Writ of Possession For 9804 Buckingham Drive 99301
Writ of Possession For 9804 Buckingham Drive 99301
Writ of Possession For 9804 Buckingham Drive 99301
international document
notice to agent is notice to principal and notice to principal is notice to agent
I am, Kamau James Augustus Bey, indigenous Moorish American national and rightful
heir of Magrib Al-Aqsa, Morocco at North America by jus sanguinis, in full life, in
propria persona, sui juris in proprio solo, in proprio heredes, all rights reserved.
Case #20-2-50144-11
(Void as County of Franklin Failed to Answer / Rebut Quo Warranto)
Parties: Abdullah Al-Salehi vs JAMES GORDON
Date: August 9, 2021
Unlawful Current Occupants: Hailey Gagldari & Chase Shaefer-Conant
9804 Buckingham Drive, Pasco, WA 99301
This document is authored by Kamau James Augustus Bey, Consulate Post Head of the
Moorish National Republic Federal Government. However, my parents and my consort’s
parents were born within the jurisdiction(s) of the Washitaw (Mound Builders). I identify
with the Washitaw. The Washitaw are recognized by the United Nations Charter
215/93 (circa 1993). I was born (and domicile) at the Washitaw “Far West Terra”. And
my consort was born at the Washitaw Province.
And prior to this time, circa 1848, The Supreme Court case, i.e. the “UNITED STATES
APPELLATE COURT” in 1850 was an appeal to an earlier case won by the Heirs of
case 191” in 1848. In other words, on June 6, 1848, a Supreme Court Decision read by
Theo H. McCaleb (Judge), declared that the United States does NOT own the land of
The Ancient, Mound Builders of North America (much more than 1,000,000 square
miles of land). Muurs (Moors) are the Title holders. The Titles are El, Bey, Dey, Al,
and Ali; translated as the 5 civilized so-called Indian tribes (Choctaw [Washitaw],
Cherokee, Chickasaw, Creek [Muskogee], Seminole Yamassee]). Also, the Court
declared the lawful landowners are the heirs of Henry Turner (Washitaw-Moors / Muurs)
Between 1848 and 1993, the dates hereinabove, Noble Drew Ali in 1928 received the
land grants from the body known as the Pan-American Conference which met in Havana,
Cuba. The delegates at this conference gave/granted Noble Drew Ali title to all the lands
of the Americas, North, Central, South America along with the adjacent islands (Pacific
and Atlantic Oceans and the Caribbean Sea. He placed the lands in Trust for the benefit
of the copper-colored peoples of the Western Hemisphere. Noble Drew Ali was
Washitaw. I am an heir and have placed that information on the County of Franklin
website, on or about February 15, 2019.
My family is also heirs to our vast estate. The corporate county of Franklin has interfered
with the peaceful transfer of said assets in violation of Kolovrat v Oregon (1961).
Page 2 of 8 MACN-A998_Moorish National Republic Federal Government
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples' Documents: Northwest Amexem / North Africa / North America / 'The Moroccan Empire' –
Continental United States: 'Temple of the Moon and Sun': Non – Domestic, Non – Resident, Non-Subject – Being the Rightful
Heirs and Inheritors of the Land.
Franklin County and its administrators are in violation of constitutional law, treaty law,
and can be said to be engaging in treason using color of law to defeat our de jure treaty
and constitutional rights.
The collusive action of said administrators found them uniformly and completely silent
(based on their lack of response to our quo warrantos) as to the delegated authority which
permits them to interfere with our constitutional and treaty rights under the color of law
“conspiracy”. We have presented stare decisis law, which could yield punishment up to
life in prison and onerous international (financial) sanctions.
The message is quite clear, Moors own the land, the resources on the land, and a right to
“tribute” from the commerce conducted on our lands.
Upon a Default Judgment entered, and in accordance with the instructions attached, you
are directed to place the heir, Kamau James Augustus Bey, in possession of the property
known as:
NOTE: Execution of this writ shall be in accordance with Treaty law under Article 20 of
the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1836 between the United States of North America
and the Moroccan Empire, Article 20:
If any of the Citizens of the United States, or any Persons under their
Protection, shall have any disputes with each other, the Consul shall
decide between the Parties, and whenever the Consul shall require any Aid
or Assistance from our Government, to enforce his decisions, it shall be
immediately granted to him.”
Kolovrat v. Oregon, 366 A. S. 787, 191, EI g.CL 922 (1961), where the Supreme Court
of the United States stated the following, "A state cannot refuse to give foreign nationals
their treaty right because of fear that valid international agreement may possibly not work
completely to the satisfaction of state authorities. Under the supremacy clause of the
United States Constitution Art. V1 clause 2, state policies as to the rights of aliens to
inherit must give way to overriding federal treaties and conflicting arrangement”
Affidavit of Fact
Certificate of Service
Sheriff’s Return
Writ of Possession
Served: _______________________________________________________
certificate of service
I, kamau james augustus bey, hereby certify that on this 9th day of August, 2021, the
enclosed document, Writ of Posession was sent via United States Postal Service next day