Effect of Salinity On Growth, Yield and Ion Contents of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Genotypes IJB 14-5-192 204
Effect of Salinity On Growth, Yield and Ion Contents of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Genotypes IJB 14-5-192 204
Effect of Salinity On Growth, Yield and Ion Contents of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Genotypes IJB 14-5-192 204
International Network For Natural Sciences
Website: www.innspub.net
Copyright © INNSPUB 2017
Department of Botany, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Pakistan
Department of Soil Science, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan
Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam, Pakistan
Department of Biochemistry, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Pakistan
Institute of Microbiology, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Paksitan
Soil salinity is one of the most distressing ecological stresses which reduces the agrarian production. However, the impact of
salinity varies among species and genotypes. The experiment tested the salt tolerance of ten rice genotypes including, four
aromatic (DR-67, Latifee, Super Basmati and DR-66) and six non-aromatic genotypes (DR-92, DR-51, IR-6 Shahkar, NIA-19A
and Shua-92 check). The study used two factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with four salinity levels (T1-2.3
(control), T2-6.0, T3-9.1 and T4-12.8 EC dS m-1), at Green house, Department of Botany, Shah Abdul Latif University
Khairpur. Initially, a nursery of all genotypes was developed in a normal soil. The seedlings (25 days old) were transplanted
into pots filled with 10 kg air of dried soil. Each pot contained one plant hill-1 and three hills pot-1. The recommended rate of
NPK (160:90:37 kg ha-1) fertilizer was used. The results indicated that almost all agro-morphological traits like shoot height,
root length, total tiller numbers and productive tiller numbers, total number of filled grains, 1000 grains weight, spikelet
fertility percentage root and shoot dry weight, and harvest index percentage were reduced significantly with a rise in salt
concentrations. Genotypes DR-92, DR-51 and IR-6 accumulated less sodium (Na+), more potassium (K+) and had higher
K+/Na+ ratio in straw and grain samples hence were less affected against all salinity levels as compared to other rice genotypes.
On contrary, genotypes Super Basmati and DR-66 showed meager performance regarding all tested traits against all salinity
* Corresponding Author: Muzafar Hussain Sirohi [email protected]
Study site and rice genotypes
The experiment was conducted in July 2017 at Green
house, Department of Botany Shah Abdul Latif
University Khairpur. Ten rice genotypes including
four aromatic (DR-66, DR-67, Latifee and
The severe effect of salinity was observed at EC 12.8 number filled gains panicle-1 (Fig. 2). Likewise,
dS m-1 where reduction in growth surged up to spikelet fertility decreased significantly when levels of
maximum (26.9 PROC) for shoot height of all salinity were gradually raised. Genotype exhibited an
genotypes. The genotypes Shua-92, DR-92 and DR- average 6.4 % reduction in spikelet fertility at T2 (EC
51were less affected by salinity level by showing the 6.0 dS m-1) in all genotypes (Fig. 3b). Genotypes DR-
least reduction in vegetative growth (Fig. 2). Whereas 92, Shua-92 and DR-51 has the highest spikelet
Super Basmati, DR-67, DR-66 and Shahkar showed a fertility (≤ 7 PROC) on average. In contrast, more
than 20% reduction in spikelet fertility was observed m-1) where maximum ≥ 24 PROC was recorded,
in genotypes DR-92, Shua-92 (Fig. 2). whereas less affected genotypes were Shua-92, NIA-
19A and DR-51 where minimum ≥ 10 PROC was
1000 grain weight (g) noted (Fig. 2). Similarly at EC 9.1 dS m-1, the
Grain yield significantly reduced with increased maximum more than 40 PROC was recorded in
salinity levels in all genotypes (Fig.3c).Genotypes genotypes Super Basmti, NIA-19A and DR-66,
Super Basmati, DR-66 and Shahkar were more whereas minimum < 20PROC was observed in
affected even at lower salinity treatment (EC 6.0 dS genotypes Shua-92, DR-92 and DR-51.
Table 2. Salt-tolerance traits index (STTI) of aromatic and non-aromatic rice genotypes grown at EC 6.0 (dS m-
1).SDW=Shoot dry weight, NTPH=Number of tillers per hill, NFGPP=Number of filled grains per panicle,
TGW=Thousand grains weight, SFP=Spikelet fertility percentage, HIP=Harvest index percentage,
K+/Na+=Potassium/Sodium ratio, STI=Salt-tolerant index.
