Open Office Impress

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Presentation: A picture is worth a thousand words.

A presentation s/w package is used to

create slide show which contains some information which can be displayed in front of
viewers to pass information to them. It can contain various things such as text, pictures,
audio, video, animation etc.
E.g.Open Office Impress, MS Powerpoint, Lotus Freelance etc.
Extension of Open office Impress is .odp

Slide and slide show: An electronic page which is created in a presentation s/w is called as
a slide and slide show is electronic presentation which can run on a computer screen or a
projection device in full screen mode.

Steps to Impress Presentation

1. Select a way to start your presentation. Use empty presentation or from template.
2. Create you slides
3. Customise your presentation
4. Use drawing tool, images, audio, video, animation etc. as per you need.
5. Checking your slide show before showing it to the viewers.

Various parts in Open Office Impress Window

1. Title Bar – Shows name of the file as well as type of the file.
2. Menu Bar – Contains various options through which we can manipulate our
3. Toolbar – Standard Toolbar – Contains most frequently used standard toolbars.
Formatting toolbar – Contains most frequently used formatting tools.
4. Task Pane –It contains most commonly used formatting options that can make a
presentation more effective.
5. Drawing Toolbar – used for inserting different kind of shapes within a slide.
6. Slide Pane/Bar – It contains slides that are added in presentation.
7. Slide view buttons – Used to view presentation in different modes.
8. Status bar – Show the status of the presentation located at bottom

Presentation Tips
To make effective presentation we have to follow some steps to create successful
1. Know your audience
2. Keep it simple – display the things which are necessary. It should not be in larger
number or less number.
3. Use space efficiently.
4. Text should be self-explanatory.
5. Use only few colours in all the slides of a presentation.

Basic elements of a Presentation

1. Title
2. Subtitle
3. Drawing objects
4. Pictures, audio, videos, Text etc.
Slide components used for reference
Presentation displays information in front of audience at that time a presenter requires
some reference components so that he/she can describe the presentation effectively.

1. Handouts – It is the printouts which need to be given to the audience before

commencing the presentation. Handouts are compressed version of the slides of
your presentation.
2. Speaker’s note – It is used by the presenter at the time of presentation. It keeps
extra information about the slide within it but it is not displayed during
3. Outline – It is summarised version of slide that displays only title and main text. This
can be used to organise the flow of your presentation.

Creating New Presentation

Start Impress then new presentation dialog box appears in which 2 options are available to
new presentation:
1. Empty presentation: It allows us to create a presentation from the scratch. It allows
us to select slide design and other background options. Also, in which we can add
our own structure of the presentation as per our need. In this we can add slide one
by one as required.
2. From Template: It is actually a predefined file that contains pre-defined element
styles for a presentation. E.g. font, size, colour and different place holder etc.

Layout: A slide layout is an organised set of elements using which a new slide can be
To change the slide layout:
1. Select the slide
2. Go to layout section in task pane
3. Select desired layout from there for e.g. blank slide, title slide, title-content, title and
2 content etc.

Different Views in OO Impress

There are six different views in OO Impress. Each new presentation opens in normal view
by default. These can be changed to different view using view buttons located at the top
of the workspace or by using the menu view.

1. Normal view: It is the default view also called as main view. It displays three panes
that shows slide pane, the slide and the task pane. It provides us the area where we
can create our presentation.
2. Outline: This view displays only the text of the presentation in outline form allowing
us to work easily with text.
3. Handouts – It is the printouts which need to be given to the audience before
commencing the presentation. Handouts are compressed version of the slides of
your presentation.
4. Notes view – It is used by the presenter at the time of presentation. It keeps extra
information about the slide within it but it is not displayed during presentation.
5. Slide sorter view: used to change the sequence of the slide in a presentation.
6. Slide show view: Displays the slide in full screen mode and used to present your
presentation in front of audience. Its shortcut key is F5.

How to add new slide

Click InsertSlide, New slide will be added after the slide which one is selected.

Or right click on one of the slide on slide pane and select new slide option, new slide will
be added next to the selected slide.

