Safety Standards Nuclear Ventilation

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Safety Standards

of the
Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA)

KTA 3601 (11/2017)

Ventilation Systems in Nuclear Power Plants

(Lüftungstechnische Anlagen in Kernkraftwerken)

The previous versions of this safety

standard were issued in 1990-06 and 2005-11

If there is any doubt regarding the information contained in this translation, the German wording shall apply.

c/o Bundesamt fuer kerntechnische Entsorgungssicherheit (BfE)
Willy-Brandt-Str. 5 • 38226 Salzgitter • Germany
Telephone +49(0)3018-333-1621 • Telefax +49(0)3018-333-1625
November Ventilation Systems in Nuclear Power Plants KTA 3601
Previous version of this safety standard: 1990-06 (BAnz-No. 41a of February 28, 1991)
2005-11 (BAnz-No. 101a of May 31, 2006)


Fundamentals .....................................................................................................................................................5
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................5
2 Definitions ................................................................................................................................................5
3 Requirements for the Design Concept of ventilation systems ..................................................................6
4 Correlation of the ventilation systems with Respect to Air-Conditioning Classes ....................................6
5 Overall ventilation system ........................................................................................................................7
5.1 Design Requirements ..............................................................................................................................7
5.2 Ventilation systems of Air-Conditioning Class 1..................................................................................... 10
5.3 Ventilation systems of Air-Conditioning Class 2..................................................................................... 11
6 Instrumentation and Control Equipment ................................................................................................ 12
6.1 General Requirements........................................................................................................................... 12
6.2 Ventilation systems of Air-Conditioning Class 1..................................................................................... 12
6.3 Ventilation systems of Air-Conditioning Class 2..................................................................................... 13
6.4 Air Filtration Facilities and Components ................................................................................................ 13
7 Tests and Inspections of Air Conditioning Equipment............................................................................ 13
7.1 Commissioning Tests of the Ventilation systems ................................................................................... 13
7.2 Inservice Inspections ............................................................................................................................. 14
8 Tests of the Filtration Facilities .............................................................................................................. 16
8.1 General Requirements........................................................................................................................... 16
8.2 Acceptance and Functional Tests .......................................................................................................... 16
8.3 Operational Monitoring and Inservice Inspections of the Filters and the Iodine Adsorber ..................... 17
Appendix A Examples for Design Requirements and Requirements for Test and Inspections in Actual
Ventilation systems ....................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix B Additional Requirements for Filtration Media and Filter Elements ................................................. 21
Appendix C Regulations Referred to in this Safety Standard ........................................................................... 22

PLEASE NOTE: Only the original German version of this safety standard represents the joint resolution of the
35-member Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (Kerntechnischer Ausschuss, KTA). The German version was made pub-
lic in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) on February 5, 2018. Copies of the German versions of the KTA safety standards
may be mail-ordered through the Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH ([email protected]). Downloads of the English
translations are available at the KTA website (
All questions regarding this English translation should please be directed to the KTA office:
KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o BfE, Willy-Brandt-Strasse 5, D-38226 Salzgitter, Germany or [email protected]
Comments by the Editor:

Taking into account the meaning and usage of auxiliary verbs in the German language, in this translation the fol-
lowing agreements are effective:

shall indicates a mandatory requirement,

shall basically is used in the case of mandatory requirements to which specific exceptions (and only
those!) are permitted. It is a requirement of the KTA that these exceptions - other than
those in the case of shall normally - are specified in the text of the safety standard,
shall normally indicates a requirement to which exceptions are allowed. However, exceptions used shall
be substantiated during the licensing procedure,
should indicates a recommendation or an example of good practice,
may indicates an acceptable or permissible method within the scope of this safety standard.
KTA 3601 page 5

Fundamentals (2) The ventilation systems are correlated to specific room

groups presented for the PWR and BWR plant types in Ta-
(1) The safety standards of the Nuclear Safety Standards bles A-1, A-2 and A-3 of Appendix A.
Commission (KTA) have the objective to specify safety-related
requirements, compliance of which provides the necessary pre- (3) This safety standard does not apply to:
cautions in accordance with the state of the art in science and a) gas exhaust facilities,
technology against damage arising from the construction and b) leakage and vessel exhaust systems
operation of the facility (Sec. 7 para. 2 subpara. 3 Atomic En-
ergy Act - AtG) in order to achieve the fundamental safety func-
Requirements regarding gas exhaust facilities and leakage and
tions specified in the Atomic Energy Act and the Radiological vessel exhaust systems are specified in safety standard
Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) and further detailed in the KTA 3605.
Safety Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants as well as in the
c) facilities for measuring and monitoring the release of gase-
Interpretations of the Safety Requirements for Nuclear Power
ous and aerosol-bound radioactive substances
(2) The licensing requirements with respect to construction Requirements regarding facilities for monitoring the discharge of
and operation of the plant in accordance with Sec. 7 Atomic gaseous and dispersed particle bound radioactive substances
Energy Act are fulfilled, among others, by the facilities for keep- are specified in safety standards KTA 1503.1 through
KTA 1503.3.
ing solid, liquid and gaseous radioactive substances in the
planned enclosures, by the facilities for the handling and con- d) facilities for measuring and monitoring the concentration of
trolled conduct of radioactive substances inside the plant as radioactive substances in the ambient air of the room
well as by the facilities for the release of radioactive substances Note:
via planned paths. The safety standards of the KTA 3600-series Requirements regarding monitoring radioactivity in the inner at-
specifies concrete safety related requirements for these facili- mosphere and air vented from the rooms are specified in safety
ties. standard KTA 1502.
e) facilities for the inertisation and de-inertisation of the con-
(3) The ventilation systems in nuclear power plants, i.e., the tainment,
ventilation, air heating and cooling and air filtration facilities,
serve the following goals:
Requirements regarding the inertisation and de-inertisation of the
a) limiting the amount of radioactive substances to be released containment are specified in the German Accident Prevention
with the exhaust air at a low level during specified normal Regulations and the Workplace Guidelines.
operation and during design basis accidents – in accord- f) facilities for the monitoring, mixing and reduction of hydro-
ance with the radiological protection principles pursuant to gen released in the containment vessel by radiolysis,
Secs. 6, 47 and 49 para. 1 StrlSchV, metal/water interaction or by core-melt/concrete interaction.
b) limiting the radiation exposure of the operating personnel
from radiological substances in the inner atmosphere – in
2 Definitions
accordance with the radiological protection principles pur-
suant to Sec. 6 paras. 1 and 2 StrlSchV, Several terms are described pictorially in Figure 2-1.
c) protecting systems and components by maintaining the
specified conditions of the inner atmosphere,
d) protecting the plant from the penetration of flammable or
harmful gasses and of pressure surges.
e) maintaining other specified conditions of the inner atmos-
phere with special regard to work protection.

(4) Requirements with respect to the ergonometric aspects of

the work environs in the main control room, emergency control
room and local control stations are specified in safety standard
KTA 3904, Control Room, Emergency Control Room and Local
Control Stations in Nuclear Power Plants.

(5) Requirements with respect to the fire protection of ventila-

Figure 2-1: Nomenclature for air currents and facilities
tion systems are specified in safety standards KTA 2101.1
through KTA 2101.3, Fire Protection in Nuclear Power Plants
Note: (1) Vent air
a) Requirements regarding ventilation systems of laboratory Vent air is the air removed from a room or compartment.
rooms and radionuclide laboratories are specified in
DIN 25425-1, DIN 25466 and DIN 1946-7. (2) Separation efficiency of a filter
b) Requirements regarding the design and operation of ventilation
systems result from conventional standards, e.g., Workplace The separation efficiency of a filter with respect to a particular
Guidelines, DIN Standards. substance to be deposited on the filter is equal to the ratio of
the mass of the substance retained by the filter to the mass of
the substance fed into the filter.
1 Scope (3) External air
(1) This safety standard applies to stationary ventilation sys- External air is the air drawn in from the outer atmosphere.
tems in nuclear power plants with pressurized water reactors
(PWR for short) and in nuclear power plants with boiling water (4) Decontamination factor
reactors (BWR for short). In case mobile filters are used for the The decontamination factor of a filter with respect to a particular
filtration of exhaust air, the requirements of this safety standard substance to be deposited on the filter is equal to the concen-
shall be applied accordingly. tration of this substance in the air fed into the filter divided by
KTA 3601 page 6

the concentration of this substance in the air vented from the (3) The activity concentrations of iodine and aerosols in the
filter. inner atmosphere shall be kept low by employing recirculated
air filtration facilities or by properly dimensioning the amount of
(5) Pressure zone of a ventilation system vent air, provided, this is required for the protection of the oper-
ating personnel.
A pressure zone of a ventilation system is a zone made up of
contiguous rooms and room groups at the same pressure level. (4) The negative pressures and pressure stages of the rooms
and the air current directions shall be maintained as required
(6) Exhaust air for radiological protection.
Exhaust air is the vent air released to the outer atmosphere. (5) The specified permissible temperatures and humidity of
the inner atmosphere and the minimum air exchange rates shall
(7) K-factor of an iodine adsorber be maintained.
The K-factor of an iodine adsorber is equal to the common log- (6) Rooms accessible to personnel shall be supplied with the
arithm of the decontamination factor of the iodine adsorber di- necessary proportion of external air.
vided by the retention time of the air in the iodine adsorber.
(7) Combustible and harmful gases and fumes shall be
The K-factor is dependent on the type of test medium and on the
vented with the inner atmosphere.
test conditions. (8) Precautionary measures shall be taken against the pene-
tration of combustible and harmful gases and pressure surges
(8) Leakage air through air vents holes into areas with safety-related plant com-
Leakage air is the air that seeps in or out in an uncontrolled way. ponents.

