The Impact of Information and Communication Technology and Social Mediain HEIs: A Review

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ISSN 2278-3091

Nimra Afzal et al., International Journal of AdvancedVolume

Trends in 10, No.3,Science
Computer May -and
June 2021 10(3), May - June 2021, 2378 – 2383
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Available Online at

The Impact of Information and Communication

Technology and Social Mediain HEIs: A Review
Nimra Afzal1, Zaira Hassan2, Hina Bhanbhro3, Momina Ali4, Kinza Bisharat Ali5, Neelam Baloch6
Department of English, SBBU-SBA, [email protected]
Departmen of IT, SBBU-SBA, [email protected]
Departmen of IT, SBBU-SBA, [email protected]
Department of English, SBBU-SBA, [email protected]
Department of English, SBBU-SBA, [email protected]
Department of English, SBBU-SBA, [email protected]
ABSTARCT communication. Information and technology features
With the advancement in the 21st century, play an imperative role in fast changes in society
information and communication technology (ICT) through the new worldwide economy.Previously ICT
and social media have touched many horizons and has adjusted and advanced so that no developing
presently influence almost every aspect of life. They country is eligible to gain up with the uprising and
are playing a key role, especially in the Education are left beyond and thus weak in communication
sector of Pakistan. ICT has an indispensable role in from advanced countries. Now a day's every single
the exchange of information, teaching methodologies, person is taking benefit from technology, not only the
and learning perspectives, with a greater emphasis on candidates. They belong to this field and apart from
research and academic development. The use of them if we cite in an illustrative way so examine that
social media by students in the educational in Covid19 With the help of Technology companies,
environment has allowed easy access to digital organisations, even Schooling system are Having
content, which helps students a lot in educational their communication politely without any disruption
fields. This study aims to present the impact and through media.In modern technology, ICTs have an
influence of ICT and social media in the quality important role in improvement. The web, TV,
improvement of education and academic research mobile, and radio etc.,fall into ICTs. This will play a
development. How ICT used in classrooms to create crucial function in several fields like health and
opportunities for students in enhancing their skills, education. ICT acts due to the communications of the
helps teachers in effective teaching, and know the present-day world; thus, expertise in this generation
positive effects of social media?In this regard, the and its essential concepts is considered a component
study intends to pay particular attention to how ICTs of the middle of education. Technology
play a pivotal role in the education sector, especially canmodernise instruction methods, where and how
in Pakistan. mastering occurs and, consequently, the roles of
scholars and educators inside the coaching and
Key words: New technology, Academic Education, mastering procedure. ICT is changing processes of
Social Media, Organization. the tutorial procedure via way of means of
contributing works of energy to mastering conditions
1. INTRODUCTION concerning e-mastering. It's a good and influential
“We require innovation in each classroom and in tool for offering academic opportunities; thus, it is
each understudy and teacher's hand, since it is the pen difficult to visualise destiny mastering conditions that
and paper of our time, and is the lens through which do not appear to be strengthening via facts and verbal
we can understand much of our world”–David exchange generation. Educational establishments
Warlick may make use of ICT to reinforce the scholars with
“The innovation itself isn't transformative. It's the essential talents and understanding for the twenty-
school, the instructional method, which is first century, such it can boost worldwide availability
transformative”-Tanya Byron to education, academic equality, broadcasting of
ICTs (Information and Communication quality coaching mastering programs, educators'
Technologies) are broadly characterised as all expert increase and to assist in acquiring an extra
communication technologies, including the internet, practical academic administration. Apprentice usesa
wireless networks, computers, and social networking, computer to be trained the tasks, skills, or process at
that emphasised unified and blended forms of that time the teacher teaches through the computer

