Pandan Valley Condominium's Management Corporation Not To Blame For Tree That Fell and Damaged Cars, Rules Judge, Courts & Crime
Pandan Valley Condominium's Management Corporation Not To Blame For Tree That Fell and Damaged Cars, Rules Judge, Courts & Crime
Pandan Valley Condominium's Management Corporation Not To Blame For Tree That Fell and Damaged Cars, Rules Judge, Courts & Crime
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Some cars parked in the open carpark at Pandan Valley condominium on Dec 28, 2015, were damaged overnight by a fallen tree. PHOTO:
K.C. Vijayan
Senior Law Correspondent
District Judge Lee Li Choon, in dismissing damages sought by two residents for
negligence, ruled that they failed to show that the MC of Pandan Valley
condominium breached its duty of care.
"The plaintiffs have also not shown that the tree would not have fallen but for the
negligence of the defendants in maintaining the tree," she said in decision grounds
issued last month.
The court, in the first such reported case on liability involving parked cars damaged
by fallen trees on a condominium's common property, accepted that the MC had a
duty of care.
But the issue turned on whether the MC had breached the standard of care
expected of it as the condominium's management agency and if such breaches led
to the damage, said the district judge.
The cars had been parked in the open carpark in front of Block 4 of Pandan Valley
condominium on Dec 28, 2015, when it rained during the night.
The next day, the two residents discovered that an angsana tree had fallen and
damaged their cars.
The duo claimed that the MC had failed to take adequate measures to ensure that
the tree did not pose any reasonably foreseeable danger or did not fall and cause
damage to property.
The MC countered that the tree showed no signs of decay or root rot and there was
provision for pruning of the trees with a regular landscape contractor.
The MC's lawyer, Mr Hong Heng Leong, further argued that it was exempt from
liability as the vehicles were parked at the owners' risk, pointing to the conditions
set out in the parking label issued to the car owners and on the notice placed at the
carpark entrance.
The incident was an unfortunate "misadventure", the judge said, taking a leaf out of
the coroner's finding in the case of the tembusu tree that fell at the Singapore
Botanic Gardens in February 2017 and caused the death of a 38-year-old woman.
"Even if the defendants were to be judged based on the standard of care that was
practised by the Singapore Botanic Gardens at the time of the incident and had
performed the relevant tree assessments on a regular basis, based on the same
conclusion as drawn in the coroner's case, the internal root problem would still not
have been detected," said the district judge.
No evidence was shown that hiring a tree expert to do periodic tree risk assessment
is the industry norm that the MC should have followed, she added.
The judge ordered the duo to pay $7,000 each in costs plus reasonable
disbursements to the MC.
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A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Straits Times on August 12, 2019, with the headline
'Condo's MC not to blame for tree that fell and damaged cars, rules judge'. Subscribe
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