DR Drill Complete Updated
DR Drill Complete Updated
DR Drill Complete Updated
(Press ctrl + link to directly go the required page)
2. ORACLE_HOME directory should have sufficient space for switch over activities.
5. Check with customer and make sure no critical and long running jobs scheduled during the DR drill.
6. Take a server reboot of all DR servers and make sure the servers are working fine.
2. Steps of DR Switch
3. Application shutdown at DC
1. Login to load balancer and disable the application servers of RP1 and FGP systems
Got to -> SLB->Real Services -> Search for the application server and click on Actions button and
select disable selected real services
2. Log on to the application servers of systems as per IP address sheet and stop the sap applications
and after that stop CI.
3. Login to the server and run the below command to stop application server
Command : stopsap r3
After stopping the application check the instance number and run the command
Please refer to below excel sheet for the commands for all Prod systems
SAP stop
After that run command cleanipc 08 remove twice till the output shows the number of IPC-objects 0
Run the command ipcs | grep <sid>adm to check if any shared memory objects are left or not.
IF output shows no result it means everything is OK.
After stopping the all the application servers, stop the CI in the same way after that start with DB
switch activity
4. Database Switch
I) PRI & STDBY: SQL> select name, open_mode from V$Database;
The open_mode 'READ WRITE' describes the open database and 'MOUNTED' explains the standby
II) PRI: SQL> select max(sequence#) from v$archived_log;
PRI: SQL> Archive log list;
Both commands above give the current sequence of the archived logs.
STDBY: SQL> select max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where applied='YES';
III)After ensuring that PRI & STDBY are in sync issue the commands below.
PRI: SQL> alter system switch logfile;
IV) Issue the below command to display the switch over status of Primary & Standby Databases.
SQL> select name,switchover_status from v$database;
The result would be 'To Standby' or 'session active' on PRI and on STDBY it would be 'session active'.
V) Issue the command below on Primary to switch the Database role from Primary to standby.
PRI: SQL> alter database commit to switchover to physical standby with session shutdown;
VI) Issue the command below on Standby Database to commit the role to Primary.
STDBY: SQL> alter database commit to switchover to primary;
VII) Issue the commands below on PRI to change the Archive Destination.
VIII) The Actual DR System is the PR System now. Shut it down and start the database in normal mode as
described below.
STDBY (Current Primary Database)
5. Application Start at DR
Prepared by Tushar Gaikwad Page 17
1. After DB switch start the CI and after that application servers using below command
Command: startsap r3
2. After starting all the applications check the T-codes SM51 for all applications servers
4. Login to the load balancer of DR site and enable the application servers of RP1 and FGP
6. DNS changes
Prepared by Tushar Gaikwad Page 19
Contact HRMS IT team for DNS changes for RP1, FGP, EP1 and SMP systems
Festival advance and Aadhar update services communicates with different SBI departments so need to
do changes the host entry file in RP1 system. (Note: Do the changes only if SBI HRMS department is
performing DR drill)
DC- eispri.sbi.co.in EISPRI.sbi.co.in (enable this entry when only SBI HRMS department is
performing DR drill)
8. Configuration changes
1. Login to RP1 system and go to T-code SM59 and change the RFC FGPCLNT500
Change the Target Host from fgpprdci to fgpdrcci and set the password for user RFC_ADM
1. Login to RP1 system and go to T-code AL11 and take list of filesystem and sync it (if any new filesystem
is created)
Important Note: Make sure that while performing DR Drill the filesystem /oracle/ZPSG/ZPSG_EN
should be empty at DR site or it should be same as DC site. Because DR drill happens in every 6
months so if old salary files are present then remove them.
2. Transport directories needs to be sync for all Prod and Non-prod systems
1. Login to FGD, FGQ and FGP systems and go to T-code SM59 and change the RFC
[email protected]_FGD
Change the hostname from fgpprdci to fgpdrcci and change the password of TMSADM
Go to T-code STMS-> Overview-Systems and select all the systems and Go to Menu-> SAP systems-
>Check-> Transport Tool
Login to SAP cloud connector using https:// link and check if the connections are active
or not.
If the connections are in red color then click on connect button from Action column.
Change the IP address in T-code SCOT if mails are not getting delivered
DR: Port 587 (use this only if mail are not getting delivered)
Download SAP license from SAP Market place for All DR systems and install it. By default temporary
license get installed which is valid for 1 month but if we are going to stay at DR site for more than 1
month then install the license or after 20 days you will get message while login for license expire.
Go to T-code SLICENSE-> Menu Edit-> Install license and select the license file.