Media and Information Literacy - Q4 - Week 7
Media and Information Literacy - Q4 - Week 7
Media and Information Literacy - Q4 - Week 7
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the overall impact of media and information on individual
and society as a whole.
PERFORMANCE The learners shall be able to conduct a debate about the present status of MIL in the country and its value
STANDARDS to nation building with a global perspective.
The learners synthesize the overall impact of media and information on an individual (personal,
professional, educational, and other) and on the society as a whole (economic, social, political,
educational, and others).
SPECIFIC LEARNING At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to analyze the benefits and challenges of social networking
OUTCOMES platforms to government advocacies and nongovernment organizations.
VALUES Act as an agent of change to address social issues.
TIME ALLOTMENT 4 sessions (2 synchronous, 2 asynchronous) February 14-18, 2022
Cuizon, M.E., Divino, D.G. C., and Sual, C.C.. 2017. Media and Information Literacy for
Senior High School. Mutya Publishing House Inc, Malabon City, Philippines
Sayuno, C.M.M, and Liquigan, B.C., 2019. Media and Information Literacy. Diwa
Learning Systems Inc, Makati City, Philippines.
Have the learners watch the 3-minute video clip about senior citizens who are technology savvy.
• Source: GMA News and Public Affairs (2013, June 28). SONA: Lola Techie, hinikayat ang bang
may edad na tulad niya na maging tech savvy. Retrieved from
Ask the learners to answer the following questions:
• How did the senior citizens in the video use technology and the Internet in their daily lives?
• How did the government help the senior citizens become more media and information literate?
• What makes senior citizens, or people in general, media and information literate?
Ask the learners about their grandparents, or any senior citizens they personally know, and
whether they are as “techie” as Lola Techie. Have them explain how.
Relate the learners’ answers to the characteristics of a media literate individual.
• Use the framework of Aufderheide (1992 as cited in Koltay, 2011): A media literate person can
decode, evaluate, analyze and produce both print and electronic media. The fundamental objective
of media literacy is critical autonomy relationship to all media. Emphases in media literacy
training range widely, including informed citizenship, aesthetic appreciation and expression, social
advocacy, self-esteem, and consumer competence.
Emphasize to the learners that there are many technologies that people use for their businesses,
commerce, and communications.
Have the learners read the article “Social Media in the Philippines is Widespread, but what is its
Impact?”. It can be accessed here:
philippines-is-widespread-but-what-is-its-impact/ Give the following guide questions:
• How did social networking help in the Philippine elections?
PRACTICE (Synchronous)
Students will share their thoughts about the positive and negative impacts of social media
especially in mental health.
ENRICHMENT (Asynchronous)
Have the learners watch the 3-minute excerpt of the debate (“The Anxiety Over the Impact of
Technology on Children,” viewable here: )
Have the learners answer the following questions and discuss:
a. What is the stand of Mr. Nicholas Carr on the issue? Is he on the affirmative or on the negative?
What are his arguments?
b. What is the stand of Ms. Genevieve Bell on the issue? Is she on the affirmative or on the
negative? What are her arguments?
c. Do you think elementary school children should be allowed to own smart phones? Explain.
EVALUATION (Asynchronous)
Students will write a position paper about the benefits of being a media and information literate
individual. Emphasize that being a media and literate individual can make a lot of difference to the
a. Improved quality of life
b. Greater political participation
c. Better economic opportunities
d. Improved learning environment
e. More cohesive social units
f. Others
Prepared by:
Teaching Guide S.Y. 2021-2022
Subject Teacher
Noted by:
Strand Coordinator
Level Coordinator
Approved by:
Dr. Rex I. Igoy