IEEE STD C37.06.1-2017
IEEE STD C37.06.1-2017
IEEE STD C37.06.1-2017
Sponsored by the
Switchgear Committee
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IEEE Std C37.06.1™-2017
Sponsored by the
Switchgear Committee
of the
IEEE Power and Energy Society
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Abstract: The preferred ratings of transformer-limited fault duty (fast transient recovery voltage
rise times) of indoor and outdoor high-voltage circuit breakers rated above 1000 V for use in
commercial, industrial, and utility installations are described.
Keywords: fast transient recovery voltage rise times, high-voltage circuit breakers, IEEE
C37.06.1™, transformer-limited fault, transient recovery voltage, TRV
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At the time this recommended practice was submitted to the IEEE-SA Board for approval, the Revision of
C37.06.1 Working Group had the following membership:
The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this recommended practice.
Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
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When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this recommended practice on 6 December 2017, it had the
following membership:
*Member Emeritus
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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017, IEEE Recommended Practice for High-Voltage (>1000 volts)
AC Circuit Breakers Designated Definite Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery Voltage Rise Times.
This IEEE recommended practice is a revision of ANSI C37.06.1-2000 (Guide for High-Voltage Circuit
Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis Designated “Definite Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery
Voltage Rise Times”) and deals with special applications with fast TRV requirements calling for definite
purpose circuit breakers with special TRV requirements and for circuit breakers in transformer-limited fault
applications. This document provides preferred values of standard ratings of fast transient recovery voltage
rise times. This recommended practice provides (1) preferred interrupting current and TRV values for
manufacturers to test their circuit breakers against, and (2) recommended TRV values for users from which
to choose when selecting circuit breakers for these applications. This document takes into account the fact
that the highest TRV rates of rise are obtained in TLF (transformer-limited fault) conditions. There might
be some cases of TRVs associated with faults near series reactors with a rate of rise greater than TLF. In
such cases the manufacturer should be consulted for circuit breaker suitability.
This document also introduces a transformer-limited fault (TLF) current breaking capability, as the current
specified would correspond to the actual need in service instead of a fixed percentage (10% or 30%) of the
rated short circuit current that is in many cases far from the real need. As per CIGRE Technical Brochure
362 [B1], 1 in the majority of cases it has been found that the TLF current is less than 11 kA and it is not
relevant to link the TLF current to 30% of the rated short-circuit current (63 kA).
The revision also includes a change from the 1-cosine to a two-parameter TRV envelope. A range of
transformer impedance data (600 examples) ranging from 115 kV to 765 kV was analyzed. The data
(expressed as current from infinite source) was spread over large spectrum.
ANSI C37.06.1-2000 was initially approved as a “trial-use” guide in 1997, and then approved for more
general use as a guide in 2000.
The rated transformer-limited fault breaking current is the highest transformer-limited fault current required
to be interrupted under the conditions of use and behavior prescribed in this recommended practice in a
circuit having a power-frequency recovery voltage corresponding to the rated maximum voltage of the
circuit breaker and having a transient recovery voltage equal to the value specified in Table 2 or Table 3.
Table 1 gives the standard rated transformer-limited fault breaking current selected from the R10 series.
The current specified would correspond to the actual need in service instead of a fixed percentage (10% or
30%) of the rated short-circuit current that is in many cases far from the real need. The values of time t3
corresponding to these TLF currents are recalculated, and are represented as function of Ur and
transformer-limited fault current in Table 2 and Table 3.
Table 2 gives the corresponding TRVs for circuit breakers with rated voltages higher than 1 kV and less
than 100 kV.
Table 3 gives the corresponding TRV parameters for circuit breakers rated 100 kV and above. The other
related parameters [time to peak t3, time delay td, and rate-of-rise of recovery voltage (RRRV)] can be
deduced per Annex A.
Annex A shows the determination of the equation that gives t3 as function of Ur and the rated short-circuit
current for circuit breakers rated 1 kV and above.
The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex C.
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Annex B shows the transformer-fed fault current data for voltage ranges 115–765 kV collected through
Tables are consistent as they are all based on the same relation between t3, Ur and the fault current. The
ratings were suggested by the working group and are purely based on the transformer impedance data
collected for voltages 115 kV to 765 kV from different utilities. The TRVs for currents more than or equal
to 60% of rated short-circuit current remain the same as for general purpose circuit breakers. Circuit
breakers not identified by the manufacturer as “definite purpose for fast transient recovery voltage rise
times” shall be understood to be “general purpose circuit breakers,” meeting the IEEE C37.06 standard
TRV requirements.
