Scheme of Work: Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) Computer Science 0478 / 0984
Scheme of Work: Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) Computer Science 0478 / 0984
Scheme of Work: Cambridge IGCSE / Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) Computer Science 0478 / 0984
Version 1
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Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Data representation ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Data transmission ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Hardware ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Software ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
The internet and its uses ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Automated and emerging technologies ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Algorithm design and problem-solving ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Programming ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Databases .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Boolean Logic ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
Scheme of Work
This scheme of work has been designed to support you in your teaching and lesson planning. Making full use of this scheme of work will help you to improve both
your teaching and your learners’ potential. It is important to have a scheme of work in place in order for you to guarantee that the syllabus is covered fully. You
can choose what approach to take and you know the nature of y our institution and the levels of ability of your learners. What follows is just one possible approach
you could take and you should always check the syllabus for the content of your course.
Suggestions for independent study (I) and formative assessment (F) are also included. Opportunities for differentiation are indicated as Extension activities; there is
the potential for differentiation by resource, grouping, expected level of outcome, and degree of support by teacher, throughout the scheme of work. Timings for
activities and feedback are left to the judgment of the teacher, according to the level of the learners and size of the class. Length of time allocated to a task is another
possible area for differentiation.
Guided learning hours
Guided learning hours give an indication of the amount of contact time you need to have with your learners to deliver a course. Our syllabuses are designed around
130 hours for Cambridge IGCSE and O Level courses. The number of hours may vary depending on local practice and your learners’ previous experience of the
subject. The table below give some guidance about how many hours we recommend you spend on each topic area.
Topic Suggested teaching time (hours / % of the course) Suggested teaching order
1 Data representation It is recommended that this should take about 12 hours/ 9% of the course. Topics 1–6 address elements
that will be tested in Paper 1.
2 Data transmission It is recommended that this should take about 8 hours/ 6% of the course.
Topics 7–10 address
3 Hardware It is recommended that this should take about 20 hours/ 16% of the course. elements that will be tested
in Paper 2.
4 Software It is recommended that this should take about 8 hours/ 6% of the course.
Units are best taught in
5 The internet and its uses It is recommended that this should take about 8 hours/ 6% of the course. sequence, as concepts
developed in one unit will be
6 Automated and emerging technologies It is recommended that this should take about 7 hours/ 6% of the course. applied in the following units.
Schools may choose to teach
7 Algorithm design and problem solving It is recommended that this should take about 21 hours/ 16% of the course. Unit 1 first or both units in
parallel, to balance theory
8 Programming It is recommended that this should take about 30 hours/ 23% of the course. with practical activity.
9 Databases It is recommended that this should take about 8 hours/ 6% of the course.
10 Boolean logic It is recommended that this should take about 8 hours/ 6% of the course.
Scheme of Work
You can find the endorsed resources to support Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science and O Level Computer Science on the Published resources tab of the
syllabus pages on our public website (IGCSE) (O Level)
Endorsed textbooks have been written to be closely aligned to the syllabus they support, and have been through a detailed quality assurance process. All textbooks
endorsed by Cambridge International for this syllabus are the ideal resource to be used alongside this scheme of work as they cover each learning objective.
Throughout this scheme of work we have referred to our Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science 0478 past papers. The 0478 syllabus runs parallel to the 0984 and
the O Level Computer Science 2210 syllabus content and assessment criteria. Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) and O Level Computer Science
syllabuses are at the same level. In addition to reading the syllabus, teachers should refer to the updated specimen assessment materials.
Tools to support remote teaching and learning – Click here to find out about and explore the various online tools available for teachers and learners.
This scheme of work includes website links providing direct access to internet resources. Cambridge Assessment International Education is not responsible for the
accuracy or content of information contained in these sites. The inclusion of a link to an external website should not be understood to be an endorsement of that
website or the site's owners (or their products/services).
The website pages referenced in this scheme of work were selected when the scheme of work was produced. Other aspects of the sites were not checked and only the
particular resources are recommended.
Scheme of Work
How to get the most out of this scheme of work – integrating syllabus content, skills and teaching strategies
We have written this scheme of work for the Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Computer Science syllabuses and it provides some ideas and suggestions of how to
cover the content of the syllabus. We have designed the following features to help guide you through your course.
Learning objectives help your learners by making it Suggested teaching activities give you lots of
clear the knowledge they are trying to build. Pass ideas about how you can present learners with
these on to your learners by expressing them as ‘We new information without teacher talk or videos.
are learning to / about…’. Try more active methods which get your
learners motivated and practising new skills.
Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities
10 Boolean Teacher introduces the concepts of OR and AND by careful use of English in logical statements; linking TRUE and
logic 1 Identify and use standard FALSE to binary states (1 and 0).
symbols for logic gates.
