Steel Frame 1

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SOUTH SUDAN -Health Systems Strengthening Round 9

Lot 1:Bill2-Bill of Quantities for Construction of Antenatal Clinic and M & E Offices at Aweil
Northern Bar E l Ghazel


Item Description Qty Unit


Bill No.1- Preliminaries 1 Item

Bill No.2- Construction of Antental Clinic 1 Item

A.3 Bill No.3- Construction of M & E Offices 1 Item

Total Main Summary

Contingency 5%


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SOUTH SUDAN -Health Systems Strengthening Round 9

Lot 1:Bill2-Bill of Quantities for Construction of Antenatal Clinic and M & E Offices at Aweil
Northern Bar E l Ghazel

Rate Amount
Item Description Qty Unit


The contractor shall provide and maintain temporary
sheds for the storage of materials, tools, and tackle and
the use of all persons employed on the Site. Those used
for the storage of cement and other perishable materials
and the like are to be weatherproofed at all times 1 Item

A.2 Provide, maintain and keep in a clean condition

adequate temporary sanitary accommodation and
facilities in accordance with local regulations for all
persons employed on the Works. 1 Item
A.3 Allow for supplying temporary electricity for the
Works and facilities of the contractor including
'connection, distribution system for the work, internal
arrangements and all payment to the authorities for
connections. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to
ensure steady and uninterrupted power supply to Works.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to claim and the
Employer shall not pay cost incurred by the Contractor
for using electric power generators or for using other
alternative power supply method in case there happened
to be disruptions to normal power supply due to any
1 Item

A.4 Allow for provision of water for the works including

drinking water, and paying all charges and other
expenses in connection with the supply from water
mains or any other alternative method of water supply,
storage and distribution. It is the sole responsibility of
the contractor to ensure steady, uninterrupted adequate
supply of water required for main contract and
nominated sub contract work.
1 Item

A.5 Allow for providing and maintenance of name board

and advertising board to the specifications and as
directed by the Engineer. 1 Item

A.6 Allow for mobilization i.e plant, machinery, other

equipments including his work force etc to the site 1 Item

A.7 Allow for any other item necessary for the proper
execution of the works and not listed in the items above
( Please Provide a detailed List below) 1 Item

Total Main Summary


Lot 1: Construction of ANC and M E offices Facilities-Aweil, Northen Bar El Ghazel

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SOUTH SUDAN -Health Systems Strengthening Round 9

Lot 1:Bill2-Bill of Quantities for Construction of Antenatal Clinic and M & E Offices at Aweil
Northern Bar E l Ghazel


A Preliminaries - Refer Bill No. 01

B Excavation & Earthwork

C Concrete Work

D Masonry Work

E Thermal and Mositure Protection

F Structural Metal Work

G Roof Covering, Roof Ceiling & Roof Drainage

H Metal Work

J Wood Work - Doors & Windows

K Floor Wall & Ceiling Finishes

L Painting Work

M Electrical Installation

N Provisional Sums

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SOUTH SUDAN -Health Systems Strengthening Round 9

Lot 1:Bill2-Bill of Quantities for Construction of Antenatal Clinic and M & E Offices at Aweil
Northern Bar E l Ghazel


Amount Amount Amount

Item Description
( Per SQ.M ) %

Bill No. 02

A Preliminaries - Refer Bill No. 01

B Excavation and Earth Work

C Concrete Work

D Masonry Work

E Thermal and Moisture Protection

F Structural Metal Works

G Roof Covering, Roof Ceiling & Roof Drainage

H Wood Work - Doors & Windows

J Floor, Wall & Ceiling Finishes

K Painting Work

L Water supply, Sewarege and Plumbing works

M Electrical Installation

N Provisional Sums

Summary of Bill Carried to Grand Summary

Total Gross Floor Area (m²)

Price per SQ. m -
Price per SQ. ft

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SOUTH SUDAN -Health Systems Strengthening Round 9

Lot 1:Bill2-Bill of Quantities for Construction of Antenatal Clinic and M & E Offices at Aweil
Northern Bar E l Ghazel

Item Description Qty Unit Amount


Unless other wise stated, Rate shall include for

a) back filling with selected excavated material &

consolidating. Surface treatment; compaction before
filling / foundation.

b) disposal of surplus soil as directed & keeping all

excavations free from water unless other wise
measured separately.

c) any additional excavation for working space.

Excavation & Earthwork Supports

B.1 Clearing and preparation of the site including

cutting down and removal of top soil up to a depth of
150mm and disposed off as directed. 260 m²

B.2 Excavation of trenches for wall foundations up to

1.5m deep in any material except rock requiring
blasting and removal of surplus as directed.
110 m³
B.2a Ditto: Columns bases 5 m³

B.3 Filling & Back filling

B.4 Filling around strip foundations with selected

excavated materials: ram and compact well 77 m³

B.5 Filling under floors with 150mm thick gravel or

other approved quality imported filling material,
150mm thick well compacted hardcore and 50mm
thick sand blind. Spreading, watering and well
ramming in 56 m³

B.6 Anti - termite treatment to fillings and tops of

foundations: as " Aldrex" or equal and approved
insecticide treatment: applied in accordance with the
manufacturer's printed instructions : include for 10
years warranty period.
175 m²

B Excavation and Earth Works To Summary


a Rate shall include for form work depositing,

handling, hoisting into position, vibrating, curing etc.
and making good after removal of formwork etc.

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

b Reinforcements are paid separately unless otherwise

specified in the item

c Rate shall include for supplying and laying of gauge

1000 polythene on ground, where concrete is in direct
contact with ground, before pouring concrete unless
other wise measured separately.

