Gentzis Et Al., 2018

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International Journal of Coal Geology 190 (2018) 29–41

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Multi-proxy approach to screen the hydrocarbon potential of the Jurassic T

succession in the Matruh Basin, North Western Desert, Egypt

Thomas Gentzisa, , Humberto Carvajal-Ortiza, Amr Deafb, Sameh S. Tahounc
Core Laboratories, 6316 Windfern Road, Houston, TX 77040, USA
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, 71516 Assiut, Egypt
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 12613 Giza, Egypt


Keywords: This paper discusses the hydrocarbon potential of the Jurassic succession in a mature basin in Egypt as an
Jurassic important element of a larger petroleum system study. Prior to any organic petrographic and organic geo-
Palynology chemical analyses, a palynological age dating of the originally undifferentiated Jurassic sequence was carried
Vitrinite reflectance out to identify different formations under investigation. This was based on key bioevents of some recovered
Rock-Eval pyrolysis
dinoflagellate cysts and the identified lithology. Palynological, TOC/Rock Eval pyrolysis (including modified
Multi-proxy approach
Rock-Eval methods), and vitrinite reflectance (VRo%) data from a total of 14 samples taken from the uppermost
Geochemical screening
Matruh Basin lower-upper Jurassic sequence represented by the Wadi Natrun (Toarcian-Aalenian), Khatatba (late Bathonian-
Western Desert, Egypt Callovian), and Masajid (Oxfordian) formations in the Abu Tunis-1 × well, are presented. In addition, two
samples from the Abu Tunis-1 × well and the proximal (~32 km to the east) Siqueifa-1 × well, having the
highest remaining hydrocarbon potential (S2 yields), were analyzed and their results were compared using
modified pyrolysis programs. Although the data showed a good correlation between the TAI of the palynomorph
assemblage, vitrinite reflectance, and Tmax from Rock-Eval pyrolysis in the shallower intervals, the correlation
between VRo and Tmax was poor in the lower half of the studied succession (middle Khatatba and Wadi Natrun
formations). The very low Tmax values indicate immature OM while VRo and TAI indicated middle stage of oil
window to past peak oil generation. The reason for this discrepancy is that the deeper samples are reservoir
rocks, not source rocks, and the majority of the organic matter is not composed of reactive kerogen but consists
of migrated hydrocarbons and NSO compounds. Contamination due to oil-based mud (OBM) was eliminated
because the Abu Tunis-1 × well was drilled in 1969, prior to the extensive use of OBM in drilling. This study
showed that a multi-proxy approach is the best way to screen the hydrocarbon potential in a thick succession
that contains interbedded source and reservoir rocks.

1. Introduction Younes, 2012; Shalaby et al., 2013; El Nady et al., 2016). Little atten-
tion has been given to the middle-upper Jurassic strata represented by
The potential of the oil reserves in Jurassic-age strata in northern the Khatatba and Masajid formations (e.g., Al-Sharhan and Abdel-
Egypt and their economic significance dates back to the 1990s (EGPC, Gawad, 2008; Shalaby et al., 2011; Felestteen et al., 2014; El Diasty,
1992, 1994, 1998; Schlumberger, 1995). The Jurassic strata include 2015; Abdel-Gawad et al., 2015). Thus, the limited amount of in-
multiple generative source/reservoir horizons in the northern basins of formation and the incomplete picture of the hydrocarbon potential of
the Western Desert. Thus, they are considered as the main deeply-se- the Jurassic strata require further investigation in order to form a
ated exploration targets of major operating companies in Egypt (e.g., comprehensive source rock evaluation across the north Western Desert.
Shell, Apache and Eni). A closer view of the Jurassic strata shows that Recently, there has been an increased focus on the lower Jurassic/
they have been under explored compared to the Cretaceous strata (e.g., lowermost middle Jurassic (Wadi Natrun Formation or its equivalents
Keeley et al., 1990; Bagge and Keeley, 1994; Darwish et al., 1994; Shusha and Rajabia units) succession in northern Egypt. The Matruh
Keeley and Massoud, 1998; McCain, 1998; Wever, 2000; Zein El-Din Basin is located at the northern part of the Western Desert (Fig. 1) and
et al., 2001; Waly et al., 2001; Dolson et al., 2001; Al-Sharhan and contains one of the major Cretaceous hydrocarbon systems in northern
Abdel-Gawad, 2002; Metwalli and Pigott, 2005; Moretti et al., 2010; Egypt (EGPC, 1992; Schlumberger, 1995). However, there is a great

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Gentzis).
Received 7 May 2017; Received in revised form 8 December 2017; Accepted 8 December 2017
Available online 15 December 2017
0166-5162/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Gentzis et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 190 (2018) 29–41

Fig. 1. Location map of the studied Abu Tunis-1X well in

the northern part of the Western Desert of Egypt.