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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.2 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 11
2. Normative references................................................................................................................................ 11
3. Definitions ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Annex A (informative) Calculation of TRV parameters as a function of rated maximum voltage (Ur) and
transformer-limited fault (TLF) test breaking current for circuit breakers of rated voltages higher than 1 kV
...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Annex B (informative) Transformer-fed fault current ranges collected through survey based on transformer
size, transformer impedance, circuit breaker rated voltage, and rated current ............................................. 21
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IEEE Recommended Practice for
Preferred Ratings for High-Voltage
(>1000 volts) AC Circuit Breakers
Designated Definite Purpose for Fast
Transient Recovery Voltage Rise Times
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This recommended practice is issued as a supplement to IEEE Std C37.06 for high-voltage circuit breaker
applications where the transient recovery voltage (TRV) peak is higher and/or its rise to the crest value
occurs more rapidly than those specified in IEEE Std C37.06.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to introduce transformer-limited faults, similar to that established by IEEE
Std C37.016 [B5], and specifically to provide preferred values for standard ratings of fast transient referred
to as transformer-limited fault recovery voltage rise times and to introduce a transformer-limited fault
(TLF) breaking current. 2
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex C.
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IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017
IEEE Recommended Practice for Preferred Ratings for High-Voltage (>1000 volts) AC Circuit Breakers Designed Definite
Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery Voltage Rise Times
IEEE Std C37.04™, IEEE Standard Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers. 3, 4
IEEE Std C37.06™, IEEE Standard for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current
Basis—Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilities for Voltages Above 1000 V. 5
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards
Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 6 For service conditions,
definitions, interpretation of ratings, tests, and qualifying terms, see IEEE Std C37.04, IEEE Std C37.09
[B3], and IEEE Std C37.011 [B4].
transformer-limited fault (TLF): A fault fed by or limited by a transformer directly connected to the
interrupting device without transmission lines or cables connected in parallel with the transformer.
transformer-limited fault breaking current: The highest fault current that the circuit breaker is capable
of breaking in a circuit having a power-frequency recovery voltage corresponding to the rated maximum
voltage of the circuit breaker and having a TRV parameters better than or equal to the rated values
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IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017
IEEE Recommended Practice for Preferred Ratings for High-Voltage (>1000 volts) AC Circuit Breakers Designed Definite
Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery Voltage Rise Times
As explained in IEEE Std C37.011 [B4], in such cases the user has the following options:
Specify a fast TRV for TLF with values taken from this recommended practice.
Specify a TRV calculated for the actual application taking into account the natural frequency of the
transformer, and depending on the knowledge of system parameters, additional capacitances may
be present in the substation between the circuit breaker and the transformer (sum of stray
capacitance, busbar, CVT etc.).
Add a properly sized capacitor between the transformer and the circuit breaker to reduce RRRV to
acceptable value.
TLF is generally not a concern in applying to GIS circuit breakers due to the inherent high value of the
capacitance between the circuit breaker and the transformer.
The fault current supplied by, or limited by, a transformer directly connected to the interrupting device
without transmission lines or cables connected in parallel with the transformer is shown in Figure 1 and
Figure 2.
Annex B of IEEE Std C37.011-2011 [B4].
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IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017
IEEE Recommended Practice for Preferred Ratings for High-Voltage (>1000 volts) AC Circuit Breakers Designed Definite
Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery Voltage Rise Times
The preferred values for the TRV parameters for transformer-limited faults are given in Table 2 and
Table 3.
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Rate of rise Rate of rise
Rated 7/)WHVW 7/)WHVW
YROWDJH currenta t3 currenta t3
No. uc td RRRV uc td RRRV
Ur I7/) μs I7/) μs
kV μs uc/t3 kV μs uc/t3
kV/μs kV/μs
Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7 Col 8 Col 9 Col 10 Col 11
5 4
5 4 2.2
IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017
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7/)WHVW 7LPH Rate of rise of 7/)WHVW 7LPH Rate of rise of
currentc t3 td RRRV currentc t3 td RRRV
No. Ur uc uc
I7/) μs μs uc/t3 I7/) μs μs uc/t3
N$UPV kV/μs N$UPV kV/μs
Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7 Col 8 Col 9 Col 10 Col 11
2 244 5 6.3 24 4
2 4 244 26 4 3
3 6.3 244 24 4 3
4 4 4 224 23 3
5 6.3 26 4 224 3
6 25 4 25 224 3
4 5 262 24 4
6.3 4 262 22 3
4 25 262 3
245 5 35 5 4
245 6.3 34 5 4
IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017
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7/)WHVW 7LPH Rate of rise of 7/)WHVW 7LPH Rate of rise of
currentc t3 td RRRV currentc t3 td RRRV
No. Ur uc uc
I7/) μs μs uc/t3 I7/) μs μs uc/t3
N$UPV kV/μs N$UPV kV/μs
Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7 Col 8 Col 9 Col 10 Col 11
5 64
6.3 22.6 22.3
phase fault current to that of three-phase faults. In either case the X/XUDWLR&RQVHTXHQWO\WKH¿UVWSROHWRFOHDUIDFWRUkppIRU7/)ZLOOEHDERXW7KHVWDQGDUGL]HG
coils (resonance earthing), kppKDVWREHVSHFL¿HGDV
IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017
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IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017
IEEE Recommended Practice for Preferred Ratings for High-Voltage (>1000 volts) AC Circuit Breakers Designed Definite
Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery Voltage Rise Times
As a higher rated TLF breaking current is associated with a more severe TRV (higher RRRV), tests
performed for a given rated TLF breaking current also demonstrate the interrupting capability of lower
rated current. The concern of possible critical currents is covered by the fact that a TLF1 test duty is
performed with a low current.
