Aircraft Fuel Manifold Design Substantiation and Additive Manufacturing Technique Assessment Using Finite Element Analysis
Aircraft Fuel Manifold Design Substantiation and Additive Manufacturing Technique Assessment Using Finite Element Analysis
Aircraft Fuel Manifold Design Substantiation and Additive Manufacturing Technique Assessment Using Finite Element Analysis
Research Article
The rise in number of vehicles had led to many problems like traffic
congestion, increase in consumption of fuels, rising travel costs.
Considering all these problems we have studied different papers. This
paper introduces bike sharing application which will help people to
travel on one bike and share their expenses and also reduce pollution.
The largest and most important fluid system in an aircraft is the fuel pump system. Hence all aircraft projects involve the de-
sign of a fuel system to some degree. The objective of this work is to describe how the use of design methods may shorten system
development time in the conceptual phase by early introduction of design automation [1]. In this way more concepts can be evalu-
ated in the early stages of aircraft design. Every step in the system development process that can be formalized and automated
reduces the time needed from days to minutes or even seconds. Consequently, there is an enormous potential for improvement.
The objective is also to minimize the number of mistakes by helping the designer increase his or her understanding of how flight
conditions impact the low-level design parameters such as pumps, valves, pipes etc. Fuel pump system mainly used in low and
mid wing single reciprocating aircrafts which cannot utilize gravity feed system as the fuel tanks are not located in the engine.
Instead in this, one or more fuel pumps are used for fuel migration. There are two basic types of aircraft fuel systems gravity feed
system and the pump feed aircraft fuel systems; Gravity feed system is the simplest of fuel systems commonly found in high wing
aircraft with a fuel tank in each wing. A gravity feed system is designed with the fuel tanks above the engine and propulsion sys-
tem, with lines feeding the fuel from the tank to the engine via gravity [2]. Gravity feed fuel tanks do not use any pumps and have
a simple shut-off valve system, with some aircraft having the option to manage fuel feed from either left wing, right wing or both
tanks simultaneously and For low and mid wing aircraft where the fuel tank car cannot be located above the railway locomotive,
a pump feed fuel scheme is necessary, utilizing one or more pump to deliver fuel from the tank to the engine. Usually, this type of
aircraft fuel system has two pumps arranged in parallel - an electric and an engine drive pump - to provide a musical accompani-
ment pump should one fail. As with gravity feed pumps, there is a shut-off valve with selection capabilities.
Materials Used
In the present investigation, austenitic stainless steel G321 has been used similar to type 304 but with titanium addition
of at least five times the carbon content. The titanium addition reduces or prevents carbide precipitation during welding [800-
1500°F (427-816°C)] service. It also improves the elevated temperature properties of the alloy. Table 1 gives the mechanical
properties of stainless steel. Table 2 gives the mechanical properties based on additive manufacturing.
Table 1. Mechanical properties of the stainless steel.
Elastic Modulus 193 GPa
Poisson’s ratio (υ) 0.3
Density (ρ) 8027 kg/m3
Yield Strength (σy) 206 MPa
Tensile Strength 517 MPa
Material Endurance Strength 144.5 MPa
Aircraft fuel manifold design is having a maximum stress less than material allowable strength and there by having a sig-
nificant margin of safety [4]. This being the linear analysis, results can be linearly extrapolated from normal working pressure for
proof and ultimate cases. Current Fuel Manifold design meets the Finite Aviation Administration requirements for pressure loading
(Table 4).
Analysis Results Summary with Additive Manufacturing–Pressure Analysis
• The maximum Von-Mises stress of 70.5 MPa is observed at bend radius (Figure 4).
As per finite aviation administration requirement, Aircraft Fuel Manifold design needs to have infinite fatigue at maximum
take-off condition [6]. Goodman curve is plotted against alternating stress vs. mean stress to validate the design at maximum
take-off condition as shown in Figure 5. Aircraft fuel manifold design alternating stress falls within the Goodman line and there by
having an infinite design life of more than 1E6 cycles at 251.3 Hz.
Studies carried out on aircraft fuel manifold design substantiation and additive manufacturing technique assessment using
finite element analysis” indicate the following:
• Baseline design of aircraft fuel manifold meets low cycle fatigue requirement.
• Current aircraft fuel manifold design meets the optimum solution with regards to acceptable low cycle fatigue and high
cycle fatigue as per the FAA design requirements.
• The analysis for the Aircraft Fuel Manifold confirms the design substantiation based on finite element analysis.
• Normal working pressure - Successfully meets material yield requirement.
• Proof pressure loading - Meets the requirements with positive design margins against the material yield limit.
• Burst pressure loading - Meets the requirements with positive design margins against the material ultimate strength.
• Low cycle fatigue - Successfully meets material fatigue strength for 25,000 cycles.
• High cycle fatigue assessment– Aircraft Fuel Manifold is having positive fatigue strength margin and there by having
infinite design life at max take-off condition. Successfully meets Goodman requirement.
• Additive manufacturing technique – Material is reduced by 50% considering the manufacturing unknown variables.
Design meets pressure requirement against the material yield and ultimate strength. However, design can be further
optimized to meet the low cycle and high cycle fatigue strength requirements.
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