Vairyzmamdlaivavu%T (Mijanaiyar Kakayaa-Laya, Ivavu %tlaaokaosaod, Laalaagauda, Isakndrabaad

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vairYzmaMDlaivaVu%t Office of the
[MijanaIyar Sr.Divl. Elec. Engineer,
Electric Loco Shed
kakayaa-laya, ivaVu Lallaguda,
%tlaaokaoSaoD, Secunderabad-500017.
isakndrabaad - 500017
email: [email protected], [email protected] Ph/ Fax: 040-27003715
No.C/E.221/ELS/LGD/Inves/15 Date:28.06.18

मुख्य विध्युतइंजिनियर,
दक्षिण मध्य रे लवे.


विषय:लोको सं.30430 दि.15.06.18 को लाइन पर हुइ विफलता की अन्वेष्ण रिपोर्ट.

Sub: Investigation report for failure of Loco No. 30430 on 15.06.18.
Ref: HqrsLr.No. E.221/TRS/UOR/Vol-II/1305, Dt.09.08.16

Loco Particulars:
Loco no. 30430 Type of loco WAP-7
Homing Shed ELS/LGD Loco D.O.C 11/08/15
Date of Failure 15.06.18 Tr.No./Det./Load 17604/33”/19 B
Last Major Sch. & Dt. MOH-20/05/18 TKPY-GY/GTL/SCR
Last Minor Sch. & Dt. -- LP/Grade/HQRS M.A.Chalam/YPR
Last TI done at/ Dt. Repercussion --

Occurrence/ Line report:

(YPR-KCG, load 19B) Train stopped at TKPY stn for harmonic filter isolated. LP isolated TB-1
manually switch no.154 on 1 position, then harmonic filter comes in to service and worked.
But again same trouble experienced between TKPY-GY. So on arrival at GY, MCE Off/On
then harmonic filter comes in service and worked.(TB-1 was isolated Ex.YPR). Major
section: DMM-GY, Minor: TKPY-GY (Turkapalli-Gotty). Time: 21.23-21.28 (5" at TKPY) &
21.59-22.08 (8" at GY). Loco at TS/GTL, Planned to ELS/LGD. IGBT-SR&BUR (BHEL).

Log book remarks:

On 15.06.18, while working with T.No.17603, between GTL-YPR, bogie-1 isolated. Further
between YPR-GTL harmonic filter isolated and rectified.

Failed Equipment Details:

Equipment Make S.No. DOC Last tested
HARMONIC FILTER CLW -- 11/08/15 --
Shed observations/Investigation details :
This loco is fitted with M/s.BHEL make IGBT/SR/BUR.
Loco arrived to ELS/LGD on 20.06.18 in dead condition. From the log book it is observed
that this loco was permitted to work 17604 express on 15.06.18 ex.YPR with SR-1 isolation
condition. From the DDS it is observed that the following fault messages were logged
during occurrence time:
1. 11:56:14 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE
2. 11:56:57 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO
3. 11:57:09 FLG1:0094-traction bogie1 off
4. 16:38:13 SLG2:0023-Filter current > maximum
5. 21:00:20 SLG2:0023-Filter current > maximum
6. 21:04:38 FLG1:0096-SS04 harmonic filter
7. 21:23:59 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out
8. 21:57:57 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE
9. 21:59:50 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE
10. 22:00:45 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO
11. 22:00:47 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off
From the above, it can be seen that SR-1 was already in isolated condition and during
occurrence time Harmonic Filter got isolated intermittently with fault message
“SLG2:0023Harmonic Filter current> maximum” at 21:00 Hrs. of 16.06.18.
As per the existing instructions in TSD, whenever Harmonic Filter is isolated, LP has to
switch OFF/ON the MCE after clearing the block section to bring back the isolated Harmonic
filter into service. If the problem doesn’t overcome, then isolate SR-1 and try. But, in this
case, LP instead of switching OFF/ON the MCE to bring back the isolated Harmonic Filter
into service, he wrongly normalized the isolated SR-1 and isolated the same by keeping
Bogie isolation switch at 1 position at 21:23 hrs and reported that he did not overcome the
trouble of harmonic filter isolation. Further, LP switched OFF/ON the MCE at 21:59 Hrs i.e.,
after a lapse of 59 minutes and overcome the trouble and he worked the train up to
destination without any trouble. From the SPM data also it is observed that LP has worked
nearly 17 Kms distance/ around 1 hour below 40 KMPH speed due to isolation of harmonic
Regarding Harmonic filter isolation checked harmonic filter Capacitors and Resistor visually
for any abnormality and also measured the Capacitance and Resistance values and found
within limits and no abnormality is noticed.
Regarding SR-1 isolation checked and found that 15A4 power module failed with USID_low.
Hence, same was replaced and overcome the trouble.