(9) Train of the air conditioning system

4 Correlation of the ventilation systems with Respect
A train of the air conditioning system is a contiguous arrange- to Air-Conditioning Classes
ment of components in direction of the air current.
(1) Any ventilation systems that are correlated to one of the
(10) Air exchange rate of a room following Air-Conditioning Classes shall meet the requirements
of this safety standard.
The air exchange rate of a room is the quotient of the volumetric
a) Air-Conditioning Class 1 comprises ventilation systems and
air current into the room over the free air volume of the room.
components that are required for the precautionary
measures to be taken against design basis accidents pur-
(11) Redundancy suant to Sec. 49 para. 1 StrlSchV.
Redundancy is the existence of more functioning technical Note:
means than are necessary for the fulfillment of the planned This comprises facilities required to control routing of radioactive
function. substances or to reduce their release during design basis acci-
dents or that are required to remove heat from rooms with facili-
(12) Recirculated air ties for the mitigation of design basis accidents.
b) Air-Conditioning Class 2 comprises ventilation systems and
Recirculated air is the air circulated inside, or returned to, a con-
components that are required for specified normal operation
fined region.
and that are relevant to radiological protection.
(13) Volumetric air current of a ventilation, air conditioning or (2) The correlation of the individual ventilation systems into
filtration facility Air-Conditioning Classes is equivalent to an evaluation of their
safety relevance.
The volumetric air current of a ventilation, air conditioning or
filtration facility is equal to the air or gas volume passing through Note:
this facility or component in a given time period divided by this Appendix A contains examples for the correlation of the ventilation
same time period. systems in actual PWRs and BWRs listing Air-Conditioning Class 1
in Table A-1 and Air-Conditioning Class 2 in Table A-2.

(14) Supply air (3) The correlation of the ventilation systems and compo-
nents into one of the two Air-Conditioning Classes in itself does
Supply air is the air fed into a room.
not have any direct effect on the different requirements speci-
fied for individual components. Insofar as specific safety related
(15) Secondary air requirements exist for the components, these are specified in
Secondary air is the supply air of a room that has first passed this safety standard.
through another room.. Note:
Other specific requirements regarding the design and testing of the
components are contained in DIN 25496.
3 Requirements for the Design Concept of ventilation
(4) This safety standard does not specify any requirements
for ventilation systems and components that do not belong to
(1) The exhaust air from the restricted-access area shall be one of the two Air-Conditioning Classes; however, pertinent re-
discharged in a controlled way, i.e., only via paths planned for quirements for these facilities and components are contained in
this process. technical standards, e.g., DIN 1946-7, DIN 1751, DIN EN 13779
and DIN EN 12792.
(2) The air from the exhaust air trains shall be filtered to retain
radioactive iodine and radioactive aerosols, provided, this is re- Note:
Examples of these ventilation systems in current PWRs and BWRs
quired under the design concept of the nuclear power plant for
are listed in Table A-3.
the protection of the environment.
KTA 3601 page 7

5 Overall ventilation system (10) Doors shall be hung such that any existing pressure dif-
ferences pull the doors shut, provided, there are no reasons of
5.1 Design Requirements
overriding importance, e.g., escape routes and pressure related
5.1.1 General requirements design.
(1) ventilation systems shall be designed for a reliable contin- (11) The venting of combustible and harmful gases and fumes
uous operation and shall be constructed for easy testing, ser- shall be based on sound engineering practice.
vicing and repair and shall be easily accessible in accordance Note:
with the radiological protection principles pursuant to Sec. 6 pa- The removal of combustible gases and fumes is dealt with in safety
ras. 1 and 2 StrlSchV. It shall be possible to exchange compo- standards KTA 2101.1 through KTA 2101.3.
nents requiring servicing, e.g. fans, dampers, valves, measur-
ing probes, without major structural building measures and (12) All electrical power consumers of the ventilation systems,
without having to dismantle any components of safety related e.g. ventilators, may be connected to the auxiliary power supply
facilities. facility, provided, Section 5 does not specify otherwise.
(2) ventilation systems and components in Air-Conditioning
Class 1 shall be designed to withstand the influences from
those design basis accidents for the mitigation of which these Buildings, room group Negative
facilities are required. pressure
(pressure zone) (mbar)
(3) The design of the support and suspension stability of venti-
lation systems and components shall be such that the facilities Reactor building
will withstand the induced vibrations from design basis accidents
if, otherwise, secondary damages could occur to equipment that 1 large equipment compartments inside the 2.5
are required for ensuring safe enclosure of radioactive sub- containment vessel
stances or are required in taking the reactor plant to the safe con- 2 small equipment compartments inside the 2.0
dition and keeping it in this safe conditions. containment vessel
These requirements may also be met by providing special 3 service compartments inside the contain- 1.5
measures that limit the effects of vibrations on the components. ment vessel
(4) The openings required for the external air supply or for the 4 annulus during normal reactor operation 1.0
exhaust air in those buildings that are specified to be designed
against pressure surges from external explosions shall be 5 annulus during containment penetration ≥ 1.0
equipped with pressure surge protectors, e.g., pressure surge isolation
valves or labyrinth systems, provided, this is necessary for the
protection of the components in these buildings. Reactor auxiliary building 0.5
(5) The surfaces of ventilation systems that are exposed to
contamination shall normally be designed such that, either, Table 5-1: Guide values for the pressure stages required in
the contamination remains negligibly small or a decontamina- the buildings or room groups with respect to the
tion is possible. outer atmosphere to achieve a directed air cur-
rent in case of a nuclear power plant with pres-
(6) The design of the components of ventilation systems, e.g. surized water reactor
ducts, flaps and measuring probes, shall be such that, with re-
gard to materials and their construction, they will withstand the
maximum pressures and pressure differences, the relative hu-
Buildings, room group Negative
midity as well as the choice of conditions of temperature, corro-
sion and radiation expected during specified normal operation. (pressure zone) (mbar)
The design shall take the characteristics of organic insulation
materials into consideration. Reactor building
(7) With regard to a possible failure of the negative pressure
control and to an inadvertent closing of the ventilation valves of
1 containment vessel 1.51)
the containment vessel, measures shall be taken that will effec- 2 annular gap, if present 10.0
tively prevent the occurrence of impermissible pressures inside
the containment under all operating conditions of the ventilation 3 reactor building during normal reactor op- 1.0
systems. eration
(8) The [operating] center of the external air supply facility in 4 reactor building during containment pene- ≥ 1.0
the restricted-access area shall normally be separated from tration isolation in the case of plants with-
the rest of the restricted-access area by pressure equalization out second liner
(9) The structural enclosure of the restricted-access area Reactor auxiliary building 0.5
shall be sufficiently air tight such that it is possible to achieve Nuclear services building 0.5
the guide values specified in Tables 5-1 and 5-2 for negative
pressures of the inner atmosphere required for maintaining a Turbine building 0.3
directed air current.
1) in the case of non inerted containment vessels
Currently, the inward flowing volumetric air leakage current in the
steam turbine building of BWRs is limited to a maximum of one half
of the nominal volumetric air current of supply air. In the case of the Table 5-2: Guide values for the pressure stages required in
other rooms of the restricted-access area of light water reactors, the the buildings or room groups with respect to the
inward flowing air-leakage current is limited to a maximum of one outer atmosphere to achieve a directed air cur-
tenth of the nominal volumetric inflow of the supply air. rent in case of a nuclear power plant with boiling
water reactor
KTA 3601 page 8