shortage of information regarding the Jurassic hydrocarbon potential in African continent toward Laurasia as a result of the opening of the
that basin because of the great difficulty in identifying the various Atlantic Ocean and rifting of the Neotethys (Meshref, 1990; Kerdany
Jurassic formations. The calcareous and siliceous microfauna are and Cherif, 1990; Guiraud et al., 2001). Clastic sedimentation of the red
usually scarce in these Jurassic units and are not very helpful in bios- sandstone of the Bahrein Formation prevailed during Early Jurassic
tratigraphic investigations in this basin. time, when sediment influxes were supplied from the east and south.
On the contrary, palynological studies have confirmed their super- The first Jurassic transgression occurred during the latest Early and
iority in resolving the age-dating issues of the Jurassic strata (e.g., Middle Jurassic times, when shales and carbonates of the Wadi Natrun,
Aboul Ela and Mahrous, 1990; Ibrahim and Schrank 1996; Aboul Ela Khatatba and Masajid formations were deposited, respectively (Hanter,
and El Shamma, 1997; El Beialy and Ibrahim, 1997; Mahmoud et al., 1990; EGPC, 1998). Sedimentation in the Matruh Basin was mainly
1999; Mahmoud and Moawad, 2000; El Beialy et al., 2002; Aboul Ela affected by two rifting phases. The first phase occurred during the early
and Tahoun, 2010; Tahoun et al., 2012). Recently, a small number of stage of Jurassic rifting, where fluvio-lacustrine sedimentation was in-
palynological and organic geochemical studies of the Jurassic source- terrupted with frequent subaerial erosion and resulted in the deposition
rock potential has emerged (e.g., Felestteen, et al., 2014). Conse- of red beds of the Bahrein Formation. However, in the north, marine
quently, this study aims to screen the hydrocarbon potential of the conditions prevailed during the latest Early-Late Jurassic that deposited
Jurassic section in the Abu Tunis-1 × well, Matruh Basin, through the the Wadi Natrun, Khatatba, and Masajid formations (Moustafa et al.,
use of a multi-proxy approach that involves integrating palynology, 2002). The second phase of rifting occurred during the Early Cretac-
organic petrology, and geochemical (Rock-Eval pyrolysis/TOC) ana- eous, where fluvio-marine conditions resulted in the deposition of a
lyses. thick, mainly sandstone, unit represented by the Alam El Bueib For-
mation. Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary basin inversion formed NNE-
oriented folds that are dissected by NW-oriented normal faults (Guiraud
2. Geologic and stratigraphic setting
et al., 2001; Moustafa et al., 2002). In the Abu Tunis-1 × well, the focus
of this study, undifferentiated subsurface Jurassic strata were en-
The north Western Desert of Egypt is located in the tectonically
countered originally, which were identified based on the current age-
active Unstable Shelf (Said, 1962) and encounters complex Palaeozoic
dating (Section 4.1) and lithology into three formations; from base to
and Mesozoic subsurface structures covered by Neogene sedimentary
top they are: the Wadi Natrun, the Khatatba, and the Masajid. A general
rocks and sediments (Kerdany and Cherif, 1990). The north Western
description of each formation in the north Western Desert of Egypt
Desert covers a vast area in northern Egypt (~ 250,000 km2) and is
made up of a thick sedimentary sequence of Cambro-Ordovician to
Recent age showing a gentle seaward dip. The study area (i.e., Matruh
Basin), located at the north western part of the Western Desert, is si- 2.1. Wadi Natrun Formation
tuated to the northeast of the Siwa Basin and is bounded to the south by
the Qattara Ridge (Figs. 1 and 2). The Matruh area is a large Jurassic- Norton (1967) designated the Wadi Natrun Formation as the marine
early Cretaceous Basin with a unique NNE-SSW orientation and a carbonate-shale sequence of the latest Early to early Middle Jurassic
northwest-sloping basin axis (Selley, 1997; Moustafa et al., 2002). (Toarcian-Bajocian) age (Hanter, 1990; Kerdany and Cherif, 1990;
Subsidence in the Matruh Basin was probably initiated in the Paleozoic EGPC, 1998) (Fig. 3). The carbonates of the type locality (Wadi Natrun-
and was reactivated again during the Jurassic. During the Cretaceous, I well) are mostly dolomitic. The formation rests over the basement, the
the basin extended southward and reached the Qattara Depression and Paleozoic, or conformably over the red sandstone of the Bahrein For-
Jebel Agila, where it was attached to the Umbarka subbasin. Approxi- mation of the late Lias age (Hanter, 1990; Kerdany and Cherif, 1990). In
mately 1830 m of sediments were deposited in the above subbasin. the northern part of Western Desert, the Wadi Natrun is usually over-
Sedimentation of the Jurassic strata in the north Western Desert was lain by the Khatatba Formation, with the contact separating them
mainly affected by syn-sedimentary tectonics due to movement of the drawn based on paleontological evidence. Lithologically, the Wadi

T. Gentzis et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 190 (2018) 29–41

Fig. 2. Geological map of Egypt showing the distribution of

sedimentary (Mesozoic and Cenozoic) and igneous rocks
(after Egyptian Geological Survey, 1991).

Natrun Formation is characterized at its topmost part by a prominent clastic Khatatba to the more calcareous Masajid. This formation was
limestone unit, which is used to define the boundary contact with the deposited in deltaic to shallow marine settings (e.g., Hanter, 1990;
overlying Khatatba Formation (Hanter, 1990). Pyrite and carbonaceous Keeley et al., 1990; Keeley and Wallis, 1991; Guiraud et al., 2001;
matter occur locally in some areas. The paleontological and sedi- Shalaby et al., 2011).
mentological evidence suggests a shallow marine, reducing and stag-
nant, low energy depositional environment for this formation (Hanter,
1990; Keeley et al., 1990; Ibrahim et al., 2001). 2.3. Masajid Formation

This formation is comprised of a thick limestone with shale inter-

2.2. Khatatba Formation beds of the late Jurassic (Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian) age (Hanter,
1990; Ibrahim and Schrank, 1996; EGPC, 1998). However, in other
Norton (1967) introduced this name for the marine Middle Jurassic areas of the north Western Desert, especially in the north and east, it
(Bathonian-Callovian) dominantly clastic subsurface rock unit en- may range down to the Callovian (e.g., Hanter, 1990, Ibrahim et al.,
countered in the north Western Desert (e.g., Keeley et al., 1990; EGPC, 2002). The name was given by Al Far (1966) to a surface exposure in
1992; Shalaby et al., 2011). The clastic Khatatba Formation consists of Wadi Masajid, north Sinai, as a type locality. Notable shale interbeds
sandstones and shales. Some limestone interbeds are found only near become more common particularly near the base and top of the Masajid
the upper part of this formation, especially in the eastern and north- in the northern and eastern parts of the Western Desert. It underlies
eastern parts of the Western Desert. Thin coal seams are sporadically uncomfortably the clastic Lower Cretaceous sequence. The Masajid
present at different horizons. This formation rests conformably over the changes laterally toward the south and west into the Bahrein and
Wadi Natrun Formation in some areas and over the Bahrein Formation possibly into the Khatatba (Hanter, 1990). The Masajid is of shallow
(Fig. 3) in other parts of the Western Desert (Hanter, 1990; Kerdany and marine (inner-middle) shelf settings (Schlumberger, 1984; Hanter,
Cherif, 1990). However, the Khatatba Formation changes laterally in 1990; Keeley et al., 1990; Keeley and Wallis, 1991; Kerdany and Cherif,
some areas of the Western Desert into the Early-Late Jurassic Ras 1990; El Beialy and Ibrahim, 1997; Tawadros, 2011).
Qattara clastics (EGPC, 1992). In addition, it underlies the Masajid
Formation conformably. The contact with the Masajid Formation is
sharp and easily discernible by the facies change from the dominantly

