Uplink EPON L3 Series Software Release Notes

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Uplink Epon OLT

Series Software Release Notes


About This Document

This document provides a general description of the release and its new

features. It also describes additions or changes, resolved issues, and any

relevant open issues by the release.

version V2.03.61R

date 2019-07-29

item The description of the release and its new features

Support syRotech inter-locking rule
Support new V1600D16 pcb design
version V2.03.60R

date 2019-07-16

item The description of the release and its new features

Improve the loopback feature

version V2.03.60R

date 2019-07-06

item The description of the release and its new features

Add DNS support for ping command
Close the access to kernel by telnet
Support the mac flapping and link flapping

version V2.03.59R

date 2019-06-12

item The description of the release and its new features

Revise the bug that the QoS is not valid for wan connection
Disdinguish which is simple epon or dual mode for v2801rw
2 according the software version number
Support the private oam sip domain configuration in web

version V2.03.58R

date 2019-05-20

item The description of the release and its new features

Support SSHv1 and SSHv2

version V2.03.58R

date 2019-05-09

item The description of the release and its new features

Add the config saveing for no enable password
Support TACACS Client
Improve the TenGigabit link ability

version V2.03.57

date 2019-03-22

item The description of the release and its new features

Fix the link issue for 10GE port
Add ip source guard for dhcp snooping
Fix some bugs for ospf protocol
Add private oam configuration for wan and wifi

version V2.03.56R

date 2019-02-21

item The description of the release and its new features

Fix the issue of rstp for 10GE port, it will lead to loopback problem
Support Chinese and English for web management
Support DHCP Option82 new mode for some special usage

version V2.03.55R

date 2019-01-12

item The description of the release and its new features

Add IPv6 support for onu management
version V2.03.54R

date 2018-12-21

item The description of the release and its new features

Improve the lacp for one port channel group

version V2.03.54R

date 2018-12-05

item The description of the release and its new features

Support to transmit the ospf packet
Support to transmit the rstp packet when the rstp protocol is not
2 enabled
Improve the 10G interface auto-negotiation ,it will negotiate to
3 1000M

version V2.03.53

date 2018-11-02

item The description of the release and its new features

Fix the bug of the interface configuration, which can not save the
1 setting.
Improve the web connection, it will be operated fastly
version V2.03.52

date 2018-09-30

item The description of the release and its new features

Support the vlan range in QinQ
Support the QinQ based on the cvlan, pon port ,protocol
Fix a bug for downloading firmware,it can cause a img fail

version V2.03.52

date 2018-09-28

item The description of the release and its new features

Support IPv6

version V2.03.51

date 2018-09-03

item The description of the release and its new features

Support the dynamic lacp
Add redundant detection for V1600D8 olt

version V2.03.50

date 2018-08-02

item The description of the release and its new features

Support the onu limit and running time limit
1 set license key <string> time-limit <0-2678400> {onu-limit <64-1024>}*1
set license key <string> onu-limit <64-1024>
Support the authentication code for onu limit and running time limit
2 epon-olt(config)#exec fw_setenv authkey ***
epon-olt(config)#exec fw_printenv authkey

Support the https for web management


version V2.03.50

date 2018-07-24

item The description of the release and its new features

Fix the NTP issue which may cause the onu online time count error
Add the function to delete the off-line onu when the off-ine timer is timeout
2 onu auto-undo-auth [enable] timeout <60-604800>
onu auto-undo-auth [disable]
Add the olt license function,which can control the onu regisger numner and the
3 onu on-line time
Add the function to set olt uplink port ‘s speed and duplex on web page
Add the function to show onu distance on the onu optical power page
Add the function to delete the off-line onu by onu id or Selectively
6 from pon one by one
no onu auth all offline
no on auth offline <onu_list> 
Fix the issue to show pon sfp module tx power even if there is not any onu on-line

version V2.03.49

date 2018-06-14

item The description of the release and its new features

Improve the high cpu usage, use my_system instead of system
Improve the loopback, which has a memory leak when a port is link down

version V2.03.48

date 2018-05-29

item The description of the release and its new features

Upgrate the web server from V2.5.0 to V4.0.1
Change the web socket re-connect time from fifteen minutes to one and a half
2 minutes when the socket is blocked
Add the TCP client for remote ems
3 remote server address A.B.C.D {port <1-65535>}*1
Add closing telnet connection
4 vty <0-65535> close
version V2.03.47

date 2018-05-21

item The description of the release and its new features

Fix a bug for the running time, the running will be reset to zero when you set the
1 date and time
Improve the snmp access traffic operation, this operation will result in
2 the cpu state of 100 percent utilization rate
Close the dhcp client because it may result in the dhcp relay operation in web and
3 cli holding on

version V2.03.46

date 2018-04-26

item The description of the release and its new features

Change the dhcp snooping restriction from the mac to mac+vlan
Fix the bug about the web operation, the web will hold on when you list the mac
2 table at web

