PDS BWT Bboiler
PDS BWT Bboiler
PDS BWT Bboiler
Alkalinity Control 25 l
General description
Concentrated liquid alkaline product for corrosion and scale control
in boilers.
• Convenient liquid treatment which provides the basic
alkalinity for optimum corrosion and scale control.
• Assists in precipitation and blowdown of magnesium and
calcium salts
• Will assist in keeping silica in suspension
• Simple testing to determine level of treatment
• Can be used in boilers of all pressures
• Can be used as a neutraliser after acid cleaning operations
in different systems
• Allows efficiency to be maintained, and reduces
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Approved by the Norwegian National Institute of the Public Health for the use as neutraliser after acid cleaning
operations in fresh water generators
Dosing method
For optimum results dose Alkalinity Control direct to the boiler with an automatic dosing unit, or via the bypass pot-
feeder installed in the boiler feed line.
Dosage and control
A proper level of treatment is maintained by testing for p-Alkalinity. The level is determined by the pressure and type
of boiler. Refer to the dosage table below for correct dose rates. The normal method of raising the alkalinity level is
by adding the required quantity of Alkalinity Control after testing for p-Alkalinity. 225 ml/ton will raise the p-Alkalinity
by 100 ppm.
USING THE TABLE: Select the section corresponding to the pressure of the boiler to be treated and read across the
table to obtain the level of treatment required.
Proper treatment should normally give a pH between 9.5 and 11. These are recommended values based on
experience and are in no way intended to replace the boiler manufacturer's specifications or company regulations.
A representative sample of boiler water should be drawn for analysis daily. The sample should always be taken from
the same point after blowdown, cooled and tested immediately. Follow the WSS Test Kit instructions and log the
results in Waterproof. The results should be sent to WSS as stated in the Waterproof instructions.
It is important that regular testing is carried out to ensure levels of treatment are correct.
Autotreat 25 l
General description
Autotreat is a multifunctional, liquid boiler water treatment chemical
formulated with alkaline compounds, scale and corrosion
inhibitors, volatile amines for protection of condensate system, and
sludge conditioner. The product combines well known phospate
treatment with new polymer technology. This ensures that
precipitates are kept soft and nonadherent for easy removal by
• Liquid boiler water treatment chemical for simplified dosing
and handling
• Suitable for all boilers, up to 30 bar pressure
• Contains volatile amines to neutralise acids occurring in
condensate system
• Dispersant action suspends sludge and sediment particles
for efficient removal by blowdown
• Keeps boiler tube surfaces clean, promoting the best heat
transfer conditions
• Simple testing to determine treatment level
• Multifunctional boiler water treatment
• Prevents scaling and corrosion, increasing system life and
Ordering information
Product Number Product name
698720 AUTOTREAT - 25 LTR
The product should preferably be dosed continuously with an automatic dosing unit. Alternatively the product can be
fed into the feed line by means of a by-pass pot feeder.
Initial fill dosage is 2.4 litres of Autotreat/ton of boiler capacity to reach a P-Alkalinity level of approx. 200 ppm. For
an untreated system it is recommended to initially bring the treatment up to a suitable level of 200 ppm p-Alkalinity.
The dosage chart given below is for convenience to determine the amount of product required to elevate P-Alkalinity.
Note that the table is based on reaching 200 ppm.
These are recommended values based on experience, and are in no way intended to replace the boiler
manufacturers specifications, or company regulations. Typical control limits are: * P-Alkalinity: 150-300 ppm as
CaCO3. * Chlorides: 200 ppm Cl max. * Condensate pH 8.3-9.0. Excessive Chlorides are removed by blowdown.
A representative sample of boiler water should be drawn for analysis daily. The sample should always be taken from
the same point after blowdown, cooled and tested immediately. Follow the WSS Test Kit instructions and log the
results in Waterproof. The results should be sent to WSS as stated in the Waterproof instructions.
It is important that regular testing is carried out to ensure that treatment levels are correct.
General description
Liquid sludge conditioner designed to prevent deposits.
• Liquid product, easy to feed
• Prevents the formation of adherent deposits and sludges in
• Keeps sludge dispersed for efficient removal by blowdown
• Keeps boilers clean and extends boiler operational time
between cleaning
• Used in conjunction with Wilhelmsen Ships Service
Chemical service standard range of boiler water treatments
• Used to coagulate small amounts of oil which have
contaminated the boiler wate
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Product Number Product name
Boiler Coagulant prevents the formation of deposits on boiler internal surfaces. Sludge is kept dispersed in small
particles and conditioned to be removed by normal blowdown. In this way tube overheating due to deposits is
avoided. The treatment is primarily used in conjunction with Hardness Control, but also with other Unitor chemical
treatments. Boiler Coagulant can also be used where minor oil contamination has been experienced, the oil being
required to be coagulated for removal by blowdown. However, it must be noted that if oil contamination is continuous
and excessive, off-line cleaning will be required. The source of oil contamination must be stopped immediately.
Dosing method
For optimum results dose Boiler Coagulant directly to the boiler via the bypass pot-feeder. Boiler Coagulant is
compatible with any Unitor Boiler Water Treatment and dosing can be combined.
The initial dosage is 20 ml of treatment daily for every ton of boiler capacity. Daily bottom blowdown is required when
using Boiler Coagulant.
General description
BWT Liquid Plus is a blend of phosphate, alkalinity and polymer
dispersant for the control of scaling and corrosion in the boiler.
BWT Liquid Plus can be used as a phosphate treatment for low
hardness feed waters in boilers operating at pressures up to
• Minimises scale formulation, corrosion and sludge
• Simple to Control
• Complies with FDA regulations
• Effective Iron Dispersant
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General description
CSL is a sodium sulphite based product in ready to use liquid
form. The catalyst ensures rapid elimination of oxygen in the boiler
system. CSL should be used in conjunction with other Unitor boiler
water treatment products. Oxygen is highly corrosive in the boiler
system, even in small amounts. Elevated temperature operation of
the hotwell is a good practice to remove gases like oxygen. Even
so, the feed water contains oxygen which can create severe
corrosion, shown as deep and local pitting. This will quickly cause
failure of the boiler metal. CSL reacts with oxygen to form inert
sodium sulphate, thus preventing oxygen attack.
• Concentrated liquid product
• Protects the boiler from oxygen corrosion
• Catalysed product for very rapid action
• Reacts at low temperature
• Will assist mechanical deaeration
• Simple control test
• Should be used in conjunction with other Unitor treatements
• CSL should be dosed seperately from other boiler water
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Dosing method
For optional results CSL should be dosed continuously by means of a metering pump into the feed line, after the
recirculation valve. CSL can be fed using Unitor's BWT dosing system. Slug dosing into the hotwell as well as low
hotwell temperatures will strongly reduce the efficiency of this treatment. CSL should be dosed seperately from other
boiler water treatments.
Dosage and control
The quantity of CSL required depends on the operation of the boiler system. As a guide 10 ppm sulphite is required
to react with 1 ppm oxygen. A reserve of 20 to 50 ppm sulphite is to be maintained in the boiler water, determined by
regular testing. A normal dosage is approximately 1 ltr per day, depending on system layout.
A representative sample of boiler water should be drawn for analysis daily. Samples should be taken after
blowdown, cooled and tested immediately. Samples should always be taken from the same location.
Follow the test kit instructions and log the results in Waterproof. The results should be sent to WSS as stated in the
Waterproof instructions.
It is important that regular testing is carried out to ensure that treatment levels are maintained within correct chemical
limits. Sulphite Test Kit Product no: 661 574913 Range: 0 - 50 mg/l Na2 SO3 Test Procedure Take a sample of the
water under test in the sample container, filling to the 50 ml mark. Add two Sulphite No. 1 tablets, stopper the
container and swirl gently to disintegrate tablets. Then add one Sulphite No. 2 tablet and swirl the container gently
until the tablet disintegrates. Continue adding Sulphite No. 2 tablets in this manner one at a time until a blue colour
appears. Note the number of No. 2 tablets used. Multiply the number of No. 2 tablets used by 4 and subtract 2 from
the result. This gives the Sulphite concentration in the water expressed as mg/l Na2SO3 . This calculation is
represented by the formula below: For a 50 ml sample Sulphite (as Na2SO3) = (No. of No. 2 tablets x 4) - 2 Note
that the Sulphite No.1 tablets are to condition the sample only. Do not include these tablets in the calculation of
sulphite level. Cleaning: Thoroughly rinse out sample container after use. The test results indicate the level of
treatment in the boiler. If levels are incorrect, the treatment will have to be adjusted accordingly, with more frequent
testing until a steady state is reached. It is important that regular testing is carried out to ensure levels of treatment
are correct.
