewart Davies
by focusing on the optimum scale for addressing these Commissioner
infrastructure reinvestment needs: the neighbourhood.

Sustainable Development Commission — 3

Steering Group and Task Group Membership
The project’s Steering Group provided advice on the report content, structure, key messages and recommendations.
Members of the Steering Group were:

Stewart Davies SDC Commissioner – Chair Bob Knowles Empower Community Fund
Anne Power London School of Economics (LSE) Ross Mitchell/Mark Brown E nergy Efficiency Partnership
Alison Mathias Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) for Homes

David Green UK Business Council for Sustainable Energy Chris Jofeh Arup

Peter Matthew D
 epartment for Communities and Mike Reardon G
 reater Manchester Environment
Local Government Commission

Mark Johnson G
 reater London Authority (GLA)/ Dennis Moynihan T hames Gateway Institute for
Osborne Energy Sustainability (IfS)

Gavin Purchas Department of Energy and Climate Change Jonathan Davis C ommission for Architecture and the Built
Environment (CABE)/The Transition Studio

Task Groups
The project was also informed by three Task Groups which provided invaluable expertise in the following areas:
• Task Group 1: Practical delivery of infrastructure at neighbourhood level
• Task Group 2: Business and funding models for delivering neighbourhood retrofit
• Task Group 3: Engaging communities in neighbourhood retrofit.

Task Group members were:

Task Group 1 Task Group 2 Task Group 3

Anne Power, LSE (Chair) Bob Knowles, E mpower Community Alison Mathias, HCA (Chair)
Tessa Barraclough, Peabody Fund (Chair) Alexandra Allen, Sustrans
Rory Bergin, HTA Chris Brown, Igloo Regeneration Graham Ayling, EST
Bruce Collinson, HCA Abigail Burridge, L ocal Government Matthew Bennett, Soho Community
Association Environment Fund
Jonathan Davis, C ABE/The Transition
Studio Andreas Crede, Serco Erik Bichard, University of Salford
Andrew Day, Countryside Properties Jonathan Davis, C ABE/The Transition Liz Cox, new economics foundation
Stephen Hilton, Connecting Bristol Jonathan Davis, C ABE/The Transition
Nicholas Doyle, Places for People Studio
Ed Hobson, CABE
Nick Gibbins, U
Andy Howe, Environment Agency Charles Drury, Sense International
Jones Lang Lasalle
Sarah Jeffcote, U
 K Green Building Anna Eagar, Community Energy Direct
Sean Hanafin, Citi
Council Nicky Gavron, London Assembly/GLA
Michael King, C ombined Heat &
Chris Jofeh, Arup Power Association Alex Grayson, E mpower Community
Lesley Seymour, Buro Happold Fund
John Mason, EDF Energy
Rob Shaw, AECOM Anna Minton, Writer/Journalist
Chris Morrison, T ransition Town
Andrew Tucker, E nergy Saving Trust Brixton Annemarie Naylor, Development
(EST) Trusts Association
Dennis Moynihan, IfS
Helen Walker, H
 elen Walker Olivia Powis, NHF
Michael Newell, Norton Rose
Associates Olivia Powis, N
 ational Housing Helen Walker, H
 elen Walker
Federation Associates

Rob Shaw, AECOM/LDA Design

Darren Shirley, N
 ational Energy
Helen Wildsmith, CCLA Investment

4 — The Future is Local: Empowering communities to improve their neighbourhoods

Executive summary
The physical infrastructure in our villages, towns and cities requires significant
upgrading and in doing so we have the opportunity to tackle climate change,
deliver reliable and efficient transport networks, improve health and well being,
secure a healthy natural environment, improve long-term housing supply, maximise
employment opportunities and make our communities safer and more cohesive.

Whilst these opportunities are recognised at a national level quality of life for everyone we must look at new ways of
for major infrastructure projects, they are not realised for working. This means looking at ways in which we can make
local physical infrastructure. By local physical infrastructure existing resources work harder through efficiencies, and
we mean buildings (domestic and non-domestic – including finding new ways to access private finance.
derelict buildings), roads, pedestrian routes and cycle
paths, public space, green infrastructure (parks, gardens, How we deliver these works is as important as the
playing fields, trees etc.), blue infrastructure (canals, lakes, physical changes – working at the local level provides the
rivers, etc.), underused land, waste and recycling facilities, opportunity to strengthen communities, to build their social
underground utilities of electricity (including recharging capital and their capacity to respond to local challenges.
points), gas, water, Information and Communication There is potential not only to transform places but to
Technology (including superfast broadband), and heat transform society. To achieve this we must consider how we
networks. can galvanise, support and empower communities to come
together to decide how to improve the long-term wellbeing
At the same time we are facing a scarcity of public funds. In of their local areas.
2009 the UK’s budget deficit was the largest it has been in
peacetime history. According to the Chancellor,1 in 2010 the It is in this context that the Sustainable Development
UK’s deficit is set to be among the largest in the world. The Commission has produced this timely report. We believe
new Government has made it clear that tackling the deficit there is a solution to these problems, a way of cutting
will be the most urgent task it faces. As such it has pledged our carbon emissions, making our places more resilient
to significantly accelerate the reduction in the deficit, which to the impacts of climate change and creating a better,
will mean substantial cuts in public sector funding. fairer and healthier society cost effectively. It comes in the
form of integrated neighbourhood retrofit programmes,
If we are to make the improvements required to tackle refurbishment works led by local people to improve the
climate change alongside delivering those wider economic, places they live in and equip them for a greener, albeit
environmental and social benefits that will improve the leaner, 21st century.

What is the issue?

Carbon reduction

One of the most urgent drivers for upgrading existing The most significant contribution can be made from existing
infrastructure is the need to reduce the UK’s carbon buildings. The UK’s 21 million homes are responsible for
emissions by 80 per cent by 2050. As the Commission 27 per cent of our carbon emissions.3 The 1.8 million non-
for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) and domestic buildings are responsible for a further 18 per cent
BioRegional concluded from their involvement in the of UK carbon emissions.4 Given that 86 per cent of homes
eco-towns programme, a well-designed, well-built place standing today will be around in 20505 we need to improve
could help residents achieve a 75 per cent reduction in their the energy efficiency of these buildings.
total carbon emissions and a 78 per cent reduction in their
ecological footprint.2

Sustainable Development Commission — 5

A massive programme of works is therefore required to Avoiding costs of poor infrastructure
upgrade the existing building stock if we are to meet
these targets. How these works are designed, managed In addition to improving quality of life for the UK’s citizens,
and delivered will impact significantly both on the costs achieving these wider benefits will help avoid significant
and the effectiveness of the programme. Work to achieve future costs of poor infrastructure. In the current economic
80 per cent carbon reduction from existing buildings is climate it is critical that we take a long-term view to
estimated to cost in the range of £200 to over £400 billion improve the functioning of our existing places.
for domestic6 and in the range of £13 to £50 billion for
non-domestic.7 Although these upfront costs can largely We need to adapt our existing places to make them
be recouped in the long-term through resultant energy resilient to the impacts of climate change. If we fail to do
savings, they are still a barrier for many householders. this, Lord Stern estimates that the economic impact from
Our research indicates that costs could be reduced in the extreme weather alone could reach two per cent of world
range of 20 to 30 per cent if work is undertaken on an area GDP by 2050.8 Manchester undertook its own ‘mini-Stern’
basis (compared to individual house). It also highlights the review and estimated that the city region risks losing £12
potential for greater take-up rates of programmes when billion over the next 12 years if it fails to adapt – and £70
delivered on an area basis. billion for the wider North West region.9 The floods in the
summer of 2007 showed the levels of damage that can be
incurred. These cost insurers more than £3 billion.10
Delivering wider sustainable outcomes
We also need to improve our existing places if we are
Similarly the design, management and delivery of to avoid significant cost to the NHS. SDC’s report Health,
infrastructure upgrades, and how our renewed places Place and Nature highlighted how improvements to the
function afterwards, will have a huge impact on how built environment, particularly to green infrastructure,
sustainably people live their lives. By looking wider can improve both physical and mental health more cost
than buildings, neighbourhood retrofit programmes will effectively. Obesity already costs the NHS £1 billion a year
significantly affect people’s quality of life, determining how and £2.3 billion to the wider economy. 11 Mental illness
safe and easy it is to move around, how active and healthy (primarily depression) costs the NHS £12 billion a year and
people are, and how happy they are to spend time there. £64 billion to the wider economy.12 In addition substandard
housing is estimated to cost the NHS £2.5 billion a year and
What this research shows is that as well as addressing a further £1.8 billion to the wider economy.13
climate change, an integrated, area-based retrofit
programme can deliver a host of economic, environmental We need to improve how we move around our existing
and social co-benefits for the same or similar cost outlay. places if we are to avoid significant costs from congestion.
As detailed in the report these works have the potential to: If left unchecked it is estimated that congestion will cost
England £22 billion by 2025.14 Improvements to cycling
• Reduce carbon emissions
and pedestrian routes provide a benefit to cost ratio of
• Make efficient use of resources 20:1, compared to a typical ratio of 3:1 for typical road
• Improve energy security and rail improvements.15 This does not factor in savings
from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which could be
•  ake places more resilient to the impacts of climate
significant given that transport accounts for 22 per cent of
UK GHG emissions.16
• Improve biodiversity
• Create local jobs
• Strengthen local economies
• Improve the quality and value of existing places
• Reduce fuel poverty
• Improve health and reduce health inequalities
• S trengthen communities and improve community

6 — The Future is Local: Empowering communities to improve their neighbourhoods

What are the benefits of an integrated, area-based approach?

In the current economic climate we need to look at how neighbourhoods through an integrated programme than
these measures can be delivered most cost effectively to through one which focuses on a single issue, such as
deliver maximum economic, environmental and social carbon. People want better places. This means places
benefits. Our research suggests that we cannot afford where they feel safe, homes that are affordable to heat,
to continue with the existing piecemeal approach to neighbourhoods that are resilient to extreme weather
upgrading neighbourhood infrastructure elements. events, well maintained public space and parks to relax and
In addition we need to look for ways of achieving these play, convenient pedestrian and cycle routes, and access to
benefits at the least cost to communities and individuals in public transport.
the current harsh economic climate, exploring new ways of
financing these projects and delivering them. Our research has identified a variety of different routes in to
engage communities. In Todmorden the community initially
The Commission believes there are clear benefits of came together to produce local food. They are now working
adopting a rational, integrated and co-operative approach. with a range of bodies including the council, schools,
These are reducing cost and disruption; engaging and doctors and other bodies to implement their plans.
enabling communities in determining the shape of their This includes the establishment of a social enterprise to
neighbourhoods; and utilising resources for local benefit. produce fish, vegetables and fruit; a network of people
keeping chickens for the sale of eggs; and working with
local traders to promote local food.
Reducing cost and disruption
Most significantly, this approach creates an opportunity for
Many infrastructure improvements deliver multiple people to work together in communities to build a stronger,
benefits. For example, improving green infrastructure more cohesive society and to encourage and enable people
improves the resilience of our places to impacts of climate to make sustainable choices in their day-to-day living. As
change such as flooding and overheating; it improves this report highlights, long-term shifts in behaviours and
physical and mental health; and it provides options for new habits are most likely to be achieved where communities
and improved pedestrian and cycling routes. An integrated have a strong role. The commission believes this approach
approach to spatial planning on an area basis will help to will engender positive long-term change by building the
identify opportunities for upgrades to maximise economic, capacity of neighbourhood groups, social enterprises, other
environmental and social outcomes. Integrated planning third sector bodies and local government to work together
and delivery of these works will save money through and solve local issues. Working through neighbourhood
shared infrastructure, single community engagement partnerships can empower communities to make decisions
processes and integrated delivery. It can also minimise about how their areas are managed, and about where
disruption for residents and businesses during construction the profits from new investment opportunities should be
and maintenance. directed to improve long-term well being.