T. Gentzis et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 190 (2018) 29–41

each of the last 7 samples (sample 8–14) were made to obtain a better
palynomorph recovery. The organic residues were permanently
mounted on slides using Canada balsam. A quantitative counting of
only 200 palynomorph specimens was done and all the encountered
taxa were qualitatively classified and identified for the age assessment.
Up to 500 grains of the particulate organic matter were counted from
the non-oxidized samples for the palynofacies and kerogen study, where
their relative frequencies were used for determining the kerogen types.
The representative marker forms and the identified palynofacies asso-
ciations were photographed using an Axioskope Zeiss microscope
(Model 4375) equipped with ISH1000 Tucsen digital camera at the
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University and depicted
in Plate 1.The studied slides are housed in the Palynolab, Geology
Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt.
Pyrolysis of the same 14 cuttings samples was carried out at the
Core Laboratories facilities in Houston using a Rock-Eval 6 pyrolysis
and oxidation instrument (RE 6). The depth interval ranged from ap-
proximately 3000 m to 3810 m (Fig. 5). The Basic/Bulk-Rock method of
the RE 6 was employed. This method, which is aimed at source-rock
characterization, uses a very small quantity (~ 60 mg/sample) and
measures the TOC, S1, S2, S3 (CO and CO2), S4 (CO and CO2), and S5
(mineral carbon) parameters as well as the Tmax, HI, OI, PI, and OSI
(Oil Saturation Index). This pyrolysis method heats the sample from
room temperature to 300 °C over a period of 3–4 min, the temperature
remains at 300 °C for 3 min before starts increasing to 650 °C at a rate of
25 °C/min. Once pyrolysis is completed, oxidation takes place in a se-
parate oven (Behar et al. 2001; Carvajal-Ortiz and Gentzis, 2015).
In addition, 2 samples from the Cretaceous Kharita Formation
(Fig. 3), a unit comprised of continental and shoreline sandstones and
siltstones with minor shale intercalations in the Abu Tunis-1 × well,
and 2 samples from the same formation in the Siqeifa-1 × well (those
having the highest reported hydrocarbon and kerogen yields, S1 and S2
pyrolysis parameters) were analyzed by two modified pyrolysis
methods. These methods (known as the Reservoir and the Shale Play),
provide a better separation of the hydrocarbon versus the kerogen
fractions present in source rocks. For the Reservoir method, the tem-
perature was kept at 150 °C isotherm for 10 min (for calculating the
S1r), then the temperature was ramped up to 650 °C at 25 °C/min (for
calculating the S2a and S2b). For the Shale Play method, the initial
temperature was 100 °C, then the temperature was increased up to
200 °C at 25 °C/min and held constant for 3 min (for Sh0 calculation),
then increased to 350 °C at 25 °C/min, stayed isotherm for 3 min (for
Sh1 calculation), and finally up to 650 °C at 25 °C/min (see Romero-
Sarmiento et al., 2015). For a detailed description of the Reservoir and
Shale Play methods, the reader is referred to Trabelsi et al. (1994) and
Sanei et al. (2015).
Fig. 3. Generalized columnar section of the north Western Desert of Egypt (after EGPC, For organic petrologic analysis, the 14 cuttings (~ 15 g/sample)
1992). were crushed to −20 mesh (840 μm) and mixed with epoxy resin (Epo-
Thin) and hardener. The resulting pellets were grinded using a com-
3. Material and methods bination of 320 μm and 600 μm cloths and polished using two stages of
a slurry of alumina powder (0.3 μm and 0.05 μm) and water. The pellets
A total of fourteen (14) cuttings samples were selected. These 14 were analyzed using a Zeiss Axio Imager® A2m reflected light equipped
samples cover the Jurassic period. More specifically, four samples came with a UV light source for qualitative fluorescence observations of the
from the Wadi Natrun, five samples from the Khatatba, and five samples liptinitic organic matter. A 50× oil immersion objective (noil = 1.514
from the Masajid formations, Abu Tunis-1 × well. This well is located in at 23 °C) was used and the combined magnification was 500 ×. The
the Matruh Basin, north Western Desert, Egypt, at geographic co- samples were analyzed on a whole-rock basis. Random reflectance va-
ordinates of Lat. 31° 16′ 08″ N, and Long. 26° 50′ 41″ E (Figs. 1 and 2). lues were measured on primary vitrinite and/or bitumen using a set of
It was drilled in 1968 by the Western Desert Operating Petroleum glass standards. A digital camera was used to take representative pho-
Company (WEPCO). All samples were prepared using the standard HCl/ tomicrographs. The petrographic analysis was carried out at the facil-
HF palynological extraction technique (e.g., Wood et al. 1996). Sieving ities of Core Laboratories in Houston, TX. For more details of the sample
of the organic residues was carried out using 10 μm nylon mesh. The preparation protocol, the reader is referred to ASTMD2797/D2797M-
oxidation step was passed up in the initial processing phase to avoid the 09, 2007.
destruction of amorphous organic matter (AOM) for reliable palyno-
facies and kerogen studies. However, because of the rather poor paly-
nomorphs recovery and the dominance of AOM, oxidation of a split of

