Cavemaster Core
Cavemaster Core
Cavemaster Core
Denis Loubet, Diesel, Beth Loubet, Jason Rosenblum, Janet
Swisher, Leticia Lyons, Matt Sheffield, Sean Summers
"Shhh," said Grandma. "Into the den you go. Bring out a cub."
The new bear nodded and clambered down the gap. The
passage within angled so that a breeze from outside could not go far.
The End
After you’ve chosen your breed draw a second, Boater (Tanui Only)
smaller circle on your Character Skin. Inside it, draw
the pictograph representing the breed you have
chosen. Then move one of your core stones into that
circle to indicate your breed’s unique racial ability.
Do not move a stone into the breed circle if your
character is a Yorwa or a Rogók female. Those types Boater Skills:
of character have no special racial abilities. Boating
Example: Denis’s cavemaster tells him he may Fishing (Net and Spear)
choose any of the four standard character breeds. Animal Knowledge (Aquatic)
He decides he wants his character to be a Tanui. Butchering
Denis makes a smaller circle beside the one
containing his core stones, drawing the Tanui symbol This job is only available to starting characters of the
within it. He moves one of his core stones into the Tanui breed. It can be learned after character
Tanui circle, representing the Tanui racial ability generation by anyone, if taught by a boater.
(Swiftness). This leaves him with 5 core stones.
Knowledge of travel by water is surprisingly
2.5 Select Your Character’s Job advanced at this time. There are boats made of
Jobs are groups of abilities which relate to whatever logs, skins, and bark. They may be good for carrying
it is that the character does for their clan on a daily just one passenger, or they may carry up to thirty.
basis. Anybody can row but effectively coordinating the
rowing so that the craft goes in the required
The most common jobs are listed below, along with direction is a task for the boater. Fast-moving water
the most common tasks performed by characters can be dangerous; boaters are good at paddling
who do that job. Any character may attempt any of between the rocks on a raging river, or keeping a
the tasks listed for the various jobs, but characters vessel safe on a stormy ocean.
Crafter Gatherer
Log Boat
By 10,000 years ago the dugout or log boat is
already a very ancient technology. Its advantage is
that it can be made with relatively little previous
experience. The disadvantage is that it is heavy
compared to a skin or bark boat. To make a
dugout, a tree is chopped down. Wooden wedges
are forced into the log. Water is poured on the
wedges so they expand. More wedges are forced
in, until the lot splits. A groove is cut down the
middle and filled with grease, which is then set on
fire. The ends of the log are kept wet to keep them
from burning. The fire is halted when the middle
becomes hollow enough. The inside and outside are
chiseled to get the desired shape. Passenger Helper
capacity is limited by the size of the original tree, The character has a young, inexperienced, or
and since the last Ice Age is just now subsiding, otherwise weak assistant. Build the Helper the same
really large trees are hard to come by. A reasonable way as the main character, but the helper starts
maximum size is around 10 people. with 2 fewer stones.
The famous Cave of Lascaux was painted by Creatures Butchered Butchering Difficulty
smearing grease on the wall, then blowing 2-3 +1
powdered ochre at it. In places where art is made, 4-7 +2
stone palettes and grinding stones are sometimes 8-15 +3
found along with the crumbs and as-yet-unground etc. +1 more
stones. “The Red Lady of Paviland” is a skeleton with
a thick coating of ochre found in a cave in Norfolk. Example: A hunting party of Maheechee has slain 9
Actually a man, he was buried with ivory wands, armadillos (Size 2), but they decide that they only
bracelets, and beautiful seashells. The ritual burial need to butcher 6 of them. The butchering difficulty,
took place around 29,000 years ago. to finish the work without attracting other hostile
creatures, is 2 + 2 = 4.
This is a form of pyrite used for starting fires. It is struck On a successful Challenge, the butchering is
against another stone, either a second piece of completed without attracting any nearby predators
marcasite, or a piece of chert such as flint. The or scavengers. A failure or tie attracts some
chemical composition is iron sulfide. The stone tends creatures. To determine the strength of these
to have a rusty color from the iron and yellowish creatures, take the size of the slain creatures and
color from the sulfur. Like chert, marcasite is often then adjust this number upward if more than one of
found with softer stone where there are fossils, such them is butchered:
as limestone. The shimmer seen on its surface is
sometimes called Fool’s Gold but large crystals, such Creatures Butchered Scavenger Strength
as the pyrite found as a display piece for a 2-3 +1
collection at a rock shop, do not work well for 4-7 +2
starting fires. 8-15 +3
etc. +1 more
Meat is an important source of food for the clan. A If the butchering challenge is a tie, subtract one
character who begins the game with meat has from the attracted creatures’ strength. If the
enough to feed 1 person for 3 days, and it is challenge is an outright failure, add one.
carefully preserved meat so it won’t go bad under
normal circumstances. A backup supply of Example: Continuing the previous example, our
preserved meat can be a real life-saver! Maheechee hunters are butchering 6 armadillos
(Size 2), and the butchering challenge fails. The
strength of the attracted scavenger(s) is 2 + 2 +1 = 5.
Thought of as a stone, jet is actually fossilized wood
(specifically lignite, a form of coal). Jet can be
carved and polished into bracelets, pendants, and
so forth. These are appealing but fairly fragile. Unlike
flint and other stones, it tends to be warm to the
touch. If rubbed, jet can give off a spark, like amber.
Because of this, supernatural properties may be
attributed to it. Jet is sometimes thought of as the
"sister" of the material amber (see the entry on
amber, above).
2.11.6 Status
The character is related to an influential member of
their clan or their tribe, or holds a privileged position
within their clan or tribe for whatever reason. The
CM may award a +1 modifier on any tasks involving
NPCs (non-player characters) whose reaction might
be swayed by the character’s status. Not all possible
permutations of Status are appropriate for all tribes.
The CM’s approval must be obtained for any Status.
2.11.7 Tool
This is a stone or piece of antler that is required for This item, or something like it, is useful for all tasks
flint knapping. involving storage or transportation of liquids or lots of
little items. Made of bone, gourd, stone, or wicker
Bone Needle & Sinew (though wicker ones are not too good at storing
This item is required for leather crafting and repair. liquids).
This is a specialized tool used in fire-making. It grants
a +1 modifier on attempts to light a fire, but only
when used by characters who have ‘Make Fire’ as
This tool consists of a small bow, a stick, and a cap
part of their job (and it’s not something they get for
rock (or piece of wood). The bow is moved with a
free from their job).
sawing motion, which spins the stick. If used with a
board (the hearth) it can be used to make an
Pot Stone
This is a large nodule of flint that formed around a
lump of chalk which has since worn away. The result
is a natural stone bowl (perhaps 20 inches across). It
is far too large to carry around casually. Pot stones
are used for cooking by putting heated rocks in with
the ingredients. The winter camp of the Tanui
includes several big pot stones in the great hall. Pot
Stones were found mainly in parts of north-west
Melee Missile
If a Melee modifier is listed for the weapon (even if it If a Missile modifier is listed for the weapon (even if it
is +0 or a negative modifier), it can be used against is +0 or a negative modifier), it can be used against
opponents next to the attacker in combat. distant opponents in combat. Example: javelin. A ‘-‘
Example: rock. A ‘-‘indicates that the weapon is not indicates that the weapon cannot be used against
meant for close combat. The weapon’s melee distant targets. The weapon’s missile modifier only
modifier applies to all melee Combat Challenges, applies to missile Combat Challenges that are
except for melee Challenges initiated by an initiated by the wielder.
opponent where the wielder is taken by surprise.
