Theorizing Digital Innovation Ecosystems - A Multilevel Ecological
Theorizing Digital Innovation Ecosystems - A Multilevel Ecological
Theorizing Digital Innovation Ecosystems - A Multilevel Ecological
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FRAMEWORK". In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden,
June 8-14, 2019. ISBN 978-1-7336325-0-8 Research Papers.
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Wang /Theorizing Digital Innovation Ecosystems
Research paper
It is intuitive to conceptualize the environment shaping digital innovations as "ecosystems." However,
the literature on digital innovation and ecosystems reveals silos and fragmentation surrounding the
ecosystem concept despite the holistic approach that the ecological perspective implies. Acknowledg-
ing the limitations of ecological metaphors, in this conceptual paper, we recognize key similarities
between natural and sociotechnical ecosystems and argue that digital innovation research may benefit
from taking the ecological perspective seriously, not just as metaphors, but also as a theory. Specifi-
cally, the concept ecosystem can be applied to multiple levels of the digital innovation landscape, link-
ing diverse entities such as processes, products, services, organizations, industries, and communities,
as they draw on resources, including technology, attention, and knowledge, to create and realize the
value of digital innovations. Further, we synthesize insights on natural and sociotechnical ecosystems
to develop building blocks of a comprehensive ecology theory, as a multilevel platform to advance
digital innovation research. This ecology theory of digital innovation ecosystems will also be able to
pinpoint key levers that practitioners can shape strategically to realize the full potential of digital in-
novations for organizations, communities, and society.
Keywords: Digital Innovation, Ecosystem, Ecology, Innovation Community.
1 Introduction
Twenty-five years ago, James Moore, then a business consultant fond of ecological metaphors, popu-
larized the term "ecosystem" in business and management (Siegele 2014), which he used to call a clus-
ter of players and their multifaceted relationships in a firm's competitive environment (Moore 1993).
Since then, the term ecosystem and ecological metaphors have been frequently appearing in discus-
sions about digital innovation, with the term ecosystem referring to the broader environment where
diverse innovation stakeholders interact. This ecological perspective is valuable because it goes be-
yond the dominant focus of IT innovation studies on the innovator or on the innovation to conceptual-
ize multiple stakeholders and multiple innovations in a holistic set, just like a biological ecosystem
consisting of different species and natural resources.
However, just a quick glimpse of the literatures on digital innovation and on ecosystems may suggest
that the term ecosystem has become a buzzword: Its use is prevalent but its meaning is often ambigu-
ous and confusing, as people with different interests use the same term to discuss different types and
aspects of digital innovations. The same can be said about the numerous ecological metaphors that
often accompany the term ecosystem. More seriously, there lacks a coherent theory to synthesize the
diverse opinions, experience-based insights, and research findings about digital innovation ecosys-
tems. Consequently, the ecological perspective is at the risk of becoming a management fad
(Abrahamson 1996) in digital innovation research and practice.
Intrigued by the ecosystem concept and aiming to alleviate its fragmentation, in this conceptual paper,
we conducted a literature review about this concept in Information Systems (IS) and Organizational
Studies (OS), two related fields where the meaning and utilities of the term ecosystem have expanded
significantly in the past two decades. This effort revealed an opportunity to build a multilevel ecology
theory for digital innovation ecosystems, going beyond the metaphors to realize the potential of eco-
logical thinking in advancing digital innovation research and practice. Both our literature review (Sec-
tion 3) and theory development (Section 4) were rooted in digital innovation research, to be summa-
rized next (Section 2).
an "ecosystem" in research on digital innovations (Bharadwaj et al. 2013; Fichman et al. 2014;
Nambisan et al. 2017; Yoo et al. 2012) and on open innovations (Chesbrough et al. 2014).
the governance by the platform owner and complement providers, the architecture of the platform, and
the impacts of governance and architecture on the evolution of the ecosystem (Tiwana et al. 2010).
Since business today is increasingly driven and enabled by digital technology, business ecosystem is
becoming increasingly digital. Synthesizing their review of the literature on ecosystems, Nischak et al.
(2017) defined a digital business ecosystem as "a flexible combination of heterogeneous actors, inter-
acting coopetitively by fundamentally drawing on a shared set of digital resources in conjunction with
nondigital resources driven by the underlying perception that engaging in joint value creation increas-
es individual chances of survival and growth" (p. 13).
