Ramirez - Ritarian Year-Start Orientation - June 2021
Ramirez - Ritarian Year-Start Orientation - June 2021
Ramirez - Ritarian Year-Start Orientation - June 2021
Year-Start Orientation
History-Philosophy-Vision-Mission-Core Values
We are members of your Augustinian Educators’
Family. We are pleased to be your guides and companions as
you walk through this activity.
Before we start our journey in knowing our school, reflect on these questions:
Colegio de Santa Rita de San Carlos, Inc. (CSR) of San Carlos City, Negros Occidental had
humble beginnings.
A philanthropist , Mr. Catalino Broce of Barrio Nabingkalan, now, San Carlos City had a strong
vision and big heart for the people of San Carlos City to have a Catholic Church and a Catholic
School to enhance the Catholic faith of the people and quality Catholic education and Christian
values formation of the youth.
He donated a portion of his family land for a Catholic Church and a portion of approximately eight
thousand (8,000) sq. meters for a Catholic Institution. He requested the Augustinian Recollect
Fathers (OAR) to put up the edifice of the Catholic Church. At the time of the foundation of the
school Rev. Fr. Manuel S. Gomara, OAR was the Parish Priest and Fr. Victor Celigueta, OAR was
the last Recollect Parish Priest of San Carlos City with Rev. Fr. Rafael Cabarles, OAR as the last
Assistant Parish Priest before it was turned over to the Diocese of San Carlos on January 6, 1975.
On May 3, 1933, the Augustinian Recollect Missionary Sisters of the Philippines (former name of
the Congregation of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters) headed by the Rev. Mother Presentacion de
San Jose sent three Sisters to San Carlos City to put up and manage the school for girls. Sor
Asuncion, the Superior, Sor Pilar de San Jose was the Directress and Sor Mercedes dela Sagrada
Familia, the Principal. Father Gomora, OAR the Parish Priest at that time assisted the Sisters.
The ancestral residence of Doña Eusebia Broce Vda. de Vicente served as the Sisters’ temporary
residence. In August 1933, the first kindergarten class began – Reading, Writing, Arithmetic
coupled with Catechesis and Music were the first subjects taught.
Their Catholic teachings attracted not only the residents of San Carlos City but also the
neighboring towns of Calatrava and Vallehermoso. Primary and Intermediate classes were opened.
Due to the increase of enrolment another building was constructed. Kind hearted and generous
people shared their financial support “Internas” were also accepted to live in the school’s
dormitory. During the official visit of the Superior General of the Congregation, Very Rev.
Mother Presentacion de San Jose, a proposal to build a permanent building was approved. The
laying of the cornerstone was done on May 22, 1934, the feast day of Saint Rita de Cascia, the
Patroness of the institution.
In 1936, Secondary Education with special courses in Piano and Music were opened. Colegio de
Santa Rita became famous for her exclusive for girls and well-balanced education for girls thus it
got the prestige of a “Colegio.” Rev. Mo. Rosario de San Luis Gonzaga – the Directress opened
the first and second year high school as well as the General Course and Home Economics. In
1937, third year courses were added with government permits and recognition. Rev. Mo. Rosario
de San Luis Gonzaga was the Directress and Principal of the school until 1938. It was during this
year that Colegio de Santa Rita turned out her first high school graduates.
Rev. Mo. Carmen de la Sagrada Familia was the Mother Superior during the war years 1941-1944.
During those years of turmoil and uncertainty, she proved herself equal to the task demanded by
the Sisters at that time, saved their faith and devotion in their service to God. Liberation was
followed by a period of reconstruction. The school buildings were rebuilt, books and other
essential equipment were secured.