Great Tooth-Club
This two-handed version of the tooth club is
approximately four feet in length. It again consists of
a narrow paddle-shaped wooden staff, with sharp
tooth or stone blades affixed along both edges with
a natural adhesive. The great tooth-club takes even
more work to construct and maintain than the one-
handed version. It cannot be thrown effectively, but
remains devastating in melee – with the added
This weapon consists of two or more heavy balls of advantage of extra Reach. Later examples of the
stone, wood, or bone, or even small weighted Aztec macuahuitl were of this size.
leather sacks, secured to the ends of one or more
strong cords of braided plant fiber, sinew, or leather. Huge Club
The bola is hurled to entangle a target’s legs. Bolas The huge club is a larger, two-handed club. It packs
are not difficult to make, but they are difficult to quite a wallop, but it’s slow and it can’t be thrown
master. The Indians and gauchos of southern South effectively.
America used such a weapon.
A boomerang is a curved, throw-able weapon of
wood or bone which returns to the thrower if the
attack happens to miss. It takes a skilled craftsman
to make a proper boomerang.
A flexible strip of wood or similar rigid but flexible
material, bent by a cord stretched between its
ends, for shooting arrows. Bows are of no use in
melee but are capable of great range - and a A javelin is a light spear with a bamboo, river cane,
bowman can carry many of the small, lightweight or wooden shaft tipped with a fire-hardened tip or a
arrows at a time. It takes craftsmanship to make a point of bone, ivory, or stone. Javelins are designed
good bow, and the creation of the arrows can be and weighted for long-distance throwing by hand.
labor-intensive and time-consuming as well. There may be a little strap or projection for the
thumb, greatly increasing the leverage, and
Club therefore the velocity. Throwing a javelin uses up a
A club is a roughly cylindrical or conical weapon shot, but using it in melee doesn’t. Javelins require
made of wood or bone, popularized by a famous more careful craftsmanship than do lances.
scene from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. A little Archaeological evidence suggests that javelins
effort may be needed to make a club, if raw were already in use during the last phase of the
material is available, but not much. Elaborately lower Paleolithic period, approximately 400,000
decorated clubs are sometimes carried by years ago.
important personages as a symbol of their power.
The Perdida is a stone weight on a thong. The stone
has a narrow end and a heavy end. A string is
attached either through a hole or around a groove.
It is used for small prey, or for getting the attention of
larger prey. It is also used as a training tool, readying
someone for the use of the more sophisticated sling
and bullets. Archaeologists sometimes call items of
this general shape “plummets” and “plumb bobs.”
A lance is a heavy hand-held thrusting spear with a
bamboo, river cane, or wooden shaft tipped with a Rock
fire-hardened tip or a point of bone, ivory, or stone. A rock is a roughly round, roughly fist-sized stone.
The two components typically have a diagonal Rocks can be found easily in many places. They are
(Scarph or Scarf) joint wrapped by moist sinew and useful both in melee and for throwing. Throwing a
antler glue or pine pitch. The sinew tightens as it rock uses up a shot, but using it in melee doesn’t. In
dries, making the connection very secure. The tip is places where rocks are plentiful, characters who
usually not barbed, so the weapon can be want to use them in combat never run out. Where
withdrawn and immediately used again, but the rocks are scarce, characters armed with rocks carry
lance cannot be thrown effectively. They are not 3 good ones at a time.
too difficult to make, if suitable materials are
available. Lances are designed for melee combat, Shot Thrower
and have the Reach advantage. This is basically a sling made of bamboo or wood,
just over 2 feet long. The shot thrower is simple to use
Large Rock and fairly effective, and it can also function as a
A large rock is a roughly round stone boulder, about simple melee weapon. Small stones are loaded into
the size of your head or a little larger. Large rocks a hole bored in one end, and thrown with a whip
can be found in many places. They are too heavy motion. Weapons like this were used throughout
to throw, or to be much use in melee except against Southeast Asia.
opponents who are prone, surprised, or below you.
Dropping a large rock on distant opponents uses up Sling
a shot, but bashing an opponent in melee doesn’t. A sling has a small pocket called the cradle in the
In settings where rocks are plentiful, characters who middle of two lengths of plant fiber, hair, or rawhide
want to use them in combat can find a large one cord. A stone is placed in the cradle, the two
by spending an Action. If stockpiled in advance, strands are held in one hand and the bullet is slung
picking up a new one takes no time. Where rocks around. One of the two ends is released, and the
are scarce, characters armed with large rocks can bullet is launched. It is a misconception that the sling
only carry one at a time. has to be whirled overhead numerous times. Some
sling methods don’t even make one complete
Lasso circle, they are more like an overhand throw, using
A loop of woven plant fiber, hair, sinew, gut, or the sling to extend the reach and increase the
rawhide that is designed to be thrown around a stone’s velocity. The sling is very inexpensive and
target, tightening when pulled. Lassos are simple to easy to build, and suitable stones are easy to
make, but difficult to master. One type of lasso, the gather. Images of slingers can be found on artifacts
lariat, is a well-known tool of the American cowboy. from all over the ancient world.
This one-handed weapon consists of a wooden
staff, shaped like a narrow paddle approximately 2
or 3 feet in length. Along both edges sharp blades
of tooth or stone are affixed with resin or some other
This weapon consists of a cane, bamboo, wood, or natural adhesive. Tooth-clubs require skilled
bone shaft about as long as forearm plus hand, with manufacture and maintenance after almost every
a cup or a spur at one end that fits into the butt of battle. They cannot be thrown effectively, but can
the dart, which resembles an oversized arrow. Dart be devastating in melee. One example of this type
points are usually attached to reusable fore-shafts. A of weapon is the Aztec macuahuitl.
weight, perhaps of stone, is also important. The
spear-thrower is held in one hand, near the end Whip
farthest from the cup. The dart can be propelled a A whip is a long cord of woven plant fiber or leather.
great distance by the action of the upper arm and Easy to make but difficult to master, a whip is not a
wrist. The dart flexes slightly when thrown, unbending powerful weapon. It can be used on targets a short
as it flies, and spins - giving the illusion of a wobbly distance away without ever running out of
snaking path through the air. After the dart’s long ammunition, however.
hind-shaft falls away, the animal cannot easily
remove the embedded fore-shaft. The knapped Creating New Weapons
point may shatter but if it does not, it will be The CM can create game statistics for new
recovered when the animal is butchered. If not too weapons very easily. Simply follow the procedure
badly damaged, it may be retouched and used described in this section.
again. Spear-throwers are easy to make, though
making the darts can be time consuming. The 1) Melee vs. Missile
effective use of this weapon requires practice. The Consider whether the weapon is effective in melee,
Aztec atlatl is the best known example. or at a distance, or both – and then record that
A staff is a slender wooden pole, at least 4 feet in 2) Combat Modifiers
length and relatively lightweight. Simple staves are Consider whether the weapon is primitive, modern,
often carried by travelers for use as walking-sticks, or or advanced. By default, ‘normal’ primitive
by important personages as symbols of their power. weapons (made of plant or animal material, or
Not much effort is needed to make a serviceable stone) have a combat modifier of zero, while
staff, if sufficiently long wooden branches are ‘modern’ metal and gunpowder weapons (and
available. Their main advantage in combat is that ‘typical’ magically enchanted weapons) have a
staves have Reach. combat modifier of +1 and technologically
advanced energy weapons (or powerful magical
Staff Sling artifacts) have a combat modifier of +2.
