AccuRIP Software Manual
AccuRIP Software Manual
AccuRIP Software Manual
For over 25 years Freehand Graphics has been screen-printing, color separating, software developing and
educating screen printers. When our users asked us to put our experience into a screen-print specific RIP
we took on the challenge and AccuRIP is the result. Built as a “core” system driver once installed AccuRIP
is a PRINTER choice listed in the Print Window of all of your applications. AccuRIP is not like other RIP
programs. It was designed and programmed to handle one specific and important task and to do it extremely
well. Have a question or need some help - support is ALWAYS FREE!
For a current list of the various supported models (the list updates as drivers are added) please visit our
AccuRIP works in the background ready to deliver films made with your shop’s parameters. Just Hit
PRINT and AccuRIP is called into action. It’s so easy - you just might forget about the technology behind
your films!
AccuRIP is a “core system” service which means it is ready when you are. Just select PRINT! No need to launch
the program - it is available as a driver in ALL of your applications.
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 3
Table of Contents
Introduction and Supported Devices ...................................................... 2
Advisory Pop-Up Windows ...................................................... 3
Free Trial Information / Purchase Options ...................................................... 4
Installation with the Setup Wizard ...................................................... 5
After the Wizard ...................................................... 6
What printer do you have? ...................................................... 7
How is your printer connected? ...................................................... 10
How would you like this screened? ...................................................... 11
Single Angle Printing ...................................................... 12
AccuRIP On Call ...................................................... 13
N-UP Printing ...................................................... 13
AccuRIP Menus Explained ...................................................... 14
Terms and Features Explained ...................................................... 18
Quick Reference ...................................................... 20
Parallel to Ethernet ...................................................... 20
Contact Information / Requesting Support ...................................................... 21
Don’t Miss It: 24/7 access to valuable tech info and videos are online!
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 4
Freehand Graphics wants you to be as confident with your purchase of AccuRIP as you have been with all other
Freehand Graphics software. That’s why AccuRIP has a 14-day, fully-functional trial. Begin making money
with AccuRIP from day one of your trial!
Download the AccuRIP Trial available at
Run the installer for AccuRIP. This manual explains the simple set-up process (see page 5).
IMPORTANT Note: After registration you will see on-screen a $0 shopping cart receipt - close the window
and the AccuRIP Setup Wizard will begin.
There are several easy options for purchasing AccuRIP Software at any time during your trial period or after
the trial has expired.
24/7 Access to Tech Info: 24/7 access to valuable tech info and videos are online!
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 5
Run the Installer. The AccuRIP Set-Up Wizard will appear (see picture below).
First Time Users will enjoy AccuRIP’s Set-Up Wizard designed to make the already simple,
one-time set-up process even easier and faster!
Once completed all the user needs to do is start using AccuRIP by simply selecting the "AccuRIP to Epson"
print driver (built for your Epson model) from your favorite applications print window.
Fine tune your results using the easy setup feature within AccuRIP (File Menu>Setup).
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 6
The Set-Up Wizard completed the connection process and a TEST PAGE was made. Review your TEST
PAGE (film output). You can easily fine tune the results by choosing “Set-Up” from within AccuRIP. For
example, you can adjust the ink droplet weight to lighten or darken your results or adjust the resolution for
the best results.
AccuRIP offers a simple 3 tab set-up with just a few questions. The 3 Tabs are shown and described on
the following pages.
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 7 Section: What printer do you have?
Hot Tips:
USB cables should be 6 feet long
or shorter to prevent data inter-
ruption/loss that could
prevent files from printing. Note:
USB cable technology is not
designed for long distance data
transport of postscript data or of
large files.
Select Roll or Sheet Size and set the proper size. AccuRIP automatically sets the page size based on your
document size in the application you are working in. Even though AccuRIP has this auto feature it is
important to set the proper media size so you can take advantage of AccuRIP’s N-UP feature (ganging
up/nesting). N-UP printing is discussed further in the Special Features section of this manual Page 13
PLUS a PDF is available which can be located in your Applications/Program Files Folder/Main Application
Folder in the AccuRIP folder. VIDEO:
Mac Hard Drive>Main Application Folder>AccuRIP>App Notes
Windows: C:/Program Files>Fawkes Engineering>AccuRIP
which now have our formulated black dye. When using the All Black option make sure all cartridges are
selected otherwise their will be an uneven draining of cartridges. Leaving cartridges unused (idle) may
result in clogged inkjet heads and uneven draining - a main reason the All Black Ink system was
developed in the first place!
Turning ON Multi-black displays all the ink cartridges in your printer and sets
coverage to “standard ink”. By default Ink Coverage is set to STANDARD.
Standard lays down 2 droplets, one directly on top of the other. This gives
most screen printers the density and accuracy needed for proper film mak-
ing. LESS delivers one ink droplet per space and MORE delivers 3 droplets
per space (all within a single head pass).