T. Gentzis et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 190 (2018) 29–41

Plate 1. Each transmitted light microphotograph is se-

quentially attended by corresponding depth, slide desig-
nation beside light microscopic citation coordinates. Scale
bar = 25 μm.
Fig. 1: Nannoceratopsis gracilis Alberti, 1961; depth
11,910 ft. (3631 m), Sample 4, Slide 1, Corrd. 97/19.5.
Fig. 2: Nannoceratopsis sp.; depth 12,360 ft. (3768 m),
Sample 2, Slide 1, Corrd. 100.5/22.
Fig. 3: Dichadogonyaulax sellwoodii Sarjeant, 1975; depth
11,450 ft. (3490 m), Sample 8, Slide 1, Corrd. 95/5.5.
Fig. 4: Korystocysta gochtii (Sarjeant) Woollam, 1983; depth
10,710 ft. (3265 m), Sample 11, Slide 1, Corrd. 90/23.
Fig. 5: Systematophora penicillata (Ehrenberg) Sarjeant,
1980; depth 10,520 ft. (3207.3 m), Sample 12, Slide 1,
Corrd. 106.3/17.
Fig. 6: Woody tracheid phytoclast shows moderate surface
biodegradation and alteration to amorphous organic
matter. Depth 12,360 ft. (3768 m), Sample 2, Slide 1,
Corrd. 116.4/7.5.
Fig. 7: Woody tracheid phytoclast shows extensive surface
biodegradation and alteration to amorphous organic
matter. Depth 12,360 ft. (3768 m), Sample 2, Slide 1,
Corrd. 98/15.2.
Fig. 8: Palynofacies Association 1; depth 10,390 ft.
(3167 m), Sample 13, (Masajid Formation), Slide 1.
Fig. 9: Palynofacies Association 2; depth 11,670 ft.
(3557 m), Sample 6, (Khatatba Formation), Slide 1.
Fig. 10: Palynofacies Association 1; depth 12,360 ft.
(3768 m), Sample 2, (Wadi Natrun Formation), Slide 1.

4. Results and discussion Bjørlykke, 2015) in contrast to the soft shales, which are commonly
known to exhibit maximum caving with drilling (Baker Hughes, 1985;
4.1. Age assignment and identification of the formations Schlumberger, 1989, 2000; Asquith and Krygowski, 2004). The plot of
the vitrinite reflectance data of the studied section on the semi-loga-
This section provides an abridged discussion of the age dating of the rithmic scale (Tahoun et al., 2017a, Fig. 4) suggests an unconformity
undifferentiated Jurassic sequence in the Abu Tunis-1 × well to identify surface and removal of a part of the sedimentary record at the basal
different formations, which were originally unidentified by the drilling section because of possible uplifting and erosion. Thus, assessment of
company (Fig. 4). However, a detailed discussion that includes a full potential reworking is also necessary. For these reasons, a careful as-
quantitative distribution of all recorded palynomorphs will be provided sessment of the palynomorph assemblages was carried out to spot any
in a separate contribution. The biostratigraphic analysis of the re- caved or reworked palynomorphs. This was done by investigating the
covered palynomorphs indicated the presence of few age diagnostic populations of the long-ranging spores and pollen grains, where no
Tethyan dinoflagellate cysts species up on which the current age dating inconsistency in the color or the preservation status of the sporomorphs
was based (Fig. 4). On the other hand, the sporomorphs assemblages was detected. This, in turn, ruled out any possible caving or reworking
were found to be dominated by long-ranging spores (e.g., Cyathidites) of the palynomorph-bearing sediments. Consequently, the quality of the
and pollen grains (e.g., Sphaeripollenites psilatus, Classopollis classoides, palynological data seen here is reliable and not compromised by the
and Araucariacites australis), and thus they are not helpful in the age nature of the samples and/or by local tectonism. However as a pre-
discussion. cautionary approach, the last appearance datum (LAD = first down-
As the current palynological dating is based on ditch cutting sam- hole appearance) of each index dinoflagellate cyst species was princi-
ples, it was necessary to assess any possible caving or reworking in the pally used following the approach of Tahoun et al. (2015), Tahoun and
studied samples that would alter the actual stratigraphic range of the Deaf (2016), Deaf and Tahoun (2017), and Tahoun et al. (2017b). The
marker species. For the caving issue, the studied section is fortunately first appearance datum (FAD = last down-hole appearance) was only
composed of major hard limestone units, which are mainly intercalated used in case of lack of last appearance of marker dinoflagellate cyst
with thin horizons of shale. The carbonate and sandstone lithologies are taxa.
known to show minimal caving (e.g., Selley, 1998; Crain, 2016;

T. Gentzis et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 190 (2018) 29–41

Fig. 4. Selected key dinoflagellate cyst events, proposed

age dating, and the identified Jurassic formations in the
Abu Tunis-1X well.

4.1.1. Earliest Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) suggests assigning the present section to the lower Masajid Formation
The uppermost part of the studied Abu Tunis-1 × section is covered of the known Late Jurassic (Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian) age (Hanter,
by samples 12–14 (3206–3118 m) and extends to just below depth 1990; Ibrahim and Schrank, 1996; EGPC, 1998). In the Abu Tunis-1 ×
3063 m. Sample 13 witnesses the last appearance datum of Korystocysta well, the upper Masajid (middle Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian) is missed,
gochtii, which is considered one of the most precious species for the where uplift and erosion reflected in the formation of an unconformity
Upper Jurassic. Its last appearance was defined from micro- surface (WEPCO, 1968) was probably responsible for erosion and/or
palaeontologically and palynologically dated lower Kimmeridgian non-deposition of the uppermost Jurassic and the lowermost Cretaceous
strata in the Tethyan Realm (e.g., Thusu et al., 1988; Keeley et al., sections. This is evidenced by the careful biostratigraphic investigation
1990; Smelror, 1993; El Beialy and Ibrahim, 1997; El Beialy et al., carried out by Deaf et al. (2016) on the Cretaceous succession of the
2002; Hssaida et al., 2014; Jaydawi et al., 2016). Terminating also at Abu Tunis-1 × well, where strata of the Berriasian to early Hauterivian
Sample 13 was another marker species, Dichadogonyaulax sellwoodii. age are not represented in the well (Fig. 4). This unconformity surface is
Such a taxon is considered one of the most valuable species for the widespread across northern Egypt and is attributed to the Cimmerian
Middle-lower Upper Jurassic (Bathonian-Oxfordian) in the Tethyan orogeny (mid Tithonian-mid Berriasian), which formed a major break
Realm. It was documented to range from ammonite, foraminifera, and between the upper Jurassic and the lower Cretaceous. In Egypt, this
calpionellids calibrated and from dinoflagellate dated Bathonian-Ox- Cimmerian event resulted in regional block-tilting, uplifting, and some
fordian strata (e.g., Smelror and Leereveld, 1989 in southern France; folding that were associated with a major late Jurassic drop in the
Keeley et al., 1990; El Beialy et al., 2002 in Egypt; Smelror et al., 1991 eustatic sea level (e.g., Kerdany and Cherif, 1990; Keeley and Wallis,
in Spain; Smelror, 1993 in southern France, Spain, and southern Ger- 1991; Guiraud, 1998; Guiraud and Bosworth, 1999; Guiraud et al.,
many/Switzerland; Hssaida et al., 2014 in Morocco). In Sample 12 2001). Furthermore, the thickness of the Masajid Formation commonly
occurs Systematophora penicillata, a taxon that was reported in the ranges from 300 to 500 m (Keeley et al., 1990) and attains a maximum
southern Tethys from the micropalaeontologically controlled Callovian- thickness of 840 m in Q-72-1 well (Hanter, 1990). Consequently, the
Kimmeridgian (e.g., Thusu and Vigran, 1985; Thusu et al., 1988 in present thickness (150 m) of the Masajid Formation in the Abu Tunis-
Libya; Hssaida et al., 2014 in Morocco). In Egypt, the LAD of this 1× well also indicates that the upper Masajid Formation is not re-
species was also documented from micropalaeontologically dated (e.g., presented here.
El Beialy and Ibrahim, 1997; El Beialy et al., 2002; Aboul Ela and
Tahoun, 2010) and palynologically dated (e.g., Naim et al., 1990;
Mahmoud and Moawad, 2000; Ibrahim et al., 2002) upper Oxfordian- 4.1.2. Late Middle Jurassic (late Bathonian-Callovian)
lower Kimmeridgian sections. However, in the northern Tethys, Sys- Samples 5–11 to just below Sample 12 (3594–3205.9 m) represent
tematophora penicillata was found to range from the early Bathonian to the middle part of the studied section (Fig. 4). Rhynchodiniopsis clado-
the early Kimmeridgian (e.g., Smelror 1993 in southern France and phora appears in sample 5 and has its LAD in Sample 7 (Fig. 4). This
Spain; Borges et al., 2011 in Portugal). Thus, the termination of K. species is known from palynological and ammonite dated latest Bath-
gochtii and D. sellwoodii, together with the co-occurrence S. penicillata, onian-late Hauterivian strata in the northern and southern Tethys (e.g.,
indicates a late Jurassic age that is not younger than the Oxfordian for Thusu et al., 1988; Smelror and Leereveld, 1989; Conway, 1990,
the current interval. The samples of this interval were also designed by Smelror et al., 1991; Smelror, 1993; El Beialy and Ibrahim, 1997;
WEPCO (1968) as comprising the topmost part of the Upper Jurassic in Torricelli, 2000). In other parts of the Tethyan Realm, the inception of
the Abu Tunis-1 × well. The Oxfordian age of the main carbonate unit Rhynchodiniopsis cladophora was also recorded from a strontium dated
latest Bathonian-earliest Callovian section in Qatar (Ibrahim et al.,

T. Gentzis et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 190 (2018) 29–41

2003). Rhynchodiniopsis cladophora is probably facies-controlled; it is (Fig. 4) also suggests restricted shallow marine settings (e.g., Riding
not observed from the overlying clastics samples of the current interval et al., 1985; Riding and Thomas, 1992) for the Masajid interval. Also,
and from the inner-middle shelf carbonates of the Masajid Formation the occurrence of Pareodinia ceratophora in the same samples (10, 11,
(e.g., Schlumberger, 1984; Hanter, 1990; El Beialy and Ibrahim, 1997; and 13) probably supports these restricted marine conditions. This
Tawadros, 2011). Rhynchodiniopsis cladophora is regarded as an open proximate species is commonly found to be connected with the re-
marine (middle shelf) form (sensu latoSmelror and Leereveld, 1989; El stricted shallow marine shale and marls (e.g., Shahin and El Beialy,
Beialy and Ibrahim, 1997) and is commonly connected to maximum 1989; El Beialy and Ibrahim, 1997; Dehbozorgi et al., 2013).
transgressive sedimentation in open marine, middle to outer shelf set- The current studied interval does not contain additional key dino-
tings (e.g., Habib et al., 1994; page 327; Piasecki and Stemmerik, flagellate cyst species that would enable a precise age dating of the
2004). This is in accordance with the highest occurrences (61% and overlying samples (8–11), where it mainly contains long-ranging
64% of total palynomorphs) of the sphaeroidal pollen grains Sphaer- gymnosperm pollen grains. However, the occurrence of the index form
ipollenites psilatus, Classopollis classoides, and Araucariacites australis in Dichadogonyaulax sellwoodii of the known lower Oxfordian LAD in the
samples 5 and 7, respectively, where Rhynchodiniopsis cladophora was overlying Masajid Formation suggests at least a Callovian age for the
recorded. In the shallower marine samples, for example Sample 8, a current interval. The plot of the vitrinite reflectance data of the current
decrease in these sphaeroidal pollen grains to about 50% (of total pa- and the overlying interval (i.e. Masajid Formation) on the semi-loga-
lynomorphs) and the occurrence of about 28% (of total palynomorphs) rithmic scale (Tahoun et al., 2017a, Fig. 4) shows a systematic ex-
of the ornamented Verrucosisporites spp. and Converrucosisporites var- ponential upward decrease with decreasing depth. This, in turn, in-
iverrucatus and the thick-walled Gleicheniidites senonicus and Gleichenii- dicates that no hiatus exists within the two intervals or even between
dites circinidites were recorded. This points to a shallowing upward in them (e.g., Hunt, 1996), where deposition of the Jurassic sediments at
sedimentation, which was unfavorable for the occurrence of the open the Abu Tunis-1 × well was continuous until the occurrence of the
marine form Rhynchodiniopsis cladophora. The upward increase in the unconformity surface that separates the upper Jurassic from the lower
continental/marine ratio also indicates this shallowing sedimentation Cretaceous (Fig. 4). Therefore, at least a Callovian age can be inferred
phase (Fig. 5). The co-occurrence of Dichadogonyaulax sellwoodii and for the present interval. Moreover, the same plot of the vitrinite data
Korystocysta gochtii in samples 10, 11, and 13 of the Masajid Formation shows a dog-leg trend (Fig. 4) between samples 4 (0.98%) and 6