List out probable causes for the failure:

1. Harmonic Filter isolated intermittently with fault message “Harmonic Filter
2. LP instead of switching OFF/ON the MCE to bring back the isolated harmonic filter into
service he wasted time by normalizing the isolated SR-1 and again isolated the same and
further after a lapse of 1 Hrs, LP switched OFF/ON the MCE and overcome the trouble.

1) Intermittent trouble: Harmonic filter isolated once intermittently with fault message
“Harmonic Filter current>Maximum”.
2) Improper operation by the crew.

In case of defective Maint.Shed:

Supervisor/Staff responsible: --
No.of years working on the maintenance of Equipment: --
Any failures of equipment due to bad workmanship of above staff earlier: --
Date of counselling of concerned staff (including obtaining --
acknowledgement in counselling register):

Failure Trend (No.of Similar failures):

During last year Current year
-- --

Previous Reliability action plan/MS/SMI/TC followed to avoid above type of


Action taken to avoid re-occurrence of failure:

Sr.DEE/TR/GTL is advised to counsel the crew suitably to avoid repetition of such
incidences in future.

Assistance required from Hqrs.


ु लोको शेड, लालागड
ु ा
Title : 30430 Page: 1
Doc Id: 30430 Date: 20-06-18 09:09:45
Malfunction overview
Vehicle: WAP Project version: 32 File: 180514XA.$$$
Vehicle identifier:
RefNo Date Time ms Signal description FKl Sub-name Signal name Counter
773 12-06-18 05:27:42 000 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
774 12-06-18 10:25:48 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
775 12-06-18 10:48:51 000 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 1
776 12-06-18 12:27:31 800 SLG1:0020-Primary voltage < minimum A SS01 09--_0914-MUpr<Min 1
777 12-06-18 12:27:31 800 SLG2:0020-Primary voltage < minimum A SS01 09--_0914-MUpr<Min 1
778 12-06-18 12:57:52 399 FLG1:0036-S/R interlock - auto brake A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RAutBk 1
779 12-06-18 14:11:46 200 FLG1:0036-S/R interlock - auto brake A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RAutBk 2
780 12-06-18 19:23:02 100 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
781 12-06-18 19:23:49 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
782 12-06-18 19:33:20 800 FLG1:0066-Timeout filter confg. bogie1 A SS02 07--_07592-MToFiltCB1 1
783 12-06-18 19:33:33 800 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
784 12-06-18 20:06:26 400 HBB1:0016-Loco in banking operation B SS10 21--_2102-MSwBankOp 1
785 12-06-18 20:06:31 900 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
786 12-06-18 20:07:37 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
787 12-06-18 21:33:55 200 HBB1:0014-Earth fault filter circuit B SS04 09--_0902-MEFRFilter 1
788 12-06-18 21:51:21 800 HBB1:0014-Earth fault filter circuit B SS04 09--_0902-MEFRFilter 2
789 12-06-18 21:55:16 800 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 1
790 13-06-18 01:57:58 000 FLG1:0092-ACP/Train Part @ SS10 43--_43-BBuzerTPart 1
791 13-06-18 05:51:17 800 HBB1:0014-Earth fault filter circuit B SS04 09--_0902-MEFRFilter 3
792 13-06-18 10:55:14 900 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 2
793 13-06-18 23:30:31 300 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 3
794 14-06-18 00:32:37 700 FLG1:0036-S/R interlock - auto brake A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RAutBk 1
795 14-06-18 01:44:38 399 SLG2:0085-Dist. in Power Module 25A8 B SS03 09--_0973-StPMx5A8 1
