Pre and Post COVID-19 Sentiment Analysis of Consumers For OTT

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 6197-6208 ISSN: 00333077

Pre and Post COVID-19 Sentiment Analysis of Consumers for OTT

Raka Ghosh Dastidar 1
Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nasik, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, India

The entire media and entertainment industry are going through unprecedented changes in this age of digital disruption. The rise of
the Over-The-Top (OTT) platform has transformed consumer experience and expectations. OTT players (Netflix, Amazon Prime
Video, Hulu, Disney+, etc.) offer a wide array of diverse choices of content while enabling consumers to choose their content,
watching time, and place independently. OTT platforms and digital media have already seen increasing popularity across locations
and demographics. Adding to the momentum, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, social lives have shifted to online, people are
restricted to their homes, so inclination towards OTT and digital media has accelerated significantly. Consumer behavior is
undergoing profound change as the world adjusts to this new normal. This study aims to understand the changing consumer
behavior towards the adaptation of the OTT platform during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Over-The-Top, digital media, Netflix, entertainment industry, COVID-19, OTT players

Article Received: 10 August 2020, Revised: 25 October 2020, Accepted: 18 November 2020

Introduction of traditional types of TV receivers such as

satellite, set-top boxes, and dishes to viewers by
In recent times COVID-19 outbreak has resulted way of an on-demand delivery system (Urgelles,
in significant economic, mental, and physical 2017).
health consequences. Due to social distancing Some of the major Global players of OTT video
measures employed by several countries around platforms are HBO, YouTube Tv, Amazon, Hulu,
the globe, the entire dynamic of how people Netflix, Apple, Crackle, Facebook watch, Sling,
communicate and work, how people live and Disney, etc. India’s first OTT video platform was
interact with each other, how people move around, BIGFlix by Reliance entertainment which was
and travel has been changed. While adherence to launched in 2008. Then Digivive launched the
these lockdown measures psychological traits like first OTT Video platform which could be accessed
boredom, anxiety, stress, insecurities took a front through a mobile phone called nexGTv which
seat for many of us. served both live TV and video on demand, in
The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting the way 2010. NexGTv was the first OTT video platform
business functions. When comes to Entertainment to live stream IPL in the years 2013 and 2014. In
and Media business, coronavirus creates both India, around 40 providers of over–the–top media
challenges and opportunities. Due to social services (OTT) are present in the market.
distancing norms, home media consumption PwC, Global Entertainment, and Media Outlook
increased and big broadcasting events like live report 2019 suggested that the OTT Video market
sports, theatre movie release have been postponed will grow almost double between 2019 to 2029
or cancelled. In response to all the difficulties, and will represent 72.8 billion industry by 2023
digital media has come up with some new normal and will grow with almost 14% CAGR
aspects of the entertainment business.
Global Media and entertainment have seen swift 1.1. Different types of content go well with
changes over the year. Digital disruptions have OTT platform
changed the way we experience content. With Though general perception about the OTT
higher internet penetration and easy access to platform largely moves around VOD(Video-on-
fresh content, the OTT industry has seen a drastic demand) services and the concept of the OTT
increase in revenue. OTT stands for “over- the- technology & innovation covers a much wider
top,” which essentially means that audio-visual range of content, as mentioned below.
entertainment contents are delivered over the top
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 6197-6208 ISSN: 00333077

• Video: Online video streaming is the most long-distance calls, and SMS service. Also, the
popular type of content, OTT platform provides. traditional media is facing huge competition by
There are many platforms like Netflix, Hotstar new OTT services providers for
offer a large variety of video content based on theircontemporary approach of audio and video
subscription-based or free membership business streaming services. Today’s consumers prefer
model. “on- demand" experience. So, we can say there
• Audio: Along with online video streaming are a consumer preference shift from traditional
audio streaming is another important content entertainment & media to “on-demand‟ media.
OTT platform delivers. Podcast, the internet The rise of OTT platforms and the ease of access
radio station is a well-known example of it. to mobiles have drastically transformed consumer
• VOIP: Voice calling service is also another preferences towards general entertainment
significant value addition by the OTT platforms, provided by the traditional TV industry.
which is driven by the internet facility. According to a study by TechARCUnomer, 4 out
• Messaging: Nowadays different instant of 5 smartphone users have at least one OTT
internet-based messaging platform (i.e. Skype, entertainment platform which is 80% of whole
WhatsApp) is there which successfully reduce smartphone subscribers (Khatri, 2019). In 2018
the use of the mobile SMS feature(Gaoshinde, the OTT platform revenue in India was evaluated
2020). to be 638 million this was majorly due to driving
digital media consumption on mobile devices and
1.2. Different business models for OTT the evolution of smart TV which allows OTT
Services platforms to broadcast on television via the use of
In this competitive age like any other industry WiFi. Both global and Indian OTT players are
OTT also revolved around different innovative providing multiple choices around content
business models that solely depend on the consumption to the consumer, due to which
customer segment, market condition, and present consumer preference is shifting. Domestic OTT
competition. The following are the options present players like Hotstar have made disruptions to how
in the current market. consumers used to watch the sports content.
• Subscription-based: Users need to pay a According to figures released by ICC in 2019, the
periodical (weekly/monthly or annual) fee to world cup semi-final between India and New
avail of the service. Zealand made a record with
• Usage/Transaction: Users need to pay for a 25.3 million people live streaming the match on
particular resource or service they are using. Hotstar (Rashid, 2019).
• Advertisements: Supplier sells their ads over COVID-19 pandemic has restricted live
the OTT platform while users are viewing any entertainments and film business due to several
content over the OTT platform. social distancing laws and lockdown policies
• Freemium: This is a hybrid model where some imposed by the government. Like many other
basic content or features are free for any user, countries In India government extended lockdown
but some content or access is offered at a price. for more than 4 months resulted in a huge
• Donations: There are some OTT platforms financial crisis in the film industries due to the
(Wikipedia), which are funded by donations. inability to release movies within cinema halls.
• Monetization of Information: Users' data is So, by following the classic rule "necessity is the
disclosed, and suppliers monetize user mother of invention" this pandemic situation
information(Baldry et al., 2014). creates a brand-new way of a cinema release in
OTT platforms. This move of many filmmakers
Over the years significant changes had happened resulting in prominent engagement of OTT media
in different OTT platforms. Traditional telephone platforms in Movie release even after the removal
service is now facing a tough competition with of lockdown Policies.
OTT communication and SMS service replaced According to a report published by Reuters,
by different OTT players like Hike, WhatsApp, Netflix’s global total has reached 182.9 million
etc. Thus, traditional Telcom service provider is from January to March (Richwine & Rana,
challenged in some of their business lines like 2020).It shows that people are bingeing on shows
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 6197-6208 ISSN: 00333077

