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Practices On Financial Literacy of Teachers in The Schools Division Office of Cabanatuan City

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International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences

Vol-6, Issue-4; Jul-Aug, 2021

Journal Home Page Available: https://ijels.com/

Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijels

Peer-Reviewed Journal

Practices on Financial Literacy of Teachers in the Schools

Division Office of Cabanatuan City
Kathleen Joy C. Abaya, Realethlyn A. Aguinaldo, Alyssa Bea B. Asprec, Jayson A.
Baylon, Joana S. Donato, Vivien Amor Viloria

Master in Business Administration, Graduate School, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Philippines

Received: 06 Jul 2021; Received in revised form: 14 Jul 2021; Accepted: 26 Jul 2021; Available online: 06 Aug 2021
©2021 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— This research looked at the financial literacy practices of teachers at Cabanatuan City's
Schools Division Office in Nueva Ecija, Philippines. The research is descriptive in nature. A survey
questionnaire was employed to collect data, and convenience sampling was used to select the 100 teachers
who responded. Frequency count, percentage, and weighted mean were used to treat and analyze the data.
The study revealed that teachers were aware of the necessity of saving money, whether for short- or long-
term goals, and they invested in life insurance. They've been exercising the necessity of keeping track of
their costs with a monthly household budget. They borrowed or loaned money not because they wanted to,
but because of unexpected or unforeseen occurrences in their lives, such as personal or family
emergencies, natural disasters, economic downturns, and other unexpected circumstances that necessitate
financial needs.
Keywords— Expenses, financial literacy, loan decisions, savings, teachers.

I. INTRODUCTION [4]. Many Filipinos are financially illiterate and lack a

Financial literacy, also known as financial capacity, is the clear understanding of basic financial principles. The
ability to efficiently manage one's financial resources for general public's attitude toward spending and saving is also
long-term financial security [1]. “Financial literacy is concerning [5]. It is not so much a dearth of information as
made up of two parts: comprehension and application” [2]. it is a lack of skill to comprehend it. Many people appear
Financial literacy refers to a person's knowledge of to be unaware of the future financial load they will face as
personal finance and the use of that knowledge in a result of borrowing at exorbitant interest rates. It's
managing one's finances. Countries all across the world difficult to estimate how many people are making poor
have expressed worry about their citizens' lack of financial decisions without knowing all of the details of each
literacy. Low financial literacy has a significant cost for situation. Young individuals frequently find themselves in
the general public, which has been clearly highlighted by debt, whether through loans or credit cards, and this early
several researchers around the world [3]. Major concerns involvement can impede their capacity to build wealth [6].
such as poor retirement planning and a lack of savings can A person may borrow money from a government or
be ascribed to the citizenry's insufficient or lack of commercial lending agency for a variety of reasons.
awareness in financial matters. “Young people, low- Various factors, such as family, education, hospitalization,
income families, single parents, and persons with poor and other personal unanticipated needs, have resulted in
educational levels are the most vulnerable to debt” [4]. large borrowing. Unfortunately, obtaining loans from non-
“Personal finance education was not taught in schools, and accredited lenders with minimum standards is convenient.
the terms "financial literacy" and "personal financial Filipinos are more likely to be victims of loan sharks and
management" are now commonly used interchangeably” financial scams as a result of their high rate of informal
borrowing [7].The bad financial status of individuals, who

IJELS-2021, 6(4), (ISSN: 2456-7620)

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.64.25 152
Kathleen Joy C. Abaya et al. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 6(4)-2021