796 14-06-18 08:13:32 300 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 4
797 14-06-18 08:13:54 100 STB1:0012-Vigilance Cut Off @ SS11 01--_0101-LVigOff 1
798 14-06-18 08:15:13 000 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
799 14-06-18 08:19:01 200 STB1:0012-Vigilance Cut Off @ SS11 01--_0101-LVigOff 1
800 14-06-18 08:19:01 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
801 14-06-18 08:19:01 200 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 1
802 14-06-18 08:29:54 200 STB1:0012-Vigilance Cut Off @ SS11 01--_0101-LVigOff 1
803 14-06-18 08:29:54 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
804 14-06-18 08:29:54 200 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 1
805 14-06-18 08:39:02 500 FLG1:0024-MCE off - pan was down 10 min A SS09 07--_07850-BPanShDown 1
806 14-06-18 08:40:02 300 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
807 14-06-18 11:33:02 200 STB1:0012-Vigilance Cut Off @ SS11 01--_0101-LVigOff 1
808 14-06-18 11:33:02 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
809 14-06-18 11:33:02 200 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 1
810 14-06-18 11:42:03 600 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 1
811 14-06-18 11:42:31 600 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 2
812 14-06-18 11:43:10 000 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 3
813 14-06-18 11:43:33 500 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 4
814 14-06-18 11:44:15 100 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 2
815 14-06-18 11:53:47 600 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
816 14-06-18 12:14:39 200 STB1:0012-Vigilance Cut Off @ SS11 01--_0101-LVigOff 1
817 14-06-18 12:14:39 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
818 14-06-18 12:18:54 100 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 1
819 14-06-18 12:19:59 800 FLG1:0020-Emergency brake vigilance @ SS10 43--_4301-MEmgBkVig 1
820 14-06-18 14:12:51 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
821 14-06-18 14:52:45 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
822 14-06-18 14:58:10 800 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 1
823 14-06-18 17:18:51 199 SLG1:0020-Primary voltage < minimum A SS01 09--_0914-MUpr<Min 1
824 14-06-18 17:18:51 399 SLG2:0020-Primary voltage < minimum A SS01 09--_0914-MUpr<Min 1
825 14-06-18 18:00:51 700 FLG1:0036-S/R interlock - auto brake A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RAutBk 1
826 14-06-18 23:00:27 800 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 2
827 14-06-18 23:21:33 600 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
828 14-06-18 23:22:44 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
829 15-06-18 02:28:16 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
830 15-06-18 04:30:12 400 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 1
831 15-06-18 04:45:45 000 FLG1:0035-S/R interlock - loco brake A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RLocoBk 1
832 15-06-18 09:31:24 000 SLG1:0053-Dist. in Power Module 15A4 B SS02 09--_0973-StPMx5A4 1
833 15-06-18 09:31:24 199 SLG1:0099-MC3 Bogie 1 Isolated B SS02 09--_0974-MBlockInv3 1
834 15-06-18 09:31:24 199 SLG1:0101-LC2 Bogie 1 Isolated B SS02 09--_0974-MBlockFqc2 1
835 15-06-18 09:31:54 400 FLG1:0078-Timeout PTO act end bogie 1 A SS02 07--_07716-MToPTOAcB1 1
836 15-06-18 09:31:54 500 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1

