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5t-10t R Operation and Maintenance Manual-Apr.2018

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5-10 ton R Series

Internal Combustion Counterbalanced Forklift Truck




Thanks for your purchasing our forklift truck.

Our 5t-10t R series IC forklift trucks are products in great demand. The adopted latest appearance
design method makes the truck outline fluent and also meets the latest trend of international
appearance. The adopted internationally advanced ergonomic control system design and
vibration reduction technology design make truck vibration reduction and operation more
This operation manual is the explanations that how to use 5t-10t R-series forklift truck correctly. It
will instruct you how to operate safety and maintain correctly. All that in charge of operation,
maintenance and management must read and comprehend this manual well.
This manual also applies to container forklift truck.
As the update and improvements of our products, there may be some differences between this
operation manual with your forklift truck.
If you have any questions please keep touches with HANGCHA GROUP CO., LTD. sales
department or let the agents know.
HANGCHA GROUP has national customer service hotline:400-884-78888, including information
about after-sales service,3----after-sales service,4----accessories consultation. When you dial and
follow the voice prompt operation, the operator will inform you of the local HANGCHA after-sales
service branch or the contact details of the shop, convenient access to the services you need. For
example, when you need to buy accessories, press 4, the operator will inform you of the nearest
supply point of accessories. Please buy pure accessories for HANGCHA.


1. General Rules................................................................................................................................1
2. Name of main parts or component ................................................................................................3
Instruments ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Controls .................................................................................................................................................. 7
3. Safety instructions .......................................................................................................................18
4. 8 hour (daily or every shift) check ...............................................................................................24
5. Structure and stability of truck .....................................................................................................33
6.Operation ......................................................................................................................................35
Start-up ................................................................................................................................................. 35
Traveling............................................................................................................................................... 33
3. Load ................................................................................................................................................. 34
4. Stacking load................................................................................................................................... 35
5. Remove load ................................................................................................................................... 35
6. Measures against cold and hot weathers ................................................................................... 36
7.Triple engine forklift specific fault diagnosis and maintenance................................................. 36
7. Deposit ........................................................................................................................................36
8. Maintenance ................................................................................................................................37
Preventive maintenance schedule ................................................................................................... 37
Maintenance of chassis and body .................................................................................................... 39
Table for bolt’s tight moment ............................................................................................................. 40
4. Periodic replacement of key safe parts ....................................................................................... 41
Table for the oil used in the truck ..................................................................................................... 42
Lubrication system drawing .............................................................................................................. 44
Different label in different position .................................................................................................... 45
9. Truck’s convey, lifting, towing ......................................................................................................38
10. Type signification .......................................................................................................................39
11. Technical specification of 5-10T forklift truck .............................................................................41
12.Operation, disassembly and installation of cab..........................................................................64
13.Operation and notice about LPG forklift .....................................................................................66
14.Operational method of lead acid battery ....................................................................................78
15.Use, installation and safety rules of attachment ........................................................................80
16.Maintenance Record ..................................................................................................................82
1. General Rules
To make the truck and you safety, operator should obey these rules below:
1. Only trained and authorized operator shall be permitted to operate the truck.
2. Before start truck, you should check all control and alarm device, if there are any damaged or
objection, you could not operate it until repaired it.
3. When carry the load, the weight should not much overload. The fork shall insert in the load fully
and well proportioned. It is not permitted use only one fork to load.
4. You should operate the truck smoothly when starting, turning, travelling, braking and parking.
On slippery or wet road, you should decrease speed when turning.
5. Load travel should lower the goods down and tilt the mast backwards.
6. Be carefully when traveled on a grade. If the slope angle is larger than 10%, travel forward up
slope and backward down slope. Never turn sideways and stack load on an incline.
7. Notice the foot passenger, barrier, pothole and the clearance upside.
8. It is prohibit picking up a man or standing on the fork.
9. No permitted to stand or walk under the fork.
10. No permitted to operate the truck or attachment on other position except the operator’s seats.
11. Do not carry the load unpackaged. Be carefully to carry these goods with large size.
12. Notice the load not drop from the load bracket for those trucks that overall maximum lift height
is higher than 3 meters. If necessary, make some protective measure.
13. Travel with load as low as possible and tilt back the mast.
14. Before driving over a dock-board or bridge-plate, be sure that it is properly secured and strong
enough to sustain the weight.
15. Make sure that there is no naked flame near the area, never smoke. The driver should not
remain seated when adding fuel.
16. The truck with attachments should be treated as a loaded truck.
17. Handle with automatic pitch fork of the forklift when the load must not make lateral operation,
so as not to lose balance and forklift components of the damage caused
18. When leave the truck, you should let the fork down, make the shift lever neutral shut down the
engine and cut the power. Parking on a grade, make sure to tighten the brake lever. If necessary,
use a block when parking on a grade for a long time.
19.When lifting goods or grade climbing, If the truck suddenly get out of order, or battery
electrolyte,hydraulic oil or brake oil leaks, it needs to rush to repair and keep the truck in safe state,
then connect with maintainer or sales representative.
20. In the process of install and assemble, there will generate noise and vibration.Please choose
the right tool and assembly method. Reduce the noise and libration as low and light as possible to
reduce the noise pollution to the environment.
21. The work road surface for forklift should be firm and flat cement,blacktop or beton surface.If
there are snow,ice,water or other impurity, obstacle, only work after eliminating them. Otherwise
the truck will be out of control and cause safety accident.
22. When the truck anchors, move the truck to the place where traffic conditions permit.If the
reason is brake or turn system,move it by a suitable truck(Refer to the part of truck convey);Other
reason,use a suitable truck to drag, tie the cord at truck outer.Please abide by the traffic
regulations when dragging the truck on road.
23. After take-down the hood,water tank cover board,overhead,backrest of mast, do not operate

the truck or load cargo.
24. There should be enough light at truck work ground. Work at night,open the head lamp and
equip with enough light.
25. 8-10T trucks equip with energy accumulator, which can offer one emergent brake at least after
truck shuts down. In order for your safety, please carefully read and strictly carry out relevant
accumulator operation
26. Only in the event that the truck manufacturer is no longer in business and there is no
successor in the interest to the business, the user may arrange for a modification or alteration to a
powered industrial truck provided, however, that the user shall:
a) Arrange for the modification or alteration to be designed, tested and implemented by an
engineer(s) expert in industrial trucks and their safety;
b) Maintain a permanent record of the design, test(s) and implementation of the modification
or alteration;
c) Approve and make appropriate changes to the capacity plate(s),decals, tags and
instruction handbook;
d) Affix a permanent and readily visible label to the truck stating the manner in which the
truck has been modified or altered together with the date of the modification or alteration,
and the name and address of the organization that accomplished the tasks.

! Caution

The truck 8t-10t equipped with accumulator. Only the engine started, completely
depresses the brake or direction of play, the braking pressure were established.
Depresses the brake pedal the engine starts 10s.

! Caution

When start the truck equipped with COMMINS QSB 3.3,the key switch shall be kept
"ON" position 5s before you can start the truck.

2. Name of main parts or component

1. Fork 2.Fork carriage 3. Backrest 4. Tilting cylinder

5. Steering wheel 6. Inner mast 7.Outer mast 8. Overhead guard
9. Seat 10. Counterbalance weight 11. Cover hood 12.Frame
13. Rear wheel 14. Front wheel


0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0

Hourmeter[1] Preheat indicator (C)
When the Key Switch on the position┃(ON), Turn the key to ┃ ―ON‖ position and the
Hourmeter begin to work.When work an hour, indicator lights up for a moment. After the
Hourmeter will increase a number. indicator goes out, turn the key to―Start‖
Hourmeter displays the hours of the truck position.
Water temperature gauge [2] Oil-water separator indicator (D)
When the Key Switch on the position┃(ON), In normal state, once the starter is set to
water temperature begins to work. This ―ON‖ position, this lamp lights up. After the
gauge indicates the temperature of engine engine starts up, it goes out.
cooling water. Normally, the pointer at range This lamp lights up when water sediment
of 60℃-115℃. reaches to a certain level, while the engine is
△! Caution If this lamp continues to be on or flash during
If the pointer points red zone, please stop the engine running, shut the engine and
the truck at once.Decrease the engine discharge water immediately.
speed to make the engine cool. Check the
cooling fluid if enough and the fan belt’s
elasticity if fit. △! Caution
Fuel gauge [3] If operate when the light is on, fuel injection
The gauge indicates the fuel level in the tank pump may be damaged.
when the key is at ┃(ON) position. Torque converter oil temperature alarm
Charge indicator(A) light [E]
This lamp indicates the battery condition of In normal state, once the starter is set to
charge. The lamp comes on when the ignition ―start‖ position, this lamp lights up. After the
switch is set at ―ON‖, but it goes out as the engine starts up, it goes out.
engine starts and accelerator pedal is During work time, if the oil temperature
pressed. exceed the normal rang(60~120.C), the
indicator light on.
△! Caution
If the light continues to be on or flash during △! Caution
operation, then the charging is abnormal If warning lamp is on,please stop the truck
and need check immediately. at once, and decrease the engine speed to
Oil pressure alert lamp(B) make the engine cool until the light is
This lamp indicates the pressure condition of off.Otherwise,check the oil quantity or
engine lubrication oil. Although it lights up check others.
when the engine switch is set at ┃(ON),
once the engine starts up, this lamp goes out. Brake pressure lower warning indicator
light(H)(only for 8-10ton)
△! Caution It indicates all hydraulic brake accumulator
If this light continues to be on or flash pressure. Only after start the engine, fully
during operation, the oil pressure is lower step the brake or turn, the brake pressure of
than normal value and need check truck will be set up. After start the engine,step
immediately. down the pedal for 10s to increase the

pressure till the light is off.Then move the Engine malfunction detect switch(only for
truck.This light is bright, means low W28 and W38)
pressure.It should be check the hydraulic
system oil route.

! Caution

1. After start the engine,press the pedal a

few times to set up accumulator pressure.
2. After engine flameout,there are limited
times for brake(3-5 times step for different
truck model). Cause the accumulator
power is released,the truck cannot be
braked.In case of emergency
situation,don’t jump from the truck,strain
hand brake and get the truck stop slowly.
3. Truck flameout is not allowed to slide When the engine has something wrong, put
from the ramp. Strain the hand brake, and the Key Switch at the position┃ ( ON ) ,
then start the engine.If the engine cannot ―Engine detect‖switch at ―ON‖, (J)Indicator
start normally, don’t start by slide. It has is always on,(I)Indicator display fault code
the relation with the safety of your life. by various frequency, remove the trouble
according to fault code.If there are
multi-malfunction,you can watch other
malfunctions by using ―Engine detect page
△! Caution turning‖.After remove the malfunctions,(I)
Before maintain the brake and hydraulic indicator go out.Put ―Engine detect‖switch at
system of 8-10t truck, shut down the truck,
step the brake pedal 5-10 times to release ―OFF‖,Key switch o(OFF), start the engine
the accumulator power.Otherwise,it threatens only after 30seconds can.
the safety of service people. Left turn indicator(F)
When the vehicle turns left, you should
pushforward the turning indicator lights in
Warning indicator(I) (J) (only for W28, advance, and then the light is on.
W38) Right turn indicator(G)
(I)Redindicator light, (J)Yellowindicator When the vehicle turns right, you should pull
light.Any light is on,express the malfunction backward the turning indicator lights in
of engine, you must stop to examine, remove advance, and then the light is on.
the trouble based on the showing fault code.
If there are multi-malfunction,check them on
the other pages.


4.Key Switch
5.Combination Switch(Turn lamp, Head lamp, Width lamp switch)
6.Horn button
7. Forward reverse gear switch[electrical change]
8. Micro-pedal
9. Brake pedal
10. Accelerator pedal
11. Chock line [RW28, RW38 are without]
12. Lifting lever
13.Tilting lever
14.Steering wheel
15. Parking brake lever
16. Engine hood fastener switch
17.Steering wheel regulating handle
21.Left fork side shift lever(Only for 8t-10t truck)
22.Right fork side shift lever(Only for 8t-10t truck)
24. Emergency power off switch(optional)


4.Key Switch
6.Horn button
8. Micro-pedal
9. Brake pedal
10. Accelerator pedal
12. Lifting lever
13. Tilting lever
14.Steering wheel
15. Parking brake lever
16. Engine hood fastener switch
17.Steering wheel regulating handle
18.Small&Big Lamp switch[Only for RW19A truck]
24. Emergency power off switch(optional)
19.Direction lever [Noelectrical change]
20.Turn lamp switch[Only for RW19A truck]

1. Do not keep the starter switch in the
―┃‖(ON) position while engine is shut down
to avoid battery discharge.
2. With the engine running, do not turn
the starter switch to the (START) position to
avoid motor damage.
3. Do not keep the starter motor rotate for
more than 5 seconds at a time. Wait about
Key [4] 120 seconds before trying again.
OFF(O) Combination switch[5] ( Turn signal
This is the position at which the key inserted switch,Head lamp,Side lamp switch)
or drawn out. Combination switch lies at the right of the
Gasoline engine and diesel engine stop at steering column, includingturn signal, head
this position. lamp and side lamp switch.
ON(┃) When truck turning,turn this switch forward and
The electric circuit is on with the starter backward,so it is the turn signal switch.R-Right
switch at ―┃‖(ON). After the engine started, turn lamp, N-Neutral, L- Left turn lamp.
the key is at this position. The turn signal level does not return to the
neutral position automatically. Reset it by
(Start) hand.
As the key is placed in the ―START‖ position, When turn the switch on the top,it is the
the starter motor is engaged. When removing switch of Headlamp and side lamp.It has
hand off key, it isautomatically returned to the three positions.
―ON‖ position by spring force. Turn to first position—Side lamp lights up;
Turn the key to ―┃‖ position and the indicator Turn to second position—Headlamp and side
lights up for a moment. After the indicator lamp lights up;
goes out, turn the key to ―Start‖ position. off ——Go out.

Engine start process [Only for RW28, Horn button[6]

RW38 truck] Press the horn button at the center of
Turn the key to ―┃‖ position,(I),(J)indicator, steering wheel and the horn sound.
oil temperature, preheat indicator lights up, Forward and Reverse switch[7]
engine come into self-check state.If there is There are two forward shift gears and two
no malfunction,the lights go out one by reverse shift gears. Before change the
one.Otherwise,(I) (J)indicator do not go direction, step down the brake pedal to fully
out.After solve the problem,start the engine. stop the truck, and then change the electrical
direction switch to the request direction.
Turn forward——Forward;
Turn backward——Reverse;
Middle——Neutral.Only when the lever
is in neutral can start the truck.
There are tortoise and rabbit icons on the
Forward revolve(tortoise)-- first gear(slow
gear) Accelerator pedal [10]
Step the accelerator pedal, engine rotating
speed increased, and truck traveling speed
increased; release the pedal, engine rotating
speed and truck traveling speed decreased.
RW28, RW38 is electrical throttle.

