MG3601 Brand Management

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Brand Management 2

Brand Management


Depending on the experience with the knowledge of the consumers, some of the

consumers can make a very quick decision regarding the purchase of the product and additional

customers might be essential to become the info and be additional involve in the procedure of

construction the decision before doing any sort of the purchase. On such a situation the level of

the involvement of the brand reflects on how personally important or interested the consumer is

in the buying of the product. Additionally, the equal of participation in procurement decision

might be measured a range after decision that are honestly a part of the routine.

Whether a choice is short; tall or incomplete, the participation differs by the customer not

by the creation. The term Brand awareness is tending to be part of the marketing and is however

attached with it as the ink is found to be attach with the paper (Singh et al., 2021). Additionally,

it is being playing a vital role in the making the marketing successful. Not only this but, the

awareness of the brand is tending to be a crucial part of the branding to differentiate the product

from the competing the brands in order to facilitate the process of the decision making.

Respectably, the branding and the advertising have been playing the same kind of the role in

little participation crops and the tall participation crops. Indeed, the advertising is one of the

main sources to expand the familiarity and the awareness of the brand.

In this regard, this essay is going to discuss about the differences in between the high and

low involvement brands. This is additionally going to explain in relation to any theory; risks;

benefits and learning. Moreover, in the second section techniques and strategies related to the

high and low involvement brands will also be discussed.

Brand Management 3


Part A

Difference between the High Involvement and Low Involvement Brands

In the theoretical construct of involvement, there are three kinds of consumer

involvement: with products, with purchase choices and with promotions. Further, Singh et al.

(2021), highlight the three primary precursors affecting consumer involvement, specifically close

to personal elements like interests, needs and qualities. In addition, it also includes stimulus

factors like the difference in choices and situational factors such as the purchase or utilization

event. Moreover, consumer involvement might head to certain outcomes like the significance of

the product classification to the individual, the measure of data search or the time spent in

assessing options or the view of the tangible properties of products (Aspara et al., 2021).

Involvement rate reflects how great or passionate people are, how intrigued and impatient

they are, besides in what way ample info they want to brand a choice. The equal of participation

in purchasing choices can be seen as a continuous flow from choices that are truly standard

(buyers are not included in exceptional cases) to decisions that need careful supposed and a tall

level of participation. Whether the choice is short, tall, or incomplete, involvement depends on

the buyer, not the outcome, but some issues, such as buying a home, usually require the active

participation of all buyers (Cho, 2021). Buyers with no previous experience buying an item may

have less involvement than the one replacing it.

Earlier literature has looked at the involvement as far as level - high versus low -, since

the degree of involvement goes from low to high and shifts across products, people, and

circumstances. Gligor and Bozkurt, (2021) demonstrate that the degree of involvement identifies

with the individual necessities and intentions inside a decision or buying setting, highlighting the
Brand Management 4

significance of the natural or situational factors. Accordingly, consumers show various degrees

of involvement for various products, and some product classifications are by and large appearing

to be more inclusive than others.

In addition, shoppers with a high level of product involvement are more interested in

product information, see product credits, have more incredible feelings about product features,

and show a higher point of purchase. In addition, products with high involvement rates are those

products that the customer spends time and energy on to make a purchasing decision (Greve and

Löffler, n.d.). Conversely, subjects with low involvement are those for whom the person

disagrees that choice is critical and finding information on a topic is irrelevant.

Shoppers often react routinely when making low-involvement choices, that is, creation

individual purchasing choices founded on incomplete info or information they consume collected

in advance. Approximately short participation acquisitions are complete without any important

effort or past reflections. These buying decisions are called buying for inspiration. Holding onto

the grocery stock, perhaps you see a magazine with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt on the cover

and immediately get exactly what you want. You can see a roll of tape at the front desk and make

sure you need it, or you can see a bag of chips and admit that you are excited or need it the most.

These are things that usually don't require much involvement. Low-involvement brands are not

products that are not bought with careful planning (Adaji et al., 2021).

On the other hand, high- involvement transfer higher risk to buyers if they are wrong,

look awesome, or possibly have high retail costs. Car, home and insurance are some of the

examples. These items are purchased on an irregular basis, but they are vital to the customer.

Buyers do not take part in the routine reaction to buying high-involvement items. All things
Brand Management 5

considered, buyers use a so-called extended baseline rationale, which they put a lot of energy

into when considering changes such as product highlights, costs, and certifications.

High-involvement choices can generate a lot of post-purchase controversy (pressures) for

shoppers if they are in doubt about their purchases, of course, if they have struggled to choose

two different alternatives. Associations that sell products with high involvement rates understand

that dissonance after purchase can be a problem. In most cases, they tend to offer buyers a lot of

information about their products, including why they are better than competing brands and how

they won't let the buyer down. Sales representatives can be used to answer questions and do a

tremendous amount of customer service work.

Conversely, considering the risk factors, low- involvement products tend to be reasonable

and reduce the risk for the buyer in case the person they are talking to makes a blunder when

receiving them. What's more, products with high involvement rates transfer high risk to the

customer if they don't fit the assumptions, are confusing, or have high value (Adaji et al., 2021)

Consequently, it can sum up that high-involvement brands are products that consumers

spend time and energy on to make a purchasing decision; are often high-priced products that

carry a higher purchase risk. On the other side, low-involvement brands, are humble products

that are typically consumed over time, with little data retrieval and low purchase risk. For

example, a radio that works long enough and meets all the assumptions rarely piques the owner's

interest. However, little has been done to investigate the relationship between the experience of

use and the degree of interaction with a product.

Regarding the learning model, according to the low involvement learning model, the

consumer does little and the mood of the product can only be formed after the purchase. Thus,
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the three segments understanding, mentality and behaviour - are regulated in such a way that the

goal of understanding is the formation of behaviour that ultimately leads to predisposition.

Cognition to behaviour to attitude. In low involvement, showcasing correspondence through

general media such as television and radio follows this guide (Adaji et al., 2021). With the help

of advertising, the advertiser informs consumers about his product offer and brand; it could be a

different product or a modified version of the current product; he tries to understand and

structure brand ideas. In this manner, an advertiser can benefit from this if it tries to associate

low-involvement products with everyday necessities and present them as corks cut off from life.

These products will be mainly used for everyday shopping and can also be a driving force.

On the opposite side, for high involvement products, the advertiser must provide

product/administration and brand offering data that helps shape positive thinking for their brand

so that it can trigger a purchase. The emphasis of the ad must be confirmed. This is ultimately an

attempt by advertisers, as consumers are driven by prevailing constraints and brand retention is

short-lived. The specific procedure should include social applications with a referral to opt out.

Consumers who buy an attractive product usually have high brand awareness. Meet the

expectations of consumers, bring many benefits to the organization: the fruitful future

relationship between the consumer and the brand (organization) above "saw the quality of the

relationship with the brand.

Part B

Managing And Branding the High Involvement Brands

The managing and the awareness of the brand is tending to be first most vital stage in the

buyer’s readiness to develop a preference of the brand and move closer at the point of the

purchase. Additionally, the creation and the building of the brand awareness; reaching the minds
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of the consumer’s and make them encourage to develop the preference for the brands as one of

the most important steps in the insurance of a successful brand of the product (Adenan,2018).

Respectably, the products are tending to be classified into the two categories: the high

involvement products and the low involvement products which depends upon on some of the

factors like: importance; price; the level of the risk which is involved in the purchase of the

product with the purchase frequency; durability and so forth.

The products belonging to the category of the high involvement are tended to be risky;

expensive and are not purchase frequently and are tend to highly self-expressive. Moreover, the

purchase of the high involvement products is additionally followed by the behaviour buying

which is complex. Additionally, the consumers perceive significant difference among the

different brands. In terms of the purchasing of the high involvement involves a variety of the

things; the very first is the consumers always do some research and find the fact before putting

their money in the purchase of the product which is costly and even risky as well. Secondly, the

prospect always needs to be reassured and given a lot of knowledge and education for the

purchase of the high involvement. Additionally, the people always wanted to reduce the risk.

Moreover, the advertisements and the websites are tending to be length and explanatory. With

respect to this, they must be educating and reassuring (Hameed and Arumugam,2020). Third, the

high involvement products and the services tend to enjoy. Conversely, the examples of the high

involvement products include the cars; microwave oven; insurance; furniture; home renovations;

new industrial products; vacations; the fashion clotting and corporate the high brand loyalty.
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Techniques and Strategies used to Brand and Manage the High Involvement Brands:

As compared to the low involvement products; the consumer has a much longer and

lasting process for the making of the decision in terms of the involvement of the high products

before making any sort of the decision for the buying of the product. Additionally, the best and

most efficient ways in order to market and manage the product which belongs to the category of

the high involvement product is by providing the consumers all the kind of the information they

are acquire of in order to make the decision that are related to the purchase which tends to be in

the favour of the brand managers. In comparison to this, this information should be different

from the information which is provided by the competitors of the brands. Additionally, the

information should be including the: the significance of the product when applying the product

and the merits of owning the specific product (Youn, 2018). Not only this, but the consumers

should be able to be understand the purpose of the business in no time and in the fractions of the

second. Conversely, this also includes the high amount of perceived risk which is also

characterises with the purchases of the high involvement products.