As our case studies and research demonstrate, area-based

energy efficiency programmes have elicited greater take- Utilising resources for local benefit
up rates, and cost savings of 20 to 30 per cent. The Cardiff
Partnering Scheme, which retrofitted 100 homes and five We have found that working in an integrated, area-based
blocks of flats, found that an area-based approach reduced way can enable communities to receive greater benefits
costs to householders by at least 20 per cent, compared from local resources. This can be achieved by integrating
with having homes upgraded individually. The council was different elements to achieve a more efficient supply and
able to pass on these savings to homeowners which, along usage of resources – such as re-using waste heat from a
with improvements to the quality of visual appearance, power station to heat buildings, or generating energy from
encouraged them to have works undertaken. waste material and sewage.

Similarly, some of the elements introduced as part of a

Engaging and enabling communities neighbourhood retrofit programme may generate income.
If an integrated approach is taken there is potential for
We have found that there is more opportunity for neighbourhoods to benefit from this income generation,
local people to become involved in improving their and reinvest surplus profits locally, for example into other

Sustainable Development Commission — 7

retrofit works. New ways are needed to enable local people Working at an area basis also increases potential to build
to benefit from the development of local infrastructure. capacity in local firms and create local jobs, as well as
increasing the viability of some technologies. Area-based
In Fintry, Scotland, a community-owned wind turbine delivery through the Kirklees Warm Zone had provided over
generates 8,000MWh of electricity which is sold, helping 127,000 energy assessments, delivering loft insulation
to pay off their original loan and meet running costs. to almost 37,000 properties and cavity wall insulation
Surplus profits of £50,000-£100,000 a year go to the to over 17,000. Through this work the Warm Zone has
Fintry Development Trust, made up of 150 residents. directly created over 100 jobs per year for three years, and
The money has been used to make homes in the village indirectly created an additional 29 jobs per year. In addition,
energy efficient by providing free insulation. a leading installer of energy conservation systems has built
a local depot and training centre nearby. Over 200 fitters
have been trained so far.17

What is preventing an integrated, area-based approach?

Retrofit programmes focused solely on a single outcome, social enterprises, parish councils, local authorities and local
such as carbon reduction, will limit the potential to strategic partnerships. For the purpose of this report we call
deliver the multiplicity of benefits outlined in this these ‘neighbourhood partnerships’.
executive summary so far. We have reviewed over 80 case
studies, worked with almost 50 experts from the fields The case studies in the report are the success stories –
of community, delivery and finance and commissioned those that are managing to deliver real improvements
research on scenarios for neighbourhood infrastructure in the long-term well being of their local areas. From our
upgrades. From this we have found that the most common discussions with these communities and wider stakeholders
barrier preventing the integration and delivery of the wider however, it is clear that neighbourhood partnerships are too
sustainability benefits in retrofit programmes is the lack of often hindered by a lack of support (mentoring, technical,
a single body driving and coordinating the planning and organisational) and poor access to finance (especially for
delivery of work. The identification and/or development seed funding and core costs). This lack of technical support
of such bodies was seen as key to unlocking many of these and access to finance can hamper their ability to develop
issues, engaging others in the community and bringing schemes which utilise resources effectively to create
together public and private sector stakeholders. maximum economic, environmental and social value.
There is now an opportunity for Government to address
As our case studies demonstrate there are some bodies these problems through their recently announced plans
who are taking on this role. These come in a range of to support community organisers and to establish the Big
structures, which includes amongst others informal Society Bank.
community groups, co-operatives, development trusts,

What are the key principles of an effective neighbourhood partnership?

There is a greater recognition of the need to work in delivery, through partnerships between energy companies,
partnership at a local level to improve the functioning of local authorities and other local organisations. Too often
existing places. The past year has seen development of a however, these pilots focus on single issues such as carbon
number of programmes and pilots to encourage greater and do not give an effective role to communities. If they are
partnership, particularly between energy companies, local to maximise use of resources effectively to deliver long-
authorities and community groups. These include DECC’s term improvements to the well being of their areas we
Community Energy Saving Programme, CLG’s Local Carbon need neighbourhood partnerships to take a wider focus.
Frameworks, London’s Low Carbon Zones and the Low
Carbon Communities Challenge. The Strategy for Household We have found from our research that there are some
Energy Management18 also sets out a new model of key principles which make an effective neighbourhood

8 — The Future is Local: Empowering communities to improve their neighbourhoods

partnership. These will vary according to local • Take a form appropriate to local need and resources,
circumstances, but the partnership should ideally: with leadership from either the community or local
• Be a multi-disciplinary partnership involving authority. This should build on existing partnerships
communities, local authorities, infrastructure owners and delivery structures where appropriate
and other players, particularly those with finance, • Have a long-term, ongoing presence and interest in
decision-making powers and technical expertise the neighbourhood.

What does an effective neighbourhood partnership do?

A neighbourhood partnership’s role is to drive and Partnerships should gather together a team interested in
coordinate the planning and delivery of sustainability taking forward the neighbourhood retrofit work, develop a
improvements at a local level, which have been identified vision and targets, produce spatial neighbourhood retrofit
as priorities by the community. These partnerships should plans, and develop a delivery and funding model.
aim to improve infrastructure at a local level so as to deliver
carbon reduction and adaptation measures while at the
same time achieving wider economic, environmental and
social benefits.