Focusing on different yet related technologies, a technology ecosystem is "an environment that con-
tains populations of technologies organized as overlapping hierarchies with many interdependent rela-
tionships" (Adomavicius et al. 2008a, pp. 117-118). Technologies in an ecosystem play different roles
including (1) support and infrastructure, (2) product and application, and (3) component of the prod-
uct/application. Applying this perspective to information technology (IT), Adomavicius et al. (2008b)
defined IT ecosystem as "a subset of information technologies in the IT landscape that are related to
one another in a specific context of use" (p. 783).
Since the technologies are interdependent in their ecosystems, innovations in and with these technolo-
gies are also interdependent in what is called innovation ecosystems. Innovations in TV sets produced
very high picture quality, but innovations in studio production equipment and signal compression
technologies were falling behind, causing HDTV's disappointing performance initially in the market
(Adner 2006). Therefore, to succeed individually and collectively, participants in an innovation eco-
system need to make collaborative arrangements to combine their individual offerings into a coherent,
customer-facing solution (Adner 2006). Since digital technologies make process and product innova-
tions programmable, sensible, and searchable, and they reduce the costs of coordination, many innova-
tion ecosystems are therefore digital innovation ecosystems.
All in all, the ecosystems we reviewed above differ in their foci and levels of analysis (e.g., intra-
organizational, organizational, and inter-organizational). Despite these differences, there are substan-
tial commonalities across the various types of ecosystems reviewed above. First, digital technology is
present in many ecosystems, either as the focus itself, or a key enabler for the activities essential to the
ecosystems. Second, most ecosystems reviewed above do not have clearly defined boundaries. This is
a key characteristic of digital innovation. Given the prevalence of digital technology, it is not surpris-
ing that open or fuzzy boundaries are found in various types of ecosystems. Lastly, ecological meta-
phors are present in most of the ecosystem definitions. Species coexist with competitive and symbiotic
relationships in natural ecosystems, in seemingly similar ways that actors compete and collaborate in
sociotechnical ecosystems. Despite these intuitive connections, ecological metaphors have their limits.
vant to a focal business, is closer to the biological term "community" than to "ecosystem" (Iansiti and
Levien 2004), because the former refers to, aptly, a group of different populations of species in an ar-
ea, whereas the latter usually consists of a community and its physical environment. Regardless of this
subtlety, the focal business in a business ecosystem corresponds to a focal species in a natural ecosys-
tem. Yet this metaphor is problematic because the focal business, as a single organization, is analo-
gous to a population of only one organism, suggesting a species going extinct soon, which is not the
case for the focal business in many business ecosystems (e.g., Apple in Apple's business ecosystem).
Lastly, due to the different foci and different levels of analysis in using ecological metaphors, soci-
otechnical ecosystems are being examined in intellectual and practical silos as the structures and per-
formances of these ecosystems are gauged by idiosyncratic measures (Oh et al. 2016). For example,
the desired outcome of business process ecosystem is business-IT alignment (Vidgen and Wang 2006),
as opposed to success in the marketplace for product ecosystems.
To solve these problems, in what follows we take a closer look at the similarities between natural and
sociotechnical ecosystems, which we find far outweigh their differences. We therefore argue that eco-
logical insights should be taken seriously, not just as metaphors, but also as building blocks for a theo-
ry for understanding digital innovations and accounting for the various actors and their relationships at
different levels of a digital innovation ecosystem.
(Annanperä et al. 2015). Yet most of the value co-created from open innovation may be captured by
the focal firm. Therefore, value exchanges in both closed and open innovations may favour the focal
firm. In contrast, actors in a digital innovation ecosystem exchange value in digitally enabled value
networks (Pagani 2013), corresponding to the food network and trophic structure in natural ecosys-
tems. Who creates value and how value is distributed depend on the interactions among the actors of
the ecosystem, not necessarily determined by or favouring the actor who initiates the system.
Because of these similarities, key attributes of a natural ecosystem can be applied aptly to describe a
digital innovation ecosystem: (1) size/density: number of actors in an ecosystem, (2) vitality: rates at
with actors join or exit an ecosystem, (3) diversity: differences within and between groups of actors,
(4) structure: ways actors and their relationships and actions are arranged, and (5) resilience: the ca-
pacity to endure disturbances. Despite these common characteristics and attributes, the scope of digital
innovation ecosystems differs widely, encompassing innovations at different levels of analysis. We
address this varying scope next.
Levels of Form of Inno- Type of Ecosys- Actors Resources Value Exchange Research Questions
Analysis vation tem
Organizational Process Business process Business users and IT Business processes, Business-IT align- In digital innovation ecosystem for
Ecology Product/Service ecosystem developers software services, ment and business business processes,
and business process process innovation RQ1: how ecosystem size and structure
management (BPM) (e.g., number of business users, IT de-
velopers, processes, size of software,
and BPM) affect performance (e.g.,
alignment and innovation)?