The staff sling consists of a length of wood with one
cord of a short sling firmly attached at the end. The Then consider whether the weapon is weak,
other cord of the sling has a loop that slides off the average, or powerful compared to other weapons
staff to release the projectile. The staff sling is of its technological level. Weapons that are
relatively easy to build, and suitable stones are easy exceptionally weak for their technological level
to gather, but accurate use takes practice. Staff receive a further combat modifier of -1, while
slings can be made as long as two meters, and weapons that are exceptionally powerful for their
technological level receive a further combat
modifier of +1.
3) Range
If the weapon has range, consider what its effective
range should be in 40’ spans and 20’ half-spans.
Effective range is the maximum range at which an
average attacker can hit a 5-stone target with the
weapon 50% of the time under average conditions.
Record the result.
4) Shots
Consider how many times the weapon can be used
before it runs out of ammunition. If the weapon itself
is thrown, it has 1 shot (unless it has the ability to
return to the attacker’s hand). If the attacker can If the character acquires important new Stuff, add
comfortably carry three of the weapons, or three symbols for it to your Character Skin. If a character
rounds of ammunition for it, then it has 3 shots. If the loses something, cross off its symbol to indicate its
attacker can carry enough ammunition, or enough loss.
of the weapons, to not have to worry about running
out under normal circumstances then its ammunition Remember: “One tool, many uses” is the Paleo way!
rating is ‘many’. ‘Shots’ usually only applies to missile For instance, your flint chip is both your firestarter
attacks, even when the weapon can be used both and your cutting tool. Travel light.
at ranged and in melee, but melee attacks with
limited shots are also possible. Choose the case
which best applies, and record it.
3.0 Challenges
Challenges are used to find out whether a
character succeeds at an attempted action.
5) Other Weapon Characteristics
Review the Weapon Characteristics section (2.11.8),
and consider which (if any) of those characteristics
applies to the new weapon. If the weapon has a
significant special characteristic which does not
appear on the list, you’ll need to make up a rule to
cover it. Make any such rules as simple as they can
be. Record the results.
Step 4: Reveal Stones Example: Núgg the Rogók (Core 4, Strong 1, Crafter
The participants each reveal the stones in their 1, Charismatic 1) is trying to push out a big log that
chosen hand. the hated P'Jahk have placed in his cave’s
entrance to trap him. The CM rates this Standard
Step 5: Apply Modifiers Challenge ‘Very Hard’, i.e. 8 stones. The CM secretly
Modifiers, if any, are applied to the number of puts 4 Difficulty stones in each hand. Núgg’s player
stones in the revealed hand(s). secretly puts 0 core stone in his left hand, and 4 in his
right. Núgg’s player picks the CM’s left hand (4
Stones assigned to an applicable ability (a job, perk, stones), and the CM picks the player’s right hand
racial ability, etc.) are one type of modifier. They are (also 4 stones). But with the +1 Modifier that Núgg
added to the number of stones in the character’s gets for his racial Strength, he gets a total of 5 – so
revealed hand when attempting tasks to which that he succeeds, and the log moves aside!
ability applies. If a character has more than one
applicable ability, the modifiers are cumulative. Tie
On a tie, the character either succeeds but with
negative consequences, or fails but with positive
Example: If Núgg had failed outright in the previous 3.2 Competitive Challenges
example, the log would simply not move… unless When one character attempts to perform an action
the failure was catastrophic. that is directly targeted against or opposed by
another character, it is called a Competitive
Catastrophic Failure Challenge. A few special rules apply to Competitive
Failure is catastrophic if the margin of failure is three Challenges.
or more, or if the character’s total revealed stones
(after modifiers) is 0. In a catastrophic failure, the
character suffers additional negative consequences
beyond simple failure. Again, these additional
consequences are up to the CM to decide.
Secret Challenges
Sometimes the CM may rule that a player’s
character wouldn’t know how well they have done
in a Challenge. For example, a character who failed Competitive Challenge Difficulty
in a Challenge to hear furtive footsteps wouldn’t In a Competitive Challenge, the opposing
know they had failed – they would only know that character’s core stones are used as the Challenge
they didn’t hear anything. In such cases, the CM difficulty. Both characters may apply modifiers from
does not reveal the stones in their chosen hand. their ability stones, as described previously for
They simply describe the outcome to the player as it Standard Challenges.
would appear to their character.
Melee Attacks
Under normal circumstances, making a melee
attack initiates a clash of arms in which either
participant may be harmed. This is resolved as a
Competitive Challenge. Whichever participant
scores the most stones in the Challenge deals the
difference in stones as damage to the other
participant (see 4.6).
Using the aforementioned rules, you can draw the
attention of an ally’s opponent if your ally stops
marking that opponent before you attack it.
The spell causes an object to appear. The CM
chooses a generic difficulty to reflect the size, rarity,
and/or usefulness of the desired object – and then
increases that difficulty by 2! If the caster succeeds,
Spell Frameworks the requested object appears wherever the caster
If the CM approves the effect, he then selects one desires within their line of sight on the playing
of the following Spell Frameworks - whichever best surface. Objects created in this way are permanent
fits the desired effect. The Spell Framework sets the until naturally or magically destroyed.
basic parameters of the spell, which can be further
modified by the CM on the fly as needed. Example: Flint Stone Lore, used to summon up a flint
The spell enables the caster to directly control the Damage
target’s behavior. Difficulty equals the target’s size The spell causes damage to a target. Damage
plus 2. If the caster succeeds, the target falls under effects work very much like combat missile attacks.
the caster’s direct control. This effect lasts for 1 Turn Difficulty equals the target’s size. If the caster
per point of success margin. succeeds, they deal damage equal to the margin
of success.
Example: Cave Bear Lore, used to take control of a
Cave Bear Example: Saber Tooth Lore, to magically gore a
target from a distance
The spell instantly kills and/or physically annihilates
the target. Difficulty equals the target’s size plus 2. If
the caster succeeds, the target is destroyed.
The spell causes a target to lose Turns. Difficulty
equals the target’s size. If the caster succeeds, the
target loses a number of Turns equal to the margin
of success.
Enhance Example: Oak Tree Lore, to fill the area with tightly
The spell improves one of the target’s abilities. The packed oak trees.
caster must specify a ‘theme’ for the enhancement
(equivalent to a character perk). Difficulty equals Restore
the target’s size minus 1. If the caster succeeds, the The spell instantly resurrects, completely heals,
target gains a modifier of +1 on everything they try and/or physically repairs the target. Difficulty equals
to do that falls within the specified theme of the the target’s size plus 2. If the caster succeeds, the
spell. This bonus lasts for 1 Turn per point of success target is completely restored.