5.1.2 Conditions of the inner atmosphere (3) Those trains of the ventilation systems which, with respect
to ambient conditions, operate at overpressure and are used to
(1) The inner atmosphere in the individual buildings and re- direct contaminated air shall be designed to meet the leak tight-
gions shall meet the conditions called for by systems engineer- ness requirements specified under para. 1 in those regions that
ing. The guide values specified in Table 5-3 shall be taken into
are operationally accessible and where a low contamination of
consideration. the air is required. In the case of PWRs, this requirement also
(2) Any planned air humidification may not introduce harmful applies to the extraction ducts of the annulus air extraction sys-
substances nor radioactivity to the air. If the humidifying steam tem.
is produced via heat exchangers with energy from the primary (4) Bypass ducts - including their ducts, flange connections,
coolant, at least two material boundaries or one material bound- blind flanges and associated isolating dampers - connected to
ary and one pressure boundary are required between the steam filtration facilities shall be designed to meet the leak tightness
and the primary coolant. requirements specified under para. 1. This also applies to con-
necting ducts between the filter and the down-stream ventilator,
5.1.3 Directing the air current provided, filter and ventilator are located in the room the air of
which shall be filtered.
(1) The pressure stages and air guides of the rooms shall be
adjusted such that the air currents from rooms or room groups (5) The trains of the ventilation systems shall be equipped
of a lower contamination hazards to those of an increasingly with accessible and tightly sealable openings for measuring the
higher contamination hazard. volumetric air current.
(2) In order to prevent an inadvertent distribution of radioac-
tive substances by the inner atmosphere, the negative pres- 5.1.5 Ventilation of electrotechnical equipment
sures in the buildings shall meet the guide values specified in (1) The ventilation systems for cooling the components of the
Tables 5-1 and 5-2 with respect to the outer atmosphere. The
reactor protection system shall be designed in accordance with
design of the ventilation systems shall be such that it is ensured Sec. 8 of safety standard KTA 3501.
that no contamination occurs in the inner atmosphere of the ra-
dioactivity measurement room for monitoring the exhaust air (2) The battery rooms shall be ventilated in accordance with
that would affect the measurements. DIN EN 50272-2.
(3) In order to prevent an inadvertent distribution of radioac- (3) The exhaust air ventilators provided for battery rooms
tive substances by the inner atmosphere and to ensure the re- shall, basically, be connected to the emergency power sys-
quired negative pressures, the different room groups shall be tem. This is not required if the expected duration of interrup-
insulated with respect to each other and to the external atmos- tion of the auxiliary power supply system is shorter than the
phere to such a degree that the values specified in Tables 5-1 permissible interruption duration of the ventilation facility to be
and 5-2 can be achieved. determined in accordance with Sec. 4.7 para. 4 of safety
standard KTA 2103. The power interruption duration specified
(4) An hourly air exchange rate of 0.1 should be achieved for for the nuclear power plant shall be taken into consideration.
the service compartments within the containment vessel (PWR)
and for the service compartments within the steam turbine (4) The exhaust air ventilators for battery rooms shall be pro-
building (BWR). vided as redundant elements if the expected time for repair or
Note: for an exchange of the ventilators is longer than the permissible
A specification of a minimum air exchange rate for the equipment interruption duration of the ventilation facility in accordance with
facilities within the containment vessel is not necessary because safety standard KTA 2103.
access to these rooms is not required during power operation of the
plant. The hourly air exchange rate for these rooms is determined
by the requirement for a lowest possible release of radioactive sub- 5.1.6 Air filtration facilities
stances to the environment and should not exceed a value of 0.1.
(1) Air filtration facilities for cleaning the air from the re-
(5) The purge air shall be conducted within the containment stricted-access area shall normally be located inside the re-
vessel of a PWR such that the rooms can be purged under con- stricted-access area; they should, as far as possible, be in-
sideration of the principle specified under para. 1. stalled on the suction end of the ventilators.
(2) The air filter shells shall be leak tight to such extent that
5.1.4 Leak tightness the volumetric air leakage current does not exceed a value of
0.003 % of the nominal volumetric air current (manufacturer
(1) The maximum permissible specific leakage rate of any specification).
trains of the ventilation systems for which this safety standard
specifies special leak tightness requirements shall not exceed Note:
a value of 10 liters per hour and square meter (at a pressure of a) Test requirements are specified in DIN 25496.
1 bar and a temperature of 20 °C) for a pressure difference of b) The leak tightness requirements specified under Section 5.1.4
20 mbar; the area on which the leakage rate is based is the para. 1 also apply to the connecting channel trains
surface area of the train of the ventilation systems that defines (3) For those air filtration facilities which are required to be
the boundary to the environment. operational during and after design basis accidents, a continu-
(2) The maximum permissible leakage rate specified under ous and maintenance free functioning shall be ensured for the
para. 1 shall be demonstrated either analytically on the basis of case that a design basis accident occurs.
the measured pressure drop over a given time period, or by (4) Those air filtration facilities which have to be operational
measuring the refilling volume required to maintain the pressure during and after design basis accidents shall be designed such
difference of 20 mbar, or by a soapsuds, e.g., Nekal test. The that the contained filter elements and their materials will with-
leakage rate of non-stationary penetrations in the train of the air stand all loadings from those design basis accidents for the mit-
conditioning system, e.g., of shaft penetrations or of filter ele- igation of which they are required; these loadings are, e.g.,
ments, shall be included in the determination of the specific pressure, pressure surges, humidity, temperature, ionizing ra-
leakage rate of the train of the air conditioning system. diation, vibrations and corrosive substances.
KTA 3601 page 9

Range of Average Inner

Item Atmosphere Tempera-
No. Buildings, Room Groups Average Humidity 1)
ture 1) (°C)
1 Main control room 22 to 26 40 to 65 %
relative. humidity
2 Other continuously staffed rooms 22 to 26 40 to 65 %
relative. humidity
3 Electronic equipment rooms 15 to 35 2) -
4 Switch gear rooms 15 to 35 2) 5) -
5 Other always accessible rooms 3) 15 to 35 at least 4 g of water per kg of
dry air; temperatures below
the dew point are impermissi-
6 Non-accessible rooms or rarely accessed rooms 15 to 35 5) temperatures below the dew
point are impermissible
a) Main steam and feed water valve compartment 15 to 60 -
(only PWR)
b) Emergency feed building (emergency standby building) 15 to 35 2) 6) -
c) Diesel engine buildings 10 to 50 2) -
cf. KTA 3702
d) Steam turbine building 10 to 45 4) -
e) Battery rooms 18 to 25 -
The average air temperature and humidity in the inner atmosphere shall, basically, be determined from the conditions of the vent air.
The upper limit value applies also during and after design basis accidents.
Room included during specified normal operation are, among others, the annulus of the reactor building with its measurement transducer
In the recreation rooms for personnel.
The upper limit value applies to the 24 hour average; for short periods only, 40 °C are permissible.

Table 5-3: Guide values for the conditions of the inner atmosphere in the buildings or room groups during normal operation

(5) Air filtration facilities designed for continuous operation bed depth of the iodine adsorber shall be at least 20 cm. The
shall allow a filter change under condition of vent air operation retention time may not be shorter than 0.5 sec.
without the separation efficiency of the filter ever falling below Note:
the minimum permissible limit value. With these design values, all margins are covered regarding possi-
ble loading with pollutants and a decrease of the separation effi-
(6) The filter shells shall be designed in such a way that the
ciency over time.
high-efficiency particulate air filter elements can be exchanged
without contaminating the surroundings or the clean-air end. (5) Iodine filtration facilities shall, on the intake side, be pro-
vided with high-efficiency particulate air filter elements of at
5.1.7 Iodine filtration facilities least filter class H 13 in accordance with DIN EN 1822-1 and,
on the exhaust side, with high-efficiency particulate air filter el-
(1) The design of the iodine filtration facilities shall be in ac- ements of at least filter class E 11 in accordance with
cordance with the requirements regarding the iodine adsorber DIN EN 1822-1.
specified under Section B 3 Appendix B.
(6) Iodine filtration facilities shall be equipped with a device
(2) The separation efficiency may never fall below the mini- for taking a representative test specimen of the iodine adsorber
mum permissible limit value under any operating conditions of to test its separation efficiency.
specified normal operation, be it volumetric air current, temper-
ature, relative humidity, loading of the iodine adsorber with pol- a) If control filters are provided for this purpose, these shall
lutants and water condensate. This also applies with respect to consist of at least two individual filters connected in series.
the operating conditions during that design basis accident for These control filters shall be connected by ducts with a di-
the mitigation of which the iodine filtration facility is required. ameter of at least 25 cm and such that the air flows from the
top down onto the filters. Each of the individual filters shall
A temperature rise is possible from the decay heat of accumulated
have the same adsorber volume. The sum of these volumes
radioactive substances. shall equal the volume of a column with a diameter of 50 mm
and a length corresponding to the bed depth of the iodine
(3) It shall be possible to exchange the iodine adsorber with- filtration facility to be tested.
out causing contamination.
b) If it is planned to take a test specimens directly from the ad-
(4) The adsorption part of those iodine filtration facilities that sorption filter, it shall be ensured that the specimen of the
are specified to filter the vent air during and after design basis iodine adsorber is removed from that part of the filter bed
accidents shall be designed as a deep bed filter. The overall that is directly affected by the air current.
KTA 3601 page 10

