Changing The Language Setting Up Accessibility: Powerkey (Side)
Changing The Language Setting Up Accessibility: Powerkey (Side)
Changing The Language Setting Up Accessibility: Powerkey (Side)
■■ Basic operations of the keys ■■ Basic operations to input characters ■■ How to read the notification panel ■■ Setting the language, accessibility ■■ Setting wireless LAN (Wi-Fi®)
Power key (side) This product uses the software keyboard displayed at the bottom of the When a notification icon appears on the left side of the status bar, slide the This section describes the initial settings screen that appears when you By using the wireless LAN (Wi-Fi®) function, you can access to the
●Power ON screen to enter characters. status bar down to open the notification panel to check the notification or turn on the power for the first time. Internet using a wireless LAN environment built in your home or a public
Setting Guide Press and hold the power key. Tap the keys on the screen to enter characters. launch the application. wireless LAN environment away from home.
●Power OFF ●Changing
● the language ●Setting
● up accessibility
a Inputs the characters of each key. When setting the wireless LAN (Wi-Fi®) as described in this guide, you need
Thank you for purchasing the "Qua tab PZ" (simply called the "product" from
here on).
Press and hold the power key → Select
[Power off] → [POWER OFF].
a b Switches upper case/lower case 1 2 to be in an environment where the radio waves can be received from the
b i of entering character. wireless LAN device or public wireless LAN that you want to access to.
This "Setting Guide" describes the basic operations and initial settings for ●Sleep mode
c c Switches the Input Mode. Check the following information before setting the wireless LAN (Wi-Fi®)
using the product. Press the power key in operation to Touch and hold → tap [Keyboard function.
For descriptions on various functions, refer to "Basic Manual" or "User Guide switch to sleep mode. d e f g h
type] to switch to a 10-key
取扱説明書 詳細版 (Full Instruction Manual)" (Japanese) on the au website. ●Cancel sleep mode 《QWERTY》 keyboard or 50-key keyboard. SSID The name set for the wireless LAN device or public
Before using the product, be sure to read the "Notes on Usage" to ensure Press the power key in sleep mode to Switching the keyboard type d Enters pictograms/symbols/ wireless LAN service that you are connecting to
correct and safe use. display the lock screen. emoticons. Slide down the status bar The notification panel appears. [日本語(日本)] → select language After switching to the English
Password The password for connecting to the wireless LAN
Display (Touch panel) e Switches to voice typing. →[ ] display, [Accessibility] → review
All other company names and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of
Directly touch an item or button displayed on f Inputs a space and converts
■■ Setting Application Authority * Once you select your desired the precautions, [YES] → set
device or public wireless LAN service
respective companies referred to in this manual. language, the language for the Accessibility → [ ]→[ ] * Connection to all public wireless LAN services is not guaranteed.
the screen to operate. characters in Hiragana-Kanji input When activating the applications/functions to access the functions or
The ® marks and TM marks may be omitted in this manual. initial settings screen also changes. * You may need a separate contract with a service provider to use some
Home button mode. information of the product for the first time, the confirmation screen appears From here on, follow the onscreen
* The operations herein differ depending
《10-key》 on the configured Accessibility public wireless LAN services.
Sold by: KDDI CORPORATION, OKINAWA CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY Use it to display the Home screen. g Moves the cursor to the right/left to request the permission for the access authority. instructions. settings. * Enabling the wireless LAN (Wi-Fi®) function uses a lot of battery power.
Imported by: LG Electronics Japan, Inc. and changes the range of characters When the confirmation screen appears, confirm the content and tap "DENY" We recommend turning off the wireless LAN (Wi-Fi®) function when not
Dual window button
Manufactured by: LG Electronics Inc. when converting characters. or "ALLOW". using it.
Divides the screen and uses two
October 2016, 1st Edition MBM65756003(1.0) h Start a new line/confirm the • The explanation screen may be displayed depending on the application/ * If the language was not switched via the initial settings, switch the
applications at one time. characters input. language via the following procedures.
Task button i Deletes the character to the left
function. Also, the confirmation screen may be displayed several times or
the display may be different. Carefully check the displayed content, follow On the Home screen, [基本機能 (Basic functions)] → [設定 (Settings)] → 1 2
Check running applications. 《50-key》 of the cursor. [言語と入力 (Language & keybord)] →[言語 (Language)] → [English].
● the Basic Operations ●"Basic
● Manual application" the onscreen instructions.
Back button
Describes the names of parts Installs and starts up the Basic Flick input • If the application authority is not allowed, applications/functions may not The folder names will not be changed from the language of the initial
Returns to the previous screen.
and operation. Manual. be activated or using functions may be restricted. settings. Convert the folder names contained in "Setting Guide" (this
●Unlocking the screen For the 10-key keyboard, you can flick • In this manual, description of the confirmation screens may be omitted.
● Contacts manual), "Basic Manual", "Notes on Usage" into Japanese as per the
● Settings Swipe on the lock screen. the key up, down, right, or left to enter following and operate.
You can transfer your contacts * The way to release the lock screen differs depending on the screen lock being set. a character. Touch and hold the key [ ] of "Wi-Fi" → tap Enter Password →
Described in the steps for the
data from your previous au device. to display the candidates that can be English Japanese the network that you are [CONNECT] → confirm
au Supports au サポート connecting to the connection → [NEXT]
・Language settings, Accessibility ●How
● to Transfer Data from ■■ Basic operations of the touch panel entered by flicking (flick guide).
Others Apps その他アプリ * If you do not set up, tap * This step is not required if
・Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi®) settings the au Settings Menu
The display of the product is a touch panel and you can touch directly with Flick guide [NEXT]. you select a wireless LAN
・Google account settings You can restore/backup data (Wi-Fi®) network without
・Other settings your finger to operate. security settings.
from your previous au device to
● Easy Setting this product using a microSD Tap/Double Tap Touch and hold Slide Flick (Swipe) Pinch Drag
Sets au ID and services. memory card or au servers. While your finger is Quickly move Touch the screen Keep touching items
Lightly touch the Keep touching the
●●E-mail Settings ●Reducing
● Battery Consumption display and then screen. lightly touching the (flicking) your finger with two fingers and or icons and trace to
Sets up to use e-mail (@ezweb. You can reduce the battery immediately release screen, move it in the up, down, right, or left. widen (pinch-out) or the desired position. consumption by setting up your finger. Tapping desired direction. narrow (pinch-in) the
Battery saver. the same place twice fingers' distance.
is called a double tap.
[No thanks] → [NEXT] [Or create a new account] Enter your first and last Confirm your phone number Confirm the contents →
* To copy the settings of * If you have a Google names → [NEXT] → enter → [NEXT] → [VERIFY] [I AGREE] [Next] [Register "au ID"] → [Next] [au IDの設定・保存 (Set Enter the security code Enter a security password [Update] → [Next]
an Android device to the account, enter the mail your birthday and gender → * When a code input screen and save au ID)] → [OK] → [設定 (Settings)]→ [終了
product, tap [Copy your address. appears, follow the (End)]
[NEXT] → enter your user
Google Accounts, apps, onscreen instructions.
and data from your other name → [NEXT] → enter
device]. your password → [NEXT]
* User names already being
used by another user
cannot be used. 7 8 9 10 11
6 7 8 9
Confirm the terms of use To use Lookout for au, Place checkmarks on the Place checkmarks on [Finish]
→ [Agree] → [Next] → [Activate] → [Next] data you want to restore the application to be * When a different screen
[Agree] * If you do not use it, tap → [次へ (Next)] installed → [次へ (Next)] from the above appears,
[Skip activation] → [Next]. follow the displayed
* If you selected [Disagree], * If there is no data to be
* Allowing each authority of screen.
the au Easy Setting restored, this screen will
Completed screen will Lookout for au completes not be displayed.