Example: Disease Lore, to cure the target of a
Example: Rabbit Lore, to improve the target’s fertility disease (or resurrect a target who died from a
The spell affects a target’s feelings, and thus New Spell Frameworks
(indirectly) its behavior. Difficulty equals the target’s The CM can create additional Spell Frameworks as
size plus 1. If the caster succeeds, the target needed, following these examples.
changes its feelings about other characters
specified by the caster in a way chosen by the Spell Difficulty
caster. Influence effects are permanent until The difficulty of a spell is explained in its Spell
naturally or magically changed again. Framework, using one of the three following
Example: Shadow Lore, causing the target to
experience terror Target Size
A creature’s size rating is the same as its core stones,
Knowledge except for human targets who are always size 5.
The spell answers a question posed by the caster.
The CM chooses a generic difficulty to reflect the Area Size
importance, complexity, and/or secrecy of the Area effect invocations start at a difficulty of 4 for a
desired knowledge. If the caster succeeds, they ½ span diameter. A diameter of 1 span is a difficulty
acquire the requested knowledge. Knowledge of 5, a diameter of 2 spans is a difficulty of 6, 4 spans
gained in this way remains in the caster’s memory is a difficulty of 7, and so on.
until forgotten naturally.
Difficulty Adjustment
A spell may list a further difficulty adjustment, which
is applied to the base difficulty. For example, an
adjustment of plus 2 yields a difficulty of 7 if the base
difficulty is 5.
Spell Range
Unless otherwise specified in the Spell Framework,
spells can only be used on targets or areas on the
playing surface and within the caster’s line of sight.
Carnivores include the true cave bear, brown bear, On the ground, omnivorous raccoons and foxes
lion, leopard, wildcat, lynx, otter, pine marten, tend to eat seafood such as crabs and small fish.
stoat/ermine, badger, polecat, gray wolf, red fox, Peccaries eat roots and scavenge for meat. Giant
and spotted (laughing) hyena. anteaters tear apart fallen logs looking for bugs.
Southern Brazil and the ancient Large insects make their presence known year-
Amazon Jungle of around 10,000 round. Giant beetles, dragonflies, and so on fill the
years ago provide the model for air, preyed upon by lizards, snakes, and birds.
Orinoco, the land of the
Maheechee. The temperatures here Monkey-eating eagles terrorize primates amongst
are cooler than in the tropics today. the leaves. The large brightly-colored Parrots and
While the rest of the world receives long-legged wading birds such as Spoonbills and
little rain, Orinoco has a more-than- Jacanas are also worth noting.
generous rainy season. Rivers are so broad they are
Travel is relatively easy here. There is a wealth of
herbivores, but a matching number of predators.
High Mountain
This is un-crossable by people 10,000 years ago. The
air is too thin to breathe.
Hilly Scrub
The sloped ground makes travel awkward. It can be
crossed slowly.
Kelp Isle
A floating mass of sargassum (tangled red and
brown seaweed with air bladders). Many creatures,
including anemones, hydra, krill, and crabs depend
on it. It is too thick to allow a boat to pass and not
The dread with which the four tribes regard the Lost strong enough to hold up a person, but sea birds
Valley is no mere superstition. Real monsters emerge may land on it.
from this place from time to time. Here, there are
long-extinct reptiles such as pterosaurs and Lake
dinosaurs. Alternately, heroes may be drawn into Fresh water. Many lakes are too recently deposited
the Valley by the lure of adventure. See the by receding glaciers to contain fish.
"Anachronisms" section of chapter 10.0.
There are places where steep and narrow trails lead
This is dangerous terrain. Even healthy people run
down into the fog. A large river awaits at the
out of breath due to the thin air. It can be crossed,
bottom, widening into an occasional deep lake, or
very slowly, with specialized equipment. More than
tumbling as a series of violent waterfalls.
several days here would be fatal.
A fresh body of flowing water.
Rocky Hills
This is difficult terrain. It can be crossed slowly.
Salt Lake
The Orange Salt Lake is an undrinkable body of
water. Edible orange salt crystals are collected on its
shores for use in preserving food.
This is un-crossable by people 10,000 years ago. The
air is too thin to breathe and it is far too cold for
people to survive.
Aquatic and semi-aquatic creatures dominate this
terrain. Water on the ground is often not drinkable
by humans. Insects may make it difficult for people
to travel.
Sparse grass and lichens grow here. Creatures must
wander for long hours while gathering every scrap
of nourishment they can. The relatively level ground
makes travel easy. Trees cannot grow here because
the ground remains frozen all year around, although
the top few meters might thaw during the summer. It
snows but rarely rains here.
Corrosive poisonous gasses and occasional lava
flows can make these locations deadly.
The Rogók, Tanui, Yorwa, and Maheechee share a The lightly-furred Maheechee are found primarily in
common language which originated with the the Orinoco region. They spend their days swinging
Yorwa. Words in English are translations of this through the trees looking for fruit and insects. With
language. their big eyes, they can see fairly well in the dark but
have trouble seeing in bright sunlight. They are small
Myth & Religion and furtive, with slightly long arms. When
All of the breeds share a general belief in Maheechee can catch them, they eat small
“archetypal” Spirit progenitors of different animals, animals. They are the least technological tribe; they
plants, and minerals - for instance, a legendary first do not usually make fires or cook their food.
bear simply called ‘Bear’, a first elm tree called
‘Elm’, a first vein of lump called ‘Flint’, and so on. Racial Ability: Maheechee have a racial ability that
is equivalent to the Climbing 1 perk.
The Rogók, Tanui and Yorwa share close variations
of the same basic creation myth. They believe in Racial Traits: Their sensitive eyes allow the
three primordial Spirits who are too powerful and too Maheechee to operate without penalties in low-
busy to care about humans. These are light conditions (though they are just as hampered
Grandmother Ocean, Mother Land, and as anyone else in absolute darkness). However, they
Grandfather Sun - who is husband to each of the suffer a modifier of -1 on all Challenges while
others, spending half of the year with each. Mother subjected to full, direct sunlight. The Maheechee
Ocean's children are the Ice Spirits. Mother Land's are arboreal creatures, moving at a rate of 1 span
children are the Animal, Plant, Mineral and Fire on the ground and ½ span through the tree
Spirits. Although the human breeds are said to be canopy. The Maheechee cannot swim.
the offspring of the Fire and Ice Spirits, it is mainly the
Animal and Plant Spirits who are actually interested
in dealing with humans. See Appendix 1 for the
complete creation myth.
Inter-Breed Relations
The four breeds are generally friendly to each other,
but for the most part they keep to themselves. If
there are clashes over hunting grounds, the clan
chiefs may meet for a parlay, each encouraging
the other to hunt elsewhere. There is pressure toward
a peaceful resolution, because violence would likely
to lead to a growing cycle of revenge.
Maheechee Culture
A typical group is a “troop” of 10-15 individuals.
Troops move around but eventually come back to
favorite places. They prefer staying in the tree
canopy, where their long powerful arms give them
the advantage.
Tanui Names
The syllables of Tanui names tend to end in a vowel.