In Situ Concrete

C.1 Supplying and placing of Gr.20 concrete as

specified to foundation footings 15 m³

C.1a Ditto: 100mm thick floor beds,splash appron and

work tops
26 m³

C.2 Supplying and placing of concrete Gr.25/20 to

foundation footings

C.3 ditto for 28 Stiffener columns & footings 11 m³

C.3a Ditto: in ground beams 5.7 m³
C.3b Ditto: for roof Tie beams 5.7 m³

Formwork as specified : to

C.4 Vertical edges of footings

C.4a Ditto: for stiffener columns 115 m²
C.4b Ditto: for ground beams 36 m²
C.4c Ditto: for roof tie beams (refer to lintel)
C.4d Ditto: for edges of floor beds


Rate to include for supplying, cleaning, cutting,

bending, fabricating, placing and the provision of all
necessary temporary fixings and supports etc.
including binding wires, bends, hooks, tying wires,
chairs, distance blocks, steel separators/spacers

Tor steel reinforcement (to BS 4449 and

characteristic strength fy = 460N/mm2) and Mild
steel reinforcement ( to BS 4449 and characteristic
strength fy = 250N/mm2)

C.5 R8 mild steel reinforcement bars 630 Kg

C.6 High yield reinforcement bars ( T12) 2410 Kg
C.7 Supplying & laying A142 BRC net for ground
floor slab: include laps and waste 158 m²

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

Page Total to collection


C.8 Lintel size 200 x 200 mm in cross section: complete

with 4 T12 bars and R6 bars at 200mm centres :
include all required formwork 27 m

C.8 Lintel size 200 x 150 mm in cross section: complete

with 4 T12 bars and R6 bars at 100mm centres :
include all required formwork m

Concrete Sundries ( Provisional)

C.9 20mm Thick expansion joint as "flexcell",

"styrofoam or equal and approved expansion joint:
embedd in concrete beds : 150mm wide m²

C.10 20 x 10mm deep expansion joint sealant m

Page Total to collection


Page -2


C Concrete Works To Summary


Rate shall include for lifting, handling, weighting all

rough and fair cutting, plumbing angles, normal
straight cutting, forming rebated reveals and raking
out joints for plastering.

Masonry Work

Up to DPC level

D.1 Solid concrete block walls in cement sand (1:5)

mortar in steps m3

D.2 200 mm Thick solid concrete block walls in cement

sand (1:5) mortar in foundations 150 m²

Concrete block work

D.3 200mm thick walls in standard precast hollow

cement blocks in 1:5 cement sand mortar for wall.
318 m²

D.3a Ditto: 100mm Thick walls 7 m²

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

D Masonry Work To Summary


Damp Proof Course

E.1 Horizontal damp proof course: bituminous: laid

horizontally on screeded 20 mm thick (1:3) screeded
beds to receive block walls. 25 m²

Damp proof membrane

E.2 Horizontal damp proof membrane :1000 gauge

polythene membrane: laid on compacted fillings
(measured separately ) in ground floor beds. ( The
rate shall include for laps & wastage). 160 m²

E Thermal and Moisture Protection To Summary



“Welding” is deemed to be in accordance with the

specification and for the material to which it is to be
used. Gusset plates, shoe plates, ends, caps, cleats,
brackets, stiffeners, bolts, etc., have been included to
the rate of the associated steel work i

Note :
a] For the description of materials and workmanship
refer "Specification of works", "preambles" and

b] Rate shall include for

b.1] All shop fabrication work, marking, delivery,

unloading, hoisting, erecting and fixing as per detail
b.2] All welds are 6mm thick fillet weld &
allowance for rolling margin.

b.3] The weight of weld metal in welded

b.4] Members of any length.

b.5] Cutting to size and shape and joints in the

running length.

b.6] Grinding to a smooth finish, unless otherwise


b.7] Machine drilled bolt, holes, bolts, nuts and

washers, cleats, shoe and gusset plates and all other
b.8] After fabrication wire brushed to clean the all
steel surfaces and spray painted with two coats of
quick drying metal primer zinc phosphate & two
coats of matt anti corrosive with necessary

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

Fabricating and erecting framed structures

F.1 Roof truss type T1; spanning 9000mm wide x

2250mm high, consisting of 50x50x6mm equal
angle iron members welded to gusset plate all as per
detail drawing Rate shall include for painting as
specified. 4 No
F.2 Roof truss type T2; spanning 5200mm wide x
1260mm high, consisting of 50x50x6mm equal
angle iron members welded to gusset plate all as per
detail drawing Rate shall include for painting as 14 No
F.3 Roof truss type T3; spanning 2500mm wide x
1260mm high, consisting of 50x50x6mm equal
angle iron members welded to gusset plate all as per
detail drawing Rate shall include for painting as
F.4 Supplying & fixing of Zed purlins, 100 x 50 x
2mm: welded to roof trusses ( measured
separately )at 900mm centres: complete with all the
required paint works and all necessary supports
260.00 m
F.5 Allow sum for any other item required for the
construction and completion of the roof framework,
which are not covered under the above items.
1 Item

F Structural Metal Works To Summary


Rate shall include;

a.01 All, rivets, nails, clips, strips and delivering and

fixing in position.

a.02 All timber shall apply Priming backs & applying two
coats of an approved wood preservative before fixing.

a.03 All timber including plywood sheets shall have Final

Finish; Two coat of wood preservative, two coats of
primer, two coats of wood sheen spray paint.

a.04 Roof plumbing shall be measured & grouped


Roof Covering

G.1 Supplying & fixing of gauge 28 pre-painted IT4

profiled roofing sheets of approved colour: fixed
with J-bolts to 100 x 50 x 2mm zed purlins (
measured separately) and rubber caping to tops of
bolts 205 m²


G.2 Supplying & fixing Gauge 28 prepainted ridge cap;

650mm girth (average ) in position complete with all
necessary roofing screws or hooks as required.
20 m

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

Valance / Barge Board

G.3 25x225mm high timber valance board / barge

board fixed to edges of rafters including necessary
fittings screws and nails etc.: including wood
preservative and painting all as per drawings
106.00 m

G.4 Supplying & fixing of PVC square eave gutters of

cross section 200mm x 200mm or as specified,
including all necessary accessories, as per drawings
54.00 m

G.5 Supplying & fixing of 110 dia PVC rain water down
pipes with metal straps to concrete block work as per
detailed on Drawing at 1000mm centres vertically 40.00 m

G Roof Covering ,Roof Ceiling & Roof Plumbing To Summary


a The work shall include supply, fabricate and

installation of doors, windows, made out of
approved quality timber Jak or equivalent to be
finish as per the respective specification & drawings.

b Doors & Windows frame sections to be of,

b.01 Outer frame & Inner frame - 75mm x 100mm
minimum - Finish Size, unless otherwise stated.

b.02 The contractor shall submit shop drawings for the

approval of the Architect & Engineer, prior to
b.03 The contractor shall refer to all relevant specifications
and drawings prior to pricing and it shall be his
responsibility to complete the said works to the entire
satisfaction of the Engineer at no additional cost.

b.04 All samples shall be provided for Engineer's approval

prior to purchase of material.
b.05 Where swing doors has been specified prices shall
include for provisions of floor hinges.

c Rates shall include;

c.01 Hoisting and fixing in position, drilling and making


c.02 Brass Nails, Brass screws, glue, rawl plugs etc,.

c.03 Framing together all work in accordance with the

best practices.

c.04 Priming backs & applying two coats of an approved

wood preservative before fixing.

c.05 Final Finish; Two coat of wood preservative, two

coats of primer, two coats of wood sheen spray paint.