2 Define and understand the Teacher demonstrates OR gate and AND gate by use of electrical model, projector presentation of simulation, or
similar. Teacher develops the concept of truth table for OR gate; learners develop truth table for AND gate.
functions of the logic gates.
study (I) gives
3 Use of logic gates to create Introduction, notes and activities at:
given logic circuits. Complete your learners
Teacher demonstrates OR gate and AND gate by use of electrical model, projector presentation of simulation,
a truth table and write a logic or
the opportunity
similar. Teacher develops the concept of truth table for OR gate; learners develop truth table for AND gate.
expression. to develop their
A useful presentation on binary logic is: own ideas and understanding
Past papers, specimen papers and mark schemes without direct
Teacher introduces the standard symbols for both gates, see section 4 of the syllabus.
are available for you to download at: input from you. Learners use appropriate hardware or simulation software to develop understanding of the functions of the NOT,
NAND, NOR and XOR (EOR) logic gates. (I) All gates are limited to two inputs except NOT which is a single input
Using these resources with your learners allows you to
Simple logic simulator using standard symbols:
check their progress and give them confidence and
understanding. Extension activities provide
Downloadable logic gate simulator: and your more able learners with further
challenge beyond the basic content of
Learners can observe the output produced from all possible combinations of inputs to construct each gate’s truth
table. (I) the course. Innovation and
independent learning are the basis of
Extension activity: Learners work out the simple logic circuits required to create NAND and NOR gates using AND,
OR and NOT gates and test them. (I) these activities.
Data representation
1.1 Number 1 Understand how and why Teacher presentation to introduce the concepts of binary notation, e.g. using an automatic binary counter;
systems computers use binary to binary number cards available (with worksheets etc.).
represent all forms of data. Binary numbers at Computer Studies Unplugged:
2 Understand denary, binary and Learners convert positive denary integers to and from binary.
hexadecimal number systems. Reinforce with a game such as the Cisco binary game. This provides formative assessment of
Convert positive integers understanding.
between these number Cisco binary game:
systems. Learners answer previous exam/textbook questions on binary representation.
Teacher presentation on hexadecimal notation and its relationship to binary and denary notation.
Hexadecimal counter – for example:
Demonstration of the conversion of binary and denary to hexadecimal and hexadecimal to denary and
Learners convert positive hexadecimal integers to and from binary and to and from denary. (I)
3 Understand how and why Class brainstorm to show understanding of the reasons for choosing hexadecimal to represent numbers,
hexadecimal is used as a e.g. those stored in registers and main memory.
beneficial method of data Learners answer previous exam/textbook questions on hexadecimal representation. (F)
4 Add two positive 8-bit binary Teacher presentation to introduce binary addition, limit this to 8-bit positive binary integers and include the
integers. concept of overflow.
Understand the concept of Binary addition including overflow:
overflow and why it occurs in
binary addition.
5 Perform logical binary shifts on Teacher presentation to introduce logical left and right binary shifts, limit this to 8-bit positive binary
positive 8-bit binary integers integers.
and understand the effect this Binary shifts:
has on the positive binary
Scheme of Work
integer. Teacher presentation to introduce two’s complement to represent positive and negative numbers, limit this
6 Use two’s complement to to 8-bit positive and negative binary integers.
represent positive and negative Learners use two’s complement to represent negative binary integers.(I)
8-bit binary integers Learners answer previous exam/textbook questions on two’s complement.(F)
1.2 Text, 1 Understand how and why a Provide leaners with a table example of a character set, such as ASCII. There are many examples
Sound and computer represents text and available on the internet. Explain the need for character sets and how each character is assigned a code.
Images the use of character sets, Give learners a message in binary to decode using the character set. Then get learners to code a
including ASCII and Unicode. message for another class member using the character set.
Comprehensive notes and exercises for ASCII:
Comprehensive notes and exercises on Unicode:
Learners answer previous exam/textbook questions on character sets
2 Understand how and why a Teacher presentation to introduce computer representation of sound. Provide learners with some
computer represents sound, examples:
including the effects of the
sample rate and sample
Notes and quiz:
3 Understand how and why a Teacher presentation to introduce computer representation of an image. Provide learners with some
computer represents an image, examples:
including the effects of the
resolution and colour depth.
Notes and quiz:
Learners answer previous exam/textbook questions on text sound and images.(F)
1.3 Data 1 Understand how data storage is Teacher presentation to explain the importance of compressing files that are transmitted via the internet:
storage and measured. • describe the differences between lossy and lossless compression.
Scheme of Work
2 Calculate file sizes for image Lossy and lossless compression notes:
and sound files.
3 Understand the purpose of and Learners complete a multiple-choice quiz and answer previous exam/textbook questions on data storage
and compression. (F)
need for data compression.
4 Understand how files are
compressed using lossy and
lossless file compression
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at (F)
March 2019 Paper 12, question 3(a)
June 2019 Paper 11, question 1
June 2019 Paper 13, question 1(a)
Nov 2019 Paper 11, question 2
Nov 2019 Paper 12, question 4
Nov 2019 Paper 13, question 1(c)(i)
March 2020 Paper 12, question 5
June 2020 Paper 11, question 9(d)
June 2020 Paper 12, question 7
June 2020 Paper 13, question 1
2023 Specimen Paper 1, question 1
1.2 and 1.3
March 2019 Paper 12, question 1
June 2019 Paper 12, question 4(b)
Nov 2019 Paper 11, question 6(d)
Nov 2019 Paper 12, question 5(a) and 5(b)
Nov 2019 Paper 13, question 1(c)(ii)
March 2020 Paper 12, question 3(d)
June 2020 Paper 11, question 3(c)
Scheme of Work
Data transmission
2.1 Types and 1 Understand that data is broken Teacher introduces the use of packets for transmitting data and setting this in the context of the internet by
methods of down into packets for showing a short film.
data transmitted; describe the
transmission Teacher leads discussion transmission of data including:
structure of a packet; describe
• breaking data into packets
the process of packet switching.
