PLAXIS - 2D - CEV21 - Tutorial - 06 - Dry Excavation Using A Tie Back Wall
PLAXIS - 2D - CEV21 - Tutorial - 06 - Dry Excavation Using A Tie Back Wall
PLAXIS - 2D - CEV21 - Tutorial - 06 - Dry Excavation Using A Tie Back Wall
PLAXIS 2D - Tutorial Manual - Dry excavation using a tie back wall [ADV]
Last Updated: March 16, 2021
Dry excavation using a tie back wall [ADV]
This example involves the dry construction of an excavation. The excavation is supported by concrete diaphragm
walls. The walls are tied back by prestressed ground anchors.
PLAXIS 2D allows for detailed modelling of this type of problem. It is demonstrated in this example how ground
anchors are modelled and how prestressing is applied to the anchors. Moreover, the dry excavation involves a
groundwater flow calculation to generate the new water pressure distribution. This aspect of the analysis is
explained in detail.
• Modelling ground anchors.
• Generating pore pressures with a groundwater flow calculation.
• Displaying the contact stresses and resulting forces in the model.
• Scaling the displayed results.
The excavation is 20 m wide and 10 m deep. 16 m long concrete diaphragm walls of 0.35 m thickness are used to
retain the surrounding soil. Two rows of ground anchors are used at each wall to support the walls. The anchors
have a total length of 14.5 m and an inclination of 33.7°(2:3). On the left side of the excavation a surface load of
10 kN/m2 is taken into account.
The relevant part of the soil consists of three distinct layers. From the ground surface to a depth of 23 m there is
a fill of relatively loose fine sandy soil. Underneath the fill, down to a minimum depth of 15 m, there is a more or
less homogeneous layer consisting of dense well-graded sand. This layer is particular suitable for the installation
of the ground anchors. The underlying layer consists of loam and lies to a large depth. 15 m of this layer is
considered in the model.
10 m 2m 20 m
Silt 3m
Ground anchor
Dilatancy angle ψ 0 4 0 °
1. Define three data sets for soil and interfaces with the parameters given in Table 14 (on page 4).
2. Assign the material data sets to the corresponding soil layers (Figure 64 (on page 3)).
1. Click the Structures tab to proceed with the input of structural elements in the Structures mode.
Isotropic - Yes -
1. In the Structures mode, model the diaphragm walls as plates passing through (40 30) - (40 14) and (60 30) -
(60 14).
2. Multi-select the plates in the model.
3. In the Selection explorer click on Material.
The view will change displaying a drop-down menu and a plus button next to it:
The soil is excavated in three stages. The first excavation layer corresponds to the bottom of the silt layer and it
is automatically created. To define the remaining excavation stages:
1. Define the second excavation phase by drawing a line through (40 23) and (60 23).
2. Define the third excavation phase by drawing a line through (40 20) and (60 20).
A ground anchor can be modelled by a combination of a node-to-node anchor and an embedded beam. The
embedded pile simulates the grouted part of the anchor whereas the node-to-node anchor simulates the free
length. In reality there is a complex three-dimensional state of stress around the grout body which cannot be
simulated in a 2D model.
The coordinates and material properties of the anchor and grout body are listed in the tables below.
Diameter D 0.3 m
Distribution Linear -
Define the node-to-node anchors according to Table 16 (on page 7).
2. Create an Anchor material data set according to the parameters specified in Table 17 (on page 7).
3. Multi-select the anchors in the drawing area. Assign the material data set by selecting the corresponding
option in the Material drop-down menu in the Selection explorer.
4. Define the grout body using the Embedded beam row button according to Table 18 (on page 7).
5. Create the Grout material data set according to the parameters specified in Table 19 (on page 7) and assign it
to the grout body.
6. Set the Behaviour of the embedded beam rows to Grout body
9. Click on Group_1 in the Model explorer and type a new name (e.g GroundAnchor_Top).
10. Follow the same steps to create a group and to rename the bottom ground anchors.
Although the precise stress state and interaction with the soil cannot be modelled with this 2D model, it is
possible in this way to estimate the stress distribution, the deformations and the stability of the structure on a
global level, assuming that the grout body does not slip relative to the soil. With this model it is certainly not
possible to evaluate the pullout force of the ground anchor.