Population Product/Service Business ecosys- Outsourcing partners, Enterprise systems Social and econom- In digital innovation ecosystem for
Ecology Business Model tem and prod- investors, tech ven- (ERP, CRM, and ic value created business, product, or service,
uct/service eco- dors, component and business intelli- and captured by RQ2: how legitimacy and competition
system at firm compliment provid- gence), digital plat- each actor, and affect ecosystem vitality (entry/exit)?
level (including ers, customers, com- forms, and infra- product or service
platform-based petitors, and regula- structure innovation RQ3: how control by platform owner
ecosystem) tors affects ecosystem vitality (entry/exit)?
Community Product/Service Ecosystem for Populations of organ- Collective attention Social and econom- In digital innovation community for
Ecology Category product, service, izations with interests and knowledge car- ic value of innova- business, product, or service category,
or technology in producing and/or ried by discourse tion RQ 4: what combination of roles and
category (e.g., using innovations in a vehicles (e.g., news capabilities and what relationships af-
technology eco- product, service, or releases, annual re- fect community vitality and perfor-
system and inno- technology category ports, analyst re- mance?
vation ecosystem) ports, news articles,
Ecosystem Product/Service research papers, Identity of product, In digital innovation ecosystem for
Ecology Category conferences, books, service, or technol- business, product, or service category,
etc.) ogy category RQ5: how hype and discourse vehicle
affect ecosystem vitality and perfor-
Landscape Multiple Cate- Multiple ecosys- Actors in multiple Resources in multi- Effect of other eco- In digital innovation landscape,
Ecology gories of Prod- tems of various ecosystems ple ecosystems systems on the fo- RQ6: how vitality and performance of
uct/Service types cal ecosystem one ecosystem affect those of other
ecosystems through multi-ecosystem
Table 1. Varying Scope of Ecosystem Analysis of Digital Innovation
and possibly other entities), like organisms and their resources in a natural ecosystem, all need to adapt
to the changing environment. Because these components are interdependent, their adaptations are in-
terdependent, making themselves coevolving with each other in the ecosystem. As the actors (e.g.,
business users and IT developers) align their objectives and activities, they utilize resources such as
business processes, software services, and business process management (BPM) methods and tech-
niques. These actors co-create and share value, i.e., business-IT alignment and innovations in the busi-
ness processes. These coevolution, value exchange, and innovations can be facilitated by digital tech-
nology such as collaboration software and operational intelligence tools. Hence some business process
ecosystems are digital innovation ecosystems at the organizational level.
Several key attributes of the ecosystem may affect its performance – the extent to which business and
IT are aligned and the quantity and quality of process innovations. First, ecosystems with a large num-
ber of business users and IT developers are likely to have a large number of objectives represented and
activities involved. While more objectives are harder to meet and more activities are more challenging
to coordinate, making it more difficult to achieve business-IT alignment, a larger pool of knowledge in
a larger ecosystem may produce creative ways to innovate business processes.
Second, to facilitate the coevolution and improve the overall fitness of the components, managers may
change the ecosystem by modifying ecological parameters such as the number of the business process-
es and the size of the software services to support those processes (Vidgen and Wang 2006). Other
things equal, more business processes may provide more opportunities for specific needs to be satis-
fied, but the increased complexity that comes with more processes may dampen or erase those oppor-
tunities. Similarly, large software services or packages developed to address various business needs
comprehensively, as substantiated by research on enterprise systems (Davenport 2000; Lyytinen and
Newman 2015), tend to address specific business needs less effectively than smaller, best-of-breed
software services. However, large software services often have more functions than any best-of-breed
software service and thus large services may be able to address many business needs even though
these packages cannot address specific needs so well as small software services.
Lastly, business process management (BPM) has become a mature discipline that offers a variety of
methods and tools to monitor and improve business processes. Some have argued that contemporary
BPM obliterates the business-IT divide because business users can use the BPM tools to develop and
deploy their own processes (Smith and Fingar 2003). However, this argument still needs empirical
testing as the assumption that BPM replaces IT developers or that business users and IT developers
converge in the ecosystem may not always hold. In sum,
Research Question 1: In a digital innovation ecosystem for business processes, how do the size and
structure of the ecosystem (e.g., number of business users, IT developers, processes, size of software,
and BPM) affect it performance (e.g., business-IT alignment and process innovation)?
