Usmle Physician Tasks/Competencies
Usmle Physician Tasks/Competencies
Usmle Physician Tasks/Competencies
While this outline is common to all exams, each Step has test
specifications specific to that Step. Each Step exam emphasizes certain
parts of the tasks/competencies outline, and no single examination
includes assessment of all topics in the outline.
Copyright © 2020 by the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc. (FSMB), and
National Board of Medical Examiners® (NBME®). All rights reserved. The United States Medical Licensing
Examination (USMLE®) is a joint program of the FSMB and NBME.
Fostering the relationship
Gathering information
Providing information
Making decisions
Supporting emotions
Enabling patient behaviors
Using an interpreter or surrogate
Practice-based Learning
Understanding and application of principles of biostatistics, and epidemiology
Application of information from studies or other written material to patient care
Understanding of the principles of research ethics and regulatory issues
Applying Foundational Science Concepts
Identifies the cause/infectious agent or predisposing factor(s) or, given an effect, determines the cause.
Identifies the underlying processes/pathways that account for, or contribute to, the expression or
resolution of a given condition.
Recognizes or evaluates given clinical or physical findings to identify the underlying anatomic structure or
physical location.
Recognizes the mechanisms of action of various drugs; selects from an option set list of drugs based on
mechanism of action.
Knows individual's risk factors for development of conditions. Given current symptoms in presented
history, identifies other pertinent factors in the history.
Given a specific problem, knows what to ask in obtaining further pertinent additional history.
Predicts the most likely additional physical finding; selects either the finding itself or the appropriate
examination technique that would result in the finding.
Selects most appropriate laboratory or diagnostic study, including neuropsychiatric testing, or study most
likely to establish/confirm the diagnosis.
Selects most appropriate laboratory or diagnostic study after a change in patient status.
Diagnosis: Formulating the Diagnosis
Recognizes factors in the history, physical or laboratory study findings that affect patient prognosis or
outcome or determine therapy.
Interprets laboratory or other diagnostic study results and identifies current/future status of patient.
Knows risk factors for conditions amenable to prevention or detection in an asymptomatic patient,
or knows the potential condition for which the patient may be at risk.
Knows pertinent incidence statistics and identifies patient groups at risk; knows incidence of
symptoms/dangerous disorders among various groups.
Knows common screening tests for conditions amenable to prevention or detection in an asymptomatic
patient or population.
Knows appropriate counseling of patient or family regarding maintenance of current and future problems,
including risk factors related to present encounter.
Knows the indications for surveillance for recurrence or progression of disease following treatment.
Monitoring chronic disease in a stable patient where a change in patient status might cause a change in
Assesses patient adherence with treatment regimen, recognizes techniques to increase adherence or
understanding of the disease state, and knows how adherence may be affected by providing instructions
with therapy.
Knows adverse effects of various drugs, or recognizes signs and symptoms of drug (and drug-
drug) interactions resulting from polypharmacy in the therapeutic regimen and knows steps to
prevent polypharmacy including lab studies to monitor drug therapy.
Modifies therapeutic regimen within the context of continuing care; selects appropriate modifications in
therapeutic regimen.
Knows appropriate monitoring to evaluate effectiveness of drug therapy or to monitor for the adverse
effects of drug therapy in a patient that has not had a recurrence or progression of disease.
Management: Clinical Interventions/Treatment
Knows most appropriate management of selected conditions, including recognizing misuse of medication
or drug or alcohol use.
Knows most appropriate follow-up or monitoring approach regarding the management plan.
Evaluates severity of patient condition in terms of need for referral for surgical treatments/procedures
versus other nonsurgical options.
Knows indications for admission to the hospital or to other appropriate setting (eg, ICU). Knows
appropriate non-hospital health care settings.
Selects most appropriate management option from set of mixed management options (eg, mix of
diagnostic studies, pharmacotherapy, procedures, observation, or referral).
Gathering information
Providing information
Making decisions
Supporting emotions
Professionalism and Legal/Ethical Issues
Knows the guidelines for obtaining informed consent for treatment including children and
adolescents, third-party permission, and emergent situations.
Knows issues related to cultural competence and can apply knowledge in specific patient
Understanding and applying legal and ethical issues related to death and dying
Knows appropriate prescriptive practices; knows appropriate use of opioids in terminally ill patients.
Knows management of terminally ill patients related to treating chronic pain, and recognizing
patient's expression of fear of pain, injury, or death; knows how to comfort patient or family during
crisis such as trauma or death.
Understanding and applying professionalism, legal, and ethical issues in dealing with
physicians and other health professionals
Systems-based Practice
Understands basic concepts and terminology, principles, and application of quality improvement
science and outcome analysis.
Recognizes and optimizes human and environmental factors (eg, workplace design,
standardization, processes).
Patient safety
Identifies sources of error and suggests appropriate measures to evaluate or reduce the
likelihood of specific errors.
Applied Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology
Understands and can apply principles of epidemiology and population health, including health
status indicators, outbreak investigation, points of intervention.
Understands and can apply principles of study design and study flaws.
Understands and can apply the principles of screening and other tests.
Is able to make decisions about patient care based on results of study or other written