Two, three, and four syllable names are equally
common. They often call each other just by the first
The Tanui always live close to the rivers or the sea,
few letters of the name, but consider it impolite for
primarily in the Croatan region, and most of their
strangers to use the shortened form. Some examples
diet is fish and sea mammals. They are tall and
of Tanui names are Tamalua (“Tam”), Vesuna
slender. Those who follow the shark or seal totem file
(“Ves”), Pollima (“Pol”), and Jileeza (“Jil”).
their teeth into points. They wear scraps of fur or the
skins of fish. Expert tanners, they make boats out of
Some Tanui tribes have a taboo against sharing
single pieces of the hide of very large land animals.
one’s actual name with strangers. In some of those
It is said that many Tanui have a mystical rapport
tribes, a baby is given a secret name that is only
with wildlife.
ever whispered (to protect it from evil influences)
and another name that is used aloud.
Racial Ability: The Tanui have a racial ability that is
equivalent to the Swift 1 perk. Tanui run at a rate of
1 ½ spans, and swim at a rate of 1 span. Tanui Culture
Many Tanui practice Animal Spirit Magic, even those
who are not shamans. Their tradition says that
mythical Animal Spirits made pacts with the Tanui
ancestors. A Tanui youth on the verge of adulthood
may go on a quest to discover their totem Spirit.
If the mother was Tanui and the father was Yorwa, Creature Statistics & Abilities
the child has only a 1 in 6 chance of survival. Birth The statistics and special abilities possessed by
defects are a possibility. In addition, there is a 1 in 5 creatures are explained below. The capital letter N is
chance that the Tanui mother will die during used to indicate a number; the exact number is
childbirth. given in the creature statistics.
Children of a Tanui/Yorwa cross display a mix of Agile N
physical features that clearly mark them as half- This creature ability is identical to the character perk
breeds. 1 in 2 of them have 1 stone in the Tanui of the same name. Damage dealt to the creature
racial ability “Swift”, at the cost of 1 core stone. may be taken on this ability.
Either way, if the child is raised among the Tanui,
then it receives the Tanui “Ancient Wisdom” racial
Alert N
This creature ability is identical to the character perk
of the same name. Damage dealt to the creature
The Yorwa consider marrying a Tanui very bad luck.
may be taken on this ability.
The Tanui consider it forbidden, taboo.
Claw N Quills N
The creature fights with claws, which give it a When this creature is attacked in melee, it can deal
modifier of +N in melee combat. Damage dealt to damage back (with a +N modifier for its quills) even
the creature may be taken on this ability. if it hasn’t marked its attacker. Damage dealt to the
creature may be taken on this ability.
Climbing N
This creature ability is identical to the character perk (Reach)
of the same name. Damage dealt to the creature This creature ability is identical to the weapon ability
may be taken on this ability. of the same name. If there is an attack ability listed
right before it (for example, Claw 1) then the Reach
Constrict N ability applies to that specific attack.
The creature fights by constricting its prey, giving it a
modifier of +N in melee combat. Damage dealt to Run xN
the creature may be taken on this ability. This indicates that the creature can run at a rate of
N spans. All creatures that Run can also Swim (or at
Core N least wade) at a rate of ½ span, except for the
This is the creature’s core stones, where N indicates Maheechee who can’t swim but who can Brachiate
the number of stones. Damage dealt to the at a rate of ½ span.
creature may be taken on this ability.
Size +/-N
Fly xN Apply this modifier to any Challenge where small
This indicates that the creature can fly at a rate of N size is an advantage while being large and ungainly
spans. The creature can also run at a rate of ½ span. is a disadvantage. The size modifier is added to
Combat Challenges, but subtracted from any
Horns N damage the creature inflicts.
The creature fights with its horns, which give it a
modifier of +N in melee combat. Damage dealt to Smell N
the creature may be taken on this ability. The creature gains a modifier of +N when
attempting to locate things by scent. Damage dealt
Intelligent N to the creature may be taken on this ability.
This creature ability is identical to the character perk
of the same name. Damage dealt to the creature
may be taken on this ability.
Stink N
This indicates that the creature gains a modifier of
+N whenever it attempts to escape from melee. Any
characters standing near it become smelly for N
days. Damage dealt to the creature may be taken
on this ability.
Strong N
This creature ability is identical to the character perk
of the same name. Damage dealt to the creature
may be taken on this ability.
Swim xN
This indicates that the creature can swim at a rate
of N spans. The creature can also slither along on
land at a rate of ½ span.
This creature ability is identical to the weapon ability
of the same name. If there is an attack ability listed
right before it (for example, Constrict 1) then the Flying Fox (Mipweet: “Dark Wings”)
Tangle ability applies to that specific attack. Flying foxes are good to eat, if you can catch them.
They eat fruit, and their armpits reek of an
Toughness N unpleasant musky sweat. 1.5 kg (3.3 lb), 55 cm (22
The number associated with this ability is deducted in) wingspan
from the number of points of damage the creature
takes whenever it takes damage from combat, Core 1, Size +2, Fly x1, Sonar 1
accident, or environmental hazards. Damage dealt
to the creature may be taken on this ability.
Birds are very skittish. They are small targets but
Tracking N
good to eat. Bird eggs are delicious.
The creature gains a modifier of +N on attempts to
track its prey. Damage dealt to the creature may
Pigeon, Robin, Duck, etc. (Nahjay: “Bird”)
be taken on this ability.
1 kg (2.2 lb)
Tusks N
Core 1, Size +2, Fly x2
The creature fights with its tusks, which give it a
modifier of +N in melee combat. Damage dealt to
the creature may be taken on this ability.
Prairie Chicken, Goose, Crane, Raven, etc.
(Nahoojah: “Large Bird”)
2-3 kg (4.4-6.6 lb)
Snowy Owl (Kosah: “Night Eyes”) Brown Bear (Wochuf: “Tall Digger”)
3 kg (6.5 lb) 71cm (28 in) tall. 1.5m (4.8 ft) wingspan Brown bears eat roots and bulbs, and small animals
if they are available. They enjoy fishing when salmon
Core 2, Size +1, Fly x2, Claw 1 run upstream to spawn. They will hunt human-sized
prey only if they are extremely hungry. Generally
Steppes Eagle (Kaheer: “Sky Hunter”) solitary, they attack fiercely if they are guarding
3.9 kg (8.8 lb) 81 cm (32 in) tall. 213 cm (7 ft) cubs. The pelt makes a good blanket. Good to eat.
wingspan 300 to 780 kilograms (660 to 1,700 lb) 70 to 150 cm
(28 to 59 in) at the shoulder. Standing: 2.5 m, 8 ft.
Core 2, Size +1, Fly x2, Claw 1
Core 6, Run x1, Smell 1, Bite/Claw 1, Toughness 1
Bald Eagle (Kaheer: “Sky Hunter”)
5.8 kg (13 lb). 91 cm (36 in) tall. 230 cm (7.5 ft) Short-Faced Bear (Hagruf: “Grave Digger”)
wingspan The Short-faced, or “bulldog” Bear (Arctodus simus)
once roamed the New World. They are efficient
Core 2, Size +1, Fly x2, Claw 1 long-range scavengers. The furry pelt makes a good
bed. They are very good to eat.