837 15-06-18 10:42:52 700 STB1:0010-Rotary switch bogie 2 cut out @ SS03 01--_01-LSwBogOut2 1
838 15-06-18 10:42:53 800 STB1:0011-Rotary switch bogie 12 cut out @ SS02 01--_0102-LSwBogOut12 1
839 15-06-18 10:42:54 200 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
840 15-06-18 10:43:21 500 HBB1:0016-Loco in banking operation B SS10 21--_2102-MSwBankOp 1
841 15-06-18 10:43:25 700 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
842 15-06-18 10:44:09 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
843 15-06-18 10:45:07 600 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
844 15-06-18 10:45:09 100 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
845 15-06-18 10:48:23 400 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
846 15-06-18 10:50:26 800 STB1:0010-Rotary switch bogie 2 cut out @ SS03 01--_01-LSwBogOut2 1
847 15-06-18 10:50:36 800 FLG1:0095-SS03 traction bogie2 off @ SS03 54--_54-BSubS03-Off 1
848 15-06-18 10:50:36 900 FLG1:0026-Subsystem 02 & 03 off A SS01 06--_0651-MSS02+03Off 1
849 15-06-18 10:51:16 600 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
850 15-06-18 10:52:29 200 STB1:0010-Rotary switch bogie 2 cut out @ SS03 01--_01-LSwBogOut2 1
851 15-06-18 10:52:29 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
852 15-06-18 10:53:36 600 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
853 15-06-18 10:53:41 600 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
854 15-06-18 10:53:51 100 FLG1:0095-SS03 traction bogie2 off @ SS03 54--_54-BSubS03-Off 1
855 15-06-18 10:56:15 500 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
856 15-06-18 10:57:09 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
857 15-06-18 10:58:10 600 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
858 15-06-18 10:59:44 500 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
859 15-06-18 11:56:14 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
860 15-06-18 11:56:57 199 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
861 15-06-18 11:57:09 000 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
862 15-06-18 14:10:28 300 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 1
863 15-06-18 14:10:46 100 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 2
864 15-06-18 14:11:09 900 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 3
865 15-06-18 14:44:17 300 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 4
866 15-06-18 14:48:59 800 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 5
867 15-06-18 14:49:42 200 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 6
868 15-06-18 14:49:52 700 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 7
869 15-06-18 14:50:15 100 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 8
870 15-06-18 14:51:46 300 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 9
871 15-06-18 14:57:14 700 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 10
872 15-06-18 15:01:17 100 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 11
873 15-06-18 15:03:12 200 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 12
874 15-06-18 15:03:19 000 FLG1:0121-Configuration Switch 160 Off @ SS11 54--_5448-Mshunting 13
875 15-06-18 15:04:56 700 FLG1:0037-S/R interlock - brake cock A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RBkCock 1
876 15-06-18 15:15:20 700 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
877 15-06-18 16:38:13 800 SLG2:0023-Filter current > maximum A SS04 09--_0916-MIFilt>Max 1
878 15-06-18 21:00:20 000 SLG2:0023-Filter current > maximum A SS04 09--_0916-MIFilt>Max 2
879 15-06-18 21:04:38 700 FLG1:0096-SS04 harmonic filter @ SS04 54--_54-BSubS04-Off 1
880 15-06-18 21:23:59 700 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 2
881 15-06-18 21:57:57 400 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
882 15-06-18 21:59:50 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
883 15-06-18 22:00:45 000 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
884 15-06-18 22:00:47 800 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
885 15-06-18 23:23:21 700 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
886 15-06-18 23:24:55 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
887 15-06-18 23:25:57 600 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
888 15-06-18 23:31:09 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
889 15-06-18 23:31:42 199 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
890 15-06-18 23:32:02 000 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
891 15-06-18 23:34:40 000 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
892 15-06-18 23:35:52 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
893 15-06-18 23:41:03 800 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
894 15-06-18 23:42:03 800 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
895 15-06-18 23:44:12 000 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
896 15-06-18 23:46:45 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
897 15-06-18 23:47:15 399 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
898 15-06-18 23:47:16 200 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
899 15-06-18 23:47:29 900 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
900 15-06-18 23:49:51 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
901 15-06-18 23:51:15 600 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
902 15-06-18 23:51:19 200 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
903 15-06-18 23:55:07 100 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
904 16-06-18 10:32:17 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
905 16-06-18 10:32:23 400 FLG1:0022-Brake electronics failed A SS10 43--_4301-MBkElecFail 1
906 16-06-18 10:34:03 000 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
907 16-06-18 10:34:03 600 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1