Through the untiring efforts of Rev. Mo. Rosario de San Luis Gonzaga, former Mother Superior,
the following courses were offered by the school: Associate in Arts (Gen. A.A.); first to fourth
year Liberal Arts (A.B.); BSE; BSEED; BSC; H.E; Collegiate Secretarial Science (C.S.S)
The early part of the 60’s saw the construction of the 2 – storey building on the left inside annex
building which was to replace the low one – storey asbestos walled building used for high school
classes. Then in the late 60’s a 3 – storey concrete main building, was erected. The building has
undergone many renovations and expansions to meet the needs of the students. It was during the
year 1960 that the courses Bachelor of Science in Commerce (BSC), Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration (BSBA) as well as Bachelor in Elementary and Secondary Education
received Government Recognitions.
The 70’s was characterized by a big advancement of the courses offered in Colegio De Santa Rita.
In the first semester of the school year 1974 – 1975, the School opened its program for Master of
Arts in Educational Management. The first batch of enrollees numbered 32. A few years after, the
enrollment swelled to more than 100 with some teachers coming from Calatrava, Toboso and
Vallehermoso to pursue higher studies. The teaching staff was composed of Fortuna Rodel, Ph.D.,
Gabriel Samson, M.A. and Perla V. Fernandez, M.A. Casilda Pena, Ph.D. was the Dean of the
Graduate School. In March 1978 CSR produced her first two M.A. graduates.
The next decade, the 80’s ushered great technological advances. A higher level of interest in
computers grew among the students. The school converted a portion of the third floor of the main
building into an air-conditioned room and equipped with 3 units of IBM computers with printer.
Computer as a subject was added to BEED, BSED, BSC, and BSSAD. The AB curriculum was
also revised to include Computer as a subject. In a desire to further academic studies and
excellence, CSR Graduate School received Government Recognition in 1981 with Majors in
Educational Management, Filipino and Guidance and Counseling.
The 90’s began with improvements both in facilities and academic offerings. The library acquired
more books; the Science Laboratory and the H.E. rooms underwent renovation; an Audio – Visual
Room was opened; a Speech Laboratory was installed; CAT and CMT Offices were built and the
Canteen was given a “facelift”. To top it all, in February of 1992, the construction of a 3 – storey
building, with a roof top beside the outdoor stage started. In academics, Math has been added as a
major subject for those enrolled in Education. A two – year Associate in Computer Data
Processing was offered. Paramedical Studies with specialization in Midwifery and Nursing Aide
also received Government Recognition in 1995.
During the Easter of 2001, a fire broke in the campus and it destroyed the Elementary building. A
renovation of the building was undertaken to serve the pupils for at least one school year. Indeed,
God can work straightly even in crooked lines for it moved the General Council to venture on the
construction of a bigger building at the 6 hectare-site in Saint Vincent Subdivision, Tibuco San
Carlos City. On February 2002, the groundbreaking of the new building was undertaken. The
dream comes to a reality on the blessing of the new Elementary and High School building on May
31, 2002 by His Excellency Most Rev. Jose F. Advincula Jr., D.D. With God’s grace the pre-
school, elementary and high school departments transferred to the new building starting school
year 2002-2003. The Pre-School is so designed that it has a learning center and a separate
playroom with different equipment and toys suited to small children and a playground exclusively
for them. Computer as a subject is offered from Grade One up to Grade Twelve with separate
computer rooms and computer units for Elementary, Junior High School, Senior High School and
College. The AVR (Audio-Visual Room) is air-conditioned for the comfort of the students who
would like to avail of its use.
New more courses received Government Recognitions in the year 2004 namely Bachelor of
Science in Information Technology (BSIT) and TVET Program in Caregiving. Recently, a permit
to offer Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management was granted. Indeed, Colegio de Santa Rita
has contributed to the success and progress of the local community. Many Ritarians hold delicate
and high- key positions in various offices, in the local government and in the different field of
work here and abroad. Improvement of School Library and the installation of a Water Refilling
Station were done to better serve our clients.
With the trends of seamless education across the globe and advancement in educational
technology, internet connection within the campus is upgraded and made accessible. Teaching and
learning experiences have shifted to online and blended modalities ensuring a transformative
quality education for all.
Today, we are proud of COLEGIO DE SANTA RITA DE SAN CARLOS, INC., rich in history,
fortified decade after decade by its honorable forbearers. Her portals have been the origin of
dignified educators, businessmen, government leaders, family men and women of San Carlos City
and other parts of the country and abroad.