• packet structure of header (containing destination address, packet number and originator’s
address), payload and trailer
• packet switching, the use of different routes and reordering.
2 Describe how data is transmitted Teacher leads discussion of what is meant by transmission of data; the need to check for errors;
from one device to another using differences between serial and parallel data transmission.
different methods of data Notes on bandwidth: www.teach-
transmission. Explain the
suitability of the method of data
Pages on serial, parallel, USB, etc.:
transmission for a given
scenario. Example of simplex, duplex and half duplex:
In pairs, learners identify current uses of serial and parallel data transmission e.g. Integrated Circuits (IC),
3 Understand the universal serial Universal Serial Bus (USB); reasons for choosing serial or parallel data transmission.
bus (USB) interface and how it is
used to transmit data. Learners answer previous exam/textbook questions on data transmission. (F)
2.2 Methods 1 Understand the need to check for Teacher presentation to explain the methods of error detection and correction e.g. parity checks, check
of error errors after data transmission digits, checksums, Automatic Repeat reQuests (ARQ).
detection and how these errors can occur. Learners complete short case study scenario questions on the need to check for errors. (F)
2 Describe the processes involved Pages on error checking (checksum, CRC):
Scheme of Work
2.3 1 Understand the need for and Learners carry out coding and decoding activities in pairs use of symmetric encryption (plain text, cypher
Encryption purpose of encryption when text, use of a key) – differentiation by task will make this more challenging where necessary.
transmitting data. Information on encryption:
2 Understand how data is Learners attempt to decode some encrypted messages from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). (I)
encrypted using symmetric and
Class brainstorm code-breaking and relative ease of breaking each method.
asymmetric encryption.
Notes on encryption:
CIA code-breaking for kids:
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at (F)
March 2019 Paper 12, question 4(d) and question 6(a)
June 2019 Paper 12, question 9
June 2019 Paper 13, question 3(b) and question 5
Nov 2019 Paper 11, question 5
Nov 2019 Paper 12, question 5(c)(ii), question 9 and question 10(a)
Nov 2019 Paper 13, question 1(b) question 3 and question 5
March 2020 Paper 12, question 2
June 2020 Paper 11, question 3(a), 3(b) and question 4
June 2020 Paper 12, question 3
June 2020 Paper 13, question 9
2023 Specimen Paper 1, question 2(a), 2(b) and question 9
Scheme of Work
3.1 1 Understand the role of the Teacher presents basic concepts of computer architecture, including registers, and the fetch-decode-execute
Computer central processing unit (CPU) in cycle followed by demonstration via projector of the LMC.
architecture a computer. Understand what is
meant by a microprocessor.
2 Understand the purpose of the Teacher demonstrates the fetch-decode-execute cycle using a suitable video / animation
components in a CPU, in a a short simple introduction
computer that has a Von a more in depth demonstration
Neumann architecture. Describe Notes on fetch-execute cycle:
the role of each component in
the process of the fetch–decode–
execute cycle.
3 Understand what is meant by Teacher leads discussion on CPU performance:
CPU core, cache and clock how Useful notes:
they can affect the performance
of a CPU.
4 Understand the purpose and use Learners carry out simple low level tasks using LMC software – paired work is probably most effective.
of a CPU instruction set. Little Man Computer web based:
5 Describe the purpose and Teacher leads discussion of what is meant by an embedded system. Learner work in pairs to identify devices with
characteristics of an embedded embedded systems.
system and identify devices in Useful notes:
which they are commonly used.
Learners answer flash cards, quiz and previous exam/textbook questions on computer architecture. (F)
Flash cards:
3.2 Input 1 Understand what is meant by an Start with a class discussion about what learners already know. What computer systems do they know about and
and output input device and why it is where are they used? Write ideas on the whiteboard and expand with more examples.
devices required.
Scheme of Work
2 Understand what is meant by an Ask learners to work in pairs to identify as many input and output devices for a computer system that they can
output device and why it is write up on board and then add to that list.
Develop this list by brainstorming different categories to include:
• input devices (keyboard, optical mouse, barcode scanner, QR code scanner, touch screen (resistive,
capacitive and infra-red), microphone, 2D scanner and 3D scanner)
• output devices (printer (inkjet, laser and 3D), screen (LED and LCD), projector (DLP and LCD), speaker
and actuator (note: the actuator could be discussed later in 6.1 automated systems)
Learners are divided into small groups; each group investigates one specific input device and produces a
report/poster/leaflet on:
• how it works (a physical example to investigate is useful if possible)
• typical applications
• why it is used in these applications; its advantages and limitations.
Reports/posters/leaflets to be prepared using software such as DTP, presentation software, intranet/internet pages
etc. Each group gives a five-minute presentation on their input device.
Learners work in different groups to investigate one specific output device and produce a report / poster / leaflet on:
• how it works (a physical example to investigate is useful if possible)
• typical applications
• why it is used in these applications; its advantages and limitations.
Reports / posters / leaflets to be prepared using software such as DTP, presentation software, intranet / internet
pages etc. Each group gives a five-minute presentation on their output device.
Each group prints enough copies of their input and output reports to provide a copy for each learner. If learner
work is stored on an intranet, copy files into each learner account.