All Black Ink is an exclusive feature of AccuRIP and a high-production benefit designed to keep your
device working as it was intended - with all cartridges in use regularly. For supported devices and info
please visit
PLUS: Users of printer models NOT supported by the All Black Ink system can use the multi-black feature
with quality bulking systems. When Freehand manufactured All Black Ink supplies (available through sanctioned
Resellers of Freehand) are installed the multi-black option will be available.
Next select droplet weight (ranges from 1 lightest to 15 darkest ). The default is set to 6 which is a good
starting point to determine what your needs are based on your brand of film. Droplet weight controls the
flow of ink from the print head and has the greatest effect on a film’s density. Depending on your ink and
film combination you may have to increase or decrease this setting. For very thick films that require a lot
of ink you may need to use one of the heaviest settings.
Bidirectional works best with new printers and the ability of an inkjet to manage bidirectional diminishes
over time due to normal wear of the printer. If your printer starts to stage (move) film prematurely you may
experience blurred printing. If this happens simply turn off the bidirectional feature and have your printer
serviced. Default setting is off.
Most screen printers don't have the need for exact dimensions, but (for example) those that need to
match films to "die cut" templates or have other specific dimension needs desire this control that AccuRIP
can deliver.
1. Located in the AccuRIP program folder is a pdf file called "Adjust Print Test.pdf".
2. "Drag and Drop" this pdf file into the Queue window of AccuRIP and it will print. The test print
requires 17"(43.18cm) of film. Measure the result.
3. Open the SETUP feature in AccuRIP and locate at the bottom of the first tab (What printer do you
have?) the "Adjust Print Length" feature.
4. Positive numbers increase length while negative numbers decrease length.
5. Starting with number 19 reprint the test page until you have the desired result. Changes in
increments of 10 make visual movements.
*It's advised to check your settings each time you change film rolls or brands as variations during
manufacturing may effect your printers film feeding rate.
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 10 How is your printer connected?
Tab 2: Windows AccuRIP Setup (Local Connections) (left). Windows AccuRIP Setup (Network Connections) (right).
• convenient tab system • easy to understand headings • POP-UP Advisory Windows
Connection Type: Select either Local or TCP (Network) (example: Epson 1400, 1800 and 1900 select Local).
Local is for locally connected printers such as USB, LPT1 or Firewire.
TCP (Ethernet) connected printers. Note: Firewire is only supported on Windows computers.
Local connections: Windows computers will automatically pick up any printer connected via USB, LPT1
(Parallel) or Firewire. If you do not see a proper connection click “show all ports” (Windows only) and
locate the proper printing port for your computer.
Network connections: (TCP/Ethernet) a “dummy” address of will appear in the address field. Do
not attempt to connect using this false “dummy” address.
Address: Enter a proper IP Address for your printer or network print server. If you don’t know what it is
contact your network administrator for help, access the network setup from the front control panel of your
Epson printer or use the “EpsonNet Config” software utility that can be downloaded from the Epson web site.
Instructional Videos are also available in our Video Café.
Test: Click this button to test that you have a good (passed) connection to your printer.
*EcoPro printers using the internal Ethernet card that has been converted from AT (Apple Talk) to Ethernet use Port 35. Don’t know how to do this?
Contact technical support: [email protected]
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 11 How would you like this screened?
Screen: There are many shapes to choose from when making a halftone screen. The default for AccuRIP is
ROUND. There is also DIAMOND, LINE, and ELLIPSE. Choose the shape you desire. Round and Ellipse are
the most commonly used shapes but ALL will work well.
Lock Screens: This simple feature is your greatest asset. Not only does it prevent user error when printing
films by universally overriding the setting in your various graphics applications to ensure proper film
output, it also eliminates the need to address those settings in the graphics applications every time you
need to print your file or separations – saving you a tremendous amount of effort and time.
When you select your angle in AccuRIP (i.e. 22.5 degrees) your halftones will all be printed at the same
chosen angle - proven to be the cleanest printing method hands down. Lock screens assures that AccuRIP
controls the info provided to the printer and not your application(s). See page 12 for additional information
on the power and benefits of single angle printing (Flemenco). Want to use a Rosette? Simply TURN OFF
Lock Screens and the control of angle and frequency is managed by the Design Application and NOT
AccuRIP. Be sure to address it in the graphic program’s PRINT WINDOW.
Angle: This sets the angle for the spot on your halftone screen. The default is 22.5 degrees and also
known to be the best screen angle for screen making when exposed to mesh screen properly stretched at
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 12 How would you like this screened
a 90 degree angle and looks best when viewed after printing. There are a few other angles that work well
such as 61 degrees.
