University of Connecticut
January 1, 2007
Bandura and the Bobo Doll 2
Through Imitation of Aggressive Models” (Bandura, Ross, & Ross, 1961), the work of Albert
Bandura and his co-authors has had an immeasurable impact on the field of psychology, in
general, and educational psychology, more specifically. The purpose of this report is to describe,
in brief, Albert Bandura’s major contributions to the field of educational psychology. Although
Bandura’s contributions are vast by any measure, this paper focuses on his work with social
modeling and observational learning. The report includes a short biography of Bandura’s
academic life, followed by an overview of the research article that launched his prolific career
and a review of his social learning theory. The paper ends with a discussion of Bandura’s
enduring legacy, including a summary of his major contributions to the field of educational
psychology and an abbreviated list of the doctoral students he has trained and colleagues he has
Alberta, Canada. He was the youngest child, and only boy, among six children of immigrant
parents from Eastern Europe (Zimmerman & Schunk, 2003). As a young student, Bandura’s
primary and secondary education took place at the one and only school in town, with very
limited resources. As a result of this meager academic environment, Bandura realized early on
that learning is largely a social and self-directed endeavor. In his words, “the content of most
textbooks is perishable, but the tools of self-directedness serve one well over time” (Bandura, as
Bandura and the Bobo Doll 3
cited in Pajares, 2004a, ¶ 3). Interestingly, this sentiment would reappear in Bandura’s later
Following high school, Bandura moved west to attend the University of British Columbia
in Vancouver, Canada. Stumbling upon psychology more by chance than by choice (Pajares,
2004a), Bandura excelled in college and, after only three years of study, received his B.A. degree
in psychology in 1949. On the advice of his undergraduate adviser, Bandura then decided to head
south to the United States for his graduate studies at the University of Iowa. At the time, as is
still the case today, the psychology program at the University of Iowa was considered one of the
best in North America (Kendler, 1991). While at Iowa, Bandura was mentored by numerous
acclaimed faculty, including Kenneth Spence, Kurt Lewin, and Arthur Benton, his academic
Table 1
After only a few years at Iowa, Bandura received his M.A. degree in 1951 and his Ph.D.
Guidance Center, Bandura joined the faculty of the Department of Psychology at Stanford
University in 1953, where he still resides today after more than 50 years of productive scholarly
When Bandura first arrived at Stanford, Robert Sears, the Chair of the Department, was
exploring the familial antecedents of social behavior in children. Influenced by this work,
Bandura began a program of research on social learning and aggression in collaboration with
Richard Walters, his first doctoral student (Pajares, 2004a). At that time, ideas about aggression
in young children were dominated by “the Freudian view that such behavior was the product of
minimally detrimental ways” (Zimmerman & Schunk, 2003, p. 440). Furthermore, the Freudian
theory of catharsis stated that modeled violence would drain observers’ aggressive drives and
reduce subsequent aggressive behavior. Citing this Freudian view, television executives at the
time were defending increasingly violent programming as socially beneficial since, in theory,
violent programs would help drain viewers’ aggressive drives thereby reducing aggressive
With this scholarly and political landscape as a backdrop, Bandura began a program of
research with Dorrie and Sheila Ross on social modeling involving the now legendary inflatable
Bandura and the Bobo Doll 5
plastic Bobo doll. In their 1961 experiment – the first of many using the Bobo doll paradigm –
24 preschool children were assigned to one of three conditions. One experimental group
observed adult models playing aggressively with an inflatable plastic Bobo doll; a second group
observed adult models playing non-aggressively with a Bobo doll; and subjects in the control
group had no exposure to the models (Bandura et al., 1961). Additionally, half the children in the
experimental conditions observed same-sex models and half viewed models of the opposite sex.
Subjects were then assessed for the amount of imitative as well as nonimitative aggression
performed in a new, generalized situation in the absence of the models (Bandura et al., 1961).
more aggressive behaviors resembling that of the models, and that their mean aggression scores
were significantly higher than subjects in the nonaggressive and control groups. Furthermore,
children in the aggressive condition exhibited significantly more “partially imitative and
nonimitative aggressive behavior and were generally less inhibited in their behavior than subjects
in the nonaggressive condition” (Bandura el al., 1961, p. 582). Finally, the extent to which
children imitated the model was differentially influenced by the sex of the model, with boys
showing more aggression than girls following exposure to the male model.