Fig. 5. Chart shows the lithostratigraphy of the studied Jurassic section, position of the samples, the recognized palynomorph assemblages beside the palynofacies associations and
vertical stratigraphic distributions of the recorded principle palynofacies components from Abu Tunis-1X well.

T. Gentzis et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 190 (2018) 29–41

(0.86%), which is commonly taken to indicate removal of sedimentary data profile (Fig. 4), where uplifting and erosion and/or non-deposition
sections by uplift and erosion and/or non-deposition (Dow, 1977; Hunt, of the Bajocian are not ruled out. This can be also inferred from the
1996; Katz et al., 1988). Thus, an unconformity surface is suggested to current thickness (171 m) of the formation in the Abu Tunis-1 × well in
occur between the current interval and the underlying one. This con- comparison to its known total thickness (462 m) at the type locality
sequently does not exclude the non-deposition of at least a part of the (Norton, 1967). From the above discussion, a Toarcian-Aalenian age is
lower Bathonian (Fig. 4). This cannot be assessed or confirmed by the suggested for the current interval.
available palynological data. Thus, a probable late Bathonian to more The clastic‑carbonate section represented by samples 1–4
evident Callovian age is suggested to the lower part (samples 5–7) of (3801–3630 m) to just below Sample 5 was recognized by WEPCO
the studied interval based on the occurrence of Rhynchodiniopsis cla- (1968) as comprising a part of the upper Jurassic of the Abu Tunis-1 ×
dophora. Furthermore, the thickness of the Khatatba Formation ranges well with no identification of the corresponding formation. Based on
from 593 to 1050 m (Keeley et al., 1990) and has a maximum thickness the age dating proposed here and on the alternating shale and carbo-
of 1375 m (Hanter, 1990). In the Abu Tunis-1 × well, the current nate lithology, this rock section is suggested to represent the lower to
thickness of the Khatatba Formation is about 390 m, and this also points middle Wadi Natrun Formation of the known latest Early to early
to a possible non-deposition of the lower Khatatba and probably sup- Middle Jurassic (Toarcian-Bajocian) age in the north Western Desert
ports the proposed late Bathonian-Callovian age. Based on the available (Norton, 1967; Hanter, 1990, Kerdany and Cherif, 1990). The upper
biostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic information presented herein, a Wadi Natrun Formation (Bajocian) is missed in the Abu Tunis-1 × well.
possible late Bathonian to Callovian age is proposed for this interval.
WEPCO (1968) referred to the middle interval of the studied section as 4.2. Organic petrography and kerogen typing
comprising a part of the upper Jurassic with no differentiation of the
formation. By connecting the late Bathonian-Callovian age to the clas- In order to determine kerogen types, organic petrographic analysis
tic‑carbonate unit that changes upward into more carbonate facies and using the light microscopy (i.e., visual palynofacies) and the UV
ends up with coarse clastics suggests designation of this interval as the fluorescence was employed. The organic matter was classified into
middle-upper Khatatba Formation of the known Bathonian-Callovian kerogen types following the guidelines of Tyson (1995). The vertical
age (e.g., Keeley et al., 1990; EGPC, 1992). stratigraphic abundances of the principal palynofacies components re-
corded in the samples are illustrated in Fig. 5. In addition, the main two
4.1.3. Latest Early to earliest Middle Jurassic (Toarcian-Aalenian) palynofacies associations are illustrated in Plate 1. Frequency of the
Samples 1–4 to just below Sample 5 (3801–3593.9 m) represent the particulate organic matter was categorized here as: very abundant >
basal part of the studied section of the Abu Tunis-1 × well (Fig. 4). 50%, abundant 36–50%, frequent 16–35%, common 5–15%, and
Appears in samples 1 and 3 (Fig. 4) the index species Mancodinium rare < 5%. The majority of the samples are principally dominated by
semitabulatum, which was observed in the Tethyan Realm from am- abundant AOM ranging from 72 to 92% of the total organic particles
monite, foraminifera, and nannofossils calibrated lower Pliensbachian- (Fig. 5), while the opaque phytoclasts are rare (1–3%) and small in size.
Toarcian sections in Portugal (Davies, 1985), and in central Italy and The translucent phytoclasts (cuticles and woody tracheids) are common
southwest France (Bucefalo Palliani and Riding, 1997a, b, 2003; to frequent (6–27%) and represent the second dominant palynofacies
Bucefalo Palliani and Mattioli, 1998). The same taxon was reported component. The percentages of the translucent phytoclasts and the ratio
from palynologically dated Toarcian-Aalenian strata in different parts of continental/marine palynomorphs were used to differentiate the two
of the Tethys, for example from offshore Eastern Canada (Williams palynofacies units (Fig. 5).
et al., 1990). Rauscher and Schmidt (1990) recorded its LAD from the
Bajocian of France. In this study, the recorded LAD of M. semitabulatum 4.2.1. Palynofacies Association 1
in the Aalenian may be attributed to the absence of the younger Bajo- AOM-dominated with low terrestrial palynomorphs (Plate 1, Figs. 8
cian record due to the previously mentioned unconformity between and 10).
samples 4 and 6. In Sample 4 occurs another important index form
Nannoceratopsis gracilis (Plate 1, Fig. 1). This species was recorded in Stratigraphic distribution: This palynofacies is recorded from the
the Tethyan Realm, from ammonite-dated latest Pliensbachian-Toar- Wadi Natrun Formation (Sample 1/3801 m to Sample 4/3630 m),
cian strata of Portugal (Davies, 1985), Hungry (Baldanza et al., 1995), the lowermost (samples 5 and 6; 3594–3557 m) and the uppermost
and from ammonite dated Toarcian-Aalenian of southwest France (sample 11; 3237 m) Khatatba Formation, and the Masajid
(Bucefalo Palliani and Riding, 1997b). In Egypt, the LAD of Nannocer- Formation (Sample 12/3206 m to Sample 14/3118 m). Very subtle
atopsis gracilis terminates at the upper limit of a foraminifera and os- variations in this palynofacies association are recorded, which can
tracods dated late Pliensbachian-Aalenian section (Keeley et al., 1990). be used to differentiate them from those recorded in the Wadi
Pareodinia ceratophora, which has an Toarcian inception and ranges Natrun and Masajid formations. In the Wadi Natrun and the low-
up into the lower Kimmeridgian in the Tethyan Realm (e.g., Conway, ermost Khatatba formations, this association is predominantly
1978 in Israel; Rausher and Schmidt, 1990 in France; El Beialy and characterized by very abundant AOM (70–88%) and common to
Ibrahim, 1997; El Beialy et al., 2002 in Egypt), occurs in samples 3 and frequent translucent phytoclasts (11–27%) (Plate 1, Fig. 10). Gen-
4. This species probably has a long range that may extends up into the erally, the recovered dinoflagellate cysts and sporomorphs as well as
lower Cretaceous (e.g., Ibrahim and Schrank, 1996), and consequently the translucent phytoclasts show moderate to extensive surface
its LAD is not stratigraphically helpful. The concurrent occurrence of biodegradation and alteration to amorphous organic matter. Sample
Nannoceratopsis gracilis and Mancodinium semitabulatum would suggest a 2 (3767 m) and Sample 6 (3557 m) show slightly high abundance
Pliensbachian-Aalenian age for the current interval. However, the oc- (26% and 27% of total kerogen) of phytoclasts respectively, and
currence of the red sandstone of the Bahrein Formation (WEPCO, 1968) illustrate partial to complete alteration to AOM (Fig. 5; Plate 1,
of the late Lias age (Hanter, 1990; Kerdany and Cherif, 1990) just below Figs. 6 and 7). In the Masajid Formation, this association is char-
the Wadi Natrun carbonates excludes the Pliensbachian time and sug- acterized by abundant AOM (87–92%) and common translucent
gests a possible Toarcian-Aalenian age for the studied interval. More- phytoclasts (6–12%).
over, the occurrence of R. cladophora of the known latest Bathonian
inception in the Tethys in most of the overlying interval (Khatatba) also Kerogen type: Type IIa/III was suggested for this palynofacies based
confirms the Bajocian time is mostly not represented in Abu Tunis-1 × on the dominance of non-fluorescing AOM and the minor occur-
well. This could be further supported by the occurrence of the suggested rence of marine (kerogen type IIa) and terrestrial (kerogen type IIb)
hiatus between samples 4 and 6 as is also revealed from the vitrinite palynomorphs that show dull yellow fluorescence according to