Frequency: Set your line screen value here. The default is 45 lpi which is a comfortable line screen for
most textile screen printers. Set this number to your desired line screen. In order to choose a proper mesh
count for a line screen multiply the lpi by 5 to establish the minimum mesh count to successfully capture
this line screen. Choose the next HIGHER screen mesh and never lower. Example, 45 line screen times 5
equals 225. Therefore you should use a 230 mesh or higher to eliminate exposure moiré.
Dot Gain Control: Detailed instructions are available on our web site Knowledgebase: Article ACC-0203 and
this EXPERT LEVEL advanced feature is to be used ONLY by those with a Transmissive Densitometer that
require exact control over dot size as it relates to dot gain. This is not a procedure that can be handled by
eye. The most important factor is the use of good quality ink and film. With the use of better quality film
brands dot gain is dramatically reduced or eliminated. Poor quality films dot gain the most. Give yourself
the greatest chance for success.
AccuRIP offers an Advanced Dot Gain control feature. Simply click the "Print Target" button. Be sure to
print on the film you use to make screens. Read the film or a print of the test film and apply those
numbers to the proper fields to adjust the RIP for the inkjet printer. You can also Save and Load the cali-
brations as needed.
Understand that calibrations to film adjust the inkjet printer and not the printing press. For the most
accurate calibrations it makes sense to calibrate the printing press so printing the Test Print on press and
measuring that result tells you how much dot gain is created by the "printing press" allowing you to make
the most accurate adjustments. Harder to do since there are changing variable on all presses. Most people
just calibrate the inkjet printer and do their best on press to control inks and pressure.
Single Angle Printing (Flemenco Printing): is historically the best method for printing halftones.
Discovered in the late 1800s and patented by the Italian newspaper Flemenco users moved away from
single-angle printing ONLY because of registration problems of the cmyk printing presses during that time
period. Today the offset presses and screen print presses are far superior and have highly accurate
registration processes. Screen printers will find a remarkable improvement in their halftone printing by
moving to single-angle printing (you’re welcome!)
Not convinced? During discussions many will say “it can’t be done” and when asked why they simply
have no good answer other than someone they think was knowledgeable told them that. Ask to see their
prints and find out just how hard they had to work at them. The conversation always turns to the "secret
angles" they have discovered and usually its that they simply line up the black and yellow screen which
improves clarity and reduces dot gain. I always say "great idea" but why stop there? You have improved
your print by only 50%. If you can line up two out of four colors and the world did not stop spinning then
why can't you line up all four? Usually followed by silence and a lot of brow ruffling. Now it sinks in and
they smile.
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 13 Exclusive / Special Features of AccuRIP
AccuRIP On Call
AccuRIP is a “Core Service” which means it is always on call, ready and waiting. Think of it as “sleeping
until ready”. Once you complete your set-up you do not need to open/launch AccuRIP to take advantage
of its service whenever you wish to print.
Simply choose the AccuRIP Driver that will be available in all Print Menus. Go ahead and print as usual.
N-UP Printing
N-UP Printing
N-UP Printing is an “automatic” feature activated when the page size (media size) of your graphic in
any application is smaller than half the size of film selected in AccuRIP. To make the most of this feature
simply make your page size (media size) large enough to accommodate your image, registration marks and
plate labeling. When AccuRIP sees that your page size is half the size of your film size it will
automatically fit and organize as many images on a single film as possible. AccuRIP applies division mathe-
matics. For more information specific to your graphics program refer to the supplied PDF
documents in the AccuRIP program folder.
Mac Hard Drive>Main Application Folder>AccuRIP>App Notes
Windows: C:/Program Files>Fawkes Engineering>AccuRIP
PLUS: View our video...
The AccuRIP Menus are easy to navigate and for the most part the user will not need to use the features
in the Menu.
Brings up the 3 Tab Setup Windows that we have discussed in length earlier in the manual. You can revisit
the Setup any time you wish to change your AccuRIP settings such as when you switch to a different
supported inkjet model or to change your shops desired lpi (line screen) (frequency).
These are your controls for job queue or you can use the friendly icons in the Main AccuRIP Window! Roll
your mouse over the icons for a pop up description.
Green Square:
STOPS your job from printing.
The Jobs Menu also includes the option to Cancel All Jobs.
*AccuRIP can go into the “Paused” Mode any time a file is not fully printed. Causes can be from
the printer not being turned on to a broken Network connection to the printer.
Here is where you can control what Menus you see in the AccuRIP Window. All Menus are “tear away” so
you can configure your on screen appearance to suit your needs. Job History and Details provides basic
job information about the files sent and processed with AccuRIP. Tool Bar can be viewed or hidden by
checking or unchecking it under the View Menu.
Under the View Menu you will also find:
Help • About
Note: About for Mac users is located under the AccuRIP Window.
