Appendix E R12-T08C05-SAR-PLN-HS-0004
Appendix E R12-T08C05-SAR-PLN-HS-0004
Appendix E R12-T08C05-SAR-PLN-HS-0004
Project No.: R12-T08C05 – Shurayrah Island Stage 1 Dredging & Stockpiling Works Contract
Revision No.: 00
Document Title:
SAUDI ARCHIRODON LTD. R12-T08C05 - Shurayrah Island Stage 1
Integrated Management System Dredging and Stockpiling Works
Issued For Review
Reference No. N/A
ARCO Ref. No. 11009-SAR-HSE-PLN-003 00
Traffic Management Plan Page No. 2 of 35
Table of Contents
1. Purpose............................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Scope................................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Definitions .......................................................................................................................................... 4
4. References .......................................................................................................................................... 5
5. Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................. 6
6. Project preventability / non-preventability guidelines .................................................................. 9
7. Procedure onshore .......................................................................................................................... 10
8. Marine transportation .................................................................................................................... 18
9. Marine emergency........................................................................................................................... 24
10. Review .............................................................................................................................................. 25
The purpose of this Traffic Management Plan is to manage and control the movement of vehicles /
trucks, equipment and marine vessels during the implementation of works taking into consideration
the impact to the environment, health and safety and to the adjacent communities.
The objective of this document is to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, the number of traffic incident
and to reduce the impact on the environment and ensure compliance with applicable legal and project
specific requirements.
This plan applies to the owned or hired vehicles, barges, vessels and boats and equipment of the
various Parties driving at site areas, visitors etc. during the implementation of work on shore and
offshore during day and night. The Contractor is fully responsible to comply with the contents and
requirements of this TMP. In accordance with the Contract, the consequences of any failure to
comply, any deviation or noncompliance will be at the sole risk and responsibility of the Contractor
without any entitlement to an Extension of Time or Cost as a result thereof.
• Employer: The Red Sea Real Estate Company I (TRSDC)
• Contractor: Saudi Archirodon Ltd. (ARCO)
• Boat: Also referred to as speedboat: a small, self-propelled, marine vessel typically used to transport
small pieces of equipment, people, or for other light duties, such as supporting diving work,
monitoring, silt screen deployment, etc.
• Buoy: a marine structure at sea, visible by the floating part, anchored. The buoy can be installed as
navigation aid or can be used to house equipment.
• Bulky or Heavy Load: Soil and Rock Spoil, Pipes for Piling, Structural Steel Components, Pre-cast
items, etc.
• Crane Barge: A typically unmanned marine vessel without own engines, which is used to excavate
at seafloor level, place materials, lift materials or equipment.
• Deck Barge: An unmanned marine vessel without own engines, which is used to store material on
deck, such as rock fill material in bulk or machinery.
• Driver: is the operator of motor vehicle. The driver sits behind the controls of the vehicle and by
virtue of skill and training, transports cargo and / or people between the two points.
• Hazardous Load: Lubrication Oil, Hydraulic System Oil, Cement, Batteries, etc.
• Heavy Goods Vehicles: Normally seating a driver plus 1 or 2 passengers plus an area/ trailer.
• IMO: International Maritime Organization, a UN Organization with seat in London, which regulates
marine activities in international waters as well as coastal (territorial waters).
• Journey: Travelling from one place to another using vehicle.
• Light Vehicles: Car, pick-up, 4-wheel drive vehicle, weighing less than 2.5 tones, normally seating
a driver plus 1 to 4 passengers.
• Master: Also referred to as captain or skipper. The person in charge of a marine vessel.
• Mobile Plant-Construction Vehicles: All Excavators, Mobile Cranes, Dump Trucks, Loaders,
Drills, Tractors and any equipment used directly in construction activities.
• MVA: Motor Vehicle Accidents.
• Offshore Traffic Control: The traffic offshore is regulated by international rules known as IMO
Regulations. Each vessel has a GPS map with offshore traffic routes, project anchoring locations, etc.
and a VHF Radio. The VHF Channel 71 is used for communication between vessels. The emergency
channel is Channel 16.