Combitreat 25 kg
General description
Combitreat is a dry powder containing alkalinity builders,
phosphates and sludge conditioners.
• Combined conditioning treatment for simplified dosing and
• Suitable for use with all auxiliary boilers, waste heat units,
economisers, package boilers, smoke and water tube
boilers, up to 16 bar pressure
• Dispersant action suspends sludge and sediment particles
• Boiler kept at peak level efficiency
• Heating surfaces maintained at optimum thermal conditions
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Product Number Product name
Approved by the Norwegian National Institute of the Public Health for the use in system where steam is used for
drinking water production
Control of alkalinity:
The correct level of alkalinity ensures that optimum conditions exist for:
Wilhelmsen Ships Service strongly recommends the use of Condensate Control and an oxygen scavenger in
conjunction with Combitreat. Condensate Control is a volatile amine that neutralizes carbonic acid in the condensate
return. To prevent oxygen corrosion, the temperature of the hotwell at a minimum of 80°C in addition to use of an
efficient oxygen scavenger.
Dosing method
Combitreat is best dosed by means of a bypass pot feeder directly into the boiler feed line.
Initial dosage for an untreated system is 400 grams Combitreat/1000 litres of boiler capacity. This will bring the
treatment up to a suitable level of 200 ppm p-Alkalinity. The dosage chart given below is for convenience in
calculating the amount of Combitreat required to bring the level to the point between the minimum and maximum
(mid point: 200 ppm. p. Alkalinity.)
Our recommended control limits are: P-Alkalinity: 150-300 ppm CaCO3, Chlorides: 200 ppm Cl max. Condensate pH
These are recommended values based on experience, and are in no way intended to replace the boiler
manufacturers specifications, or company regulations.
A representative sample of boiler water should be drawn for analysis daily. The sample should always be taken from
the same point after blowdown, cooled and tested immediately. Follow the WSS Test Kit instructions and log the
results in Waterproof. The results should be sent to WSS as stated in the Waterproof instructions.
It is important that regular testing is carried out to ensure that treatment levels are correct
Condensate Control
General description
Concentrated liquid neutralising agent for corrosion control in
condensate and feed water systems.
• Easy to use liquid treatment
• Neutralises the acids occurring in the condensate system
• Less maintenance required. Lower operating costs and
increased reliability
• Volatilizes and carries over with the steam and so is
recycled. Dosage is economical and efficient
• Simple test to determine level of treatment
• Used for protection of condensate and feed water systems
in boiler systems of all pressures.
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Product Number Product name
The condensate is tested for pH to determine the dosage level. The pH limits are 8.3-9.0. For an average system
e.g. 10 m3, the dosage is approximately 0.65 ltr/day
Dosing Method
Condensate Control is best dosed continuously using an automatic dosing unit. The treatment can be dosed
together with the oxygen scavenger.
A representative sample of condensate should be drawn for analysis daily. The sample should always be taken from
the same point, cooled and tested immediately. Follow the test kit instructions and log the results in Waterproof. The
results should be sent to WSS as stated in the Waterproof instructions.
Condensate Control Dosing Parameters
These are recommended values based on experience and are in no way intended to replace the boiler
manufacturer's specifications or company regulations.
It is important that regular testing is carried out to ensure levels of treatment are correct. Use dosage chart to
maintain condensate pH between 8.3-9.0.
General description
Condensate Treatment 9-150 is a liquid blend of neutralising
amines applied for the protection of steam and condensate
• Provides effective protection of steam and condensate
systems against corrosive attack by carbon dioxide and
other acidic gases.
• Reduces pickup of iron and copper in condensate as a
result of corrosion suppression reliability.
• Extends the life of steam and condensate systems giving
reducing maintenance costs and less down time.
• When used with an oxygen scavenger gives a balanced
control programme for increased plant reliability.
Ordering information
Product Number Product name
Dosing Method
Condensate Treatment 9-150 should be injected on a continuous basis. For continuous addition (advisable when
used in conjunction with an oxygen scavenger), a suitable chemical proportioning pump is required.
Hardness Control 25 kg
General description
Hardness Control is a highly soluble, dry powder product used for
the reduction of hardness in boilers. It will precipitate calcium
hardness as a non-adherent sludge.