As we move to the next 100th Founding Anniversary in 2033 which will coincide with the
Catholic Church’ Evangelization 2033, CSR continues to sing praises for the unending flow of life
and love the Father Almighty has continuously endowed upon her. She acknowledges with a
grateful heart to all benefactors, friends, alumni and devotees of St. Rita past, present and future
whose support, generosity and prayer have made CSR stand strong and faithful to her Vision and
Mission. We pledge our love and fidelity as we face the beginning of another journey and
forthcoming years of Catholic Transformative Education.
With the number of years of the school existence, the school contributes to the country’s
educative goal especially with the implementation of the K-12 Program of the Philippine
government. The extent of its contribution is still on the process of evaluation. To fulfill its
educational goals it has taken seriously the situation of the Philippine Educational system and
blend with human culture the message of salvation. As proclaimers of the Good News of
salvation, the school and its constituents identify themselves with the less fortunate ones and
distinctively witness to their charism.
Let me check if you really read our school’s history by answering the
following question:
Education is man’s journey of knowing God who is the Eternal Truth, and of loving Him
who is the Eternal Good. To achieve this goal, man journeys restlessly in faith according to the
example and teachings of Jesus Christ, and through reasons which is his natural gift from the
Augustinian Education aims to accompany young men and women who can integrate Faith
and Reason in their personal lives, in order to arrive at whatever is true, and develop moral values
to enable them to live in harmony with others.
Through the guidance and example of parents and teachers, the Augustinian pupils or
students must become increasingly aware of their responsibilities to fellowmen, and readily
contribute to the building of just and humane society, where the Filipino people can journey
together towards God.
CSR SCC believes that an individual can become a Christian who can integrate one’s religious,
cultural and professional knowledge in life and be a self-directed Filipino who is committed to
building the community where he lives, thus, promoting the growth of Christ’s love that makes an
individual deeply human to attain the ultimate goal – God.
An authentic Catholic Christian should know the truth, to know the truth is to believe what the
incarnate God told us about ourselves and our purpose for existence. Christ could not have been
clearer. We are human beings who live here on earth for a short time in order to prepare ourselves
for a heavenly eternity. Nothing in this world has any value except as a means of leading us to our
heavenly destiny. We are to use our free wills to choose what Christ told us we must do and avoid,
at any cost, what he forbade.
It is one thing, however, for Christ to have revealed the moral truths of Christianity. It is
something else for us to know them. To know this truth we must submit our minds to the divine
mind of the Son of God who became the Son of Mary. This is not as easy as it may seem. We
must choose to tell our minds to believe. It is easy enough to believe what is easy or pleasant or
satisfying to our natural inclinations. It is hard when we are told to believe what is demanding on
our human nature.
There is no substitute for knowing the truth that Christ told us to believe. But knowing this truth
by faith is not enough. We must put it into practice authenticity in the Catholic religion is not only
a matter of faith. It is also and especially living what we believe. From the dawn of Christianity
the followers of Christ found that their contemporaries did not like the moral practice of believing
Christians. I will never forget the inscription etched on stone in Pompeii. Remember Pompeii was
destroyed by volcanic eruption in the year 70 A.D. The inscription reads, Christiani delendi Sunt
(Christians must be exterminated). For 300 years, the pagan world of the Roman Empire did
everything in its power to destroy Christianity. This has been the history of the Catholic Church
ever since.
I wish to be very clear. To live up to Christ’s moral demands is not easy on selfish sexually
preoccupied human nature. But that is not all to live up to the moral precepts of the Savior is to
irritate, antagonize, and arouse the opposition of one’s contemporaries.
To be an authentic Catholic means to pay dearly for one’s loyalty to Jesus Christ. It is impossible
to exaggerate; shall I use the word “expensive”? It is not just to call oneself a Catholic or be
considered a Catholic but to be a Catholic.
A life-giving and innovating institution committed to transforming community
of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.
Strengthen fraternal charity through God Filled friendship and
renewed evangelization.