T. Gentzis et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 190 (2018) 29–41

kerogen type III.

4.2.2. Palynofacies Association 2

AOM-dominated with high terrestrial palynomorphs (Plate 1,
Fig. 9).

Stratigraphic distribution: The current palynofacies is recovered

from the upper Khatatba Formation (from just above Sample 6/
3557 m to just below Sample 11/3237 m). This palynofacies asso-
ciation is also characterized predominantly by abundant AOM but
with lower percentages (75–84%) than the first palynofacies asso-
ciation (Fig. 5). A common to frequent percentage of translucent
cuticles and woody phytoclasts (14–24%) is recorded.

Kerogen type: Type IIb/III is suggested for this palynofacies based

on the dominance of non-fluorescing AOM, the minor occurrence of
terrestrial and marine palynomorphs that show dull yellow fluor-
escence, and on the common to frequent occurrences of gas-prone

4.3. Geochemical screening

In the Jurassic interval, Abu Tunis-1 × well, average values are as

follows: TOC = 1.4 wt%, S1 = 2.3 mg HC/g rock, S2 = 2.4 mg HC/g
rock, HI = 175 mg HC/g TOC, OI = 146 mg CO2/g rock, and Oil
Saturation Index (OSI) of 172. The pyrograms show a distinct low-
temperature S2 shoulder (see Tahoun et al., 2017a).
The high S1 is not the result of oil-based mud (OBM) contamination
because the above well was drilled in 1968, before OBM started to be
used in drilling operations. It most likely represents migrated hydro-
carbons. The agreement between Tmax and VRo is poor in the lower
part of the Khatatba and the Wadi Natrun formations (Fig. 5). The
samples with low Tmax values (414 to 428 °C) are not source rocks
containing reactive kerogen but conventional petroleum accumula-
tions. In order to rule out the effect of residual hydrocarbons on Tmax
values, samples were run fresh and on solvent-extracted using the
Basic/Bulk-Rock pyrolysis method. Additionally, four samples were
analyzed using the two modified pyrolysis method (Shale Play and
Reservoir). The results showed that the type of organic matter in the
deeper sections of the Abu Tunis-1 × well (Wadi Naturn and Khatatba
formations) consists mainly of migrated hydrocarbons and non-hydro-
carbon moieties. The above low Tmax measured on S2, indicating im-
mature organic matter (pre oil-window), are not reliable Tmax values
for thermal maturity determination purposes because they come pri-
marily from non-hydrocarbon compounds rather than from reactive
kerogen. The absence of any appreciable amounts of reactive kerogen
fractions in the S2 in the lower Khatatba and the entire Wadi Natrun
argillaceous limestones can explain the major discrepancy between the
maturity estimate derived from the Tmax versus that from the vitrinite
reflectance measurements (see Fig. 5). The modified pyrolysis methods
Plate 2. In Plates 2 to 5, all photomicrographs were taken under oil immersion, using a
used in this study did not show any significant difference in the mea-
50 × objective lens. The long axis of each photo is 240 μm. The parameters for the UV
light photos (fluorescence) were taken using an excitation filter at 465 nm and a com- sured Tmax values, confirming that residual hydrocarbons had very
bined beam splitter and barrier filter that had a cut at 515 nm. little to no effect on thermal maturity as determined by Tmax. This also
Fig. a: Primary vitrinite (Vit) enclosing pyrite (P) in the middle part of the Masajid confirms the conventional hydrocarbon accumulation nature of the
Formation. The mean Ro is 0.65%. The depth of all figures in Plate 2 is 3207.3 m. entire Jurassic succession in the Abu Tunis-1 × well.
Fig. b: Spherical solid bitumen (Bit) with mean Ro of 0.70%. In the Abu Tunis-1 × well, vitrinite reflectance (VRo, ran) in the
Fig. c: Oil-prone liptinite, probably an algal cyst (Alg).
interval from 3118.9 m to 3801.8 m, which represents the Wadi Natrun,
Fig. d: Amorphous organic matter (AOM) of liptinitic origin.
Fig. e: Oil-prone alginite (Alg) having weak yellow fluorescence.
Khatatba, and Masajid formations, varied from 0.67% to 0.98%, in-
Fig f: Sporinite (Sp) having weak greenish-yellow fluorescence. dicating early oil window to early-upper oil window and past peak oil
generation (Fig. 5). Dispersed organic matter (DOM) consisted of ter-
restrial type III gas-prone kerogen (vitrinite), a lower-reflecting (sup-