Based on these results, Bandura and his co-authors questioned much of the existing
research on social learning which was focused on the shaping of new behaviors through rewards
and punishments. While these strict behaviorist views necessitated the reinforcement of emitted
behaviors, Bandura’s findings suggested that “observation of cues produced by the behavior of
others is one effective means of eliciting certain forms of responses for which the original
probability is very low or zero” (Bandura et al., 1961, p. 580). In other words, observational
learning can occur in the absence of reinforcements to the observers, thereby speeding up the
Bandura and the Bobo Doll 6
acquisition of new behaviors. At the time of their experiment, these ideas were in express
disagreement with accepted views, which stated that learning is a result of direct reinforcement
Following their initial Bobo doll experiment, Bandura, Ross, and Ross conducted a
similar study which sought to determine the extent to which film-mediated aggressive models
could serve as sources of imitative behavior (Bandura, Ross, & Ross, 1963). This follow-up
support their theoretical account of observational learning. In general, their results revealed that
filmed aggression increased aggressive reactions in children. In the words of the authors,
“subjects who viewed the aggressive human and cartoon models on film exhibited nearly twice
as much aggression than did subjects in the control group who were not exposed to the
Taken together, results from the two Bobo doll experiments provided strong evidence
that learning can occur vicariously and “without any reinforcers delivered either to the model or
to the observer” (Bandura et al., 1963, p. 11). Furthermore, the experimental findings helped
debunk the Freudian concept of catharsis; revealing instead the power of modeled aggression
(both live and through television or film) on children’s aggressive tendencies (Zimmerman &
Schunk, 2003).
Theoretical Contributions
Based, in part, on findings from the classic Bobo doll experiments, Bandura began
developing the theoretical underpinnings of his social learning theory, to include the prominent
role of observational learning and social modeling in human learning and motivation. As
Bandura (1989) noted, “observational learning is governed by four component subfunctions” (p.
Bandura and the Bobo Doll 7
23). These subfunctions, or processes, are necessary before an individual can successfully model
another. The processes include attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivation.
and what information they extract from that behavior. Students cannot learn a new skill if they
do not pay close attention to the critical features of the modeled behavior and less attention to the
irrelevant parts. For teachers, this point becomes critical because often times they must modify or
alter the behavior they model to compensate for the attentional limitations of their students
(Bandura, 1989). Furthermore, teachers can improve the likelihood that students will attend to
critical features of a lesson by making presented information clear and highlighting important
People cannot be influenced by observed events if they cannot remember them (Bandura,
1989). Thus, the second process in learning from a model is to remember the behavior that has
transforming and restructuring the information conveyed by modeled events into rules and
conceptions for memory representation” (p. 24). Teachers can help students remember modeled
behaviors by encouraging them to use various learning strategies. Examples of effective learning
strategies include rehearsal techniques (repeating what needs to be learned over and over again);
The third process necessary for observational learning is motor reproduction, also known
as behavioral production. Motor reproduction requires that the learner be able to replicate the
behavior demonstrated by the model. If the observer cannot reproduce the modeled behavior, due
Bandura and the Bobo Doll 8
to inadequate physical ability, lack of strength, or even physical disability, then behavioral
production will not occur (Ormrod, 2004). It is possible, then, that a learner could comprehend
the information being modeled but not be able to actually perform the behavior (Bandura, 1989).
Teachers can assist their students with motor reproduction by giving them opportunities for
The final process necessary for observational learning is motivation. Students must want
to demonstrate what has been learned, and thus Bandura (1989) has distinguished between
acquisition and performance, since people do not perform everything they learn. Moreover,
Bandura (1989) has demonstrated how performance of observational learning can be influenced
Certainly, learners may receive direct reinforcement when they correctly perform a modeled
behavior, but reinforcement may also be indirect (i.e., vicarious reinforcement). Vicarious
reinforcement occurs when observers see others reinforced for the particular behavior and then
increase their production of that behavior (Bandura, 1977). This type of reinforcement is
particularly effective if students witness successes of individuals who are similar to themselves
(Bandura, 1986). Finally, personal standards of conduct provide another source of incentive
motivation or reinforcement. People tend to reproduce behaviors that they see as valuable or self-
Prior to Bandura’s pioneering Bobo doll experiments, psychologists had focused almost
exclusively on learning through reinforcers and punishments (Skinner, 1938; Zimmerman &
Schunk, 2003). Based on results from his early program of research, Bandura showed that “the
tedious and hazardous process of trial and error learning can be shortcut through social modeling
Bandura and the Bobo Doll 9
of knowledge and competencies exhibited by the rich variety of models” (Pajares, 2004a, ¶ 16).
