TESDA Circular No. 011-2021

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Subject: Implementing Guidelines for Disaster Response Page 1 of & pages

Number 0 /I, series of 2021
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
February 01, 2021 Immediately

In the interest of the service and in line with the thrust to establish standard
responses by all operating units to affected areas and in pursuance to the Spirit
of Bayanihan in times of calamities, the following Implementing Guideline is
hereby issued.


Sec. 3 (I) & (s) of R.A. No. 10121 An Act Strengthening the Philippine Disaster and
Risk Reduction and Management System, providing for the National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Framework and Institutionalizing the National Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Plan, Appropriating Funds thereof and for other
purposes, defines that:

"(I) Disaster Response — the provision of emergency services and

public assistance during or immediately after a disaster to save lives,
reduce health impacts, ensure public safety and meet the basic
subsistence needs of the people affected. Disaster response is
predominantly focused on immediate and short-term needs and is
sometimes called "disaster relief'
(s) Emergency Management— the organization and management of
resources and responsibilities for addressing all aspects of
emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and initial recovery

Due to its geographical location, the Philippines is visited by an average of 20

typhoons per year. The annual monsoon season causes severe flooding in
many places due to irresponsible use of the natural resources

The Philippines is also situated in the Pacific Ring of Fire and based on
research, Philippine volcanoes are ranked as one of the deadliest and costly in
the world. Thirteen percent (13%) of its historic eruptions have caused fatalities
most notably Taal and Mayon volcanoes are classified as active and caused
significant damage to life and property.

Informal settlements which are usually congested are prone to fire incidents.

Armed Conflicts perpetrated by Communist Terrorist Groups and Violent

Extremists affect and displace people. Conflict-affected areas negatively impact
the lives and properties of the residents.

In the spirit of Bayanihan, and with TESDA's mandate and mantra "TESDA Abot
Lahat" provides Relief and Rehabilitation Programs to transform and improve
lives for the better creating a more resilient and better Filipino Communities and
Subject: Implementing Guidelines for Disaster Response Page of (a pages
Number La, series of 2021
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
February 01, 2021 Immediately


Victims of disasters resulting from typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,

tsunamis and the underlying effects like flooding, lahar flow, land slide and mud
slide and man-made disasters such as terrorism, technological hazards,
transportation hazards and environmental accidents.


With TESDA's "Abot Lahat" flagship, this implementing guideline aims to

standardize the approach in the event of disaster to address the needs of
disaster victims.

• To determine basic support services that may be provided by TESDA in
the event of a disaster.
• To provide guidance on the mobilization of the resources
• To create a pool of available community-based trainers to train and help
victims rebuild their homes.


Every responder is required to wear the TESDA vest for identification. A standee
can be placed in the evacuation area as much as possible to represent the
Agencies' involvement in the disaster response.

Disaster response shall be in line with the whole-of-government approach and

in coordination with the relief and rehabilitation plan of the concerned agencies.

Relief Phase

•To provide the immediate basic needs of the affected population, the
following should be provided:
• Ready-to-eat food package, hygiene kits, baby kits, laundry kits,
health kits (PPE, face mask, face shield and hand sanitizer/alcohol)
this can be sourced from the produce of trainings from TTI's/ TVI's
and partners.
• Provision for Photo-Voltaic System and training on its installation,
operation and maintenance, and such other technological intervention as
may be required, provided there is available supply and in accordance with
the relevant financial and accounting rules and regulations.
• Conduct Needs Assessment in coordination with the Program
Management Office of the Local Government Unit (LGU)/ Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Unit (DRRMU)
• Provide assistance as may be requested by the LGU/DRRMU as may be
needed provided that the office is capable of granted request.
Subject: Implementing Guidelines for Disaster Response Page 3 of Ci pages
Number a, series of 2021
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
February 01, 2021 Immediately

Rehabilitation Phase

• Provision for Skills and Livelihood Trainings applying training-cum-

production to provide them livelihood opportunities while recovering from
the effects of the disaster
• Provision for Skills training on Construction specifically on Carpentry,
Masonry and Electrical Installation to help rebuild their houses and
• Provision for Skills training to regain their access towards employment and
normal life.
• Provide additional technical assistance as may be requested by


Responsibility and Roles of OPRs will be determined depending on the scale of

the disaster. It is mandatory for Regional Offices, Provincial Offices and TESDA
Training Institutes to respond to the disaster the soonest possible time that the
responsible Disaster Risk Reduction Management declares that it is safe to
conduct relief operations.

The OPR should assign a team who can immediately respond and who will
also be responsible in the accuracy and timeliness of the reports.

Hierarchy Chain of Response should be observed and intraregional collaboration

should be practiced.

A. Regional Office

If the scope of the disaster is province-wide or greater, the OPR shall be the
Regional Office under the supervision of the Regional Director and shall provide
the necessary interventions and assistance to the affected population as
contained in this implementing guideline.

Aside from the aforementioned, the RO is responsible to:

a. Identify and register community-based trainers to have a pool of

recognized trainers to help in the immediate training of the affected
b. Perform the responsibility of the OPR if the disaster involves the entire
c. Monitor and evaluate provincial interventions and reports to the CLGUS

B. Provincial Office

If the affected area is not the whole province, the OPR shall be the Provincial
Office supervised by the Provincial Director and shall provide the necessary
Subject: Implementing Guidelines for Disaster Response Page 4 of Co pages
Number CL, series of 2021
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
February 01, 2021 Immediately
interventions and assistance to the affected population as contained in this
Implementing Guidelines.

Aside from the enumeration in Section IV of this guidelines, the following shall
be adhered to:

a. Identify and register community-based trainers to have a pool of

recognized trainers to help in the immediate training of the affected
b. Monitor and evaluate Municipal interventions and reports to the Regional

C. TESDA Technical Institutes (TTIs)

a. To have a pool of TESDA recognized Community-Based Trainers to

train victims in the rehabilitation of their homes and community.
b. Keep a stock inventory of training outputs that can be used for relief
c. Coordinate and cooperate on relief operations with respective LGU or
d. Assist in the preparation and distribution of warm foods and ready-to-
eat food for relief operations.

D. Technical Vocational Institutes (TVIs)

a. Maintain a stock inventory of training outputs that can be used for relief
b. Maintain a pool of volunteer graduates who can render free service in
times of disaster relief operation.
c. Assist in the distribution of disaster relief to affected population

E. Communities and Local Government Units and Services

a) Shall be responsible to monitor and evaluate the interventions

provided in the affected area.
b) Shall be the OPR if the affected area is one or more regions.
c) Shall extend assistance it can provide and collect through interregional

Responsibility of the Office with Primary Responsibility (OPR)

a. Immediately coordinate with the Local Government Unit and/or the Local
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Center (LDRRMC) to
determine scale and magnitude of the disaster.
Subject: Implementing Guidelines for Disaster Response Page of 6) pages
Number 21, series of 2021
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
February 01, 2021 Immediately

b. Respond to the disaster within 24 hours after coordination with LGU/

Local DRRMC.
c. Mobilize the necessary manpower and resources to respond to the
disaster for areas such as:
• Provision of relief supply such as water, food, clothing and
temporary shelter
• Provision of hygiene kits which or may contain bath soap,
shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitary napkin
• Provision of laundry kits which or may contain detergent, basin,
pail, dipper
• Provision of baby items like milk, feeding bottle and diaper
• Assistance in the provision of first aid and emergency health
d. Coordinate with the LGU/DRRMC for the distribution of relief supplies.
e. Collaborate with nearby regions and provinces for whatever assistance
they can provide as described in the provisions of this Implementing
f. Document and report all interventions provided in the area.


Relief Phase
1. Submission of Narrative Report
2. Submission of Photo/ Video of Activity
3. Submission of Monitoring and Evaluation Report

Rehabilitation Phase
1. Submission of Narrative Report
2. Submission of Photo/ Video of Activity
3. Submission of Monitoring and Evaluation Report

Terminal Phase
1. Monitoring and Evaluation Report should contain the ff:

• Type of Disaster
• Scale of the Disaster
• ResponsiNe Operating Unit
• Co-respondent (TTI's and TVI's)
• Activities Conducted/Trainings
• Affected Families/Individuals
• Action Plan (Way Forward)
Subject: Implementing Guidelines for Disaster Response Page £ of 61pages
Number cij, series of 2021
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
February 01, 2021 Immediately


Regional and Provincial MOOE and Contingency Funds should be the source
of funds to cover immediate expenses such as gasoline, transportation,
mobility expense and other emergency expenses while TESDA Scholarships
will be used in training the affected area/population.

This Circular takes effect as indicated and shall supersede all issuances
inconsistent herewith.


Director General X

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