#3 - How To Raise Prices After Acquiring A New Business

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How to raise prices to boost the revenue of a newly-acquired business (and your ROI) 2

Recently bought a business?

Then you’re probably wondering how to raise

revenue to boost your return on investment.

One of the most obvious yet trickiest

strategies to raise revenue is to raise prices.
That way, you earn more from your current
customers without spending more to find new

No business can afford to fix prices forever.

Those that try don’t last. Customers, too,
if they were being honest, understand that
nothing stays the same price forever, either.

However, if you raise prices without research,

testing, and communication, you risk losing
even your most loyal customers. Let’s face it:
no-one likes paying more – unless, of course,
they perceive some added value.

The trick, then, is to find out what customers

are willing to pay, get some early feedback,
and then frame the price rise from their
How to raise prices to boost the revenue of a newly-acquired business (and your ROI) 3

Raising prices is a
three-body problem
If you want to raise revenue by raising prices while
retaining your best customers, you must integrate
three elements into your strategy:

01 Research

02 Testing

03 Communication

They are somewhat interdependent but form the chronological stages of deploying a new
pricing strategy, safely.
How to raise prices to boost the revenue of a newly-acquired business (and your ROI) 4


Defining what’s fair

The value of your newly-acquired business should be plain
to you. But is this value reflected in pricing? How much do
your competitors charge? Do all of your customers pay the
same? When were prices raised last? What new features have
launched since? Are there any enhancements in the pipeline?

The idea here is that you move away from what your customers currently pay to what they’re
willing to pay for your product. This is value-based pricing and only around 40% of SaaS
businesses use this model. If this has never been done before in your newly-acquired business
(or only been done once or twice in the past) you’re missing out on extra revenue.

Many companies use a cost-plus pricing model that’s been around since the dawn of
commerce. Others simply charge the same as their competitors (or a bit less, depending
on their goals). The problem with both of these strategies is that they ignore your most
sustainable source of revenue: customers.

Fair pricing is charging what the customer is willing to pay. But which customer? Not all have
the same need for your product, so before you start gathering data, you must first identify who
your high-value customers are – your ideal customers, the people for which your company
adds the most value. Your best customers perceive the most value in what you do so their
opinion on pricing is gold.
How to raise prices to boost the revenue of a newly-acquired business (and your ROI) 5

An analysis of your customers might also reveal alternative pricing tactics, such as a tiered or
package model where some customers pay less, some stay the same, while your power users
pay more.


Refining your pricing

model (testing)
Once you know what your best customers are willing to pay,
it’s time to test alternative pricing models. To understand
the effect on your business as a whole, the test should be on
a sample that represents your existing customer base. This
will indicate your churn rate and also give you insight into
whether your LCV (Lifetime Customer Value) will improve or

Let’s assume you picked 10% of your existing customers, tested the new pricing model, and
gathered feedback. Your next step is to evaluate that feedback and then refine your pricing
strategy and test again. You continue to test, evaluate, and refine with other samples until
you’re confident the changes won’t cause a mass exodus of your best customers and that
you’ll continue to acquire them at the same or better rate. There’s no perfect pricing model –
just the one that works.
How to raise prices to boost the revenue of a newly-acquired business (and your ROI) 6


Give customers the news

If you know your customers well, you know how to
communicate in concepts and language that mean
something to them. You need to get inside their minds
and sell the change as a benefit, either through an
immediate upgrade, better service, or to support
improvements over time. You won’t please everyone,
but that’s not the goal. Your goal here is to convince
your best and most loyal customers to stay. Focus on
those whom the changes affect most, or if they affect
everyone equally, focus on the key customer personas
identified in step two.

If you’re raising prices without a commensurate change in what you sell, consider a candid
message. While customers don’t care about the financial goals of your business, they do
appreciate honesty as it’s a rare virtue these days. You’ll win more people over with a candid
explanation than telling a spurious story to justify the changes.

You might also consider compensatory schemes for certain customers. For example, fixed
pricing until they’re ready to upgrade, a temporary discount, a staggered price rise over
time, or any other mechanism that works for you. This will keep the toughest customers from
fleeing or causing a scene on social media. In time, when the shock has worn off, they’ll quit
grumbling and might even stay in return.
How to raise prices to boost the revenue of a newly-acquired business (and your ROI) 7

Whatever you do, communicate pricing changes early. Give customers plenty of time to think
about the changes, ask questions, seek alternatives, and so on. They’ll respect you for it and
might stay in return for your consideration of their needs. Also, people can be lazy about the
future whereas immediacy springs action, so avoid pushing people too early or you might
motivate them to leave.

Raising prices is never easy, and pricing itself is a complex, often misunderstood concept. If
you’ve run businesses before, this shouldn’t be your first pricing review. It certainly shouldn’t
be your last. Once you accept pricing is as important as feature development or talent, you
gain a new weapon in your revenue-generating arsenal, and will quickly realize that ROI on
your recently acquired business.

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