SAUDI ARCHIRODON LTD. R12-T08C05 - Shurayrah Island Stage 1
Integrated Management System Dredging and Stockpiling Works
Issued For Review
Reference No. N/A
ARCO Ref. No. 11009-SAR-HSE-PLN-003 00
Traffic Management Plan Page No. 5 of 35
• Road: A belt of land or surface of an artificial structure equipped or adopted and used for transport
vehicle traffic.
• Special Vehicles: Vehicles used for special purposes, normally forklift trucks, cranes and man
lift vehicles.
• Superintendent: A person in charge of several marine vessels working in concert with each
other, also referred to as ‘marine spread’.
• Traffic Controller (Flag Man): Trained person will be assigned at specific places has authority
of managing traffic, Allow/reject entry of Cars /vehicles to the area as per rules and instruction
• Tugboat: A larger, self-propelled vessel, vessel used to tow barges.
• Vehicle: For the purpose of this plan, a vehicle is defined as an automobile (car / sport or utility
vehicle / pickup truck), a truck, a tractor trailer, or a combination of the above.
The following documents define the requirements to be employed to demonstrate compliance
of the works defined in this Method Statement:
Contract References:
Ref. Title
R12-T08C05- Shurayrah Island Appendix 1 Early Works Specifications
Stage 1 – Dredging & Stockpiling Appendix 3 Sketches
Works Appendix 4 GI, Bathy Info. & Benchmarks
Appendix 5 Tide Gauge Location
Appendix 6 Schedule
Appendix 7 HSE plan
Appendix 8 Quality Requirements
Appendix 9 Hydrodynamic, Wave Modeling &
Appendix 10 PMIS Requirement
Appendix 11 Construction Management Manual
Appendix 12 GIS Manual
Appendix 13 Traffic Management Plan
Schedule 2 - Employer's Requirements
5.1. Project Director
The Project Director has the overall responsibility for the implementation of this Plan throughout all
project activities by allocating adequate resources and facilities to facilitate the effective
implementation of this plan and ensure this plan is effectively communicated to all relevant
• To review Risk Assessments (RA) and Job Safety Analysis (JSA) and otherwise assist the
construction section and others as necessary to develop and maintain safe working procedures for the
effective control of site and associated office activities.
• Providing technical advice and support to Contractor’s operations, including design, procurement,
human resources and administration, Project management and execution, etc. at Project level.
• Provide guidance, induction and training to all site staff with respect to Project HSE related aspects.
• Assisting personnel to identify problems and potential or actual non-conformances and to assist in
proposing corrective and preventive actions.
• Guides and assists technically the seamen to perform the usual marine activities, such as towing,
mooring, anchoring, bunkering etc. Coordinates with auxiliary equipment for the execution of the
• Ensures all the supporting systems of the barge (electrical, radio communication, laundry water, WC
etc.) are in good working condition and assigns the respective technician to the task.
5.7. Drivers
• Shall receive HSE induction/orientation on their responsibilities.
• Drivers shall hold a valid SAG driving license at all times before operating any motor vehicle.
• Conduct daily vehicle pre-start inspection and preventive maintenance check / and post trip vehicle
• Wear seatbelts throughout the journey and ensure that passengers wear the seatbelts.
• Follow the KSA Driving Policy.
• Receive a defensive driving training.
• Notify the Transport Foreman if he is unfit to drive.
• Instruct the passengers on the safety and emergency requirements.
• Follow traffic signs and speed limits both on site and off site.
• Ensure that loads are properly secured before departure.
• Ensure that regular preventive maintenance is conducted on the vehicle.
• Comply with the speed limit which is 40/30/20 KPH on project site unless otherwise directed
• Responsible for transporting materials properly and ensuring that a load does not exceed the
manufactures design load capacity. All loads must be properly secured and tied off. Materials shall
not extend over the sides of the truck.
• Shall not transport unauthorized persons in Project or Subcontractor vehicles. The transport
supervisor is responsible/authorizes to transport the people to the job site.