Lifting lever[12]
Rear revolve(rabbit)-- second gear(quick
It is to control the forks lifting or lowering.
Push forward- to lower Pull backward-to lift
Lifting speed can be controlled by backward
tilting angle of lever and accelerator pedal
effort while the lowering speed can be
controlled by forward tilting angle of the lever.

tortoise rabbit
Forward first gear second gear
Reverse first gear second gear

1. Start the truck when the handle
In middle position.
2. When the truck starts and climbs
slope,turnto tortoise position. Tilting lever [13]
The mast can be tilted by operation of this
tilting lever:
Push forward—to tilt forward
Inching pedal [8]
As the inching pedal is stepped, the oil Pull backward- to tilt backward
pressure in the hydraulic clutch drops. It is The tilting speed can be controlled by tilting
used for slow speed needed when truck angle of the lever and accelerator pedal
approaching goods or handling goods effort.
When further step the pedal, the truck will be
braked Caution
The tilt lock mechanism built in the
Caution hydraulic control valve does not allow the
Do not use the inching pedal too much. mast to tilt forwards even if the tilting lever
Long time use or use as rest would cause is pushed forwards when the engine is shut
high temperature of transmission oil, or down.
result in slipping of clutch.
Brake pedal[9]
Step the brake pedal,truck slows down or
stops, and the brake lamp lights up at the
same time.
leading screw positioning, the forks can be
removed by twisting the leading screw.
Sleeve, sleeve bar and Tommy bar should be
used when twisting the leading screw.
Here below shows the way to set the fork
space by twisting the leading screw.

Left fork sideshift lever(Only 8t-10t)

Left fork can shift by pushing the handle;
Push the handle forward,the left fork will shift
to right; pull the handle backward, it will shift
to left.
5-7t trucks do not have this lever. (1)Park the truck on a solid and flat surface.
Stop the engine and apply the parking brake.
Right fork side shift lever(Only Low the forks 20cm to 30cm against the face
8t-10t)[22] of ground when the mast is in the vertical
Right fork can also shift by pushing the position. Check the square shaft of the outer
handle; push the handle forward,the right mast both left and right side.
fork will shift to left; pull the handle backward, (2)Put the sleeve on the square shaft of the
it will shift to right. outer mast. (Sleeve for square shaft: 20×20 )
When the forklift with automatic
distance adjusting has load,please do
not operate the side shift lever to
avoid truck losing balance and
element being damaged.
5-7t trucks do not have this lever.

8t-10t Standard Cylinder Positioning

Optional Leading screw Positioning
Lateral forks space positioning
leading screw (Option for R series 8T-10T
forklift truck)
It’s standard to apply the cylinder positioning
to set the fork space for R series 8.0t to 10.0t
forklift trucks.
Forks can be removed both outside and
inside of the lateral direction by operating the
side shift lever of forks and controlling the
piston rod of the cylinder. While for optional

(3)Take the sleeve bar by one hand and get Steering wheel [14]
the Tommy bar to connect the sleeve bar to Turn the steering wheel to right, the truck will
bottom of round hole by the other hand. turn to the right; turn the steering wheel to left,
Connect the 20×20 square toe of the bar with the truck will turn to the left. The rear part of
the 20×20 square hole of the sleeve. truck can swing outward.
Keep the sleeve, sleeve bar and the leading
screw closely in a straight line. △! Warning
The truck is provided with hydraulic
steering, so steering is hard when the
engine comes to a stall. To put power
steering in operation again, restart the
engine without delay.

Parking brake lever [15]

Adjust it accordingly if necessary.

Clockwise—Fork space becomes larger if
forks be moved to the outside laterally.
Anti-clockwise——Fork space becomes
smaller if forks be moved to the inner side

Pull the lever backward, and tighten; push

the lever forward, and release. Before you
leave the truck, tighten the lever.
When the truck’s brake system is out of
control or some emergency happens,you
can tighten this lever and brake the truck
emergently. It is prohibited to use parking
brake as service brake.
Engine hood fastener switch [16]
a.Forks on the left and right side should be
This engine hood fastener switch is set up to
bilateral symmetry to the centerline of the
avoid possible damage caused by opening
truck. Or else, cargos may lose its center of
the engine hood fastener casually.
gravity and truck can be tipped over easily.
b.Tommy bar should be connected to the To open the engine hood,you must pull out
bottom of the sleeve bar thoroughly and the fastener,and the hood will rise slowly with
make sure the sleeve, Tommy bar and the the spring force.If you want to close the
leading screw are closely in a straight line. hood,please press down the hood.
Or else, the Tommy bar can easily fall off Fastener component [17]
the sleeve bar and hurt the feet of
The truck is equipped with fastener
component to avoid the engine cover to be
open at will. To open the engine hood,you disconnect electrical appliance with battery.
must pull out the fastener component handle, Re-start the truck, rotate right and reset the
and the hood loosens. switch.

Head lamp, side lamp switch[18](Only for

RW19A truck)
After flameout power off switch can be
This switch has two positions.
switched off until 30s and flameout cannot
Point Side Head use power off switch,if not may detect fault
stage lamp lamp code 1117. Remove this fault code needs to
O × normal operation(ignite-flameout-after
1st × × 30s-switch off power off switch ) once.
2 × × ×
(×)——means connected
Reverse lever [19] [Non-electrical
It is used for non-electrical reversing truck,
and the lever is installed on the instrument
stand at the left steering wheel.
Pushing—Forward N—Neutral
Only place the control lever in the neutral
position can start the engine.

Turn signal switch[20] (Only for RW19A

Steering light is at the right of steering
column, pull this switch when turning. R-right
turn light, N-neutral, L-left turn light.
The turn signal switchcannot return to the
neutral position automatically. Reset it

Except RW18A, RW19A
trucks,combination switch is installed, with
three positions,used to control head lamp
and side lamp.

Emergency power off switch[24](only for

the truck exported to Europe or optional)
This switch is at the right lower part of the
steering wheel.
Press the emergency power off switch,

Others Seat weight support adjusting(only
Load bracket for the truck exported to Europe or
Load bracket can ensure stabilization when optional)
loading the goods. It’s forbidden to use the Use spanner to adjust the weight adjusting
forklift truck without the load bracket. When bolt at the back of seat, or adjust the weight
loading big goods, make the goods back rely adjusting knob at the left side of seat, to
on the load bracket as much as possible. adjust the suspension bearing based on
Seat driver’s weight.The weight adjustment range
is 55-110kg.
It’s better to sit on the seat when adjusting.

Safety belt(Only for the truck exported to

Europe or optional)
While you are on the vehicle and wearing the
safety belt, at the same time, your back and
waist should close to the seat as much as
Check whether the bolts which fixed seat belt
were loose frequently. It is forbidden to use
Seat adjusting lever the safety belt when the belt was tied a knot.
Seat adjusting lever is at the right of the seat. Do not let the belt press on the hard or fragile
Adjust operator’s seat to position, push the objects. And also do not make friction with
adjusting lever backward, keep still, and then the sharp edge to avoid damaging the belt.
slide the seat forward or backward to your Do not let the seat back tilted too much,
needed position. otherwise the safety belt will not be able to
Then release the adjusting lever, the seat correctly extend.
position is locked. The components on the safety belt cannot be
Before proceeding with work, make sure the removed casually. If the safety belt is used
seat is securely locked. frequently, you should always do exterior

△! Warning inspection, when there is something

abnormal, please immediately replace new
a. Before adjusting the seat, you’d belt. The belt can be used for 3-5years, when
better turn of the key switch. there is something abnormal, it should be
b. Stop the truck to adjust the seat. replaced early.

Overhead guard
The overhead guard used is strong enough
to meet safety standard, and protects the
operator from falling materials. It’s permitted
to use forklift without overhead guard.

The hood can be swung up fully to provide
easy maintenance service. You can lift up the

hood with little effort with an aid of hood specialtool(socket spanner).
damper. To lock the hood, press down on the When the engine cover is closed, this cover
hood head. hood can be moved to check the cooling

Before open the hood, first pull out the
fastener component.
When closing the hood, be careful of the
dropping hood to catch your fingers.

! Warning

When maintain under the hood, you must

shut down the engine.Avoid body or other
Radiator cap and coolant reservoir
part hurt by the moving part. But when the
The reservoir is located inside the hood.
hand, foot, head and body donot touch with
The radiator is located under the cover plate
the part, in order to diagnose the fault by
of the rear hood.
listening, it allows that engine idles and the

hood is open.
! Warning
Radiator cover hood
Do not remove the radiator cap abruptly
When the engine cover is closed, this cover
while water’s temperature is higher than
hood can be moved to check the cooling
70℃. Turn the cap a little to the left to
reduce the radiator pressure.
Do not wear glove when removing radiator
The antifreeze fluid is corrosive and toxic,
once touchesthe skin or body, please wash
clean by water. Do not get children close to
the antifreeze fluid.

Fork stopper(5t-7t)
It’s used to adjust fork spacing. Pull up fork
stoppers, turn 90°, according to the loads to
adjust the forks spacing.
Reinstall the radiator cover hood, and
tighten the bolt.

Radiator cover hood (Only for the truck

exported to Europe or optional)
Open the radiator cover hood, use
1) The vehicle is parked on solid level road
and pull up the parking brake handle;
2) Operate left and right side shift lever,make
the two forks move to center;
3) Remove the two adjusting cylinder;
4) Hoist the two forks;
5) Dismantle the baffle of two forks, screw
M16 bolt into the M16 screw hole of fork shaft;
use drawplate or other equipment to pull up

△! Warning! the fork shaft until the fork drops.

Assembly is opposite to removal.
The forks should be set symmetrically to
machine centerline and fork stoppers Caution:
should always be set. Be careful when removing and installing
There is one gap on the beam of load the forks, as they are heavy
bracket. It is used in loading forks.
It is forbidden to use the fork on the gap
position in order to prevent the fork fall off Steering column tilting angle
from the gap. Check the bolt in the middle adjustment
of fork carriage, and this bolt prevent the
gap position to use fork.

Fork replacement
When the right or left fork deformed severely
or have crack,replace them in pairs.
Changing method:
1)The vehicle is parked on solid level road
and pull up the parking brake handle;
2)The mast drops down till the fork is
5-10mm away from the ground, move the
The tilting angle of the steering wheel is
fork in centre, make lower part aim at the
adjustable. The steering column is unlocked
by pushing down the lever at the left side of
3) Tilt the mast forward, reverse the vehicle
turning rod, then adjust the angle suit to the
slowly, and the forksdrop off;
driver, and pull up the lever to lock.
4)The new forks stably placed on the ground
in pairs, pull up the locating pin, aim truck
centre line to forks, drive slowly, when Warning
approaching, tilt the mast forward. a. After stop the truck and pull on the
5)When the forks hang into the beam, tilt the parking brake lever, then adjust the
mast backward until in vertical with the mast tilting angle of steering column.
6)Adjust fork spacing to desired position, b. After adjustment, pull the steering
loose the locating pin. wheel to make sure it is tightened.

Safety step and safety grip The fuel reservoir cap is located at the rear
The safety steps are provided on both side of left side of the truck body. There is breather
the truck body. The safety grip is provided on in fuel reservoir cap. Check if the breather is
the front left pillar of the overhead guard. in good condition each time when adding.
Use the safety step and safety grip. Never
jump into or out of the truck fast. Caution
---Adding Fuel ---
1.Stop the truck, shut down the engine and
apply the parking brake securely. Make
sure that there is no naked flame near the
area. Never smoke. The driver should not
remain seated when adding fuel.
2.After adding fuel, securely close the
reservoir cap. A loose cap could cause
fuel leak or fire hazard in the worst case.
3.Before starting the engine, make certain
Brake grease nipple that the fuel reservoir cap is securely
Brake grease nipple lies under the lower left tightened and that no fuel is split.
bottom. 4. For the purpose of fuel level inspection,
Hydraulic oil tank cap never use naked flame.
The cap liesat the right side of truck frame in
the engine hood,open the hood to add oil. Rearview mirror
Add clean hydraulic oil through oil filling port, Rearview mirror is installed on the upper
screw down the cap after adding. right of overhead safeguard, and is for the
use of observing rear condition or back up.

Fuel reservoir cap

3. Safety instructions If the temperature of the water tank is higher
1. Only trained and authorized operator shall than 70 degree, never open the tank cap.
be permitted to operate the truck. 6. When using your truck in an enclosed space,
2. Inspect the truck at periodic intervals for oil make sure there is enough ventilation. If
or water leak, deformation, lousiness, etc. If needed, use a ventilation fan. Don’t work in a
neglected, short life of components will be closed working space because of the tail gas
caused and in the worst case a fatal accident of truck is dangerous to health.
would occur. It’s forbidden to use truck under a
Make sure to replace the ―key safe parts‖ at circumstance of flammability and easy to
periodical inspection. blast.
Wipe off oil, grease or water from the floor
7. Never mount or dismount the moving truck.
board and foot and hand controls, if any.
Use the safety step(s) and safety grip facing
Shut down the engine before inspecting the
the truck when mounting or dismounting the
engine and its allied components. Especially
use caution to the engine fan.
8. Never attempt to work the controls unless
When inspecting the radiator or muffler,
properly seated.
exercise caution not to get burnt.
Before staring, adjust the seat so you can get
3. Any time you find that the trucks are not easy access to hand and foot controls.
functioning properly, operation of the truck 9. Before staring, make sure the following:
should be halted and the condition reported
①No one is under, on and close to the truck.
to the supervisor.
②The forward-reverse lever is in neutral.
When doing maintenance in the high place
10. Park the truck on a level surface and
(such as mast, front and rear lights) should
apply the parking brake securely. If parking
be care of slide and clamped.
on a grade is unavoidable, be sure to block
If any warning lamp comes on, move to a
the wheel.
safe place and check or repair the trouble.
Put the forks on the ground or floor and tilt a
When doing maintenance, take care of edges
little forward. Shut down the engine and
and corners to lacerate hands, head and
remove the key.
other parts of body.
11. Operate the controls smoothly. Avoid
The sign of defect should be put on the
sudden stops, starts or turns.
defecting forklift truck.
4. Don’t use an open flame to check level, or 12 .Observe speed and traffic control signs.
for leakage, of fuel, electrolyte or cooling
△ When
! traveling on public roads or

Never smoke while inspecting the battery, streets, obey all local traffic regulations
handling fuel or working on the fuel system. 13. Pay attention to the route of the truck, be
There is a danger of explosion. sure to make a wide sight.
At working place fire extinguisher should be
Never fill the fuel tank with the engine
5. Warm up the temperature of water to 70℃
before operation.

