Vairyzmamdlaivavu%T (Mijanaiyar Kakayaa-Laya, Ivavu %tlaaokaosaod, Laalaagauda, Isakndrabaad
Vairyzmamdlaivavu%T (Mijanaiyar Kakayaa-Laya, Ivavu %tlaaokaosaod, Laalaagauda, Isakndrabaad
Vairyzmamdlaivavu%T (Mijanaiyar Kakayaa-Laya, Ivavu %tlaaokaosaod, Laalaagauda, Isakndrabaad
मुख्य विध्युतइंजिनियर,
दक्षिण मध्य रे लवे.
Loco Particulars:
Loco no. 30430 Type of loco WAP-7
Homing Shed ELS/LGD Loco D.O.C 11/08/15
Date of Failure 15.06.18 Tr.No./Det./Load 17604/33”/19 B
Last Major Sch. & Dt. MOH-20/05/18 TKPY-GY/GTL/SCR
Last Minor Sch. & Dt. -- LP/Grade/HQRS M.A.Chalam/YPR
Last TI done at/ Dt. Repercussion --
1) Intermittent trouble: Harmonic filter isolated once intermittently with fault message
“Harmonic Filter current>Maximum”.
2) Improper operation by the crew.
ु लोको शेड, लालागड
ु ा
Title : 30430 Page: 1
Doc Id: 30430 Date: 20-06-18 09:09:45
Malfunction overview
Vehicle: WAP Project version: 32 File: 180514XA.$$$
Vehicle identifier:
RefNo Date Time ms Signal description FKl Sub-name Signal name Counter
773 12-06-18 05:27:42 000 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
774 12-06-18 10:25:48 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
775 12-06-18 10:48:51 000 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 1
776 12-06-18 12:27:31 800 SLG1:0020-Primary voltage < minimum A SS01 09--_0914-MUpr<Min 1
777 12-06-18 12:27:31 800 SLG2:0020-Primary voltage < minimum A SS01 09--_0914-MUpr<Min 1
778 12-06-18 12:57:52 399 FLG1:0036-S/R interlock - auto brake A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RAutBk 1
779 12-06-18 14:11:46 200 FLG1:0036-S/R interlock - auto brake A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RAutBk 2
780 12-06-18 19:23:02 100 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
781 12-06-18 19:23:49 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
782 12-06-18 19:33:20 800 FLG1:0066-Timeout filter confg. bogie1 A SS02 07--_07592-MToFiltCB1 1
783 12-06-18 19:33:33 800 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
784 12-06-18 20:06:26 400 HBB1:0016-Loco in banking operation B SS10 21--_2102-MSwBankOp 1
785 12-06-18 20:06:31 900 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
786 12-06-18 20:07:37 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
787 12-06-18 21:33:55 200 HBB1:0014-Earth fault filter circuit B SS04 09--_0902-MEFRFilter 1
788 12-06-18 21:51:21 800 HBB1:0014-Earth fault filter circuit B SS04 09--_0902-MEFRFilter 2
789 12-06-18 21:55:16 800 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 1
790 13-06-18 01:57:58 000 FLG1:0092-ACP/Train Part @ SS10 43--_43-BBuzerTPart 1
791 13-06-18 05:51:17 800 HBB1:0014-Earth fault filter circuit B SS04 09--_0902-MEFRFilter 3
792 13-06-18 10:55:14 900 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 2
793 13-06-18 23:30:31 300 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 3
794 14-06-18 00:32:37 700 FLG1:0036-S/R interlock - auto brake A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RAutBk 1
795 14-06-18 01:44:38 399 SLG2:0085-Dist. in Power Module 25A8 B SS03 09--_0973-StPMx5A8 1
796 14-06-18 08:13:32 300 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 4
797 14-06-18 08:13:54 100 STB1:0012-Vigilance Cut Off @ SS11 01--_0101-LVigOff 1
798 14-06-18 08:15:13 000 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
799 14-06-18 08:19:01 200 STB1:0012-Vigilance Cut Off @ SS11 01--_0101-LVigOff 1
800 14-06-18 08:19:01 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
801 14-06-18 08:19:01 200 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 1
802 14-06-18 08:29:54 200 STB1:0012-Vigilance Cut Off @ SS11 01--_0101-LVigOff 1
803 14-06-18 08:29:54 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
804 14-06-18 08:29:54 200 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 1
805 14-06-18 08:39:02 500 FLG1:0024-MCE off - pan was down 10 min A SS09 07--_07850-BPanShDown 1
806 14-06-18 08:40:02 300 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
807 14-06-18 11:33:02 200 STB1:0012-Vigilance Cut Off @ SS11 01--_0101-LVigOff 1
808 14-06-18 11:33:02 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
809 14-06-18 11:33:02 200 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 1
810 14-06-18 11:42:03 600 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 1
811 14-06-18 11:42:31 600 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 2
812 14-06-18 11:43:10 000 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 3
813 14-06-18 11:43:33 500 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 4
814 14-06-18 11:44:15 100 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 2
