CHAPTER 8 Medtech
CHAPTER 8 Medtech
CHAPTER 8 Medtech
Clinical Laboratory
Is an essential component of health institutions. Its main task is to provide
accurate and reliable information to medical doctors for the diagnosis, prognosis,
treatment, and management of diseases.
The clinical laboratory is also actively involved in research, community outreach
programs, surveillance, infection control in the hospital and community setting,
information dissemination, and evaluation of the applicability of current and
innovative diagnostic technologies.
The clinical laboratory is the place where specimens are collected from
individuals are processed, analyzed, preserved, and properly disposed.
Clinical laboratories vary according to size, function, and the complexity of tests
B. Routine Urinalysis
C. Routine Fecalysis
D. Blood Typing - hospital-based
E. Quantitative Platelet Determination - hospital-based
Secondary - provides the minimum service capabilities of a primary category
and the following
A. Routine Clinical Chemistry
Blood Glucose Substance Concentration Blood Urea Nitrogen Concentration
Blood Uric Acid Substance Concentration Blood Creatinine Concentration
Blood Total Cholesterol Concentration
B. Crossmatching
Tertiary - provides the secondary service capabilities and the following:
A. Special Chemistry
B. Special Hematology
C. Immunology /Serology
D. Microbiology
Section 6: Policies
1. An approved permit to construct and design layout of clinical laboratory shall be
secured form the BHFS prior to submission of an application for a Petition to Operate
2. No clinical laboratory shall be constructed unless plans have been approved and
constraction permit issued by the BHFS.
3. A clinical laboratory shall operate with a valid license issued by BHFS/CHD, based on
compliance with the minimum licensing requirements (Annex A).
4. The clinical laboratory shall be organized and managed to provide effective and
efficient laboratory services.
5. The clinical laboratory shall provide adequate and appropriate safety practices for its
personnel and clientele
6. Inspection
Each license shall make available to the Director of the BHFS / CHD or his duly
authorized representative (s) at any reasonable time, the premises and facilities
where the laboratory examinations are being performed for inspection.
Each license shall make available to the Director of the BHFS / CHD or his duly
authorized representative (s) all pertinent records.
Clinical laboratories shall be inspected every two (2) years or as necessary.
7. Monitoring
All clinical laboratories shall be monitored regularly and records shall be made
available to determine compliance with these rules and regulations
The Director of the BHFS/CHD or his authorized representative(s) shall be
allowed to monitor the clinical laboratories shall be monitored regularly and
records shall be made to monitor the clinical laboratory at any given time.
All clinical laboratories shall make available to the Director of the BHFS or his
duly authorized representative(s) records for monitoring.
8. Issuance of license
The license shall be issued by the Director of the CHD or his authorized
representative the application is found to be meritorious.
9. Terms and Conditions of License
The license is granted upon compliance with the licensing requirements.
The license is non-transferable.
The owner or authorized representative of any clinical laboratory desiring to
transfer a licensed clinical laboratory to another location shall inform the CHD in
writing at least 15 days before actual transfer.
The laboratory in its new location shall be subject to re-inspection and shall
comply with the licensing requirements.
An extension laboratory shall have a separate license.
Any change affecting the substantial conditions of the license to operate a
laboratory shall be reported within 15 days in writing by the person(s) concerned,
to the BHFS/ CHD for notation and approval. Failure to do so will cause the
revocation of the license of the clinical laboratory.
The clinical laboratory license must be placed in a conspicuous location/area
within the laboratory.
Section 8: Violations
1. The license to operate a clinical laboratory shall be suspended or revoked by the
Secretary of Health upon violation of R.A. 4688s or the Rules and Regulations
issued in pursuance thereto.
2. The following acts committed by the Owner, President, Managers, Board of
Trustees Director, Pathologist or its personnel are considered violations.
Operation of a clinical laboratory without a certified pathologist or without
registered medical technologist
Change of ownership, location, head of laboratory or personnel without
informing the BHFS and/or the CHD.
Refusal to allow inspection of the clinical laboratory by the person(s)
authorized by he BHFS during reasonable hours
Gross negligence
The Provincial, City and Municipal Health Officers are authorized to report to
the CHD and BHFS the existence of unlicensed clinical laboratories or any
private party performing laboratory examinations without proper license
and/or violations to these rules and regulations.