like Money Heist, Dark, Love, and Blind, etc. on various devices like mobile laptops, tablets,
This pandemic had contributed significantly to the etc. Witnessing the outcome of a thirty-country
already changing behavioral patterns of consumer study, (Noam, 2016) concluded that concentration
abut digital consumption. levels for mobile wireless and other “network
media” are “astonishingly high”. While the data
Objective for content media is mixed, the trend of adopting
The primary objective of this paper is to OTT is increasing.
understand consumer perception about the OTT A study conducted in India reveals that OTT
platform during the pre-COVID-19 phase and post platform is becoming popular day by day and
COVID-19 phase and analyze current consumer youth prefer to watch the content of their own
engagement with popular OTT players, through choice on OTT platform, because of its multifaced
sentiment analysis. feature and flexibility and wide range of variety
(P. Singh, 2019). So, entertainment trends are
Literature Review changing due to Online platforms. People are
Over-The-Top service providers deliver video, shifting from traditional channels to the OTT
audio, and other type of content over the internet platform because of the more personalized
and eliminate the traditional telecom operator’s experience and that increases the penetration of
network. As OTT players do not need specific mobile computing devices. The mobile phone
technology and business affiliations with telecom provides more convenience of watching preferred
network operators, they are familiar with the term content at anytime and anywhere rather than smart
"Over-The-Top" (OTT) applications(Kokaram et TV, laptops, and other devices. We can say that
al., 2015). OTT (over-the-top) platforms have challenged the
According to Herrero, the distribution of audio- Indian entertainment media. Subscription-based
visual content over the Internet is a great way to OTT platforms like Amazon Prime, Hotstar,
realize economies of scale and effective NextG have become popular over the past years
broadcasting strategies. But the most difficult part and replacing traditional Television media for
for the telecom players is the fact that these OTT progressive Indians (Kohli, 2019).
players offer services that are close substitutes to Worldwide digital media is projected to increase
their offerings and are posing a significant threat to $118bn by 2021 with a compound annual
to their revenues. The wide range of variety of growth rate of 11% between 2016 and 2021
services and applications offered by OTT players (Lacy, 2017).
is tempting the customers away from the telecom A recent survey by InMobi states that in this
players (Herrero-Subías, 2003). COVID-19 situation 46% of consumers are
(Budzinski & Lindstädt-Dreusicke, 2018) preferring to watch content online. According to
mentioned three characteristics of the OTT the study, OTT services could evolve drastically
platform in contrast with the traditional in upcoming days as the traditional television
entertainment medium. Firstly, OTT significantly channels lack in terms of the latest content. In
reduces the such an unprecedented time, people are stressed
distribution costs and offer an open platform in and willing to watch fresh content. To leverage
which creators can share their content through an the benefit from this increasing pattern of demand
online medium (e.g. YouTube, Hotstar) and reach OTT platforms such as Zee5 and VOOT have
to a large number of audiences across offered few contents free. Due to this, Zee5 has
demographics easily. Secondly, platforms like achieved an 80% increase in subscription and over
OTT successfully bridges the gap between the 50% time spend recently. Urban drama, thrillers,
customer and content provider through real-time and young romance are the top-performing genres
feedback (e.g. reviews, comments, likes, ratings). on the platform. The number of viewership for the
In this analytical age, feedback data plays an movies has seen a significant increase over the
important role in an overall understanding of last couple of months during the ongoing
customer demand and delivering expected pandemic situation, across many OTT platforms.
outcomes well. Lastly, OTT enhances the Movie streaming services MIBI has witnessed a
customer experience by making content available 28% rise in viewership in March, compared to
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 6197-6208 ISSN: 00333077

February. In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic streaming data. The perfect resolution of the issue
situation consumption of OTT platforms has is currently an open debate(Baldry et al., 2014).
increased and surprisingly despite the ongoing The above data points prove that despite the wide
economic crisis subscription trend has not been variety of content and becoming a close substitute
affected (D. Singh, 2020). to the traditional entertainment medium there are
The first stage of the internet revolution was certain challenges attached to the OTT platform.
introducing a wireline environment. This facility Based on an analysis of how Netflix impacted
of the web became available on laptops, PCs, and television industry in Hong Kong shows that
other electronic devices. Offering such as customer viewing habit is changing, and quality of
eCommerce, OTT Voice service came into the content plays an important role while selecting the
picture of modern life. The next stage of the mode of entertainment beside this the study also
internet revolution is wireless and is being driven suggest that people are interested in OTT video
by the domination of smartphones. Nowadays platform, but they hesitate to pay subscription fees
market boundaries are becoming a blur and new (Madhani & Nakhate, 2020). So, there is a need to
players are entering with innovative business understand what exactly consumer is thinking
models. Internet and OTT services allow these about OTT platform and are they ready to adopt
players to achieve benefits from economies of this latest entertainment media trend or not.
scale far beyond those of traditional telecom Previously consumers use to rely on the other’s
operators. This media market dynamism has the opinions like specialized magazines and friends’
regulatory norms struggling to sustain in the recommendations and while making a buying
competition space. One after another issue decision. But along with the growth of digital
regarding regulation keeps coming up and the technology and internet facilities, information
market is influenced by just in time principals sharing pattern has been shifted tremendously
(Baldry et al., 2014). (Cambria et al., 2013)
This changing market dynamic indicated that Just Nowadays consumer follows online rating app,
like a coin has two sides, the OTT platform also blogs, social networks, forums, and content-
has a flip side of it. Along with a high pace of sharing sites, etc to understand the effectiveness
market penetration OTT has to bring differences of a product or service. Many reports and
amongst family members as well as individuals or researches suggested that nowadays using various
we can say generations. In the previous era family social media platform is considered as the best
use to go out have fun and watch a long-awaited way to grow a business(Edosomwan et al., 2011).
movie on the television or in a theatre. But These social platforms contain a huge amount of
nowadays, the same family would prefer ordering opinion about almost each and every possible
food online through some web application and product or service. But processing these data and
watch some specific video content over internet drawing meaningful business insights is difficult,
applications. This phenomenon is mostly seen in so here also technology has brought some
the young population of the country, which has advanced intelligent data analysis methods like
led to creating gaps amongst family members as sentiment analysis, natural language processing
many of the senior citizens often complain that (NLP), etc , through which we can understand
their children or grandchildren do not spend consumer expectation in a structured manner(Li &
enough time with them(Baldry et al., 2014). Wu, 2010).
OTT Media has also underlined several data The literature reviews, provide insights about how
consumption issues. Most data plans have a limit the OTT platform is transforming the
on data usage, after the predefined limit volume entertainment industry but still, there are some
tariff or limited data transmission speed applies. areas where some gaps exist in researches like
Due to the latest technology High-definition understanding consumer mindset towards the
Baldry, Steingröver, & Hessler, 2014 capable adaption of On-demand-entertainment media in
devices come on the market and data limits are the pre-COVID-19 era and COVID-19 era.
quickly reached. This resulted in “bill-shock”,
where users need to pay fat bills as a result of
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 6197-6208 ISSN: 00333077

Methodology perform any statistical analysis. In the R-studio

In this digital age usage of social media is packages like syuzhet, lubridate, ggplot2, scales,
growing rapidly and a good number of people reshape2, dplyr have to be added for performing
share their opinions and experiences through these the statistical analysis.
sites. By using one of the great engagement social Data collection
platforms, Twitter, data was collected through This research paper is mainly based on secondary
web scraping and done sentiment analysis about research, where the data has been collected from
the consumer mindset towards the OTT platform Twitter using a web scraping technique to
during this COVID-19 situation. understand the sentiment of people in the pre-
Twitter is an American social networking and COVID era and during the COVID-19 era
blogging service where users can post their regarding OTT platforms. For the research
opinion or tweets or communicate with other purpose, created a developer account in
users, comment on other’s tweets, use popular to link the python platform
hashtags to reach out to a wider audience. Twitter (Jupyter Notebook) with the twitter account. At
is an informative social platform and has a first, comparative sentiment analysis was done
constructive culture of discussion compared to among pre- COVID 19 phase, Lockdown phase,
other social media platforms. That is why twitter and post Lockdown phase considering individual
data was chosen for further analysis. phase-wise dataset of 300 sample data each. For
Sentiment analysis is a method of data analysis further analysis of the people’s perception of OTT
that provides valuable insights about what people platforms through word cloud generation
are thinking about a particular topic. Through technique, 650 tweets were collected using
sentiment analysis polarity classification and relevant keywords (i.e. OTT, Netflix, Amazon
emotion classification of the people were done to prime video, VOD, SVOD, Voot, YouTube,
understand what people are thinking about OTT Disney+, Hotstar) and hashtags(i.e. #ott,
platform adoption. #bingewatch, #webseries) related to Over-The-
Tools Used Top media service. Identified the top 3 OTT
Different programming languages (i.e. Python, R) players, by using the word cloud and collected
platform (Anaconda- Jupitar notebook) and data three individual datasets for each of these players
analysis methods (sentiment analysis, polarity containing 200 sample data each.
check, emotion classification) are used for the
research purpose. Data Pre-Processing
Web scraping is used to fetch multiple tweets Data Pre-processing or data cleaning is a
related to the OTT media platform. Web necessary step in the analysis. That is why in the
Scrapping is an automatic data collection method pre- processing only the body of the text of the
from the online platform. By using tweepy, tweets has been extracted from the entire file
python library, the twitter account was linked with using the R-programming language. After that, in
the coding platform (Jupyter) and data is fetched the data cleaning stage punctuation, numbers,
in a data frame. Finally, fetched data saved in a URLs, stopwords, white space were removed
csv format for further analysis. since these are not required for the analysis.A
For sentiment analysis and data visualization R small sample of data before data cleaning and
programming language is used. R programming is after data cleaning is shown below.
a very user-friendly programming language to
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 6197-6208 ISSN: 00333077

Figure 1: Before Data Cleaning of the Twitter Data

Figure 2: After Data Cleaning of the Twitter Data

Sentiment Analysis mining, while searching for the OTT platform
Consumer behaviour is important part for any using the term-document matrix. It helps us to
business model and to understand the consumer find out keywords and important thoughts that
behaviour and customer mindset sentiment come to the consumer mind while they heard
analysis plays a very important role. Using about the OTT platform.
sentiment analysis, understanding of what the 9.2. Polarity Checking
customer thinking, whether they have positive or It is the measurement of whether the speaker
negative sentiment towards a particular product or expresses a positive or negative opinion. It is
service can be gained. In this paper word cloud, useful to check whether a statement is positive,
polarity classification and emotion classification negative, or neutral. The percentage of people
are used for in dept sentiment analysis to draw inclined to a certain Polarity is plotted in a bar-
insights about the consumer perception of OTT graph. Polarity value varies from -1 to +1 range.
media platform and OTT players. Where ‘+1’ represents strong positivity,’ O
‘represents neutral, and ‘-1 ‘represents strong
Measurement negativity. For the research purpose, the
The data generated from the data cleaning stage is dataset(tweets) is categorized into 3 segments
the actual input for the sentiment analysis and the following the below described scale.
data were analyzed further through R Polarity score Statement Sentiment
programming. >0 Positive
0 Neutral
9.1. Word Cloud Generation <0 Negative
Word cloud is a cluster of words where the most
frequent word has a bigger size and with a 9.3. Emotion Categorization
decrease in frequency size of the words are also Emotion categorized of the tweets is done and
decreased. In the first step, the most frequently classified into a 10-point scale mentioned below
used terms in the data set were identified by text
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 6197-6208 ISSN: 00333077

and plotted into a bar-graph, which is useful in adoption of OTT media are increasing day by day.
visual analysis. In this paper, consumer sentiment is analyzed in
(1) Positive (6) Joy three different timeframes for understanding
(2) Negative (7) Fear changing consumer behaviours during COVID-19
(3) Trust (8) Disgust toward OTT platforms.
(4) Surprise (9) Anticipation Below are the three phases considered for the
(5) Sadness (10) Anger sentiment analysis
1. Pre CODIV-19 Phase
Finding and Result 2. Lockdown Phase due to COVID-19
In this COVID-19 reality, as the world is adjusting 3. Post Lock Phase

Phase Wise Sentiment Analysis for OTT Platforms

60% 53% 55%

26% 28%
20% 21% 19% 18%

Positive Neutral Negative

Pre-COVID 19 Phase Lockdown Phase Post Lockdowm Phase

to the new way of life, digital consumption and

Figure 3: Phase Wise Sentiment Analysis for OTT Platforms
From the above bar graph, it is evident that during entertainment medium, emotion classification can
this COVID-19 pandemic people’s engagement help us to gaze people’s reactions more precisely.
and people’s opinion about the OTT platform has In recent times overall people’s sentiment can be
improved. According to the sentiment analysis understood better through this technique. Emotion
result, during the lockdown period, positive classification is a very insightful tool of
engagement has increased 8% over the pre- sentiment analysis helps us to understand
COVID-19 phase which has declined again post consumer sentiment patterns attached to a
lockdown. Still, It can be concluded that over the particular topic. In this paper, consumer sentiment
period of time and due to this ongoing pandemic is classified into 10 different sentiment paraments
more people are positively adopting different OTT like positive, negative, trust, surprise, sadness,
mediums, as the pre-COVID-19 positive score joy, fear, disgust, anticipation, and anger.
was 53% and in recent times (post Lockdown) it is
As mentioned, that more people are reacting
positively about OTT platforms as an
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 6197-6208 ISSN: 00333077