Create a line load between (28 30) and (38 30).
condition can be met by drawing a new general phreatic level and performing a groundwater flow calculation.
Activating the interfaces during the groundwater flow calculation prevents flow through the wall.
Initial phase
The initial stress field is generated by means of the K0 procedure using the default K0-values in all clusters
defined automatically by the program.
The model for the phase 1 in the Staged construction mode is displayed as:
Click the Add phase button in the Phases explorer to add a new phase.
2. In the Staged construction mode de-activate the upper cluster of the excavation
The model for the first excavation phase looks like this:
Click the Add phase button in the Phases explorer.
2. Activate the upper ground anchors by clicking on the checkbox in front of GroundAnchors_Top under the
Groups subtree in the Model explorer.
3. Multi-select the top node-to-node anchors.
4. In the Selection explorer set the Adjust prestress parameter to True and assign a pre-stress force of 500
Note: A pre-stress force is exactly matched at the end of a finished staged construction calculation and turned
into an anchor force. In successive calculation phases the force is considered to be just an anchor force and
can therefore further increase or decrease, depending on the development of the surrounding stresses and
The model for the phase 3 in the Staged construction mode looks like this:
Click the Add phase button to add a new phase.
2. Deactivate the second cluster of the excavation.
The model for the phase 4 in the Staged construction mode is displayed:
Click the Add phase button to add a new phase.
2. Activate the lower ground anchors.
3. Select the bottom node-to-node anchors.
4. In the Selection explorer set the Adjust prestress parameter to True and assign a pre-stress force of 1000
The model for the phase 5 in the Staged construction mode is displayed:
Click the Add phase button to add a new phase.
2. In the Phases window, within General > Pore pressure calculation type select the Steady state
groundwater flow option . The default values of the remaining parameters are valid.
3. Deactivate the third cluster of the excavation.
4. Click the Flow conditions tab to display the corresponding mode.
5. In the Model explorer expand the Attributes library.
6. Expand the Water levels subtree.
7. Click the Create water level button in the side toolbar and draw a new phreatic level. Start at (0 23) and
draw the phreatic level through (40 20), (60 20) and end in (100 23).
8. In the Model explorer expand the User water levels subtree. Click on UserWaterLevel_1 and type
LoweredWaterLevel to rename the water level created in the Flow conditions mode.
Figure 14: The GroundwaterFlow subtree under the Model conditions in the Model explorer
10. In the Water subtree assign the LoweredWaterLevel to GlobalWaterLevel.
Note: Note that for Groundwater flow (steady or transient) the intersection points of the water level with the
active model boundaries are important. The program calculates flow boundary conditions in terms of a
groundwater head corresponding to the water level. The 'internal' part of the water level is not used and will be
replaced by the phreatic level resulting from the groundwater flow calculation. Hence, the water level tool is just
a convenient tool to create boundary conditions for a flow calculation.
1. Click the Select points for curves button in the side toolbar.
2. Select some characteristic points for curves (for example the connection points of the ground anchors on the
diaphragm wall, such as (40 27) and (40 23)).
The figures below show the deformed meshes at the end of calculation phases 2 to 6.
The figure below shows the effective principal stresses in the final situation. The passive stress state beneath the
bottom of the excavation is clearly visible. It can also be seen that there are stress concentrations around the
grout anchors.
The figure below shows the bending moments in the diaphragm walls in the final state. The two dips in the line
of moments are caused by the anchor forces.
Figure 22: Bending moments in the diaphragm walls in the final stage
The anchor force can be viewed by double clicking the anchor. When doing this for the results of the third and
the fifth calculation phase, it can be checked that the anchor force is indeed equal to the specified pre-stress
force in the calculation phase they are activated. In the following phases this value might change due to the
changes in the model.