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

c.06 Rate to include for providing sundry items related to

the door & windows like Glass blocks etc.. where
necessary as a Architectural Feature to the door or

c.07 Rate shall include for 5mm thick clear float glass/
wired glass /tinted glass /translucent glass as
appropriate to suit the respective doors and windows
as shown in the drawings.

c.08 Rate shall include for ply wood sheets of approved

colour with melamine coat on both sides where

c.09 Rates shall include for fixing timber frame, door sash
/ window casement brass fixing screws, lock sets
with 3 keys manufactured in Europe to be used on all

d Only 16% of moisture content is recommended for all


e All timber shall be pressured impregnated termite

proofed, seasoned, planed timber and sand papered
by hand to have smooth finish and to receive paint.

f Preservative Treatment

f.01 Minimum of two application of C I C wood

preservative or approved equivalent.

f.02 Preservative treatment for back of door & door frame

in contact with masonry or concrete.

g Sizes

g.01 The sizes given in the drawings and description of

Bill of Quantities are finished sizes and subject to
same permitted in the specifications.

g.02 The contractor shall check the measurement of

openings physically at the site before fabricating the
doors & windows.

g.03 Door / window frames are twice rebated and backed

as appropriate. The sizes are as given in the detail

g.04 Mullions and transoms shall be rebated or non

rebated as appropriate. The sizes are as given in the
detail drawing.

g.05 Finished thickness of door & window sashes sash

shall be 32mm and if there is any discrepancy in the
sizes and detail given in the drawings and Bill of
Quantities, the same given in the drawing shall

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

h Ironmongery

h.01 All the locks shall be union / yale or approved

equivalent supplied by authorized dealer appointed
by the manufacturer & approved by the Architect.

h.02 All ironmongery shall be heavy quality brass of

approved European manufacture subject to approval
of the Architect, ironmongery samples should be
submitted for approval.

j Painting / Final Finish

j.01 Unless otherwise stated all surface of timber Doors &

Windows and casements and plywood door sashes
shall be applied with two coat of wood preservative,
two coats of primer, two coats of wood sheen spray

Page Total to collection

Timber Doors
H.1 32mm thick wood work double leaf door set, type
D1, of size 1100x2250mm high overall, comprising
of timber door frame & timber ledged, braced &
battened door sash : include for all necessary door
locks, iron mongery, final finish, & fixing to concrete
or blockwork
H.2 32mm thick wood work single sash door set, type
D2, of size 900x2500mm high overall, comprising of
timber door frame & 8-panelled door sash out of
hardwood mahogany : include for all necessary door
locks, iron mongery, final finish, & fixing to concrete
or blockwork 13 Nos.

Metal doors

H.3 Metal door set, type D4, of size 1200x2500mm high

overall, comprising of 100mm steel channel frame
fully welded and mitred at corners: steel shutter
frames with 5mm thick glass: include for all
necessary door locks, iron mongery, final finish, &
fixing to concrete or blockworks : include for all
necessary door locks, iron mongery, final finish, &
fixing to concrete or blockwork
1 Nos.

H.4 Metal door set, type D4', of size 900x2500mm high

overall, comprising of 100mm steel channel frame
fully welded and mitred at corners: steel shutter
frames with 5mm thick glass: include for all
necessary door locks, iron mongery, final finish, &
fixing to concrete or blockwork
2 Nos

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

H.5 Window, type W1, steel, size 1000x1500mm high
overall, 02 nos. side hung glass infilled window
sashes, :include for all necessary fasteners , burglary
proof and iron mongery

13 Nos.
H.6 Window, type W2, steel, size 500x500mm high
overall, 01 nos. side hung glass infilled window
sashes, :include for all necessary fasteners ,burglary
proof and iron mongery
5 Nos.
H.7 Window, type W3, steel, size 900x1400mm high
overall, 01 nos. side hung glass infilled window
sashes, :include for all necessary fasteners ,burglary
proof and iron mongery
1 Nos.

H.8 32mm thick woodwork Grille, type G1, size

500x825mm high overall, comprising of 75 x 100mm
timber window frame infilled with steel mesh with
an integral insect screen all as per detail Drawing
:include for all necessary fasteners and iron mongery,

Page Total to collection


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H Wood Work - Doors & Windows To Summary


a The contractor is advised to refer to the specification

prior to pricing of this section of work

b The rate shall include for all temporary rules, screeds,

grounds etc. for raking out joints of new brick work
or hacking new concrete for key, internal & curved
angles, joints between different surfaces arises quirks,
inter sections between curved or irre

c All samples shall be provided for approval by the

Engineer prior to purchase of materials.

Wall Finishes

J.1 20mm thick cement & sand (1:5) plaster finished

semi rough with wood float on external faces, on
blockwalls or concrete surfaces 126 m²

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

J.2 12mm thick cement lime sand (1:1:5) plaster finished

smooth with lime putty or approved equivalent on
internal faces, on blockwalls or concrete surfaces.
410 m²

Floor finishes

J.3 20mm. thick cement and sand 1:3 screed finished

smooth with coloured cement floating. 149 m²
J.3a 300mm x 300mm ceramic floor tiles for toillet ,
Laboratory and work tops 30 m²
J.3b 200mm x 300mm ceramic floor tiles for toillet ,
Laboratory and work tops
20 m²
Plinth Plaster

J.4 20mm. thick cement and sand 1:3 plinth plaster

finished smooth with coloured cement floating. 150 m²

Ceuling Finishes

J.5 50 x 50 mm brandering supported on 100 x 50mm

joists finished on which well approved soft board is 149 m²

J Floor, Wall & Ceiling Finishes To Summary


a Rate shall include for preparation of surface cleaning

down, smoothing, knotting, stepping etc. protection
of floors and fitting, removing & replacing door and
window, furniture, and cleaning windows etc.upon

b Paint shall be from approved colour with approved



K.1 Prepare and apply one coat of primer and two coats of
weather shield paint of approved colour and quality
to external faces of walls 196 m²

K.2 Prepare and apply one coat of primer and two coats of
emulsion paint of approved colour and quality to
internal faces of walls 480 m²

K.3 Ditto: Plinths 150 m²

K Painting To Summary


WORKS All Provisional


a Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) pipes shall

be used in the plumbing installation and they must
confirm in every respect to the requirements of BS

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

b All fittings and pipe specials used in the plumbing

installation shall be suitable and compatible with all
respects to the pipe line to which fittings and specials
are fixed.
c All sanitary fittings & fixtures shall be American
Standards or approved equivalent.

d Rates for plumbing work shall include for:-

d.01 Complying with the relevant British or any other
standard as given under the specifications and with
the regulations of the Local Authority and or any
other relevant authorities.

d.02 Cutting and waste of pipes etc., and joining pipes.

d.03 All specials such as elbows, bends, tees, junctions,

plugs, reducers and similar pipe fittings except for
valves which will be measured separately.

d.04 Connecting pipes to sanitary fixtures and appliances.

d.05 Casing to brick walls etc. and making good all works

d.06 Necessary screws, nails sockets, connection back nuts

standard pipe fixing or supporting clips, saddles,
brackets, holder bats, straps etc.

d.07 Connecting of different types of pipes.

d.08 Testing and disinfection after completion.

d.09 Excavation, backfilling, disposal of surplus soil for

items which were specifically mentioned.

e Rates for sanitary fittings shall include for:-

e.01 Fittings such as taps, waste water outlet, internal

overflows etc. and supporting brackets, incidental
materials for fixing, unless otherwise measured
e.02 Assembling, jointing together fixing components
parts, and jointing to pipes including necessary
coupling and for leaving perfectly clean and in
perfect working order on completion.

e.03 Jointing and connecting of pipes to sanitary fittings.

e.04 Testing and commissioning of the installation.

e.05 Making good of the work disturbed.

e.06 Submitting samples for the approval of the Engineer.

e.07 Protecting the works.

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

f Rates for drainage work shall include for :-

f.01 Laying of pipes to falls.

f.02 Excavation, backfilling, disposal of surplus soil

f.03 All pipe specials such as bends, junctions, elbows,

tees etc.

f.04 Connection to sides of manholes etc.

f.05 Providing sleeves etc., when pipes pass through

walls, foundations etc.

f.06 Giving notices, obtaining permits, paying fees, fixing,

testing and commissioning etc.

Cold Water Installation

Type 1000uPVC pipe with all necessary specials

laid in water distribution system buried in brick walls
/ floor or clipped to any location where necessary.

L.1 20mm diameter. 40.00 m

Taps and Valves

All taps and valves should be brass "Pegler"

manufactured UK or approved equivalent, finish to
be chrome plated or as per detail and as approved by
the Engineer. Rate to include for joints to pipe work.

L.2 20mm diameter Bib Tap 10.00 Nos.

L.3 25mm diameter gate valve. 2.00 Nos.

L.4 20mm diameter angle valve. 2.00 Nos.

L.5 25mm diameter isolation valve. 2.00 Nos.

Waste and Sewage Disposal

Type 600 uPVC pipe with all necessary specials laid

for internal and external waste and sewage Disposal
system buried in brick walls / floor, clipped to any
location or laid through ground soil where necessary.

L.6 50mm diameter. 40.00 m

L.7 110mm diameter. 40.00 m

L.8 Fittings to 110 mm pipe work 20.00 Nos.

Page Total to collection

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

UPVC Pipe Ancillaries

UPVC ancillaries shall be as per drawing including

all connections and supports.

L.9 Supplying and fixing of uPVC trapped floor clean

out including PVC grating. 4.00 Nos.

Excavation for Pipes Works

L.10 Excavation and back fill to pipe trench for normal

pipe laying areas, depth not exceeding 1.0m deep as
per detail drawing. (Rate shall include for screed
concrete work)
40.00 m
L.10a Allow a provisional sum for the supply of 2000 litre
water tank and 3000mm high water stand made of
75mm x 75mm x 3mm angle sections to approval of
the enginee. 1.00 Item
Sanitary Fittings

Rate shall include for supplying and installation of

sanitary fittings with all accessories

L.11 Supplying & fixing of squatting pan with 'S' or 'P'

trap outlet approved colour, complete with and
fittings , drop pipe, flexible connections and
necessary water connection etc. 3.00 Nos.
L.11a Supplying & fixing of Wash hand basins with 'S' or
'P' trap outlet approved colour, complete with and
fittings , drop pipe, flexible connections and
necessary water connection etc.
6.00 Nos.
L.11b Supplying & fixing of Dobby Sink sixe 550mm x
350mm with 'S' or 'P' trap outlet approved colour,
complete with and fittings , drop pipe, flexible
connections and necessary water connection etc.
1.00 Nos.
Waste & Sewer Manholes, Septic tank & Soakage

L.12 Construction of Septic Tank, size 2200x1200 x

2500mm internally as per drawings inclusive of
1500mm diameter and 2000mm deep soakaway
pit infilled with hardcore. (rate shall include for all
necessary items for the completion of spetic tank
according to drawing) 1.00 Nos.

L.13 Valve chamber for cold water supply connection

size 440x440mm internally as per drawings with
invert depth not exceeding 800mm including
excavation and back filling, 150mm thick RCC grade
30 foundation including necessary reinforcement
100mm thick RCC walls, base, mass concrete filling
with neat cement grout, and RCC covers with lifting
arrangement. Inlet and outlet connections to complete
the valve pit in order.
1.00 No

L.15 Testing & commissioning the entire installation

1.00 item

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

Page Total to collection


Page - 14

Page- 15

L Water Supply, Sewerage & Drainage Work

(Plumbing) To Summary


a Unless otherwise stated, Rates in Bill of Quantities

shall include all necessary materials Cables, conduits,
PVC sunk box, bulbs, switches etc.) and labour
required to complete the electrical installation to good
working order.
b Except where specifically stated, all costs associated
with provision of all holes, openings, chases, ducts
and other builders' work required for installation and
make them good, shall be included in the rates.

c Testing and commissioning of the electrical

installation is to be carried out by the contractor and
Cost of such testing and reports to be included in the
rates unless otherwise mention separately.

d All types of fittings, materials, painting and finishes

shall be approved by the Engineer prior to

Sub Distribution Board (SDB-1)

M.1 MCCB, MCB shall be manufactured by Merlin

Gerin , F&G, Moler or equivalent & approved by
the Engineer.