are drowning in large debt without a budget plan and teachers were identified as the respondents of this study.
making poor financial decisions, demonstrates the For the data treatment and analysis, frequency count,
necessity for financial education [8]. In today's percentages, and weighted mean were utilized.
environment, the capacity to handle personal finances has
become increasingly vital. Financial well-being is linked to
a person's overall happiness with his or her financial
1. Impact of financial literacy on the loan decisions of
situation [9]. “People must be clear about their goals and
teachers through measuring their awareness
be prepared to make long-term investments for their
children's education and retirement”. They must also make
1.1 Savings
short-term savings decisions, whether for a vacation, a
down payment on a house, a car, or even to start a Table 1. Savings
business. Consumers that are financially educated or have Item WM VI
a superior understanding of money can make better
1. Income - Savings = With good
decisions and accumulate more wealth [10].It's alarming to 3.5
Expenses knowledge
learn that public school teachers, who are treated as
second-class citizens among government employees, are 2. 20% of your income With moderate
burdened by massive debts. Teachers, as members of a should go to savings. knowledge
better-educated portion of the Filipino community, are 3. Savings provide for your
thought to be particularly prone to large loans [11]. With moderate
short-term goals (less 2.94
Professional and pre-service teachers in the country have knowledge
than a year).
very low financial literacy [12]. The purpose of this study
4. Saving for your
is to determine the level of financial literacy among
emergency fund should
public-school teachers in order to better understand how With moderate
be equivalent to 3-6 3.03
financial ideas can be used to influence and assist teachers knowledge
months’ worth of your
in making sound personal financial decisions. The study's
living expenses.
evidence-based conclusions will serve as a foundation for
making recommendations to address the need for proper 5. Saving money is an With moderate
financial education among public school teachers. expense. knowledge
The aim of this research is to find out the practices on the With moderate
General Weighted Mean 3.072
financial literacy of teachers under the Schools Division knowledge
Office of Cabanatuan City and to help them in managing
their finances through measuring their awareness in terms
of savings, expenses, and investments. It also identified the Table 1 shows the responses of teachers with regards to
major reasons that affect the loan decisions of teachers in their financial literacy awareness in terms of savings,
terms of their needs and wants and further propose “Income - Savings = Expenses” got the highest weighted
necessary activities that will support their personal mean of 3.5 with a verbal interpretation of “With good
financial decisions towards their better lives. knowledge” and “Saving money is an expense” got the
lowest weighted mean of 2.67 with a verbal interpretation
of “With moderate knowledge”.This indicates that teachers
II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY had been aware of the importance of saving money
The study used a descriptive method of research since its whether for their short-term or long-term goals. On
focus was on determining the impact of financial literacy Financial Planning Thumb Rules, "The very first rule of
on the loan decisions of teachers under the Schools personal finance says: "Pay yourself first". It simply means
Division Office of Cabanatuan City. Descriptive research that out of the monthly income, a certain percentage has to
is devoted to the gathering of information about prevailing be saved before it is spent. 'Income minus savings equal to
conditions or situations for the purpose of description and expenses' should be the rule and not vice-versa” [14].
interpretation [13]. The main instrument utilized wasa Teachers already had the ideas and have been practicing
questionnaire with prior approval from the Schools some financial planning through developing the discipline
Division Office of Cabanatuan City before the conducting to save first before spending. They were familiar and still
of the survey. Convenience sampling is used and available eager to know the different terms, ideas and concepts to
teachers who can respond to the survey became the learn about savings.
respondents of the study. In total, 100 public school 1.2 Expenses

IJELS-2021, 6(4), (ISSN: 2456-7620)

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.64.25 153
Kathleen Joy C. Abaya et al. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 6(4)-2021

Table 2. Expenses wealth-building. (Time knowledge

Item WM VI Deposits, Stocks, UITF, Mutual
1. You should be using 3.19 With moderate
only 70% of your Knowledge 3. Developing healthy money With
income on all monthly spending habits will help you 3.41 moderate
essential expenses. reach your financial freedom. knowledge