815 14-06-18 11:53:47 600 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
816 14-06-18 12:14:39 200 STB1:0012-Vigilance Cut Off @ SS11 01--_0101-LVigOff 1
817 14-06-18 12:14:39 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
818 14-06-18 12:18:54 100 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 1
819 14-06-18 12:19:59 800 FLG1:0020-Emergency brake vigilance @ SS10 43--_4301-MEmgBkVig 1
820 14-06-18 14:12:51 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
821 14-06-18 14:52:45 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
822 14-06-18 14:58:10 800 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 1
823 14-06-18 17:18:51 199 SLG1:0020-Primary voltage < minimum A SS01 09--_0914-MUpr<Min 1
824 14-06-18 17:18:51 399 SLG2:0020-Primary voltage < minimum A SS01 09--_0914-MUpr<Min 1
825 14-06-18 18:00:51 700 FLG1:0036-S/R interlock - auto brake A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RAutBk 1
826 14-06-18 23:00:27 800 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 2
827 14-06-18 23:21:33 600 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
828 14-06-18 23:22:44 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
829 15-06-18 02:28:16 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
830 15-06-18 04:30:12 400 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 1
831 15-06-18 04:45:45 000 FLG1:0035-S/R interlock - loco brake A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RLocoBk 1
832 15-06-18 09:31:24 000 SLG1:0053-Dist. in Power Module 15A4 B SS02 09--_0973-StPMx5A4 1
833 15-06-18 09:31:24 199 SLG1:0099-MC3 Bogie 1 Isolated B SS02 09--_0974-MBlockInv3 1
834 15-06-18 09:31:24 199 SLG1:0101-LC2 Bogie 1 Isolated B SS02 09--_0974-MBlockFqc2 1
835 15-06-18 09:31:54 400 FLG1:0078-Timeout PTO act end bogie 1 A SS02 07--_07716-MToPTOAcB1 1
836 15-06-18 09:31:54 500 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
837 15-06-18 10:42:52 700 STB1:0010-Rotary switch bogie 2 cut out @ SS03 01--_01-LSwBogOut2 1
838 15-06-18 10:42:53 800 STB1:0011-Rotary switch bogie 12 cut out @ SS02 01--_0102-LSwBogOut12 1
839 15-06-18 10:42:54 200 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
840 15-06-18 10:43:21 500 HBB1:0016-Loco in banking operation B SS10 21--_2102-MSwBankOp 1
841 15-06-18 10:43:25 700 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
842 15-06-18 10:44:09 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
843 15-06-18 10:45:07 600 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
844 15-06-18 10:45:09 100 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
845 15-06-18 10:48:23 400 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
846 15-06-18 10:50:26 800 STB1:0010-Rotary switch bogie 2 cut out @ SS03 01--_01-LSwBogOut2 1
847 15-06-18 10:50:36 800 FLG1:0095-SS03 traction bogie2 off @ SS03 54--_54-BSubS03-Off 1
848 15-06-18 10:50:36 900 FLG1:0026-Subsystem 02 & 03 off A SS01 06--_0651-MSS02+03Off 1
849 15-06-18 10:51:16 600 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
850 15-06-18 10:52:29 200 STB1:0010-Rotary switch bogie 2 cut out @ SS03 01--_01-LSwBogOut2 1
851 15-06-18 10:52:29 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
852 15-06-18 10:53:36 600 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
853 15-06-18 10:53:41 600 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
854 15-06-18 10:53:51 100 FLG1:0095-SS03 traction bogie2 off @ SS03 54--_54-BSubS03-Off 1
855 15-06-18 10:56:15 500 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
856 15-06-18 10:57:09 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
857 15-06-18 10:58:10 600 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
858 15-06-18 10:59:44 500 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
859 15-06-18 11:56:14 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
860 15-06-18 11:56:57 199 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
861 15-06-18 11:57:09 000 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
862 15-06-18 14:10:28 300 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 1
863 15-06-18 14:10:46 100 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 2
864 15-06-18 14:11:09 900 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 3
865 15-06-18 14:44:17 300 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 4
866 15-06-18 14:48:59 800 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 5
867 15-06-18 14:49:42 200 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 6
868 15-06-18 14:49:52 700 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 7
869 15-06-18 14:50:15 100 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 8