Shua-92 97.8 87.8 92.7 92.6 97.3 94.7 79.0 91.7 1
DR-92 90.3 90.0 87.6 90.4 98.7 94.6 85.5 91.0 2
DR-67 88.2 94.1 92.1 90.0 97.8 91.6 78.3 90.3 3
DR-51 93.5 80.2 91.2 90.5 97.2 91.3 82.5 89.5 4
IR-6 92.6 83.3 91.5 88.8 98.7 95.2 76.0 89.4 5
Latifee 91.6 90.6 90.7 89.9 95.0 84.9 71.0 87.7 6
NIA-19A 87.9 96.7 83.2 91.2 91.2 90.8 70.5 87.4 7
Shahkar 89.5 81.4 87.8 86.6 96.5 90.6 70.3 86.1 8
DR-66 88.3 89.9 70.7 83.5 80.7 81.7 55.3 78.6 9
Super Basmati 82.5 91.5 64.6 76.0 82.8 82.9 54.0 76.4 10
27% with various treatment in genotypes whereas the followed by Super Basmati, NIA-19A and Shahkar
same remained ≤ 13% in grains. The lowest average were the most affected with higher accumulation of
amount of sodium in straw (≤ 0.13%) and grains (≤ average amount of sodium in straw (≤ 0.30%) and
0.09 %) accumulated in genotypes Shua-92, DR-92 grains (≤ 0.19%).
and DR-51. On contrast, the genotypes DR-66
Table 3. Salt-tolerance traits index (STTI) of aromatic and non-aromatic rice genotypes grown at EC 9.1 (dS m-1).
SDW=Shoot dry weight, NTPH=Number of tillers per hill, NFGPP=Number of filled grains per panicle,
TGW=Thousand grains weight, SFP=Spikelet fertility percentage, HIP=Harvest index percentage,
K+/Na+=Potassium/Sodium ratio, STI=Salt-tolerant index.
DR-92 77.6 83.3 77.9 87.8 92.9 87.8 73.0 82.9 1
Super Basmati 67.0 62.1 46.3 48.1 74.2 48.0 37.9 54.8 10
Potassium (K+) content in (straw and grain) salinity level. The highest K+/Na+ ratio (between 3.21
In contrast to sodium, the higher salinity levels - 4.26 in straw and 3.34 – 4.73 in grain) retained in
significantly reduced K+ content in all genotypes (Fig. genotypes DR-92, Shua-92 and DR-51. DR-66
5 c&d). The K contents on control treatment were followed by NIA-19A and Super Basmati revealed the
0.41% in straw which reduced to 0.25% at the highest minim K+/Na+ ratio as compared to control (Fig. 2).
salinity treatment (12.8 dS m-1).
Salt-tolerance index (STI)
The same were 0.32% in grains at the highest. On The data regarding aromatic and non-aromatic rice
average, Shua-92 followed by DR-92 and DR-51 genotypes were evaluated for salt-tolerance index
exhibited high accumulation of K+ in straw (39-41%) (Table 2). Results showed the highest (91.68, 91.02
and grains (0.30-0.34%) at all salinity levels. Whereas and 90.32) STI determined in genotypes Shua-92
the genotypes NIA-19A followed by DR-66 and Super followed by DR-92 and DR-67 at salinity level 2 (EC
Basmati were the most affected with the lowest 6.0 dS m-1). Whereas the lowest STI (76.35, 78.58 and
accumulation of K+ (Fig. 2). 86.09) was observed in genotypes Super Basmati
followed by DR-66 and Shahkar. Similarly, the
K+/Na+ ratio (straw and grain) maximum (82.91, 82.89 and 76.73) STI was noted in
Due to the lower accumulation of K+ in plant, the genotypes DR-92 followed by Shua-92 and DR-51 at
K+/Na+ ratio significantly reduced in straw and grains salinity level 3 (EC 9.1 dS m-1).While the minimum
with increase in salinity level (Fig. 6). The genotypes (54.81, 56.14 and 64.41) were noted in genotypes
maintained 3.78 and 3.53 K+/Na+ average ratio at Super Basmati followed by DR-66 and NIA-19A
control treatment in straw and grain, respectively. (Table 3). The remaining genotypes showed medium
The ratio reduced to 1.14% in straw at the highest response against salt-tolerance index.
Fig. 1. Effect of salinity on agronomic characters of rice genotypes (a) Shoot height, SE d = 0.33, 0.05%
LSD=0.64, (b) Root length SEd = 0.06, 0.05% LSD=0.14, (c) Number of tiller/hill-1 SEd = 0.02, 0.05% LSD=0.05,
(d) Number of productive tillers/hill-1 SEd = 0.03, 0.05% LSD=0.05. The genotypes did not produce reproductive
tillers at salinity T4 (12.8 dSm-1) therefore the 4th bar for the treatment is not visible in the certain parts.