• Highly active phosphate based compound Economical
• Easily dissolved in water for dosing
• Scale problems due to calcium are eliminated
• Maintains sludge in a non-adherent state for removal by
blow down
• Simple test to determine level of treatment
• Can be used for boilers of all pressures
• Unitor Hardness Control does not influence the alkalinity in
the system
• Approved by the Norwegian National Institute of the Public
Health for the use in system where steam is used for
drinking water production
Ordering information
Product Number Product name
Approved by the Norwegian National Institute of the Public Health for the use in system where steam is used for
drinking water production
Dosing method
For optimum results dose Hardness Control direct to the boiler via the bypass pot-feeder. The dry powder should be
dissolved in hot water (50°C) at a ratio of 1 part powder to twenty parts condensate (e.g. 500 grams/10 litres).
Ensure that treatment is fully dissolved before dosing.
Dosage and control
Phosphate test result in pPM PO4
Pressure 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 >50 Control range
0-40 Bar / 0-588 PSI 23 11,5 Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Blow Down 20-50
41-60 Bar / 589-880 PSI 15 5,5 Satisfactory Blow Down Blow Down Blow Down 15-30
60 Bar / >880 PSI 5,5 Satisfactory Satisfactory Blow Down Blow Down Blow Down 10-25
Select row on left hand side for applicable pressure range. Compare test result with comment in table and dose
stated amount of product per ton boiler water volume.
These are recommended values based on experience and are in no way intended to replace the boiler
manufacturer's specifications or company regulations.
A representative sample of boiler water should be drawn for analysis daily. The sample should always be taken from
the same point after blowdown, cooled and tested immediately. Follow the WSS Test Kit instructions and log the
results in Waterproof. The results should be sent to WSS as stated in the Waterproof instructions.
It is important that regular testing is carried out to ensure levels of treatment are correct.
General description
Hardness Treatment 7208 is an alkaline liquid phosphate
formulation for the prevention of scale in both high and low
pressure boilers. Hardness Treatment 7208 is an Alkaline Liquid
phosphate liquid with a Na:PO4 ratio of 2.6:1 that can be used in
both co-ordinated and residual phosphate boiler water treatment
• Application can easily be automated using Naltrak
automation equipment
• Simple test kit is available
• Provides phosphate scale control in both high and low
pressure boilers
• May be used as part of a co-ordinated phosphate
• Easy to apply liquid formulation
Ordering information
Product Number Product name
Liquitreat 25 ltr
General description
Liquitreat is a liquid blend of alkaline compounds, scale and
corrosion inhibitors, oxygen scavenger and sludge conditioner.
• Liquid multi-functional treatment for simplified dosing and
• Suitable for use with auxiliary boilers and waste heat units
• Smoke and water tube boilers with peak level efficiency; up
to 18 bar pressure
• Heating surfaces are maintained at optimum thermal
• Contains sulphite oxygen scavenger
• Combined with good control of feed water temperature will
ensure effective oxygen removal
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Product Number Product name
Approved by the Norwegian National Institute of the Public Health for the use in system where steam is used for
drinking water production
• Control of alkalinity: The correct level of alkalinity ensures that optimum conditions exist for: Precipitation of
hardness salts in conjunction with phosphate.
• Neutralisation of acid conditions. Avoidance of caustic corrosion. Control of magnesium and calcium salts.
• Control of hardness: Liquitreat provides a phosphate reserve to effectively react with and precipitate the
hardness salts introduced with the feedwater.
• Conditioning of sludge: Boiler sludge can only be removed by blowdown if it is free flowing. Liquitreat will
ensure this by preventing the sludge from adhering to metal surfaces. The resulting sludge is composed of
small particles flowing towards the bottom of the boiler for removal by routine blowdown.
• Control of oxygen: Oxygen scavenging becomes more important with the increase in boiler pressure. The
oxygen scavenger will effectively react with dissolved oxygen even at lower temperatures.
Recommended control limits are: P-Alkalinity: 150-300 ppm CaCO3, Sulphite: 50-100 ppm Na2SO3, Chlorides: 200
ppm Cl max, Conductivity <2250us, Condensate pH 8.5-9.2
Dosing method
Liquitreat is best continuously fed into the boiler feed line with a WSS boiler water dosing unit. The amount required
for initial dosage can be obtained from the dosage chart. Consult your WSS representative for specific dosing
Wilhelmsen Ships Service strongly recommends the use of Condensate Control in conjunction with Liquitreat.
