Performance Task Rubric: Criteria 4 Exemplary 3 Satisfactory 2 Developing 1 Beginning
Performance Task Rubric: Criteria 4 Exemplary 3 Satisfactory 2 Developing 1 Beginning
Performance Task Rubric: Criteria 4 Exemplary 3 Satisfactory 2 Developing 1 Beginning
The town mayor and his business partners want to build a Star Bucks franchise and Gasoline
station within the town proper. As a planning and development surveyor, you are assigned to
create a map to see all the possible competitors within the vicinity. The final vicinity map project
contains labels, pictures and information about the place and it will be presented via zoom with
the mayor and his business partners. The project requires a researcher and draftsman. The
mayor and his business partners will check the project according to the following criteria: clarity
of features, the accuracy of labels, attractiveness, and compatibility.
G - creating a map for the purpose of seeing all the possible competitors within the vicinity.
R - researcher and draftsman
A -Mayor and his/her business partners
S - The town mayor with his/her business partners want to build a starbucks franchise and
gasoline station within the town proper
P- Business Vicinity map
S -Clarity of features, accuracy of labels, attractiveness, and compatibility
4 3 2 1
Exemplary Satisfactory Developing Beginning
Clarity of Features Features and Features and Features and Features and
boundaries are boundaries are boundaries are boundaries are
distinguishable. visible. present but cannot missing.
be easily seen.
Accuracy of Labels Major landmarks are Major landmarks are Major landmarks are No labeling of
labeled correctly along labeled correctly. labeled incorrectly. landmarks are seen.
with other significant
Attractiveness Makes strategic use of Makes good use of Uses graphics but Does not use
graphics and effects to graphics to enhance did not enhance the graphics in the
enhance presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation.
Compatibility The online business The online business The online business The online business
vicinity map has been vicinity map has vicinity map has vicinity map has not
tested and shown to been tested and been tested and been tested or
work in multiple shown to work in at shown to work on supports only one
platforms and least 1 browser and either MAC and PCs browser on our
browsers. in Mac or PC but problems exist. platform.