Facilitate the integral development of the learners towards
transformation through current researches, relevant curricular offerings
and responsive community extension services.
Fortify leadership and professional development of
stakeholders through continuing of education and intensive Augustinian
Recollect Spirituality.
Develop a community of Christ –centered Augustinian
Recollect Stewards who are environmentally caring and global leaders.
C- Christ-centered
S- Service-oriented
R- Renewed Evangelizer
a. Innovative school
1. Embrace Technology
2. Empower colleagues
5. Have dedicated mentors supporting personalized learning experiences that meet individual
student needs
b. Life-giving school
1. Christ-centered in both curriculum and culture, and instruction that acknowledges that all life,
knowledge, and meaning extend from our Creator.
2. Develop an approach requires that all subjects, whether history, art, music, literature, mathematics, or
science, be taught in the light of God’s existence and His revelation to humanity through His Son,
Jesus Christ.
Innovative students
CSR supports best teaching practice in the area of curriculum delivery and creation of a
positive learning environment. The Initial Teacher Education Religious Education course
assists teachers to: apply age‐appropriate teaching and learning strategies to the delivery of
Religious Education and Family Life curriculum; implement a developmental approach to
faith formation; develop appropriate assessment strategies for Religious Education; modify
learning to meet the needs of all learners; and demonstrate the skills necessary for effective
Life-giving students
3. As a Ritarian educator, what are the skills and values that you should possess in order for
you to attain the vision of the school? Explain your answer.
Create a Personal Mission Statement and discover your purpose. To write your mission statement,
First, I value God because He is above all and maker of all the things , without him I’m not
here and I’m not who I am now.
Then I value my family, friends and my relatives. These relationships are priceless and
cannot be replaced but more often than not we fail to realise it. Also we try our best to
maintain these relationships but sometimes we find it hard to express ourselves or we
hide behind our mask.
True friends and family will always be there through your thick and thin. Our parents are
actually the backbone of our life. The kind of relationship we have with our parents is
reflected in every other relationship we have. An example would be that if the parents are
strict, the child would tend to be lenient.
Friends are the support system we have. They try to fill our life with light and make the
rough times in life smooth. But when the time is smooth they enjoy our success more than
I value my family, friends and tribe because they are priceless and the best part of my life.
The purpose of life is to serve others. However, when doing so, you should not expect
something in return; your intention should be to lessen other people’s misery.
“Service to others should be sincere and done from the heart; only then it is fruitful.”
Do any trees eat their own fruit? No. This teaches us that human beings should not
only use their mind, body and speech for themselves, but also to serve others. When
you do this, nature in turn will reward you.
Your constant inner intent should be towards helping others. If you are unable to do
so for any reason, you can also make sure that you do not hurt anyone. This is an
indirect way to help those around you.
Now, considering the answers to those questions, draft a personal mission statement.
COLEGIO DE SANTA a great journeyCITY
PVMO am grateful to assist you and to 16
TRAINING be with
you all the way.
My journey through this task to express my thoughts and share my lessons and important
thing in my life. Also I’ve learned about the history and vision and mission of CSR. Lastly
I’ve learned the importance of Education and teaching for St. Augustine.
I believe that in Colegio de Sta. Rita, students learn to experience God’s grace and
presence in their lives through their relationships with family, friends and teachers.
The loving and supportive relationships they experience are reflections of the love
and life-giving dynamic of the Trinity. As a community we celebrate our successes
and achievements. We share grief and downfalls. We unite together in solidarity,
and even challenge each other to become better reflections of the divine. We are
made for the community.
Colegio de Sta. Rita also given me the opportunity to explore the beauty and
richness of Sacred Scripture seen through the lens of faith and lived out in daily
practice. They experience the ongoing revelation of God in Scripture as the One
who leads the Israelites through the promised land, and who redeems them
through His cross and resurrection. They also come to view the human person as
created in God’s image and likeness, and destined for eternal life. They learn to
apply Scripture to their own lives as a tool for prayer and the true guide for
virtuous living.