18. When handling bulky loads, which restrict
14. Never allow other person(s) to ride on the your vision, operate the machine in reverse
forks, pallets or on the truck. or have a guide.
19. Slow down and sound horn at cross
aisles and other locations where vision is
restricted. The speed should keep slower
than 1/3 of max speed.

15.Before driving over a dock-board or

bridge-plate, be sure that it is properly
secured and strong enough to sustain the
20. Keep fluid cans, wood, paper or
weigh. Check the ground or floor condition of
chemicals away from the truck during
working area in advance.
operation since there is a danger of their
firing or exploding due to exhaust gas from
the muffler.
21. Use head lights and required work light
and clearance lights at night. And travel at a
low speed.
22. The work surface should be solidity and
flatness such as cement road surface,
bituminous macadam and concrete road
16. Keep your mind on your work.
For truck operation, the following climatic
17. Keep your head, hands, arms, feet and
conditions apply:
legs within the confines of the operator’s
average ambient temperature for continuous
compartment. Never reach into upright for
duty: + 25 ℃;
any reason.
maximum ambient temperature, short term
(up to 1 h): + 40 ℃;
lowest ambient temperature for trucks
intended for use in normal indoor conditions:

+ 5 ℃;
lowest ambient temperature for trucks
intended for use in normal outdoor conditions:
-20 ℃;
altitude: up to 2 000 m.
Inspect the surface over which you will run.
Look for holes, drop-offs, obstacles, and look
for rough spots. Look for anything that might
cause you to lose control, bog down or upset.
Clear away trash and debris. Pick up
anything that might puncture a tyre or let the
load lose balance.
Slow down for wet and slippery roads. Stay
away from the edge of the road. If
unavoidable, use extreme caution.
Rugged surface would cause vibration of
24. When running down on a grade, use
truck and noise. The high air pressure of
engine idle speed. At the same time use the
tyres will cause vibration and noise, too.
brake pedal intermittently.
Do not operate the truck when the weather is
25. It is dangerous to travel with forks higher
execrable, such as windy, thunder storm,
than appropriate position regardless of
snow and etc.
whether loaded or not. Keep the good
traveling posture. (When traveling, the forks
should be 15 to 30 cm above the ground or

! Warning

Do not operate the side shift mechanism, if

equipped, when the forks are raised and
loaded, since this will cause the truck to be
23. When operating loaded truck, have the
With automatic adjust fork of the forklift
rear end of your machine pointed downhill.
truck loads do not be lateral operation, to
When operating unloaded truck, have the
avoid forklift out of balance and cause the
rear end of your machine pointed upgrade.
damage of components.
Never turn sideways on an incline. There is
A truck with attachments should be
danger of the truck turning over.
considered as with loads.


Take care not to protrude the forks out of
the load. The protruded fork tips may
damage or turn over the adjacent load.

30. Know the rated capacity of your lift truck

and its attachment, if any, and never exceed
26. Travel with load as low as possible and
it. Basic mast height is 3M. Mast lifting height
tilted back.
higher than 3M, its load capacity will
decrease gradually.

27. Avoid braking too sharply or descending

on a grade at a high speed. There is danger Do not use a man as an additional
of loads falling down or the truck turning over. counterweight. It’s quite dangerous.
31. Hangcha provides various attachments to
the user, like rotating clamp, side shifter, jib
and so on, which are for special use. If
attachment configuration needed, it must be
admitted by the factory. It is forbidden to
configure attachment by yourself.
32. Overhead guard avoids being hit by high
goods. Load bracket guarantees smooth
loading. Forklift without overhead guard and
bracket is not allowed to use.
33.Never permit anyone to stand or walk
28. Always brake to full stop before reversing under upraised forks or other
direction of travel.
29. Taking account of the shape and material
of loads to be handled, use a proper
attachment and tools.
Avoid hoisting the load, with wire rope hung
on the forks or attachment, since the wire
rope may slide off. If needed, a qualified
personnel for slinging operation should
perform, making use of a hook or crane arm
lifted, and make certain that there is no
obstacle, then engage the load by driving

34. It’s forbidden to put the head or body into 37.Make certain that your load is well stacked
the space between the mast and safeguard, and evenly positioned across both forks.
once clipped, is dangerous to your life. Don’t attempt to lift a load with only one fork.
It’s forbidden to put the hands into the space On the truck with an attachment such as a
between the inner and outer mast. load grab, make certain that the load is
securely and correctly grabbed, and pull the
loading control level to the full (increase to
relief pressure).
38. Never lift loads with the truck inclined.
Avoid loading work on a grade.
39. Don’t stack loads on forks in such a way
that the top of loads exceeds the load
backrest height. If unavoidable, make the
load stable securely. When handling bulky
35. When load is to be retrieved from a pile, loads that restrict your vision, operate the
enter the area squarely. Engage forks into truck in reverse or have a guide.
the pallet carefully.

36. Don’t enter into loads at a high speed.

Always make certain that your load is stable
before lifting the forks.
Be sure to once stop in front of the load to be
46.Markings on the machine describe
40.Use minimum forward and reverse tilt warning and methods to operate the lift truck.
when stacking and unloading loads. Never tilt When operating the machine, observe and
forward unless load is over stack or at low lift follow all markings on the machine in addition
height. to this operator’s manual.
When stacking loads on a high place, once Replace damaged or missing decals and
make the mast vertical at a height of 15 to 20 name plate.
cm above the ground and then lift the load
farther. Never attempt to tilt the mast beyond
vertical when the load is raised high.
To unloading loads from a high place, insert
forks into the pallet and drive backwards,
then lower the load. Tilt the mast back after
lowering. Never attempt to tilt the mast with
the load raised high.
41. Don’t tow the truck that its engine is in
trouble, or steering system doesn’t work
correctly or its braking system has been
Obey the communication rules on the road
when towing the truck.
42. Dress the overalls or other protective
uniforms, such as safety helmet, safety
shoes etc. Don’t dress necktie or other
43.Workplace should equip with fire
extinguishers. Operator should know the
place of fire extinguishers and the use of fire
44.Before Maintaining the brake and
hydraulic system of 8-10ton, first of all, you
should flameout the vehicle. And press the
brake pedal for 5-10 times to release the
energy in the accumulator.
45. You should use the safety belt correctly, it
should be level, not be distorted. You’d better
tie the belt inthe hip but not at waist line. If a
vehicle overturned in the accident, the driver
first to do is flameout the vehicles, in order to
avoid burning vehicles or explosion. When
flameout, open your legs, then used your
hands to seize the steering wheel in your
room or fixed roof-care, shoring body firmly in
the seats, to facilitate the lifting of seat belts.

4. 8 hour (daily or every shift) check
1. Leakage Check: Electrolyte, hydraulic
oil, brake fluid, cooling fluid, hydraulic
power gear-box

△! Warning
Do not start the truck when there is fuel
leakage until solving the problem.
Check if the engine, connector of hydraulic
pipe, radiator and driving system leak or not.
Do not use an open flame to check level, or 3. Replace the engine cooling fluid
for leakage, of fuel, electrolyte or cooling
2.Check engine cooling fluid
Inspect the attached water tank cooling fluid
level when the engine is cool. If it is below
―MIN‖ position, add to the ―MAX‖ position. If
there is no coolant any more in the water tank,
please check the cooling fluid. If it is
insufficient, please add cooling fluid to the
water tank cover, meanwhile add the cooling
fluid to water tank to MAX position.
1)Open the radiator cover and loosen the

△! Warning! drain cover, let the oil flow out, then wash the
cooling system.
When the water temperature of the 2)Screw down the drain cover.
engine higher than 70℃, please do not 3)Add cooling fluid to radiator up to way out.
open the water tank cover. Loosen cap 4)Get the engine run fully.
slowly to allow steam to escape. It is good 5)Stop the engine, after cool down fully, still
practice to use thick waste cloth or the like add cooling fluid to radiator up to way out,
when removing the cap. and add cooling fluid to coolant reservoir
Avoid putting on gloves to screw the water ―MAX‖ position.
tank cover. 6)Check the drain cover if leaks.

Adding clean water to radiator. If you use △! Warning
antifreeze, use the same brand of When the water temperature of the engine
antifreeze. is higher than 70 degree, please do not
open the pressure cap of the radiator
avoiding scald.

4.Fuel lever check 7.Battery and its electrolyte check
There is a little ball in battery capacity display,
this ball can change its color as density of
electrolyte changing, it is called electric eye.
The ball will be green when the capacity is
normal ,density of electrolyte reaches the
standard; it will be white when capacity is not
enough, density of electrolyte does not reach
the standard; it will be red when the
The fuel level gauge is provided on the electrolyte is acute shortage ,look over
indicator panel. Check that fuel level is whether the shell is broken, leaking or the
sufficient for the day’s work. The fuel filler battery has fault.
port is provided at the rear left pillar of the Refer to Operational method of maintenance
overhead guard free lead acid battery
5. Engine oil level check 8. Hydraulic transmission fluid level
Caution Open the inspections cover and remove the
When check the engine oil, park the forklift filler cap. Inspect the lever gauge to make
truck on the level ground. sure that the fluid level is on the upper mark
Precisely check the oil level when cooling of the gauge.
Remove the dipstick, clean the rod and
reinstall. Pull it out again and check the oil
level. The level should be within the mark on
the dipstick.

9.Hydraulic oil level

Check the oil level in the hydraulic oil tank.
The oil level should be in the place between
two limits.
6. Brake fluid level check
Check the fluid level in the brake fluid
reservoir. The level should be between the
scale ranges, add when insufficient and
check if there is air mixed in the brake pipe.
When adding fluid, avoid dirt or water being
mixed in the oil.

Brake fluid is dangerous to health; you

should avoid touching it by skin.

10.Brake pedal, inching pedal check 12. Fan belt tension check

Press the brake pedal fully when the engine Stop the engine.
is running, the distance between brake pedal Use finger to press the belts at the midway
and front soleplate should be more than between the water pump pulley and the
60mm. generator pulley by a press, and check the
drop distance if is up to standard.
Check the inching pedal through the same
Engine Applied force
CY6102BG-E2-2D (mm)
10-15 39N

YC6B125-T20 10-15 40-50N

LR4B3-24 10-20 10kg

YC4A115Z-T20 10-15 40-50N

YCJ80G3 10-15 40-50N

CY6BG332 10-15 39N

YC4A115-T310 10-15 40-50N

Height and the clearance H(mm):
QSB4.5, QSB3.3Engine have auto tension
Free play round,fan belt don’t need adjust.
Brake If the belt has already been stretched, cut out
142±5 1-3
pedal or has no surplus, it should be changed.
Inching Tough bolt of inching If the engine is still running, it’s permitted to
pedal pedal-brake 7-9mm carry on this check avoiding fingers or sleeves
being caught up in.

11. Parking brake lever 13. Horn

Press the horn button to make certain the
Make sure that the parking brake lever return
horn sounds.
back is in good condition after securely
applied. 14.Seat adjustment
Shift the adjusting lever to back and move the
The force on this lever should be100-300N. driver’s seat to a position which provides
easy access to all foot and hand controls.

15.Shift lever(s) check

Check the shift lever(s) for looseness and
operation for smooth.
16. Lifting lever, tilting lever and 21. Chain tension check
attachment lever check(5-7t) 1)Raise the fork about 10-15 cm above the
Check the lifting lever and tilting lever for ground and make it vertical.
looseness and smooth operation.
2)Push the middle of the chain with the
Increase the rotate speed of engine, make thumb. Make certain the tension for the right
certain that the lifting lever, tilting lever and and left chains are even.
attachment levering good work condition.
3)Adjust the tension: Loosen the lock nut 1,
Lifting lever, tilting lever, fork side shift screw the nut 2 and adjust the chain to make
the equal tension, and then tighten lock nut 1.
Check the lifting lever, tilting lever and side
shift lever for looseness and smooth
Start the engine
Before start the engine, make sure the shift
gearing neutral and parking brake reliably.
17. Head lamp check
Make sure that the head lamp is lighting
when the key is at ―ON‖ position.

18. Turn signal check

Make sure that the turn signal operates
properly by moving the turn signal lever.
19.Instruments and sensors
Make sure that hour meter, water
temperature indicator, oil temperature
indicator, transmission fluid sensor and fuel
sensor etc., properly.

20.Mast and forks

Check the mast and forks to make sure:

1)There is no crack and bend on the forks,

and the forks are installed on the fork 22. Lubrication of mast
Lubricate the following parts periodically
according to the requirements of schedule
2)Check if there is leakage of oil cylinder and maintenance and lubrication sheet.

3)Check the rollers’ rotation.

4)Check the mast if there is crack and bend.

5) Operate the lifting,tilting and attachment

levers, and check if the mast is in good
condition, and no abnormal noise.

combustion chamber

! Warning

Don’t start the lift truck in bad ventilation

space. There is carbon monoxide in the
exhaust gas, it is very dangerous.

Paint lubrication grease on the slide support. 25. Inching operation check
Note: Step the inching pedal a little and check
a) The periods of paint lubrication grease whether the truck speed decreases.
depend on the truck’s work condition. If 26. Brake check
works heavy, please paint much more grease Run the truck slowly and step the brake
on mast. pedal. After the brake pedal is stepped, the
stop lamp lights on.

27. Parking brake check

1)Slow down the truck.

2)Pull up the parking brake lever and the

truck is braked. Deviation should not be

28. Back-up lamp and buzzer check

Place the shift lever to R, and the back-up
lamp lights up and buzzer sounds.
b) To assort with the truck’s operation, paint
some lubrication grease on the contact 29.Water discharge from oil-water
surface between the idler pulley and inner& separator (diesel truck)
outer masts. During engine running, when the fuel filter
warning lamp lights up, please discharge
23. Turning water.
1)Slow down the truck. 1) Put a container under the fuel filter.
2) Shut down the engine.
2) Turn the steering wheel to left and right 3
3) Unscrew the drain bolt, then loosen the
rounds respectively.
drain plug by turning 4 to 5 turns, press the
3)Check if the left and right steering forces pump until water discharges.
are equal. 4)Fasten the drain bolt and plug after the
24. Exhaust gas check water was discharged.
Colorless Normal: complete combustion 5) Make sure the indicator lights do not light
Abnormal:incomplete up after engine starts.
Blue Abnormal: oil burns
White Abnormal: water come in the

and use pressure gauge to measure the tyre
pressure. Add pressure to specified value if
insufficient. After making sure there is no air
leakage, screw the cap. Check that each tyre
does not get damaged at the tread surface or
side face or bending at the rim.

△! Warning!
Since the truck tyres needs high pressure
to carry heavy loads, even a small bending
of rims or damage at the tread surface
could cause an accident.

△! Warning
30. Fuel system exhaust (Diesel When using an air compressor, first adjust
truck) the air pressure of the compressor. Cause
After adding fuel or during water discharging the compressor maximum pressure is larger
from oil-water separator, it’s also need to than the tyre specified pressure, otherwise it
exhaust air in the fuel system. may cause severe accident
1)Loosen the bleed plug on the injection Place the tyre in protective frame when
pump. inflation for safety.
2)Press the manual pump until fuel comes
through the plug screw.

3)Screw down the venting plug and make

sure no fuel leakage.

31. Fuse box

The fuse box is located at the left side of the
instrument panel. Before replacing a new one
fuse, please find out the causes.
Please replace the same capacity fuse.
Tyre pressure GB/T2982-2001
Driving Turning
Truck type wheels(Front wheels(Rear
wheel) wheel)
5t-7t 830kPa 830kPa
8t-10t 760kPa 760kPa

32. Tyre pressure

Unscrew the tyre valve cap counterclockwise,
△ ! Warning 5) Tilt mast fully backward, and place a
After assembling the tyre and rim, all nuts wooden block under each side of outer mast.
and bolts should be tightened to specified 6) Tilt mast forward until front tyres are rose
value, then the tyre can be inflated. from the ground.
Pneumatic tyre contains inflation function Caution:
and the pressure should not surpass Do not allow loose nuts before the front
specified value. wheels leave away from the ground.

7) Support forklift truck by placing blocks

33. Hub nut tightening torque check
under each side of the front truck frame. Stop
Check the tightening torque of hub nuts
the engine.
should meet specified requirement.
1)Hub nut 8) Take out the wheel nut and replace the
2)Divided rim bolt (some truck do not have ) front wheel tyres.
3)Drive shaft bolt
4)Rear hub nut
5)Divided rim bolt a. When removing tyre from wheel rim,
Driving wheel (front wheel) do not remove rim set bots and nuts
before releasing air.
b. Make sure that wooden blocks used
to support truck are solid, one-piece
c. Never get under forklift while it is
supported only by wooden blocks.
9) Retighten the wheel nut temporarily.
10) Start the engine, and take out the
Turning wheel(rear wheel)
wooden block.
11) Tilt backward the mast and lower down
the mast slowly, then take out the wooden
block under the outer mast and rear wheel.
12) Tighten the wheel nuts in crossing
13) Adjust the tyre pressure to specified
Tightening torque refers to Bolt tightening
torque table.

34. The change of tyre

Front wheel

1) Place truck on level and solid road.

2) Start engine and raise the mast about
100mm height.
3) Place chocks behind rear wheels to
prevent movement of forklift.
4) Loosen each wheel nut 1-2 turns
△! Warning
a. When removing tyre from wheel rim, do
not remove rim set bots and nuts before
releasing air.
b. Make sure that wooden blocks used to
support forklift truck are solid, one-piece
c. Never get under forklift while it is
supported only by wooden blocks.
7) Retighten the nut on consequence as
figure show below.
8) Remove the block under the chassis,
low down the forklift to the ground, remove
the block and jack at the back of front wheel.
9) Fasten the nut to specified torque in
cross matching way. Refer to Tightening
Torque Table.

10) Adjust the tyre pressure to specified


Rear wheel
1) Place the truck on level and solid road.
2) Pull the parking brake lever and place
chocks behind front wheels to prevent
movement of forklift.
3) Put the lifting jack under the
Caution: Make sure the min. jack capacity is
two thirds of truck service weight.
4) Loosen wheel nuts 1-2 turns in

△! Warning
Do not move wheel nuts until rear tyres
are rose from ground.

5) Uplift the forklift with jack slowly until the

rear wheel is completely away from the
ground. According to the picture, rear end of
the forklift is set block to support the forklift.
6) Take out the wheel nut of rear wheel, and
then replace the wheel.

35. Air filter maintenance

When the truck works for 50 ~ 25hours,
please maintenance the filter element.
Aftermaintain for six times, please replace
new filter element.
If your truck works in worse
environment,please maintain or replace
more frequently.
The truck works in the environment with
much dust,you should reduce the period to
maintain and replace filter element. We
suggest maintaining every 8 to 50 hours, and
replacing new filter element every 100 to 300
hours correspondingly.
Maintenance methods:
1) Remove the covering of air filter.
2) Take out filter element.
3) Blow dust using compressed air.

! Warning
1.The dust may fly to your eyes,so you’d
better wear your glasses to protect your
2. Do not maintain or replace the filter
elementwill damage the engine early.

5. Structure and stability of truck
It is very important for operator to know the truck’s structure and relationship between load and
Caution The structure of the truck
The basic structure of the truck is mast (include mast and forks) and
body (include tyre).
The forklift truck keeps the balance of weight between the truck body
and the load on the forks with the center of the front wheels as a
fulcrum when the rated capacity load is placed in position.
Due care should be paid to the weight and the center of gravity of
loads to maintain the stability of the truck.

Caution Load center

There is difference because of the loads’ shape, gravity, such as box,
board and large roller. It is very important to distinguish the difference
and the gravity center of loads.

If the truck will turn over, do not attempt to get out of the truck, because the speed of overturn
is much faster than you. You should hold the steering wheel handle, and this practice will let
you in the seats.Please tie belt.

Caution Gravity and stability

The combined center that is composed of the barycenter
and the load center determine the stability of forklift trucks.
When unloaded, the barycenter does not change;
When loaded, the barycenter is determined by the truck
and the load’s center.
The barycenter is also determined by the tilting and
lifting of the mast.
The combined center is determined by these factors:
Load’s size, weight and shape.
The lifting height.
The tilting angle.
The pressure of the tyre.
The radius of turning.
The road condition and grade’s angle.
The attachments.

Caution The stability zone of the barycenter
In order to make the truck stable, the combined center must be
in the triangle which is made up of two points that the two front
wheels attach ground and the midpoint of the back driving axle.
If the combined center is in the front driving axle, the two front
wheels become two fulcrums, the truck will overturn. If the combined
center departures the triangle, the trucks shall overturn
in the corresponding direction.

Caution Max load

TheThedistance between
load center the load
distance center that:
is defined and thethe front surface
distance of
between the
forklift or load bracket (select the min) on the forklift is
load center and the fork carriage or the front of the fork carriage. called
Thecenter distance.
max.load meansThethemax gravity that
maximum loadthe thetruck
truckcancan charge at
load is called max. load on condition that the
the normal load center distance. The relation between load is on the load the
center distance.
max.load and The
center distancebetweenmax.
is specifiedload and loadcapacity
on the center
d chart.
is specified on the load
You should capability
reduce chart. of
the weight If the
if center
the load center
is distance
moved near the front of forklift, the
inclines to the fork carriage. load should be cut down.

Caution the load capability chart

giventhe relationship
shows of MAX
the relation LOADthe load center
thelocation of LOAD
max.loads. CENTER
Before loading,DISTANCE.
make sureCheck
that the load
and thethe load
load and load
center center
distance distance
inthe rangeisofincapacity
the range
chart. If
the load’s
referred shape
by the chart.is Put
the mostputimportant
the mostweightily
parts nearpart
the on
middle ofif the
forks, of goods
and closeistocomplex.
the fork carriage.

Caution speed and acceleration

A static object keeps its static station which is not affected by outside force, one dynamic object
moves with the same speed which is not affected by outside force, this is inertia.
Because of inertia, one force affected backward when the truck is moving, one force affected
forward when the truck is stopping.
It is very dangerous to press the brake suddenly. It may result in capsizing or sliding down of the
load because of huge force to the front.
Centrifugal force is present during turning and its direction is from the turning center to the outer. If
the force is strong enough, it may result in the tipping over of the truck. The right-and-left stable
zones are very small, so the truck’s speed must be reduced when turning to prevent capsizing. If

the truck is carrying a load with the forks raised high, the possibility of capsizing is very great.

3)Warm engine
Do not pull out the choke button. Press down
the accelerator pedal halfway and keep still.
△! Warning Switch the preheating switch to ―START‖.
Release key after starts.
If any damage or fault is found, don’t
operate truck until being repaired. Caution:

Do not step the accelerator pedal to the end

Start-up when starting warm engine. This operation
may cause hard the engine starting. Step the
accelerator pedal for several times will also
Starting diesel engine
cause hard starting.
1)Make sure that the shift lever(s) in neutral
2)Turn the ignition switch to ON position after
turning the ignition switch to START position. The starting time should be less than 5
seconds once, and the interval between each
starting should over 2 minutes.
After engine has started
If it does not work within 5 seconds, screw to
1)Warm up the engine (for about 5 minutes)
―OFF‖ position and restart after 2 minutes.
2)Check the rotation (sound or gear) of the
If you can’t start for three times, please check
the reason.

Diesel model
After starring up the engine, accelerate its
If the temperature is lower than –5 degree,
speed to 1800-2000r/min, and warm it without
switch key to ―ON‖ for preheating, and start
when the preheat indicator turns off.
Gas model

After starting the engine, push into the choke

Starting gasoline engine
valve step by step, observe the warm-up
1)Make sure that the shift lever(s) in neutral condition and stability of speed of the engine.
position. Push in the choke button fully after making
2)Cold engine. sure the engine is completely warmed up.

Pull out the choke button fully. Step the ·Check the combustion (or misfiring) sound.
accelerator pedal for two or three times and
·Check the condition of exhaust.
then release it. Switch the preheating switch to
―START‖. Release key after starts. ·Make sure that all the warming lamps are off.

·After thoroughly warming up the engine, pedal, then the truck moves.
operate the loading levers 2 to 3 times in their
full stroke and check mast working conditions.

Traveling Gear shifting

It can start the truck at high-speed gear

1)Hold the knob on the steering wheel with without load, while at low-speed gear
your left hand and get the right hand ready for without load.
loading working, lightly putting it on the wheel. Clutch type truck
2)Set the bottom of the fork 15 to 20 cm above When gear shifting from high to low speed or
the ground and fully tilt the mast backward. vice versa, once increase the engine speed and
release accelerator pedal. At the same time,
step clutch pedal to the end, shift the lever into
the desired position. Then release the clutch
pedal and step the accelerator pedal.

Torque converter truck

·Always stop the truck before reversing the

direction of travel.

·Shift the shifting lever.

3)Check the safety around the truck and give a
signal when starting the engine. 1.Slow down
Clutch type truck
Clutch type truck Since the truck equipswith the synchromesh
1 ) Step brake pedal and engage the transmission, it is not necessary to perform the
forward-reverse lever. double clutch operation. Remove your foot from
the accelerator pedal, press the clutch pedal to
2)Release the parking brake lever.
the full, place the speed shift lever into the ―first
3 ) Step the accelerator pedal,meanwhile, speed‖ position, and press the accelerator
release the clutch pedal, then truck moves. pedal while releasing the clutch pedal.

Torque converter type truck

Do not step on the clutch pedal during
Release accelerator pedal depression a little,
and press the brake pedal, if needed.

Torque converter type truck 2.Steering

1 ) Step brake pedal and engage the
Unlike general passenger-cars, the steer
forward-reverse lever.
wheels are located at the rear of the truck.
2)Release the parking brake lever. These cause the rear of the truck to swing out
3)Release brake pedal, step the accelerator when a turn is made.
Slow down the truck and move toward the side
to which you are turning. The steer hand wheel
should be turned a bit earlier than as with the
front wheel steering car.

Stopping or parking the truck

3. Load
1. Slow down and step the brake pedal to stop
the truck (in the case of clutch type machine,
the clutch pedal is also stepped). ·The forks should be adjusted sidewise to
2. Place the shift lever in neutral. maintain proper balance of load.
3. Pull up on the parking brake lever. ·Place the machine right in front of the load to
4. Drop the forks on the ground, and tilt the be handled.
mast forward maximum. ·The pallet should be evenly positioned across
5. Place the key switch in ―OFF‖ to shut down both forks.
the engine. In the case of the diesel truck, ·Insert forks into the pallet as far as possible.
pull out the engine stop button. Remove ·To raise loads from the ground.
the key and keep it. 1)First lift the forks 5 to 10 cm off the ground or
floor and make sure loads rest stable.
2)Then, tilt the mast backwards fully and lift
·Don’t dismount from the moving forks up to 15 to 20 cm off ground then start
machine. running.
·Never jump off the machine. ·When handling bulky loads which restrict your
vision, operate the truck in reverse except when
climbing grades.

5. Remove load

4. Stacking load ·When approaching the area where the load is

to be retrieved, slow down your truck.
· When approaching the deposit area slow ·Stop the truck in front of the load so that the
down your truck. distance between the load and fork tips is about
·Once stop the truck right in front of the area 30 cm.
where your load is to be deposited. ·Check the condition of the load.
·Check the condition of the deposit position. · Tilt the mast forward until forks become
· Tilt the mast forward until forks become horizontal. Elevate forks up to the position of
horizontal. Raise forks until they are a little the pallet or skid.
higher than the deposit position. · Make sure forks are positioned properly for
·Move forward to place the load directly over the pallet. Move forward slowly to insert forks
the desired area and stop the truck. into the pallet as far as possible and then stop
·Make sure your load is just over the desired the truck.
area. Slowly lower the load into position. Make
sure the load is securely stacked. Caution
· Disengaged forks from the load by using
If the forks are hard to be fully inserted, use the
necessary lift-tilt operation and then back away.
following procedure: move forward and insert 3/4
·After making sure the fork tips leave the load,
of the forks. Raise the forks 5 to 10 cm and move
lower the forks to the basic position (15 to 20
backward 10 to 20 cm with the pallet or skid on
cm off the ground).
the forks, and then lower the pallet or skid on the
·Tilt the mast backwards.
stack. Move forward again to insert the forks fully.

! Warning
·Raise the forks 5 to 10 cm off the stack.
·Check all around the truck to insure that the
path of travel is unobstructed and back away
Never tilt the mast with loads upraised 2m or
·Lower forks to a height of 15 to 20 cm above
Don’t leave or dismount from the truck when the ground. Tilt the mast backward fully and
the load is raising high. move to the desired area.

6. Measures against cold and hot Clean the radiator

! Warning
Oil ·The dust will enter your eyes if you have
not worn a dust proof glass.
Use the oil suitable for ambient temperature.

If the radiator has been jammed by dust, this
·In cold weather
may cause the radiator over hot. So you should
To prevent the freezing, charge at least 75% of use compressed air, water or high pressure
the whole capacity.Also it is effective to keep vapors to clean the radiator.
the specified gravity up to 1.260, but not higher
than this value.
·In hot weather
When using compressed air or vapor to clean the
As the water of electrolyte is especially likely to spreading-heat slices, aim the ejecting mouse
evaporate in hot weather, replenish distilled vertically to the slices.
water from time to time.In a region where the
ambient temperature is intensely hot, it is
Check the fan belt tension

If the belt loosens, adjust it

When the engine is too hot

When the engine is too hot, do not stop it

immediately, just do these things:
practicable to lower the specified gravity of a
completely charged battery down to 1.Run the engine at low speed
1.220±0.01. 2.Open the hood in order to increase the fan
Antifreeze of radiator 3.When the water temperature decreased, stop
Warning! the engine.
4.Check the radiator; add water or antifreeze if

! Warning

7.Triple engine forklift specific fault

·Antifreeze is harmful to your health, do not eat it. diagnosis and maintenance
·Far away from children.
When the forlift can not start, check the
Add 50% Coolant to radiator according to engine car wiring plug is in good contact. If it is
requirement. The freezing point of the coolant still unable to start, the air in the fuel line will
of such a mixing ratio is –36.5 degree. When need to be removed. In the case of G55, the
the coolant is not enough, you can add Great engine fuel line air exclusion method is as
Wall brand FD-2 antifreeze in the tank. In hot follows:
weather: To maintain good cooling effect, 1. Open the cover of the machine;
special care should be paid to radiator and 2. Open the cover plate of the water
cooling system.Pay more attention to tank;

required to exclude:
1. If the engine car wiring plug is in good
2. When complet the first step, the fault
indicator lamp still lighting, then as
following methods to exclude:
3.―engine detection‖ switch to ―on‖,
according to the runout rule of the fault
lamp, judging, troubleshooting. Turn the
"engine detection" switch to "off" and turn
on again. If there is still a fault light on and
continue to troubleshoot, please refer to
Appendix I < BOSCH common rail
EDC17_Basic version of the list of
common mechanical fault codes V01
3.loose the exhaust plug on the diesel oil version >.

4.Extend the hand from the left side of

the vehicle to the manual pump and press
it until the diesel filter is bubbling and there 3.The ECU diagnosis port is
is diesel oil flowing out; connected to the diagnostic equipment for
5.Tightening screw plug examination.
6.If still unable to start, it is necessary to The fault code and its elimination
loosen the pump nozzle screw plug, press method are eliminated one by one. Please
the manual pump, exhaust. Tighten up until refer to Appendix II (list of YCECU_OR
clear position. General Machinery Series Fault codes) for
more details.
Note: ECU port is under the left air filter, in
front of the level. Considerations for using
ECU ports:
1. Prevent water from scouring,
2. Prevent the fire from approaching.

When the forklift fault indicator lamp

lighting, the following steps are

7. Deposit Deposit the truck for a long time
Deposit daily
Deposit the truck for a long time, block the
1) Park your truck at the area appointed, truck body and counter weight to reduce
and block the wheels to prevent accidental the load of the two rear wheels.

2 ) Make sure the shift level on neutral

△! Warning!
3)Pull the hand brake. a. The block must be single and hard
enough to support the truck.
4)Shut down the engine and control the
b. Don’t use a block with high than
multi-valve control lever several times to
300 mm(11.81 inch).
release the rest pressure in the cylinder and
c. Lift the truck to height of placing on the
bearing block.
5)Take out the key and deposit it in a safe d. Place two same size blocks under the
position. left and right sides of the truck.

! Warning
e. After supporting the truck with block,
swing the truck forward, backward, left and
You should tell the manager if you find any
right, check its safety.
failure about the truck, then repair it
Do the following things:

1)Clean the oil and grease with cloth and

water on the truck body.

2 ) Check the whole situation of truck,

especially the tyres.

3)Fill the oil tank with appointed fuel.

4 ) Check whether the hydraulic oil, the

engine oil, fuel and the cooling liquid leak.

5) Fill lubricate grease.

6)Check whether the junction plane between

On the basic of the ―deposit‖ you should do
the nuts of wheel boss and the piston of
the following checks and maintain:
hydro cylinder is loose, and whether the
surface of piston has been pulled. 1.Take down the battery and recharge it once
a month, place it in the shade.
7)Check whether the wheels of mast roll
2.Brush antirust oil on those parts which is
exposed such as piston rod and axle.
8)Raise the lifting cylinder to the top and fill it 3.Put a cloth on vent-plug and air-cleaner.
with oil. 4.Start the engine once a week. If the water
has already been let out, add water in the
9 ) In cold weather, it doesn’t need to
radiator. Then start the fork lightly.
discharge the antifreeze, but the cold water
5.In summer, it is not recommendatory to
should be removed completely.
park the truck on asphalt road.
Running after deposit for a long time

1.Get rid of the antirust oil on the exposed


2.Vent the gear oil of the crankcase,

driving axle, transmission box (clutch type),
hydraulic transmission box (torque
converter type) clear it and add with new
gear oil.
3.Clean out dirty things and water in the
hydraulic oil reservoir and fuel reservoir
add with new hydraulic oil
4. Check the clearance of the valve, gas
valve cap and other parts on the engine.
5. Add antifreeze or water.
6.Recharge the battery, then install on the
7. Check others carefully such as start,
running, turning, lifting etc.
8. Warm-up the truck.

8. Maintenance

Preventive maintenance schedule

○ — Check, revise, adjust

× — Replace
Note: (1) If the working place has much duty or other pollutions, the times of maintenance should
be increased.
(2) If the parts are abnormal such as engine power descends, emit black smoke or noise
increase before the replacing time is coming,it should be checked. Sometimes it needs to adjust
fuel injector pressure and fuel atomization.
1. The forklift truck needs inspection and maintenance periodically, to make it in good working
2. Inspection and maintenance are usually ignored, you must find the problems and solve it in
3. Use the spare parts of HANGCHA group.
4. Don’t use different oil when changing or adding oil.
5. Don’t throw away the waste oil or electrolyte liquid as you wish. Should deal with it depend on
the local environmental protection.
6. Maintenance on schedule
7. After you make maintenance, you’d better make a record.
8. Forbid to repair the forklift truck if you haven’t been trained.

Counterbalance weight (unit: Kg)

Model of truck 5t 6t 7t
2460~2520 3000~3060 3600~3660
Overall dimension
1180×1690×1076 1180×1690×1076 1180×1690×1076

Model of truck 8t 10t

Counterbalance weight(kg) 4000~4060 4540~4600
Overall dimension
1250×1960×1220 1250×1960×1220

Checkin Monthly 3 month Semiannually Annually
Service required Tools
g Item (180-200hrs) (500 hrs) (1000 hrs) (2000hrs)
1. Check the valve clearance Feeler
○ ○ ○ ○
is correct gauge

2. Fan belt tension check ○ ○ ○ ○

3.Retighten cylinder head

○ ○ ○ ○
4.Clean the outface of
z ○ ○ ○ ○
5. Replace engine oil(1) × × × ×

6.Replace the oil cleaner

× × × ×
(diesel engine)(1)

7. Replace engine cooling

8. Clean the air cleaner
× × ×
element (gasoline engine)
Replace the air cleaner ○ ○ ○ ○
element (diesel engine)
9. Drain the water of oil water
○ ○ ○ ○
separator(diesel engine)

10. Clean or replace the filter

Engine ○ ○ × ×
element of air cleaner

11. Idling of engine tachometer ○ ○ ○ ○

12. Ignition timing(gasoline
○ ○ ○ ○
engine )
13.Spark plug ( gasoline
○ ○ ○ ○
14. Check distributor point、
cover and rotor ( gasoline ○ ○ ○ ○
engine) (1)
15. Lining of distributor(IC

ignition system)

16.Check fuel injector,adjust

pressure ( diesel engine ) ○ ○

17 .P. C. valve and pipe

○ ○
blocking or damage

18. Battery electrolyte check ○ ○

Maintenance of chassis and body

Checking Monthly 3 month Semiannually Annually

Service required Tools
Item (180-200hrs) (500 hrs) (1000 hrs) (2000hrs)
Check clutch pedal for free
travel and clearance between
○ ○ ○ ○
Clutch pedal surface and floor when
clutch is unlocked
Release bearing lubricate ○ ○ ○
Mechanical Check oil level, and replace it if
○ ○ ○ ×
transmission needs
Clean oil filter element ○ ○
Transmissio Replace oil (1) First time × ×

Check differential oil, and

○ ○ ○ ×
replace it if needs
Check connection and retighten
Driving axle moment ○ ○ ○ ○

Check wheel mechanism gear

○ ○ ○ ×
oil and replace if needed
Check and adjust brake pedal
○ ○ ○ ○
for free travel and clearance
Brake and Replace brake fluid ×
inching Check for proper brake
system ○ ○ ○ ○
Check and inching brake pedal
○ ○ ○ ○
for free travel and clearance
Check for oil level, Change oil
× ×
Clean oil return suction strainer
× ×
Hydraulic Proper work of the hydraulic oil
○ ○ ○ ○
system pump
Proper work of control valve ○ ○ ○ ○
Check for oil leaks, looseness,
collapse, deformation and ○ ○ ○ ○

Clean the hydraulic oil reservoir ○ ○

Check chain for tension ○ ○ ○ ○

Lubrication of chains ○ ○ ○ ○
Check chain and bearing for
○ ○ ○ ○
damage or deformation
Check lifting cylinders for proper
○ ○ ○ ○
operation and connection
Lifting Check tilting cylinders for proper
○ ○ ○ ○
system operation and connection
Check for forks and stopper
○ ○ ○ ○
pins for damage or wear
Check fork base and hook
welding for defective cracks or ○ ○ ○ ○
Check roller of mast and lifting ○
bracket parts for cracks or ○ ○

Table for bolt’s tight moment

Bolt’s diameter
4.6 5.6 6.6 8.8
6 4~5 5~7 6~8 9~12
8 10~12 12~15 14~18 22~29
10 20~25 25~31 29~39 44~58
12 35~44 44~54 49~64 76~107
14 54~69 69~88 83~98 121~162
16 88~108 108~137 127~157 189~252
18 118~147 147~186 176~216 260~347
20 167~206 206~265 245~314 369~492
22 225~284 284~343 343~431 502~669
24 294~370 370~441 441~539 638~850
27 441~519 539~686 637~784 933~1244

Note: ·Use entirely 8.8 grade bolt in the important joint position.
·Bolt’s grade can be found in the head of the table, if it can’t be found, the grade is 8.8.

4. Periodic replacement of key safe parts

·Some parts can’t be found damaged though periodical maintenance. In order to make sure the
safety of truck, please replace these parts listed in the following table periodically.
If there is any off-normal happened on these parts before replacement time, please replace it

Name of key safe parts service life (years)

Brake hose or hard tube 1~2

Hydraulic rubber hose for lifting system 1~2

Lifting chain 2~4

High pressure rubber hose or tube
for hydraulic system
Grease cup for brake fluid 2~4
Tube for fuel 2
Sealing member, rubber articles
inside of hydraulic system

Table for the oil used in the truck

Descripti Add before Capacity(L

Shop sign,Code name Remark
on sold )
Only for W17, W24 and W57
LPG 40
0#(summer) 110 5t-7t
Diesel For diesel truck
-10#~-35#(winter) 120 8t-10t
General season: CF-4 grade But RW28(Cummins Engine)
15W/40 or according engine request to use CH grade 15W/
maintenance manual Add refer 40 engine oil
to engine
Diesel Winter: CF-4 grade 10W/30 But RW28(Cummins Engine)
engine Great wall or according to engine request to use CH grade 10W/
ce manual
oil maintenance manual 30 engine oil
or check
Very cold environment: oil scale But RW28(Cummins Engine)
CF-4 grade 5W/30 or CF-4 request to use CH grade 5W/
grade 5W/40 30 or 5W/40 engine oil
General season: SF grade
15W/40 or according engine
Add refer
maintenance manual
to engine
Gasoline Winter: SF grade 10W/30 or
maintenan Only for W17, W24 and W57
engine Castrol according engine maintenance
ce manual trucks
oil manual
or check
Very cold environment:
oil scale
SF grade 5W/30 or SE grade
General season : L—HM32 Mast height increases 1 meter
Wear low temperature 110-120 per time, hydraulic oil increases
hydraulic oil L-HV32 10L.
Hydrody 6# or 8# hydrodynamic power
25 Except RW19A and RW18A
namic transmission oil (winter)
power Great wall
transmis ATF-III 16-20 Only for RW19A and RW18A
sion oil
11 5t-7t Drive axle, hub
GL-5 85W/90
Gear oil Great wall
or GL-5 80W/90 reduction gear
14 8t-10t

Brake HZY3 brake fluid(add before

Choice 1.5
liquid sold) or DOT3 brake fluid
Antirust Great wall FD-2 (Great wall brand) 23 5t-7t Ratio1:1

antifreez Multiple-effect antifreeze
28 8t-10t
e liquid solution
3# Automobile general lithium
on Great wall
base lubricant

• Forklift truck has been added with the antirust antifreeze liquid, you may not let it out even in the
severe winter. If it needs, add it full according demands. Usually it is replaced about 2∽4 year.
• If forklift truck hasn’t been added with the antirust antifreeze liquid, user can inject it according to
demands. If the truck hasn’t been injected with it,you must let the cooling water out in the winter.
• When mast is higher than 3 meter, raise 1 meter each time, hydraulic oil increase 8-10L.
•Different brand oil cannot be mixed.

Lubrication system drawing

1. Lubrication depend on the model,please see the table for the oil used in the truck.
2.Lubrication for mast, please see the 8 hour (daily or every shift) check.

Environment protection:
1. Please do the clean and maintenance of the truck at the specified spot.
2. Before remove the pipe, connector and related parts, please use the specified container to
contain the disused liquid (include antifreeze liquid, engine oil, hydraulic oil, hydrodynamic power
transmission oil, gear oil, brake liquid, lubrication grease) and disused battery.
3. The disused liquid referred above should be disposed according to the local environment
protection law rather than pouring at discretion to pollute the environment.

Safety consciousness:The antifreeze liquid, engine oil, hydraulic oil, hydrodynamic power
transmission oil and gear oil should be replaced under 70 ℃ because the temperature will be
high after long running, no touching with skin, or you will be scalded or corroded.