Supply and installation of switch gear cubicle made

out of (2mm thickness) sheet steel enclosure (IP54)
powder coated to the approval of the engineer and as
per the detail drawing no. 126YM-HQ-EL201.

Control panel for 40A, 3 Phase supply

01 Nos 40A , 2P RCCB

01 Nos 20A , 1P MCCB
02 Nos 6A , 1P MCCB
03 Nos 10 A , 2P MCB
01 Nos 30 A , 2P MCB

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

Set of Cu bus bars with neutral

Cu earth bar
Phase indicator lamps
Wiring & other installation cost to include supply of a
maximum of 100m 4 core 6mm diamter armoured
underground electric cable connection to the nearest
power supply
1 Nos.

Final Circuit Wiring

Rates for final circuit wiring shall include all

necessary switches, sockets, materials Cables,
conduits, PVC sunk box, & junction boxes, draw
wires, etc. and labour required to complete the
electrical installation to good working order.

Page Total to collection

Light Point Wiring

M.2 Wiring and installation (including supply of all

materials) of the light points using approved type
PVC insulated PVC sheathed 1 mm² copper cable
and 2.5mm² Earth cable drawn through securely fixed
concealed PVC conduit.
(Switches shall be ABB / Clipsal /
22.00 Nos.

13ASocket Outlet

M.3 Supply & installation of 13A fused shuttered

switched socket outlet to comply with relevant BS
standard (Clipsal, Orange, Crabtree/ Tenby/ABB or
equivalent). Wiring (including supply of earth wire &
all other material required ) of above socket outlet 12.00 Nos.

Fittings & Equipments

Light Fittings

M.4 Supply and installation of Pendent lamp fitting

complete with 11 W CFL (Philips or equivalent)
Lamp suitable for indoor use including all other
necessary accessories like terminal block etc.
(accessories - thorn / Philips or equivalent & fitting

44.00 Nos.

Earthing Arrangement

M.5 Supply and installation of approved type earthining

system as approved by the engineer in order to keep
the earth resistance below 10 ohms. The earth bar at
the main distribution board should connect to the
earth electrode with a 16mm2 PVC/CU cables 1 item

M.6 Testing & commissioning the entire installation 1.00 item

Page Total to collection

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount


Page - 13

Page- 14

M Electrical Installation To Summary


a The work to be done and or materials to be provided

which is covered by the following Provisional Sums
form part of the Works and shall be completed within
the Time for Completion for the applicable Section or
Portion of the Works.

b Provisional Sums and the associated items for

Contractor's overheads and profit set down below
shall be deducted from the Contract Sum and the
value of work done and/or Materials provided to
which such Provisional Sums relate shall be
determined as follow

c In respect of those parts of the Works described

below as to be carried out by the contractor,
nominated supplier, nominated sub contractor under
the Engineers instruction, the said value shall in each
case comprise:

(i) the actual amount paid or due to be paid by the

Contractor to the nominated supplier or nominated
Subcontractor, on the instructions of the Engineer:

(ii) in respect of the associated items for

Contractor's overheads and profit set down below,
an amount being a percentage rate of the actual
amount paid or due to be paid as aforesaid,
calculated at the rate inserted below against the
applicable item.

d In respect of those parts of the Works not described

below as to be carried out by Nominated Supplier or
Nominated Subcontractors, the Engineer shall
ascertain and determine by measurement the value of
work done and/or Materials provided to which the

e Those parts of the Works covered by the following

Provisional Sums are to be carried out by the
Contractor, Nominated Supplier, Nominated
Subcontractors or any other nominated authority , as
determined by the Engineer.

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Item Description Qty Unit Amount

Shop Drawings & As Built Drawings

N.1 Preparation of "Shop" drawings for the

requirement of the construction 3 PS

N.2 Preparation of "As built" Drawings for the

requirements of relevant authority or as directed by
the Engineer. 3 PS

N.3 Allow provisional sum to cover possible additional

costs due to any deviation from the tender issue
drawings to construction issue drawings.
1 PS 2,000.00

N Provisional Sums To Summary

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SOUTH SUDAN -Health Systems Strengthening Round 9

Lot 1:Bill 3-Bill of Quantities for Extension of M & E Office at Aweil
Northern Bar E l Ghazel


A Preliminaries - Refer Bill No. 01

B Excavation & Earthwork

C Concrete Work

D Masonry Work

E Thermal and Mositure Protection

F Structural Metal Work

G Roof Covering, Roof Ceiling & Roof Drainage

H Metal Work

J Wood Work - Doors & Windows

K Floor Wall & Ceiling Finishes

L Painting Work

M Electrical Installation

N Provisional Sums

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SOUTH SUDAN -Health Systems Strengthening Round 9

Lot 1:Bill 3-Bill of Quantities for Extension of M & E Office at Aweil
Northern Bar E l Ghazel


Amount Amount Amount

Item Description
( Per SQ.M ) %

Bill No. 02

A Preliminaries - Refer Bill No. 01

B Excavation and Earth Work

C Concrete Work

D Masonry Work

E Thermal and Moisture Protection

F Structural Metal Works

G Roof Covering, Roof Ceiling & Roof Drainage

H Wood Work - Doors & Windows

J Floor, Wall & Ceiling Finishes

K Painting Work

M Electrical Installation

N Provisional Sums

Summary of Bill Carried to Grand Summary

Total Gross Floor Area (m²)

Price per SQ. m
Price per SQ. ft

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SOUTH SUDAN -Health Systems Strengthening Round 9

Lot 1:Bill 3-Bill of Quantities for Extension of M & E Office at Aweil
Northern Bar E l Ghazel

Item Description Qty Unit Amount


Unless other wise stated, Rate shall include for

a) back filling with selected excavated material &

consolidating. Surface treatment; compaction before filling /

b) disposal of surplus soil as directed & keeping all excavations

free from water unless other wise measured separately.

c) any additional excavation for working space.