Scheme of Work
3.3 Data 1 Understand what is meant by Class brainstorms the difference between primary and secondary storage.
storage primary storage. Teacher leads discussion of data storage using physical examples and/or videos/animations showing operation
2 Understand what is meant by including:
secondary storage. • primary (RAM and ROM)
3 Describe the operation of • secondary
magnetic, optical and solid-state • operation and examples of use of magnetic, optical and flash memory
storage and give examples of • virtual memory
each. • cloud storage including the advantages and disadvantages of storing data on the cloud in comparison to
4 Describe what is meant by virtual storing it locally.
memory, how it is created, used Some sample videos:
and why it is necessary.
5 Understand what is meant by
cloud storage.
Learners complete gapped handouts on the operation and examples of use of magnetic, optical and flash
memory. (I)
6 Explain the advantages and Learners work in groups to describe the ways in which different types of memory are used in a typical day in their
disadvantages of storing data on life (e.g. DVD/ Blu-ray to watch a film, USB flash memory to carry data to and from school, CD to play music, use
the cloud in comparison to of mobile, MP3 player etc.). Use an appropriate way to keep notes on their work.
storing it locally.
3.4 Network 1 Understand that a computer What is a network? Class brainstorms the concepts of networking and how devices on a network connect and
Scheme of Work
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at (F)
June 2019 Paper 13, question 2(b)
Nov 2019 Paper 11, question 8
Nov 2019 Paper 12, question 2
Nov 2019 Paper 13, question 7(a)
March 2020 Paper 12, question 1
June 2020 Paper 11, question 5
June 2020 Paper 12, question 1
June 2020 Paper 13, question 5(b)(ii)
2023 Specimen Paper 1, question 4
3.2 and 3.3
March 2019 Paper 12, question 3(b), and question 6
June 2019 Paper 11, question 3 and question 6(b)
June 2019 Paper 12, question 4, question 7(b) and question 10
June 2019 Paper 13, question 6
Nov 2019 Paper 11, question 1 and question 4
Scheme of Work
Scheme of Work
Learners use their findings to create a short role play activity that demonstrates how each of these works
Example activity:
Learners need to make their own notes on each of these after they have been acted out. (I)
Learners answer flash cards, quiz and previous exam/textbook questions on types of software and
Scheme of Work
interrupts. (F)
4.2 Types of 1 Explain what is meant by a Teacher introduces learners to different types of programming languages by showing examples of
programming high-level language, and low- programs written in machine code, assembly language and a high-level language. Teacher uses these to
language, level language, including the lead a discussion on advantages and disadvantages of each including:
advantages and disadvantages • ease of reading, writing and debugging code
integrated of each. • machine independence
development • direct manipulation of hardware
environments Learners complete a chart of advantages and disadvantages.(I)
2 Understand that assembly Teacher introduces learners to assembly language by considering:
language is a form of low-level • historical origins of computer programming in machine-specific types of language (machine code
language that uses mnemonics, and assembly language)
and that an assembler is • the characteristics of these languages
needed to translate an • the need for an assembler translation program for assembly language
assembly language program
into machine code. Learners research the characteristics of high-level languages; the need for compiler and/or interpreter
3 Describe the operation of a translation programs for these languages; why they are preferred for many applications. (I)
compiler and an interpreter, Introduction to high-level language:
including how a high-level Highlight the differences between compilation and interpretation including:
language is translated by each • compiler translates the whole program (source code) into an executable file that can be stored and
and how errors are reported. re-used, an error report is provided for the whole code if errors are detected
• interpreter translates and executes a program line-by-line, an interpreter stops execution when an
error is found, no object code is stored for further use – a program has to be translated each time it is
4 Explain the advantages and Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of compilation and interpretation highlighting when it would
disadvantages of a compiler be appropriate to use a compiler or an interpreter (use an interpreter during program development as
and an interpreter. errors can be easily checked and modified and use a compiler to translate the final program to be
distributed for use without the need of a translator).
Scheme of Work
Create a table with some statements about compilers and some statements about interpreters. Ask your
learners to read the statements and tick which apply to a compiler and which apply to an interpreter.
Link to theory notes on compilers and interpreters:
5 Explain the role of an IDE and Teacher leads a discussion on the role of an IDE, as learners have used an IDE they should be able to
the common functions it contribute to a discussion. Teacher demonstrates or uses learners to demonstrate these functions:
provides. code editor, run-time environment, translators, error diagnostics, auto-completion, auto-correction and
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at (F)
March 2019 Paper 12, question 4(a) and 4(b)
June 2019 Paper 11, question 7
Nov 2019 Paper 11, question 6(a)
Nov 2019 Paper 12, question 7(a)
Nov 2019 Paper 13, question 2 and question 7(b)
March 2020 Paper 12, question 4
June 2020 Paper 11, question 8(a), question 9(a), 9(b) and 9(c)
June 2020 Paper 12, question 2 and question 8(c)
June 2020 Paper 13
2023 Specimen Paper 1, question 4(d) and question 5
Scheme of Work
5.1 The 1 Understand the difference Class brainstorm/ teacher input to enable learners to:
internet and between the internet and the • Distinguish between the internet and the world wide web
the world world wide web. • describe the nature of the internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks.
wide web
2 Understand what is meant by a • explain the need to use a uniform resource locator (URL) and a web browser find and display web
uniform resource locator (URL). pages.
3 Describe the purpose and • explain the importance and use of HTTP/HTTPS and cookies.
operation of hypertext transfer
protocol (HTTP) and hypertext Quiz - (F)
transfer protocol secure Video – the internet:
4 Explain the purpose and Learners (paired/grouped) to research and demonstrate functions of a web browser including:
functions of a web browser. • storing bookmarks and favourites
• recording user history
• using multiple tabs
• storing cookies
• providing navigation tools and an address bar
5 Describe how web pages are Teacher provides a gapped handout on the location, retrieval, and display of web pages, including the
located, retrieved and displayed roles of the web browser, IP addresses, the DNS, web servers and HTML
of on a device when a user
enters a URL.
6 Explain what is meant by Teacher leads a discussion on the use of cookies including using them for saving personal and login
cookies and how they are used, details, tracking user preferences and holding items in an online shopping cart. Teacher explains when it
including session cookies and is appropriate to use session cookies and persistent cookies. It could be useful to look at a cookie policy
persistent cookies. for example
Some useful notes:
Scheme of Work
Learners answer previous exam/textbook questions on the internet and the world wide web. (F)
5.2 Digital 1 Understand the concept and Teacher introduces learners to digital currency and the use of block chain using an appropriate video for
currency use of digital currency. example:
2 Understand the process of
blockchain and how it is used to
track digital currency.
Learners answer flash cards, quiz and textbook questions on digital currency. (F)
5.3 Cyber 1 Describe the processes Learners work in groups to research and create a leaflet/web pages on internet safety, addressing:
security involved in, and the aim of • Malware (virus, worm, Trojan horse, spy-ware, adware and ransomware), hacking, brute force and
carrying out a range of cyber denial of service attacks, data interception, phishing, pharming and social engineering and report
security threats. the internet risks associated with these
2 Explain how a range of • the solutions available to help minimise the risks including:
solutions are used to help keep o how anti-malware (anti-virus and anti-spyware) and other protection software help keep
data safe from security threats. data safe
o authentication (username, password, biometrics and two-step verification)
o access levels and privacy settings
o checking URLs and the spelling and tone of a communication.
Notes on biometrics:
Notes on network protection:
Information on computer security:
Notes on phishing and pharming:
Teacher input to describe technical/practical issues around use of firewalls both software and hardware,
including proxy servers; use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
Scheme of Work
Learners answer flash cards, quiz and previous exam/textbook questions on cyber security. (F)
Sample quiz:
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at (F)
March 2019 Paper 12, question 7
June 2019 Paper 11, question 4 and question 6(a)
June 2019 Paper 12, question 5, question 6(a), 6(b), 6(d) and 6(e)
June 2019 Paper 13, question 1(d), 1(e) and question 3
Nov 2019 Paper 11, question 3 and question 6(b)
Nov 2019 Paper 12, question 7 and question 10
Nov 2019 Paper 13, question 8
March 2020 Paper 12, question 8
June 2020 Paper 11, question 1(e), question 7 and question 9(b)
June 2020 Paper 12, question 5 and question 10
June 2020 Paper 13, question 3, question 7 and question 10
2023 Specimen Paper 1, question 2(c) and question 10
Scheme of Work
6.1 1 Describe how sensors, Teacher introduction explaining the distinction between:
Automated microprocessors and actuators • monitoring, in which system acquires data at intervals from sensors and, where necessary,
systems can be used to create automated analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs) and how software processes the input data to provide the
systems. user with information for monitoring physical or chemical quantities (such as temperature, flow
2 Describe the advantages and rate or oxygen concentration) and warning signals if stored limits are exceeded.
disadvantages of automated • control, in which input data may also be used as feedback from a system being controlled so that
systems used for a given software can compare feedback with stored set-points or upper and lower limits to decisions about
scenario. the outputs required to, where necessary, digital-to-analogue converters (DACs) and actuators,
such as heaters or motorised valves.
Learners work in groups; each group investigates one specific sensor from those listed in 2.1.3 and
produces a report / poster / leaflet on:
• how it works
• typical scenarios where the sensor is used, chosen from industry, transport, agriculture, weather,
gaming, lighting and science
• why it is used in these scenarios; its advantages and disadvantages.
Each group prints enough copies of their reports to provide a copy for each learner. If learner work is
stored on an intranet, copy files into each learner account.
6.2 Robotics 1 Understand what is meant by Teacher introduction explaining robotics and the characteristics of a robot including :
robotics. • mechanical structure
2 Describe the characteristics of a • electrical components
robot. • programmable.
Scheme of Work
3 Understand the roles that robots Learners work in groups; each group investigates one robot and produces a report / poster / leaflet on:
can perform and the advantages • typical areas where the robot is used, chosen from industry, transport, agriculture, medicine,
and disadvantages of their use. domestic and entertainment
• the roles the robot performs, its advantages and disadvantages of its use.
Each group prints enough copies of their reports to provide a copy for each learner. If learner work is
stored on an intranet, copy files into each learner account.
6.3 Artificial 1 Understand what is meant by Teacher introduction explaining artificial intelligence (AI) and the main characteristics of AI including:
intelligence artificial intelligence (AI). • collection of data
2 Describe the main characteristics • ability to reason
of AI. • ability to learn and adapt.
3 Explain the basic operation and
components of AI systems to Introduction to AI:
simulate intelligent behaviour.
Teacher presentation to on the basic operation and components of AI systems limited to:
• expert systems
• machine learning
Scheme of Work
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at (F)
March 2019 Paper 12, question 3(b)
June 2019 Paper 12, question 7(a)
Nov 2019 Paper 11, question 2
Nov 2019 Paper 12, question 4
Nov 2019 Paper 13, question 6
March 2020 Paper 12, question 7
June 2020 Paper 11, question 6
2023 Specimen Paper 1 Question 6
Scheme of Work
7 Algorithm 1 Understand the program Teacher introduction to the program development life cycle including:
design and development life cycle: • analysis – identification, abstraction, decomposition of the problem and identification of
problem analysis, design, coding and requirements
testing. • design – shown by decomposition using structure diagrams, flowcharts and pseudocode
• coding – writing program code and performing iterative testing
• testing – testing program code using test data
2 Understand that every Class brainstorms a non-computer system to show that it is comprised of sub-systems.
computer system is made up of Learners analyse a relevant and appropriate system to identify sub-systems, and to sub-divide these. This
sub-systems, which are made could be the academic or personnel structure of a school/college, a department store, a large company,
up of further sub-systems. etc. Structure diagrams can be used to document this. (I)
Understand how a problem can
be decomposed into its A tutorial on how to draw structure diagrams using SmartDraw, of which a free, trial version is available at:
component parts. Use different
methods to design and Learners are introduced to the need for algorithms in developing solutions to problems. In pairs they can
construct a solution to a identify the sequence of operations required to carry out a simple multi-stage everyday process such as
problem. making a cup of tea/coffee, preparing a meal, etc.
Teacher leads discussion showing how each problem can be decomposed into inputs, processes, outputs
and storage.
Teacher introduces the use of flowcharts and pseudocode to design and construct solutions.
Teacher presents a simple flowchart using the symbols from the syllabus on page 31 to show:
• flow of control/ data
• explanation of terminator, input/output, process and decision boxes.
Teacher presents a pseudocode algorithm for the same problem using the pseudocode guide from the
syllabus on pages 33 to 46.
Scheme of Work
Teacher introduces:
• the use of variable names and mapping of values (e.g. x ← 3 means the value 3 is written as the
new value stored in the memory location labelled x, x ← y means the value stored in the memory
location labelled y is copied to the memory location labelled x)
• use of mathematical operators including +, -, *, /,^, MOD and DIV
• use of logical operators including =, <, >=, <=, >, and <>
• use of Boolean operators including AND, OR and NOT
3 Explain the purpose of a given Learners carry out analysis of prepared flowcharts to work out the purpose and the processes involved.
algorithm. The difficulty/complexity of the flowchart can be increased to make it more challenging where necessary.
Learners carry out analysis of prepared pseudocode to work out the purpose and the processes involved.
(I) The difficulty/complexity of the pseudocode can be increased to make it more challenging where
Learners answer previous exam/textbook questions on the program lifecycle and sub systems. (F)
4 Understand standard methods Teacher demonstrates standard methods of solution that can be used in solving many different problems
of solution. including:
• linear search and bubble sort
• totalling and counting
• finding maximum, minimum and average values
Learners identify the standard methods of solution shown in teacher prepared flowcharts and pseudocode
algorithms. Learners complete further gapped handouts showing the standard methods of solution. (I)
5 Understand the need for Teacher explains need for validation checks to prevent input of incorrect data; teacher provides list of
validation checks to be made common applications (e.g. car registrations, test marks, learner names, temperatures, salaries) and
Scheme of Work
on input data and the different learners identify possible validation rules.
types of validation check.
Understand the need for Teacher adds those that the class has not identified (need to cover range checks, length checks, type
verification checks to be made checks, presence checks, format checks and check digits).
on input data and the different Teacher demonstrates introduction of validation checks with decision boxes in a sample flowchart;
types of verification check. learners add validation to existing flowcharts.
Calculation of check digits using ISBN (for example) by teacher demonstration and learner completion of a
selection provided.
Brainstorm the importance of verification when data is transferred between media (design flowchart for
double entry of e.g. password).
Teacher how verification would take place including visual checks and double entry.
Teacher demonstrates introduction of verification checks with extra pseudocode in a sample algorithm;
learners add verification to existing pseudocode algorithms.
Learners answer previous exam/textbook questions on validation and verification checks. (F)
6 Suggest and apply suitable test Brainstorm to consider the limits for input data in any system; identify possible different types of input data
data. (normal, boundary, extreme and abnormal/erroneous).
Learners identify examples of each type for a range of given situations, as test data. (I)
7 Complete a trace table to Teacher demonstrates design and completion of trace table for dry runs of a simple flowchart.
document a dry-run of an Learners carry out exercise on flowcharts (opportunity for differentiation by complexity of flowchart).