Who could be involved in neighbourhood partnerships?


Engaging communities in the development of their Trust in north London, savings due to community engage­
neighbourhoods will significantly increase the long- ment were estimated to be in the region of £500,000.
term benefits neighbourhood partnerships deliver. Compared to other projects, there were fewer delays
This can be achieved through increasing participation and associated costs caused by responding to residents’
in retrofit programmes through simple word-of-mouth complaints, reworking designs at a late stage to meet user
recommendations and inspiration from real-life examples needs, and on-site events such as vandalism and crime.20
(friends, family and neighbours); encouraging and enabling
sustainable behaviour change through structured learning In south London, the award-winning Bellenden Renewal
from trusted intermediaries and support groups; or the Area benefited from community engagement from the
active involvement of communities in designing and outset. Southwark Council asked residents how they
managing programmes of works. Feedback from the New wanted their streets to look and allowed each street to
Deal for Communities (NDC) programme found that the choose designs for its walls, gates, paving and street
critiquing of local services by residents was ‘absolutely vital lighting. More than 60 local artists contributed, including
in making more focused, refined and fit-for-purpose local Antony Gormley and Zandra Rhodes, and the once-
delivery vehicles’. Its report noted that ‘some of the most rundown backstreets are now one of the most desirable
successful projects…are those where we have engaged neighbourhoods in the area. House prices are estimated to
residents in the design of the process; and some of our least be 15-20 per cent higher than in surrounding streets. Where
successful projects, including some of the disasters, have whole streets have been improved together, properties
been the ones where we haven’t.’19 are estimated to command premiums of up to 25 per cent.
Now, Southwark Council is using lessons learnt in Bellenden
Involving the community can also save money. On a £2.2 in its Low Carbon Zone, where residents are being used to
million housing redevelopment project for the Shoreditch spread information via community ‘EcoTeams’.

Sustainable Development Commission — 9

Local authorities Others

Local authorities (LAs) deliver, or have some responsibility These might include infrastructure owners (utility
for, more than 700 different services ranging from companies, registered social landlords), potential funders,
education, transport and public health, to environmental local businesses or social enterprises, other third sector
stewardship. Given their level of local knowledge, and the bodies, Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs) and those with
fact that they own most of a neighbourhood’s public space, technical delivery skills.
the involvement of LAs is essential to any infrastructure
upgrades. Research shows that they are trusted by In south London, Southwark Council has established
communities – considerably more than energy suppliers. a Multi Utility Services Company (MUSCo) to integrate
LAs also exert influence over planning and finance, the delivery of utilities across 30 hectares of mixed-use
meaning they have a key role to play in the development of development at Elephant and Castle. The MUSCo comprises
neighbourhood partnerships. Dalkia (providing management services), Veolia Water and
Independent Fibre Networks Limited, working together
Why would local authorities want to become involved? with the council and the master developer, Lend Lease, to
Like central Government, they have environmental targets deliver carbon neutral heating, cooling, electricity, non-
to meet as outlined in their Sustainable Community potable water and data connectivity services to the area.
Strategies (SCSs) and accompanying action plans. The Having a single body responsible for a range of elements
Sustainable Development Lens, a benchmarking tool for cuts costs and minimises disruption by use of shared
local authorities developed by the Commission and the ducting and avoiding duplication of works. Other research
Improvement and Development Agency (I&DeA), shows highlighted in this report indicates that delivering energy
that upgrading existing infrastructure has a direct and efficiency retrofits through partnerships between local
positive impact on the majority of sustainability measures authorities and energy companies can deliver £6 billion
for their area. The recent announcement by Government in benefits over the lifetime of the strategy, compared to
to devolve more powers and responsibilities to local £4.2bn for a local authority-led model and -£0.3 billion for
government could enable the integrated partnerships to an energy company-only model.21
promote action at a local level.

The solution: Mainstreaming neighbourhood partnerships and an integrated approach

We need to mainstream this approach if we are to achieve support integration at the local level. This will require action
the scale of activity required to meet Government targets from all departments across Government, not just those
on carbon whilst at the same time delivering a wide range with lead responsibilities on communities and climate
of sustainable co-benefits cost effectively. To achieve this change.
we need Government to:
Coordinate support
Prepare the ground
Support required by neighbourhood partnerships will vary
There is currently no clear policy support for retrofitting according to their stage of development and aspirations.
existing places to make them more sustainable. If we are Our research and case studies suggest key areas for help
to avoid substantial costs in future and we are to achieve are likely to be:
the multiple benefits of delivering retrofit through an • Handholding support and capability-building for
integrated, area-based approach Government must act local authorities and community groups on technical,
to give a clear policy lead to support the scale of works financial and legal issues, and project management
required to upgrade our neighbourhood infrastructure.
• Seed funding for core costs and research and
If we are to achieve this then Government must end the development projects
focus on single issue pilots and programmes and move • Development of best practice based on feedback,
to capture the benefits of joining up delivery on the monitoring (including effective data reporting), and
ground. For neighbourhood partnerships to be effective research and development projects
Government policies and programmes need to enable and • Development of procurement panels.

