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Activity 4

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1. Access the link uploaded under Peace Education topic. Compare two Peace
Building Organizations: Choose 1 from overseas and compare with a peace
building organization in the Philippines.
Bangladesh Inter-religious Council for peace and Justice (BICPAJ) and The
Episcopal Commission for Interreligious Dialogue (ECID) are two peace building
organizations with the aim of promoting inter-faith and inter-religious dialogue
between and among other religions towards achieving long-lasting peace and
harmony in shaping a better world for the next generation to come.


A religious non-profit non-government The Episcopal Commission for
organization founded in 1983 was Interreligious Dialogue is a commission
established by a group of Muslims and promoting inter-religious dialogue among
Christians committed to promoting peace Catholics and people of other faiths in
building in Bangladesh. The goal of the the Philippines. It was established by the
organization is to promote respectful Catholic Bishops Conference of the
dialogue and peaceful coexistence between Philippines (CBCP) in 1990.
religious communities thus enhancing
mutual understanding and friendly The objectives of the organizations are to:
relations in the country. 1. Shall promote dialogue with followers
of other religions like Buddhism,
The objectives of the organization are to: Hinduism, Islam and other
1. Provide leadership, coherence and indigenous religions, as well as with
direction to the initiatives and religious traditions as Confucianism,
involvements already occurring in the Taoism, and Zoroastrianism.
country. 2. Shall maintain communication with
2. Make sustained intellectual Pontifical Council of Inter-Religious
contribution to the furtherance of inter- Dialogue, and keep the Conference
religious dialogue. accordingly informed of concerns and
3. Promote international research in inter- issues of mutual interest.
religious dialogue and cooperation. 3. Shall collaborate with the
4. Serve as a source of interfaith Commission on Indigenous Peoples
organizations and committees in the for the study, analysis, and
Asia-Pacific region with regard to inter- recommendations on indigenous
religious dialogue. natural beliefs and religious cultures.
5. Develop cooperative links with non- 4. Shall make necessary advisories to
government organizations working in the conference for the implementation
the area of interfaith relations. in the country of the Declaration
Source: www.peaceinsight.org “Nostra Aetate”. And other directives
from the Apostolic
Source: www.peaceinsight.org

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