Editing and formatting a slide

Selecting new design

Right click on slide Slide design  Click on load button  Select the design and press

Changing background colour and shading

Format  Page  Background  Select a fill pattern  select a pattern from the list 
then select whether it should be applied to all pages or to the selected page only.

Changing Text font and style

Formatting of text can be changed through the task pane or by using the menu

Header and Footer : useful to display similar information on each slide. You can change it
anytime in your presentation design.
View  header and Footer

In this we can add page number, date and time, any information in footer as well header.
Date and Time can be added in 2 ways:
1. Fixed – In this date and time is fixed as shows same even if we open the
presentation on different days or time.
2. Variable - In this date and time varies according to the system on which we are
running our presentation.

Inserting Graphics in Impress

There are 2 ways to insert graphics in open office Impress:
1. Drawing objects
2. Pictures

Drawing Objects – It includes auto shapes, curves, lines and graphic text. These are parts
of open office impress. To do this click on View Toolbars  Drawing
After clicking on above path:
 Click the shape you want to insert
 Drag it to the desired space in writer
 Your desired shape will be drawn.

Inserting Graphics Text Art (Fontwork)

It is used to insert different types of predefined fontwork in a document. It can be inserted
from fontwork gallery option.
1. View  Toolbar  Fontwork
2. Click fontwork gallery icon present in drawing toolbar.

Inserting pictures in Open office Impress

It can be done in 2 ways:
1. By using Insert  Pictures From File
In this way we can insert any picture that is stored in our computer system or in some
other storage device.

2. Inserting it from open office gallery

It can be done by clicking on gallery icon on standard toolbar. Once the gallery is
opened, you can drag and drop a picture from various available categories to your file.
It is there in Tools menu as well.
Image using gallery can be inserted by right click on desired image  select insert 
select copy/link.
In copy if any changes is made in original one it will not reflect to the copied image
whereas in link option changes made in original image will reflect in inserted image.

Formatting of a picture can be done by:

Right click on picture  Select Picture option Set the changes in different tabs as
required and press ok.

Grouping and Ungrouping objects in Impress

To group different objects click on selection tool located at Drawing toolbar  then draw
a rectangle around the objects which needs to be grouped.
Press shift key and select objects one by one which needs to be grouped.

Now click on Format  Group  Group

Shortcut for grouping is ctrl + shift + G

Now to ungroup select the group and click on Format  Group  Ungroup

Or use shortcut ctrl + shift + alt + G

Copying and deleting slide

To copy select the slide  Right click select copy option then paste it on required position.
Select the slide  click on edit menu  select copy option
Select the slide  press Ctrl+c

To delete select the slide  Right click select delete option

Select the slide  click on edit menu  select delete slide option
Select the slide  press del button from keyboard

Hiding a slide
If we want to hide a slide i.e. the silde will not be visible during the slide show.
If you do not require a slide in your presentation we can hide it so that it will not be visible
during slide show. Also we can unhide if it is required again.

To hide a slide  Right click on slide then select hide slide option

To unhide  Right click on hidden slide  select show slide.

Inserting Audio in a slide

We can insert any audio or music or video in any of the slide.
It can be done from Insert  Movie and sound
A pop up will appear where we have to select the audio file which needs to be embedded
in the slide.

Animation in open office impress

When series of still pictures moved in a sequence so that it feels that they are moving then
it is called as animation.
It can be done in 2 methods:
1. Slide Transition: When animation effects come while changing the slide it is said to
be as slide Transition. It can added in slides by using Slide show menu then clicking
on slide transition.
Speed option in slide transition is slow, fast, medium.
Slide can be changed by mouse click, using keys or it can be done automatically.
We can also add sound effects while changing the slide by using sound option.

2. Custom animation: When we want to add animation to the different objects of slide
we will use custom animation. It can added in slides by using Slide show menu then
clicking on custom animation.
Speed option: very slow, slow, medium, fast, very fast.
Next Animation will be visible using mouse click, with previous and after previous.
Direction of animation – from top, from bottom, from right and from left.
Toc change the order of animation we can use change order option from custom
animation by selecting any of the added animation effect.

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