10 — The Future is Local: Empowering communities to improve their neighbourhoods

A number of government and third sector bodies provide can be difficult for neighbourhood partnerships to access
support to local authorities and community groups. Whilst institutional investment. Institutional investors typically
some of this is valued, it can be hard to access as it is require investment scales of circa £50 million for equity
delivered through a myriad of different organisations, all investment, and £100 million for debt investment.
with differing targets and objectives. Their dispersed nature If neighbourhood partnerships are to attract private sector
means it can be difficult for partnerships to know where investment we need to develop mechanisms which make
to go for advice. From talking to our expert colleagues it easier for them to access finance. The proposed Green
and case study contributors, it would appear there is Investment Bank provides an opportunity for Government
duplication of resources in some areas (such as web-based to develop such a mechanism. To enable this, the bank
tools) whilst there are clear gaps in others (mentoring, must unlock finance for neighbourhood-level projects
capacity-building, opportunities for sharing best practice alongside large-scale strategic infrastructure.
and financial advice). Existing structures can also make it
difficult for communities to develop their own solutions. If places are to be truly sustainable in the long-term
however, we must move beyond simply attracting
There is potential to streamline existing support structures institutional investors. We need to enable communities to
to make it easier for communities and local authorities develop self-sustaining local investment vehicles which
to access them. To achieve this, it is recommended that a retain and re-invest any surplus profits for community
single department coordinates the provision of support, and benefit. These surplus profits can be used to help to fund
that users would be able to access the full range of support those projects which have no direct revenue-generating
through a single interface. As well as improving usability, potential but can deliver a range of community benefits.
this would provide a portal through which user needs could
be monitored, and best practice identified and shared. To support local investment vehicles we need to be smarter
It could also reduce overall costs of such services by about how we use the limited public sector finance there
removing duplication, and support communities to is available. The early stages of projects (scoping and
develop and share their own solutions. The Government’s development) carry the highest risk to investors. Public
recent proposal for more powers and support for local sector resources could be used to minimise this risk and
communities to shape their neighbourhoods are welcome allow projects to progress. This can be achieved through a
as they will assist in tackling the barriers identified by variety of methods including public sector underwriting,
the Commission in this report. These policies must be use of public assets, seed funding for scoping works
developed in an integrated way, looking at how they (potentially provided from the Big Society Bank), research
can work with and improve existing provision if they are and development, and setting a clear policy framework.
to address the issues raised in this report and deliver When deciding how public money is spent, consideration
maximum benefit on the ground. should be given to how it could provide a return for local

Unlock funding Some projects, especially those with no costed benefits,

will still require public subsidy. These can be funded by
Public sector funds will be very constrained so we need a variety of means including using the surplus profits
to use what is available more effectively. This means from quick- and slow-win projects (where there is local
giving a greater capability to neighbourhood partnerships investment or a community tariff on private sector
to influence how public sector funding (and that over development); ‘allowable solutions’; section 106/
which the public sector has some influence, such as the Community Infrastructure Levy/tariff; and other local green
new obligation on energy companies) is used in their charges.
area. Proposals to give greater financial autonomy to
local government and community groups are a welcome The Commission calls on the Government to recognise
addition to this capability. We urge the government to look the benefits that can be achieved through upgrading
closely at the neighbourhood level when reviewing ways to neighbourhood infrastructure in an integrated way, the
devolve power and greater autonomy to local government scale of the challenge, the costs of inaction and the urgency
and community groups. to take action. To achieve this they must encourage, enable
and empower neighbourhoods to work together to shape
As detailed in the report some neighbourhood retrofit their areas into something bigger and better – to transform
upgrades can generate profit in the short- and long-term, the long-term functioning and sustainability of both place
delivering quick and slow wins to investors. However, it and society.

Sustainable Development Commission — 11

Summary of
SDC calls on Government to encourage, enable and empower communities, local government and other
bodies to work together to drive, plan and coordinate delivery of integrated neighbourhood retrofit
programmes to achieve sustainable places. These neighbourhood partnerships should deliver a range of
sustainability outcomes alongside carbon reduction and adaptation measures in an integrated way which will
deliver maximum economic, environmental and social outcomes cost effectively.

If we are to mainstream this integrated, area-based approach Government needs to:

Prepare the ground

1 Government should support an integrated, 3 Given the urgency in tackling climate change
area-based approach to upgrading local and the critical role local authorities can
infrastructure as a cost effective way of play in enabling, encouraging and engaging
achieving maximum sustainable outcomes in people to undertake action, the local
an area. authorities’ role as local leader on climate
change mitigation and adaptation measures
How This would be supported by: ensuring existing
should be formalised.
and new polices and delivery programmes
(such as the new obligations on energy How This could be achieved through a requirement
companies post-2012) are flexible in operation to set mandatory targets on climate change
to support integrated delivery; improving mitigation and adaptation (National Indicators
the evidence base to assess the economic, 186 and 188) or by making this a duty on local
environmental and social benefits of this authorities.
approach; and developing pilot projects which
test integrated delivery.
4 Government should ensure that regulatory
frameworks for infrastructure and utility
2 Government should improve the evidence providers enable and support an integrated,
base on the cost-effectiveness and benefits area-based approach to achieving
(monetised and non-monetised) of working sustainable outcomes.
with communities to deliver sustainable
How A ‘fit for purpose’ review of existing regulatory
structures should be undertaken to identify
How This should include a review of current and potential regulatory obstacles preventing an
completed programmes – such as the Low integrated, area-based approach to upgrading
Carbon Communities Challenge, Greener local infrastructure.
Living Fund, NESTA’s Big Green Challenge, the
Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP)
and Scotland’s Climate Challenge Fund. It should
also look to learn from previous area-based
delivery programmes.

12 — The Future is Local: Empowering communities to improve their neighbourhoods

Coordinate support

5 The department for Communities and Local

Government (CLG) should have responsibility Likely areas requiring support are:
for coordinating cross-governmental support
• long-term enabling advice, technical support
for neighbourhood partnerships.
(particularly on the use of the Well Being Power)
How This should be informed by and build upon and capacity building for local authorities
existing support being provided to both local
• t echnical, financial and legal advice, mentoring,
authority and community-led partnerships.
capacity building, and project management for
CLG should simplify the process for neighbour­
community groups
hood partnerships to access the advice, through
the creation of a single interface. In addition • a ccess to funding, particularly for initial
to improving usability this will help ensure investment and core costs.
that services meet the need of users without
duplication of resources.

