Peralta vs. Ramon, 894 SCRA 578, March 05, 2019
Peralta vs. Ramon, 894 SCRA 578, March 05, 2019
Peralta vs. Ramon, 894 SCRA 578, March 05, 2019
This is a Joint Complaint-Affidavit1 for disbarment filed
by Court of Appeals (CA) Associate Justices Fernanda
Lampas Peralta, Chairperson of the Sixth Division,
Stephen C. Cruz, Senior Member of the Fifth Division, and
Ramon Paul L. Hernando, then Junior Member of the Fifth
Division, now a member of this Court (complainants),
against Atty. Marie Frances E. Ramon (respondent), a
member of the bar, before the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP) Commission on Bar Discipline
The Antecedents
On March 4, 2016, it came to the knowledge of
complainants that a certain Maria Rossan De Jesus (De
Jesus) went to the Office of the Division Clerk of Court of
the CA Fifth Division to ascertain the veracity and
authenticity of a Decision2 purportedly written by
complainants in a criminal case entitled, “People of the
Philippines v. Tirso Fajardo y Delos Trino,” and docketed
as C.A.-G.R. CR No. 08005.
In the said decision, complainants allegedly ordered the
acquittal of Tirso Fajardo (Fajardo), cousin of De Jesus, for
the crime of violation of Sections 5 and 7 of Republic Act
(R.A.) No. 9165.3 The said decision was given to De Jesus
by respondent, who was their counsel, to serve as proof
that Fajardo had been acquitted. Respondent is a law
practitioner, who was admitted to the bar on May 4, 2004
with Roll No.
Peralta vs. Ramon
Thus, complainants filed the present administrative
complaint alleging that respondent should be disbarred due
to the following reasons: for representing herself as a
lawyer who can influence Justices of the Court of Appeals
to secure the
8 Id., at p. 33.
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Peralta vs. Ramon
9 Id., at p. 161.
10 Id., at pp. 92-100.
11 Id., at pp. 161-163.
12 Id., at pp. 159-160.
On the other hand, Canon 7 and Rule 7.03 obliges every
lawyer to uphold the integrity and dignity of the legal
profession, to wit:
Further, Canon 10, Rules 10.01, 10.02, and 10.03
mandates every lawyer to observe candor, fairness, and
good faith, viz.:
17 Jimenez v. Francisco, 749 Phil. 551, 565; 744 SCRA 215, 229 (2014).
In Taday v. Atty. Apoya, Jr.,22 the Court disbarred a
lawyer for authoring a fake court decision, which was
considered a violation of Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the Code.
The lawyer therein even delivered and misrepresented the
fake decision to his client. The Court held that the lawyer
“committed unlawful, dishonest, immoral[,] and deceitful
conduct, and lessened the confidence of the public in the
legal system.”23
In Billanes v. Atty. Latido,24 the Court also disbarred a
lawyer for manufacturing a fake decision in an annulment
case. The lawyer therein violated Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the
Code because there existed substantial evidence that he
procured the spurious decision, which caused great
prejudice to his client.
21 Sison, Jr. v. Camacho, 777 Phil. 1, 14; 779 SCRA 142, 155 (2016).
22 A.C. No. 11981, July 3, 2018, 870 SCRA 1.
23 Id.
24 A.C. No. 12066, August 28, 2018, 878 SCRA 343.
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