2. Making a monthly 3.59 With Good With

4. Investments are passive
household budget is the Knowledge 3.23 moderate
best way to guarantee knowledge
that all bills are paid. With
5. Investment will protect you
3. To live within your 3.45 With Good 3.24 moderate
from inflation.
means is making small Knowledge knowledge
adjustments by With
distinguishing between General Weighted Mean 3.324 moderate
the things you need and knowledge
the things you want
Table 3 shows the responses of the respondents regarding
4. 50% sale means to buy. 2.87 With moderate their financial literacy awareness about Investments, as
Knowledge you can see, " Life insurance provides savings, investment,
5. Credit cards are toxic to 3.13 With moderate and retirement income and it is bought not because people
wealth-building. Knowledge have to die, but because people have to go on living " got
the highest weighted mean of 3.47 with the verbal
General Weighted Mean 3.246 With moderate interpretation of " with moderate knowledge" and "
Knowledge Investments are passive income " got the lowest weighted
mean of 3.23 with a verbal interpretation of“with moderate
The table shows the responses of respondents about their knowledge”. This implies that teachers will most likely
financial literacy awareness in terms of expenses. “Making invest in life insurance. When a person retires and is
a monthly household budget is the best way to guarantee insured, family members may be responsible for large
that all bills are paid” got the highest weighted mean of expenses such as funeral fees, as well as unforeseen
3.59 with a verbal interpretation of “With Good medical and legal bills [16]. That is why it is important for
Knowledge” and “50% sale means buy” got the lowest a teacher to be insured.
weighted mean of 2.87 with a verbal interpretation of
“With Moderate knowledge”.This indicates that teachers 2. Major Reasons that Affect the Loan Decisions of
had been practicing the importance of having a monthly Teachers
household budget in keeping track of their expenses. A 2.1 Needs
monthly household budget aids in the allocation of funds
Table 4. Needs
for paying bills and expenditure control. Budgeting not
only helps you track where your money goes, but also Item WM VI
helps you uncover spending patterns [15]. 1. My salary is not enough 2.7 Probably won’t
1.3 Investments and I’m the breadwinner apply for a loan
Table 3. Investments of the family.

Item WM VI 2. My partner (husband or 2.78 Probably won’t

wife) has no source of apply for a loan
1. Life Insurance provides
savings, investment, and
With 3. Emergency needs (i.e., 2.67 Probably won’t
retirement income and it is
3.47 moderate medical expenses) apply for a loan
bought not because people have
to die, but because people have 4. Allotment for children’s 2.81 Probably won’t
to go on living. education apply for a loan
2. Compounding and consistent 3.27 With
investing will help you through moderate

IJELS-2021, 6(4), (ISSN: 2456-7620)

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.64.25 154
Kathleen Joy C. Abaya et al. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 6(4)-2021

5. Education expenses 2.68 Probably won’t decision-making desires. Based on the overall weighted
needed for possible apply for a loan mean of 2.88 there's no possibility that respondents will
promotion choose to loan just because of their wants, respondents are
known to be the lowest salary among the government
Probably won’t
General Weighted Mean 2.728 employees, having insufficient funds. In terms of school
apply for a loan
assistants and personal needs. This survey confirms that
respondents buying their own dream house being the
For the major reasons that affect the loan decisions of lowest weighted mean, show that respondents don't
teachers in terms of their needs, "allotment for children's prioritize because of no funds. Which "majority of our
education" got the highest weighted mean of 2.81 with the public-school teachers cannot afford to purchase their own
verbal interpretation of "probably won't apply for a loan" homes at market prices since they earn gross monthly
and "emergency needs" got the lowest weighted mean of income of P10,000 or less" [18].
2.67 verbally interpreted also as "probably won’t apply for
a loan”. The findings show that teachers borrowed money
due to emergency needs. It includes expenses due to
unexpected or unforeseen events on the life of teachers
such as personal or family emergencies, unwanted The following conclusions were drawn based on the
calamities, economic downturns, and other surprising findings of this investigation. Teachers who have a better
happenings which need financial settlement. This means understanding of money management in terms of savings,
that teachers do not have or save emergency funds that spending, and investments can make more educated
they can utilize in an emergency or as a buffer to get out of borrowing decisions. Teachers who lack the necessary
the aforementioned situations. Teachers borrow money or abilities to manage savings, costs, and investments are
take out loans for a variety of reasons, including health more likely to take out large loans to satisfy their daily
emergencies. The government's health insurance benefits needs and wants, as well as to improve their welfare and
are insufficient to satisfy the health needs of public-school level of living. Teachers' financial conduct will benefit
teachers and their families, so they must rely on borrowed from financial literacy instruction in terms of allotting for
finances in the event of an emergency [17]. savings and investments after setting aside a well-planned
budget for their necessities and costs. “Different financial
literacy activities, such as seminars and training, will assist
2.2 Wants teachers in making wise financial decisions and ultimately
Table 5. Wants achieve individual financial well-being and free to employ
a solution of their own choice” [19]. Financial education
Item WM VI
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2. Purchase my own car. 3.02 Probably won’t City, Nueva Ecija[21] in order to help them live better
apply for a loan lives.
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