Teacher demonstrates design and completion of trace table for dry runs of a simple pseudocode
algorithm. Learners carry out exercise on pseudocode algorithms (opportunity for differentiation by
complexity of algorithm). (I)(F)
Scheme of Work
8 Identify and suggest ways of Learners use trace tables to analyse flowcharts for incorrect algorithms and identify the source of the
correcting of errors in errors.(I)
Learners answer previous exam/textbook questions on trace tables.(F)
9 Write and amend algorithms for Learners should perform practical exercises to demonstrate solution design such as:
given problems or scenarios • finding the average of a set of input numbers
using, pseudocode, program • finding largest and smallest numbers in a set of input numbers calculating the frequency
code and flowcharts. distribution of ranges of numbers in a set of input numbers (e.g. when a series of temperatures T
are input, how many are in each of the ranges -20 ≤ T < 0, 0 ≤ T < 20 and 20 ≤ T < 40?) (I)
Using a simple algorithm, represented as a paragraph of English or as a flowchart, learners convert this to
pseudocode. Simple examples could be numerical problems such addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division; more challenging examples could be set in the real world, such as the use of an ATM. (I)
These could be followed by case studies and questions. For example, an automatic supermarket stock
control system for calculating stock levels and automatically re-ordering items. (I)
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at (F)
March 2019 Paper 22, question 2, question 3 and question 5
June 2019 Paper 21, question 4
June 2019 Paper 22, question 2, question 3 and question 5
June 2019 Paper 23, question 2, question 3 and question 4
Nov 2019 Paper 21, question 1(e), question 2 and question 4
Nov 2019 Paper 22, question 2, question 3 and question 4
Nov 2019 Paper 23, question 5 and question 6
March 2020 Paper 22 question 2, question 3 and question 4
June 2020 Paper 21, question 2, question 3, question 4 and question 5
June 2020 Paper 22, question 1(b), question 3 and question 4
June 2020 Paper 23, question 3, question 4, question 5 and question 6
2023 Specimen Paper 2, question 2, question 4, question 5 and question 7
Scheme of Work
8.1 1 Declare and use variables and Teacher introduces concepts of constants and variables; brainstorm to identify basic data types.
Programming constants.
concepts 2 Understand and use basic data Learners obtain definitions of data types (integer, real, char, string and Boolean) from web research.
types. Theory notes on data types:
3 Understand and use input and
4 Understand and use the Class brainstorm to revise use of:
concepts of sequence; • variable names, assignment commands (←)
selection; iteration, totalling;
• mathematical operators including +, -, *, /,^, MOD and DIV
counting; string handling; and
• logical operators including =, <, >=, <=, >, and <>,
arithmetic, logical and Boolean
• Boolean operators including AND, OR and NOT
Teacher introduces the use of a high-level programming language (Python, VB or Java) with a suitable
development IDE.
There are a range of IDEs that are free to download and use:
Learners practice using the IDE with simple programs e.g. ‘Hello World’ (I)
Tutorials for various programming languages:
Scheme of Work
Learners convert previous flowcharts and algorithms for counting and totalling to simple programs. (I)
Stress the need to initialise variables before using a loop and to output results after exiting a loop.
Learners use loops to input specific number of items to write a program to calculate the average.
Learners identify which type of loop is most appropriate for this and other different scenarios; explain
rationale to class, who agree (or otherwise) on choice and rationale.
Teacher introduces the concept of string handling (page 39 of the syllabus for pseudocode operations)
• length
• substring
• upper and lower
Learners write programs with simple string handling routines e.g. checking the length of a password,
converting input to all upper or lower case, checking for a sequence of letters (I)
5 Understand and use nested Teacher introduces nested selection and iteration; learners design algorithms using nested selection and
statements. iteration. Level of nesting is limited to three. (I)
6 Understand what is meant by Teacher demonstrates the use of procedures and functions including:
procedures, functions and • definition
parameters; Define and use • use / calling
procedures and functions, with • use of local and global variables
or without parameters; • use of parameters (maximum two parameters)
Understand and use local and useful notes:
global variables.
Learners convert their simple string handling programs to functions without parameters (converting to
upper and lower), with parameters checking the length and checking for a sequence of letters. (I)
Scheme of Work
7 Understand and use library Learners research the use of library routines finding out:
routines. • why they are used
• common uses including MOD, DIV, ROUND and RANDOM
Learners devise programs to use several library routines including MOD, DIV, ROUND and RANDOM (I)
8 Understand how to create a Teacher shows an example of a program that is difficult to understand and goes through the process of
maintainable program. making it easier to understand and maintain by using:
• meaningful identifiers for variables, constants, arrays, procedures and functions
• making use of the inbuilt commenting feature of the chosen programming language to include
relevant and appropriate comments
• procedures and/or functions where necessary
Learners revisit and improve programs they have already written. (I)
Learners write programming solutions for more detailed problems, the use of pre-release material for the
old IGCSE paper two is a good source of problems. (I)
8.2 Arrays 1 Declare and use one- Teacher leads an introduction to arrays, explaining
dimensional (1D) and two- • how to declare the size of one- and two-dimensional arrays;
dimensional (2D) arrays. for example: A[1:n] and A[1:n, 1:m]
2 Understand the use of arrays. • the use of index variables in arrays
3 Write values into and read • reading values into a one-dimensional array using a FOR … TO … NEXT loop to increment the
values from an array using index variable.
iteration. • reading values into a two-dimensional array using a nested FOR … TO … NEXT loop to increment
the index variables.