908 16-06-18 10:34:16 500 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1

909 16-06-18 10:35:03 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
910 16-06-18 10:44:11 500 FLG1:0024-MCE off - pan was down 10 min A SS09 07--_07850-BPanShDown 1
911 16-06-18 10:45:11 300 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
912 16-06-18 10:46:23 200 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
913 16-06-18 10:46:23 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
914 16-06-18 10:46:57 000 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
915 16-06-18 10:47:00 600 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
916 16-06-18 10:48:09 200 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
917 16-06-18 10:48:51 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
918 16-06-18 10:49:23 600 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
919 16-06-18 10:49:42 800 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
920 16-06-18 11:15:23 100 FLG1:0024-MCE off - pan was down 10 min A SS09 07--_07850-BPanShDown 1
921 16-06-18 11:16:22 900 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
922 16-06-18 11:17:41 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
923 16-06-18 11:18:10 000 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
924 16-06-18 11:18:20 100 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
925 16-06-18 11:20:24 400 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
926 16-06-18 11:26:49 500 FLG1:0024-MCE off - pan was down 10 min A SS09 07--_07850-BPanShDown 1
927 16-06-18 11:27:49 300 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
928 16-06-18 11:31:26 200 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
929 16-06-18 11:31:26 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
930 16-06-18 11:33:01 800 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
931 16-06-18 11:34:05 000 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
932 16-06-18 11:59:13 000 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
933 16-06-18 12:17:53 200 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
934 16-06-18 12:17:53 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
935 16-06-18 12:19:02 199 SLG1:0091-Dist. in Power Supply 15A10 B SS02 09--_0973-StPSx5A10 1
936 16-06-18 12:20:10 600 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
937 16-06-18 12:20:11 200 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
938 16-06-18 12:26:41 500 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
939 16-06-18 12:29:28 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
940 16-06-18 12:30:06 199 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
941 16-06-18 12:31:53 100 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
942 16-06-18 12:35:14 500 STB1:0010-Rotary switch bogie 2 cut out @ SS03 01--_01-LSwBogOut2 1
943 16-06-18 12:35:16 000 STB1:0011-Rotary switch bogie 12 cut out @ SS02 01--_0102-LSwBogOut12 1
944 16-06-18 12:35:17 900 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
945 16-06-18 12:37:35 000 STB1:0008-MCB of compressor 1 open @ SS11 09--_0901-MMCBCompr1 1
946 16-06-18 12:37:35 100 HBB1:0011-Scav. oil cooler MCB open B SS11 09--_0901-MMCBTScBlo1 1
947 16-06-18 12:37:35 100 HBB1:0010-Transformer pump 1 MCB open B SS11 09--_0901-MMCBPumpT1 1
948 16-06-18 12:37:35 100 HBB1:0009-Converter 1 pump MCB open B SS11 09--_0901-MMCBPumpC1 1
949 16-06-18 12:37:35 100 HBB1:0008-MR scav. blower MCB open B SS11 09--_0901-MMCBMScBlo1 1
950 16-06-18 12:37:35 100 HBB1:0007-TM 1 blower MCB open B SS11 09--_0901-MMCBBloTM1 1
951 16-06-18 12:37:35 100 HBB1:0006-MR blower MCB open B SS11 09--_0901-MMCBBloMR1 1
952 16-06-18 12:37:35 100 HBB1:0005-Oil cooler blower MCB open B SS11 09--_0901-MMCBBloCT1 1
953 16-06-18 12:37:35 800 SLG2:0060-Contactor 8.41 stuck off fatal A SS04 85--_8505-MFiltDchDE 1
954 16-06-18 12:40:41 500 FLG1:0096-SS04 harmonic filter @ SS04 54--_54-BSubS04-Off 1
955 16-06-18 12:40:51 200 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
956 16-06-18 12:41:59 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
957 16-06-18 12:44:01 000 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
958 16-06-18 12:44:02 000 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
959 16-06-18 12:49:28 200 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
960 16-06-18 12:52:52 000 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
961 16-06-18 12:53:28 800 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
962 16-06-18 12:54:13 700 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
963 16-06-18 12:55:04 100 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
964 16-06-18 12:55:46 699 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
965 16-06-18 13:04:21 200 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
966 16-06-18 13:04:21 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
967 16-06-18 13:05:14 900 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
968 19-06-18 12:35:23 200 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
969 19-06-18 12:35:23 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
970 19-06-18 12:37:27 399 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
971 19-06-18 12:37:28 100 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
972 19-06-18 12:39:17 200 FLG1:0041-Primary voltage below minimum A SS01 09--_0901-MUprim<Min 1
973 19-06-18 12:44:31 500 FLG1:0024-MCE off - pan was down 10 min A SS09 07--_07850-BPanShDown 1
974 19-06-18 12:45:31 300 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
975 20-06-18 03:04:29 200 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
976 20-06-18 03:04:29 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
977 20-06-18 03:04:29 200 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 1