Unlock finance
6 Public sector funding mechanisms should 8 Government should minimise development
promote devolution of funding to neighbour­ risk through provision of clear policy support
hood partnerships to enable them to influence for neighbourhood retrofit.
decisions on how public sector money is spent
How The standards and timeline for introduction
in their area.
should be defined now but phased in as
How Neighbourhoods should be provided with mandatory over a period to enable building
greater information on local public expenditure, owners to prepare for these works. All homes
potentially by providing neighbourhood level should meet minimum energy efficiency
breakdowns as in the Local Spending Report. standards. The UK Government should also
The Government’s review of local government equalise VAT for repairs and refurbishment works
finance should look at the issues raised by the in domestic properties, with new build.
Total Place pilots, Total Capital case studies and
Total Capital and Asset pathfinders, and promote
ways to devolve greater financial autonomy to
9 L ocal authorities should be enabled to borrow
against Feed-in-Tariff and Renewable Heat
Incentive income streams.
How T he Treasury should implement this as a matter
7 A new Green Investment Bank should of urgency now that Feed-In-Tariff is operational.
direct finance to a wide range of low carbon
infrastructure projects including energy
efficiency at a variety of scales, including
neighbourhood. 10 Government should create ways in which local
communities are able to derive long-term
How Support could be provided through:
benefits from the siting of low carbon energy
• p
 roviding capital or guarantees where private infrastructure, such as new housing or wind
finance is unwilling to take the risk turbines, in their area.
• b
 undling small projects to attract wider How This could include enabling communities to
investment purchase a share in the development, providing
them with an ongoing share of the increase in
• p
 roviding a brokering service between private,
business rates or a community tariff. In addition,
public and third sectors
‘allowable solutions’ (i.e. offset payments for
• raising capital (for example, through Green new homes unable to meet zero carbon levels
Bonds) for sustainability projects identified by onsite) could be paid to the local authority and
the partnerships. used to fund low carbon projects identified in
neighbourhood partnerships’ delivery plans.

Sustainable Development Commission — 13

Case study – C
 ommunity leadership and professional project
management support in Sanford Housing Co-operative

The residents required technical support to understand

how they could use their funds most effectively in
achieving their goals. The group commissioned a
feasibility study by the Centre for Sustainable Energy to
investigate potential methods. Following a successful
grant application to EST’s Innovation Programme,
DTI’s PV programme and Clear Skies they were able to
commission architects and engineers to present project
proposals. To enable effective delivery the group also
appointed project managers who were critical in getting
measures delivered effectively and on time. Because
of their expertise in the area the project management
team were also able to access additional funds that the
community had not been aware of. Ongoing support
is now provided through residents (who were trained
as part of the project) and a permanent support officer
from CDS Cooperatives.

Consultation with residents was central to the project.

Residents were surveyed at the start of the project to
determine their priorities and ongoing communication
was achieved through regular meetings and
information provision. All major decisions had to pass
majority vote, including the need to increase rents
to fund work, which was approved by 87 per cent of

Sanford has reduced its carbon emissions from 228

tons in 2003 to 91 tons in 2008, achieving the 60 per
The vegetable garden produces food for the
residents at Sanford Housing Co-operative
cent ambition. The group also consider that overall
awareness of energy and environmental issues has
increased, yielding behavioural changes inside and out
Sanford Walk is a self contained housing of the home. The project achieved this through:
co-operative of 14 shared houses and six self-
• Replacement of 14 gas fired combination boilers
contained flats set up in the 1970s, which has with 7 mini biomass boilers
achieved a 60 per cent cut in carbon emissions
from 2003 to 2008. To reach their target the • Installation of solar hot water systems and
thermostatically controlled roof windows for
co-operative has successfully coupled the
passive stack ventilation
community engagement and leadership which
drives their scheme, with professional project • Installation of loft (270mm) and cavity wall
management and support. insulation

Sanford’s residents act as collective landlord and • New communal food growing and bicycle storage
therefore own, control and manage the estate. areas using recycled materials
When refurbishment works were required in 2002 • Repair and redecoration using sustainable and
they decided that they should take the opportunity to toxin-free materials, incorporating residents’
invest their maintenance fund in a programme of works own designs.
focused on improving sustainability and reducing their
energy consumption.

14 — The Future is Local: Empowering communities to improve their neighbourhoods

Case study – A
 ssociation of Greater Manchester Authorities:
maximising economic benefits through city scale delivery