Different label in different position

Rotate from D
View from A View from C View from B
(remove radiator
Oil filler cover)

Fan cover

Left rear leg of overhead guard

1. Hoist label 2. CE label 3. Danger label 4. Danger label 5. Danger label 6.

Tonnage label 7. Fuel label 8. Character label 9. Product nameplate 10. Load curve label11.
Warning label 12.Engine detect switch label 13. Engine detect page turning switch label
14. Lubrication system label 15.Fuse label 16.Hydraulic oil label 17. Warning label18. No
swash label 19. Fan cut hand label 20. Strap nip hand label 21. Antifreeze label
22.Tie-down point label

1. Hoist label: it shows the hoisting to avoid accidents by handling mast lever
position and method of truck lifting. Avoid wrongly.
the cord touch and damage the light when 5. Danger label


Warning:It is dangerous when body is

nipped between mast, meter frame and
2. CE label(only for truck exported to overhead guard. Please check or repair
Europe or optional) this part after engine stops. There should
not be person on the truck or others to
operate the truck to avoid accidents by
handling mast lever wrongly.
6. Tonnage label

3. Danger label:on the outermast

Don’t stand on or under fork, otherwise the
life maybe in danger.
The word ―80‖means the rated load is 8.0
ton. If the lifting height increases or adds
attachment, the rated load will decrease.
7. Fuel label: it is oil adding position and
lies at the left rear landing leg of the
overhead guard.

8. Character label

4. Danger label

Inner and outer mast as well as fork

carriage is slide part of lift and down. It is
not allowed to put hand in the mast.
Please check or repair this part after
engine stops. There should not be person
on the truck or others to operate the truck
9. Product nameplate
13. Engine detect page turning switch

Engine detect

14. Lubrication system label

10.Load curve label

It shows relation among the position of the
load center, max. load and max. lifting

If it has side moving and attachment, the

load decreases. If the lifting height
increases, the load decreases. Before
loading, check whether the load and the
center distance of load are in the allowed
range show in the diagram of load capacity.
If the shape of load is complicated, make
the most heavy part place in the center of
the fork and approach the stop fork frame. 15. Fuse label


16. Hydraulic oil

12. Engine detect switch label

Engine detect
Off On

17. Warning label

This lift truck should not be operated by anyone who is not authorized and properly trained.
Read the Operators Manual and all warnings carefully,and make yourself familiar with your lift truck.
Operator's Manual and Service Manual are supplied with this truck or available from our forklift truck dealers.
Inspect and check your lift truck daily before and after use.Do not operate faulty or damaged lift trucks.
Repair work should be done by authorized and trained persons only.
To protect from falling objects,make sure that the Overhead Guard and Load Backrest Extension are correctly mounted
and in good condition.
21.Antifreeze label
Before starting engine,always set forward/reverse lever in neutral,with hand brake on .
Drive carefully,keeping forks and attachments as low as possible & fully tilted backp-Never Forward
Keep a careful lookout for people,obstructions and the path of travel.Watch clearance,especially overhead and tail
swing.Yield right of way to pedestrians.
Do not stick hands,feel and other parts lf your body outside the Operators compartment.
Drive forward when you are climbing a slope with a load .Drive in reverse when you are descending with loads.Do not
turn while on a slope.
Slow down before turning.Avoid any sudden start,stop or turning.Lateral tipover can occur if truck is improperly operated.
Do not load lift truck over capacity limit designated on the load chart.Do not lift unstable loads.
This lift truck is not designed for raising or transporting people.Do not use lift truck for those purposes under any
Before you get off lift truck,made sure the hand brake is set,lower forks or attachments,put forward/reverse lever
in neutral position and turn off key switch.Do not park on a slope.

22.Tie-down point label

18. No swash label

It is on the right back leg of overhead
guard.It is air intake pipe of engine,no
swash at transom window,prevent water
intake when clean.
EURO 3 emission label

19. Fan cut hand label

20. Strap nip hand label

The printing position of the series number and mechanical environmental protection code
of truck body
A:The printing position of the series number of truck body
B:The printing position of the mechanical environmental protection code of truck body

9. Truck’s convey, lifting, towing
Hoist the truck
• Use the steel wire ropes to tie the holes in the two side of the outside mast’s beam and the hook
of the counter balance, then use the lifting device to hoist the truck.
• When hoist the truck, don’t coil the overhead guard with the steel wire.
• The steel wire ropes and the lifting device must be very firm to support the truck because the
truck is very heavy.
• Don’t lift the truck by hoist the overhead guard.
• When lifting the truck, don’t take yourself below the truck.
•The forklift truck is designed for material handling and short-distance transportation only.
It is inappropriate for long-distance transportation. The Forklift Truck(5-7t) must be transported
by ship, train or lorry, of 10t loading(10t need 15t loading lorry etc). Tighten the brake lever, take
woods to block the front ad tear wheels and bind the truck body with enough strong rope, to avoid
slippage during transportation.
• The towing rod on the bottom of the counter balance is used to pull and drag the truck, For
installing the rod, first remove the towing rod and then install the ropes. After that, loose the rod.
Note: Towing after truck damage:loosen the brake lever. Place the shift gear in neutral. Pay
attention to the traffic and hang towing label.
Don’t tow the truck which turn system is abnormal and brake
system damaged.
Please obey traffic rules when towing the truck on road.

a. Don’t tie the steel wire ropes on the unfixed position
b. Don’t carry a load to steel wire ropes suddenly.

10. Type signification

Main transmission
Rated capacity(t)/
Model Engine (Hydraulic
Load center(mm)
transmission gearbox)
YQXD100H14(Shao Xing)
CPCD50/60/70/80/100-RG16 CY6102BG-E2-2D YQXD100H10-HF(Zhong
YQXD100H14(Shao Xing)
CPCD80/100-RG17 YQXD100H10-HF(Zhong 8/600,10/600
YQXD100H14(Shao Xing)
CPCD50/60/70-RG24 YQXD100H10-HF(Zhong 5/600,6/600,7/600
YQXD100H14(Shao Xing)
CPCD80/100-RG25 LR6M3-22 YQXD100H10-HF(Zhong 8/600,10/600
YQXD100H14(Shao Xing)
CPCD80/100-RG36 CA611/125G2-ZH10T YQXD100H10-HF(Zhong 8/600,10/600
YQXD100H14(Shao Xing)
CPCD50/60/70-RG41 YC4A115Z-T20 YQXD100H10-HF(Zhong 5/600,6/600,7/600
YQXD100H14(Shao Xing)
6BG1QP 5/600,6/600,7/600,
CPCD50/60/70/80/100-RW14 YQXD100H10-HF(Zhong
(ISUZU) 8/600,10/600

CPCD50/60/70-RW14B Okamura Y63182X 5/600,6/600,7/600
CPYD50/60/70-RW17 YQXD100HA1 5/600,6/600,7/600
Single fuel
CPYD50/60/70-RW57 YQXD100HA2 5/600,6/600,7/600
Dual fuel
CPQYD50/60/70-RW57 YQXD100HA2 5/600,6/600,7/600
Dual fuel
CPCD50/60/70-RW19A NISSAN 31020-4K100 5/600,6/600,7/600

CPYD50/60/70-RW24 GM4.3L LPG YQXD100HA1 5/600,6/600,7/600

YQXD100H14(Shao Xing)
QSB4.5-C110 5/600,6/600,7/600,
CPCD50/60/70/80/100-RW28 YQXD100H10-HF(Zhong
(Cummins) 8/600,10/600

YQXD100H14(Shao Xing)
CPCD50/60/70-RW38 YQXD100H10-HF(Zhong 5/600,6/600,7/600

CPCD50/60/70-RW38B Okamura Y63182X 5/600,6/600,7/600
BB-6BG1TRC-06 YQXD100ⅡH10-HF(Zhong 5/600,6/600,7/600,
(ISUZU) Nan) 8/600,10/600
CPCD50/60/70/80/100-RG55 CY6BG332 YQXD100H30
CPCD50/60/70/80/100-RG58 YC4A115-T310 YQXD100H30

11. Technical specification of 5-10T forklift truck

Model CPCD50-RG16 CPCD60-RG16 CPCD70-RG16

Rated capacity kg 5000 6000 7000

Load center mm 600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s 468 468 415

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed

26 26 26

Ground clearance mm 170 170 170

Min turning radius mm 3160 3200 3280

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm 2250 2250 2250

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without forks) 4660×1990×2500 4710×1990×2500 4790×1990×2500
8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Diesel Engines

Model CY6102BG-E2-2D

Rated output/ r.p.m. 81kW/2500r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 353N·m/1650r/min

Displacement L 5.785

Model CPCD80-RG16 CPCD100-RG16

Rated capacity kg 8000 10000

Load center mm 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 200 200

Max lifting speed mm/s 380 310

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed

28 28

Ground clearance mm 210 210

Min turning radius mm 3690 4050

Max grade ability % 20 20

Wheel base mm 2500 2800

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1600/1700 1600/1700

Service weight kg 11300 13000

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without forks) 5395×2165×2700 5735×2165×2850
9.00-20-14PR/4 9.00-20-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
9.00-20-14PR/2 9.00-20-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Diesel Engines

Model CY6102BG-E2-2D

Rated output/ r.p.m. 81kW/2500 r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 353N·m/1650 r/min

Displacement L 5.785

Model CPCD80-RG17 CPCD100-RG17

Rated capacity kg 8000 10000

Load center mm 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 200 200

Max lifting speed mm/s 380 326

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed

26 26

Ground clearance mm 210 210

Min turning radius mm 3690 3990

Max grade ability % 20 20

Wheel base mm 2500 2800

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1600/1700 1600/1700

Service weight kg 11300 13000

Overall dimension
5395×2165×2700 5735×2165×2850
(L×W×H) (without forks)

9.00-20-14PR/4 9.00-20-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
9.00-20-14PR/2 9.00-20-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Diesel Engine

Model YC6B125-T20(BB0G0)

Rated output/ r.p.m. 92kW/2200r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 463N·m/1500r/min

Displacement L 6.871

Model CPCD50-RG24 CPCD60-RG24 CPCD70-RG24

Rated capacity kg 5000 6000 7000

Load center mm 600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s 447 447 396

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed

26 26 26

Ground clearance mm 170 170 170

Min turning radius mm 3160 3200 3280

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm 2250 2250 2250

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without 4660×1990×2500 4710×1990×2500 4790×1990×2500
forks) mm
8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Diesel Engine

Model LR4B3-24

Rated output/

Max torque/ r.p.m. 300N·m/1500r/min

Displacement L 4.580

Model CPCD80-RG25 CPCD100-RG25

Rated capacity kg 8000 10000

Load center mm 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 200 200

Max lifting speed mm/s 380 326

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 25 25

Ground clearance mm 210 210

Min turning radius mm 3690 4050

Max grade ability % 20 20

Wheel base mm 2500 2800

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1600/1700 1600/1700

Service weight kg 11300 13000

Overall dimension
5395×2165×2700 5735×2165×2850
(L×W×H) (without forks) mm

9.00-20-14PR/4 9.00-20-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
9.00-20-14PR/2 9.00-20-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Diesel Enigne

Model LR6M3-22

Rated output/ r.p.m. 92kW/2200r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 450N·m/1400~1600r/min

Displacement L 6.871

Model CPCD80-RG36 CPCD100-RG36

Rated capacity kg 8000 10000

Load center mm 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 200 200

Max lifting speed mm/s 340 300

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed

23 23

Ground clearance mm 210 210

Min turning radius mm 3690 4050

Max grade ability % 20 20

Wheel base mm 2500 2800

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1600/1700 1600/1700

Service weight kg 11300 13000

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without forks) 5395×2165×2700 5735×2165×2850
9.00-20-14PR/4 9.00-20-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
9.00-20-14PR/2 9.00-20-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Diesel Engine

Model CA6110/125G2-ZH10T

Rated output/ r.p.m. 83kW/2000r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 450N·m/1400~1500r/min

Displacement L 6.871

Model CPCD50-RG41 CPCD60-RG41 CPCD70-RG41

Rated capacity kg 5000 6000 7000

Load center mm 600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s 405 400 360

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed

26 26 26

Ground clearance mm 170 170 170

Min turning radius mm 3240 3280 3340

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm 2300 2300 2300

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without 4660×1990×2500 4710×1990×2500 4840×1990×2500
forks) mm
8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Diesel Engine

Model YC4A115Z-T20

Rated output/

Max torque/ r.p.m. 425N·m/1450~1650r/min

Displacement L 4.836


Rated capacity kg 5000 6000 7000

Load center mm 600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s 405 400 360

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed

23/26 23/26 23/26

Ground clearance mm 170 170 170

Min turning radius mm 3160 3200 3280

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm 2250 2250 2250

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without forks) 4660×1990×2500 4710×1990×2500 4790×1990×2500
8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Diesel Engine

Rated output/ r.p.m. 84.6kW/2200r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 410.9N·m/1500r/min

Displacement L 6.494

Model CPCD80-RW14 CPCD100-RW14

Rated capacity kg 8000 10000

Load center mm 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 200 200

Max lifting speed mm/s 380 326

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 25 25

Ground clearance mm 210 210

Min turning radius mm 3690 4050

Max grade ability % 20 20

Wheel base mm 2500 2800

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1600/1700 1600/1700

Service weight kg 11300 13000

Overall dimension
5395×2165×2700 5735×2165×2850
(L×W×H) (without forks) mm

9.00-20-14PR/4 9.00-20-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
9.00-20-14PR/2 9.00-20-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Diesel Engine

Rated output/ r.p.m. 84.6kW/2200 r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 410.9N·m/1500 r/min

Displacement L 6.494

Model CPYD60-RW17 CPYD70-RW17

Rated capacity kg 5000 6000 7000

Load center mm 600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s 426 426 377

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 24 24 24

Ground clearance mm 170 170 170

Min turning radius mm 3160 3200 3280

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm 2250 2250 2250

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension 4660×1990

4710×1990×2500 4790×1990×2500
(L×W×H) (without forks) mm ×2500

8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R) R/4
8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2
Battery V/ capacity Ah 12/60/20h 12/60/20h 12/60/20h

Model GM 4.3L (LPG single fuel)

Rated output/ r.p.m. 74 kW/2300r/min


Max torque/ r.p.m. 301N·m/1600r/min


Displacement L 4.294

Model CPYD50-RW57 CPYD60-RW57 CPYD70-RW57

Rated capacity kg 5000 6000 7000

Load center mm 600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s 426 426 377