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IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017
IEEE Recommended Practice for Preferred Ratings for High-Voltage (>1000 volts) AC Circuit Breakers Designed Definite
Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery Voltage Rise Times
Annex A
The two-parameter method is used in Table 2 and Table 3 to represent the transient recovery voltage
(TRV). The symbols used in this recommended practice are as follows and are essentially those in IEEE
Std C37.06 and are also used in IEEE Std C37.04.
kpp kaf k vd U r 2
3.18 U r
t3 (see NOTE)
I TLF0.21
RRRV uc t3
td 0.15 t3
For TLF1 kpp 1.5 for 362 kV , 1.3 for 550 kV kaf 1.8 k vd 0.9
For TLF2 kpp 1.5 for 362 kV , 1.3 for 550 kV kaf 1.8 k vd 0.7
NOTE—Tables in ANSI C37.06.1-2000 had to be adapted in order to express the TRV parameters as function of the
rated TLF current. This was done first by finding the equation that expresses time t3 as a function of TLF test breaking
current and rated voltage. This equation was not given in ANSI C37.06.1-2000 and had to be re-calculated using
spreadsheets in order to have the best fit between values of t3 in tables of ANSI C37.06.1-2000 (with 30% of rated
short-circuit current) and those calculated from the equation. It was found that, time t3 when expressed as a function of
rated short-circuit current (Isc) and rated maximum voltage (Ur), is given by the following equation:
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IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017
IEEE Recommended Practice for Preferred Ratings for High-Voltage (>1000 volts) AC Circuit Breakers Designed Definite
Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery Voltage Rise Times
4.1× U r
t3 =
Taking into account that the actual TLF test breaking current (ITLF) in this case is equal to 30% of rated TLF breaking
current, time t3 is then given by the following equation as a function of the TLF test breaking current and rated
maximum voltage.
3.18 × U r
t3 =
I TLF0.21
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IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017
IEEE Recommended Practice for Preferred Ratings for High-Voltage (>1000 volts) AC Circuit Breakers Designed Definite
Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery Voltage Rise Times
Annex B
The transformer-limited fault current is not a percentage of short-circuit current (Isc); however, it does
depend on the transformer short-circuit power. The transformer-fed fault current is calculated based on the
actual transformer data such as high voltage, low voltage, percent (%) short circuit impedance, and MVA
rating from participating electric utilities in the USA. As a result, the fault current specified would
correspond to the actual need in service instead of a fixed percentage (10% or 30%) of the rated short-
circuit current that is in many cases far from the real need. The following formula is used to calculate the
transformer-fed fault current on the HV side, which is summarized in Figure B.1 to Figure B.5.
Fault Current through a transformer in kA
Zpu kV ph ph 3
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IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017
IEEE Recommended Practice for Preferred Ratings for High-Voltage (>1000 volts) AC Circuit Breakers Designed Definite
Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery Voltage Rise Times
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IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017
IEEE Recommended Practice for Preferred Ratings for High-Voltage (>1000 volts) AC Circuit Breakers Designed Definite
Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery Voltage Rise Times
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IEEE Std C37.06.1-2017
IEEE Recommended Practice for Preferred Ratings for High-Voltage (>1000 volts) AC Circuit Breakers Designed Definite
Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery Voltage Rise Times
Annex C
Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use
[B1] CIGRE Technical Brochure 362, “Technical Requirements for Substation Equipment Exceeding
800 kV AC,” CIGRE WG A3.22, December 2008. 8
[B2] CIGRE Technical Brochure 456, “Background of Technical Specifications for Substation Equipment
Exceeding 800 kV AC,” CIGRE WG A3.22, April 2011.
[B3] IEEE Std C37.09™, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on
a Symmetrical Current Basis.
[B4] IEEE Std C37.011™, IEEE Guide for the Application of Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High-
Voltage Circuit Breakers.
[B5] IEEE Std C37.016™, IEEE Standard for AC High-Voltage Circuit Switchers rated 15.5 kV through
245 kV.
CIGRE publications are available from the Council on Large Electric Systems (
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