Tyson (1995) and based on the common to frequent occurrence of
pressed) population of vitrinite, solid bitumen, bitumen lamellae,
gas-prone material (woody phytoclasts). The abundance of AOM
amber-colored protobitumen, and liptinite of marine origin (kerogen
does not contradict the identified kerogen type III. Thompson and
type IIa unicellular oil-prone alginite) and terrestrial origin (kerogen
Dembicki (1986) and Tyson (1995) pointed out that not all AOM is
type IIb consisting of sporinite and rare cutinite) (Plate 2, Figs. a-f; Plate
oil-prone upon maturation; thus, some types of AOM could belong to
3, Figs. a–f). The mixed Type II/III kerogen type in the samples, capable

T. Gentzis et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 190 (2018) 29–41

Plate 3. Fig. a: Primary vitrinite (Vit) in the lower Khatatba Formation with mean Ro of
Plate 4. Fig. a: Primary vitrinite (Vit) with mean Ro of 0.47% in the Kharita Formation.
0.75%. The depth is 3490.8 m.
Depth is 2027.4 m.
Fig. b: Hydrogen-rich (perhydrous) vitrinite (P-Vit). The Ro is 0.48%. Same depth as in
Fig. b: Sporinite (Sp) showing the characteristic trilete mark. Depth is 2423.8 m.
Fig. a.
Fig. c: Oil-prone alginite (Alg). Depth is 2027.4 m.
Fig. c: A thick band of perhydrous vitrinite (P-Vit) in the lowermost Khatatba Formation
Fig. d: Low-reflecting spherical bitumen (Bit) generated from algal matter. Depth is
having mean Ro of 0.45%. Depth is 3557.9 m.
2118.9 m.
Fig. d: Oil-prone liptinite of algal origin (Alg). Same depth as in Fig. c. Fig. e: Terpene resinite (Res) having greenish-yellow fluorescing color. Same depth as in
Fig. e: Oil-prone alginite (Alg) having weak yellow fluorescence; Middle Masajid Fig. d.
Formation. Depth is 3207.3 m. Fig. f: Microspores (Sp) with dull-yellow fluorescence along with brown fluorescing
Fig. f: A pollen grain (Pol) having weak greenish-yellow fluorescence. Same depth as in
perhydrous vitrinite (Fl Vit). Same depth as in Fig. d–e.
Fig. e.

increasing maturity was noted. Due to the absence of significant

of generating oil and gas, was also indicated by Rock-Eval pyrolysis.
quantities of reactive kerogen (S2), the only reliable way to determine
Amorphous liptinitic OM is also present, which is more pronounced in
the true thermal maturity of the Jurassic succession in this well is by
its concentrated form under transmitted light. A decrease in fluores-
using organic petrography techniques.
cence color intensity, from golden-yellow to dull-yellow/orange with
In the Cretaceous Kharita Formation (Fig. 3), the sandstones are

T. Gentzis et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 190 (2018) 29–41

migrated from distant/or deeper source-rock intervals and have not

been generated in-situ.

5. Conclusion

The present study shows the application of a multi-proxy approach

to screen the hydrocarbon potential, as one of many elements in a
petroleum system, with special focus on the uppermost lower to upper
Jurassic interval in the Abu Tunis-1 × well, drilled in the Matruh Basin,
north Western Desert, Egypt. The correlation between the Rock-Eval
Tmax and vitrinite VRo in the lower half of the studied succession is
poor, while the correlation of the above maturity parameters, as well as
the TAI of the palynomorph assemblages is good in the upper half of the
succession. This discrepancy is due to the fact that the deeper interval
contains reservoir rocks, not source rocks, and the majority of the or-
ganic matter is not made up of in-situ kerogen but consists of migrated
hydrocarbons and NSO compounds as shown by the modified Rock-Eval
(RE) methods employed. Without the application of these modified RE
methods and evaluation of the pyrograms, it would not have been
possible to identify the above discrepancy (since oil-based mud con-
tamination was discounted). This study demonstrates that a multi-proxy
approach is the best way to screen the hydrocarbon potential in a basin
that contains both source and reservoir rocks.


The excellent assistance provided by Ms. Jean Nie and Mr. Majid
Tabandeh of Core Laboratories, Houston, TX, in preparing the samples
for TOC/RE6 pyrolysis and organic petrologic analyses, respectively, is
gratefully acknowledged. We would also like to thank the three re-
viewers for their valuable comments and suggestions, which improved
the quality of our manuscript.

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