(7) The velocity of the air current through the control filter shall valves shall not exceed 1000 mm. Proof shall be provided that
be chosen such that the overall retention time in the control filter the closure valves will withstand the dynamic load of closing dur-
is the same as that in the iodine filtration facility. ing the design basis accident; it shall be assumed that closure is
Note: achieved 5 seconds after start of the loss-of-coolant accident.
This requirement for a specific adjustment of the velocity of the air The flaps and their actuators shall be protected such that a loss-
current through the control filter may require reducing the bed depth of-coolant accident will not cause damages to an extent that a
of the control filter. In order to still achieve the volume of activated sure closure of the flaps would be prevented.
charcoal specified under para. 6, the diameter of the control filter
will have to be enlarged to about 65 mm and certain equipment for (6) Ventilation valves for duct penetrations not required for
the measurement and exact adjustment of the volumetric air current operational airing and venting of the containment vessel shall
will become necessary. be closed and interlocked during power operation of the plant.
(8) Equipment for lowering the humidity, e.g. air heaters or Their diameters shall not exceed 1000 mm.
other equivalent technical equipment, shall be designed such (7) The ventilation valves for duct penetrations, their controls,
that the relative humidity of the air will be at least 10 % lower actuators and power supply shall be protected against the ef-
than the relative humidity specified for the filter. fects from flying debris, temperature, water, pressure and radi-
(9) It shall be ensured that no channel forms in the iodine ad- ation such that, after a loss-of-coolant accident, a later airing
sorber charge, even at a volume reduction of 10 % due to com- and venting of the containment vessel will be possible.
paction of the charge, by designing the feeder pipe accordingly (8) The parts of air ducts that are open to the containment
or by providing, within the filter shell, an additional reserve vol- vessel during power operation of the plant and lie outside of the
ume for a self-replenishment of the filter bed. If the iodine ad- containment vessel shall be designed either to be leak tight as
sorber is already compacted during the filling procedure, a vol- specified under Section 5.1.4 para. 1 and also pressure re-
ume reduction of only 5 % may be assumed. sistant, or they shall be capable of being closed at the penetra-
tion of the reactor building by containment isolation dampers.
5.2 Ventilation systems of Air-Conditioning Class 1 The design of the ducts is considered to be pressure resistant
if the ducts withstand at least 1.1 times the maximum occurring
5.2.1 Air conditioning equipment for ensuring safe enclo- pressure without detrimental effects on their functional capabil-
sure ity. The duct sections designed to be pressure resistant may be
isolated by pressure surge flaps.
(1) Duct penetrations through the containment vessel for op-
erational airing and venting and for purging the containment Note:
vessel shall be equipped with at least two air valves connected The maximum pressure can occur when a ventilator works against
a closed isolation damper.
in series; with regard to leakage tests, the sealing faces, hous-
ing penetrations and flange connections of these valves shall (9) The requirements with respect to safe containment vessel
be provided with double seals including exhaust devices. Equiv- penetration closures shall also be applied to the penetrations of
alent designs are permissible. the containment vessel required for the power supply, the con-
Note: trols, the measurement of negative pressures and the monitor-
Requirements for Penetrating Pipes through the Containment Ves- ing of ventilation systems.
sel are given in safety standard KTA 3404.
(10) The valves shall be arranged such that an overpressure
(2) The air valves shall be installed as close as possible to the inside the containment vessel will cause the closure devices to
wall of the containment vessel and, either, one outside and one be pressed into their sealing faces.
inside or both outside of the containment vessel. The design of
the air valves including duct penetrations shall correspond to 5.2.2 Ventilation systems for maintaining a negative pres-
that of the containment vessel with respect to design overpres- sure in the annulus
sure, design temperature and testing overpressure.
(1) The ventilators shall be designed such that in case of a
Design details are specified in safety standards KTA 3404 non-availability of one ventilator, e.g. during repair, one addi-
KTA 3407. tional redundancy will be available. The electrical drives of the
ventilators shall be connected to emergency power facilities
(3) The volumetric air leakage current of any air valve close paying special attention to their trainwise separation.
to the containment vessel shall be specified in accordance with
the leak tightness requirements of the containment vessel tak- (2) If the prevention of impermissible overpressures in the an-
ing into consideration, e.g., sealing faces, housing penetrations, nulus requires a delayed closing of the isolation dampers be-
flange connections. tween the annulus and the exhaust air facility of the annulus,
then the radiological exposure of the environment shall be
Generally, a value of about 0.5 liters per hour (at a pressure of 1 bar taken into consideration in specifying the delay time.
and a temperature of 20 °C) results at a pressure difference of (3) It shall be ensured that after a loss-of-coolant accident the
20 mbar. connected rooms are kept at negative pressures levels with re-
(4) The proof that the maximum permissible specific leakage spect to the outside atmosphere as specified in Tables 5-1 and
rate is not exceeded shall be produced by the pressure decay 5-2 at 75 % of the nominal volumetric air current of the exhaust
method. If structural reasons stand against applying the pres- air facility over an extended time period. Here it shall be taken
sure decay method, then a qualitative test, e.g. with foam into consideration that the pressure rise in the containment ves-
agents, is permissible. sel after a loss-of-coolant accident will cause an overpressure
in the connected air ducts up to that point in time when full clo-
(5) Penetrations through the containment vessel of ducts re- sure of the isolation valves has been achieved. If this should
quired for airing and venting the containment vessel during power lead to leakages, external air could be forced through the leak-
operation of the plant shall each be equipped with two closure ages into the rooms surrounding the containment vessel after
valves with closing times less than or equal to 3 seconds; these an effected containment vessel isolation.
valves shall, basically, be actuated by different means. In case
similar actuators are used for these two valves, then their reliabil-
By limiting the volumetric air current of exhaust air, the retention
ity shall be demonstrated by a corresponding operation test. The time of the radionuclides in the connected rooms is increased which
actuating controls of these two valves shall be diverse or they contributes to decreasing the radiological exposure of the environ-
shall be redundant for each valve. The diameter of the closure ment.
KTA 3601 page 11

(4) Isolation dampers for the air-wise separation of the reactor (4) The recirculated air cooling facilities shall normally be
building from the external air supply facility specified under Ta- equipped with air coolers and, if necessary, with mist elimina-
ble A-2 Item No. 2.5 and from the exhaust air facility specified tors.
under Table A-2 Item No. 2.1.3 shall be designed such that, for
a pressure difference of 20 mbar, the specific leakage rate does (5) The air coolers shall normally be connected to the asso-
not exceed 10 liters per hour and square meter (at a pressure ciated cooling system backed up by an emergency power sup-
of 1 bar and a temperature of 20 °C). The area on which the ply.
leakage rate is based is the actually closed-off flow cross sec-
(6) The drives of the ventilators shall normally be connected
tion. Two dampers connected in series shall be installed.
to an emergency power facility.
(7) It is recommended that, during specified normal operation,
5.2.3 Exhaust air filtration facility for required operation dur-
the external air to be provided in accordance with DIN 1946-7,
ing or immediately after design basis accidents
DIN EN 13779, DIN EN 12792 und ASR 5 can be mixed into
(1) The iodine filtration facility shall, basically, consist of the recirculated air.
two 100% redundant, alternatively connectable trains. In the
(8) The supply air for the switchgear room and the electronics
case of a single train iodine filtration facility, twice the mass of
iodine adsorber calculated on the basis of the retention time room shall normally be conducted through filters of filter
specified under Section 5.1.7 para. 4 shall be employed. class F 7 in accordance with DIN EN 779.

(2) The filtration unit employed, seen in the direction of flow,

shall consist of high-efficiency particulate air filter elements of 5.2.5 Exhaust air facilities for the removal of thermal leak-
at least filter class H 13 in accordance with DIN EN 1822-1 then, age heat
downstream, of the iodine filtration facility and, farther down- (1) The ventilators of the exhaust air facilities for the removal
stream, of other high-efficiency particulate air filter elements of of thermal leakage heat shall have at least the same redun-
at least filter class E 11 in accordance with DIN EN 1822-1. A dancy as the safety related equipment for the function of which
roughing filter of at least filter class G4 in accordance with they are required.
DIN EN 779 should be installed upstream of this filtration unit.
(2) The drives of the ventilators shall normally be connected
(3) Mist eliminators and air heaters or other technically similar to an emergency power facility.
equipment shall be provided upstream of those filtration units
that shall remain operational after a loss-of-coolant accident
even in the case of emergency power operation. 5.3 Ventilation systems of Air-Conditioning Class 2
(4) Upon occurrence of a design basis accident, the exhaust 5.3.1 Exhaust air facility
air filtration facility shall be set in operation concurrently with the
The ventilators shall be designed to be redundant in respect to
actuation of the containment isolation, and in such a way that
the required exhaust air volumetric air current for achieving the
the air dampers are opened, either, without need of any auxil-
pressure stages in accordance with Tables 5-1 and 5-2. The
iary power or with the help of a secure and independent source
drives of the ventilators shall normally be connected to an
of auxiliary power (e.g., hydraulic accumulator).
emergency power facility.
(5) Adequate measures shall be applied, e.g., installation of
check valves or explosion diaphragms, to prevent that, during
5.3.2 Exhaust air filtration facilities
specified normal operation of the nuclear power plant, air can
be forced from the exhaust air channel back through the filter. (1) Exhaust air facilities required for maintaining negative
In this instance, the specific leakage rate for a pressure differ- pressures in those regions inside the containment vessel that
ence of 4 mbar shall not exceed 100 liters per hour and square contain components of the primary coolant system, e.g. equip-
meter (at a pressure of 1 bar and a temperature of 20 °C); the ment compartments of a PWR, shall be designed such that the
area on which the leakage rate is based is the actually closed- exhaust air can be continuously filtered by the aerosol and io-
off flow cross section. dine filtration facility during power operation of the plant.
(6) The exhaust air filtration facility shall, basically, not be op- (2) It shall be ensured that the exhaust air specified under
erated during power operation of the plant. Whenever the facil- para. 1 can be filtered even when a filter change becomes nec-
ity has been in operation, tests as specified under Section 8.3.2 essary during operation. In this case, it is not permissible to em-
shall be performed within 4 weeks. In the case of inservice in- ploy mobile filtration equipment.
spections, the duration of operation shall be limited such that
(3) The system-internal air and gases from facilities conduct-
no impermissible loading of the iodine filtration facility will occur.
ing radioactive substances (e.g. sample extraction equipment,
chemical digesters, work place exhausts, vessels) shall be
5.2.4 Recirculated air cooling facilities cleaned by high-efficiency particulate air filter elements and, if
necessary, by an iodine filtration facility. Insofar as compart-
(1) The ventilators of the recirculated air cooling facilities shall ment regions are concerned, the corresponding guide values
be at least of the same redundancy as the safety related equip- [specified in Tables 5-1 and 5-2 shall be maintained.
ment for the function of which they are required.
(4) If the design concept calls for an on-demand filtration of
(2) The recirculated air cooling facility for the main control the vent air from compartment regions, then a manual activation
room shall, basically, be designed to be redundant. A non-re- is permissible. Until the leakage location has been identified, it
dundant (100 %) design of the recirculated air cooling facility for is permissible to reduce the volumetric air current of exhaust air
the main control room is permissible, provided, an emergency from partial regions and, thereby, to adjust it to the volumetric
control room exists in addition to the main control room. It shall air current of the filtration facility, provided, the specified direc-
be possible to operate the recirculated air cooling facility without tion of the air current is maintained and the concentration of
provision of external air. harmful substances in the air around continuously staffed work
(3) Depending on the overall plant concept, the recirculated places does not exceed permissible limit values.
air cooling facility for the main control room may be correlated (5) Mist eliminators and air heaters or technically similar
to Air-Conditioning Class 2, provided, the condition specified equipment shall be provided upstream of the filters for the vent
under para. 2, sentence 2 applies.
KTA 3601 page 12

air from the containment vessel as specified under para. 1 and, (2) In designing the pressure surge protectors for the external
if necessary, from the system-internal air as specified under air supply and exhaust air openings, the characteristic values
para. 3. of the external pressure surge shall be specified for the partic-
ular nuclear power plant. The analysis shall be based on the
(6) If the exhaust air filtration facility contains a high-efficiency assumption that the pressure surge comes from outside. The
particulate air filter, this shall correspond at least to filter class pressure surge valves shall be designed such that they will with-
H 13 in accordance with DIN EN 1822-1. stand at least 1.1 times the maximum expected pressure from
(7) In case an iodine filtration facility is part of the exhaust air a design basis accident without detrimental effects on their
filtration facility, then the filtration unit employed, seen in the di- function.
rection of flow, shall consist of high-efficiency particulate air fil-
ter elements of at least filter class H 13 in accordance with
DIN EN 1822-1 then, downstream, of the iodine filtration facility 6 Instrumentation and Control Equipment
and, farther downstream, of other high-efficiency particulate air 6.1 General Requirements
filter elements of at least filter class E 11 in accordance with
DIN EN 1822-1. (1) The reliability of the air conditioning systems shall not be
limited by the reliability of the instrumentation and control equip-
5.3.3 Recirculated air filtration facility inside the contain-
ment vessel (2) It shall be possible to test the instrumentation and control
equipment during specified normal operation of the nuclear
(1) The filter units employed shall consist, upstream of the io- power plant.
dine filtration facility, of high-efficiency particulate air filter ele-
ments of at least filter class H 13 in accordance with (3) It shall be possible to monitor the functioning of the venti-
DIN EN 1822-1 and, downstream, of high-efficiency particulate lation systems from the main control room with the help of dis-
air filter elements of at least filter class E 11 in accordance with plays, signals and alarms.
DIN EN 1822-1.
(4) The ventilators of the supply air and vent air facilities in the
(2) If temperatures below the dew point are expected, the fil- controlled-access area shall be dimensioned such that the ad-
tration unit shall be equipped with an air heater. justed volumetric air current will be able to maintain the air flow
directions and the pressure stages in the buildings in accordance
with the guide values specified in Tables 5-1 and 5-2.
5.3.4 Cooling facilities for building structures inside the
containment vessel (e.g. reactor shield cooling) (5) The negative pressures in the buildings and room groups
of Tables 5-1 and 5-2 shall be measured, displayed and rec-
(1) The recirculated air cooling facilities required for cooling
orded. Any deviation outside the permissible tolerance range
the building structures shall be designed as redundant facilities.
shall trip an alarm.
(2) The facilities shall normally be equipped with air coolers
(6) The locations of the connection points for measuring pres-
and, if necessary, with mist eliminators.
sure differences shall be chosen such that an adequate moni-
(3) The associated air coolers shall normally be connected toring of the required pressure stages is possible.
to the associated cooling system backed up by an emergency
power supply. 6.2 Ventilation systems of Air-Conditioning Class 1
(4) The drives of the ventilators shall normally be connected 6.2.1 Air conditioning equipment to ensure safe enclosure
to an emergency power facility.
(1) Upon initiation by the reactor protection system, the isola-
(5) The guide values specified in Table 5-3 shall be taken into tion valves required to ensure a safe enclosure shall close au-
consideration. tomatically. It shall also be possible to manually initiate the iso-
lation function.
5.3.5 External air supply facility for the restricted-access (2) The isolation valves of the containment vessel that are not
area required for operational airing and venting shall be interlocked
(1) A penetration of combustible gases and fumes from the in such a way, e.g., as being dependant on the pressure and
outside shall be prevented. Here it is permissible for as long as temperature of the primary coolant system, that they can only
it is necessary not to follow the requirement of a negative pres- be opened when the reactor is shut-down.
sure in the restricted-access area and to shut down the supply (3) The air conditioning equipment specified under Sec-
air and vent air facilities. tions 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 shall be controlled by the reactor
Note: protection system.
Sec. 5 of safety standard KTA 2103 specifies requirements regard-
ing early alarms and the initiation of control measures. (4) It shall normally be possible to operate the ventilation
systems and components specified under paras. 3 and 5 from
(2) The supply air for the restricted-access area shall nor- the main control room, provided, this is permissible from a
mally be conducted through air filters of at least filter class F 7 safety standpoint. With regard to operation during design basis
in accordance with DIN EN 779. accidents, the emergency control room shall be equipped with
operating controls, displays and alarms for the recirculated air
system of the emergency feed building.
5.3.6 Pressure surge protectors
(5) The instrumentation and control equipment for the redun-
(1) By taking suitable measures, e.g. installation of pressure
dant partial systems of the trains of the ventilation systems
surge valves, it shall be ensured that, in case of a loss-of-cool-
specified under Sections 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 shall themselves be
ant accident and despite the pressure buildup inside the con-
independent of each other such that a failure inducing event will
tainment vessel in the closing phase of the containment isola-
not be able to affect more than one of the partial systems.
tion valves, the connected ventilation and filtration facilities re-
main functional, provided, this is required for a later airing and (6) The functioning of each of the redundant partial systems
venting of the containment vessel. shall be monitored. Those partial systems that are provided for
KTA 3601 page 13

the equipment of the reactor protection system and for the ac- 6.3.3 Recirculated air cooling facilities inside the contain-
tive engineered safety features and that, however, are not con- ment vessel
trolled by the reactor protection system shall be monitored by
Class I hazard alarms in accordance with safety standard KTA (1) The operation of the ventilators for the recirculated air in
3501. In the case of the partial systems that are controlled by the equipment compartments shall be monitored. In case a ven-
the reactor protection system, their testability and monitoring of tilator fails, operation shall be automatically switched over to the
the functionability shall be ensured in accordance with other one of the redundant ventilators.
Sec. 4.1.9 of safety standard KTA 3501. (2) Alarms shall be tripped if limit values for the temperature
of the inner atmosphere of equipment compartments are ex-
6.2.2 Exhaust air facility and exhaust air filtration facility for ceeded, e.g. in the steam generator compartment, ventilated
required operation during and immediately after a de- region of the biological shield, reactor well, transducer compart-
sign basis accident ments. In addition, the room air temperatures of equipment
compartments, e.g. steam generator compartment and reactor
(1) Whenever the ventilators are operated for testing pur- well, shall be measured and recorded.
poses it shall be ensured, in order to protect the iodine ad-
sorber, that they are shut down at the latest after 5 minutes;
6.3.4 External air supply facility for the restricted-access
this may be manually effected after a corresponding alarm,
or by automatic controls. The controls effective in the case area
of required operation shall have priority over these automatic (1) The external air temperature shall be displayed.
controls. It shall be possible to turn on the ventilators by
hand. (2) The temperature of the supply air shall be regulated.
(3) The humidity of the supply air shall normally be moni-
Limiting the test duration to 5 minutes has the purpose of largely
reducing the amount of carbonic pollutants (e.g., oil, grease, sol- tored and regulated.
vents) introduced into the iodine adsorber.
(4) If no check valves are installed, it shall be possible to close
(2) The volumetric air currents of the ventilation system the external air dampers from the main control room.
shall normally be measured and displayed and should be (5) The operation of the external air supply ventilators shall
recorded. be monitored.

6.2.3 Recirculated air facilities and exhaust air facilities

6.4 Air Filtration Facilities and Components
(1) The recirculated air facilities and exhaust air facilities, ei- 6.4.1 Air Filtration facilities
ther, shall be in operation continuously, shall be turned on au-
tomatically before the maximum permissible air temperature of (1) The pressure drop over the high-efficiency particulate air
the room is reached or it shall be possible to turn them on sim- filtration stage and, upstream, over the air filtration stage shall
ultaneously with the equipment to be cooled. each be separately monitored. The maximum permissible pres-
sure drops shall be marked on the measurement instruments.
(2) It is required that
(2) The air filtration facilities shall be protected from a temper-
a) the room air temperature is measured and displayed in the
atures increase beyond permissible limits. Therefore, the air
main control room and
temperature shall be monitored. In case an electric air drying
b) alarms are issued when the limit values of the room air tem- facility is used, the volumetric air current shall, additionally, be
perature are exceeded. monitored. The air heater equipment shall be automatically shut
down when the maximum permissible air temperature is ex-
(3) The operation of the ventilators shall be monitored; it shall ceeded or if the volumetric air current drops below the minimum
be ensured that the required ventilation power is maintained. permissible limit value.

6.3 Ventilation systems of Air-Conditioning Class 2

6.4.2 Dampers
6.3.1 Exhaust air facilities
The position of all controlled dampers shall be reported by feed-
(1) The operation of the exhaust air ventilators shall be mon- back signals from end-position switches. Dampers used for reg-
itored; in case of failure of a ventilator, operation shall automat- ulating the air current shall be designed to issue feedback sig-
ically be switched over to the other one of the redundant venti- nals that indicate their position.
(2) In case of a shutdown or failed exhaust air facility, the ex-
7 Tests and Inspections of Air Conditioning Equipment
ternal air supply facility shall automatically be shut down.
The requirements for tests and inspections of components be-
(3) If the pressure rise exceeds the maximum permissible fore and during manufacturing are specified in DIN 25496.
pressure of the vented buildings, building sections or internal
structures, measures shall be taken to prevent impermissible Note:
In the following several tasks are addressed that, in accordance
pressures in the case of a failure of the controls.
with specifications of the competent authority, require the participa-
(4) The volumetric air current of the exhaust air released tion of the authorized expert under Sec. 20 Atomic Energy Act or of
another expert to be named by the authority. For the sake of sim-
through the exhaust stack shall be measured and recorded. plicity, this safety standard simply refers to ‘authorized expert’.

6.3.2 Exhaust air filtration facilities 7.1 Commissioning Tests of the Ventilation systems
It shall be possible to redirect the exhaust air of the reactor (1) The air conditioning equipment in accordance with Ta-
building or of other compartment regions to a corresponding bles A-1 and A-2 shall be subjected to the following tests and
filtration facility by a switching operation in the main control inspections. The results of the tests and inspections shall be
KTA 3601 page 14

recorded. The authorized expert shall certify the results of those mosphere shall be performed during power operation of the
tests and inspections performed under his responsibility. nuclear power plant,
(2) In the course of the commissioning tests, all parts relevant i) Check of the testability and of the accessibility for mainte-
to safety shall be tested with regard to whether or not their con- nance and repair.
struction, performance and function is in conformance with the
design. 7.2 Inservice Inspections
(1) The inservice inspections of the ventilation systems in ac-
Further details for the ventilation valves in accordance with Sec-
tion 5.2.1 paras. 1 and 5 are specified in Sec. 4.3 of safety standard
cordance with Tables A-1 and A-2 shall, basically, be per-
KTA 3404, Isolation of Operating System Pipes Penetrating the formed in accordance with Table 7-1.
Containment Vessel in the Case of a Release of Radioactive Sub- Note:
stances into the Containment Vessel Further details for the ventilation valves in accordance with Sec-
tion 5.2.1 paras. 1 and 5 are specified in safety standard
(3) The tests and inspections shall comprise: KTA 3401.4.
a) Visual inspection of the assembled ventilation systems,
(2) If the ventilation systems or components have not been in
b) Functional tests of the facilities including operation or were not needed to be available for a duration
ba) power-on, power-off and switching procedures under longer than the time between two regular inservice inspections,
conditions of specified normal operation and emer- e.g. during an extended reactor shut down, then the next in-
gency power operation, service inspection shall be performed, in deviation of the spec-
ifications under Table 7-1, at the latest before the next opera-
bb) test of the interlock conditions, tion or required availability of the ventilation systems or compo-
bc) test of the controls, e.g. for the temperature, pressure nents.
and volumetric air current,
(3) If defects are detected during the inservice inspections,
bd) check of the measurement equipment, e.g. for temper- they shall be evaluated with respect to safe operation of the nu-
ature, volumetric air current, negative pressure, clear power plant, and the maximum time period for the removal
c) Check of the limit value adjustments, of deficiencies shall be specified. The removal of deficiencies
shall be certified after performing a renewed test.
d) Check of the connections of the power supply and of the
instrumentation and control equipment to the corresponding (4) The results of the inservice inspections shall be recorded
power supply bus, in test reports that shall contain the following information:
e) Measurement of the volumetric air currents in safety related a) test results,
and radiologically relevant room groups using fresh filters b) detected deficiencies,
and simulation-loaded filters,
c) evaluation of the detected deficiencies,
f) Check of the pressure stages or of the directed air currents d) maximum time period for removal of deficiencies.
in individual room groups during specified normal operation,
during operation of the facilities in accordance with Sec- It is permissible to reference the commissioning tests.
tions 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 as well as during change-over proce-
dures, (5) The inservice inspections shall be used to determine
whether or not the safety related and radiologically relevant
g) Leak tightness tests, e.g., of ducts, dampers, equipment and precautionary measures regarding ventilation
h) Check of the conditions of the inner atmosphere as far as systems meet the specified requirements and whether or not an
this is possible without full power operation of the nuclear impermissible reduction of the effectiveness of the facilities has
power plant. A final check of the conditions of the inner at- occurred in comparison to the commissioning test.
KTA 3601 page 15

Air-Conditioning Air-Conditioning Air-Conditioning

Class 1 Class 2 Classes 1 and 2
Item Required Tests and Inspections
No. Experts (e.g. of the operator) Authorized Experts
Test Intervals (years)

1 Condition of overall facility by visual inspection 1 1) 1 1) 1

2 Perfect function of the instrumentation, control and ¼ 1 1

alarm equipment with relevance to safety
3 Perfect function of the ventilation systems including 1 1 1
the interlocks
4 Function, adjustment time and required leak tight- ½ 1 1
ness of the valves
5 Air isolation valves of the containment vessel as
specified under Section 5.2.1 para. 1 and 5
a) visual inspection ¼ - 1
b) function ¼ - 1
c) time to valve closure ½ - 1
d) leak tightness during refueling - during refueling
6 Air valves of the containment vessel specified under
Section 5.2.1 para. 6
Visual inspection, function, leak tightness during overall - during overall
maintenance in- maintenance in-
spection or refuel- spection or refuel-
ing ing
prior to resuming prior to resuming
full power opera- full power opera-
tion tion
7 Maintaining of differential pressures, directions of air 1 1 1
currents and, as required, volumetric air currents
8 Leak tightness of the sealing faces of high efficiency 1 2) 1 2) 1 3)
particulate air filter elements specified under Sec-
tion 8.3.1 para. 2
9 Leak tightness of all pressure ducts downstream of
the ventilators including the filter shells and connect-
ing ducts between filter and ventilator on the suction 9 9 9
side of the ventilators
In addition, VDI 6022 Sheet 1 shall be taken into consideration.
Annually and during filter change.
Annually and during filter change in Air-Conditioning Class 1.

Table 7-1: Inservice inspections of ventilation systems

KTA 3601 page 16

8 Tests of the Filtration Facilities contaminated air can be sucked in through any of the leakage
Note: orifices. It is permissible to present a qualitative proof in the
In the following several tasks are addressed that, in accordance form of a soap suds, e.g. Nekal test.
with specifications of the competent authority, require the participa-
tion of the authorized expert under Sec. 20 Atomic Energy Act or of (4) The proof of leak tightness in accordance with DIN 25496
another expert to be named by the authority. For the sake of sim- shall be certified by the licensee or by a third party commis-
plicity, this safety standard simply refers to ‘authorized expert’. sioned by the licensee and, additionally, by an authorized ex-
8.1 General Requirements (5) The high-efficiency particulate air filter elements of the air
filtration facility required in case of a design basis accident shall
(1) It shall be verified by tests that the requirements specified be able to withstand an absorbed dose of at least 104 Gy with-
under Sections 5.1.6 and 5.1.7 are fulfilled; these tests shall be out reducing their functional capability to an extent that would
certified by an authorized expert. cause the separation efficiency at the end of the planned oper-
(1) Filtration facilities for holding back aerosols shall be tested ating time to drop below the value specified for the correspond-
as specified under Section 8.2.1 paras. 1, 2 and 3. The results ing filter class.
of these tests shall be documented.
8.2.2 Iodine filtration facilities
8.2 Acceptance and Functional Tests (1) Iodine filtration facilities shall meet the requirements in ac-
8.2.1 Aerosol filtration facilities cordance with DIN 25496.

(1) The high-efficiency particulate air filter elements shall be (2) The iodine adsorber filled into the iodine filtration facility
tested with regard to the requirements in accordance with B 2 shall have the characteristics as specified under Section B 3.
and DIN EN 1822-1. The manufacturer shall certify in a test re- (3) The separation efficiency of the iodine adsorber shall be
port that the required characteristics have been achieved. determined prior to loading the filter into the filter bed; this test
shall be performed on a specimen taken from the same batch
(2) Proper functioning of the aerosol filtration facility shall be
of the iodine adsorber intended for the iodine filtration facility,
ensured by performing at least one of the on-site tests specified
taking care to adjust the
below under items a) through d). The test results for the high-
efficiency particulate air filters, shall be certified by an author- a) linear velocity of the air,
ized expert. Positive test results for the methods specified un- b) relative humidity,
der items a), b) and c) would indicate that the requirements un- c) temperature,
der Section 5.1.6 para. 2 are met (i.e., that the volumetric air
leakage air current is sufficiently small). d) pressure, and
a) Counting of particles (natural dust particles) e) loading with radioactive methyl iodide
With the high-efficiency particulate air filter elements in with respect to the design specifications and using a bed depth
place, a proper functioning of the aerosol filtration facility that corresponds to that of the iodine filtration facility. A storage
shall be ensured by tests it in accordance with DIN EN 1822- period of up to three years is permissible without a renewed
1. test. The storage conditions specified under Section B 4 shall
b) Measurement with aerosol test particles be met.
With the high-efficiency particulate air filter elements in- (4) Each batch of the iodine adsorber shall be certified by a
stalled in its place, the separation efficiency shall be deter- laboratory test in which the separation efficiency of the unused
mined using aerosol test particles. The separation efficiency iodine adsorber with respect to its retention of radioactive me-
shall be as specified for filter class H 13 in accordance with thyl iodide is determined. At least two individual and independ-
DIN EN 1822-1. ent laboratory tests shall be performed on the iodine adsorber
Note: intended for iodine filtration facilities that will be required in the
The test medium used is, e.g., sodium fluorescine. The require- course of a design basis accident. The average value of the
ments regarding the test instructions for this procedure are cur- separation efficiency shall be determined from the results of the
rently under review. two test. The individual values shall not deviate from the aver-
c) In the case of high-efficiency particulate air filter elements age value by more than 30 % of the value specified for the
with a specially designed filter shells, an oil thread test may transmission factor (transmission factor = 1.0 minus specified
be applied with the filter installed in its place to prove suffi- separation efficiency). In the case of those facilities of Air-Con-
cient leak tightness of the filter element and of the sealing ditioning Classes 1 and 2 listed in Tables A-1 and A-2, the cor-
face. responding test results shall be certified in the form of a qualifi-
cation report by an authorized expert.
d) Immediately before installation, each high-efficiency partic-
ulate air filter element shall be tested for leak tightness (e.g. (5) The authorized expert shall be provided with the following
by an oil thread test). After installation, the sealing face of detailed information on the iodine filtration facilities:
the filter element shall be tested for leak tightness. Here, it a) purpose and location, e.g., vent air annulus, vent air equip-
shall be demonstrated that the requirements specified un- ment compartments, recirculated air,
der Section 5.1.6 para. 2 are fulfilled, i.e., that the volumetric
air leakage current at a test pressure of 20 mbar does not b) operating conditions,
exceed 0.003 % of the nominal volumetric air current for the c) dimensions of the filter elements,
filter element (manufacturer specification).
d) type of iodine adsorber,
(3) The leak tightness of the filter shells, both to the outside e) grain size distribution of the iodine adsorber,
and between the dirty-air side and the clean-air side, shall be
f) impregnation of the iodine adsorber,
demonstrated prior to any surface treatment. This test shall
normally be performed at an overpressure of 20 mbar inside g) effective bulk volume of the iodine adsorber in each iodine
filtration facility,
the filter shell. Here, the volumetric leakage air current shall,
basically, not exceed 0.003 % of the nominal volumetric air cur- h) mass of the iodine adsorber in each iodine filtration facility,
rent. Deviations are permissible, provided, it is ensured, that no i) bed depth of the iodine adsorber,
KTA 3601 page 17

k) maximum permissible air throughput of each iodine filtration d) The specific separation efficiency shall be determined after
facility, every new filling of iodine filtration facilities of Air-Condition-
l) pressure difference for the nominal air throughput, ing Class 1 and after every new filling of those iodine filtra-
tion facilities of Air-Conditioning Class 2 with a retention
m) maximum and minimum permissible operating temperature, time shorter than one second,.
n) applied materials that will come in contact with the iodine
adsorber, e) In the case of iodine filtration facilities of Air-Conditioning
Classes 1 and 2, any change of the type of iodine adsorber
o) maximum permissible relative humidity,
(cf. Section 8.2.2 para. 5 item d)) shall require performing
p) test type and concept for checking the iodine adsorber, e.g., the same test as the one specified under Section 8.2.2
with the help of control filters, para. 6 item c) as being required after initial filling of the
q) manufacturer of the filtration facility, iodine filtration facility.
r) available test certificates,
s) scheduled tests and inspections. 8.3 Operational Monitoring and Inservice Inspections of the
Note: Filters and the Iodine Adsorber
The effective bulk volume of the iodine adsorber specified under
item g) does not include the volumes of the filler and extraction The inservice inspections shall be performed in intervals as
nozzles. specified in Table 7-1.

(6) The following tests shall be performed and the corre-

sponding test results documented. The following tests shall be 8.3.1 High-efficiency particulate air filter elements
certified by an authorized expert:
(1) The pressure differences at the high-efficiency particulate
a) Checking whether or not the iodine adsorber was properly air filter elements shall be monitored (cf. Section 6.4.1 para. 1).
filled into the deep bed filters and into the control filters and The high-efficiency particulate air filter elements shall be re-
of the subsequent adjustment of the air throughput and se- newed as soon as the maximum specified operating pressure
cure sealing of the control filters in a condition ready for op- difference is reached.
eration – to be performed after every new filling.
b) The first test of the separation efficiency of the iodine ad- (2) The leak tightness of the sealing faces of high-efficiency
sorber (laboratory test) to verify conformance with the re- particulate air filter elements shall be tested annually, e.g., by
quirements specified under Section B 3 para. 1 shall be per- the oil thread test specified under Section 8.2.1 para. 2 item d)
formed no earlier than 4 months and no later than 10 or by the integral tests specified under Section 8.2.1 para. 2
months after the initial filling. items a), b) and c).
c) The specific separation efficiency shall be determined for (3) The high-efficiency particulate air filter elements specified
each iodine filtration facility after the initial filling. A generally under Section 5 shall be subjected to a function test as specified
accepted procedure shall be used on-site for this test. The under Section 8.2.1 para. 2 items a), b) and c), the latest, after
following conditions shall be observed: 27000 operating hours and from then on in yearly intervals, and
ca) With regard to determining physical leakages in the io- they shall be renewed, the latest, after an operating term of 9
dine adsorber layer, five plugged openings shall be pro- years.
vided at suitable locations: two each in the dirty-air side
and the clean-air side and an additional opening for 8.3.2 Iodine filtration facilities
feeding the test medium into the facility.
cb) It shall be ensured that test medium will be homogene- (1) Prerequisite for testing the separation efficiency of the io-
ously mixed into the air. dine adsorber are that the material for the laboratory test spec-
imen and that for the iodine filtration facility belong to the iden-
tical batch and that they have been exposed to vent air over an
This may be achieved, e.g., by positioning the test medium
feed opening and the clean-air specimen removal opening identical length of time. This test shall be performed in annual
each at a distance from the filter that is equal to 10 times the intervals. The results of the test shall be certified by an author-
diameter of the duct. ized expert.
cc) Two test medium insertion nozzles shall be installed 90° (2) The fill level of the iodine adsorber shall be checked im-
apart from each other at accessible locations at the cen- mediately after extracting the test specimen for the laboratory
ter of the channel. The distance of the nozzle projec- test from the filter bed. The fill level shall, in any other case, be
tions onto the channel axis shall be no smaller than 100 checked at least every two years.
mm. It is permissible to position the test specimen ex-
traction nozzles upstream of the high-efficiency partic- (3) Depending on the rate of change of the separation effi-
ulate air filter elements installed on the intake side of ciency, additional laboratory tests shall be performed on the io-
the iodine filtration facilities; it is also permissible to use dine adsorber at points in time that shall be arranged with an
the nozzles for the high-efficiency particulate air filter authorized expert.
tests, provided, they are suited to this task.
KTA 3601 page 18

Appendix A

Examples for Design Requirements and Requirements for Test and Inspections
in Actual Ventilation systems

The buildings listed in the following Tables A-1, A-2 and A-3 are typical for current PWRs and BWRs (cf. Section 1 para. 1)

Design require- Tests and inspections

Item ments specified under Sec-
No. Air conditioning equipment 1) specified under tion
1.1 Air conditioning equipment for ensuring the containment 5.2.1 7.1, 7.2
1.2 Exhaust air facility for maintaining a negative pressure in the annulus 5.2.2 7.1, 7.2, 8
1.3 Exhaust air filtration facility the operation of which is required during or 5.2.3 7.1, 7.2, 8
immediately after design basis accidents
1.4 Recirculated air cooling facilities for the 5.2.4 7.1, 7.2
1.4.1 Emergency feed building
1.4.2 Service water pump and purification plant 2)
1.4.3 Cable ducts
1.4.4 Local control stations
1.4.5 Switch gear building sections for redundancies relevant to safety
1.4.6 Emergency core cooling and residual heat removal systems (pro-
vided, the heat is not planned to be removed by emergency-
power-connected cooling circuits)
1.4.7 Emergency power generating building
1.4.8 Main control room 3)
1.5 Exhaust air facilities for the removal of thermal leakage heat 5.2.5 7.1, 7.2
1.5.1 Emergency power generating building
The names of the individual buildings are in accordance with current practice, nevertheless, shall be seen as exemplary only.
This categorization does not apply if it is demonstrated that, without ventilation, the temperature limit values will not be exceeded.
Cf. Section 5.2.4 para. 3

Table A-1: Requirements, tests and inspections for air conditioning equipment of Air-Conditioning Class 1
KTA 3601 page 19

Design require- Tests and inspections

Item ments specified under Sec-
No. Air conditioning equipment specified under tion
2.1 Exhaust air facilities for the 5.3.1 7.2, 7.2
2.1.1 Containment vessel
2.1.2 Annulus
2.1.3 Reactor and reactor auxiliary building
2.1.4 Nuclear services building
2.1.5 Steam turbine building (BWR)
2.2 Exhaust air filtration facilities 5.3.2 7.1, 7.2, 8
2.3 Recirculated air filtration facility inside the containment vessel 5.3.3 7.1, 7.2, 8
2.4 Recirculated air cooling facilities for the 5.3.4 7.1, 7.2
2.4.1 Building structures inside the containment vessel (reactor shield
2.4.2 Main control room 2)
2.5 External air supply facilities for the restricted-access areas of the 5.3.5 7.1, 7.2
2.5.1 Reactor and reactor auxiliary building
2.5.2 Steam turbine building (BWR)
2.6 Pressure surge protectors 5.3.6 7.1, 7.2
The names of the individual buildings are in accordance with current practice, nevertheless, shall be seen as exemplary only.
Cf. Section 5.2.4 para. 3

Table A-2: Requirements, tests and inspections of air conditioning equipment of Air-Conditioning Class 2
KTA 3601 page 20

No. Air conditioning equipment

3.1 Exhaust air facilities1) for the removal of thermal leakage heat and for maintaining the minimum air exchange rate
in the
3.1.1 Emergency power generating building
3.1.2 Switch gear building
3.1.3 Emergency feed building
3.1.4 Steam turbine building (PWR)
3.2 Recirculated air cooling facilities 1) for the
3.2.1 Cable ducts
3.2.2 Computer room
3.2.3 Emergency feed building
3.2.4 Feed water valve compartment
3.2.5 Emergency core cooling and residual heat removal systems (if the heat is not planned to be removed by emer-
gency-power-connected cooling circuits)
3.2.6 Other regions in the restricted-access area (e.g. accessible operating rooms, upper part of the annulus)
3.3 External air supply facilities1) for maintaining the minimum air exchange rate and for removing thermal leakage heat
in the
3.3.1 Switch gear building
3.3.2 Steam turbine building (PWR)
3.3.3 Emergency feed building
3.4 Ventilation system for the non-bunkered part of the service water pump and purification station
3.5 Ventilation system for the machine shop and laboratory building
3.6 Ventilation system for the supply systems building
3.7 Ventilation system for the demineralization system building
3.8 Ventilation system for the cooling tower make-up water treatment building
3.9 Ventilation system for the administration and operations building
3.10 Ventilation system for the circulating water pump system building
3.11 Air recirculation equipment and blower ventilators without relevance to safety or radiology, even those within the re-
stricted-access area
Relates only to those system parts not listed under Tables A-1 and A-2.

