Primary Worksheets: Chinchilla

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Primary Worksheets: Chinchilla

The chinchilla is a small but highly social rodent from

South America. There are two types of Chinchilla
species, one with long tails and one with short tails.
The chinchilla is a small, quick, and attractive animal
with large, rounded ears. Though it looks quite bulky
and fat, it is mostly plush fur that hides most of its
They are similarly shaped to a kangaroo because of
their long back legs and how far they can jump.
Primary Worksheets: Chinchilla

Chinchillas have rear limbs built for leaping and are

known for clearing at least 6 feet jumps! For wild
Chinchillas, it helps them navigate their rocky habitat.
They nearly became extinct in the early 1900s
because of their fur. Their fur was used to make coats,
and they were nearly hunted to extinction. Hunters
used dynamite to destroy their hiding places by
blasting their homes.
Today they are domestically raised on farms for their
fur and be kept as pets. They breed in great
quantities and come in various different colours.
Primary Worksheets: Chinchilla

Chinchillas are not common pets. They are very

active but nocturnal animals. They can be easily
distressed by rough or clumsy handling.
They can live up to 20 years but are very sensitive to
changes in their environment, to the point they may
become sick and die.
They are social animals and can bond with their
owner, showing affection and even learning basic
Primary Worksheets: Chinchilla

Baby chinchillas are called kits. They begin to walk

within an hour of birth and are fully weaned after 8
weeks old. The average litter of a chinchilla is around
2 to 4 babies.
Naturally, chinchillas eat grass, leaves and twigs. Their
teeth grow continuously throughout their life and
they need to be worn down. Pet chinchillas are often
fed hay and pellets.
Chinchillas reproduce at a fast rate, so it best not to
have a male and a female live together!
Primary Worksheets: Chinchilla

Answer the questions.

What is a chinchilla?



Why did they nearly become extinct?



Can we keep them as pets?


Primary Worksheets: Chinchillav

Answer the questions.

Write about their diet.





Would you like a chinchilla? Why?





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