Section 9: Investigations of Charges or complaints
- The BHFS/CHD or his duly authorized representative(s) shall investigate the
complaint and verity if the laboratory concerned or any of its personnel is guilty of
the charges.
If upon investigation, any person is found violating the provision of R.A. 4688, or any
of these rules and regulations, the BHFS/CHD or his duly authorized
representative(s) shall suspend, cancel or revoke for a determined period of time the
license, as well as the authority’s the offending person (s) without prejudice to taking
the case to judicial penalty authority for criminal action.
Any person who operates a clinical laboratory without the proper license from the
Department of Health shall upon conviction be subject to imprisonment for not less
than 1 month but not more 1 year or a fine of not less than P1,000.00 and not more
than P5000.00 or both at the discretion of the court. Provided, however, that if the
offender is a firm or corporation, the Managing Head and/or owner/s thereof shall be
liable to the e imposed herein.
Any Clinical Laboratory operating without a valid license or whose license has been
revoked/cancelled shall be summarily closed upon order issued by the BHFS/CHD or
his duly authorized representative. The BHFS/CHD may seek the assistance of the
law enforcement agency to enforce the closure of any clinical laboratory.
The closure order issued by the DOH shall not be rendered ineffective by any
restraining order and injunction order issued by any court, tribunal or agency or
There shall be provisions for sufficient number and types of appropriate
equipment/instruments in order to undertake all the activities and laboratory
examinations. This equipment shall comply with safety requirements.
For other laboratory examinations being performed, the appropriate equipment
necessary for performing such procedures shall be made available.
All categories of clinical laboratories shall provide adequate and appropriate
glassware, reagents and supplies necessary to undertake the required
There shall be provisions for adequate and efficient disposal of waste
following guidelines of the Department of Health and the local government.
All clinical laboratories shall have a functional Quality Assurance Program
1. Internal Quality Control Program
There shall be a documented, continuous competency assessment program
for all laboratory personnel.
The program shall provide appropriate and standard laboratory methods,
reagents and supplies and equipment.
There shall be a program for the proper maintenance and monitoring of all
The program shall provide for the use of quality control reference materials.
Clinical Microscopy
There are two major areas in this section of the laboratory. The first area is
allotted to routine and other special examinations of urine such as macroscopic
examinations to determine color, transparency, specific gravity, and pH level, and
microscopic examinations to detect presence of abnormal cells and/or parasites
as well as to quantify red cells and WBC and other chemicals found in urine.
The second area is assigned to the examination of stool or routine like Fecalysis.
Detection and identification of parasitic worms and ova are the primary activities
in this area.
Blood Bank/Immunohematology
Blood typing and compatibility testing are the two main activities performed in this
section. Screening for all antibodies and identification of antibodies as well as the
blood Components used for transfusion are also conducted in this section. In
hospital-based clinical laboratories, blood donation activities prompt other
activities such as donor recruitment and screening, bleeding of donor, and post-
donation care.
Immunology and Serology
Analyses of serum antibodies in certain infectious agents (primarily viral agents)
are performed in this section. Hepatitis B profile tests, serological tests for
syphilis, and tests for hepatitis C and dengue fever are some examples of
antibody screening tests. Similar to Clinical Chemistry and Hematology sections,
automated analyzers are commonly used in this section when performing
different serological tests.
Section of Histopathology/Cytology
Activities performed in this section include tissue (removed surgically as in biopsy
and autopsy) processing, cutting into sections, staining, and preparation for
microscopic examination by a pathologist.
It is a specialized section of the laboratory that combines anatomical, clinical,
biochemical techniques where antibodies (monoclonal and polyclonal) bounded
to enzymes and fluorescent dyes are used to detect presence of antigens in
tissue. This is useful in the diagnosis of some types of cancers by detecting the
presence of tumor-specific antigens, oncogenes, and tumor suppressor genes.
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
One of the exciting developments in medical technology is molecular biology and
biotechnology diagnostics. Primarily using different enzymes and other reagents,
DNA and RNA are identified and sequenced to detect any pathologic
conditions/disease processes the most common technique currently in use is the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR).