Derivation (Structural Analysis)

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
Puerto Princesa City

Coaching and Online LET Refresher Course for LET Takers:

Responding to the Challenges of the Normal

Area: English
Topic 7: Derivation: Structural Analysis

Derivation - A technique of building vocabulary which involves structural analysis; breaking the word into
its components (root words, affixes and inflectional endings) to know its meaning.

Prefixes Meaning Examples
Ab away from absent, abdicate
Bene good benefactor
Circum around circumference
Equi equal equidistant
Extra outside extracurricular
Intra within intramural
Inter among intercontinental
Intro into introduce
Mal bad maltreat
Multi many multimillionaire
Mis wrong mistake
Non not nonexistent
Syn together with synagogue
Pre before premarital, preview
Poly many polygon
Post after Postgraduate

Suffix Meaning Part of Speech Formed by Examples
Suffix/ Function
-ate to become, to produce, verb vaccinate, salivate
to form
-ment act of, state of noun enjoyment
-ness noun firmness
-ity noun propensity
-sion, -tion noun diversion, reduction
-ian one skilled in noun pediatrician
-ly in the manner of adverb politely
-able worthy of, capable of adjective adorable, endurable
-ible sensible
--ful characterized by, full of adjective disdainful, deceitful
-ous tremendous, atrocious
-ic, -ty, -y toxic, atrocity, handy
-less without adjective senseless
-ize to do, to perform verb apologize
-ise chastise
-yze paralyze
-or a person who noun actor
-er/ -ess preacher poetess
-ee actress
-ist honoree
-ian a person who noun custodian
-ant assistant
-ore commodore
-yer lawyer

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Useful Greek and Latin Roots
Root Meaning English Derivative
anima life, breath animal, animation
aqua water aquarium, aqualung
aristos the best aristocrat, aristocracy
beatus blessed beatitude, beatification
bios life biography, biology
capt take, hold, seize capture, captive
cede, cess yield, give away concede
chron time chronicle
cred believe credible
culpare blame culpable
cosm, kosmos world, universe, order comic, cosmos
dem people democracy, endemic, pandemic
dic, dict speak, say dictator, dictation
domus house domestic, domicile
duc, duct lead induct, conduct
fac, fec do, make factory
geo earth geography, geocentric
graph write graphic, graphology
mit, miss send remit, dismiss
logos study of, science of biology, astrology
pon, pos, posit place postpone, position
ped foot pedestrian, biped
petra rock petroleum, petrology
phobia fear hydrophobia
psyche mind, life, soul psyche, psychology
pyr, pyros fire pyrotechnics
scrip, script write scripture, inscribe
spec look spectator, inspect
stat stand, put in place stature, statue
tacitus silence tacit, taciturn
terra earth terrain, terrestrial
umbra shade umbrella
vers, vert turn versatile, convert
vid, vis see video, visualize
vita life vital, vitamin

Root word – It is the simplest form of the word. It has no affixes or inflectional endings.

A single root word can also be added to another root word to form a new word.
 rain + bow = rainbow
 egg + plant = eggplant
 black + board = blackboard

root by itself – place

root word + inflectional ending – placed
root word + prefix – replace
root word + suffix – placement
root word + prefix + suffix – replacement
root word + root word - placeholder

Affixes and Inflectional Endings

 They are word parts added to the root word to form a new word. Inflectional endings are -s, -ed, -
ing and examples of affixes are -ful, -ness, -im etc.
 An affix is called a prefix if it is placed at the beginning of the word and suffix if it is at the end.

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