Kauswagan Demo Farm Proposal
Kauswagan Demo Farm Proposal
Kauswagan Demo Farm Proposal
Funding Agency Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP)
Project Description Demonstration farm has a long tradition and have proved to be an
effective means of supporting farmers in problem solving at the
farm level and one of the best approaches in extension education
tools. Although it requires considerable time and effort, the
payback comes when farmers more readily adapt practices, they
perceive to be effective and appropriate under local conditions.
It will be nestled in One (1) hectare land area. The farm will be
easily visible from a road such that it can easily be observed
overtime by any interested parties. As much as possible, it must
be a normal farm and the demonstration should not involve any
abnormal inputs or operations that will affects its credibility.
Timing of farm operations should be clarified and those who will
be involved should commit to fulfill their tasks in a timely manner.