Science Action Plan 2019-2020 Erika
Science Action Plan 2019-2020 Erika
Science Action Plan 2019-2020 Erika
Department of education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Abra
Malibcong District
A. Learners’ Compiled To compiled an Used inquiry based Teachers October 2019 to Compiled
Development Experiment experiment approach and Pupils Mach 2020 experiment
notebook using notebook based on explicit teaching School Head notebook
the steps in inquiry-based
inquiry based approach.
approach for
grade 3 to 6
Science Quiz bee To promote high Quiz bee should be Teachers August 2019 to Quiz bee conducted
performance of conducted from Pupils January 2020 successfully
learners. Grade III to VI School Head
Attend Science To develop the Science fair should Teachers September Science fair done
Fair in the performance of a be conducted from Pupils 2019 successfully
division level child Grade III to VI School Head
Implementation To execute Handwashing and Teachers Year round Implemented
of proper hygiene handwashing and toothbrushing Pupils proper hygiene
toothbrushing School Head Photo
Contextualized Taking the learners Small or School- Teachers and June 2019 to Implemented
teaching-learning outside the four based field trips, learners March 2020 contextualized
process in science corners of the room activities outside the teaching and
to explore and room. learning.
discover things
Prepared by:
School Science Coordinator Noted by:
School Head