version V2.03.45

date 2018-04-01

item The description of the release and its new features

The Web Logo can be downloaded into olt by tftp,
1 the logo file is 200 x 80
download tftp web-logo <filename> <A.B.C.D>
erase web-logo, erase the web logo file
show web-logo

version V2.03.44

date 2018-03-27

item The description of the release and its new features

Olt records the mac conflict information when there is a event of the mac conflict,
1 doesn’t add the onu into the black list
Fix a bug in oun vlan web page
Add core_ip web logo
3 set web log core_ip

version V2.03.43

date 2018-02-27

item The description of the release and its new features

Support the authentication between the olt and onu

version V2.03.42

date 2018-02-23
item The description of the release and its new features
Add the olt provider information ad web page for dbc

version V2.03.42

date 2018-01-20

item The description of the release and its new features

Add a command for the loopback mode configuration
1 loopback detect enable uplink|pon|all
Add a command to select loopback check for each port
2 loopback [enable|diable]

version V2.03.41

date 2018-01-05

item The description of the release and its new features

The olt will shutdown the pon port when there is a onu, which has a loopback
1 event.

version V2.03.40

date 2017-12-26
item The description of the release and its new features
the loopback is in onu mode, not in pon port mode
When the startup is time out, the aux will be opened, the initialized pon ports will
2 be in work mode.

version V2.03.39

date 2017-12-12

item The description of the release and its new features

Add a command to select a web page logo at the debug mode
1 epon-olt(debug-mode)# set web logo none
this is a command to select a neutral web page logo
Fix the bug of the de-register onu, this will cause the onu invalid.
The olt will close the pon port when there is a loopback between a uplink and a
3 pon

version V2.03.38

date 2017-12-11

item The description of the release and its new features

1 The version for CS8022 upgrade to V4.2.7.61

Don’t delete the onu configurations when the olt fails to send the configurations
2 to the onu
Add a cli command to query the failed download configurations
3 epon-olt(config-pon-0/1)# show running-config error onu 
version V2.03.37

date 2017-11-28

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Fix a bug for ntp,it causes cpu usage uo to 100%

Add a command for pon whether to offline the onu when the system cpu receives
2 a pon los event.
pon down clear record [enable|disable]
Fix a questionable ways when a onu is time out

version V2.03.36

date 2017-11-09

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Change the default web logout time to ten minutes

web login timeout <1-30>
show web login timeout
Add the command to show all interface’s information
2 show interface breif
Add the onu’s distance information in onu status command
3 show onu status all

version V2.03.35

date 2017-10-17

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Support neuter vendor and module id

version V2.03.34

date 2017-10-17

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Add user’s authority level in web management

2 Add a command to check the olt type

epon-olt(debug-mode)# show global information

version V2.03.33

date 2017-10-11

item The description of the release and its new features

Support V.SOL web logo

2 Fixed 10G interface information error

version V2.03.32

date 2017-08-24

item The description of the release and its new features

Add loopback detection, the following is the configuration commands:
1 loopback detect enable
no loopback detect
loopback mode [only-alarm|manual-recovery]
loopback aging-time <30-3600>
show loopback detect
onu black-mac-auth del <mac> or onu black-mac-auth clean

version V2.03.31

date 2017-08-04

item The description of the release and its new features

Add allowed functions for web ,snmp and telnet management ip
1 login-access-list [enable|disable]
login-access-list [permit|deny] [telnet|web|snmp] <A.B.C.D> <A.B.C.D>
the permit priority is higher than the deny priority

2 Support the third party catv control

onu catv packet [cdcom|bdcom|ftcom]

3 Support dude monitor software

version V2.03.30
date 2017-06-16

item The description of the release and its new features

Fix the bug for 10G port, cann’t ping the vlan interface ip from the 10G port

2 Update the web server

3 Fix the ping program statistic issue

version V2.03.29

date 2017-05-09

item The description of the release and its new features

The onu will quit when it’s oam registration is time out

2 Fix the issue of onu reboot when olt snmp gets onu’s optical

power value

3 Add a command for changing http port

httpd port <1-65535>

version V2.03.28

date 2017-04-13
item The description of the release and its new features
Reduce the cpu utilization by optimizing application code

2 Add mac address limit for a llid under a pon interface

onu <1-65535> [mac-limit] <0-16383>

version V2.03.27

date 2017-03-30

item The description of the release and its new features

Add an extend command for non standard oam onu
1 onu ext-support check [enable|disable], default is enable

2 Add some CLI command to show olt or onu’s information

based on a special interface

3 Support the olt V1600D16

4 Fix the web disconnect issue

version V2.03.26

date 2017-03-11

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Add the auto-bind profile for onus in a pon port

onu [auto-bind] profile [dba|srv|voip|alarm] id <0-32767>

show onu [auto-bind] [profile_id]

2 Find the host mac position

3 Can show the time of onu register, deregister and running

4 Support the onu with a invalid source mac

5 Support the third party tool software such as MRTG and


6 Provide onu’s informations about register, deregister, the

reason of deregister and running time

version V2.03.25

date 2017-02-08

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Fix a bugs for a reserved source mac address