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 24 24 24

Ground clearance mm 170 170 170

Min turning radius mm 3160 3200 3280

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm 2250 2250 2250

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension
4660×1990×2500 4710×1990×2500 4790×1990×2500
(L×W×H) (without forks) mm

8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4

Tyre (F/R)
8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 12/60/20h 12/60/20h 12/60/20h

Model GM 4.3L LX(LPG Dual fuel)

LPG dual fuel Engine

Rated output/ r.p.m. 74 kW/2300r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 301N·m/1600r/min

Displacement L 4.294

Model CPQYD50-RW57 CPQYD60-RW57 CPQYD70-RW57

Rated capacity kg 5000 6000 7000

Load center mm 600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s 426 426 377

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 24 24 24

Ground clearance mm 170 170 170

Min turning radius mm 3160 3200 3280

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm 2250 2250 2250

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension
4660×1990×2500 4710×1990×2500 4790×1990×2500
(L×W×H) (without forks) mm

8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4

Tyre (F/R)
8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 12/60/20h 12/60/20h 12/60/20h

Model GM 4.3L LX(Dual fuel)

LPG dual fuel Engine

Rated output/ r.p.m. 74kW/2300r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 301N·m/1600r/min

Displacement L 4.294

Model CPCD50-RW19A CPCD60-RW19A CPCD70-RW19A

Rated capacity kg 5000 6000 7000

Load center mm 600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s 410 400 360

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 29 29 29

Ground clearance mm 170 170 170

Min turning radius mm 3160 3200 3280

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm 2250 2250 2250

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without forks) 4660×1990×2500 4710×1990×2500 4790×1990×2500
8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Diesel Engine


Rated output/ r.p.m. 59kW/2300r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 254N·m/1800r/min

Displacement L 4.169

Model CPYD50-RW24 CPYD60-RW24 CPYD70-RW24

Rated capacity kg 5000 6000 7000

Load center mm 600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s 426 426 377

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 24 24 24

Ground clearance mm 170 170 170

Min turning radius mm 3160 3200 3280

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm 2250 2250 2250

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension 4660×1990×250

4710×1990×2500 4790×1990×2500
(L×W×H) (without forks) mm 0

8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4

Tyre (F/R)
8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 12/60/20h 12/60/20h 12/60/20h


Model GM 4.3L

Rated output/ r.p.m. 75kW/2300r/min


Max torque/ r.p.m. 324N·m/1700r/min


Displacement L 4.169

Model CPCD50-RW28 CPCD60-RW28 CPCD70-RW28

Rated capacity kg
5000 6000 7000

Load center mm
600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm

3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm

160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s

405 400 360

Tilting angle F/B

6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed Km/h 22 22 22

Ground clearance mm
170 170 170

Min turning radius mm

3240 3280 3340

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm
2300 2300 2300

Wheel thread (F/R) mm

1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension
4710×1990×2500 4760×1990×2500 4840×1990×2500
(L×W×H) (without forks)

8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4

Tyre (F/R)
8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Diesel Engine

Model QSB4.5-C110

Rated output/ r.p.m. 82kW/2200r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 488N·m/1500r/min

Displacement L 4.460

Model CPCD80-RW28 CPCD100-RW28

Rated capacity kg
8000 10000

Load center mm
600 600

Max. lifting height mm

3000 3000

Free lifting height mm

200 200

Max lifting speed mm/s

380 315

Tilting angle F/B

6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 24 24

Ground clearance mm
210 210

Min turning radius mm

3690 4050

Max grade ability % 20 20

Wheel base mm
2500 2800

Wheel thread (F/R) mm

1600/1700 1600/1700

Service weight kg 11300 13000

Overall dimension
5395×2165×2700 5735×2165×2700
(L×W×H) (without forks) mm

9.00-20-14PR/4 9.00-20-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
9.00-20-14PR/2 9.00-20-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/70/20h 24/70/20h

Diesel Engine

Model QSB4.5-C110

Rated output/ r.p.m. 82kW/2200r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 488N·m/1500r/min

Displacement L 4.460


Rated capacity kg 5000 6000 7000

Load center mm 600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s 440/406 440/406 415/360

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 23/26 23/26 23/26

Ground clearance mm 170 170 170

Min turning radius mm 3160 3200 3280

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm 2250 2250 2250

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight Kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without forks) 4660×1990×2500 4710×1990×2500 4790×1990×2500
8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Model QSB3.3-C99(Cummins)

Rated output/ r.p.m. 74kW/2200r/min

Diesel Engine

Max torque/ r.p.m. 415N·m/1600r/min

Displacement L 3.3

Model CPCD50-RW41 CPCD60-RW41 CPCD70-RW41

Rated capacity kg 5000 6000 7000

Load center mm 600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s 405 400 360

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 26 26 26

Ground clearance mm 170 170 170

Min turning radius mm 3240 3280 3340

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm 2300 2300 2300

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight Kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without forks) 4760×1990×2500 4760×1990×2500 4840×1990×2500
8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Model BB-6BG1TRC-06(ISUZU)

Rated output/ r.p.m. 95.6kW/2200r/min

Diesel Engine

Max torque/ r.p.m. 490N·m/1400r/min

Displacement L 6.5

Model CPCD80-RW41 CPCD100-RW41

Rated capacity kg 8000 10000

Load center mm 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 200 200

Max lifting speed mm/s 380 310

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 28 28

Ground clearance mm 210 210

Min turning radius mm 3690 4050

Max grade ability % 20 20

Wheel base mm 2500 2800

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1600/1700 1600/1700

Service weight kg 11300 13000

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without forks) 5395×2165×2700 5735×2165×2850

9.00-20-14PR/4 9.00-20-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
9.00-20-14PR/2 9.00-20-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/70/20h 24/70/20h

Diesel Engine

Model BB-6BG1TRC-06(ISUZU)

Rated output/ r.p.m. 95.6kW/2200r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 490N·m/1400r/min

Displacement L 6.5

Model CPCD50-RG55 CPCD60-RG55 CPCD70-RG55

Rated capacity kg 5000 6000 7000

Load center mm 600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s 468 468 415

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 26 26 26

Ground clearance mm 170 170 170

Min turning radius mm 3160 3200 3280

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm 2250 2250 2250

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight Kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without forks) 4660×1990×2500 4710×1990×2500 4790×1990×2500

8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4 8.25-15-14PR/4

Tyre (F/R)
8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2 8.25-15-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Model CY6BG332

Rated output/ r.p.m. 85kW/2200r/min

Diesel Engine

Max torque/ r.p.m. 450N·m/1400-1800r/min

Displacement L 5.785

Model CPCD80-RG55 CPCD100-RG55

Rated capacity kg 8000 10000

Load center mm 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 200 200

Max lifting speed mm/s 380 310

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 28 28

Ground clearance mm 210 210

Min turning radius mm 3690 4050

Max grade ability % 20 20

Wheel base mm 2500 2800

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1600/1700 1600/1700

Service weight kg 11300 13000

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without forks) 5395×2165×2700 5735×2165×2850

9.00-20-14PR/4 9.00-20-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
9.00-20-14PR/2 9.00-20-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Diesel Engine

Model CY6BG332

Rated output/ r.p.m. 85kW/2200r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 450N·m/1400-1800r/min

Displacement L 5.785

Model CPCD50-RG58 CPCD60-RG58 CPCD70-RG58

Rated capacity kg 5000 6000 7000

Load center mm 600 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 160 160 160

Max lifting speed mm/s 405 400 360

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 26 26 26

Ground clearance mm 170 170 170

Min turning radius mm 3240 3280 3340

Max grade ability % 20 20 20

Wheel base mm 2300 2300 2300

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1489/1460 1489/1460 1489/1460

Service weight Kg 8000 8400 9300

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without forks) 4660×1990×2500 4710×1990×2500 4840×1990×2500

Tyre (F/R)

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h

Model YC4A115-T310

Rated output/ r.p.m. 85kW/2200r/min

Diesel Engine

Max torque/ r.p.m. 450N·m/1400~1800r/min

Displacement L 4.836

Model CPCD80-RG58 CPCD100-RG58

Rated capacity kg 8000 10000

Load center mm 600 600

Max. lifting height mm 3000 3000

Free lifting height mm 200 200

Max lifting speed mm/s 380 310

Tilting angle F/B 6°/12° 6°/12°

Max traveling speed km/h 28 28

Ground clearance mm 210 210

Min turning radius mm 3690 4050

Max grade ability % 20 20

Wheel base mm 2500 2800

Wheel thread (F/R) mm 1600/1700 1600/1700

Service weight kg 11300 13000

Overall dimension
(L×W×H) (without forks) 5395×2165×2700 5735×2165×2850

9.00-20-14PR/4 9.00-20-14PR/4
Tyre (F/R)
9.00-20-14PR/2 9.00-20-14PR/2

Battery V/ capacity Ah 24/90/20h 24/90/20h

Diesel Engine

Model YC4A115-T310

Rated output/ r.p.m. 85kW/2200r/min

Max torque/ r.p.m. 450N·m/1400~1800r/min

Displacement L 4.836

12.Operation, disassembly and installation of cab


The operation of cab:
1.Open left door with key, enter into cab.
2.Close door, make sure left and right door close before working.
3.The glass of left and right door can be moved by draw button on the glass.
4.The rear door can be opened by loosing lock buckle.

Disassembling cab:
1.Stop the truck on solid and smooth level ground; close switch, pull down hand brake.
2.Remove 4 bolts from left front and right front legs. To high position exhaust, the fastening bolts
should be removed
3.Pull out 4 rubber plugs from left rear and right rear legs,remove 4 bolts from left rear and right
rear legs.
4.Hoist cab a little with crane.
5.Remove switch connection of fan,rain wiper,alarm light etc., remove wire from 4 support legs,
and slip into support legs.
6.Put down cab slowly and lightly, avoid pressing wire and keep wire intact. .

Installing cab:
The installing procedure is opposite to removing procedure. But remove the bolts which connect
head frame and support legs, after fastening support legs and truck body, then screw down
connected bolts of head frame and support legs,fastening torque of bolts connected support legs
and truck body:T=(137~167 )N·m. Bolts for connecting head frame and support legs:T=(110~140)

13.Operation and notice about LPG forklift

The forklift truck such as CPYD50/60/70-RW17 and CPYD50/60/70-RW24 are equipped with
American GM4.3L LPG single-fuel engine.
The forklift truck such as CPYD50/60/70-RW57 and CPQYD50/60/70-RW57 are equipped with
American GM4.3L LX LPG Dual-fuel engine.
LPG fuel system consists of LPG cylinder, filter, regulator for vehicles, mixer and so on. LPG in the
cylinder passing through the combination valve, the high-pressured pipe, the filter, and the
regulator for vehicles in sequence, enters the LPG vaporizer to be vaporized, then mix with air in
certain proportion, and combust in the engine cylinder to drive the forklift truck to work. The GM
4.3L, GM4.3L LX engine itself equips the elements such as regulator for vehicles, mixer and so

Regulator for vehicles (engine built-in)

The regulator for vehicles has two functions. One function is decompression. It reduces the
pressure of LPG coming from solenoid valve of gas path to an atmospheric pressure. The other
function is vaporization, the LPG liquid will be vaporized through absorbing the cyclic heat from

Mixer (engine built-in)

The Mixer mixes the vaporized LPG with air and sends them into the engine in order to meet kinds
of working conditions according to the engine.
On the surface of instrument frame, there is dual fuel conversion switch.
Note: Single fuel doesn’t have this.

I. The operation of dual fuel conversion switch

1. Switch to LPG (dial left, LPG means gas), the fuel of engine burning is LPG.
2. Switch to GAS, the fuel of engine burning is gasoline.
3. Middle place, it is not both.
II. Start-up of dual fuel engine
1. Gasoline
Close LPG, close the gasoline switch a few seconds, when the gasoline into the carburetor bobber
room, then open the ignition key, start-up the engine by gasoline.
2. LPG
a. Carburetor without gasoline:If you know the carburetor without any gasoline before start, use
LPG directness. Close the gasoline switch, open LPG switch a few seconds, then open key to
start motor, the engine move.
b. Carburetor without gasoline:start engine is not easy by LPG, close the LPG and Gasoline
switch(choose to middle position),start by gasoline. When the gasoline will be run down in
carburetor, rotate speed of engine is lower, open LPG switch, turn to LPG. Or the gasoline will be

burn fully in carburetor, engine stop, open LPG switch, use the key to start motor, and engine
III. Fuel conversion in process of engine movement
1.Use LPG then turn to GAS:
Switch LPG to GAS, engine movement from LPG to GAS.
2. Use GAS then turn to LPG:
Close GAS switch, when the gasoline will be run down in carburetor, rotate speed of engine is
lower,open LPG switch.

LPG cylinder
1. Function
It composed of safety valve, LPG inlet, quick fitting and other relevant accessories. It supports and
stores fuel, and it is fixed at the back of truck. The main functions show in the follow:
a. shut off valve
It controls inlet and outlet line of the LPG.
b. Charging limit valve
Open the charging limit valve to charge LPG till the charging device is automatically closed when
70%- 80% volume of the container is full.
c. Level indication
The digital shows percentage of the remainder volume.
d. Outpouring limit valve
When outpouring exceeds the stated value, or the pipe is broken, the outpouring device on the
valve will be closed automatically.
e. Safety valve
Safety valve will open automatically when pressure in cylinder is over the standard pressure.

2. Main parameters
Work temperature:-40℃~+60℃;Work pressure :2.2MPa; opening pressure of safety valve:
2.5MPa±0.2MPa;Max. capacity:80% of cylinder volume.

3.Cylinder structure

1.Charge valve(inlet port and dustproof cover) 2. Installing mark

3.Outlet valve(outlet connector) 4. Fixed pin

5. Outlet shut off valve 6.Level indication 7. Inlet shut off valve

4.The replacement of cylinder

Paste safety operation procedures on cylinder

(1) Park the truck on flat and stability ground, stop engine, pull hand brake;
(2)remove cylinder:
a. Close outlet shut off valve, and remove outlet connector.

b.Loosen cylinder fixed parts.See following Fig:

Metal band bracket

Buckle belt bracket

1. Right hand hold tighten device, use

forefinger, middle finger, and ring finger to pull
Buckle belt and tighten device
lock buckle out.

2. Keep 1 procedure, and push up tighten 3.Keep the lock buckle out and pull downward
device till touch cylinder. the whole tighten device.

5. Remove the left tighten device from buckle

belt by the same way.

4. Then buckle belt is loosened from tighten


Remove cylinder and charge

1. Please avoid cylinder hit counterpoise when taking it down from truck; avoid body hurt
2. Make sure the outlet shut off valve closed.
3. When charging the place must have charging license which is awarded by Quality and
Technical Supervision Bureau. It is forbidden to charge by oneself and the component must
accord with table 1.