Fig. 2. Reduction in vegetative and reproductive characters of rice genotypes. The bars show the percentage
reduction over control (PROC) at three salinity treatments. The genotypes did not produce reproductive tillers at
salinity T4 (12.8 dSm-1) therefore the 4th bar for the treatment is not visible in the certain parts.
with increased salinity levels in all genotypes tillers. Our findings are close confirmation with the
including check variety Shua-92 (Fig. 2). A higher findings of Rozema and Flowers (2008); Mahmood et
salinity level at EC 12.8 dS m-1 had severe impact on al. (2009); Dawit (2010); Hakim et al. (2014).
plants where none of genotypes produced productive
Fig. 3. Effect of salinity on agronomic characters of rice genotypes (a) Number of filled grains/panicle, SEd =
0.32, 0.05% LSD=0.63, (b) Spikelet fertility, SEd = 0.31, 0.05% LSD=0.62, (c) 1000 grain weight SEd = 0.19,
0.05% LSD=0.38. The genotypes did not produce reproductive tillers at salinity T4 (12.8 dSm -1) therefore the 4th
bar for the treatment is not visible in the certain parts.
They reported a significant affect at all salinity levels and declined K+ concentration in straw and root at
even at lower salinity level EC 4 dS m-1 on tillering of higher salinity treatments. This significantly reduced
plants. Salt stress reduces yield of rice through the K+/Na+ ratio in plant body and grain. The
decreasing number of filled grains panicle-1. The accumulation of Na+ contents in rice roots and shoots
salinity reduces pollen viability in plants. Moreover, it were progressively rise with the escalation in salinity
affects the receptivity of pollens on the surface of stress but the rate of accumulation depends on salt
stigma consequently reducing the seed set in flowers concentration in the soil. A similar impact of salinity
(Abdullah et al., 2001). has also been reported in other genotypes of rice
(Mahmood et al., 2009; Ikram-ul-Haq et al., 2010;
Effect of salinity for ion contents in rice Summart et al., 2010). Salt stress creates a nutritional
Nevertheless, nutrients are essential for plants to imbalance in plant body by accumulating additional
maintain vigor. Their accumulation in excess may Na+ ions in root and shoot (Djanaguiraman et al.,
become hazardous for plants. Present study 2006; Hakim et al., 2014). K+ compete with other
demonstrated a higher amount of Na+ accumulation elements present in soil for absorption in plant body
(Babourina et al., 2000). processes in the plant body (Rahman et al., 2008).
The K+/Na+ ratio preserves metabolism and regulate
Ionic presence in the plants provides an imperious the growth and development in plant body under
evidence about toxicities in plant body. Ionic saline environment (Pardo et al., 2006).
disproportion generally affects the physiological
Fig. 4. Effect of salinity on agronomic characters of rice genotypes (a) Shoot dry weight, SE d = 0.03, 0.05%
LSD=0.05, (b) Root dry weight, SEd = 4.84, 0.05% LSD=9.64, (c) Harvest index, SEd = 0.28, 0.05% LSD=0.56.
The genotypes did not produce reproductive tillers at salinity T4 (12.8 dSm-1) therefore the 4th bar for the
treatment is not visible in the certain parts.
Salt stress significantly decreased K+/Na+ ratio in Mardani et al., 2014; Reddy et al., 2014).
current study. Kiberia et al. (2017) also recorded a
similar trend in reduction of K+/Na+ ratio in Salt-tolerance indices (STI)
vegetative parts of plant with increased salinity Substantial difference among tested aromatic and
concentrations. Salt-tolerant plant species have non-aromatic rice genotypes was recorded for
adopted to maintain accreted K+/Na+ ratio. It is vegetative and yield attributes under saline
believed to be an appropriate attribute which conditions. STI is a useful tool to calculate the
maintains the ion equilibrium and high biomass sensitivity of plants against salinity stress.
under saline environment (Moradi and Ismail, 2007;
Fig. 5. Effect of salinity treatments on accumulation in plant body (a) Na+ contents in straw, SEd = 2.72, 0.05%
LSD = 5.41, (b) Na+ contents in grain, SEd =1.27, 0.05% LSD = 2.52, (c) K+ contents in straw, SEd = 2.78, 0.05%
LSD = 5.54, (d) K+ contents in grain, SEd =1.81, 0.05% LSD = 3.62. The genotypes did not produce reproductive
tillers at salinity T4 (12.8 dSm-1) therefore the 4th bar for the treatment is not visible in the certain.
Fig. 6. Effect of salinity treatments on K+/Na+ ratio in genotypes (a) K+/Na+ ratio in straw, SEd = 0.02, 0.05%
LSD = 0.05, and (b) K+/Na+ ratio in grain, SEd = 0.03, 0.05% LSD = 0.05. The genotypes did not produce
reproductive tillers at salinity T4 (12.8 dSm-1) therefore the 4th bar for the treatment is not visible in the certain
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