Working at a city region scale, Greater Manchester generate the high level of buy-in from partners to
is developing a high level of commitment from maximise economic benefits, the retrofit measures
public and private sector partners to ramp up will be delivered at neighbourhood level. Delivery
delivery scales and timings, resulting in greater structures will build on Greater Manchester’s long
economic benefits. history of working with communities to transform
existing places, such as Housing Market Renewal
In December 2009, Greater Manchester was Areas in Salford/Manchester and Oldham/Rochdale,
designated the UK’s first Low Carbon Economic Area Hulme and East Manchester. It will build upon their
(LCEA) for the Built Environment. The LCEA will build on experiences of delivering area-based retrofit and
the city region’s strong track record in regeneration in behaviour-change programmes.
the built environment, and its world-leading university
and research capabilities in the low carbon built The LCEA will also focus on developing new retrofit
environment. technologies; the associated supply chain; business
models; and how these can stimulate business
The LCEA programme is based around a five-year opportunities and increase employment levels.
retrofit programme, which will be one of the largest
initiatives of this type in the world. If its most Initial work on the design of the programme has
ambitious targets are realised, it is anticipated the been carried out by teams from Greater Manchester’s
works would save 6 million tonnes of CO2 from homes, commissions for the Environment and the New
public and commercial buildings in Greater Manchester, Economy. The Energy Saving Trust is closely involved
creating an additional £650 million for the economy with the design and delivery of programmes.
and supporting 34,800 jobs. In addition, assistance has been provided by the North
West Development Agency (NWDA) and the Homes
The scale of the retrofit works are intended to shift and Community Agency (HCA).
delivery from the current sporadic CERT-led approach
into a strategic programme that can be linked to job The designation of Greater Manchester as an LCEA
creation and other public sector initiatives to improve is anticipated to create market confidence through
quality of existing places. The scale will also enable widespread public- and private sector commitment to
testing of key features around funding and delivery. the retrofit programme. This support will be detailed
These include: in the Joint Delivery Plan, which will be agreed with
• financing models and mechanisms for attracting Government, its key agencies and NWDA. At a local
new sources of finance; and a level it is anticipated that the ten local authorities,
registered social landlords, private sector landlords,
• how Total Place principles can improve delivery universities and further education establishments and
and funding structures for retrofit works. new skills and training organisations will be signatories
While collaboration is required at city region scale to to the Plan.

Sustainable Development Commission — 15

Case study – Heads of the Valleys Low Carbon Zones, Wales

Photo: © Seddon Group

Sheep’s wool, used here
in housing insulation, is
a biodegradable material
which is safe to install

The Heads of the Valleys Low Carbon Programme shown an interest in participating – especially given
is a regeneration strategy which has developed the financial savings (costs are estimated to be 20-30
a ‘low carbon zone’ model that is now being per cent lower when work is undertaken as part of
replicated across Wales to deliver jobs through the scheme) and improvement in visual quality.
upgrading existing housing. The social housing providers managing the delivery
are looking into the possibility of providing loans to
The programme has been developed in partnership private households, to cover the upfront costs of
between five local authorities (Rhondda Cyon Taf, these measures.
Merthyr Tydfil, Caerphilly, Blaenau-Gwent and Torfaen)
and is delivering large-scale home energy assessment, The Heads of the Valleys model is being replicated
energy efficiency improvements, and renewable across Strategic Regeneration Areas in Wales, through
energy technologies through a rolling programme of the ‘Arbed’ (Welsh for ‘to save’) scheme, which was
neighbourhood-scale, area-based delivery. launched in May. The scheme has a total value of £30m
and will target approximately 6,000 across Wales.
To date the programme has delivered over 1,500 micro­ Specifically the scheme aims to benefit people in fuel
generation renewable energy systems such as solar PV poverty through insulation measures and renewable
and solar hot water systems to social housing schemes. energy.
External wall insulation has also been installed to
suitable properties, and a rolling programme of cavity This guaranteed demand encouraged British Gas to
and loft insulation is underway. Additionally the open the UK’s first dedicated Green Skills Training
programme is gaining community integration through Centre in the area. The centre is intended to train more
a project which aims to improve the energy efficiency than 1,300 people each year. This will include specialist
of local rugby clubs and sports facilities. help to enable local long-term unemployed people find
work in the green economy. British Gas will also use the
Funding has been provided for retrofitting social centre to train its own staff in renewable technologies.
housing. However, many private sector residents have
Case study – S
 outhwark Council: improving outcomes through
resident engagement

conveyed the benefits and persuaded him to join in.

The scheme also demonstrates how community

involvement can deliver innovative and inspiring
outcomes. Residents were keen to see environmental
improvement monies used creatively and could see
no reason why local artists shouldn’t be involved in
the designing of walls, gates, paving, street lighting,
traffic islands and more. The Council drew on their local
assets and involved over 60 local artists (including
Antony Gormley, Zandra Rhodes, John Latham and Tom
Philips), most of whom provided their services for no-
or minimal fee.

The scheme has successfully transformed the Bellenden

area of Peckham from a run-down back street into a
desirable neighbourhood, with house prices 15-20 per
cent higher than those in surrounding streets, and up
to 20-25 per cent higher where whole streets have
been improved. It also trialled a number of innovative
Photos: © Southwark Council

environmental measures including solar heating

systems linked to individual condensing-combination
boilers. The scheme has won a number of awards
including NHIC’s ‘local authority that has done the most
to promote the repair of homes in the private sector’
Improvements include: solar and BURA’s Best Practice in Regeneration award.
thermal heating, garden
railings and street furniture
The council are employing many of the lessons learnt in
their LCZ. These include:
Southwark Council are employing many of the
• spreading information through residents and
lessons learnt from the award winning Bellenden existing community networks. They are working
Renewal Area to the development of their Low with Global Action Plan to develop EcoTeams to
Carbon Zone. Bellenden Renewal Area operated disseminate information to friends, family members
from 1997-2007, delivering a range of housing, and neighbours
environmental, employment, economic, community
• engaging residents on overall sustainability of a
development, crime and health benefits.
place or their immediate problems/interests that
The renewal area is predominantly privately owned the scheme can deliver (such as new windows,
properties (78 per cent at the start of the scheme – environmental realm improvements or better
a mixture of owner occupied and private rental homes recycling) rather than carbon and climate change
and small retail units) and works were delivered on a
• being clear about parameters when giving residents
cross tenure basis.
control. If the scheme must deliver 80 per cent
carbon reduction this must be clear from the start
The council successfully engaged with residents by
seeking their views on local problems and suggested
solutions. Decisions on buildings’ and streets’ A key concern at the LCZ is the lack of a single funding
appearance were devolved to residents, and residents source. This results in programmes being developed
received construction training. This community- around available funding (and its often restrictive
led approach garnered high levels of take up even qualifying criteria) rather than outcomes. This approach
though participants were asked to make a financial limits the amount of true community involvement in
contribution. In one street a single householder was the process. It also hinders the potential to deliver the
unwilling to participate because he did not want the measures that would provide the most effective carbon
council interfering with his property, but residents and sustainable outcomes in the area.