Nimra Afzal et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2378 – 2383

online. And in fact, now the students can learn from 2.2 Research and Academic Development in
online videos, discussion groups and so on. Students Pakistan
can also Question their teachers through the class According to Blurton, ICT can be
group on WhatsApp or email. Nowadays in the characterisedas a "multiple set of innovative devices
classroom, teachers are using the projector and and assets utilisedto multiplicity, and to form spread,
visualising graphs and charts for better store, and oversee information." (ICT) information
understanding, which positively impacts students' communication technology is playing a
learning. multidimensional position in the conventional
2. IMPACT OF INFORMATION AND educational system of Pakistan. ICT wants near
COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND association of all the regions of social life: the
SOCIAL MEDIA government, agency, public and confidential
2.1 Educational improvement in Pakistan educational institutions, non-profit organisations,
Nelson Mandela's words, education can be secular and religious communities for its propagation.
used as a powerful weapon to transform the world in Through the assistance of the internet and the globe
economic and sociological aspects. Technology can Wide Web, a tremendous number of individuals
be called the latest weapon of this era. Modern presently be gotten to at any time can learn anything
techniques of ICTs contains approaches for data in nearly every subject. In the present development,
generation, data processing, and then renovating data ICTs properly could play an important role as tools
for further processing and then transfer it for research for the general reformation of learning-instructional
work. processes, academic intimacy in facilitating student's
These days, Pakistan is in intense need of development in collaborating skills and working
transforming the educational system by implementing productively with knowledge (Harley, 2000).
and incorporating ICTs in classrooms and learning The aptitude of ICT to vary the manner paper do
procedures. In this way, Pakistan can touch the things is either concealed in the internal process –
heights of excellence both academically and like however, a business office manages information
professionally. assortment – or apparent within the final result – like
In Pakistan, ICT can also be utilisedto intensify digital support for health care services in an
educational curricula. This has profound effects on exceedingly distant province and ICT refine the
education in Pakistan. There are some of the quality of education and training by enhancing
institutions which give information & knowledge learner inspiration, expanding teacher training and
through social media such as Allama Iqbal open promoting the acquisition of fundamental abilities. In
university so this university is taking advantage contrast, the amount and temperament of the
through the new technology and social media for the advantages of ICTsmay possibly take issue for each
academic purpose, they give you full guidelines via neutral, there's an accord of what ICT will facilitate
technology. Education in Pakistan means for enabling give to the government, business, and general public:
progress as in many countries. ICT refine the quality quicker entrance to relevant info, An economical
of education and training by enhancing learner suggests that for communication, An increased
inspiration, expanding teacher training and promoting capability to create sophisticated selections, along
the acquisition of fundamental abilities. with a tone of voice to otherwise inaudible peoples.
Moreover, it brings a valuable change in education by The mixture of the online knowledge community and
adding effectiveness in the teaching and learning flipped education, not as it was upheld societal and
process. With the introduction of new applications, interpersonal communication moreovercooperation
communication has become more convenient. It but too improved the participants' verbal ability. The
makes the educational environment more active, societal networking site focuses heavily on online
creative, evaluative and informative as compared to construction communities with general interests or
traditional methods of learning. The resultant output behaviours. ICT in education tells the incorporation
of this is skilful and socially helpful peoples. ICTs of computers in the teaching-learning process. By the
are a possibly strong tool in formal and non-formal use of ICT, one can instruct recommendations from
for extending instructive opportunities. The specialists or fellows. Within academic circles and
collaboration and the joint venture of technology and for academic purposes, students utiliseICT for their
education promote the level of analytical and critical better learning. In this process, they
depth of information known to students. That is one analyseacquaintance and have privacy with different
of the many tremendous effects of ICT in the partners for academic purposes.
educational domain. Furthermore, its effects on 2.3 E-learning in Pakistan
getting to know of students, the performance, and of For the first time, online teaching started in the early
course, to the students' success. The whole span of 1980s, based on the contraption of computer
ICT's impact on the achievement of students has not conferencing Murray Turoff in 1970. One of the first
any measuring equipment. However, and still, ICT institutions to accessible teaching through computer
has a role in the achievements of students. conferencing was the Jersey Institute of Technology