Additionally, Bandura and his collaborators revealed that modeling is not simply response
imitation. Instead, they showed that by observing others, individuals can actually generate new
behavior patterns that go far beyond what they have observed (Bandura, 1977). Finally, Bandura
et al. (1961, 1963) demonstrated that modeled behavior will vary considerably depending on
One need not look far to gauge the impact of Bandura, Ross, and Ross (1961) on
American psychology. The researchers’ innovative experimental methods and novel findings
were incredibly important at a time when Freudian notions of catharsis and Hullian and
Skinnerian assumptions about the need for direct reinforcement ruled the day (Pajares, 2004a;
Zimmerman & Schunk, 2003). Results from their original Bobo doll study spawned numerous
follow-on studies (e.g., Bandura, 1965; Bandura & Mischel, 1965; Bandura & Rosenthal, 1966;
Bandura & Whalen, 1966) and led to the refinement of Bandura’s social learning theory
(Bandura, 1977) and later, his social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1986), which emphasized the
subsequent learning.
Moreover, from a recognition perspective, the Bobo doll studies have achieved
psychology textbook that does not discuss the Bobo doll experiments (Zimmerman & Schunk,
2003). Additionally, a Google™ search of the phrase “bobo doll study” resulted in 66,600 hits,
while a Google™ Scholar search of the phrase “bobo doll” resulted in 483 hits.1 These Internet
results are consistent with those that can be found by conducting a search of Bandura et al.
(1961) and Bandura et al. (1963) within the online Social Sciences Citation Index® database.
The Google searches were conducted on December 24, 2006.
Bandura and the Bobo Doll 10
Search results revealed that the two articles have been cited a total of 845 times within the
In terms of educational practice, the impact of Bandura’s Bobo doll studies has been
equally impressive. There is now widespread consensus by educators that observational learning
processes “greatly influence children’s coping with conflict, frustration, academic stressors, and
failure” (Zimmerman & Schunk, 2003, p. 442). Furthermore, because most teacher education
around the country are exposed to the Bobo doll experiments and, more importantly, to the
instructional implications of those experiments (i.e., the power of observational learning and the
characteristics of effective models; Pintrich & Schunk, 2002; Woolfolk, 2007). Certainly, the
inclusion of the Bobo doll studies within teacher education textbooks will help to ensure that
Bandura’s classic experiments continue to impact educational practice for years to come.
while his scholarly contributions are vast, his research on social learning theory and, more
specifically, the modeling and vicarious learning components of that theory, are believed by
many to represent one of his most enduring gifts to the study of learning and motivation
(Zimmerman & Schunk, 2003). Additionally, it is worth noting that Bandura was not trained as
an educational psychologist and did not initially publish in educational psychology journals
(Hahn & Husman, 2005). However, it is fair to say that his research has crossed disciplinary
boundaries and is now widely known in educational circles (see, for example, Gordon et al.,
Because the two articles are so old, and the online Social Sciences Citation Index® only covers 1994 to the present,
these 845 citations represent just a fraction of the total number times the articles have been cited in the social
sciences literature since their publication in the early 1960s.
Bandura and the Bobo Doll 11
1984). As Zimmerman and Schunk (2003) stated, “the broad scope of Bandura’s theory stems
from his diverse scientific interests and his theory’s ready applicability” (p. 448).