Sustainable Development Commission — 17

Case study – S
 ustainable Blacon: community leadership of an integrated
programme of works

Map: © Buro Happold

Sustainable Blacon Ltd. (SBL) was established by per cent reduction in household energy bills with
Blacon Community Trust (BCT) to take forward corresponding CO2 emissions reductions. These are:
the community’s aspiration of becoming a model 1 Establishment of two demonstration houses to
sustainable urban community, with 20 per cent provide energy efficiency information and practical
reduction in carbon emissions within three years. advice to local residents and promote low carbon
To achieve this they are looking in an integrated technologies and living
way at four key areas: energy; green space;
2 Trial of Energy Management Systems (EMS) in 150
transport and social enterprise. Their intention is homes representative of community, faith and service
that these works should also bring new life and groups across Blacon. 100 will have EMS installed
investment to an area with significant deprivation. and 50 will be a control group. All 150 will embark
upon a community-based sustainability programme.
The group has evolved from previous regeneration
initiatives in the area. It builds upon experience of Further work planned in the area includes:
developing partnerships between the community
• Demonstration energy projects – district heating
and other organisations to improve the quality of
and renewable power microgrid in mixed use
life. BCT was set up in 1984 and has developed a
redevelopment, energy efficiency retrofit at key
range of community services. These include social
community building and external cladding of three
enterprises, enterprise coaching and incubator support
high rise blocks
for neighbourhood businesses and a vocational
training centre. It also has an income generating arm. • Working with British Gas to trial new smart meters
BCT works with Chester and District Housing Trust on
• Engaging the community in energy efficiency
neighbourhood management (following on from the
through a programme of thermal image surveying
Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder).
delivered by volunteers and Blacon High School
The people managing Sustainable Blacon are local • Improving green spaces
residents, representatives from Cheshire West and
• Improvements in the cycling and walking
Chester Council, the Chester and District Housing Trust
infrastructure along with cycle training and
and expert advisers in energy, green spaces and urban
maintenance courses
design. Through this body the community is leading
the process and discussions with key players such as • Establishment of a new Furniture Re-use Project
DECC, energy companies (home energy consumption diverting 74 tonnes of reusable furniture from
reduction, renewable energy technology installation landfill per annum.
and new technology development), Cheshire West
and Chester Council, West Cheshire Primary Care Trust, Both SBL and the local authority believe that initiatives
and the Northwest Regional Development Agency. to reduce carbon emissions will be much more effective
Their organised approach meant that they were one if they are led by community groups in delivering
of the first communities selected in DECC’s Low Carbon long lasting behaviour change. This is based both on
Communities Challenge and be recognised by British their experience of neighbourhood management and
Gas in their Community Energy Saving Programme. research undertaken by Ged Edwards (Sustainable
Blacon’s CEO) into Ashton Hayes’ Going Carbon Neutral
The Low Carbon Communities Challenge research project. The local authority is looking into the potential
programme aims to achieve an overall target of 20 of trialling integrated local service delivery in the area.

18 — The Future is Local: Empowering communities to improve their neighbourhoods

1 In his speech on 17 May 2010 – 12 Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health 2003. Economic and Social Costs of
press_02_10.htm last accessed 25 May 2010. Mental Health in England.
2 BioRegional and CABE 2008. What Makes an Eco-town? 13 National Housing Federation/ECOTEC 2010. Social Impact of Poor
3 DECC/ONS 2010. Statistical Release – UK Climate change sustainable Housing.
Development Indicator: 2009 Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Provisional 14 DfT 2006. Eddington Transport Study 2006.
Figures, and 2008 Greenhouse Gas Emissions, final Figures by 15 Sustrans 2005. Economic Appraisal of Local Walking and Cycling
Fuel Type and End-User. Routes.
4 Carbon Trust 2009. Building the Future, Today. 16 Committee on Climate Change 2010. Meeting Carbon Budgets –
5 SDC 2006. Stock Take. Ensuring a low-carbon economy. Second Progress Report to Parliament.
6 Existing Homes Alliance (not yet published). 17
Refurbishment Costs: A position paper. WZCaseStudyWithJanuaryFigures.pdf
7 Carbon Trust 2009. Building the Future, Today. 18 CLG/DECC 2010. Warm Homes, Greener Homes: A Strategy for
8 Jowit and Wintour 2008. Cost of tackling global climate change Household Energy Management.
has doubled, warns Stern, The Guardian, 26 June. 19 CLG 2010. What works in neighbourhood-level regeneration?
9 Deloitte 2008. ‘Mini-Stern’ for Manchester – The views of key stakeholders in the New Deal for Communities
assets/Dcom-UnitedKingdom/Local%20Assets/Documents/ Programme.
UK_GPS_MiniStern.pdf 20 Example drawn from a study at Fellows Court, Shoreditch, with the
10 Environment Agency 2010. The Costs of the Summer 2007 Floods costings ascertained by Dearle and Henderson Ltd.
in England. 21 CLG/DECC 2010. Household Energy Efficiency Delivery Model –
11 House of Commons Health Committee 2004. Obesity: Third report of Initial Assessment of Impacts.
session 2003-2004 Volume 1.

The small print

This report is made entirely of that paper you
put out every week for the council to recycle.
It was printed with the most energy efficient
toners currently available (saving 40% on
energy and 30% on mass, compared with
conventional toners). The report’s production
was powered by renewable energy and the
whole process, including transportation, is
carbon neutral.
Art Direction and design Andy Long

Sustainable Development Commission — 19

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20 — The Future is Local: Empowering communities to improve their neighbourhoods

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