Nimra Afzal et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2378 – 2383

in the USA. Nowadays, because of advanced and free online courses for so many subjects such as;
modern technologies, people are interestedin online chemistry, physics, biology and so on. The students
learning.The tools used in online learning are; are welcome to take advantage of this website because
Google classrooms, zoom, YouTube, Google meet, they have many professionals for their subjects who
or technology that can be accessed via an internet teach them, and there is no issue with the timing you
connection. can learn which suits you. Apart from this website,
With the rapid growth of technology and the internet, there is an online university in Pakistan named
people are taking advantage of that, and online Allama Iqbal open universities that provide you the
learning is one of the great compensation from them, online lectures. There is a channel of their university
Now the students are not restricted to take on YouTube, which provides you so many lectures
information just from the institutions/academies,but associated with your course.
now also they are free to learn from the distance 2.6 Advancement in E-learning
through the online learning tools. While the internet and modern technology have made
In fact, now instructors are not only from a distance, numerous tasks easier, it has also made teaching and
but in class, they are using the online learning tools learning process much easier. The ongoing scenario
via the internet, they hydrides and applying both of Covid-19 transformed the traditional methods of
techniques together in the class. Such as they give learning into remote or distance learning, which has
students online Activities to be performed in class. In further increased the importance of e-learning. E-
offline learning, we are restricted to learning specific learning, in a broader context, encompasses learning
things and subjects, but there are no boundaries in methods and processes via electronic means. From a
online learning. You can learn whatever you want limited perspective, it can be defined as learning that
through online learning tools. There are some is permitted electronically by using digital
universities worldwide that teach properly with technology or, in a restricted sense, online learning
online learning tools. They arrange the online classes, using the internet. The advancement and
activities and whatnot. Online learning is so much development in technology and the use of the internet
benefit that you can take your online class whenever as the latest teaching method haverevolutionisedthe
you want its available 24/7, and you can learn from educational system. Higher educational institutions
any tutor across the world, which will enhance your are competing to advance various online courses for
communicating skills through the latest technology. students to master different skills. Thus, E-learning
2.4 Scope of Online Learning Tools in Pakistan has increased its importance day by day.
As we have cited that in worldwide online learning is 2.7 Effectiveness of E-learning
already playing an important role. People out there The adoption of E-learning in schooling, specifically
are taking online education not only gives you a vast for better academic establishments, has numerous
number of ideas but also it saves your time, but when advantages. Given its numerous blessings and
we talk about Pakistan before 2019, not many people advantages, it is considered some of the exceptional
know about online learning neither online learning strategies of learning. Several research and authors
tools, but some of the people were using this learning have supplied advantages and blessings derived from
process before, but it does not have the reputation integrating virtual learning technology into schools.
which it has should be because not everyone knows For instance, Marc (2000), in his e-book evaluated e-
about this before. But since Covid-19 has reached studying techniques for turning in know-how in
Pakistan, so the total perception of online learning virtual age referred to that one of the blessings of
has changed. In institutions, academies, and offices remote learning in educational institutes is its
or in the organisation, an online learning tool has cognisance of the wishes of character novices as a
become a rescuer. Students have adopted online crucial component withinside the manner of learning
learning, and it is much easier and flexible with in preference to at the teachers', or academic
online learning tools. Different people are using establishments' wishes. Some of the blessings that the
different tools (channels). There are so many adoption of e-learning in schooling, acquired from
websites providing online lectures and arranging evaluation of literature consists of the following:
webinars that give appreciation certificates. There is 1. It is bendy whilst troubles of time and
another online tool named screen recording, so if you vicinity are taken into attention. Every
miss the online session the tool record that specific scholar has the posh of selecting the vicinity
lecture and upload on any medium which is flexible and time that fits them. According to
for the learners, Smedley, the adoption of e-studying affords
2.5 Effective Online Learning Tools in Pakistan the establishments and their college students
However, if we converse in general, still not or novices a lot flexibility of time and
everyone can afford the cost of any institution so, the vicinity of shipping or receipt of consistent
online learning process cost less than taking with studying information.
admission in any institution. In Pakistan, there is an 2. E-studying complements the efficacy of
educational website known as, which offer know-how and qualifications through ease

Nimra Afzal et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2378 – 2383

of gettingthe right of entry to a large learning students face technical issues. The majority
quantity of information. of students does not know the correct use of
3. It is capable of offer possibilities for family technology and they can't have a high connection that
members among novices with the aid of fulfils the requirement of online classes—spending a
using the use of dialogue forums. Through lot of time in online classes leaving a massive effect
this, e-studying do away with obstacles that on the health of students and teachers such as
can hinder participation, inclusive of the eyestrain, headache, neck pain and other physical
concern of speaking me to different novices. issues. Human being learns a lot of things from their
E-studying motivates college students to surroundings or physical activities like discussion,
engage with different, in addition to trade body language, giving new ideas but unfortunately,
and admire distinct factor of E-learning online classes take away students from these physical
eases communique and additionally activities.
improves the relationships that preserve 3.2 Complexities Faced by Instructors
studying. Wagner notices that e-Learning Most academic leaders thought that retaining students
makes to be had more potentialities for is more difficult for online courses than for face-to-
interactivity among college students and face. A few teachers and guardians worry that these
instructors at some point of content material patterns in expanded online learning will corrupt
shipping. instructive quality, spoken to for numerous by the
4. E-studying is fee powerful withinside the gold standard of conventional face-to-face
feel that there may be no want for the instruction. By the same token, online courses
scholars or novices to travel. It is likewise moreover very fiercely not as it were in terms of their
fee powerful withinside the feel that it gives organisationsbut moreover in terms of their utiliseof
possibilities for studying for an optimum specific innovative instruments sand pedagogies. In
wide variety of novices without want for these courses, instructors confront the issue of the
plenty buildings. need for strengthening. In such circumstances, the
5. E-studying usually takes into attention the part of teaches in making, forming, and coordinating
character novices differences. Some novices, their own experiences into the substance of the
as an instance, opt to deal with positive courses has been made light that instructors may not
components of the course, whilst others are be willing to alter their instructing procedures when
organisedto study the complete course. transitioning from a face-to-face to an internet
E-studying facilitates catch up on scarcities of course. These obstacles can be described into four
instructional staff, inclusive of teachers or instructors major ranges of challenges: cognition, metacognition,
in addition to facilitation. specialiseduneasiness, and learning styles and
3. ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPLEXITIES preferences. Need of fitting materials and assets,
DURING ONLINE LEARNING Specialisedissues, Need of in benefit preparing,
Online learning is a trend today, and it has many trouble in gathering all the understudies for the
advantages, but on the other hand, it also has course, Need of participation from the guardians,
disadvantages that are complexities faced by Need of web offices to the understudies, trouble to
instructors and learners. Completely online language take after up the learning of understudies are the
courses might have in learners never assembly with major challenges confronted by them. Advance
each other in a face to face setting. instructors have an exceedingly positive and positive
3.1 Complexities Faced by Learners demeanour towards online instructing but due to
Online learning is not suitable for all because learners needing for viability and preparing in the online
have dominant learning techniques like few visual, mode of instructing, they feel that they can educate
few auditory etc. Online classes do not provide rules superior in conventional educating.
and guidelines to obey their teacher and a lot of self- 4. POSITIVE IMPACTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA
discipline;that's why students have the freedom to do ON EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN
what they want. In online classes, a learner sits in Social media is a platform or technique to unite
front of a mobile or laptop that is not suitable for all people who give freedom of speech to individuals to
learners. Students may feel laziness and involve in express their ideas openly. Social media not solely
the other activities of a device such as using social helps to amass information however, conjointly
media, playing games, chatting, sharing images, etc. establishcontinuing relationships with real
These activities take away students from meaningful individuals, linking with fellows living quarters
purpose and waste one's time. It's not affordable for residents throughout Facebook, Twitter,along with
all E-learning students to buy smartphones and numerous societal sites will facilitate a scholarbeat
internet packages, also increasing day by day. Such the sort of isolation that otherwise may lead herto
things affect E-learning education in a way that they depart faculty. A Twitter account will keep scholars
can't attend the class and lose many important things. with data regarding actions that facilitate personal
Students also face attendance issues. Furthermore, E- encounters with alternative scholars. Such

Nimra Afzal et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2378 – 2383

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