Table A-3: Air conditioning equipment to which this safety standard does not apply
KTA 3601 page 21

Appendix B

Additional Requirements for Filtration Media and Filter Elements

B 1 Scope
Initial condition of Final condition of
Appendix B applies to high-efficiency particulate air filtration Facility iodine adsorber iodine adsorber
media and high-efficiency particulate air filter elements in ac-
cordance with DIN EN 1822-1 installed in components of Air- Facility in Air-Condi-
Conditioning Class 1 (Table A-1) and in components of Air- tioning Class 2 re-
Conditioning Class 2 (Table A-2). quired during speci- 99 % 90 %
fied normal operation

B 2 High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter Elements Air filtration facility in

(1) High-efficiency particulate air filter elements and their Class 1 required dur- 99,99 % 99 %
mounting frames shall withstand, for the entire planned oper- ing design basis acci-
ating life, the effects from the external pressure required to dents
achieve a leak-tight seating without detrimental effects to func-
tionality. The employed sealant material shall stay permanently Table B-1: Minimum permissible values for the separation
elastic and resistant to aging for the entire planned operating efficiency of iodine adsorption filters with respect
life. to methyl iodide
(2) High-efficiency particulate air filter elements shall be per-
manently marked with the following information: (4) The grain size of the activated charcoal shall normally
lie between 1 and 2 mm. The following grain size distribution
a) name and location of the manufacturer or supplier,
of the activated charcoal (screen size in accordance with
b) type specification, DIN ISO 3310-1) is recommended:
c) fabrication series,
d) filter class in accordance with DIN EN 1822-1, Grain Size Proportion
e) initial pressure difference at nominal volumetric air current,
> 2.5 mm max. 0.5 %
The nominal volumetric air current is the volumetric air current
>2 mm max. 5 %
specified by the manufacturer for the filter. 1 - 2 mm min. 94 %
f) direction of flow. < 1 mm max. 6 %
(3) The filter medium shall be water repellant. < 0.8 mm max. 0.5 %

(4) High-efficiency particulate air filter elements shall be de- Table B-2: Recommended grain size distribution of the ac-
signed for continuous operation at a relative humidity of at least tivated charcoal
90 % and a temperature of at least 80 °C.
(5) The material characteristics of the activated charcoal with
respect to breakage and abrasion should be such that it is en-
B 3 Iodine Adsorber sured that after conveyance by mechanical or pneumatic
The separation efficiency of activated charcoal freshly filled means the requirements for the grain size specified under
into an iodine filtration facility shall, with respect to methyl io- para. 4 are maintained.
dide, be sufficiently high that the K-factor of the activated char- (6) The self-ignition temperature of activated charcoal im-
coal does not fall below a value of 8 sec-1. The K-factor of the pregnated with a 1.5 % solution of potassium iodide shall nor-
activated charcoal in its unused state shall be determined by,
mally not be lower than about 300 °C.
initially, subjecting the charcoal to water vapor at a relative hu-
midity of 95 % and a temperature of 30 °C in a bed depth of (7) The impregnation of the activated charcoal with potas-
10 cm and a retention time of 0.2 sec until the activated char- sium iodide shall normally amount to a weight percentage of
coal has reached its adsorption equilibrium; subsequently, the between 1 % and maximum 2 %.
activated charcoal shall be subjected to radioactively marked
methyl iodide for the duration of one hour. (8) After filling the iodine adsorber (either manually, mechan-
ically or pneumatically) into the iodine filtration facility, the pres-
A higher relative humidity leads to a lower value for the K-factors. sure drop shall normally not exceed 10 mbar based on a lin-
ear air current of 0.5 m per second and an activated charcoal
(2) The minimum permissible values for the separation effi- bed depth of 10 cm.
ciency of iodine filtration facilities with respect to methyl iodide
are listed in Table B-1.
B 4 Storage Conditions for the Iodine Adsorber
(3) Activated charcoal may be used at temperatures above
120 °C, provided, it has been demonstrated by measurements (1) The barrels with activated charcoal shall be stored frost-
under the most unfavorable simulated operating conditions free in a dry room. The room should be aired.
and the maximum possible temperature that, over a time pe- (2) When put into storage, all barrels shall be individually
riod of two weeks, the separation efficiency does not increase documented and marked with the date of the first day of stor-
due to desorption of radioactive iodine by more than 20 % of age. With regard to their removal, the barrels shall be posi-
the value determined in a short-duration test with a two hour tioned such that the barrel marking is well visible .
flushing time. If the activated charcoal shall be used at operat-
ing temperatures exceeding 180 °C, then its ignition tempera- (3) The barrels shall remain closed for the entire duration of
ture shall be determined. storage to prevent penetration of humidity and pollutants.
KTA 3601 page 22

Appendix C

Regulations Referred to in this Safety Standard

Regulations referred to in this safety standard are valid only in the versions cited below. Regulations which are referred to within
these regulations are valid only in the version that was valid when the latter regulations were established or issued.

AtG Act on the peaceful utilization of atomic energy and the protection against its
hazards (Atomic Energy Act – AtG) of December 23, 1959, revised version of
July 15, 1985 (BGBl. I, p. 1565), most recently changed by Article 2, Sec. 2. of
the Act of July 20, 2017 (BGBl. I, p. 2808)
StrlSchV Ordinance on the protection from damage by ionizing radiation (Radiological
Protection Ordinance – StrlSchV) of July 20, 2001 (BGBl. I, p. 1714; 2002 I, p.
1459), most recently in accordance with Article 10 changed by Article 6 of the
Act of Janu-ary 27, 2017 (BGBl. I, p. 114, 1222)
Safety Require- (2015-03) Safety Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants (SiAnf) of 22 November 2012
ments for Nuclear (BAnz AT 24.01.2013 B3), revised version of 3 March 2015 (BAnz AT
Power Plants 30.03.2015 B2).
Interpretations of (2015-03) Interpretations of the "Safety Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants of 22 No-
the "Safety Re- vember 2012” (BAnz AT 24.01.2013 B3), revised version of 3 March 2015
quirements for Nu- (BAnz AT 30.03.2015 B2)
clear Power Plants"

KTA 1502 (2017-11) Monitoring Radioactivity in the Inner Atmosphere of Nuclear Power Plants
KTA 1503.1 (2016-11) Monitoring the Discharge of Radioactive Gases and Airborne Radioactive Par-
Part 1: Monitoring the Discharge of Radioactive Matter with the Stack Exhaust
Air During Specified Normal Operation
KTA 1503.3 (2017-11) Monitoring the Discharge of Radioactive Gases and Airborne Radioactive Par-
Part 3: Monitoring the Non-Stack Discharge of Radioactive Matter
KTA 1503.2 (2017-11) Monitoring the Discharge of Radioactive Gases and Airborne Radioactive Par-
Part 2: Monitoring the Discharge of Radioactive Matter with the Vent Stack Ex-
haust Air During Design-Basis Accidents
KTA 2101.1 (2015-11) Fire Protection in Nuclear Power Plants;
Part 1: Basic Requirements
KTA 2101.2 (2015-11) Fire Protection in Nuclear Power Plants;
Part 2: Fire Protection of Structural Components
KTA 2101.3 (2015-11) Fire Protection in Nuclear Power Plants;
Part 3: Fire Protection of Mechanical and Electrical Plant Components
KTA 2103 (2015-11) Explosion protection in nuclear power plants with light water reactors (General
and case-related requirements)
KTA 3401.4 (2017-11) Steel Containment Vessels;
Part 4: Inservice Inspections
KTA 3404 (2013-11) Isolation of Operating System Pipes Penetrating the Containment Vessel in the
Case of a Release of Radioactive Substances into the Containment Vessel of
Nuclear Power Plants
KTA 3407 (2014-11) Pipe Penetrations through the Reactor Containment Vessel
KTA 3501 (2015-11) Reactor Protection System and Monitoring Equipment of the Safety System
KTA 3702 (2014-11) Emergency Power Generating Facilities with Diesel-Generator Units in Nuclear
Power Plants
DIN EN 779 (2012-10) Particulate air filters for general ventilation - Determination of the filtration per-
KTA 3601 page 23

DIN EN 1751 (2014-06) Ventilation for buildings - Air terminal devices - Aerodynamic testing of damp-
ers and valves
DIN EN 1822-1 (2011-01) High efficiency particulate air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA) Part 1: Classifica-
tion, performance testing, marking
DIN 1946-7 (2009-07) Ventilation and air conditioning - Part 7: Ventilation systems in laboratories
DIN ISO 3310-1 (2001-09) Test sieves - Technical requirements and testing Part 1: Test sieves of metal
wire cloth
DIN EN 12792 (2004-05) Ventilation for buildings - Symbols, terminology and graphical symbols; Correc-
tion 1
DIN EN 13779 (2007-09) Ventilation for non-residential buildings – Performance requirements for venti-
lation and room-conditioning systems
DIN 25425-1 (2016-10) Radioisotope laboratories - Part 1: Rules for design
DIN 25466 (2012-08) Fume hoods for radioactive materials - Rules for construction and tests
DIN 25496 (2013-04) Ventilating components in nuclear facilities
DIN EN 50272-2 (2001-12) Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 2:
Stationary batteries
VDI 6022 Sheet 1 (2011-07) Ventilation and indoor-air quality - Hygiene requirements for ventilation and air-
conditioning systems and units (VDI Ventilation Code of Practice)
ASR 3.6 (2012-01) Workplace Guideline (ASR) No. 3.6, Ventilation

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