In Analyzing The Data
In Analyzing The Data
In Analyzing The Data
In order to help the researcher with the analysis of qualitative data, it is useful to produce an
interview summary form or a focus group summary form which can be complete as soon as
possible after each interview or focus group has taken place. The forms help to remind you about
the contact and are useful when you come to analyses the data.
For those at the highly qualitative end of the continuum, data analysis tends to be an on-going
process, taking place throughout the data collection process. The researcher thinks about and
reflects upon the emerging themes, adapting and changing the methods if required
Thematic Analysis
Thematic analysis is one way to analyze data with the aim of identifying patterns or finding
themes through data that has been collected by researchers.
This method is a very effective method if a study intends to explore in detail the qualitative data
they have in order to find the interrelation of patterns in a phenomenon and explain the extent
to which a phenomenon occurs through the lens of researchers
1. Understanding the data
Researchers need to understand and integrate with the qualitative data they obtain.
There is no more effective way to be more integrated with the data than to read and re-
read interview transcripts and even listen to interviews and watch video recordings that
were made during the data collection process.
One more thing that is also important to do this process is to take personal notes while
reading transcripts or while listening to interviews. This note aims to mark important
points that can be found in the transcript or recording
The main purpose of this first stage is so that the researcher begins to feel that he
understands the contents of the data he obtained, and starts to find several things in
the data related to the research question.
2. B. Compiling the Code
The second stage in the process of thematic analysis is to start coding. Codes can also be
considered as labels, or features contained in data related to research questions. In this
case the researcher determines which data in the interview transcript needs to be
coded. This code aims to make researchers understanding more the meaning of each
participant's statement.
Content analysis
Quantitative content analysis describes or explains a problem whose results can be generalized.
Then not too concerned with depth of data or the analysis. Researchers are more concerned with
aspects of the breadth of data so that data or research results are considered to be a representation
of the entire population
(Analisis isi kuantitatif menggambarkan atau menjelaskan suatu masalah yang hasilnya dapat
digeneralisasikan. Maka tidak terlalu mementingkan kedalaman data atau analisis. Peneliti lebih
mementingkan aspek keluasan data sehingga data atau hasil penelitian dianggap merupakan
representasi dari seluruh populasi)
Therefore, in general quantitative content analysis is scientific research proposed to study the
characteristics of the charge and draw variations from the contents. Content analysis is
intended for visible communication (manifest), and is carried out objectively, validly, reliably
and can be replicated.
Using this method the researcher systematically works through each transcript assigning codes,
which may be numbers or words, to specific characteristics within the text. The researcher may
already have a list of categories or she may read through each transcript and let the categories
emerge from the data. This type of analysis can be used for open-ended questions which have
been added to questionnaires in large quantitative surveys, thus enabling the researcher to
quantify the answers.
Discourse analysis
Falling in the middle of the qualitative analysis continuum is discourse analysis, which some researchers
have named conversational analysis, although others would argue that the two are quite different. These
methods look at patterns of speech, such as how people talk about a particular subject, what metaphors
they use, how they take turns in conversation, and so on.
These analysts see speech as a performance; it performs an action rather than describes a specific state of
affairs or specific state of mind. Much of this analysis is intuitive and reflective, but it may also involve
some form of counting, such as counting instances of turn-taking and their influence on the conversation
and the way in which people speak to others.
(Jatuh di tengah kontinum analisis kualitatif adalah analisis wacana, yang oleh beberapa peneliti
disebut analisis percakapan, meskipun yang lain berpendapat bahwa keduanya cukup berbeda.
Metode-metode ini melihat pola bicara, seperti bagaimana orang berbicara tentang subjek
tertentu, metafora apa yang mereka gunakan, bagaimana mereka bergiliran dalam percakapan,
dan sebagainya.
Analis ini melihat pidato sebagai kinerja; ia melakukan suatu tindakan alih-alih menggambarkan
suatu keadaan tertentu dari suatu keadaan tertentu atau keadaan pikiran tertentu. Sebagian
besar analisis ini bersifat intuitif dan reflektif, tetapi mungkin juga melibatkan beberapa bentuk
penghitungan, seperti menghitung contoh pengambilan giliran dan pengaruhnya pada
percakapan dan cara orang berbicara kepada orang lain.)