Excavation & Earthwork Supports

B.1 Clearing and preparation of the site including cutting down

and removal of top soil up to a depth of 150mm and disposed
off as directed. 110 m²

B.2 Excavation of trenches for wall foundations up to 1.5m deep

in any material except rock requiring blasting and removal of
surplus as directed.
54 m³
B.2a Ditto: 1000mm x 1000mm Columns bases 16.00 m³

B.3 Filling & Back filling

B.4 Filling around strip foundations with selected excavated

materials: ram and compact well 38 m³

B.5 Filling under floors with 150mm thick gravel or other

approved quality imported filling material, 150mm thick well
compacted hardcore and 50mm thick sand blind. Spreading,
watering and well ramming in 31 m³

B.6 Anti - termite treatment to fillings and tops of foundations: as

" Aldrex" or equal and approved insecticide treatment: applied
in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions :
include for 10 years warranty period.
89 m²

B Excavation and Earth Works To Summary

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a Rate shall include for form work depositing, handling, hoisting

into position, vibrating, curing etc. and making good after
removal of formwork etc.

b Reinforcements are paid separately unless otherwise specified

in the item Note

c Rate shall include for supplying and laying of gauge 1000

polythene on ground, where concrete is in direct contact with
ground, before pouring concrete unless other wise measured
separately. Note

In Situ Concrete

C.1 Supplying and placing of Gr.20 concrete as specified to

foundation footings (strip) 1 m³

C.1a Ditto: 100mm thick floor beds 9 m³

C.2 Supplying and placing of concrete Gr.25/20 to foundation

footings ( column bases) 6 m³

C.3 ditto for Stiffener columns 3.00 m³

C.3a Ditto: in ground beams 4 m³
C.3b Ditto: for roof Tie beams 4 m³

Formwork as specified : to

C.4a Ditto: for stiffener columns 7 m²

C.4b Ditto: for ground beams 30 m²
C.4c Ditto: for roof tie beams 30 m²


Rate to include for supplying, cleaning, cutting, bending,

fabricating, placing and the provision of all necessary
temporary fixings and supports etc. including binding wires,
bends, hooks, tying wires, chairs, distance blocks, steel

Tor steel reinforcement (to BS 4449 and characteristic

strength fy = 460N/mm ) and Mild steel reinforcement ( to
BS 4449 and characteristic strength fy = 250N/mm )

C.5 R8 mild steel reinforcement bars 320 Kg

C.6 High yield reinforcement bars ( T12) 960 Kg
C.7 Supplying & laying A142 BRC net for ground floor slab:
include laps and waste 89 m²

Page Total to collection


C.8 Lintel size 200 x 200 mm in cross section: complete with 4

T12 bars and R6 bars at 200mm centres : include all required
formwork 60 m

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Page Total to collection


Page -2


C Concrete Works To Summary


Rate shall include for lifting, handling, weighting all rough and
fair cutting, plumbing angles, normal straight cutting, forming
rebated reveals and raking out joints for plastering.

Masonry Work

Up to DPC level

D.1 Solid concrete block walls in cement sand (1:5) mortar in steps
1 item

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D.2 200 mm Thick solid concrete block walls in cement sand (1:5)
mortar in foundations 72 m²

Concrete block work

D.3 200mm thick walls in standard precast hollow cement blocks

in 1:5 cement sand mortar for wall. 147 m²

D Masonry Work To Summary


Damp Proof Course

E.1 Horizontal damp proof course: bituminous: laid horizontally

on screeded 20 mm thick (1:3) screeded beds to receive block
walls. 14 m²

Damp proof membrane

E.2 Horizontal damp proof membrane :1000 gauge polythene

membrane: laid on compacted fillings (measured separately )
in ground floor beds. ( The rate shall include for laps &
wastage). 89 m²

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E Thermal and Moisture Protection To Summary



“Welding” is deemed to be in accordance with the specification

and for the material to which it is to be used. Gusset plates,
shoe plates, ends, caps, cleats, brackets, stiffeners, bolts, etc.,
have been included to the rate of the associated steel work i
Note :
a] For the description of materials and workmanship refer
"Specification of works", "preambles" and "Drawings".

b] Rate shall include for Note

b.1] All shop fabrication work, marking, delivery, unloading,

hoisting, erecting and fixing as per detail drawings.
b.2] All welds are 6mm thick fillet weld & allowance for
rolling margin. Note

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b.3] The weight of weld metal in welded constructions. Note

b.4] Members of any length. Note

b.5] Cutting to size and shape and joints in the running length.

b.6] Grinding to a smooth finish, unless otherwise required.


b.7] Machine drilled bolt, holes, bolts, nuts and washers,

cleats, shoe and gusset plates and all other connections. Note
b.8] After fabrication wire brushed to clean the all steel
surfaces and spray painted with two coats of quick drying
metal primer zinc phosphate & two coats of matt anti corrosive
with necessary accessories. Note

Fabricating and erecting framed structures

F.1 Roof truss spanning 8400mm wide x 2100mm high, consisting

of 2/50x50x6mm equal angle iron members welded to gusset
plate all as per detail drawing Rate shall include for painting as
specified. 2 No
F.2 Roof truss spanning 5200mm wide x2100mm high, consisting
of 2/50x50x6mm equal angle iron members welded to gusset
plate all as per detail drawing Rate shall include for painting as
specified. 14 No
F.3 Roof truss type spanning 2500mm wide x 1260mm high,
consisting of 50x50x6mm equal angle iron members welded
to gusset plate all as per detail drawing Rate shall include for
painting as specified.
F.4 Supplying & fixing of Zed purlins, 100 x 50 x 2mm: welded
to roof trusses ( measured separately )at 900mm centres:
complete with all the required paint works and all necessary
supports 190 m
F.5 Allow sum for any other item required for the construction
and completion of the roof framework, which are not covered
under the above items.
1 Item

F Structural Metal Works To Summary


Rate shall include; Note

a.01 All, rivets, nails, clips, strips and delivering and fixing in
position. Note

a.02 All timber shall apply Priming backs & applying two coats of
an approved wood preservative before fixing. Note

a.03 All timber including plywood sheets shall have Final Finish;
Two coat of wood preservative, two coats of primer, two coats
of wood sheen spray paint. Note

a.04 Roof plumbing shall be measured & grouped separately;


Roof Covering

G.1 Supplying & fixing of gauge 28 pre-painted IT4 profiled

roofing sheets of approved colour: fixed with J-bolts to 100 x
50 x 2mm zed purlins ( measured separately) and rubber
caping to tops of bolts 100 m²


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G.2 Supplying & fixing Gauge 28 prepainted ridge cap; 650mm

girth (average ) in position complete with all necessary roofing
screws or hooks as required. 26 m

Valance / Barge Board

G.3 25x225mm high timber valance board / barge board fixed to

edges of rafters including necessary fittings screws and nails
etc.: including wood preservative and painting all as per
drawings 94 m

G.4 Supplying & fixing of PVC square eave gutters of cross

section 200mm x 200mm or as specified, including all
necessary accessories, as per drawings 94 m

G.5 Supplying & fixing of 110 dia PVC rain water down pipes
with metal straps to concrete block work as per detailed on
Drawing at 1000mm centres vertically 20 m

G Roof Covering ,Roof Ceiling & Roof Plumbing To Summary


a The work shall include supply, fabricate and installation of

doors, windows, made out of approved quality timber Jak or
equivalent to be finish as per the respective specification &
drawings. Note

b Doors & Windows frame sections to be of,

b.01 Outer frame & Inner frame - 75mm x 100mm minimum -
Finish Size, unless otherwise stated. Note

b.02 The contractor shall submit shop drawings for the approval of
the Architect & Engineer, prior to fabrication.
b.03 The contractor shall refer to all relevant specifications and
drawings prior to pricing and it shall be his responsibility to
complete the said works to the entire satisfaction of the
Engineer at no additional cost. Note

b.04 All samples shall be provided for Engineer's approval prior to

purchase of material. Note
b.05 Where swing doors has been specified prices shall include for
provisions of floor hinges. Note

c Rates shall include;

c.01 Hoisting and fixing in position, drilling and making good.


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c.02 Brass Nails, Brass screws, glue, rawl plugs etc,. Note

c.03 Framing together all work in accordance with the best

practices. Note

c.04 Priming backs & applying two coats of an approved wood

preservative before fixing. Note

c.05 Final Finish; Two coat of wood preservative, two coats of

primer, two coats of wood sheen spray paint. Note

c.06 Rate to include for providing sundry items related to the door &
windows like Glass blocks etc.. where necessary as a
Architectural Feature to the door or window.

c.07 Rate shall include for 5mm thick clear float glass/ wired glass
/tinted glass /translucent glass as appropriate to suit the
respective doors and windows as shown in the drawings.

c.08 Rate shall include for ply wood sheets of approved colour with
melamine coat on both sides where necessary.

c.09 Rates shall include for fixing timber frame, door sash /
window casement brass fixing screws, lock sets with 3 keys
manufactured in Europe to be used on all doors.

d Only 16% of moisture content is recommended for all timber.


e All timber shall be pressured impregnated termite proofed,

seasoned, planed timber and sand papered by hand to have
smooth finish and to receive paint. Note

f Preservative Treatment

f.01 Minimum of two application of C I C wood preservative or

approved equivalent. Note

f.02 Preservative treatment for back of door & door frame in

contact with masonry or concrete. Note

g Sizes

g.01 The sizes given in the drawings and description of Bill of

Quantities are finished sizes and subject to same permitted
in the specifications. Note

g.02 The contractor shall check the measurement of openings

physically at the site before fabricating the doors & windows.

g.03 Door / window frames are twice rebated and backed as

appropriate. The sizes are as given in the detail drawing.

g.04 Mullions and transoms shall be rebated or non rebated as

appropriate. The sizes are as given in the detail drawing.

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g.05 Finished thickness of door & window sashes sash shall be

32mm and if there is any discrepancy in the sizes and detail
given in the drawings and Bill of Quantities, the same given in
the drawing shall prevail. Note

h Ironmongery

h.01 All the locks shall be union / yale or approved equivalent

supplied by authorized dealer appointed by the manufacturer &
approved by the Architect. Note

h.02 All ironmongery shall be heavy quality brass of approved

European manufacture subject to approval of the Architect,
ironmongery samples should be submitted for approval.

j Painting / Final Finish

j.01 Unless otherwise stated all surface of timber Doors &

Windows and casements and plywood door sashes shall be
applied with two coat of wood preservative, two coats of
primer, two coats of wood sheen spray paint. Note

Page Total to collection

Timber Doors

H.1 Metal door set, type D1, of size 900x2500mm high overall,
comprising of 100mm steel channel frame fully welded and
mitred at corners: infilled with 16mm diameter steel bars
welded vertically to 75 x 75x 6mm angle framing at 75mm
centres and covered with 3mm thick plate : include for all
necessary door locks, iron mongery, final finish, & fixing to
concrete or blockwork 3 Nos.

Metal doors

H.2 Metal door set, type D1, of size 1200x2500mm high overall,
comprising of 100mm steel channel frame fully welded and
mitred at corners: infilled with 16mm diameter steel bars
welded vertically to 75 x 75x 6mm angle framing at 75mm
centres and covered with 3mm thick plate : include for all
necessary door locks, iron mongery, final finish, & fixing to
concrete or blockwork 1 Nos.

H.3 Window, type W1, steel, size 1000x1500mm high overall, 02
nos. side hung glass infilled window sashes, :include for all
necessary fasteners , burglary proof and iron mongery
10 Nos.

Page Total to collection


Page -9

Page -10

H Doors & Windows To Summary

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a The contractor is advised to refer to the specification prior to

pricing of this section of work Note

b The rate shall include for all temporary rules, screeds, grounds
etc. for raking out joints of new brick work or hacking new
concrete for key, internal & curved angles, joints between
different surfaces arises quirks, inter sections between curved
or irre

c All samples shall be provided for approval by the Engineer

prior to purchase of materials. Note

Wall Finishes

J.1 20mm thick cement & sand (1:5) plaster finished semi rough
with wood float on external faces, on blockwalls or concrete
surfaces 106 m²

J.2 12mm thick cement lime sand (1:1:5) plaster finished smooth
with lime putty or approved equivalent on internal faces, on
blockwalls or concrete surfaces. 145 m²

Floor finishes

J.3 20mm. thick cement and sand 1:3 screed finished smooth with
coloured cement floating. 89 m²

Plinth Plaster

J.4 20mm. thick cement and sand 1:3 plinth plaster finished
smooth with coloured cement floating. 46 m²

Ceiling Finishes

J.5 50 x 50 mm brandering supported on 100 x 50mm joists

finished on which well approved soft board is laid 89 m²

J Floor, Wall & Ceiling Finishes To Summary

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a Rate shall include for preparation of surface cleaning down,

smoothing, knotting, stepping etc. protection of floors and
fitting, removing & replacing door and window, furniture, and
cleaning windows etc.upon completion.

b Paint shall be from approved colour with approved

manufacturer. Note


K.1 Prepare and apply one coat of primer and two coats of weather
shield paint of approved colour and quality to external faces
of walls 106 m²

K.2 Prepare and apply one coat of primer and two coats of
emulsion paint of approved colour and quality to internal
faces of walls 145 m²

K.3 Ditto: Plinths 46 m²

L Pit Latrine (2stances + screen and urinal) 2 stanches

Rate shall include site clearing, excavation, concrete works,
masonary works, roof works, installation of doors and finishing
works. The doors shall have 100x502.5 mm RHS frames,
shutters in 75x50x2.5mm RHS with internal core 2.5mm steel
plate as per Engineer's approval. Finishes include sand cement
floor screed of 20mm thick to smooth finish,sand cement
render 12mm thick internal and external wall, bombastic paint
in 3 coats over 2 coats of lime bassed putty and one coat primer
to external and internal walls. The vent pipe shall be 100 mm
diameter PVC with screen mesh covered at the top end.

K Painting To Summary

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a Unless otherwise stated, Rates in Bill of Quantities shall

include all necessary materials Cables, conduits, PVC sunk
box, bulbs, switches etc.) and labour required to complete the
electrical installation to good working order. Note

b Except where specifically stated, all costs associated with

provision of all holes, openings, chases, ducts and other
builders' work required for installation and make them good,
shall be included in the rates. Note

c Testing and commissioning of the electrical installation is to be

carried out by the contractor and Cost of such testing and
reports to be included in the rates unless otherwise mention
separately. Note

d All types of fittings, materials, painting and finishes shall be

approved by the Engineer prior to installation. Note

Sub Distribution Board (SDB-1)

M.1 MCCB, MCB shall be manufactured by Merlin Gerin ,

F&G, Moler or equivalent & approved by the Engineer.

Supply and installation of switch gear cubicle made out of

(2mm thickness) sheet steel enclosure (IP54) powder coated to
the approval of the engineer.

Control panel for 40A, 3 Phase supply

01 Nos 40A , 2P RCCB

01 Nos 20A , 1P MCCB
02 Nos 6A , 1P MCCB
03 Nos 10 A , 2P MCB
01 Nos 30 A , 2P MCB

Set of Cu bus bars with neutral

Cu earth bar
Phase indicator lamps
Wiring & other installation cost to include supply of a
maximum of 100m 4 core 6mm diamter armoured underground
electric cable connection to the nearest power supply
1 Nos.

Final Circuit Wiring

Rates for final circuit wiring shall include all necessary

switches, sockets, materials Cables, conduits, PVC sunk box,
& junction boxes, draw wires, etc. and labour required to
complete the electrical installation to good working order.

Page Total to collection

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Light Point Wiring

M.2 Wiring and installation (including supply of all materials) of

the light points using approved type PVC insulated PVC
sheathed 1 mm² copper cable and 2.5mm² Earth cable drawn
through securely fixed concealed PVC conduit.
(Switches shall be ABB / Clipsal /
10 Nos.

13ASocket Outlet

M.3 Supply & installation of 13A fused shuttered switched socket

outlet to comply with relevant BS standard (Clipsal, Orange,
Crabtree/ Tenby/ABB or equivalent). Wiring (including supply
of earth wire & all other material required ) of above socket
outlet 5 Nos.

Fittings & Equipments

Light Fittings

M.4 Supply and installation of Pendent lamp fitting complete with

11 W CFL (Philips or equivalent) Lamp suitable for indoor use
including all other necessary accessories like terminal block
etc. (accessories - thorn / Philips or equivalent & fitting

10 Nos.

Earthing Arrangement

M.5 Supply and installation of approved type earthining system as

approved by the engineer in order to keep the earth resistance
below 10 ohms. The earth bar at the main distribution board
should connect to the earth electrode with a 16mm2 PVC/CU
cables 1 item

M.6 Testing & commissioning the entire installation 1 item

Page Total to collection


Page - 13

Page- 14

M Electrical Installation To Summary

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a The work to be done and or materials to be provided which is

covered by the following Provisional Sums form part of the
Works and shall be completed within the Time for Completion
for the applicable Section or Portion of the Works.

b Provisional Sums and the associated items for Contractor's

overheads and profit set down below shall be deducted from
the Contract Sum and the value of work done and/or Materials
provided to which such Provisional Sums relate shall be
determined as follow

c In respect of those parts of the Works described below as to be

carried out by the contractor, nominated supplier, nominated
sub contractor under the Engineers instruction, the said value
shall in each case comprise:

(i) the actual amount paid or due to be paid by the

Contractor to the nominated supplier or nominated
Subcontractor, on the instructions of the Engineer: plus

(ii) in respect of the associated items for Contractor's

overheads and profit set down below, an amount being a
percentage rate of the actual amount paid or due to be paid as
aforesaid, calculated at the rate inserted below against the
applicable item. Note

d In respect of those parts of the Works not described below as to

be carried out by Nominated Supplier or Nominated
Subcontractors, the Engineer shall ascertain and determine by
measurement the value of work done and/or Materials provided
to which the appl Note

e Those parts of the Works covered by the following Provisional

Sums are to be carried out by the Contractor, Nominated
Supplier, Nominated Subcontractors or any other nominated
authority , as determined by the Engineer.

Shop Drawings & As Built Drawings

N.1 Preparation of "Shop" drawings for the requirement of the

construction 1 PS

N.2 Preparation of "As built" Drawings for the requirements of

relevant authority or as directed by the Engineer.
1 PS

N.3 Allow provisional sum to cover possible additional costs due

to any deviation from the tender issue drawings to
construction issue drawings. 1 PS 2,000.00

N Provisional Sums To Summary US$

Lot 1: Construction of ANC and M E offices Facilities-Aweil, Northen Bar El Ghazel

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