Condor (Kaheer: “Sky Hunter”)
13 kg (29 lb). 140 cm (55 in) tall. 310 cm (10 ft) Male: 800 kg (1,800 lb), 1.80 m (5.9 ft) at the shoulder
wingspan (on all fours), 4 m (13 ft) upright
Core 3, Fly x2, Claw 1 Core 7, Run x1, Smell 1, Bite/Claw 1, Toughness 1
Bottlenose Dolphin (Ek-Ek: from the sound a Harlan's Ground Sloth (Bashoon Temkah
dolphin makes) "Rock-skin Black Claws")
150-650 kg (330-1,400 lb). 2-4 m (6.6-13 ft) Paramylodon harlani is 4.2 m (14 ft) from head to
tail. Its skin contains numerous small nodules of bone
Core 6, Swim x1 ½ , Intelligent 1 (ossicles). Its forelegs are adapted for digging.
Core 3, Swim x1
Core 5, Run x1 160 to 280 kg (350 to 620 lb) 1 m high at the shoulder
Core 5, Run x1
Large feline predators.
Horse (Tahpee: “Grass Runner”) Hunters with a complex well-organized social life.
They will also steal the kills of other creatures.
This is a shaggy-chinned horse the size of a modern
mule. It is a very common grassland animal. It can
be used to pull a sled. It is good to eat. Its hide is
Hyena, Spotted or Cave (Shokootha:
valued because it is naturally water-resistant. “Unending Neck”)
The Cave Hyena is a subspecies of the Spotted
130 kg (286 lb). 1.6 m (63 in) at the shoulder (Laughing) Hyena. It has a rather bear-like profile.
Core 5, Run x1 ½ , Kick 1 86 kg (190 lb). 91.5 cm (36 in) at the shoulder
This group includes mammoths and mastodons.
These creatures are fairly smart, with a good
memory. Hunters may need to disguise both their
appearance and their scent. If they do not, the
mammoths will recognize them later, and go after
them. They may take out their wrath upon an entire
village. Mammoths and mastodons are tall to
accommodate their huge lungs. Unlike other
mammals, they do not breathe with their
diaphragm muscles. Instead, they breathe with
muscles attached to bones atop the spine. As a
result, adults become very uncomfortable if they lay
Cockroach (Jeeptah: “Flitting One”) on their sides for long. Their huge tusks can help
85 gm (3 oz), 18 cm (7 in) in length prop them up while they sleep. Another quirk of this
condition is that, unlike most mammals, if the lung
Core 1, Size +2, Fly x ½ cavity is pierced, they can still keep breathing. This
makes them much harder to kill. Their dense bones,
Edible Queen Ants (Keecha: “Crunchy”) capable of supporting so much weight, make
6 gm (.2 oz). 2.5 cm (1 in) excellent spear tips.
This word includes reptiles from the smallest gecko
up to giant monitor lizards. Although they are
sometimes referred to as "lizards", crocodiles and
alligators are covered under a separate entry (see
Crocodilians). True lizards (Order Squamata) have
bony eye rings and overlapping scales. Lizards lack
the bony secondary palate that is characteristic of
crocodilians. Some lizards are hunters; they eat
insects, mammals, birds, and other reptiles. Some
are herbivores. Many are venomous. They are
sluggish when it is cold; they usually hibernate. They
are good to eat.
Wild pigs are shaggy and fecund forest animals.
They eat nuts, fruit, and berries but they occasionally
nibble carrion or snap up a luckless rodent. They are
unaggressive towards humans but individuals hunt
small mammals from time to tine. They will defend
themselves and their young fiercely. Males attack
by slashing upwards with their tusks but females
charge with mouth open and bite.
The rhino eats leaves, buds of shrubs, small plants,
and grasses. There are two horns on its nose. It is a
land animal.
Pig (Hahgro: “Flat-nose”)
50–90 kg (110–200 lb). 90 cm (35 in) at the shoulder Rhinoceros (Jahmo: "Spike Nose")
2,300 kg (5,000 lb). 1.8 m (6 ft)
Core 5, Run x1, Bite 1
Core 8 (Reach), Run x1 ½ , Toughness 1
Rodents, Small
Wooly Rhinoceros (Oonjahmo: “Spear-nose”) Any shrew, mole, rat, gopher, squirrel, and so on.
6096 kg (13440 lb). 3.3m (11 ft ) at the shoulder They are small and fast. They steal your food. They
can eat fruit, nuts and berries as well as buds and
Core 9 (Reach), Run x1 ½ , Toughness 1 bits of bark. They usually hoard nuts or seeds. Some
rodents store food in caches the size of a human
head. Humans note the location and dig them up
later. Good to eat.
Lake Baikal Seal (Shoka: “Seal”) Core 11, Swim x1 ½ , Bite 2 (Reach)
70 kg (155 lb). 1.3 m (4 ft) in length
Core 5, Swim x1, Toughness 1 Urial, argali, aoudad, mouflon, bighorn, and dall, are
all names for types of wild sheep. The males engage
Leopard Seal (Shoka: “Seal”) in head-butting contests. Their heavy curling horns
380 kg (840 lb). 3.8 m (12 ft) in length can be made into tools. The pelt can be tanned
into a fur or suede hide. Good to eat. The nicest
Core 6, Swim x1, Toughness 1 Cavemaster Character Skins come from sheep!
Elephant Seal Bull (Ooshoka: “Great Seal”) Musk Ox (Oos Gahdahgah: “Cattle Who
3,000 kg (6,600 lb). 4.9 m (16 ft) Make Circles”)
Musk oxen are cold-weather animals. They eat
Core 8, Swim x1, Toughness 1 grasses, sedges (water plants), flowering plants, and
leaves of shrubs. When threatened, the group forms
Elephant Seal Cow (Ooshoka: “Great Seal”) a ring with horns facing outwards, and vulnerable
910 kg (2,000 lb). 3.0 m (10 ft) calves in the middle. The Helmeted Musk Ox lives in
large herds. The shaggy pelts are prized for warm
Core 7, Swim x1, Toughness 1 sleeping furs.
Core 3, Run x1, Stink 2 Core 8, Swim x1, Smell 1, Tusk 1, Toughness 1
Wolves are predators of medium to small animals.
1940 kg (4,268 lbs). 7 meters (23 ft) in length Core 3, Size +1, Run x1
2200 kg (4900 lb), 4 m (13 ft) long, 4.9 m (16 ft) wide
Core 6, Bite 1 (Tangle, Range ½ span), Run x0, Core 5, Hunter 2, Run x1
Toughness 1
Steel Knife: Melee +1, Tool
Living Vines (Oohkrahloo: “Giant Sticky Hunting Rifle: Missile +1, Range 3 spans, many shots
Plant”) Camouflaged Suit: grants the wearer the equivalent
Related to the modern Kudzu vine, this animated of the creature ability “Size +2”, but only in one type
mutant has a taste for meat. of environment (desert, arctic, forest, etc).
Tarantulas, Giant
Tarantula, Giant (Oohwahjeejee: “Giant Many
A giant tarantula is a lightly-built, stealthy many-
eyed monstrosity that comes charging out of its
hidden lair to capture and feast upon the unwary. It
has a tough hide, is monstrously strong, but it isn't as
substantial as it seems. Inspired by Theraphosa
Large-Scale Movement
The Campaign Map includes a hexagonal grid to
aid in tracking large-scale movement. Characters
can travel, on average, a number of hexagons per
day equal to their movement rate in spans.
Session Prep
In addition to preparing the setting and background
for your campaign as a whole, you’ll need to
prepare each game session in advance as well.
Whether you intend to use it or not, you should read
the introductory adventure to see what sorts of
things go into the setup of an adventure.
If you are a player, please stop reading this Dry Season: The Adventure Begins
adventure now. It will be much more fun to play if Dry weather has made foraging difficult (4 stones,
you don’t already know what’s going to happen! split 3,1). Have the PCs undergo a foraging
Challenge (see 3.0). If they don’t find enough food
Cavemaster’s Introduction for everyone, then they must decide who went
This introductory adventure is geared toward a hungry yesterday. Going hungry may eventually
roughly equal mix of characters with different jobs. lead to starvation (see 4.6).
The adventure pits the player-characters against a
breed of cannibalistic humans, who have captured Hahgro Hunt
several members of the players’clan. The CM should instruct the players to specify their
marching formation. In particular, the players need
This adventure takes place in the northeast quarter to say who among them is travelling at the very front
of the Campaign Map. of their group.
This outfit, crafted of many bony plates held If the PCs see the peccaries first, they may react
together by strong rawhide straps, was granted to however they see fit – though the CM should advise
Rip Gut (the P’Jahk hunting party’s leader) by the them that their mouths are watering at the sight of
chief of his clan in honor of an especially successful so much delicious meat.
hunt. It is easily adjustable to fit a PC of any size,
gender, and breed. If the outcome is a tie, the PCs and the peccaries
see each other at the same time. The CM must then
2) Blood Charm: This magical artifact allows the user assign initiative randomly.
to cause 1 point of damage or heal 1 point of
damage on any target in their line of sight. Its magic Regardless of whichever side sees the other first,
can be invoked 3 times each day. they do so at a distance of 3 spans.
Use the creature stats for a human of her breed (see The PCs must follow the runner back south, to the
10.1), but instead of Job 1 she has the Charismatic 1 site of the attack, if they want to pick up the P’Jahk
perk. She has no equipment other than her clothing. trail.
She has just come from one of the other migrating Supplies!
groups of the players’ clan. That group was Now that they have another mouth to feed, the PCs
attacked and defeated by a raiding party of may wish to stock up on provisions. This could cause
P’Jahk! Four of the PCs’ fellow tribesmen were a delay. By morning, scavengers have picked clean
captured: two children, one male hunter, and one any of last night’s dead but un-butchered
close relative of a PC (CM’s option). They may still peccaries. If any peccaries escaped, the PCs can
be alive! relocate them (hiding in an adjacent ravine) if they
succeed at a difficulty 4 (2,2) tracking challenge.
The P’Jahk are not entirely unknown to the PCs. They can also attempt to forage for food as they
Tales had already reached their clan, months ago, travel, with the same (3,1)difficulty as before.
describing the P’Jahk as looking something like
Yorwa, only with filed teeth and wearing many The Raided Camp
bones. The tales say that the P’Jahk are cannibals. The PCs travel south for almost a full day, fording the
Sandstone River where it turns towards the east, to
The runner tells the PCs that the P’Jahk were one reach the site where the runner’s band was
fewer in number than the size of the PCs’ own attacked. There are clear signs of a struggle (but no
group. One P’Jahk is the leader (Rip Gut), and one is blood), and some equipment has been left behind.
a big brutish fellow whose breed the runner can’t The PCs and the runner can salvage 2 days worth of
identify. He’s even bigger than a Rogók! The rest of preserved food apiece, and there is a stone knife
the raiders were apparently ‘normal’P’Jahk hunters, that the runner can arm herself with. There may be
though armed with strange sticks that throw rocks other odds and ends, at the CM’s discretion.
like a sling, and tubes they put to their mouths and
aimed, causing their targets to fall! The P’Jahk Figuring out which way the P’Jahk went with their
leader Rip Gut had another very unusual item. How captives is an easy 3-stone challenge (split 2,1). Add
the runner describes it depends on which special 1 stone of difficulty per day the PCs delayed to
item you (the CM) decide to introduce: stock up on provisions.
Assuming the PCs win the fight, they may now head
for home (after looting the P’Jahk raiding party’s
equipment, including Rip Claw’s special item). The
liberated captives all suffer from a 1-stone injury due
to being tied to the infernal travois for days, but they
are otherwise none the worse for wear. Also,
remember to award a stone of experience for the P’Jahk Names
session (7.0). The P’Jahk use a naming convention similar to the
Yorwa, but with an emphasis on traits that would be
Afterward admirable in a savage feline: Keen Ear, Rip Tooth,
The PCs now have an even longer journey ahead to Death Claw, etc.
their clan’s summer camp, and they have new
several NPCs to take care of. The CM should allow P’Jahk Culture
time for the PCs and their new NPC companions to The P'Jahk look upon the other sentient races as
interact, to develop friendship and rivalries, and so livestock. Hard-hearted and decadent, they are civil
on. They will need to hunt and forage for food, and with each other. They are fairly superstitious,
there are many hostile predators and enemy tribes observing a large number of tribal, clan, and
in this savage land. Their journey to the clan’s personal taboos.
summer camp may be relatively uneventful, or a
major adventure of its own – it’s up to the CM! Technologically advanced in some areas, the
P'Jahk equate laziness with status. They are clean
The CM may even wish to have the P’Jahk return as and fastidious, which leads to giving their Jalgoor
recurring villains. The remaining sections of this servitors plenty of strange chores like wiping
adventure provide more in-depth background on everything with a piece of suede hide and brushing
the P’Jahk and their culture. the ground with soft branches tied on the end of a
Jalgoor Culture
The Jalgoor have no culture of their own, but are
merely the enslaved servitors of the P’Jahk. If given
the sweet juice of the Kropah berry (guarana), they
can travel without sleeping. As a side-effect, it
leaves the Jalgoor extremely irritable.
Grandfather Sun said that he had been with Mother To this day, Grandfather Sun spends part of the year
Land, and that she also had birthed many children: with Grandmother Water. He tires of her and goes to
the Plant Spirits. The Ice Spirits were outraged. They Mother Land. Then he goes back to Grandmother
took Mother Land prisoner and tried to kill the Plant Water, and this is why the year is divided into a cold
children. Grandfather Sun slew many of the Ice part and a warm part.
Spirits and drove the rest away.
Tatoni skin color ranges from fair to tawny. Their hair
color varies widely from black to brown to red to
blond to white. Tatoni eye color tends to lighter
shades such as amber, hazel, gray, and blue. Tatoni
can be tall or short, thin or stocky, muscular or soft-
Diet Courtship
Getting enough calories to survive is difficult for the Before they are married, women and men may
Tatoni. Their lifestyle requires two gatherers for every freely couple, or choose to become ‘mated’. Mates
hunter. There are places along their migratory route share a hut, and are expected to be monogamous.
where various edible plants have been wild-crafted.
Mates are considered ‘married’ after the woman
In each clan, the chief’s family always eats first, and has had a child (not necessarily her partner’s). If the
eats their fill, before any others are fed. This is not a male does not wish to be married, he may
matter of status, it is a matter of survival. Should honorably depart before the child is born. If he does
there be a famine, it ensures that at least some not, then he is expected to stay with the mother for
members of the clan will live and be healthy. If they at least four years after the child is born. The child is
tried to share equally, they might all starve. considered the woman’s sole property; the man’s
duty is to the mother.
One of the most precious things Tatoni carry is their
orange salt. Painstakingly gathered by boiling down Mates who separate face no particular stigma, but
water at the Orange Salt Lake, it is used to preserve the tribe treats the parting of a married couple as
meat and make food taste better. shameful and dishonorable. The chief may
command one or both of the pair to bear a Stone
Mortality of Shame for a number of months, during which time
Many things take a toll on the Tatoni population. they may not couple, mate, or marry within the tribe
Predators are the worst threat. One in ten adults dies (see Leadership, below).
in a conflict with a carnivore, often a scavenger
attracted by the smell of a hunting party’s kill while Child-Rearing
they are still dressing and skinning it. Hunters and First and foremost, a child is the responsibility of its
gatherers alike are stalked by great-cats, bears, and mother. If she needs help with this, her mother and
dire wolves. Tatoni travel in groups, but their sisters are expected to lend a hand. It is customary
activities inevitably spread them out. for grown children to take care of their mothers
Hunting injuries and accidents, such as falling from a As the identity of a child’s father is rarely known for
tree while gathering palm fruit, are the next most certain, the Tatoni do not consider fatherhood
common causes of death. Tatoni healers know how important. If a mother dies, her child is typically
to make a brew that relieves pain, and how to given to one of her sisters by the chief.
staunch bleeding with amadou tinder fungus, but
the setting and splinting of broken bones is beyond The adult men of the tribe are expected to treat all
their skill. of its children well. Children may call men in their
clan “Bahbo”, a term of respect and endearment.
Then come various diseases (insect-borne microbes, The relationship is something like the modern
botulism, contaminated drinking water, and so on), “uncle/nephew-niece”.
which the Tatoni interpret as the work of the evil
Fever Spirits. Tatoni healers have medicines against The Tatoni do not believe in corporal punishment of
these ailments, but they are often ineffective. any kind (including spanking children). If a child is
very naughty, their mother may order them to stay
The most dangerous time of a Tatoni’s life is early inside their hut.
childhood. Many babies don’t make it to their fifth
year. Leadership
Chiefs amongst the Tatoni can be either male or
Gender Customs female. The chief always names an heir, either a
Except for child-rearing, Tatoni labor is not divided child or a close relative of the current chief.
along sexual lines. Women warriors and hunters are
common, as are male gatherers. Other Yorwa tribes If someone breaks the tribes’ or clan’s rules or is
deal with gender roles in different ways. somehow disruptive, their chief can command them
to carry a Stone of Shame. This is a rock the size of a
The Gargúnn tribe are mostly non-migratory. In the
winter they hunt cave bears, taking only what they
need when they are hungry. In the summer, herds of
horses, rhinos and a few male mammoths provide
their meat. The Gargúnn travel for a month every
other year to a pleasant location with hot springs to
meet with other Rogók and to trade young women.
The Gargúnn are known amongst their breed as jolly
brawlers and gamblers. Only the younger Gargúnn
have much interest in raiding. They have heard tales
of warriors’ glory from other Rogók tribes at the
gatherings, and they are jealous.
Child-Rearing Pets
The care of children is the women’s responsibility, The Gargúnn generally do not keep pets; they think
but Gargúnn men often become doting daddies. it is a waste of food. They may be followed by proto-
Children of a plural marriage are considered the dogs, who they tolerate so long as they do not
daughters and sons of both mothers. come too close to any of the children. The proto-
dogs haunt the midden heaps, and are only
Leadership allowed to come up to the cave’s entrance as long
By default, a Gargúnn clan chief’s first son becomes as they scatter when humans approach. Pushy
the new chief. They can be challenged by a sibling, proto-dogs are driven off or killed.
in which case an unarmed fighting match is held.
The new chief could be a chief’s daughter, if she Shelter
were tough enough. Above all, the chief must be a The Gargúnn are cave-dwellers, and they are picky
man (or woman) of their word. Being caught about where to live. For instance, the entrance
cheating on a spouse would almost certainly should have a crook, so that a cold wind from
disqualify a prospective chief. outside is foiled, and there should be a small hole so
that smoke from a fire can escape.
Individual clans of Gargúnn have their own rules. If
the rules of the clan are broken in some major way, There is usually a lit lamp somewhere in the back of
the transgressor’s chief has the power to sentence the cave. This is for light, but it is also a kind of alarm
them to death by stoning. For the most part, though, system. If the fire goes out, everyone must
there are not many rules. Mainly, clan chiefs are immediately run outside. This protects the
leaders in time of war, or when the clan is under inhabitants from huge invisible gusts of carbon
attack. dioxide that can sometimes occur.
The Falora live near lakes and rivers. They are mostly
nomadic, except each clan of roughly 100
individuals always returns during the harshest winter
months to a stationary long-hall. Their ability to
bathe in very cold water allows them to keep
themselves very clean even while traveling.
The Mozo also like the taste of blood, and will drink Most Mozo are “serially monogamous”, remaining
some of it when there is a fresh kill. If they find one, faithful at least at the start of a liaison. A few, both
the Mozo may use their small knives to scavenge male and female, take multiple mates at the same
from a recent carcass. time. Sometimes this occurs with their mates’
consent, but usually there is some duplicity involved.
Beliefs Entertainment
Many amongst the Mozo have a small amount of Most nights the Mozo have a community gathering
Spirit Lore about a particular Animal Spirit - their where stories might be told, or songs sung. Small
personal totem. The tribe is in transition because high-pitched panpipes and clapping are
some animals that were common in their homeland accompanied by dancing. Although the sexes are
do not live in the tribe’s new northern home. Without equal, the males tend to sit with the males and the
their Spirit sponsors nearby, the older shamans (who females tend to sit with the females. When it is late,
were organized as a society across several clans) they slip away to their own nests, or sneak off to the
have lost the influence they once had. The nest of another.
disorganized younger generation of shamans are
bonding with the local creatures.
Trog (1970)
Joan Crawford's last film, featuring modern-day
caveman shenanigans.
Caveman (1981)
With Ringo Starr of the Beatles. This is the one to miss.
Bibliography History of the World (1981)
A comedic caveman sequence at the beginning,
Films of course.
We've watched a lot of caveman movies as part of
our research for Cavemaster. Here are our
recommendations, in reverse chronological order: Encino Man (1992)
A clueless caveman meets his intellectual match in
Teenage Caveman (1958) the form of Pauly Shore in this teen-oriented
Starring a young Robert Vaughn. we quite liked it, comedy.
for Cavemaster RPG inspiration:
Iceman (1984)
One Million Years B.C. (1966) Pretty much not a very good movie. You'll believe
It's hard to argue with Raquel Welch as a caveman can fly. Er, I mean plummet.
cavewoman with a pet dinosaur.
Apocalypto (2006)
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (1970) Not really prehistoric, but great moments of primitive
Not terrible, but not great either. daily life & adventure.
La Brea Herbivores
La Brea Mastodons