Condensate Control is a volatile amine that neutralizes carbonic acid in the condensate return. For optimum
protection against oxygen corrosion, we recommend to maintain a minimum temperature of 85°C in the hotwell.
Note: Where feed water temeperatures and or steam rates are variable you should dose a seperate oxygen
scavenger to acheive the right balance of alkalinity and oxygen scavenger for best corrosion protection. Liquitreat is
formulated for use in conjunction with good quality feed water.
As ppm CaCO3
ltr Liqutreat per ton boiler volume to achieve 200 ppm P-Alkalinity
Minimum dosage to reach 100 ppm P-Alkalinity for untreated water is 1.2 ltr/ton boiler water volume.
A representative sample of boiler water should be drawn for analysis daily. The sample should always be taken from
the same point after blowdown, cooled and tested immediately. Follow the WSS Test Kit instructions and log the
results in Waterproof. The results should be sent to WSS as stated in the Waterproof instructions.
It is important that regular testing is carried out to ensure that treatment levels are correct.
General description
Multi-plus is a multi-functional boiler water treatment formulated to
be used in conjunction with Oxytreat to provide a complete
treatment programme for low to medium pressure steam boilers
with low hardness feed-water.
• Utilises advanced polymer technology
• ontains a neutralising amine for condensate corrosion
• Easy to apply and control
• Minimises scale-formation, corrosion and sludge
• Effective Iron Dispersant
Ordering information
Product Number Product name
Multi-plus functions via a unique three part mechanism. The phosphate and alkalinity reacts with calcium and
magnesium whilst the organic polymer provides transport of the hydrated calcium, magnesium and iron phosphate
together with silica through the boiler. The neutralising amine volatalises with the steam and neutralises dissolved
carbonic acid in the condensate water.
Dosing Method
Multi-plus should be applied to the boiler feed tank or feed line to ensure adequate mixing.
General description
Oxygen Control is a catalysed liquid hydrazine oxygen scavenger
for boiler and steam line corrosion protection. As an additional
benefit it will assist to neutralise dissolved carbon dioxide. It
provides the required conditions for the establishment of a
passivating layer (magnetite) in the boiler and condensate system.
• Oxygen Control is a liquid product, easy to feed
• Does not contribute to conductivity
• Protects boiler, steam lines, condensate lines and feed
water lines from corrosion
• Fast action due to catalyst
• Assists mechanical deaeration
• Simple test to determine level of treatment
• Oxygen control can be used to condition the water used for
laying up the boiler in a wet condition. Refer to Unitor's
Water Treatment Handbook or contact Wilhelmsen Ships
Service for details
Ordering information
Product Number Product name
Dosing method
For optimum protection, Oxygen Control should be fed continuously into the boiler feed line, after the feed pump
recirculating valve, using an automatic dosing systems. For steam turbine systems, Oxygen Control can be dosed
into the cross over between the H.P. and L.P. turbines or the storage section of the deaerator for full protection.
Dosage and control
The objective is to maintain a hydrazine hydrate residual between 0.05-0.2 ppm depending on operating pressure
and boiler design. Actual consumption is determined under operating conditions. A normal dosage is approximately
1 ltr. per day, depending of system layout.
Recommended range in PPM These are recommended valves based on experience and are in no way intended to
replace the boiler maufacturer's specifications or company regulations. When wet lay-up of the boiler is required then
a minimum dosage of 1.25 litres/tonne is required. Refer to the Unitor Water Treatment Handbook or contact
Wilhelmsen Ships Service for details.
A representative sample of boiler water should be drawn for analysis daily. The sample should always be taken from
the same point after blowdown, cooled and tested immediately. Follow the WSS Test Kit instructions and log the
results in Waterproof. The results should be sent to WSS as stated in the Waterproof instructions.
It is important that regular testing is carried out to ensure levels of treatment are correct.
General description
Oxygen scavenger 9-002 is a liquid oxgen scavenger based on
• Safe form of hydrazine specifically formulated to reduce
handling problems associated with hydrazine solutions
• Volatile oxygen scavenger in liquid form which does not add
dissolved solids to the treated water
• Does not require special feeding equipment for safe
• Maintains a protective surface layer of magnetite
Ordering information
Product Number Product name
777712 OXYGEN SCAVENGER 9-002 25 LTR
Dosing Method
Oxygen Scavenger 9-002 must be added continuously by means of a chemical pump at the earliest practicable point
in the feed system e.g. the deaerator storage or condenser extraction pump discharge.
Sampling and Testing
Oxygen Scavenger 9-002 may be used in all types of boilers operating at pressures up to 2700 psig but is
particularly suitable for use at high pressure where oxygen corrosion becomes rapid and where the deposition of
metallic corrosion products can quickly lead to overheating and failure of generating tubes.
General description
Oxygen Scavenger 9-035 is an aqueous solution of hydrazine,
developed to prevent corrosion in boilers and heating systems by
reacting with dissolved oxygen to form harmless nitrogen and
• Catalysed hydrazine product for rapid reaction with
dissolved oxygen and prevention of corrosion in marine
• Removes dissolved oxygen from boiler feedwater without
increasing dissolved solids, resulting in reduced blowdown
and fuel costs.
• Maintains a protective surface layer of magnetite on the
waterside of boiler metals.
• Protects steam and condensate lines from aggressive
oxygen attack.. Used in conjunction with Condensate
Ordering information
Product Number Product name
777705 OXYGEN SCAVENGER 25 LTR (9035)
Dosage Calculation
The Oxygen Scavenger 9-035 dosage will be the sum of the requirements for reaction with dissolved oxygen plus
the desired residual.
Oxygen scavenger 9-035 dosage (ppm) = feedwater ppm O2 x 2.85 + 0.5. Sampling and Testing Oxygen Scavenger
9-035 programmes should be monitored and controlled using: a suitable Hydrazine test method.. Testing for Oxygen
Scavenger 9-035 residual should be done at least daily.
General description
Oxygen Scavenger Plus is a catalysed liquid solution of
diethylhydroxylamine (DEHA). Its volatile properties ensure
distribution throughout the boiler and condensate system, and
hence protects against oxygen corrosion in all parts of the system.
The product also provides the required conditions for the
establishment of a passivating layer of magnetite on all inner
surfaces. Oxygen Scavenger Plus is a low toxicity product, suitable
for high, medium and low pressure boiler systems.
• Fast acting, liquid oxygen scavenger
• Safe and easy to use, low toxicity
• Reduces corrosion of iron and copper, increasing system
life and reliability
• Neutralises acids occurring in condensate system
• Volatile product, provides distribution and protection
throughout the boiler system, economical in use
• Ideal for use with the Unitor Boiler Water Management
System, suitable for use in conjunction with Wilhelmsen
Ships Service combined and co-ordinated treatment
• Organic product, no dissolved solids added
• Simple test to determine treatment level
Ordering information
Product Number Product name
This product is formulated for use in conjunction with Wilhelmsen Ships Service co-ordinated or combined treatment
programme. Oxygen Scavenger Plus can be used in any boiler system, and in conjunction with mechanical
deaeration systems. Removal of dissolved oxygen is vital for prevention of corrosion and especially pitting corrosion
in boilers. When dosed into a boiler system, Oxygen Scavenger Plus will react with dissolved oxygen and form non
corrosive compounds. The product is volatile, and left over product from oxygen scavenging in the pre-boiler section
will evaporate and assist protection of the steam and condensate system. No solid materials are produced when
using Oxygen Scavenger Plus.
Dosing method
Wilhelmsen Ships Service recommends continuously dosing into the boiler feed line using an automatic dosing unit.
Dosing should be controlled so that the DEHA residual in the condensate is between 0.08-0,30 ppm. The
consumption will depend on feed water temperature and the amount of water fed into the boiler. For more
information about initial dosage and dose rate please consult your nearest Customer Centre.
A representative sample of Condensate should be drawn for analysis daily. The sample should always be taken from
the same sampling point, cooled and tested immediately. Follow the WSS test kit instructions and log the results in
Waterproof. The results should be sent to WSS as stated in the Waterproof instructions.
It is important that regular testing is carried out, to ensure the correct level of treatment is maintained.
General description
A blend of selected tannins for corrosion protection in low to
medium pressure steam boilers
• Iron/tannate film protects metal surface
• Removes oxygen, protecting boiler and steam lines
• Low toxicity
• Protects feed tank and feed lines
Ordering information
Product Number Product name
777713 OXYTREAT 25 LTR (79600)
Dosing Method
Oxytreat is best applied by continuous injection to the boiler feed tank using a suitable chemical metering pump to
maintain the target reserve in the boiler. Oxytreat is normally dosed at around 15mls per ton of steam to provide
120-160 ppm of tannin in the boiler water,