Regarding an organization's external environment, the closest ecological unit is the industry to which
the organization belongs. As digital technology blurs or breaks down industry boundaries, product
ecosystems, service ecosystems, and platform-based ecosystems are formed at or around this level,
which corresponds to the populations of organisms in ecology.
increasing legitimacy attracts new organizations and reduces the chances of failure for those already in
the population. As the population grows, increasing competition discourages new entries and causes
incumbents to fail. Accordingly, population density is often used, in normal and quadratic forms, to
measure legitimacy and competition, respectively, in a population or industry (Hannan et al. 1995).
For over four decades, organizational researchers have studied ecological processes primarily at the
population level (Astley 1985; Baum and Amburgey 2002).
Digital innovation ecosystems at the population level include business ecosystems, product ecosys-
tems, or service ecosystems enabled by digital technology. Each type of ecosystem forms around a fo-
cal business, product, or service, encompassing actors from more than one population or industry. Yet
within each population involved in the ecosystem, both legitimacy and competition still matter, as may
be explained by population ecology theory. Among the actors in a business ecosystem, the outsourcing
partners, investors, technology vendors, component and complement providers, and customers all
would like to be associated with a legitimate business. The more members in a specific population in a
business ecosystem, the stronger the signal that the focal business is legitimate. At the same time,
crowded populations are competitive, as competition manifest among not only venders vying for lu-
crative contracts, but also component and complement providers seeking customers, as well as cus-
tomers bidding for the finite supply of products or services. Digital technology offers a variety of re-
sources for actors to function and interact in ecosystems at the population level. These resources in-
clude enterprise software (such as enterprise resource planning-ERP, customer relationship manage-
ment-CRM, and business intelligence), digital platforms, and infrastructure. These resources have
lowered the barriers to entry, but the same logics regarding legitimacy and competition may still apply
to digital innovation ecosystems for a business, product, or service. Therefore,
Research Question 2: In a digital innovation ecosystem for business, product, or service, how do le-
gitimacy and competition affect the vitality (entry/exit rate) of the ecosystem?
Ecosystems based on platforms are a special case of business ecosystems. A firm develops and con-
trols a product, service, or technology which serves as the foundation on which a larger number of
firms can build complementary innovations (Gawer and Cusumano 2014). A large portion of IS re-
search on platform-based ecosystem is focused on the tension between control by a platform owner
and autonomy among independent developers (Tiwana et al. 2010). Proper control, in the forms such
as development guidelines and screening, ensures compatibility and consistency among the products
or services offered on the platform. Too much control, however, may stifle innovation and reduce the
incentives for developers to join or stay in the ecosystem. Therefore,
Research Question 3: In a digital innovation ecosystem for business, product, or service based on a
platform, how does control by the owner of the platform affect the vitality of the ecosystem?
Product/service ecosystems are formed to support specific products (e.g., DJI's drones) and services
(e.g., Amazon Web Services). Broader ecosystems can also emerge to support whole categories of
products, services, or technologies, such as the ecosystems for drones and cloud computing. To under-
stand the ecosystems for product, service, or technology categories, we turn to community ecology.
2008). The key difference from a business/product/service ecosystem is that, in an innovation commu-
nity, the focal product or service category does not belong to any organization, but to the community.
Community for
Community for Innovation C
Innovation A Demand
In an innovation community, to create and capture the social and economic value of the innovation,
diverse actors interact not only with each other, but also with the resources in the community. The in-
teractions between actors and resources are the focus of ecosystem ecology.
tem. Further, certain ecosystem measures are dependent upon specific scales or levels. For example,
business-IT alignment is a specific performance measure for ecosystems at the business process level,
whereas platform control is a governance issue specific to platform-based ecosystems.
Finally, this scale-dependency does not mean that ecosystem analysis is bound to fragment or has to
be done in silos. At the very least, taking stock of extant knowledge with this multilevel framework
allows us to see underexplored areas such as community ecology, landscape ecology, and ecosystem
structure and performance. Further, the degree of scale-dependency can be assessed at different levels.
For example, the notion that legitimacy and competition affect ecosystem vitality has been studied
extensively at the product/population level, and but rarely at the product category/community level
(Sun and Wang 2012). What's more, this multilevel framework allows us to study the interactions be-
tween and across the different levels. As energy flow and chemical cycling never stay at just one layer
of a natural ecosystem, resources in a digital innovation ecosystem move around, across different lev-
els. For example, a longitudinal study of community and organizational learning in the ERP ecosystem
found that organizations contributed local knowledge to the broader community and the community
fed important lessons learned back to organizations (Wang 2009). Such cross-level analysis may en-
rich theories on knowledge and learning, dynamic capabilities, and economic and social values of digi-
tal innovations (Jha et al. 2016; Leong et al. 2016).
This study was supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation's grant #IIS-1546404.
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