This Menu is ONLY displayed in the trial versions. Once the software is purchased the Menu changes to
Purchase Menu:
You can Purchase AccuRIP directly online. This provides for instant unlocking (just a few minutes). Your
purchases are “secured” through E-Sellerate.
Transfer Menu:
Visible in versions that have had a serial number entered.
Transfer Activation: (requires Internet connection) If you need to "move" AccuRIP to another computer
you must first "de-activate" the serial number before re-installing. It is advised to wait 20 minutes after
de-activation before re-installing. This gives our security servers time to communicate and reopen access
to your serial number.
Don’t "remove or delete" the software from the original computer AccuRIP was installed. Removing or
deleting is not the same as de-activating. You MUST "de-activate" by doing a Transfer Activation before
moving and re-installing AccuRIP.
AccuRIP is a "single install" license that allows you to "share" the driver with your entire network not
"install" and activate it on multiple computers. * Too many failed attempts at multiple installations will
result in a security lock out and the need for you to contact tech support at [email protected].
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 18 Terms and Features Explained
2 3
The Job Queue, Job History and Job Details window are displayed together or may be torn apart to float
on their own.
2. Job Queue:
Displays the present file printing and all the separations related to that file as well as all jobs waiting to be
3. Job History:
Click on any job previously printed to display Job Details. Mac and PC users can right click to reprocess
jobs. Jobs with green check marks indicate the job has fully processed - printed. Jobs with an “X” failed
to process and may need investigation or possible reprinting from the application.
4. Job Details:
Provides general information about the job (i.e. file name, Rip Time, etc.)
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 19 Terms and Features Explained
Moving Windows:
The Job Queue, Job History and Job Details windows may be pulled apart (tear away / float). Click on the
window name and drag, then release the mouse over the desktop. To resize the window, click and drag
the lower right corner of the window.
To return the window to the Main Job Queue window click once on the Window Return icon
located at the upper right corner of the window or click and drag the window name, releasing the mouse
over the Job Queue window.
Close the window by clicking on the “X” located at the upper right corner of the window.
Open a closed window by going to the “View Menu” and selecting the window.
Have a PDF, PS or EPS file and don’t have an application for these files?
Simply drag and drop the file into the Job Queue.
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 20 Printing With AccuRIP
With AccuRIP installed and your AccuRIP to Epson Driver for your specific model successfully built you are
ready to output your graphics file/separations (solids, halftones, postscript data). The experience of work-
ing with AccuRIP is much like working with a laser printer. It is driver-based so there is no extra workflow
or special requirements. In short - it is the easiest means to quality output. AccuRIP is NOT a separation
software or engine. It allows you to output separations to an Epson inkjet which is a non-Postscript device.
If you are not familiar with how to navigate your graphics program PRINT Window and print features when
outputting separations you should review your program manual. AccuRIP takes over the task of file output
after you have made the proper selections in the Print Window of your design program (i.e. Illustrator,
DRAW, Photoshop, etc.) To help the end-user we have posted documentation and have created videos that can
be found online for the most common applications used by screen-printers such as Adobe Illustrator and
Corel DRAW. Visit
What are the typical selections in the Print Window that I will need to address?
To answer this question we have provided videos of Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw in our Video Café
located at Programs vary and versions within programs also vary
so be sure to learn your Print Window well. But, anyone who has the task of printing files should already
have the understanding of how to print “separations” as opposed to printing a color composite to an Epson
using the standard Epson driver.
Note: since AccuRIP Software is called into play after the Print Window selections are made, unexpected
print results most often are related to file development or incorrect selections made in the Print Window.
The hardware should also be on, in good working order, directly connected to the computer that hosts
AccuRIP, have a proper length USB cable(6 feet or less) (no hub), and all ink cartridges inserted and with
available ink. Printer errors or lights alerting you that your hardware has an issue need to be addressed
before outputting your file as separations to film.
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 21 Quick Reference
• My serial number is not unlocking the trial into a full purchased version. I am receiving an error.
- Purchasers:
Make sure that you copy and paste the ENTIRE purchase code including the ACCU... into the Enter Serial
Number field (see below).
If you type it in be sure that it is in ALL CAPS.
It must contain the dashes - and there are
The Error Message INVALID SERIAL NUMBER is a user input error and does not mean the Serial Number is
not correct.
There are proper means to transferring your AccuRIP Serial Number off of one computer to be used on
a different computer. This is handled by the user under the AccuRIP Software’s TRANSFER Menu.
Information on Transferring a Serial Number is documented on page 17.
AccuRIP Software Manual Page 23 CONTACT INFORMATION
Thank you for reading the manual and using AccuRIP Software. We appreciate your business.
Contact Information
email: [email protected]
AccuRIP ™
© 2006-2011 Fawkes Engineering & Freehand Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.