Learners amend a previous task to read a set of data into an array and calculate the average. (I)
Learners write programs to read values from a data source (data statement, keyboard) into a specified
array and calculate the average, largest and smallest values. (I)
Teacher revisits the linear search and bubble sort algorithms and shows how arrays would be used in
Scheme of Work
Learners develop, with help if required, there own bubble sort and linear search programs.
Learners give a partner some test data and test each other’s programs recording their results in a trace
Notes on arrays:
8.3 File 1 Understand the purpose of Teacher introduces the concept of file handling (page 46 of the syllabus for pseudocode operations)
handling storing data in files. including:
2 Open, close and use a file for • purpose of storing data in files
reading and writing. • opening and closing a file
• reading and writing to a file
o single items of data
o a line of text
Leaners write pseudocode algorithms to write a string to a file and read the string back from the file.
Leaners convert their algorithms to a program, then run and test the program. (I)
Scheme of Work
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at (F)
March 2019 Paper 22, question 1 and question 4
June 2019 Paper 21, question 1, question 2 and question 3
June 2019 Paper 22, question 1 and question 4
June 2019 Paper 23, question 1 and question 5
Nov 2019 Paper 21, question 1
Nov 2019 Paper 22, question 1, question 5 and question 6
Nov 2019 Paper 23, question 1 and question 4
March 2020 Paper 22, question 1
June 2020 Paper 21, question 1 and question 4
June 2020 Paper 22, question 1, question 2 and question 5
June 2020 Paper 23, question 1, question 2, question 3 and question 4
2023 Specimen Paper 2, question 1, question 3, question 8, question 9, question 10, question 12 and question 13
Scheme of Work
9 Databases Teacher leads a review of a range of databases (manual, printed, electronic). Refer back to data types
1 Define a single-table database
(Topic 7); identify structure of each record, data type of each field, field size, and record size. Issues of
from given data storage coding data should also be discussed.
Review of data types:
2 Suggest suitable basic data
Assess learners’ understanding with a quiz or similar activity. A pre-prepared set of questions can be
3 Understand the purpose of a
used, or groups of learners could produce their own questions to test others. (F)
primary key and identify a
suitable primary key for a given Class brainstorm to identify appropriate contexts for learners’ own database design, relevant to their
experience and interests e.g. school register, clubs, library, video hire, stock in small shop.
database table.
Learners select a context, identify fields, calculate field lengths, data types in each field, consider coding
4 Read, understand and and validation for each field.
complete structured query
Learners create a sample database in a sensible context; each learner needs to add about 20 records
language (SQL) scripts to query
data stored in a single (enough to search later), so a data identification/ collection exercise will be needed. This could be done as
database table. homework. (I)
Use software to create this database. Learners will need instruction on using the software if they have not
used it before.
Discussion about coding data:
Quiz-type activities: (F)
Microsoft Access, OpenOffice Base:
Videos to support first-time use of the software can be found at:
Teacher introduces the use of structured query language (SQL) scripts and demonstrates how to use a
simple script to query a single table database.
Practice using SQL, needs limiting to the SQL in the syllabus:
More quiz-type activities: (F)
Scheme of Work
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at (F)
June 2019 Paper 21 Question 5(a) and 5(b)
June 2019 Paper 22 Question 5(a)
June 2019 Paper 23 Question 6(a)
Nov 2019 Paper 21 Question 5(a) and 5(b)
Nov 2019 Paper 22 Question 7(a)
Nov 2019 Paper 23 Question 7(a) and 7(b)
March 2020 Paper 22 Question 5(a)
June 2020 Paper 21 Question 6(a)
June 2020 Paper 22 Question 6(a)
June 2020 Paper 23 Question7(a)
2023 Specimen Paper 2 Question 11
Note: learners do not need to use QBE grids, so these parts of the past questions have been omitted. Teachers can rewrite the QBE parts of the questions to use
SQL to provide extra example questions.
Scheme of Work
Boolean Logic
10 Boolean Teacher introduces the concepts of OR and AND by careful use of English in logical statements; linking
4 Identify and use standard
logic TRUE and FALSE to binary states (1 and 0).
symbols for logic gates.
5 Define and understand the Teacher demonstrates OR gate and AND gate by use of electrical model, projector presentation of
simulation, or similar. Teacher develops the concept of truth table for OR gate; learners develop truth table
functions of the logic gates.
for AND gate.
6 Use of logic gates to create given
logic circuits. Complete a truth Introduction, notes and activities at:
table and write a logic
Teacher demonstrates OR gate and AND gate by use of electrical model, projector presentation of
simulation, or similar. Teacher develops the concept of truth table for OR gate; learners develop truth table
for AND gate.
A useful presentation on binary logic is:
Teacher introduces the standard symbols for both gates, see section 4 of the syllabus.
Learners use appropriate hardware or simulation software to develop understanding of the functions of the
NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR (EOR) logic gates. (I) All gates are limited to two inputs except NOT which is
a single input gate.
Simple logic simulator using standard symbols:
Downloadable logic gate simulator:
Simulator.shtml and
Learners can observe the output produced from all possible combinations of inputs to construct each
gate’s truth table. (I)
Extension activity: Learners work out the simple logic circuits required to create NAND and NOR gates
using AND, OR and NOT gates and test them. (I)
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at (F)
March 2019 Paper 12, question 5
June 2019 Paper 11, question 2
June 2019 Paper 12, question 8
Scheme of Work
Cambridge Assessment International Education
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