978 20-06-18 03:04:59 800 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
979 20-06-18 03:05:16 000 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
980 20-06-18 03:06:09 699 STB2:0002-No pressure in pan 2 A SS01 31--_3103-MPan2NoPres 1
981 20-06-18 03:06:38 900 FLG1:0008-Lifesign from DDA1 missing A SS17 10--_1010-MMVBDisDDA1 1
982 20-06-18 03:08:45 200 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 2
983 20-06-18 03:09:43 800 STB2:0002-No pressure in pan 2 A SS01 31--_3103-MPan2NoPres 2
984 20-06-18 03:10:48 200 FLG1:0040-S/R interlock - main res. low A SS10 51--_5101-MS/RLowMR 1
985 20-06-18 03:14:28 000 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 3
986 20-06-18 03:14:47 900 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1
987 20-06-18 03:14:48 100 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 4
988 20-06-18 03:55:10 200 STB1:0009-Rotary switch bogie 1 cut out @ SS02 01--_01-LSwBogOut1 1
989 20-06-18 03:55:10 200 FLG1:0091-Power on of MCE @ SS01 00--_0000-MPowerOn 1
990 20-06-18 03:55:10 200 FLG1:0039-S/R interlock - emgbrk out A SS10 51--_5101-MS/REmgOut 1
991 20-06-18 03:55:44 600 SLG1:0051-Time out ALG without PTO A SS02 08--_0857-MModeStoe 1
992 20-06-18 03:55:47 199 FLG1:0094-SS02 traction bogie1 off @ SS02 54--_54-BSubS02-Off 1
993 20-06-18 04:25:06 300 FLG1:0019-Emergency brake pressure sw. A SS10 43--_4301-MPrSwEmgBk 1
994 20-06-18 04:25:10 900 FLG1:0092-ACP/Train Part @ SS10 43--_43-BBuzerTPart 1
995 20-06-18 04:53:56 000 SLG2:0020-Primary voltage < minimum A SS01 09--_0914-MUpr<Min 1
996 20-06-18 05:36:10 300 FLG1:0117-Power off of MCE @ SS01 07--_07613-BMCE-Off 1

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