Retno Niken Fitriana: Final-Year Student at Accounting Universitas Atma Jaya
Retno Niken Fitriana: Final-Year Student at Accounting Universitas Atma Jaya
Retno Niken Fitriana: Final-Year Student at Accounting Universitas Atma Jaya
Final-year student at Accounting Hoshizora Foundation Beasiswa Glow
Universitas Atma Jaya And Lovely for College Students (June
2th – July 8th, 2021)
I am extremely motivated to constantly
develop my skill and grow professionally. Hoshizora Foundation is a non-
I am adaptive person that can work in profit organization that has
farious fields, from being public relations provided educational scholarship to
at Miloo Project and become interview at underprivileged children so they
Hoshizora Foundation. I also skilled using can continue their education.
microsoft office. Conducted interviews with those
EDUCATION who have applied for the Hoshizora
Foundation scholarship and
Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta reported the results of the interview
to the Hoshizora team for selection.
Accounting, GPA : 3.3/4.0
Companion For Outbound Activities at SD
Kanisius Pugeran.
Public Relations Internship (January–
Campaign Volunteer Animal Welfare at
Maret 2021)
Miloo Project/ PT Suryakata Teknologi
Campaign Volunteer Gender Equality in
Career & Diversity at Halolearn
Planning publicity stategies and Campaign Volunteer Education During
campaign about Miloo Project Pandemic at Self
Looking for media partner ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE
Updating and maintaining
Bendahara at Focus Group Discussion and
Seminars “Pancasila Di Era Industri 4.0”
Because my performance was
considered quite good, I was Koordinator Bidang Acara Action Plans at
invited to the next periode, but at SMP Kanisius Muntilan “ Plant The Tree
the time, I was busy with my Now For Heal The World”
college assignments and thesis, so I
couldn’t continue to the next period Koordinator Bidang Konsumsi dan P3K at
Bakti Sosila Garuda Katolik “Code in
Interviewer Student Volunteer Action” at Code Village fos 2 days 1 night