2 Remove the Broadcom chip information

version V2.03.24

date 2017-01-18
item The description of the release and its new features

1 Fix some bugs from new web test

2 Fixed a null pointer inV2.03.22 and V2.03.23

version V2.03.23

date 2016-12-07

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Add dhcp server management for onu

version V2.03.22

date 2016-12-07

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Add dhcp server management for onu

version V2.03.21

date 2016-11-28

item The description of the release and its new features

1 The new style web management

version V2.03.20

date 2016-11-22

item The description of the release and its new features

1 The WAN connect is not effective at the first time

2 Fixed a wrong snmp object id

version V2.03.19

date 2016-10-20

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Add WAN and WiFi management on WEB for V2801HW

version V2.03.18

date 2016-10-10

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Improve the sfp port auto-negotiation for 1000M

2 Modify the onu type name according to it’s capability

3 Improve some system cmd for telnet operation

4 Improve the vlan interface ip revise operation

5 Add the force auto-update for onu firmware

version V2.03.17

date 2016-09-19

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Add the function to show onu mac address under a pon port

2 Add a turn on-off for a pon port to check whether a onu is

laser on or off automatically

3 Improve the oam process for the fault that the pon chip

doesn’t send oam packet to cpu

4 Add the c-date catv module control

version V2.03.16

date 2016-08-31

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Adapt other company’s onu when it cann’t finish the

Oam version autonegation ,otherwise it will be in busy state

2 Add onu registration protection mechanism, Olt will restart

onu registration when it is over five minutes

version V2.03.15

date 2016-08-25

item The description of the release and its new features

1 modify some web display information errors

version V2.03.15

date 2016-08-12

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Adapt the wrong version number for V2801HW

version V2.03.15

date 2016-08-9

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Improve the onu response when a onu return a value

0x0,change it to 0x86,it means that the attribute or the

action is invalid.

2 Add user management in web

version V2.03.14

date 2016-08-01

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Change the time of the onu bandwidth assignment, when a

onu is authenticated, the olt will assign the bandwidth for it

2 Improve the oam communication mechanism

version V2.03.13

date 2016-07-28
item The description of the release and its new features

1 Add web management

2 Add update the onu firmware automatically

3 Fix olt oam process when onu responses a wrong oam

4 Fix a bug for saveing default user password issue

version V2.03.12

date 2016-05-11

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Fixed a bug for onu mac authentication

version V2.03.11

date 2016-04-29

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Add a state for ems system when a onu finished it’s register

2 Fixed a CLI login bug for character ‘!’,you can go into config

mode when you input the character ‘!’

version V2.03.10

date 2016-04-15

item The description of the release and its new features

1 improve onu register process because this problem will

cause the OLT does not respond to onu

version V2.03.09

date 2016-03-29

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Fixed a bug for deleting a onu operation, the onu can not

register if do not reboot the olt

2 Add a command to show all onu’s receive power in a pon

3 the acl rule can be used in Multiple ports

version V2.03.08

date 2016-03-23
item The description of the release and its new features

1 Fixed some operations for ems management

2 Add olt serial number and mac authentication

version V2.03.07

date 2016-03-01

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Add ONU communication for the same pon port

version V2.03.06

date 2016-02-26

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Add private oam for CATV,WIFI management


version V2.03.05

date 2016-01-13

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Change l2ftp timeout from 15s to 30s to avoid re-sending

image block

version V2.03.04

date 2016-01-4

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Disable automatic conntrack

version V2.03.03

date 2015-12-30

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Fix some issues for EMS service profile configuration

version V2.03.01

date 2015-12-21

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Add OLT type hardware identification,so D2,D4,D8 will use

the same firmware

version V1.03.49

date 2015-12-14

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Fix a issue for HG323UE register link lose

2 Use olt type string to identify what type of olt the olt is

version V1.03.45

date 2015-11-30

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Change aux port bandwidth from 5M to 10M

2 Fix a issue for default onu type, it cann’t identify the known

onu types

3 Cancel the aux brandwidth limit for aux download issue

version V1.03.43

date 2015-11-25
item The description of the release and its new features

1 Fixed a upload configure file to tftp server issue

2 Improve the ctc extend oam discovery process

3 Add default onu type for 1GE,4GE,4FE,8FE

version V1.03.42

date 2015-11-12

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Fixed a onu port issue for snmp process

2 Fixed a onu multicast vlan strip issue for snmp process

3 Add a re-transmission mechanism during the period of onu


version V1.03.41

date 2015-11-3

item The description of the release and its new features

1 Add the function to check the vlan ip address with the aux

interface’s address whether or not the same

2 Save the ip route configuration

3 Add the gateway for aux interface

4 Delete a port by switchport hybrid vlan 1 untagged,

Then save and reboot, the port will not has switchport

hybrid vlan 1 untagged configuration

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