In accordance with this, in order to sell the product in the best way possible, the brand

should be aiming for the reduction that is perceived risk as much as it is possible. Indeed, a brand

which is strong is doing this in the efficient way (Youn, 2018). In addition to this, in order to

manage and brand the high involvement products there are other steps also which includes, try to

be tailored in order to make prospect understand the point of the business within a second;

moreover, the streamline of the business communication channel so that individuals do not get

lost in many of the mails; ads by the google or other social media ads; furthermore, educating the

customers by putting them in such a scenario in which they have to apply the product presented

by your company in order to get something else (Stankevich, 2017). Lastly, do not feel any
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hesitation in collaboration for the validation, in spite this is a good partnership, and the business

can be boost up.

Managing And Branding the Low Involvement Products

The products which lie in the category of the low involvement are being frequently

purchase and there is little vital brand significance. Additionally, the consumers are not highly

committed to any brand. Conversely, they often work a lot in terms of the brand switching to

enjoy the variety rather than because of the dissatisfaction. Conversely, the products of the low

involvement are tending to be bought in the frequent manner and within a thought and effort

because of the reason that they are not of the significant concern nor have any greater influence

on the lifestyle of the consumers.

Techniques and Strategies used to Brand and Manage the Low Involvement Brand

The consumers of the low involvement products might not be aware of what the product

they are wanting for themselves until they visit the store. In order to increase the sales, the brand

managers should be utilising the certain type of the promotion which might be the in- store-

promotion like the displays within the stores or the packaging which tends to eye catching for the

consumers. With this, it can also include the price promotions like the discounts in terms of the

price and coupons might be working well in the favour of the brand (Kunamaneni, 2019).

However, the brand managers should be applying a cleverer pricing strategy like that of the

magic of the middle; price effects threshold; price anchor effect or the effects of the assortment.

Additionally, all of such have been emerging from the customers and trying to make their

purchasing decision more simplify. Lastly, the brand mangers should be also be linking their

product to the higher involvement problem like that of the issue similar to the Coca Cola was

able to connect its brand to the togetherness, harmony and happiness.

Brand Management 10

. You can also try to link your product to a higher-involvement issue like Coca-Cola was able to

connect its brand to happiness, togetherness, and harmony

Example of How Coca-Cola made consumers high involved in a Low Involvement Product:

Coca cola is one of the most famous brands in terms of the product category of the soft

drinks and the consumers decision in terms of the buying of this product is primarily based on

the impulse. Additionally, this impulse buying is one of the most common and yet the most

typical trait of the products which belongs to the low involvement category so that the soft drinks

should be consider in the category of the low involvement products. Conversely, from the

introduction of the Coca-Cola it has been a genius product belonging to this category (Chua, 2020). However, the product is made up of the syrup which possess additional qualities

like it is easy to transport; can be highly concentrated and is able to resistant in terms of the

temperature and have a longer storage. In accordance to this, the syrup is cheap in terms of the

production which allows the margins which are high enough. As a consequence of this, the

Coca-Cola is having a high marketing budget which reinforce its top of the mind position.


To conclude, the essay found out that in the theoretical construct of involvement, there

are three kinds of consumer involvement: with products, with purchase choices and with

promotions. Furthermore, it was highlight that the three primary precursors affecting consumer

involvement, specifically close to personal elements like interests, needs and qualities. Overall, it

was found out that consumer involvement might head to certain outcomes like the significance of

the product classification to the individual, the measure of data search or the time spent in

assessing options or the view of the tangible properties of products. In addition to this, it was

elaborated that, Involvement rate reflects how great or passionate people are, how intrigued and
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impatient they are, and how much information they need to decide. The level of involvement in

purchasing decisions can be seen as a continuous flow from decisions that are truly standard

(buyers are not included in exceptional cases) to decisions that require careful thought and a high

level of participation. Overall, it was predicted out that as compared to the low involvement

products; the consumer has a much longer and lasting process for the making of the decision in

terms of the involvement of the high products before making any sort of the decision for the

buying of the product. Thus, the essay concluded that, the products of the low involvement are

tending to be bought in the frequent manner and within a thought and effort because of the

reason that they are not of the significant concern nor have any greater influence on the lifestyle

of the consumers.
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