870 15-06-18 14:51:46 300 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 9
871 15-06-18 14:57:14 700 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 10
872 15-06-18 15:01:17 100 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 11
873 15-06-18 15:03:12 200 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 12
874 15-06-18 15:03:19 000 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 13
875 15-06-18 15:04:56 700 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 1
876 15-06-18 15:15:20 700 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
877 15-06-18 16:38:13 800 SLG2:0023-Filter current > maximum A SS04 09--_0916-MIFilt>Max 1
878 15-06-18 21:00:20 000 SLG2:0023-Filter current > maximum A SS04 09--_0916-MIFilt>Max 2
879 15-06-18 21:04:38 700 FLG1:0096-SS04 harmonic filter @ SS04 54--_54-BSubS04-Off 1
880 15-06-18 21:23:59 700 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 2
881 15-06-18 21:57:57 400 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
882 15-06-18 21:59:50 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
883 15-06-18 22:00:45 000 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
884 15-06-18 22:00:47 800 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
885 15-06-18 23:23:21 700 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
886 15-06-18 23:24:55 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
887 15-06-18 23:25:57 600 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
888 15-06-18 23:31:09 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
889 15-06-18 23:31:42 199 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
890 15-06-18 23:32:02 000 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
891 15-06-18 23:34:40 000 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
892 15-06-18 23:35:52 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
893 15-06-18 23:41:03 800 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
894 15-06-18 23:42:03 800 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
895 15-06-18 23:44:12 000 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
896 15-06-18 23:46:45 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
897 15-06-18 23:47:15 399 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
898 15-06-18 23:47:16 200 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
899 15-06-18 23:47:29 900 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
900 15-06-18 23:49:51 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
901 15-06-18 23:51:15 600 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
902 15-06-18 23:51:19 200 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
903 15-06-18 23:55:07 100 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
904 16-06-18 10:32:17 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
905 16-06-18 10:32:23 400 FLG1:0022-Brake electronics failed A SS10 43--_4301-MBkElecFail 1
906 16-06-18 10:34:03 000 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
907 16-06-18 10:34:03 600 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
978 20-06-18 03:04:59 800 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
979 20-06-18 03:05:16 000 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
980 20-06-18 03:06:09 699 STB2:0002-No pressure in pan 2 A SS01 31--_3103-MPan2NoPres 1
981 20-06-18 03:06:38 900 FLG1:0008-Lifesign from DDA1 missing A SS17 10--_1010-MMVBDisDDA1 1
982 20-06-18 03:08:45 200 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 2
983 20-06-18 03:09:43 800 STB2:0002-No pressure in pan 2 A SS01 31--_3103-MPan2NoPres 2
984 20-06-18 03:10:48 200 FLG1:0040-S/R interlock - main res. low A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RLowMR 1
985 20-06-18 03:14:28 000 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 3
986 20-06-18 03:14:47 900 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
987 20-06-18 03:14:48 100 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 4
988 20-06-18 03:55:10 200 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
989 20-06-18 03:55:10 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
990 20-06-18 03:55:10 200 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 1
991 20-06-18 03:55:44 600 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
992 20-06-18 03:55:47 199 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
993 20-06-18 04:25:06 300 FLG1:0019-Emergency brake pressure sw. A SS10 43--_4301-MPrSwEmgBk 1
994 20-06-18 04:25:10 900 FLG1:0092-ACP/Train Part @ SS10 43--_43-BBuzerTPart 1
995 20-06-18 04:53:56 000 SLG2:0020-Primary voltage < minimum A SS01 09--_0914-MUpr<Min 1
996 20-06-18 05:36:10 300 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1