S Ri CH Aitany A Ed Uca Tion Al Institutions: Mathematics Max Marks: 100 (Single Correct Answer Type)
S Ri CH Aitany A Ed Uca Tion Al Institutions: Mathematics Max Marks: 100 (Single Correct Answer Type)
S Ri CH Aitany A Ed Uca Tion Al Institutions: Mathematics Max Marks: 100 (Single Correct Answer Type)
Kham m am :: TE LANG AN A
INC JR.C MAINS UNIT TE ST – 01 Date : 06-06-2021
MAINS UNIT TEST Max Mar ks: 300
1) 5 – 5 2) 2 5 3) 2 4) none
If | log 2 x + 1 | + 1 log 2 x = log 2 x log 2 x then the true set of values of x is {} [, ) . Then
2 2
1) 2 – 3 = 0 2) – 4= 0 3) 2 – = 0 4) 4 – = 0
| x 1|
5. Given that x is a real number, then the domain of f (x) = log 2 is
x 3x 2
1) x {– 2, – 1} 2) x (– , – 2) (– 1, ) 3) x (– 2, – 1) 4) x (– , )
6. 3 2
The roots of 64x – 144x + 92x – 15 = 0 are in A.P. The magnitude of the difference between the largest and
smallest roots is
1) 2 2) 1 3) 1/2 4) 3/8
7. Let a, b, c are distinct positive real numbers such that a > b > c. If 2 log(a–c), log (a2–c2), log (a2+2b2+c2 )
taken in that order are in A.P., then
1) a , b , c are in A.P. 2) a, b, c are in A.P.. 3) a, b, c are in G.P. 4) a, b, c are in G.P.
8. If y = | x – 2 | + | x + 2 |, then y can not be
1) 3 2) 8 3) 4 4) 5
9. The sum of the solutions of the simultaneous equations, y = x + 2 | x | and y = 4 + x – | x | is
1) 4 2) –4 3) 4/3 4) 0
x3 x
10. The number of integral solution of > 0 , is :
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
11. If |x + 3| + |5 – x| < 14, then the number of prime numbers from the solution set of x is
1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) none of these
20 x 20 x
12. The value of x for which – = 6 , is
x x
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) None of these
x 4 x 3
x 2 4 x 3
14. The sum of all distinct values of x which satisfy the equation 7 4 3 74 3 14 is
1) 0 2) 8 3) 6 4) 8 2 2
x 2 14 x 9
15. The number of real solutions of the inequation 5 is
x2 2x 3
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) Cannot be determined
16. The sum of all positive values of x that satisfy the equation x 1 2 x 4 x 1 6 where {.},[.]
denote fractional, integral parts of x, is
1) 8/3 2) 11/3 3) 2/3 4) None
17. The quotient and the remainder when 2 x 3x 5 x 3x 7 x 9 is divided by x 2 x 3 are
5 4 3 2
1) 2 x3 x 2 , 41 2) 2 x3 x 2 , 41x 3
3) 2 x3 x 2 10 x 4, 41x 3 4) 2 x3 x 2 10 x 4, 41
1) a 2
1 h 2) a2h 3) ah 4) 2 a a h
29. A man standing on a road has to hold his umbrella at 300 with the vertical to keep the rain
away. He throws the umbrella and starts running at 10 kmph. He finds that rain drops are
hitting his head vertically. The speed of rain drops relative to the ground is
1) 10 kmph 2) 20 kmph 3) 10 3 kmph 4) 20 3 kmph
30. A 2m wide trucks is moving with a uniform speed v 0 = 8ms along a straight horizontal road.
A pedestrian starts to cross the road with a uniform speed v when the truck is 4m away from
him. The minimum value of v so that he can cross the road safely is
1) 4 ms-1 2) 4.6 ms-1 3) 3.57 ms-1 4) 1.414 ms-1
2iˆ 4 ˆj m / s relative to river. The width of the river is 100 m along y-direction. Choose
the incorrect statement
1) the boat will cross the river in 25 s
2) the speed of boat with respect to ground is 2 5m / s
3) drift of the boat along the river current is 50 m
4) the boat can never cross the river
35. A ball is projected upwards from the top of a tower with a velocity 50 m/s making an angle
30°with the horizontal. The height of tower is 70 m. After how many seconds from the
instant of throwing, will the ball reach the ground?