• Shall not transport any person if there is no seat specifically fitted for that sole purpose. (no standing
is allowed)
• Comply with the TRSDC Driving Policy and 7 Golden Rules for Safe Drive and reports to Transport
Foreman the non-compliance.
• Drivers are not allowed to use mobile phones while the vehicle is in motion. The driver must find a
safe and legal place to stop and take or make calls with the engine switch off. This includes the use
of hands-free units.
• Flagmen will observe the traffic flow and identify when dangerous situations will occur, if traffic
continues without interference.
• Flagmen will indicate with raising a green flag to driver when it is safe to drive and with raising a
red flag, when to stop.
• Flagmen will pay particular attention to vehicles reversing and to pedestrians.
5.9. Passengers
• Do not distract the Driver’s attention by talking with him, except if necessary to bring driver’s
attention in the case of exceeding speed limits or other road related dangers.
• Travel only in the vehicle’s provided seats (standing will not be allowed).
• Not smoke on board of the vehicle.
• Wear seat belts and other PPE as required (when out of the vehicle).
• Reinforce good driving behaviors.
• Not interfere or distract the attention of the driver.
• Know and obey emergency procedures.
• Advise the driver of safety concerns and unsafe behavior.
• Follow the designated route as planned by the travel coordinator. In case, route must be changed
Transportation Foreman shall be informed.
7.1. General requirements
• Drivers shall bring in their possession their valid SAG license at all time.
• Vehicle registration, insurance copy, emergency contact numbers shall always be available on the
• Heavy vehicles, construction equipment, and other mobile construction equipment shall undergo and
pass Third Party Equipment inspection.
• Light and heavy vehicles, construction equipment shall be in good condition and should undergo
periodic preventive maintenance.
• Dust control by means of water suppression shall be implemented at least twice a day to minimize
the generation of dust due to vehicle movement.
• The route map of delivery trucks that will transport the aggregates and armour rocks will be
established taking into consideration the obstructions (bridges and overhead cables), weight
restrictions, sensitive locations and speed restricted areas.
• For safety reasons the coastal road will only be used by light vehicles and not for the transport of
materials and equipment.
SAUDI ARCHIRODON LTD. R12-T08C05 - Shurayrah Island Stage 1
Integrated Management System Dredging and Stockpiling Works
Issued For Review
Reference No. N/A
ARCO Ref. No. 11009-SAR-HSE-PLN-003 00
Traffic Management Plan Page No. 11 of 35
o Identify the authorization procedure for the journey to commence – all journeys must be
o Identify loading procedure and supervision requirements.
o Identify pre-departure checks – vehicle and load checks, documentation carried, special
equipment per above.
o Identify any special speed limits requirements.
o Inspect road conditions, as far as this is possible.
• Materials shall be loaded and secured to prevent from sliding, shifting or falling. Inspection shall be
carried out prior to moving the vehicle to ensure that the load is properly secured.
• Load securing equipment (e.g. ropes, chains, chocks, straps, wire) shall be visually inspected before
use to ensure that it is free of defects and in good operating condition.
• State of the tyres will be assessed and replaced if considered non road-worthy, specifically in regard
to baldness.
• The automatic transmission must be in good operating condition and should shift into the parking
position correctly.
• Springs and shock absorbers must be in good condition with no alignment or control problems.
• There should be no excessive movement of the steering wheel, and no signs of damage.
• Make sure the wheels are not blocked or out of alignment, and wheel lug nuts are in place and secure
on the rim.
• If the vehicle is fitted with a trailer, the coupling must be intact and working correctly.
• The trailer should have a safety coupling chain, rear brake lights, turn signals, taillights and rear
license plate lights.
• Make sure that the inside and outside rear-view mirrors are clear, adjusted, secured and undamaged.
• Check that the wind shield wiper blades are in good condition and operate properly. Inspect the rear
window wiper if fitted.
• The windshield washer should work properly, and there should be water in the washer container.
• The speedometer should be in good working order.
• Test the exhaust system by starting the engine of the vehicle, listening for sounds, and spotting any
leaks associated with it.
• The tail pipe emissions should be released from a point where they do not directly come into contact
with the driver of the vehicle or its occupants, thereby causing any adverse health effects to any of
• A properly inflated spare tire with a jack and tire wrench must be provided.
• The tire wrench should be the correct size to fit the wheel nuts of the vehicle.
• Check the following fluids for leak and proper levels, especially in hot weather:
✓ Radiator coolant
✓ Oil
✓ Brake fluid
✓ Transmission oil
✓ Distilled water for the battery.
• Company vehicles should be cleaned at least once per week.
• The driver should check the radiator coolant level, only when the engine is cool. Fluid should be
added to the level mark on the overflow expansion tank only.
• The vehicles horn must be operational. Each driver must conduct a vehicle inspection whenever
taking charge of a vehicle.
• Loose materials are to be kept out of the driving compartment. Do not place materials (hard hats,
boxes etc.) on rear window shelf.
• HSE Orientation
• Defensive driving orientation
The Traffic Management Plan will be communicated to the Contractor employees that drive a vehicle
through in-house training and site briefings. The Record shall be maintained in a separate file in the
HSE Department office.
apply. If necessary, retraining shall be accomplished. A written warning shall be documented by the
Administration with copies issued to
• The individual
• HSE Office
• Site Manager
This written warning applies to Sub-subcontractor personnel also safety violation by an individual
will be cause, that individual to be written warning and Re-induction and necessary training shall be
conducted before re-engage work. Third safety violation committed by the same individual will result
in this individual being terminated for cause and not eligible for rehire on the project. Third Traffic
violation will be suspended driving at site premises. Persons unintentionally violating safety rules,
thereby being responsible by their actions for accidents causing serious near misses, personal injury,
death, or damage to property, may be suspended from employment pending the outcome of a full
investigation of the incident. The results of the investigation will be a factor in determining whether
the individuals involved will be terminated for cause, disciplined otherwise, or returned to regular
work status.
The routes that will be followed by the vessels are contained in Appendix B.
8.1. General requirements
• Route that will be followed by the vessels in accessing the island shall be established and marked
with buoys.
• The movement of the transportation boat shall be confined only at the established route.
• The speed of the marine vessel shall be at the minimum to minimize the impact on the marine fauna
and flora.
• Anchoring of the vessels shall be only at the designated area. The anchoring area shall be detailed in
a specific Method Statement for Vessel Anchoring and Mooring.
• Areas with sensitive habitats such sea grass and mangrove are not to be used for anchoring. Areas of
sea grass and mangrove are usually visible as dark patches on the seabed. Damage from an individual
anchor can potentially set off progressive sea grass and mangrove loss over a wide area.
• Contractor and all its Subcontractor that will access the islands will be fully equipped with proper /
approved Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
parks or aquatic reserves, marinas, anchorages, swimming beaches or aquaculture sites. Sewage will
be disposed of onshore in accordance with the Umluj Local Authority Permit requirements by a
permit authorized waste management company, see Waste Management Plan.
8.9. Lifejackets
Lifejackets are the single most important safety item on any boat and there should be one available
for each person on board.
It is mandatory to:
• Take on board lifejackets for all persons
• Wear always a lifejacket when on board.
• Destination
• Purpose of boating
• Expected time of arrival and return.
Radios are compulsory for all boat/vessels operating out at sea and are mandatory for anyone
proceeding offshore. They provide a means of advising shore stations of itinerary, checking of
boating weather conditions and navigational warnings. Also are used to making distress calls, alerts
which can be picked up by other vessels in the area or by shore stations. Communication shall be
held through handheld radio VHF through Frequencies #71 and #16 (emergency).
VHF & HF radio frequencies provide a wide coverage. The Contractor shall refer to the Coast Guard
the mandatory instructions for VHF frequency use.