Notice :
a) product NO.1 can be used under the environment temperature of above -20℃;
b) product NO.2 can be used under the environment temperature of above -10℃;
c) product NO.3 can be used under the environment temperature of above 0℃;

Table 1 technique parameter of LPG special for vehicle

Quality parameter
Item Trial
1# 2# 3#
37.8℃ vapour a
≤1430 890~1430 660~1340 GB/T 6602
(indication) /kPa

propane >85 >65~85 40~65

Butane and advanced ≤2.5 — —

Pentane and advanced — ≤2.0 ≤2.0 SH/T 0614
Alkene ≤10 ≤10 ≤10
≤0.5 ≤0.5 ≤0.5
(1,3butadiene )

Residue after
≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤0.05
Residue evaporation (ml/100ml) SY/T 7509

Observe soiled-oil pass pass pass

actually actually actually c
Density(20℃ )/kg/m3 SH/T 0221
measure measure measure
Sheet copper corrosion/grade ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 SH/T 0232
Total sulfur content /(mg/m3) <270 <270 <270 SH/T 0222
Sulfureted hydrogen zero zero zero SH/T 0125
Free water zero zero zero Eyeballing
1:Gaseity content , total sulfur content is at 0℃、101.35kPa.
2:Measure sample whether it exists free water by eyeballing when measuring density.
a. Evaporation pressure can be evaluated by GB/T 12576, measured by GB/T 6602 when
b. Component can be measured by SH/T 0230, but measure by SH/T 0614 when arbitration.
c. Density can be measured by GB/T 12576, but measured by SH/T 0221 when arbitration.
d. Total sulfur content can be measured by SY/T 7508,but measured by SH/T 0222 when
(GB 19159-2003)

The operation steps of changing the LPG cylinder
(1) Take canvas glove to prevent your fingers from being frostbite by the leaking gas when gas
(2) Make sure the place is clear and the air is ventilating when charging LPG, it is forbidden to
smoke, keep away from other naked flame.
(3) Fill LPG as following: Lay the LPG cylinder flat, and set the charging limit valve upward, then
screw off the dust cap on the charging valve, plug the filling connector, open the inlet shutoff valve
to charge LPG till 80% rated volume of the container is full (the charging device is automatically
closed when 80% rated volume of the container is full), take out the filling connector, screw down
the dust cap and the charging limit valve.
Check all parts and make sure they are all intact.
(4) Lift the cylinder up to truck, and fix it, let the arrow (①)be upward, then insert the fixed pin to

The method of fixing cylinder:

Metal belt bracket

The fixed way is opposite to disassemble way.

Buckle belt bracket

a. Hold strain device with right hand, take

buckle belt with left hand, direct to the notch on b. Pass buckle belt through the notch on
ratchet wheel ratchet wheel.

c. Pull buckle belt downward with left hand, pull

d. Keep the buckle belt tensioning and keep the
out the lock buckle with forefinger, middle finger
lock buckle out, revolve strain device
and third finger in right hand, and push up to
downward with right hand till touch cylinder.
touch cylinder at the same time.

e. Keep it tensioning with left hand, hold the

strain device, loose lock buckle, and rotate
strain device several times till it can not be f. Turn downward till touch cylinder.
(5)Make sure the inlet and outlet shutoff valve (②③)are on closed state.
(6)Connect the inlet connector(⑤)with outlet valve(④), and tighten.
(7)Open outlet shutoff valve slowly(③).
(8)Make sure there is no leaking before using, if there is some leaking, close outlet
shutoff valve(③) in time, turn on the forklift input connector(⑤).

Notice :after installing cylinder, then connect the connecting pipe with quick connector, open
outlet shutoff valve ③,smear every joint with soap bubble to check whether the joint is leaking, if
there is leaking at joint, eliminate the problem, then fire forklift. Please close outlet shutoff valve
③ when the forklift is finishing working.

Notice of usage
(1) When charging LPG assembly, at first open inlet shutoff valve, close outlet shutoff valve,when
charging is done, close inlet shutoff valve.
(2) When take assembly to the truck, it should be fixed and make the arrow direction upward,
and inlet shutoff valve closed. Connect inlet connector with assembly outlet port, and then revolve
to tighten, open outlet shutoff valve, make sure it no leak, and convenient to use.
(3) Check the cylinder assembly whether leak or not when charging and fixing it on truck every
(4) Please prevent dust entering into the inlet, and revolve dustproof cover after filling LPG out to
protect the airproof of check valve.
(5) It is forbidden to change the pressure of safety valve.
(6) Call the qualified unit to check and maintain, it is forbidden to repair by self. And keep apart the
abnormal cylinder.
(7) This assembly has 2 ways to fill LPG, one is volume and the other is weight. Weight: make
sure the cylinder stand vertically when filling LPG. Volume: make sure the cylinder lay horizontally
when filling LPG, and let the direction mark up.
(8) Please obey the 《gas cylinder safe supervise rule》awarded by the State Bureau of Quality
and Technical Supervision when charging ,transporting, depositing ,using and inspecting.
(9) When fixing and disassembling cylinder please do it lightly, it is forbidden to hit other object.
Keep cylinder assembly intact and do not disassemble, adjust and replace components.
(10) The LPG conform to GB11174 can be recharged, the maximum volume is no more than 80%
of cylinder.
(11) The LPG must be charging at the place awarded by qualified Quality and Technical
Supervision Bureau, it is forbidden to charging by self
(12) Charging unit must be vacuumized or displace with nitrogen when the new or recheck
cylinder is using at the first time.
(13) Before reinstalling cylinder, lay the cylinder horizontal perpendicular to installing sign, close

outlet shutoff valve, open inlet shutoff valve, see the finger of fluid indicator whether is lifting with
the charging fluid when charging. Stop charging when the limit charging valve is working in time,
and check whether the finger of fluid indicator is at the correct position. Close inlet shutoff valve
after charging out.
(14) Check the forklift truck fully ahead to ensure no leak of LPG, then open the LPG outpouring
valve on the LPG cylinder, check more to ensure no leak of LPG fuel system before starting-up.
(15)If there is LPG leak during operation, shut off the LPG switch and the outpouring valve at once,
check every part and all connection to see if there is leak or loose, and get rid of it in time. Fuel by
petrol before malfunction is removed.
(16)If there is 10 minutes halt, you should shut off the LPG switch and the outpouring valve.
(17) Cylinder should be avoiding to be place under the blazing sun for quite a long time, and keep
it far away from heat source, and forbidden to heat cylinder with heat source whose temperature
is more than 40℃.
(18) It should have no less than 0.5% the cylinder volume to remain.
(19) It is forbidden to modify cylinder mark and color sign.
(20) Cylinder must be taken to the special unit per 5 years to inspect, the unit have qualification
awarded by pressure vessel safety supervisor bureau.
(21) Observe the level indication frequently during operation, if it is found that LPG consumption is
not in proportion to working time, you should stop to check where is leakage, and shut off power,
the LPG valve and all valves concerned at once to take good measure in time.
(22) Park the truck at the shady and ventilated site; Close the valves on the LPG cylinder. Never
insolate the truck in the sun long.
(23) Shut off power and all valves after the truck is garaged. Keep good ventilation and
extinguishing measure in the garage.
(24) Never repair the LPG cylinder, valves or pipes at garages or parking lots, any smoke on the
Service & maintenance
1. This truck has been taken pressure trial and performance test before leaving factory. If there is
performance failure, strictly forbid repairing without permission.
2. Shut off the cutoff valves of out gas on the LPG cylinder before disassembly and maintenance
of the LPG device.
3. Suitably adjust the measure valve, for LPG consumption is changing with season.
4. Check and clean often the air cleaner and the LPG filter, replace it with a new one in time if
there is any damaged.
5. After finishing the LPG forklift debugging and one day well run (or a full container of LPG is
used up), you should adjust the LPG vaporizer again to ensure proper ratio of fuel to air.
6.Check the electric system after every three months have elapsed if any switch connection-peg
is oxidized or rusted, and get rid of it in time.
7. Take a routine care for the whole LPG fuel system after every one year working, that is, clean
the vaporizer, check airproof capacity of each tie-in in the high pressurized pipes and the low
pressurized pipes.

14.Operational method of lead acid battery
1. Lead acid battery and its application
Lead acid battery is used for power start engine, and it can be for voltage regulation and overload
generator substitute power, it has following strengths: low internal resistance, stable end voltage,
large support current, low water cost, huge capacity, nice starting performance at low temperature,
light pole corrosion, light mass, low fault rate, convenient maintenance. TheMaintenance-free
batteries are all sealed besides 2 vent holes (for overflowing a little air from battery) at the side of
Maintenance-free battery. Low-maintenance lead-acid batteries have liquid left in the battery
cover mouth.

2. Storage and maintenance

1. Storage
The place for storing battery should be clean, dry, airy, and the battery should be charged every 3
2. Maintenance
If truck will be stored over 30 days, the following should be done:

Maintenance-free battery
1) Insure the green status visual in inner indicator;
2) Disconnecting negative earth wire to avoid discharging by additional current release;
3) Keep the battery charge completely if the battery can not be removed down from truck;
4) Make a general schedule, charge every 30-45 days;
5) Check battery when the green status of indicator at battery are invisible, then charge or
replace battery;

Low-maintenance battery
1)Ensure that the battery electrolyte fluid level in the UPPER LEVEL.
2) Disconnecting negative earth wire to avoid discharging by additional current release;
3) Keep the battery charge completely if the battery can not be removed down from truck;
4) Make a general schedule, charge every 30-45 days;
5)When the liquid level below the LOWER LEVEL, please add water to the UPPER LEVEL,
do not add, no measure will overflow corrode your vehicle!

3. Notice for usage

Battery can produce explosive gas, electrolyte has corrosive, and the current can burn skin from
battery producing, please flush immediately when electrolyte touch skin or eyes, then go to
hospital if serious.
1) Human body, especially the head should be far away from battery, and the protected glass
must be wearing.
2) Forbid battery emerging in naked fire or spark.
3) Connect active and negative pole with electrical equipment correctly to avoid burning battery or
electrical equipment.
4) To avoid short circuit of battery, the electric things are forbidden to cover at battery.

4. Check the battery

Check themaintenance-free battery

The indicator of the electric eye will be green when the capacity is normal, density of electrolyte
reaches the standard; it will be white when capacity is not enough, density of electrolyte does not
reach the standard; it will be red when the electrolyte is acute shortage, the shell should be
carefully examined whether there is rupture, leakage or battery failure.
The indicator of battery refers to particularly the prompt of the battery label.

Check the low-maintenance battery

As the forklift is used in a high temperature ambient ,and the battery easily consumes water, you
should do pay attention to the liquid level when using the forklift. There is an aperture for adding
liquid in the cover of the battery. Please add enough water up to the UPPER LEVEL when the
liquid level is below the LOWER LEVEL and be sure the water is not so much that can spill out to
erode your forklift.
When lacking of the electrolyte, please check whether the surface is damaged or leaky, or the
battery is conking out.

15.Use, installation and safety rules of attachment

Hangcha will choose attachment that according with International standard ISO2328《Forklift
pothook fork and install size of carriage》,such as clamp,rotator,paper roll clamp,carrying
ram,side-shifter etc..
1. Attachment use.
(1)Know well the content of nameplate on attachment, read the instruction manual before
usage.(Especially the manual from attachmentcompany)Before operate the attachment, the
people should be trained and obtain the qualification.
(2)It should be understand the basic capability and operate methods of attachment. Especially
the admit load, lifting height, size of cargo and adaptive range of attachment.
(3)Operate the multi-functional attachment, such as with side-shifter, clamp or rotator, it is not
allowed that two action at one time. Operate one functional then do another one.
(4)Prohibit the cargo at a high position when truck move with attachment. If the size of cargo is
too big, prohibit the truck move on. Transport the cargo, make sure that the distance of bottom of
cargo and ground is less than 300mm and mast incline back.
(5)The weight of cargo couldn’t exceed the limited value of combination carrying capacity of
forklift and attachment. It is not allowed that partial load at high position. It is a short time work for
attachment with side-shifter. Partial load is around 100mm (Above 5 ton (including 5 ton), the
side-shifter movable within 300mm.
(6)In the range of the projection forth 2m of the lower of attachment and cargo, prohibit stand to
avoid the suddenness except the driver position under overhead.
(7)It is not allowed that an emergency brake in moving. Run slowly with load.
(8)Prohibit outside force when attachment working.
(9)It couldn’t be use at malfeasance situation and overstep normal work range
(10)When the attachment failure, prohibit use without check.

Check and maintenance

(1)Check the clearance of carriage beam and below catch of attachment if accord with the
attachment manual.
(2)Check the rise catch is right on the flute of fork carriage.
(3)Use the auto currency lithic-grease per 500 hours to bearing surface.
(4)If the fasteners become flexible.
(5)Check the tie-in of hydraulic pressure loop, if tube damage. Prohibit use after repair.
(6)Check the drive of attachment timing or turn the component if fray or block, change betimes.
(7)Check each element if in normal under load attachment is work in gear. If not, check the
hydraulic pressure loop, find out the broken part, change air poof or whole loop part.

2. Attachment assembly

△! Caution
1. Untempered technology license of our company, any refit at safety and capability to
attachment is strict prohibit.
2. Fact rating load capacity should be the least of rating load capacity, the load capacity of
attachment, colligate load capacity of truck. Generally speaking, the colligate load
capacity of truck is the least. Attachment load capacity just a count value of attachment
3. Assembly go to in reason, credibility, safety to avoid the attachment glide around
carriage in using.
4. After hang attachment, embed the rise catch block to the gap of top beam, let the offset
of centre line of attachment and carriage is less than 50mm.Otherwise,it will affect the
landscape orientation stability of forklift.
5. To these attachment with rotating function, such as paper roll clamp, bale clamp,
multi-purpose clamp, drum clamp, it needs to weld chock block in the joint of carriage
beam and attachment to prevent move from side to side in the operation.
6. Assembly the attachment of below catch orientation, it needs to adjust the clearance
between below catch and beam of carriage.

16.Maintenance Record
Date Maintenance Content Maintenance Man

Date Maintenance Content Maintenance Man

Date Maintenance Content Maintenance Man



■ Address: 666 Xiangfu Road, Hangzhou,Zhejiang,China.
■ ZIP:311305
■ Fax: 0086-571-88926789 0086-571-88132890
■ Web: http://www.hcforklift.com
■ E-mail: [email protected]

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