[NEXT] Check the details of [No thanks] → [CONTINUE] Set whether to protect the tablet the pre-configuration.
Google services → [NEXT] * If you are purchasing * To set the screen lock, place a check mark on "Protect this
applications from Google device and require a PIN, pattern, or password to unlock the
Play, enter payment screen" → [NEXT] → set the unlock method of the lock screen,
information. etc. → tap [OK].
* If you do not set up, clear the check mark on "Protect this device
and require a PIN, pattern, or password to unlock the screen" →
E-mail Settings "Basic Manual application" Transferring Contacts
You can transfer data from your au device to the product using a microSD memory card.
E-mail ( is a service that enables you to exchange e-mails with other cell phones, which support e-mail, and with PCs. Your ■■ Changing your e-mail address ■■ Downloading "Basic Manual application"
e-mail address is decided automatically after the initial settings.
1 Save the contacts 2 3
The e-mail address in the initial settings can be changed.
Also, the setting to send/receive e-mails of au cell phones/smartphones by a tablet can be performed.
1 2 3 4 1 2 (address book)
from your au device
■■ Initial Settings to a microSD
memory card, and
* If the confirmation screen for e-mail application appears, check the content and follow the onscreen instructions.
insert the card into
When select [設定する (Set)] the product On the Home screen [基本 [ ] → [Manage contacts]
On the E-mail screen, [ ] [Eメールアドレスの変更へ (To Enter the security code → Confirm the contents → 機能 (Basic functions)] → → [Import]
1 2 3 On the Home screen, [UPDATE] → [CONTINUE] Refer to the instruction
→ [Change Address/Setting change e-mail address)] [送信 (Send)] [承諾する (I accept)] manual of your au [Contacts] * When a contact is not
[au Supports] → [Basic * If confirmation screens
Filter] are displayed, follow the device, etc. on how to registered, tap [ ]→
Manual] save the contacts. [Import] → the import
onscreen instructions to
source to proceed to step
5. If a saving location
screen appears, select the
5 6 7
desired account or location.
On the Home screen, [ ] Confirm e-mail address Confirm the contents → Confirm that it is the
→ [閉じる (Close)] [設定する (Set)]/[設定しない desired mail address → ■■ Using "Basic Manual application"
(Not set)] [完了 (Done)]
4 5 6
* Select [設定しない (Not set)] here
and finish the initial setting.
* If the mail address is not
the desired one, change it 1 2
* When [設定する (Set)] is from [変更 (Change)].
selected, au ID log in screen * For details of notes for Enter e-mail address → [送信 [OK] [閉じる (Close)]
appears. Follow the onscreen adding an account, refer to (Send)]
instructions, and the "When au homepage.
select [設定する (Set)]" screen
[SD card] → [NEXT] Place checkmarks on the [IMPORT]
appears. On the Home screen, Confirm contents
* The operations herein differ * If a saving location screen item to be imported → * When the import is complete,
[au Supports] → [Basic displayed → [ ] appears, select the desired [IMPORT] "Contacts imported" appears.
when [設定する (Set)] is
selected. Manual] account or location.
* Packet communications fees are charged for downloading the "Basic Manual
* The initial setting of the e-mail cannot be performed via Wi-Fi® communications. application" (no charges for Wi-Fi® connections).
How to Transfer Data from the au Settings Menu Reducing Battery Consumption
Return or store data from your previously used au device to this product using a microSD card or the au Smart Pass server.
• You need to setup an au ID to restore or save data using au Smart Pass servers.
■■ Using Battery Saver
• If you use a microSD memory card to restore data, save the data from your previous au device to a microSD memory card. Set up to switch to Battery Saver Mode automatically when the battery is running low.
■■ How to restore data from the au Settings Menu ■■ Saving data from au Settings Menu
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 1 2 3