Signaling flags are available on all larger tugboats, whereas smaller tugboats, operating exclusively
within coastal waters, do not usually carry and use such flags. The use of flags becomes increasingly
SAUDI ARCHIRODON LTD. R12-T08C05 - Shurayrah Island Stage 1
Integrated Management System Dredging and Stockpiling Works
Issued For Review
Reference No. N/A
ARCO Ref. No. 11009-SAR-HSE-PLN-003 00
Traffic Management Plan Page No. 23 of 35
Figure 2: Flag cabinet on the Titan II tugboat. Figure 3: Day Shape on a tugboat indicating
the vessel is towing (a barge)
Day Shapes are used by tugboat and other vessels and indicate their current state and operation. The
shapes are stipulated by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (ColRegs).
1. Vessel is Anchored
2. Vessel under power
3. Vessel towing / being towed
4. Commercial fishing
5. Vessel not under command
7. Restricted Manoeuvring
8. Vessel constraint by draft
9. Vessel aground
No Lateral or Cardinal Marks will be installed on site. Such marks may be found in the approach to
a port or in other critical locations.
SAUDI ARCHIRODON LTD. R12-T08C05 - Shurayrah Island Stage 1
Integrated Management System Dredging and Stockpiling Works
Issued For Review
Reference No. N/A
ARCO Ref. No. 11009-SAR-HSE-PLN-003 00
Traffic Management Plan Page No. 24 of 35
9.1. Search and Rescue
Before a search can be initiated, someone must know that the Boat/vessel either in trouble or overdue.
For this reason, the Journey shall be always planned, authorized, recorded and communicated - Refer
to Journey Management Plan (Appendix C).
There are several ways that a search and rescue Team can be alerted, including radio distress calls,
distress flares, overdue Reports (missing reports of arrival) and activation of an Emergency Position
Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB), which is a safety device carried by a vessel to alert search and
rescue services and allow them to quickly locate the boat in the event of an Emergency (if applicable).
The Boat Operator and the Crew members shall be properly trained and certified as per courses listed
• Fire Fighting Essential
• First Aid Awareness
This Traffic management Plan is a dynamic document and shall be reviewed regularly/ Audited by
PM and the HSE Manager to ensure continual improvement and compliance with applicable legal
and other requirements. It shall then be amended, if appropriate, to address changes to the activities,
services or operating conditions and to set new and additional Project specific objectives, targets and
programs or operational controls.
SAUDI ARCHIRODON LTD. R12-T08C05 - Shurayrah Island Stage 1
Integrated Management System Dredging and Stockpiling Works
Issued For Review
Reference No. N/A
ARCO Ref. No. 11009-SAR-HSE-PLN-003 00
Traffic Management Plan Page No. 26 of 35
00 02.06.2021 MK
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Drawn By Checked By Approved By
00 21.06.2021 MK
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Drawing Title
Drawn By Checked By Approved By
SAUDI ARCHIRODON LTD. R12-T08C05 - Shurayrah Island Stage 1
Integrated Management System Dredging and Stockpiling Works
Issued For Review
Reference No. N/A
ARCO Ref. No. 11009-SAR-HSE-PLN-003 00
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SAUDI ARCHIRODON LTD. R12-T08C05 - Shurayrah Island Stage 1
Integrated Management System Dredging and Stockpiling Works
Issued For Review
Reference No. N/A
ARCO Ref. No. 11009-SAR-HSE-PLN-003 00
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SAUDI ARCHIRODON LTD. R12-T08C05 - Shurayrah Island Stage 1
Integrated Management System Dredging and Stockpiling Works
Issued For Review
Reference No. N/A
ARCO Ref. No. 11009-SAR-HSE-PLN-003 00
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SAUDI ARCHIRODON LTD. R12-T08C05 - Shurayrah Island Stage 1
Integrated Management System Dredging and Stockpiling Works
Issued For Review
Reference No. N/A
ARCO Ref. No. 11009-SAR-HSE-PLN-003 00
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SAUDI ARCHIRODON LTD. R12-T08C05 - Shurayrah Island Stage 1
Integrated Management System Dredging and Stockpiling Works
Issued For Review
Reference No. N/A
ARCO Ref. No. 11009-SAR-HSE-PLN-003 00
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