Scholarly Accomplishments
Bandura is one of the most well-known and widely cited scholars in both psychology and
education (Gordon et al., 1984; Zimmerman & Schunk, 2003). In fact, in their study of the most
eminent psychologists of the 20th century, Haggbloom et al. (2002) ranked Bandura as fourth
overall, behind Sigmund Freud (third), Jean Piaget (second), and B. F. Skinner (first). The study
used six criteria to measure eminence, including: (1) journal citation frequency, (2) introductory
psychology textbook citation frequency, (3) survey response frequency, (4) National Academy of
receipt of the APA Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award, and (6) surname used as an
eponym. Bandura was ranked fifth or better on all three quantitative frequency measures and met
In terms of accomplishments and contributions, Bandura’s 26-page vita has few peers. He
was elected president of APA in 1974, and throughout his career has held offices in more than a
dozen scientific societies. In 1998, he was honored with the E. L. Thorndike Award from
Division 15 of APA for his research influence on educational psychology; research that has
contributed significantly to knowledge, theory, and practice in the field. More recently, in 2004,
Bandura was honored by APA with the Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to
Psychology. Additionally, his vita includes eight other prestigious awards from institutions such
as the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Institute of Medicine of the National
Academy of Sciences. In terms of publications and service, Bandura has authored or edited nine
books and more than 230 articles and chapters; he has sat on the editorial board of more than 30
Bandura and the Bobo Doll 12
journals or serial volumes; and he has received 14 honorary degrees from universities around the
go far beyond his own research activities and service. As Zimmerman and Schunk (2003) so
aptly noted in their edited volume on the most influential educational psychologists of the 20th
It should come as no surprise to readers to learn that the impact of Bandura’s own
program of research represents only a small part of his enormous influence in psychology
and education. Apart from his own program of research, he had major impact through his
modeling and writing on the work of his many colleagues, students, and followers. (p.
And thus, one might say that Bandura’s most enduring influence on educational psychology may
have come from his impact on a long list of prominent psychologists (see Table 2 for an
Albert Bandura’s academic career has been nothing short of remarkable. At more than 80
years of age, he is still an active teacher and researcher at Stanford University. Although it is
difficult to pinpoint a single accomplishment that stands above all others, his early research using
the Bobo doll paradigm certainly ranks near the top of the list. In fact, APA recognized the
significance of this work in the opening paragraphs of his lifetime achievement award citation. It
stated, in part, that Bandura’s “analysis of the importance of observational learning and social
modeling moved psychological thinking away from previously limited conceptions in which
learning required overt actions....You have made "Bobo" a doll for all times” (Pajares, 2004b, ¶
Bandura and the Bobo Doll 13
2). Thus, as incredible as it may sound, it seems that an inflatable plastic Bobo doll helped
stimulate an entire theoretical movement and, in the process, effectively launched the academic
Table 2
University at Albany,
Doctoral student and co-
Blanchard, E. B. Stanford University State University of New
Disciple of social
Pajares, F. University of Florida Emory University
cognitive theory
Doctoral student and co-
Rosenthal, T. Stanford University Unknown
Doctoral student, co-
University of North
Schunk, D. H. Stanford University author, and disciple of
Carolina at Greensboro
social cognitive theory
Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory.
Bandura, A. (1989). Social cognitive theory. In R. Vasta (Ed.), Annals of child development. Vol.
6. Six theories of child development (pp. 1-60). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Bandura, A., & Mischel, W. (1965). Modification of self-imposed delay of reward through
exposure to live and symbolic models. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2,
Bandura, A., & Rosenthal, T. L. (1966). Vicarious classical conditioning as a function of arousal
Bandura, A., Ross, D., & Ross, S. A. (1961). Transmission of aggression through imitation of
Bandura, A., Ross, D., & Ross, S. A. (1963). Imitation of film-mediated aggressive models.
Bandura, A., & Whalen, C. K. (1966). The influence of antecedent reinforcement and divergent
3, 373-382.
Gordon, N. J., Nucci, L. P., West, C. K., Hoerr W. A., Uguroglu, M. E., Vukosavich, P., et al.
Haggbloom, S. J., Warnick, R., Warnick, J. E., Jones, V. K., Yarbrough, G. L., Russell, T. M., et
al., (2002). The 100 most eminent psychologists of the 20th century. Review of General
Psychology, 6, 139-152.
Hahn, D., & Husman, J. (2005). An interview with Barry Zimmerman. Newsletter for
Kendler, H. H. (1991). The Iowa tradition. In J. H. Cantor (Ed.), Psychology at Iowa: Centennial
Ormrod, J. E. (2004). Human learning (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Pajares, F. (2003). William James: Our father who begat us. In B. J. Zimmerman & D. H.
Pajares, F. (2004a). Albert Bandura: Biographical sketch. Retrieved March 13, 2006 from
Pajares, F. (2004b). Albert Bandura receives APA's award for outstanding lifetime contribution
Pintrich, P. R., & Schunk, D. H. (2002). Motivation in education (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River,
Woolfolk, A. (2007). Educational psychology (10th ed.). New York: Pearson Education, Inc.
Zimmerman, B. J., & Schunk, D. H. (2003). Albert Bandura: The scholar and his contributions to