Figure 4: Emotion Classification of Twitter Dataset

matrix most common and frequently used buzz
word about the OTT platform was identified.
The above emotion classification of the OTT TermDocumentMatrix is a matrix that helps find
platform further clarifies that people are willing to the frequencies of a particular term used. It is very
adopt the OTT platform because the count of important since it helps us to understand the most
positive words is more than 550 whereas the count frequent word used by consumers. Better visual
of negative words is much lesser than positive insight was inferred through the word cloud of the
words. It also showcases that people are ready to OTT platform shown below. Word Cloud
trust the OTT platform because the count of represents a cluster of the most frequent words
trustworthy words is more than 300. Some fear is used along with the topic “OTT platform”. The
still attached to it, but consumers are more size of any word in the word cloud depends on the
anticipated and have the joy to engage with the frequency of that particular word. So higher the
latest trend of entertainment media. frequency larger the size of the word and the
Now for understanding what stuck consumer’s lower the frequency smaller the size of the word.
minds, most when they think or asked about OTT
platforms, the word cloud is generated through
data mining. Using the term definition

Figure 5: Word Cloud of Dataset (OTT tweets)

It can be easily understood from the above word
cloud of the 'OTT platform' that 'YouTube',
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 6197-6208 ISSN: 00333077

'Netflix', 'Amazon Prime Video', 'stream', 'new' video are the most popular among the consumer,
'release' are some of the most frequently used and overall people are inclined towards online
terms while discussing OTT platform. So, this streaming and live shows offered by OTT players.
word cloud indicates that among many OTT Now a comparative consumer engagement
players YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon Prime analysis with these top 3 OTT players is done.
Sentiment Analysis of Top 3 OTT Players
70% 67%

60% 52% 52%

50% 45%
30% 27%

10% 6%
Positive Neutral Negative
Netflix Amazon Prime video YouTube

Figure 6: Sentiment Analysis of Top 3 OTT Players

conclusion drawn from the research will be
According to the sentiment analysis result, people utilized for better customer satisfaction.
have more positive opinions and experience about
Amazon Prime Video, and the other two platforms Conclusion
Netflix and youTube have got similar positive The current COVID-19 pandemic and different
feedback. People have the least negative reaction social distancing measured attached to COVID-
and more generalized reaction towards YouTube 19 has not only changed economic activity and
while Netflix is the most criticized platform by the industries but has also led to a change in
consumers. behavioral patterns in consumers, including that of
digital consumption. As the media and
Limitations entertainment industry is heavily dependent on
Technology and innovation are continuously many on-ground events, huge losses and
shaping business models and accordingly slowdown is observed in this sector due to
consumer demand is also changing. Today a COVID-19. But to the contrary OTT media has
person can be satisfied with the current offering of boomed as a sustainable alternative of traditional
a particular product or service, but it may happen Entertainment and Media industry. The ongoing
that with changing time and market trend that COVID-19 pandemic has added a whole new
person becomes dissatisfied with that product or momentum to the digital revolution of the media
service. industry. The subscription revenue, adaption rate
of OTT platform is rising because
Managerial Implications of the quality content, flexibility, and variety.
This study will be helpful to understand the Another significant reason behind the increasing
consumer behavior towards the adaption of the popularity of OTT platforms is the multiscreen
OTT platform and customer inclination towards availability of content and the high rate of
the current trend of entertainment. This research smartphones/smart-devices penetration around the
proves that consumers have a positive attitude globe. Along with lucrative features, different
about the OTT platform, and they are happy to innovative business strategies taken by different
adopt this on-demand entertainment model. This OTT players (i.e. free subscription, extended
paper will surely motivate other researchers of the period offers, multiple viewership facility) could
OTT platform or stakeholders who are working in result in a new normal and indulge some
this latest entertainment medium and definitely permanent shift in the media consumption habit of
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 6197-6208 ISSN: 00333077

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