1) 3s 2) 7s 3) 9s 4) 12s
36. A particle is projected vertically upwards form O with velocity ‘v’ and a second particle is
projected at the same instant from P (at a height h above O) with velocity ‘v’ at an angle of
projection . The time when the distance between them is minimum is:
h h h h
1) 2) 3) 4)
2V sin 2V cos V 2V
37. Two towns A and B are connected by a regular bus service with a bus leaving in either
direction every T minutes. A man cycling with speed of 20km/h in the direction A to B,
notices that a bus goes past him every t1 = 18 minutes in the direction of motion, and every
t2 = 6 times in the opposite direction. What is the period T of the bus service? Assume that
velocity of cyclist is less than velocity of bus –
1) 4.5 min 2) 24 min 3) 9 min 4) 12 min
38. A projectile at an angle a (> 45o) with an initial velocity u. The time [t[ at which horizontal
component of velocity is equal the vertical component of velocity:
u u
1) t (cos a sin a ) 2) t (cos a sin a )
g g
u u
3) t (sin a cos a ) 4) t (sin 2 a cos 2 a )
g g
Sri Chaitanya Junior College :: Khammam 2
39. A body is projected with a initial velocity ‘u’ at an angle ‘ ’ with the horizontal ground in
the vertical plane, the magnitude of rate of change of speed of the projectile when the
projectile is at half of the maximum height is….
g tan g tan g tan g tan
1) 2) 3) 4)
2 tan
1 tan
4 tan
3 tan 2
40. A projectile thrown from ground at some angle is having velocities u and v at two points
during its flight. If u and v are perpendicular to each other than the minimum kinetic energy
of projectile during the journey is (mass of the projectile is m)
1 u 2v 2 m uv m (u 2 v 2 ) m (u 2 v 2 )
1) m 2
2 u v 2
2) 3) 4)
2 (u 2 v 2 ) 2 u 2 v2 2 uv
41. A body is thrown with velocity 20m/s at an angle of 60 with the horizontal. Find the time
gap between the two positions of body where velocity of body makes an angle of 30 0 with
1) 1.15 sec 2) 0.95 sec 3) 1 sec 4) 1.5 sec
42. Two particles A and B are projected simultaneously in the directions shown in figure with
velocities v A = 20 m/ s and vB = 10 m/ s respectively. They collide in air after 0.5 s, and then
the value of x is
1) 5 m 2) 10 m 3) 5 3 m 4) 10 3 m
43. A bullet is fired from gun aiming at a target, at the moment of firing; the target is released
and freely falls under gravity. Then the bullet
1) misses the target by passing above it 2) hits the target
3) misses the target by passing below it 4) may or may not hit the target
44. A train is moving on a track at 30m/s. A ball is thrown from it perpendicular to the direction
of motion with 30m/s at 45° from horizontal. Find the distance of ball from the point of
projection on train to the point where it strikes the ground.
1) 90 3 m 2)90 m 3) 60m 4) 60 3 m
45. A balloon is moving with a velocity of 5 ms-1 in upward direction. At t = 0, balloon is at the
ground. At t = 10s, a ball is left gently from the balloon. The speed of ball at the ground is
1) 32 ms-1 2) 16 ms-1 3) 49 ms-1 4) 20 ms-1
48. Two paper screens A and B are separated by a distance of 100m. A bullet pierces screen A
and then screen B. The hole is B is 10cm below is A. If the bullet is travelling horizontally at
A, then its velocity at A is (in m/s)
49. In the figure shown, the two projectiles are fired simultaneously. The minimum distance
between them during their flight is k 3 m. Find the value of m?
50. A stone is thrown from the ground level over horizontal ground. It just clears three walls, the
successive distance between them being r and 2r. The inner wall is times as high as the
other walls which are equal in height. The total horizontal range is nr, where n is an integer.
Find n: